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Welcome to the Army Men General!

Previously: >>11257795

>Plastic soldiers, knights and pirates, cowboys and indians, fantasy and sci-fi, cops and zombies, all are welcome here!

>Archived threads:

>Army men wargame rules:

>Places to get army men:
https://bmctoys.com/ and https://victorybuy.com/
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>new year, new adventures
Are those starship troopers / alien figures?
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They are The Corps Elite, futuristic army men that could reasonably pass for Starship Troopers or the Alien franchise.
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It isn't a stretch to see 40k's Imperial Guard in them as well; while I've struggled to find them a place in the Colour Wars there will be a short story shared soon to help usher them into the canon.
it's the holidays so people are away

I can see that.
TRU just "dowsized" in Canada and one of the only stores I go to closed.
No notice - unless you were walking into the store to see the 50% off signs.
Canada is now a nigger nation like the shithole U.S.
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Sorry to hear that, with so few brick-and-mortar places left even losing one is a big blow, especially a TRU. There's three here and afaik they're all still open... I imagine they've been casualties of Justinflation as much as the rest of us; for me personally they just aren't stocking much that interests me anymore. No army men, very little Mega, off-and-on Chinese legos but often overpriced. I buy very little nu-lego and when I do I'll get it from the Lego store in the mall for the VIP points, mostly I'm just buying cups from Pick-a-Brick anyhow.

Never saw The Corps at TRU here, found them all at a toy liquidation warehouse in town that had a part-time storefront for a few years, managed to get four or five of the sets for 15 maplebucks each. They eventually shut down the storefront entirely and would do a couple warehouse sale events a year but that's also dried up I think. Got some dirt cheap Star Wars micromachines (the revival stuff) and Mega TMNT, wish they'd been able to stick around even though I almost froze to death during one trip there lol.
The Corp leading the charge!
The the kit on these guys, reminds me back when I was running around the back woods with my brothers fighting off monsters and terrorists.
Sorry man.
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And just finished fixing this little beauty. Bought him online for a dollar. Looked to be in alright shape. When I opened the mailer it was in twenty different pieces. Spent about two days gluing parts and finding screws that would fit it.
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But the effort was worth it. especially since the Greys are light on ground vehicles.
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And I should be doing a Grey photo shoot pretty soon.
They have a very Kids Next Door / little Rascals feel.
I honestly want a few more.. but the postage was DHL bullshit.The website has all of the stuff out of stock as well. I hope the guy does more and maybe gets some sort of distribution deal.
Ordered mine. Got some bobblehead Daleks coming too to fight them.
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Good stuff, look forward to see what you do with 'em. Made me remember I have a few figs from the Fallout army men series that were in a random collection of army men I got somewhere, thought I had a pic but haven't been able to locate it. For sure I have the tripod-looking robot from the top row (never played the games and don't know the lore well enough). Should dig them up for the upcoming additions to the Colour Wars heh.
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Nice vehicle, will serve the Greys well I'm sure. Kinda funny that it's in Russian scheme and markings, it's a Chinese HQ-7 which was reverse-engineered from the French Crotale. Earlier this year I acquired a similar vehicle, though as is it apparently does not actually exist. It's the HQ-7 launcher system mounted on a WZ-551, combination I've not been able to verify as existing. Not sure why they couldn't just make the proper vehicle but it's likely they'd already made the WZ-551 and this is a variant - have seen a black vehicle in another set that may be the original, will probably order it sometime.
Seems my memory isn't firing on all cylinders today heh, that black IFV is clearly different from the WZ-551 - not sure it's even a real-life design, can't find anything close enough and it feels like maybe it was inspired by one but heavily modified. Maybe someone with a higher level in armour autism can weigh in...
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On that vein, what are some of the more unusual vehicles you've seen out there with army men? For years I assumed the IFV in pic was the bastard child of a Soviet BRDM and a USMC AAV until I randomly learned it's a real vehicle - the M1117 Guardian, intended for use by the MPs.
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All quiet on the western front yard

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