Welcome to the Army Men General!Previously: >>11257795>Plastic soldiers, knights and pirates, cowboys and indians, fantasy and sci-fi, cops and zombies, all are welcome here!>Archived threads:https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/Army%20Men%20General/>Army men wargame rules:https://combatstorm.com/https://onepagerules.com/portfolio/one-off-games/https://www.plasticcommand.com/https://freewargamesrules.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Search?query=army+men>Places to get army men:https://bmctoys.com/ and https://victorybuy.com/https://www.armiesinplastic.com/https://www.toysoldierco.com/https://www.classictoysoldiers.com/https://www.toysoldiersdepot.com/https://www.hobbybunker.com/https://www.michtoy.com/https://www.toysoldierhq.com/https://micshaunscloset.com/http://www.expeditionaryforce.com.sg/
>new year, new adventures
>>11281429 Are those starship troopers / alien figures?
>>11282294They are The Corps Elite, futuristic army men that could reasonably pass for Starship Troopers or the Alien franchise.
>>11282325It isn't a stretch to see 40k's Imperial Guard in them as well; while I've struggled to find them a place in the Colour Wars there will be a short story shared soon to help usher them into the canon.
>>11281157it's the holidays so people are away
>>11282325>>11282329 I can see that. TRU just "dowsized" in Canada and one of the only stores I go to closed. No notice - unless you were walking into the store to see the 50% off signs. Canada is now a nigger nation like the shithole U.S.
>>11284127Sorry to hear that, with so few brick-and-mortar places left even losing one is a big blow, especially a TRU. There's three here and afaik they're all still open... I imagine they've been casualties of Justinflation as much as the rest of us; for me personally they just aren't stocking much that interests me anymore. No army men, very little Mega, off-and-on Chinese legos but often overpriced. I buy very little nu-lego and when I do I'll get it from the Lego store in the mall for the VIP points, mostly I'm just buying cups from Pick-a-Brick anyhow.Never saw The Corps at TRU here, found them all at a toy liquidation warehouse in town that had a part-time storefront for a few years, managed to get four or five of the sets for 15 maplebucks each. They eventually shut down the storefront entirely and would do a couple warehouse sale events a year but that's also dried up I think. Got some dirt cheap Star Wars micromachines (the revival stuff) and Mega TMNT, wish they'd been able to stick around even though I almost froze to death during one trip there lol.
>>11281429The Corp leading the charge!>>11279599>>11279597The the kit on these guys, reminds me back when I was running around the back woods with my brothers fighting off monsters and terrorists.>>11284127Sorry man.
And just finished fixing this little beauty. Bought him online for a dollar. Looked to be in alright shape. When I opened the mailer it was in twenty different pieces. Spent about two days gluing parts and finding screws that would fit it.
>>11285012But the effort was worth it. especially since the Greys are light on ground vehicles.
>>11285015And I should be doing a Grey photo shoot pretty soon.
>>11285007 They have a very Kids Next Door / little Rascals feel. I honestly want a few more.. but the postage was DHL bullshit.The website has all of the stuff out of stock as well. I hope the guy does more and maybe gets some sort of distribution deal.
>>11282329Ordered mine. Got some bobblehead Daleks coming too to fight them.
>>11285336Good stuff, look forward to see what you do with 'em. Made me remember I have a few figs from the Fallout army men series that were in a random collection of army men I got somewhere, thought I had a pic but haven't been able to locate it. For sure I have the tripod-looking robot from the top row (never played the games and don't know the lore well enough). Should dig them up for the upcoming additions to the Colour Wars heh.
>>11285012>>11285015>>11285016Nice vehicle, will serve the Greys well I'm sure. Kinda funny that it's in Russian scheme and markings, it's a Chinese HQ-7 which was reverse-engineered from the French Crotale. Earlier this year I acquired a similar vehicle, though as is it apparently does not actually exist. It's the HQ-7 launcher system mounted on a WZ-551, combination I've not been able to verify as existing. Not sure why they couldn't just make the proper vehicle but it's likely they'd already made the WZ-551 and this is a variant - have seen a black vehicle in another set that may be the original, will probably order it sometime.
>>11285486Seems my memory isn't firing on all cylinders today heh, that black IFV is clearly different from the WZ-551 - not sure it's even a real-life design, can't find anything close enough and it feels like maybe it was inspired by one but heavily modified. Maybe someone with a higher level in armour autism can weigh in...
On that vein, what are some of the more unusual vehicles you've seen out there with army men? For years I assumed the IFV in pic was the bastard child of a Soviet BRDM and a USMC AAV until I randomly learned it's a real vehicle - the M1117 Guardian, intended for use by the MPs.
All quiet on the western front yard