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2025 leak I revealed rumors
Crankcase with A.W.E. Striker
Destro with Despoiler
Unknown new female with Polar Battle Bear

Dusty v2 with Sandstorm
Sand Scorpion with robot scorpion

Retro Breaker
Retro Zarana
Retro Major Bludd

2pk Night Creeper Leader, Budo
2pk Blackout, Bombstrike
2pk Grand Slam, Laser-Viper
2pk Cesspool, unknown

I.G. Baroness
I.G. Voltar
I.G. Darklon
v4 Snake Eyes
Royal Guard (cc)
Sgt. Flash
New Firefly (deluxe)
Fast Draw
Frag Viper
Cyber Viper

Last thread: >>11246687
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I'm sure this was brought up when he first came out, but I also just noticed the shield handle is backwards? It's seems designed to be worn on his left arm, but the handle is positioned for the right. Still a nice figure though, hog mask is neat
This guy needs to meet my anime girl figures...
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I kind of want this version since it was the one I had as a kid, probably not a popular pick though.
Im not one to ever really bash anything online but this guy is just too busy. It feels like they slapped law on the box for familiarity.
Cute dog
>Measure Zaranna
>She'd be 6 foot 3 IRL (assuming 1:12)
Holy shit.
Seeing as how tubby they mage him, I'm thinking they are setting up the Street Fighter collab sometime in 2026 after they finish off the Ninja Force molds in 2025. This body would make a good GI Joe EHonda. Otherwise it'd be 2 and done as he could only be repainted in the neon version.
Damn, that's a cool list. Grand Slam, Flash, Night-Viper and Baroness are definite buys.

She's been my lifelong crush for a reason.
He could work for a Fridge figure too.
New *rumor*
Supposedly Classified will be using one of the Transformer trademarked names, similar to Shockwave.
It’s thought to be “Acid Storm”
>Acid Storm
trouble Bubble recolor for ECO Warriors subline for Walmart exclusives. WM just had the Toxic tron exclusives along with the neon G2 transformers. So they are definitely not afraid to put something like ECO warriors on the shelves.
I’ve seen a similar list but it has Wet-Suit and Sci-Fi included.
Also it had Firefly in the Cobra Night Landing
Eco warriors suck though. Inferior Toxic Viper redesign, shitty Flint figure, literal who Cesspool, to hideous even bigger literal who beard bros for Flint's BFFs, a worthless zombie, and a generic blank buck that doesn't fucking resemble the characters it is supposed to be and was re cycled for the generic space line buck when that line ran out of money for new molds.

If they have to do a 90s subline, the DEA line makes way more sense
I think acid storm is a seeker
Sci fi would be great. I may be mistaken but i thought classified was going hit a slump this year due to factory change?
I hope the dog is using a new body-sculpt and isn't just Timber re-use with a new head.
I believe they said the leaks are 2025 into beginning of 2026
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The pig mask is so cool I kinda don't wanna ever take it off even though I like the tusk mask too
>It feels like they slapped law on the box for familiarity.
With the later years of the line, it's impossible to tell which figures genuinely started life as "existing character in new costume" and which ones got designed then just got given an existing character name to try and sell them. A lot of them have nothing that would visually identify them as being the same guy.
nah, the 90's toxo viper is kino
I just liked that he looked like some kinda ninja cop :(
I hope they get to her soon. Such a cool design.
He's so badass looking.
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I wasn't gonna get all the Dreadnoks but now I feel kinda obligated to. I'll see how I feel after i get Zandar
I don't think it's fat enough to work as E.Honda, Fridge is a good assumption
Pardon me, I channeled my autism and came up with a Cobra OC.
>Real name: ???
>Cobra psy-ops specialist.
>She uses her expertise at social engineering and psychology (and cosplay) to turn the youth against G.I. Joe under the guise of various social media influencers and internet personalities. Undermines the culture of targets from the roots, making them more likely to support Cobra. Plays both sides to further Cobra's agenda, often impersonating members of both sides of a debate. Incredibly intelligent and an expert at subliminal messaging and hypnosis, even though she has no real value as a combatant she is one of the most dangerous of Cobra's female agents. Nobody knows her true identity except for Cobra Commander himself, who keeps it a secret from the rest of the organization; nobody quite trusts her but none are immune from her wiles, and as such she is often utilized for rooting out subterfuge in Cobra's own ranks. She has little actual loyalty to Cobra's cause, but finds the mind-games she pulls for the terror organization so enjoyable she is more or less guaranteed to stay true. At least, unless a better offer came up...
TLDR: Evil genius E-thot master manipulator. I'll admit to only having surface level knowledge of Joe lore (need to read the comics still) but seemed like a nifty idea. Might try making a custom of her when I get my printer up and running again.
Hey man, ive got my childhood favorites too. I think a robo pup wouldve been a great addition, just a static dog figure that shoots missles from its mouth or something.
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How old would she be?

Keep in mind the Joes have 16 year old Dawn Moreno on their side.
Nobody actually knows; almost certainly a teenager, but as with her name the only person who knows the truth is CC.
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woof, they did not lock in on this face sculpt.
Why is her crotch so big. Why is her abdomen shaped like a tube of toothpaste. Why are her boots so stumpy. Why are they still making these
I'm kind of selective with the Noks. I have Zartan, Zarana, the three og and Road Pig. I'll get Zandar, of course, but after that the only ones I really like are Monkeywrench, Zanya and maaaaaybe Thrasher.
I know, that's pretty much 90% of the Noks, but yeah, not a fan of Zanzibar and the other ones I didn't mention.
That's pretty cool. We need more psy-ops and psych warfare in general from Cobra.
I do like some of the newer ones.
Burnout (Dreadnok welder), Heartwrencher (sexy Dreadnok mechanic), Rugrat (angry little man), Storm Rider (badass motorcycle man), Zanya (‘nuff said), classic Zanzibar (pirate) and finally just for shits and giggles, Kaos (Jason Voorhies motherfucker).
Hear me out here; Energon Universe Astoria/Chameleon vs GI Joe Baroness two-pack
Ding. Ding. We have a winner!
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I had a feeling i had a battle force law.
Zanya is great, and yeah, I forgot Heartwrencher, she has a cool design but I don't remember her from much.
I hope they release a regular Beat-cop later on, like that fireman we saw a while back
Maybe kinda add a bit of spice to the cop, that fireman looks fine but it didnt hit my imagination button. Still, i like the sub line and hope it does continue because the halo jumper looks great.
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Anyone else pick up some of these when Amazon had them for $12
I got two at that price. Not the biggest fan but I'll get it for that. That said I feel like he's going to be a Ross/Ollies stock this Spring and go even cheaper.
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Thought about it, decided against it. Too low on space atm
Marion Ravenwood doesn't fit on it at all, but Elsa Schneider does.

Makes me think they were designed by the same person or something
I picked up a trio to round out the two full priced ones I bought months ago to go with my Cobra Ninja display.

I hadn't planned on army building them heavily, but I couldn't pass up the chance. Despite what both my SO and my dwindling display shelf say, you can never have too many ninja.
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>what are you blabbering about Baroness?
>incriminating pictures of our newest counter-intelligence operative and I at an office party?
>circulating on our closed network Ouroboros social media service?
>hmmm strange, I'm sure checked my feed this morning and...
>I'll call her right now and make her wipe away any trace of this in the next several seconds!
>ugghhhh Zartan I ORDER YOU to silence the snickering of your moronic band of borderline neanderthals this instant!
who knew the Night Creepers are just full of Strawberry jam filling?
Neat pic.
They're filled with Kurosawa special effects
Beat tekeshi did a modern zatoichi that is quite the spectacle, you may like it if you enjoy swords and subtitles.
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Retro Card Flint. head looks big.
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retro televiper
>Why are they still making these
because you're a bitch and they love your tears
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Retro Cover Girl
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Retro B.A.T
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Retro Flint (bigger image)
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Retro Tele-Viper (bigger image)
Nice it's what they all should've looked like to begin with
oh this looks good
Finally God damn
Me finally finding an okay head for the last one jinxed this into leaking
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>Sunbow design
>actually attractive head
>even an extra to replace the monstrosity from the first one
>kept the cleavage
Couldn't be happier.
I figured they'd use the Recondo arms, but they are gonna look a little thin next to everyone using the Outback ones. Looks good though.
So they can paint the arms silver, good to know.
But that's not the corporate way anon. You need to get customers to double dip on to make a profit.
nothing wrong with that head
The new one? I agree
Comparison is the thief of joy but damn this really do be better huh
In before they changed the ball joint to keep the old head unable to fit anything except for one Indian Jones figure
Disagree. Fuck the Sunbow design. Make that garbage be a comic con only affair.
learn to read context
this head sculpt is terrible
That head looks terribly big, it's a good sculpt but doesn't fit that skinnier body. Camo and shotgun look cool.
Nice. I'm not a fan of Tele-Vipers but they look cool.
She looks cute. Maybe a little too young but she's fine.
Jesus Christ, leave that mold to rest already.
Based. I really hope the Retro subline doesn't end up cannibalizing Classified, I love the Classified redesigns.

Nostalgia is a double edged sword.
>Based. I really hope the Retro subline doesn't end up cannibalizing Classified, I love the Classified redesigns.

Agreed. Other than the some of the first 2 waves, the redesigns are pretty good.
Why didn't you post the greenshirt?
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El Playera Verde
Cool, now can they mold it in blue and throw a Cobra Officer head on it?
Not the right shirt for a Cobra Officer.
I was looking at the ig bat last night and i thought about all the variants of bats and troopers and i wondered, why not a trooper bat? Seems easy, just a few pieces swapped around and presto, new bat.
Why arent you guys posting the crystal ball leak?
Real damn shame about that big head. I wish hasbro cared enough to fix or prevent this sort of problem.
Big win. Awesome new leg sculpts. I wonder what the back looks like too.
Love how this one pops.
Indeed. Let's hope for the best.
That's interesting. He could as well be Grunt.
Isn't the normal BAT a trooper already? Maybe I'm not following, would you care to elaborate?

Also, we talked about Crystal Ball last thread thread. Interesting choice to give him the fangs, going all in for the easter european side.
Thankfully I didn't throw money at all the grunts for a Joe army builder trooper. This greenshirt is what I wanted all along. Now just do the ladies for both joes and cobra in retro card form.
that dog looks cool, is the harnass molded on or is that removable if we know?
Removable like Junkyards.
thanks, im not super well known with this line but the sets with the animals are really neat.
that shepperd dog looks awesome, ill keep an eye out for it.
I'm glad we're getting him. Shame we have to waste parts on the alt head/hands instead of more gear.
I mean like a trooper but with bat head, arms and feet. Like the crimson guard bat or python patrol bat. Maybe they share a similar neck peg and i can pop a bat head on a trooper body after work tonight.
Doesnt this look alot like the valor vs venom tele viper or those family dollar gi joes? I guess the vest is confusing my eyes but the shoulders look like balloons.
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I remember someone said they hate the idea of GI Joe grunts, but it makes sense if you like want displays like this and don't want like Roadblock dead
It looks spot on for the vintage toy, but I like the classified redesign better. Too bad it's a bitch to get.

Oh yeah, the guy saying Gi Joe should be this secret small tactical team. I like the idea of grunts or green shirts and having Gi Joe be a large-ish org. Someone has to man the Flag afterall.
I said that, because it's true. GI Joe isn't a separate branch of the military. It's SOCOM before SOCOM was invented. However, I don't mind Greenshirts being the support staff at various bases or the probationary unit before you get a codename and unique equipment for your specialization. I don't get why so many collectors want GI Joe to have massive divisions of soldiers. That's not the kind of battle they're fighting.
No I mean I get it. I'm not saying that way of thinking is wrong.
I just understand the need for a non hero character for a bad guy to kill for displays. More so then even just, a janitor. Like I agree with this too >>11281005 if the vehicles get big enough
Looks cool, but as ever, these guys need some kind of sidearm, that scanner thing isn't a weapon apparently.
So as we go from 2024 to 2025, what was everyone's favorite figure of 2024? What announced or rumored figure for 2025 are you most looking forward to?

For me in 2024 it's Once A Man Cobra Commander, just for something that weird and unlikely actually existing, as it's always been one of the most controversial moments in Joe lore.

For 2025 I'm most hyped for the V4 Snake Eyes and V2 Destro, and Golobulus if they can pull it off well.
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Toss up between retro Scarlett and Quarrel. Really hope the leaks are true and we get Bombstrike.
Did we ever find out what that paw was?
>My favorite animal and Snake Eyes
Absolutely based. This is the figure I'm looking forward to.
I just want the bear.
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Gnawgahyde and Road Pig. Luv me Noks and the Classified Team always deliver on them.
I'd forgot this was coming, this is definitely another of the things I'm hyped for.

Also, if I already have the original releases, is it worth getting the retro versions of Beach Head, Stalker or Mindbender? Retro Mindbender looks like it's the exact same figure just with less accessories, if anything's different I haven't noticed.
I’m surprised there’s no retro Roadblock yet.
My man. I said that too, it even adds depth to a situation where a named character dies instead of two hundred anonymous Joes.
Like, even Steel Brigade are supposed to have a name, being the collector.
Road Pig and Storm Shadow. Badass figures.
I'm hyped for Flash and Grand-Slam, hoping the leaks are true.
Maybe Beach Head just for having an updated body.
The other two are just a repaint for the nostalgic fans and a re-release with less accessories.

I guess they're giving him a rest after releasing like eight versions of him.
Since stalker is on sale on amazon I'd go ahead and get him just to use one of your two for parts, if you have Alpine that is. Doing a neck swap makes Alpine look so much better.
I really hope once a man gets a re issue, ill live if it doesnt but i really got bummed out i missed it. Ive enjoyed classified this year, so i cant really pick a favorite but snow serpents are great, really enjoy the vehicles i got too. As for 2025, the line up looks good, very diverse and im hoping for a zanzibar or a deep six or something wacky like a star brigade or astro viper. Lifeline would be neat too.
Looks like he's going for around $70 on ebay. That's not a bad late tax for an exclusive.
Is that a new peg on the hand just so you can't make other figures radiated
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Beachhead for sure. Cobra Island is a good figure, but the og design is classic and looks great in classified.
Really? Last i looked it was closer to $150 but that was some time ago. Ill check around, thanks for the glimmer of hope. That scene is just so awesome, its a big part of my joe fandom.
That's a big ass suv
for you

Memes aside, yeah, it's pretty big. I like it, though. For the price it's fine, just needs a bit more detail.
I'm somewhat inclined to get it despite the fact it looks like a soccer mom car. 4 seater is infinitely more fun than a 2 seater. Wish they made PoC VAMP in Classified.
I think the issue is the real thing has more depth and detail. Vala's looks like a toy vehicle.

I hope Hasbro comes out with a multi figure vehicle, the Vamp and Stinger were fantastic.
For that price I would much rather get ramen toys tank than random soccer mom car. I still regret not buying it at the early bird price, but I was convinced the next haslab would be one of the joe tanks, and we'd get the wolverine as a retail release. Retro Cover Girl killed that though.
can they sit in there?
No Torso articulation though??
It's fine the real animal can't move its torso much
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Gonna be impossible to get a decent claw-swiping pose without twisting the torso to imply momentum behind the swing.
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Yeah, it's designed for 6 inch figures
I dont need them but i finally got the viper 3 pack off of bbts for $36. I couldve caught up on a newer figure (raptor) but idk, ive eanted this set since release. Mostly due to the bs involved with getting the cobra island figure but i do enjoy my vipers and i dont see any more coming after the retro version. Maybe they could work with the hiss fire team.
The Viper Team is a fantastic set and for that price it's an absolute steal. If I wasn't limiting my army building for this line I'd probably have bought at least 3-4 sets. But as is, I already have way more Vipers then I initially planned and will be getting some Retro ones as well, which already breaks my troop builder limits for these guys. But it's crazy to me that a set that good can go for a price that low, and it makes me worried that Hasbro won't be willing to do any more troop builder sets that nice any time soon.
Ive kept it on my lists but yeah, at $36 it was almost like too cheap to pass up. Fire team sold out right? Maybe it was due to the fact that range viper was included? So im asking maybe future sets have a unique figure? Like a cobra trooper styled major bludd with 2 troopers and some gear from whatever figures, for example.
ohh, okay i need to find this thing, gues ill want a 3rd car. this would be my first non-convertible car.

tempted to grab snake-eyes and timber for 30eur aswell
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Has anyone picked this up? Will Road Pig fit in it? I know WWE figs are 7" scale, but wondering if RP fattass will fit. Thinking of grabbing one from Ollies since they're marked 40% off.
Id say so, the wwe figures have a decent variety of body types, idk if they test out an earthquake or big van vader but road pig is atleast more slim than those figures i mentioned. So if a brock lesnar works then id say most anyone else could fit.

Ive been waiting for anollies to open here since nov. Its just sitting there, signs are up but the store is closed.
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soccer mom car
Well I'm glad someone's having fun
Night force falcon and quarrel are $24 at wm, thats a pretty decent deal.
We heard you every other time you posted this. Can you get a new point?
Not him but you would HATE Transformers threads
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so are we really not getting any more good deal sales on walmart until next xmas?

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