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For a popular long running franchise like the Peanuts, you’d be surprised to learn there’s really not a whole lot of toys for it. At least that I can tell the most extensive line was the one by Memory Lane back in the early 2000s, they did figures based on the Halloween and Christmas specials and then some more generic figures. But other than that, there’s the super7 reaction figures and the Nendoroid Snoopy. Am I missing anything? Can anyone speak to the quality of the lines I mentioned? The memory lane stuff seems the most interesting since they made most of the main characters.
You’re mostly just going to find snoopy plushes nowadays, peanuts is a forgotten brand for the most part
What Flying Ace toy is that? I just remembered ive always wanted a good toy of that
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That’s the Memory Lane one, there’s single releases along with a playset release with the doghouse
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medicom's ultra detail figures
don't own any, so i can't speak for the quality, but they're still being produced and that they're pricey
pic not mine
Well there he is.

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