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Everyone, get in here, and post your favorite mech toys. This thread is all about mechs, including Gundam. Bonus points for giants like King Kong in your pictures. Post your good ones.
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>Megas XLR
Would love to have 5 of these. Just a thought.
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>received MRD vidar in september
>have yet to open it
Grim. I don't want to become boxfag.
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How big is the full size Rex?
55 CM, or 1.8 FT.
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Well, I will never buy Valkyries. But I like these Valkyrie seekers.
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Absolutely stunning Sluban bootleg sets.
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Man, just got the half-sizes this week. Absolutely made my Christmas, with things a little bit special with family chipping in so I could the REX faster than I expected.

All started with stumbling onto a listing for the half-size RAY, and going for it to 'replace' my broken full-size one; both legs had broken internally at the waist in storage... Ending up with a nice little memory with family members chipping in to help me get the half-size REX earlier than planned.

Just REALLY need to figure out a fix for full-size RAY, as it being my favourite of these two Metal Gears, I'd like to take similar pics of pic-related soon.
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Behold the DUCK. It does not CLUCK. A CLUCK it LACKS. IT QUACKS!
>Post your good ones.
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Praise the omnissiah. It shall be mine
You posted it, except full size MGR (complete with Snake pilot)
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Nabbed an Arcadia PF VF-0D off of Mandarake recently, if thread survives long enough I'll try to grab a pic.
I'm hoping the previous owner took good care of it, the PF 0D is a gorgeous figure, and a historically expensive one too.
did you get this one
or a different version?
Pic looks like the regular release, the Premium Finish had an entirely different and more anime accurate paint scheme, along with additional paintwork.
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this was an ambitious line. FullMetal ghost by Threzero with Bandai, designs by Kurio Okawara. massive figures with 6'' pilots. Sadly not the best build quality, this was threezero's early days of trying to make playable figures. Also a lot of money and space for a franchise with nothing but figures. Kinda forgotten these days
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They also made 3 Titans from Titanfall, all 1/12 scale. They are insane in person and I regret not buying them when I had the chance.
I had all three and they're great, but you'll have a difficult time having them hold their weapons. The finger joints they designed were too weak to grip anything - I wish they either included attachment points in the palms or at the very least, come with swappable gripping hands. The Fullmetal stuff also had problems holding their weapons as well, although the ghost had a better time doing so since they added the tabs and slots in the weapon grips and palms.
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Dunno how well the weathering will look in photo, but here it is half-gerwalked as I try to mangle it back to fighter.
Small bit of plastic on some hinge sharded off, but it doesn't appear to be anything too visible. In person it looks a lot dirtier than I thought it'd look, but it makes sense because the Premium Finish 0D was by far Arcadia's most high effort PF release, where they didn't just apply the decals for you, or panel line it for you, but outright went for a weathering treatment that even their predecessor company Yamato could only dream of pulling off.
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that could be scary if it was huge
This thing came out at a time when the toy buying audience wasn't ready for it. It's a niche toy for sure, but when it came out it was pricier than just about everything, available only online, all when there wasn't much of a precedent for toys like that.
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Every so often I rewatch Brave Police and then go hunting to see if a new high-end toy of Deckerd has been released or announced. This time, my prayers are answered.

I'm a little miffed that the chest piece is fake and not actually made out of the hood of the car, but it still looks great otherwise. If they're planning this as a launching point for a complete line of compatible Brave Police bots, then my wallet is about to feel the pain.
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kono tamashii wa...


This is the best Moderoid available, in my opinion.
>the chest piece is fake and not actually made out of the hood of the car
That's just an optional cover piece they made for people who want a more cohesive/show-accurate look for display. But underneath, it's just the hood of the car/Deckerd's legs.
Oh, that's awesome actually.

Is it weird that even though this technically looks "worse", I think it looks way better? I dunno. I like when transforming robot toys aren't ashamed of the fact that they transform. i'm glad they did the right thing and included the optional parts for autists instead of compromising the engineering just for the sake of animation accuracy.
I went in on this guy, He's going to be a bit small compared to the other super robots I have but it may be years before goodsmile attempts him in the gattai line.

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