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It's the time again, nominate your TOY OF THE YEAR!
Jumbo Machinder Mazinger Z
>2 Feet Tall
>Sharper details
>Includes XX Weapon hands so you actually can use the missiles for something
>magnetic pilder
Most importantly
>Built in rocket punch

I think I have to nominate JoyToy Horus, he's super impressive.
>Well engineered
>Crazy amount of detail
>Can be bought for less than the price of a modern Mafex or AY
I know you figurefags might not understand, but I would have to say the knockoff Kyosho Mini Zs that came out in the last year or so. Toy can find them for about half the price of an actual Mini Z.
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SECOND AXE Succubus Queen Lisbeth
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This fucking guy.
Dude that figure sucks ass.
This figure sucks ass, man. What are you talking about?
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I second this
Here you go. I was gonna get Great but I have the original Shogun version, but the chrome sword and Great Booster has me thinking second thoughts. Hopefully Bandai does a Scrander release soon.
More like Second ASS godDAMN
MAFEX Bane is my favorite so far.
I third this.
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This sexy mofo
Jada M. Bison sliding into the nominees.
Good choice
And probably $400, damn id love one. >>11276721
Jazz is always dope. I took my ss86 on a road trip when i found one.
Hes floating.
Tough one. I might have to go for SHF Indiana Jones. The likeness is just incredibly spot on to Harrison Ford and the expressions they gave you are all great. I actually had a tough time deciding what pose to leave him in on my shelf because of this. Overall, just a good figure. Close runner up may have to go to Mafex Bane. Mafex has been really nailing their releases lately.
I'm disappointed with the ankle joint.
Daima goku
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CT Toys Agent and Anti Agent have my vote. Sort of kidding but these 2 are actually 2 of my favorite purchases of 2024. Obviously my vote would goto the legit AY Agent Venom but I dont own it because the CT versions are less than 25 dollars.
He's actually only like 200ish depending on where you can get him. Definitely worth it considering that 70s ones go for triple that.
I posted it in the marvel/revo thread but the agent venom qc on the bootleg was wild so im glad I aleast have the real one.
the missile clip on mine randomly broke : (
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>toy of the year
Wizard Rod 5-70 DB
Impact Drake 9-60LR
My favorite toys this year are 2nd Form Frieza and Turles.
I am not into coomer figs but wtf I really want this
This guy has my vote too. An amazing figure of a character that I have wanted a better figure of for about a decade. Revoltech has been on a roll these last few years.
I guess my runner ups would be Tunshi Fio or Arcanadea Elena.
This one does look pretty good. If I were a bigger fan of the artist and the classic hentai succubus aesthetic I would have gladly went though the irritating process Second Axe makes you go through to get their figures.
Top 3
1. Flame Toys Dino Megazord
2. Robo-Dou VF-1
3. Margh
Don't fall for the Lisbeth meme, she sucks.
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There's a dark skinned blonde variant.
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Because Cloud Across released in 2024 and it's necessary to get this figure I'm including him. It's the Diaclone Reboot Robot Base. A large motherfucker that's getting his own massive sword very soon as well.
C-01 Missing Link Convoy is my pick. It's the closest thing to a perfect toy I can think of.
What are you expecting? Statues? Nerf guns?
>like a dumbass I forgot my preorder for the toy version on ShowZ and missed out
that was last year and it still hurts, can't settle for the toon version because I want the livery
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>Dark brown skin
I wasn't interested in the original but damn that is a powerful recolor.
Notice he couldn't recommend anything?
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I would've preferred it with different color hair, I don't like the yellow hair. It's a really nice sculpt but don't really want to spend $150 or whatever it is for it.
>not getting both to switch their hairs
>The blonde hair makes the original look way better
>There is no reasonable way to get the original now if you want to get both and swap
Well shit.
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SHFSS Masked Rider 1 (The Next)
Seconding Horus. Honestly, I had been resisting the JoyToy Warhammer 40k figures since their inception... but Horus broke me. Now i have a few dozen figures and all Primarchs. The level of detail is fantastic, just wish they were slightly more durable.
I wish you faggots stopped buying a dead broken scale when it's obvious we will he getting a 1/12 scale next year.
Who's going to make it? McFarlane? They can't even get Titus right.
Lmao, 1/12 primarchs would be HotToys size and price. No thanks.
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For transformers.
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This freaky fucker
I was just going to order an Emperor's Champion for my brother's bday, are they really fragile then?
No, not really "fragile" in the sense that parts break. More that some of the figures have little bits glued on (like a belt ornament) and those can fall off if the glue wasn't adequate. It's fixable, just irritating.

I've only experienced 2 (out of roughly 60 figures) that had more significant issues, one had a hip joint that is somehow bigger than the leg joint and another where an elbow peg was shallow.
They're really not fragile in the sense that figmas or SH figuarts can break if you're too rough on them. They hold up to rough posing and play pretty well, it's just that they have ornaments and accessories on their armor that can pop off or get removed since they're made out of a flexible plastic. It's part of the design. You can buy them without worrying too much.
Ah, OK thanks anons I'll probably go through with it then. Now to decide between the Emperor's Champ which I know he always liked the most or the Titus one that seems to have a load of accessories (he also liked Space Marine 2).
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They're both quite nice. I couldn't choose between them, so I just got both.
This one was a surprise
He's definitely my favourite domestic figure of the year. Tempted to buy the blue repaint .

Favourite import goes to SHF King Cold. Could have done without the throne and I wish his cape was wired but the fact he got made at all is insane considering he's such a minor character compared to Frieza. He's also the biggest non-monster in the line we've had so far and he's decently hefty too.
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the best hasbro optimus prime to date
I have my anti venom mid shipment eight now and I'm pretty excited. Hopefully it's not a qc lemon cause I know revo is never going to do this deco
3rding John Heresy
thats really the only issue with CT figures is the wide range of QC issues you can get and its just luck of the draw if you get a better or worse one. Anti Agent though appears to be pretty solid all around the worst you probably could get is sloppier paint in some places than on others. Good luck.
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Oh shit yeah it really did just come out, I'm waiting for my own two to get delivered here. Absolutely sick
How greedy of them to charge $250 for this
Do you realize how big this is? It's as big as an entire human skull with wings. It's a single pilot spaceship that can fit either 2 1/18 figures or 1 1/12 figure. It has more features and accessories than Haslab's shitty ghost rider car. 250 USD was the minimum they, a small company, could have charged. And it's getting out there with very few QC issues too.
Thats a glorified statue. The cape is gigashit. Just overpriced garbage
He just arrived today and thankfully he's really solid. I love the silvery white they used.
Biggest issue on my copy is that his entire hip assembly is *insanely* tight. Every part of it lets out the most unholy of squeaks. I really need some silicone oil. For 25 burgers (and sometimes less) this is an extremely good KO.
Glad it worked out anon, I have a Wolvie incoming soon, I hope I have your good fortune.
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Revo Catwoman is really fun, I think she poses better and easier than the new Revo Batman
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To bad she a huge fat head.

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