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>Ninian snake Infantrywill be available in the next two months with other non-exclusive versions of Legionscon exclusives
>Legionscon Armory Experience figures will go up soon as well
>Retailer Appreciation Wave in stock
>Necronominus Wave is expected to arrive this month
>Green Dragon Beyithirr preorder will go up in March
>Zolocon exclusive Warrior Beasts Head Hunter figure out at the convention in March with a "standard version" later on.

Feel free to post other fantasy lines in this general

any new year resolutions for your legions?
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Serpenspire Royal Guard looks like a awesome snak
That dragon is so damn hot
So is mythic legions basically doing not-warhammer fantasy? So many of their recent releases are like they wanted the Warhammer license but didn’t get it so now they are doing their own versions of it.
I think it's more the fantasy setting is so saturated everything starts to bleed together. From Warcraft to Pathfinder you are in these markets that are just so full of all these ideas there just isn't much room to find original ideas and on that note: what figures were giving you those vibes?
>any new year resolutions for your legions?
Not buying Beyithirr. I will be strong and hold out for the red dragon. I can do this. I will beat the FOMO and be patient.
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>Happy New Year! What better way to kick off 2025 than with NEW LEGIONS figures! Next Monday, January 6th, at 11am EST we will have an IN STOCK SALE at StoreHorsemen.com! In addition to the items already in stock and available in the store, we will be adding the following items. Note that select items will have purchase limits for the first 24 hours of the sale.

>Ninian Infantry - this figure was a surprise drop at LegionsCon 2024. We will have a limited number of these Coatl soldiers available in this sale. They will be limited to 3-per-person for the first 24 hours and we do expect these to go fast!

>Armory Knights - these "prebuilt" knights use the same parts that were part of the Legions Armory Experience at LegionsCon! We will have 10 different styles available, as well as an "All In" set that includes all 10 builds! The single-carded figures will be $45 each while the All In is $450. These are all limited to 1-per-person in the first 24 hours, and if you grab an "All In" set of knights, you cannot also add any of the single packaged figures in that first 24 hour period.

>LegionsCon 2024 figures - the pair of Mythic figures (Gasspparr the Unamused and Gawrychh the Unpredictible) as well as the Cosmic figures (T.U.5.C.C. Experiments AA-20 and CC-24) will all be availbable as their "standard" versions. Note that these are the single-carded releases and do NOT include any bonus parts from the LegionsCon 2-packs. There are no purchase limits on these figures.

>We are also using this sale drop to make some room in the warehouse for the soon to arrive Necronominus wave and Graveyard Skeletons! We will also be adding small quantities of some other recent Mythic Legions and Figura Obscura releases - all of which will be in stock and ready to ship!

>The sale begins Monday, January 6th at 11am EST
>do NOT include any bonus parts from the LegionsCon 2-packs.

So what counts as "bonus parts?"

I'm guessing the limbs, some of the extra heads, but the rest I'm uncertain of.
In the BBTS description it states for the cosmic one

>Two of those heads (the red vampire and the T.U.5.C.C. helmet with the purple visor) are exclusive to the LegionsCon edition along with an extra pair of upper arms and an extra piece of waist armor.

So it's pretty clear those are what is cut.

In Mythic Legions two pack

>Plus, exclusive to the LegionsCon edition you will also get a full set of dwarf legs and a dwarf head to transform this figure into a dwarven monk!
>exclusive to the LegionsCon show edition – a human barbarian head!

Now that seems like a very small amount to cut but iirc the only thing the Warr-Tors got cut was the Alien skull.
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Monday at 11am is an awful time to start a sale. They should really start something like this later in the day. hopefully they'll still have some snake folk and decent colored armory dudes left by the time I can actually get on.

And I also hope they don't take down the current in-stock stuff. I was hoping to get a new Wal-Tor after I used my first one for custom parts. But Wal-Tor alone is such a nice skeleton I'd hate to not have a normal one in hand as well.

Mythic Legions has always based concepts off a wide range of generic fantasy tropes and lines. Hell, a decent amount of the original line up were all direct homages to the old Advanced D&D toyline. That said, I also don't know much about Warhammer fantasy other then the fact it too is a fairly generic tolkein-esque fantasy world.
If the retail release half-orc Monk kept the added legs, he'd be a must but for the extra legs alone. Getting extra limbs like that, especially an extra waist connector, is super rare and that part alone could easily mix with previously released bits to build a whole new figure. As is, I don't really want the orc monk, but I'll probably grab the swordsman orc, because the cat heads are also pretty rare pieces.
the cat head might not be included. I'm not so sure it will come with all that extra stuff to one figure. Might be safer to chase down the two pack that has all the extra parts and heads.
The Cat head is included, it's the black haired Atlus headsculpt that's the exclusive piece. You can go to their checklist to see everything that comes with the standard figure.


That said, if the exclusive 2 pack was $130, I probably would've picked it up already. Again, those dwarf legs are great and I could easily build a whole new figure with just that extra piece with all the other parts I already have rolling around.

Yea, the price on these is kind of rough for what are essentially slightly painted up Legion Builders. But I was really hoping to build a figure using the classic Jousting helmet on the new Knight body, but I can see both of those disappearing real fast.

Also, I will never not be disappointed that not one of those figures uses the cloth limbs. they have this incredibly odd aversion to allowing any legion builder-type figure to use those parts and I just don't get it.
>Yea, the price on these is kind of rough for what are essentially slightly painted up Legion Builders
I wasn't even expecting LB prices, but paying deluxe price for repaints with a barebones weapon loadout and no extra head is really rough. Will they even come with alt hands? I mean compare what the deluxe Serpenspire Guard comes with to these, and even at the $10 retailer markup, the snake still feels like better value.
The more I look at them, the more I want both purples, but only the gunmetal beakie. Two gunmetal knights coming with leather armor feels like a waste, even if they come with different pauldrons etc. If I do bend on these, it will be 100% a last minute impulse.
Fuck. I need the snake, but my wallet needs a rest.
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I'm personally fucked sideways by all the drops they are hinting at for Monday.

>Fury Clan Orc
>Brother Mandibulus

and I'm sure the supply is going to be small as fuck so I have to do a split impulse buy on this shit and ignore the price like I did with Headless Horsemen back in September.

This is too much I just wanted the Snek and maybe some extra Necronominus/All Star buys.
I guess you can do a payment plan, but fuck anyway.
>I guess you can do a payment plan
Only if you are a burger, so I'm shit out of luck.
Have they made more of those or did they find a last, last batch in their warehouse? I would have expected some of those to maybe get an updated version, I'm not sure how this plays with that.
I think they are leftovers from the mystery boxes last year. If I remember right, some of the figs for the mystery box were leftover warehouse finds, and some were ones they put back into production just for that sale.
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Even as a Burger there are a lot of companies that won't work with payment plan stuff

I forgot all about the mystery boxes last year and it makes me wounder if we will see most if not all of them on Monday's drop. That will be quite the start of the new year if that's what they offer.
Have they revealed what the retailer appreciation exclusive repaints for the Egyptian gods will look like yet?
Is that a thing they said they were doing? I'm sure it could happen though. My guess would be to make them look more like they had ink black and/or Golden skin like some of the old artifacts made them look like.
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Christmas Past's briefs painted black with a semi-gloss topcoat so it can actually be used as something other than granny panties.
They're all but certain to do them, and I'm guessing the same colors as you, with the possibility of an alabaster for Bastet.
So how much is the snake guy?
He's a standard figure, so probably 40ish.
iirc he sold for 37 at the con.
So Ghost of Christmas past has swapable hair, are there any other heads/hair of similar connector as her head in Mythic/Cosmic Legions?
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From not MTOU guys they are not doing Not GiJoe guys.

>Our “Artillery Team Leader” figure, codenamed ATL-25, is not meant to be an homage to any particular toy line or character, nor is it a part of either one of our existing Legions storylines. Instead, ATL-25 is a character that could be found in various storylines and scenarios, fighting for justice and defending freedom in action figure collections everywhere!


That actually looks pretty nice, it's certainly better looking then their "heavy gunner" figure. Honestly, one of my biggest gripes about the Cosmic stuff was how the weapons, armor and gear from those initial waves didn't feel the least bit cosmic and was more conventional looking guns, so this working so well doesn't surprise me in the least. It's also nice that it can be it's own troop builder, but I can't see myself getting more then one when the general release goes up for sale.

It also seems the shield will be the only real exclusive, which is kind of a shame because it's one of the few cosmic pieces I still haven't gotten, and it looks really nice on this guy.

Speaking of sales on their store, their big in-stock blood bath is tomorrow. I hate that it's happening so early in the day as I won't be there at the start of it. I was hoping to grab so characters that I honestly don't expect to last long. Specifically one of the Snake Men, the FO Creature and the Half Orc Swordsman. I was contemplating getting some armory knights for part swapping, but that price for what is essentially Deluxe Legion Builders is a massive turn off. Especially since none of the figures use the cloth limbs, which is kind of ridiculous.
>Especially since none of the figures use the cloth limbs, which is kind of ridiculous.
I know you've complained about that before, but I think I read the reason was because they are all using the new arms from the Valiant Knight/Necro wave to give them the extra range of articulation. Still sucks for you, but I'm guessing they didn't want to get left with all of the "less articulated" limbs at the build-a-fig thing at the con, because most people would have gone for the newer arms.
They might last long if only for how glutted the sale was and timing.
10 armory figures
at least 9 leftover blindbox figures
5 general Con releases
at least 3 Figma obsura sets
1 snek

even in small numbers this is going to pull people in a lot of directions. More so with purchase limits for the first 24 hours of the sale (1 for Armory, 3 for Sneks) and the fact they have already admitted this might be a month long sale so that could also cool FOMO heels.
I'm gonna have to ask that you guys hold off on ordering any sneks before I get my snek. I just want 2, uwu.
Hopefully they will do like other waves and have a 2nd wave to roll out on a later date.
They only do that for the FOs. Valiant Knight sold out in 15 minutes and never restocked. I think Skellie 2.0 was a few hours or something, but at least that got the graveyard 4 pack.
Leave me a silver knight with black padded armor thanks
>Valiant Knight sold out in 15 minutes and never restocked.

He did very limited wise when the Skelly dropped at the end of July last year. It was how I got one. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Valiant or Skelly shows up today. These guys really like being cheeky with surprise drops.
I dunno if I should be happy or concerned with people recognizing me by my complaints lol.

While I can kind of see that reasoning, it's also not something I can fully get behind because this isn't a "new" issue. I don't think any Legion Builder to date has used the newer leather gear, not even the gloves or boots. On top of that, no Legion Builder ever used the 2.0 leather bits either (hell, there hasn't even BEEN a 2.0 Legion Builder since their Kickstarter). It feels like their Legion Builder parts are arbitrarily limited and it sucks when you want to use those pieces to part swap into custom characters.

I can see all the exclusives lasting, and even the Armory figures with their limit and price. But my biggest concern is trying to get the FO Creature. I've passed on it like three times now and regretted it each time I did. I recently opened the Egyptian Gods and liked them way more then I original anticipated, and the Creature set looks even better then they did.

Eh, the Valiant Knight loses it's appeal once you realize every knight going forward will have that build, but come with better gear and accessories. The full armored Gunmetal Armory figure is basically the same figure with slightly different colors and, imo, a better load out (I'm not a fan of the flail).

Pic related is what all the Armory figures come with for those wondering. Not the best choice of weapons, but a decent variety and the two belts are very nice touches.
Got my knights I’m out
Got my knights, snake and cheaper than expected red alien dude. I'm glad I didn't take too long deciding I didn't want the reissues.

The Creature is great, but if you're still on the fence I'd wait to see the retailer colors. They seem to have made a lot of stock of last year's Figuras and are just FOMOing with the shop stock.
I ended up skipping out on the knights, I really don't wanna spend $90 just to make one "perfect" figure and have one left over character. Got all the other stuff I wanted though, but after hitting $200 for figures I think I maxed my budget for this sale.

Hopefully the Armory thing happens again at next year's con, the price isn't as bad when you can actually build the figure you want from parts.
>no Fury Clan Orc listed for the sale

well damn. Wonder what happen to him? Grab the others no issue but good god nearly $200 already burned with all the other shit at the end of this month is intense.
Got 2 snakes and a gunmetal heroic armory knight… wanted to get more but had to stop myself
I got my snakes, there's two others I want but I can't afford it right now. Hope they last a couple days.
>fury clan orc and other get listed now after I made my order

oh fuck you
What’s so great about fury clan orc?
He was just one I was wanting to get with the sale but for some reason they waited a half-hour to drop him and with these kinds of sales I had to commit 3 minutes after the drop because sure enough Xarria sold out quickly. So I got her and snakes but I don't think it's worth another shipment cost to just get the orc. It's just mildly annoying.
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That sucks, he's a good figure for how plain he actually is.

He goes great with the "Furious Four" figures that were last year's con set. His colors match perfectly, so you can use them to add more variety to the other sets and build a nice red and black army for the Red Sons.

Also, right after placing my order, I find a box on my doorstep from BBTS with my Vikingfell Skeleton. The Graveyard skeletons are nice and all, but I will never not stand by my claim that the 2.0 skeleton is the best undead figure they've done so far. It's a shame they don't use it more as those skinny bones just really help sell the whole shambling mess a skeleton should be. The Zombie chick from the Necro wave would've been perfect if she used those bones instead of plain limbs and that one armored arm.
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and now looking over my purchase, I carelessly order two Xarria so sorry to anyone that might have wanted her. I like her enough I'll use one to make a Space fairing Xarria or something else but god damn I was off my game bad today on top of the weird late drop of Fury Clan Orc.
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>He goes great with the "Furious Four" figures that were last year's con set. His colors match perfectly, so you can use them to add more variety to the other sets and build a nice red and black army for the Red Sons

That's awesome, I had no idea. My reason for wanting him was a mix for Xarria having a minion and using the basic orc head for my Orange crush space crew.
>the fact they have already admitted this might be a month long sale so that could also cool FOMO heels.
sounds more like sales have been doing poorly and they need to keep stuff up longer than ever, because of fewer buyers.
fewer or choosier? Most of the mystery box leftovers have already sold out. Even the late drop.
Hey subby, pick anything up?
>because of fewer buyers
I think the more likely reason is the nature of buying habits. A lot of us only got into there stuff because there was a good amount of in stock choices recently. It wasn't like 5 years ago where nearly everything was over a few days after the sale and that was it for months or longer which made a lot of us buy the brand less than more because of the only two choices being preorders and day of/weekend drops. These last two years I have been my most aggressive buying their figures because their shop is keeping a general stock. It's nice that I might not have to panic buy Armory knights, TU5CC Experiments, monk and forest orcs this week or I'm just sol. That was what was keeping me away from this brand until these last few years. Well that and I like the Cosmic Legions.
As a newcomer to the line, what are the best Crusader figures?
May need better context to what you are after however the easy and cheap start are these two


Their horns are swapable/removable so you can just have a bucket Knight helm and the relic guard has an alternate Frog Helmet.

Sir Godfrey is the actually crusader reference but he might be a bit costly depending on where you look. Necronominus wave coming out later this year has a Sir Elijah that is also a dead ringer to a Deus Vult Knight.

After that it depends on exactly what you count as Crusader and gets messy.
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Her skin does match the red alien head with the female TU5CC figure at least. Should make for some cool part swaps.

Also, she's one of the few figures in the whole line to come with the scimitar, a fantastic weapon the 4h refuse to use more for some reason.

That's pretty cool, the swaps people make with Cosmic always look better then the stock stuff.

There's also the fact that I'd say the vast majority of hardcore fans just pre-order the figures for the best value. That said, I'm at a point where I really can't go crazy army building figures or grabbing em just for parts.

But for newer fans, these sales are way better then they ever were. I'd rather they have figures sit in stock for weeks then the old bloodbath system. But we'll see how it goes when newer waves finally drop in stock.

Honestly, the best ones haven't come out yet. Sir Godfrey was their best for a long time, but he's on the older outdated build. Sir Elijah, pic related, will be the next one to come out and a few months after him, Sir Enoch will follow. Both use the newest Knight body build and will have soft goods and newer weapons.

Right now, both of the Black/White army builder Templar figures are in stock for pretty cheap. They use the older builds, but they're decent enough figures and they both have some simple but solid loadouts.
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>Sir Elijah
Surely this unmasked headsculpt can’t be historically accurate, right?
About as historically accurate as the rest of the figure and toyline. But it's a really nice sculpt and I'm not here for "accuracy".
>I think the more likely reason is the nature of buying habits.
More like they pissed off too many of their fans with their last QC fuck ups and then their abysmal customer service response by shitting on everyone who complained decimated their fandom.

There's been a gradual decline since 2016 or 2017, which you can also see in the Mythic LEgion generals and how depopulated the threads became, but the last fuck up was steep as fuck.
Even into the 20s, sales would last about a weekend and the store got hammered like a DDOS was going on. After their major fuck up, sales have been going for a week+ and even popular items don't instantly sell out.

Case in point:
>Most of the mystery box leftovers have already sold out.
Pretty sad they had to devolve to package unwanted shit in blind bundles like this.
And who knows if they even sold these mystery bundle shit out either, because even in the past when sales lasted just a day, stuff they said was sold out could be found at their convention booths and later online sales. So they've been using shitty FOMO tactics since at least the 10s to push out unsold stock, but back then it was actually pretty limited quantities. Today? FOMO, blind boxes, and month long sales where old product still shows up.

If there's fewer or choosier, it means the same shit. They lost fans and haven't gained any new ones. You know this, because most people who own anything older than Mythic Legion figures slowly disappeared. So even after 2018, 4H managed to attract new fans, hence sales were still popping... until 4Hs mismanagement got too bad.
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He's about as accurate as Sir Godfrey which isn't much. That said >>11287555 brings it home when you consider these knights in this line are fighting an Undead hoard from an eldritch god "accuracy" is getting stupid. It be like looking at Marvel Comics Thor and being surprised he isn't a red haired, green eyed nine foot half giant while flying around New York in a Quinjet.
I don't think you follow there stuff too closely. For the last 6+ years they have always made it clear they hold stock back for conventions and special events. In fact they out right stated that most of the Mystery box stuff was planned for later releases at cons with the rest being dumped some time 2025, the whole point of the blind boxes was to justify factory runs on older figures that were out of print but weren't winning all star polls. They have always been very transparent about how they handled the brand.
Am I the only one that finds this in stock sale a little strange when we have this expensive ass dragon coming soon?
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>Pretty sad they had to devolve to package unwanted shit in blind bundles like this.

Anon that was last Spring in 2024 see >>11282853 and many of them were full blown reprints of very early figures that a lot of people were after. You are clearly not actually part of the community nor are you buying the figures so what are you even doing?
Not really, they do this ever start of the year or just before a new wave hits the warehouse and the Dragon is late March which is 3 months away from now.
A normal stock sale isn’t really the same as the sale of a dragon the size of a small dog
Just ignore him, he's the same guy who always shits up these threads with baseless complaints and conspiracies. Give it time and I'm sure the stolen photos and literal Troll posts will start flowing.

Yea, we knew they'd be doing an in-stock sale at the beginning of the year. I was honestly expecting it to overlap with the Dragon they way they explained it back at the con, so I'm kinda glad big green got pushed back (not too happy it's a crowdfunder though). They've been pretty consistent with getting their Con Exclusives out to general releases for a while now so this three month turn around isn't that out of the ordinary. Consistent in-stock items was a fan demand for years so it's nice to see it actually happening.

Be prepared for a surprise Legion Builder wave within the next few months too. Hopefully they're more Deluxe style rather then Reinforcement style.
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>There's been a gradual decline since 2016 or 2017
I would love to have you explain that further.
Are these Ninian Infantry snakes on the store right now not technically the same faction as the reign of the beasts snakes?
They are the same

It seems they work like Pokemon and they evolve over time into the royal guards.
Oh okay neat, I forgot to think to check that. I just couldn’t find their shield insignia represented on the reign of the beasts snakes and thought they might not be related.
>I forgot to think to check that
I do it all the time myself, even in this thread I was trying to figure out what the mass produced LegionsCon 2024 figures came with and it took another anon to remind me of sourcehorsemen checklist lists and shows what's included.
>Her skin does match the red alien head with the female TU5CC figure at least.

Well that improves my mood greatly. I didn't know that about her. Still not sure if I'll go that route but it certainly makes having two of her more worth it.
When are we getting pirates in the line?
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It's called delusion. Somehow the 4H having continually increased the output and production numbers of their figures means they're doing *worse* then they were before Mythic Legions started.

I actually never read their bio, kind of interesting and a halfway decent explanation of why they have legs while other snakefolk don't. I also find it really impressive they managed to take snake people and make them into *good* guys, that's a fairly unusual choice to make but I'm all for it. Now I'm kinda regretting that I passed on Bassylia herself, but I don't see her being hard to grab when she eventually lands in stock.

Though speaking of factions in general, I was surprised when I stumbled upon the fact that they created a listing for an entirely new faction on their site. Especially since the logo and first character from said faction came out almost six years ago. Just shows how long these guys will sit on ideas before finally pushing em out.


Hopefully soon, we have pretty much all the parts needed for em at this point. I've always wanted to build me a pirate crew based on this old Femorc Pirate concept a fan loaded onto the forums all the way back in the before-times. But nowadays with cuffed boots and gloves, cloth pants and arms and that fancy coat from Marley, making a more traditional looking pirate would be easy. Add in the fact that the story is finally moving away from the island of Mythos and you even have a perfect story segway to put out a whole wave of seafaring seadogs.
>Somehow the 4H having continually increased the output and production numbers of their figures means they're doing *worse* then they were before Mythic Legions started.
I've seen this same kind of nutjob thinking with other toy lines too. People are so brain broken that stuff HAS to sell out or it's not a good selling brand or something.
The 4H threads used to be pretty popular when the Raven kickstarter happened. They used to have more posters than Revoltech and Modular Robots on a regular basis. So 100+ - 80 posters on the regular, and this is despite the fact that 4H used to do fewer releases. Like, 1 year+ between releases, yet we had weekly/bi-weekly thread that was constantly getting a new thread when the old thread started auto-saging

Anyway, 4H has some quality control problems (paint, plastics, etc) and super shitty customer support. So these threads constantly had people complaining that CS hasn't responded to them about whatever problem they had. Like, months between replies, if they got any response at all, and shit took up to a year to resolve issues.
It obviously pissed off a lot of people, so a lot of the old fans stopped coming to the threads/stopped buying shit, and the threads started declining. You'd think that's natural, for interest to wane over time, but 4H was increasing the amount of shit they would release and even created other lines.
Fortunately, more types of products interested new people and these newfags filled in the place of oldfags having enough of 4H, but not enough to grow the 4H fandom and there was still a slow decline in fans. These threads slowly lost posters over the years and other websites started losing interest in their shit.

By 2020, 4H threads were ghost towns, peaking at around 60 posters and only getting bumped by fanatics ... if they remembered to bump the shit. So sometimes there weren't even any 4H threads for a months/weeks at a time. No oldfags remained, aside from myself, since no one posts anything before the Raven KS and maybe a single person who even owns something from the Raven KS.
When 4H's massive QC/CS disaster from last year happened, that was the busiest these threads had been for a long time and after massive amounts of damage control for a month afterward these threads died, hence being merged with fantasy figures
>The 4H threads used to be pretty popular when the Raven kickstarter happened.

See, this is why I asked you to explain further. You already fucked up. I bet you can't even put together what the fuck up is even.
Do you just repeat yourself on a weekly basis due to butthurt?
So is this AI generated or some mishmash of real events with another story? 4H never had dedicated threads here on /toy/ like /tfg/ or /motu/ and the reasons why are obvious if you actually are an old fag and/or collect their figures
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1) we have an archive that can search all the way back to the very first threads on /toy/ in 2008
2) you either were never here or your addled mind is rotting so much you have lost track of reality, the general style format had not fully dominated the board back then. Also "Modular Robots" as a general came much much later from your time table, tfg 3rd party threads were just starting to forum from the tfg threads and Modular Robots came much later.
3) for someone that claims to have been here from the start you sure missed the biggest controversies that were at the start of all this.

If it's as dire as you think wouldn't simply not posting here quicken their death, affirming your beliefs? Why even care what people here think or do in this general? Why not go to the ones you enjoy?
Even back during the KS 4H threads were slow here. /toy/ overall has gone downhill over the years so a slow thread like this just got even slower. The whole autosage thing pretty much nailed the coffin shut, outside of big releases and their quarterlyish sales. But it's certainly absurd to even try and claim 4H threads rivaled Revoltech of all things as back in the day Revols were like *the* figures to post cool pics of.

The revisionist history and straight up lies will never not be pretty damn sad.

That said, I am honestly curious as to how many of these figures other people have. I'm at the point where my collection is well over 100 figures and that's not even counting stuff that's "on the way" or non-mythic 4H figures. I usually keep em all stored away but I spent the past two weeks or so arming them all and I think I finally have the last one geared up. Next step will be to actually organize em into their factions. I really hope the Necro wave guys get here soon because I don't know how long I can have these guys taking over my toy room.
A tiny company like 4H needs to sell all their shit, because they're a tiny company, who basically produces shit made to order. Most of the "in" stock they carry are remainders, because mass manufacturijng this shit requires a minimum of number and almost always rounded UP to the nearest thousand. Do you even know what a thousand of a SINGLE figure even looks like in one place? Times that by 4-5 other figures. Now think about how much extra $$$ they had to pay for those extra figures.
Have you seen the photos of their "warehouse"? It bsically looks like a garage. Tiny as fuck, because they basically leased the cheapest, smallest place they could.

For years, 4H was selling off EVERYTHING they had in stock. This is their expectation when making their products. As someone pointed out, yeah, they saved shit for conventions, but only for CERTAIN figures. Once they sold out, they literally sold out. Of course that changed later, because ooops, somehow sales are decreasing.
And again, they were using sleezy FOMO tactics back in the day. So they obviously wanted to push out all the products they had.
IT's cope to say they were totally always going to make mystery sets, because it's just a marketing gimmick to get rid of unsold stock.

Nevermind the fact that they only started extending their sales for longer than a weekend when backlash against their gigafuck up happened. Again, points toward shit sales.

As for reprints, no shit? they announce that shit like a year beforehand even. That isn't what I'm tlaking about though, which is stuff that supposedly sold out but actually didn't and/or stuff that wasn't announced a year beforehand and obviously has been sitting around for a while.

Are you nitpicking like a retard because you think that's clever or are you just a newfag?

Sorry, but explain yourself. Are you like ^, thinking being ultra specific is a clever gotcha or am i actually missing something?
According to them, each major wave they've made has sold increasingly better than the previous, so generally speaking if in stock sales last longer it's probably because they have more units available. But maybe they are lying and the line is actually dying. We should probably believe you instead.
>or am i actually missing something?
A lot. You are missing a lot. A giant hole of a life is being filled with you being stupid on a slow thread about a toy brand
Sounds like you've never left your basement before.
when is it "nitpicking" to point out lies?
It was never really about making money to cover cost, it was always about wharehouse space. But they moved into a bigger one a few years back and it hasn't been as big of an issue. Combined with increased relationships with various retailers and just having a better distribution system in general, having left over stock isn't as much of an issue.

....until they get a huge wave like the Necronominus wave coming in. Again, most fans pre-order these things, so when a huge wave comes in their storage is basically maxed and then some.
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>According to them, each major wave they've made has sold increasingly
>According to them
I bet

Jokes aside, i don't doubt it, since they started being carried by retail store. BBTS being the biggest one, starting with the second wave of Mythic Legions, i think.
But again, the decline was gradual after 2017 and the steep drop off happened last year, so when did you read that?

BBTS was one of the few places to get OLD figures, btw. It was almost a joke when people would come into these threads, ask about figures, and then disappearing when being pointed toward BBTS prices for them. So they've been sitting on stock for years and years, even putting that stuff on sale/clearance, because it sat around too long. I've seen booths at conventions just dedicated toward half off 4H shit too, when conventions almost always mark shit up, especially 4H stuff before 2020.

There's a giant chunk of years missing from our archives, so it's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about and you're obviously a newfag, since you have no idea who i am. IF you're going to make shit up, at least be funny like the deranged anons who need to pretend photographic proof is fake and gay because it's "stolen" and 2+2≠4 because i said that yesterday.

And my comparison with revoltech and modular robots to 4H is because Revoltech was a world famous brand by a medium sized company, yet 4H was more popular here. Mdular robot threads is made up of multiple toylines, some of which are 100x bigger than 4H.
So for 4H to fall off that hard, it says a lot about what a shit company they are. Pic related.

>doesn't want to explain because he got called out for thinking his clever gotcha is actually retarded
It obviously affects their bottom line if they need to do mystery bundles and extend their sales when they never used to. We won't know how bad it is unti la year from now though
>There's a giant chunk of years missing from our archives

10+ years worth? And which archive has the gaps? There are 3 that collect all these threads.

>And my comparison with revoltech and modular robots to 4H is because
>They used to have more posters than Revoltech and Modular Robots on a regular basis.
You are just goal post moving. I doubt you even know what those threads ever brought in.
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The knights come with premium price ($45), minimum accessories and paints. What gives?
Another big sale
Another sale with 2017 figures
Another chan thread where a guy is melting down
I have to wonder hat figure is he missing out on that's making him so salty.
You call that minimum accessories?
>somehow sales are decreasing
Or maybe stocks are growing. Haven't you at some point argued that other companies were better because they had stock available the whole year? That it was a good service to have figures stay up even up to several years after release?
The actual load out is actually really nice overall, if not a bit generic, especially since that the figure could probably hold all the gear at once. But for the actual price of the Armory guys, the added gear should be expected. At the very least they should've each came with extra hands and an alt head as they cost more then the standard figures despite having less detailed paint jobs.

That said, the only figures left in stock are the Armory guys, the Legion Builders and Con exclusives. Oh and Swigg, who iirc, they accidentally way over-ordered due to a typo (he was one of the reasons for the blind box gimmick). But seeing as he's one of the best Goblins they made, having him in stock shouldn't be seen as a bad thing. If those Armory Knights sit in stock until next pay day, I might end up grabbing some, despite my previous hesitance due to their price point.
That's what really gets me about this complaint. Before the problem was that they were awful because they weren't making enough and that they should always have figures in stock. Now that they have figures in stock, they're awful because they're making too much and no one wants them.

It's literally circular arguments based on absolutely no facts.
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Yeah? The armory knight come with 4 accessories (3 weapons and 1 shield) and no alt heads.

Meanwhile, the $37 named character (Gawrychh the Unpredictable) come with 2 alt heads, 2 pairs of alt hands, and also 4 accessories (this time, 4 weapons and no shield). The named character also has fully painted details while the armory knights have relatively more basic paints.
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Just to add, Gawrich also come with soft goods skirt
I mean the armory knights are also on one of their best bodies to date
That's three weapons, the pole and the curved blade are one item. He's actually got a pretty standard gear set going by their average figure these days.

Not disagreeing with your observations though, in fact I agree the Armory figures should have alt heads/hands. Especially for the added price, also because they were basically build-your-owns and having extra parts would've been a nice nod to that. Though if it turns out they're packing surprise extra limbs, I would totally understand the price.
>Though if it turns out they're packing surprise extra limbs
Where did this rumor start?
>repackaging/relabeling old shit that's been lying around taking up valuable space to fool people into buying it isn't proof that their stuff isn't selling
Why are fanboys always retarded?

I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you're not some retard and just some newfag, but then i started to type out some questions for you and you're just obviously retarded.
And all of them are incomplete, which clearly shows you never even bothered to look at any of the archives.

The fact that you think I'm moving the goalposts just shows you're just illiterate, just like how you somehow think I'm referring to a time before Generals weren't common. WTF retard? Do you not know that the Ravens KS happened in the mid-10s? Or are you just projecting your "addled mind is rotting" onto me?
I mean, shit, if you weren't a newfag, you'd know that I've compared 4H's threads (and more) to others before by pointing at the poster count, when referring to how popular a topic actually is. Okay, maybe telling anonymous apart from another anonymous is hard, but some people here have at least a 25% success rate in recognizing my posts ( >>11287851 fails) and I've been here since at least day 2 of /toy/'s creation

>Or maybe stocks are growing
Bruuuuh......... i feel bad that you're this naive.
If you go from selling shit out in a day/weekend for years and then suddenly needing to extend sales for almost an entire month and still not selling out + requiring to make mystery bundles to clear it out, you have a giant problem.

And you misconstrued my point, but i guess you need to to defend 4H's shitty business. The criticism was about 4H basically being made to order and not selling their shit to retail. Retail having it year round is great, but even them having shit from previous years is bad. At least retail can make up for that by selling other shit and should already have the space to store a ton of shit, but a tini-tiny company like 4H? oooof
Literally just made it up, not a rumor just wishful thinking. They done surprise additions before and honestly extra parts like that is the only way I can honestly justify the Armory prices.

Most likely the truth is they're more expensive due to expedited production and shipping or some boring crap like that.
I'm not going to pull a British Broadcasting Corporation and tell you that Mary, Queen of Scots being played by Lizzo is historically accurate. There were plenty of darkies that were descendents of Roman slaves in europe, but ones that were willing to crusade when Pope Urban II said "let's fuck up some Saracens" would have been very few and far between. Completely statistically insignificant.
The idea of a Nubian or Ethiopian Crusader Knight isn't completely preposterous though, especially after the first crusade. Although neither kingdom actually participated in the first crusade, they both hated that the Muslims held the Holy Land, and word did reach them for the Second Crusade, so it is likely that lone wolves joined up with the Crusaders in the same way we have Americans and Australians deciding to go to Ukraine to fight Russians, but the chances of them being written into history when authors could be writing about Baldwin III or King Richard the Lionheart instead was very slim.
There were plans during (I think) the Third Crusade to perform a pincer manoeuvre on the Holy Land by attacking from the south as the European Crusaders attacked from the north, and along the way slap some sense into the Coptic Christians in Egypt who were total cuck to muzrats, but all those plans fell through for whatever reason. There was also another plan in the Fifth Crusade to let the Euros use either Nubia or Ethiopia as a staging ground for their own pincer manoeuvre, but there was some miscommunication that led to that one falling though as well.
There is no evidence that there were any dark skinned Knights Templar, except for one weird ass blog post I found while looking for lore on Black Templars from 40k.
Out of curiosity, what do you think of the dragon?
>it's impossible that they have increased production numbers because I'm definitely not mentally trapped a decade in the past
Have these and fuck off.

The rest of you, do not give him (You)s. I've given him some Burger King coupons, so now the poorfag should be able to eat for the next month instead of selling his mouthpussy to the Toddfather.
These were already redeemed…
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Too big and bright green. Easy pass.

I'm not a fan of gigantic figures, because they are not fun to play with. If you need two hands, it's more trouble than its worth. Even gigantic vehicles are bad, but if it can be used as a playset? It's fine, but i'd still be highly selective, because space is limited.
Anyway, if it was a third or half the size, and red (maybe black), i'd put in my money.

>they totally increased the production numbers all of a sudden in a bad economic year
>their inability to sell things liek they normally do has totally has nothing to do with 4H fucking up with quality control super hard
>please ignore that 4H was telling their customers not to post about their toys breaking publicly and then mocking them
>4h's actions totally didn't piss off fans and make them stop buying their toys
Why are fanboys always retards?

I mean, even if we pretend they ncreased production numbers all of a sudden, that makes 4H as big of a retard as you are, because they still obviously aren't selling well, hence the mystery bundles for retards who are into safe gambling, because they'll buy shit they normally wouldn't just because it's a "mystery!"... or because gambling makes it more fun? i don't understand retards.

And that's not to say 4H aren't retards, because they did fuck over their Power Lords campaign by not advertising it and putting it on their website only instead of kickstarter because they're greedy assholes.
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Nobody cares about Powerlords.

>do not give him (You)s

I been sayin that for years. But dude is just a fungus who can't get over the fact that nobody cares about his made up fantasies. Sadly whatever bug is up his ass won't let him just go away, even if people rightfully ignore him. I find the best thing to do is to not just ignore him, but post pics and such to at least give something else to discuss besides his lowest of low hanging fruit.

So pic related is a quick and dirty group shot of *most* of my Skeletons. Missing from the pic are Keltus and two wave 1 Skeleton LBs as they're all mounted and take up too much space on the desk. I'll try and get a better horde shot over the next few days after I actually get around to organizing the rest of the armies.
>tfw managed to grab 2 christmas past ghost after missing out on them before the holidays
feels good
ill try to sell off most parts if possible but i just wanted all those sweet limbs and stuff
the big head/mask/robe thing of that that dragon sorceress looks sweet but i kinda just want that head so skipped it.
I will have to wait for my Chinese overlords to give me my next lot of coupons for shilling Horus Lupercal as figure of the year and post them here for the Subjectautist, otherwise the only sustenance he will get this month will be Canadian semen.
>Sadly whatever bug is up his ass won't let him just go away
He gave it away in one of the bait threads he got lured into that he thinks 4H are squandering their talents, so he must be still salty that they stopped working for McFartlane two decades ago. This is the first time in a few threads he has raised his malformed head here, and his last attempt to troll got ignored before he slunk away. So not giving him (You)s really does work, but even I'll admit that it's really fucking hard to not respond to his retardation. Willpower, people!
It's funny that he thinks they've never increased production numbers until now, because it's pretty obvious that every figure after the Coliseum wave is much easier to find on the secondary market, let alone the prices being nowhere near as bad as anything like the Orcs from the first Kickstarter. But he would be completely unaware of production numbers since he's only bought one figure in the last 5 or 6 years from the Wasteland wave. Which is strange that he can't see how big the Facebook group that he stalks for pics of broken Poxxus figs has gotten. Or the fact that they throw their own con and keep having to hire more space for it, which is something that a failing company with a dwindling fanbase would totally do.
Nice calcium army btw. How big will it be after Necro and All Star 6 hit?
I always love playing the game of trying to see how long it takes him to post the rancor pics
Not counting the big bad Bone Daddy himself (I keep my Horsemen separate from the rest of the Legions), I'll only be getting one Turpiculi from the Necro wave but I'll be getting four more skeletons from AS6. Two raiders, the bone dwarf and the viking undead. I'll also be getting a second Wal-Tor from the recent in-stock sale to use stock in the collection. As mentioned earlier, my last Wal-Tor got parts'd into a barbarian satyr but I like the figure too much to not have a complete one on the team.

I might get a second Turpicul from the in stock sale, and I'm really hoping to get at least one undead builder set. My budget was tight back when the wave went up for pre-order, but things are in a much healthier spot now so I should be able to grab more figures.

When all is said and done, the skeletons will probably tied as my second biggest faction with the forest folk and behind the Arethyr Army as my largest. The latter of which is getting so big I kinda wanna have a subgroup break off and form their own faction.
I like how stating the obvious about sales needing to be extended + creating mystery bundles to get rid of unwanted overstock = poor sales is somehow a fantasy, yet you guys need to create fanfiction about me to feel better because I criticized 4H for shitty business tactics and how they lost a large part of its fanbase because of how poorly they've treated their customers.

>Horus toy
LOL, so you're that guy who didn't want to tell me what line you like, when you were crying about me and how you want to be a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian, because you're a little bitch who has it in for me?

Were you 3 out of 5 anons who posted their Horus figure and found out it was broken inside the box?

You're proof that fanboys are nothing but retards, because you've defended two of the worst toy companies there are. Bottom of the barrel, with the worst track records in quality control and materials
It won't be long now, he's already started posting stolen pics.

Also, rough headcount puts in hand legions at 121. Probably missing some figures as some are still just disassembled parts waiting to be put together. Currently Vampires are my smallest faction and I honestly don't plan to change that by much as they're one of my least favorite races to collection.
I actually just noticed that the Orc head there has helmet with attachment for side horns. When did this happen? Surely it is reused? Do we have a traditional helmeted green orc with side horn attachments? Sometimes it is hard to keep track of things
>My budget was tight back when the wave went up for pre-order, but things are in a much healthier spot now so I should be able to grab more figures.
I was in a similar spot to you when the preorder was up and only got the one all in. I was recovering in intensive care in hospital so I was lucky to get anything at all, but I kind of overcompensated with AS6 to make up for it. I preordered a bunch of extras on BBTS, but I'm probably going to cancel everything except the Turpiculli and maybe an Undead Builder pack since postage for deluxes always seem to fuck up the 4H shipping calculator for internationals.
>Orc head there has helmet with attachment for side horns. When did this happen?
Shadow orc Legion Builder. I don't think we have it in green yet though.
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I cannot bring myself to buy this guy. He looks really retarded. Bro is wearing steel plated thigh leggings, kneepads and arms, weighing down his movement, but can't be bothered to protect his vital organs and wear leather armor on his torso. He also comes with the old Owain head. But I kinda want the leather brown glove with steel bracers, it looks really nice and I also want the neck piece.

Seems like they just cobbled the parts together, make them sold separately so they can squeeze in few more bucks. Would be nice if we can just buy parts. Marauders gun runners figures let you buy and combine hundreds of parts and accessories together, why can't 4H do it.
I call it "Subby Bingo" where he cries for the hundredth time about Mythic Legions issues that have long been resolved like the stolen Ogre hip disassembly pic, his broken Torrion shield because the hips were floppy in the first 2 waves after the Kickstarter, the scraped Stone Troll paint, and finally, the Rancor is pretty much the free square on the bingo card. Throw in other fallacious arguments like "interest free loans" as well, because when 4H use Kickstarter it's because they are bad businessmen, but when Todd does it, that means he is a genius and definitely not because no retailer wants to touch Spawn due to it being a dead franchise that pegwarms.
Gotta update the bingo cards though. Now we have "muh stream when customer service said don't complain about broken toys", "muh damage control stream for the damage control stream", "4H hate their fans", "4H are losing all their fans" and his newest piece de resistance, the collage of broken Poxxus wave figures stolen from Facebook.
I don't even collect 40k, but I also browse the 40k thread just to watch those anons spitroast him like an Asian Street Meat whore. Finding out about the Burger King coupon incident was like my birthday and Christmas combined.
Look at him posting Warhammer 40k here as some sort of gotcha.
Each major yearly wave has an ever increasing amount of newly tooled parts, with newer ones having as many as Advent of Decay, each year, and newer figures have more accessories than previous ones.
But I'm going to believe you. The line is totally failing and the money comes from nowhere.
They even hired more space at the convention centerfor Legions Con for the dwindling number of fans every year. Word is that next year they will be hiring the entire NJCEC for the last 10 people that collect the line.
I like the look because it reminds me of hard leather armor from dark souls
You know what I'm getting a kick out of? He never mentioned 1/18. There is a lot of shit he has missed and fucked up but for someone trying to act like he is always here but he completely misses what was the only big stinks in 2015 and one of the reasons the power lords failed a few years later was because that scale was a big deal. I won't share anything else and see if he keeps fucking up.
Oh yeah Trolls and Rancors

On that, any ideas for Space pants? I ask a few threads back about the Slogg guy, but it seems he is too small so any easy ideas how to get Stone Troll to look like he is wearing space gear/parts?
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>why can't 4H do it
They might soon all thing considered. The Shiny armory guys are just left overs from the 2024 Legion Experience which seems to have been very successful considering about half of all the options are not here at all with these runs.


looking at the theme of "create a creature" too I wager they are at least seeing if there is enough appetite to warrant going that direction
Plus how much people talked about them from the con. Very popular.
I swear they said they were going to start doing that on one of their weird little streaming cons years ago.
Is there a way to know what pieces can fit with what? Or are the elf males just naturally smaller?
God the dragon looks so fucking cool. My only real design gripe is the wing membranes not connecting to the body, but that's more a functional thing and I think the route they went is OK. Shame I have neither the money nor the space for him or I'd 110% buy him.
Also nice he's a green dragon, you don't see so many of those.
I wonder how much its going to be. Chances are it's going to be at least 700+ minimum.

I hope its not that expensive but its going to be.
>Burger King coupon incident
Wait I thought that was just some sort of joke, what’s the incident?
I miss folded wings. They have shown kinda bent and fully extended, but not folded proper.

I think size is going to be the biggest hurdle for people getting it. Most of up have probably handled shelves worth more than the dragon (another visual comparison would be an All-in wave), and in that sense it's reasonable to justify its potential price, but you can't put this thing on a shelf. It requires a table or a specific display piece of furniture. A room to be the centerpiece of, even.
Why’d they advertise that bottom armor as purple? It’s really just got a slight purple sheen
I just realized we can get MOTU snake mens now.
fuck snakemen
They slow burn ideas. They talked about the Dragon idea back in 2016, most there issues was getting the warehouse and factories to do all this shit.

It's a light issue. They always struggle to get things to look right in photos vs in person or even fan shots like >>11288169 >>11287378 >>11287363 the purple knights are very purple and that green is near jade in person.
I'm trying
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Only one I want is a not King Hiss. and I'm not sure haw far they can skirt that line.
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Ooof, this basement dwelling mentality is overpowering.
Do you have any idea how long it takes to produce anything? Or plan shit out? Almost all of that requires money up front, so unlike your pay check to pay check living that you can't think beyond, they're saving up money for years (and/or getting loans) and paying for costs more than a year before they're released or an event happens. So like i said before, it'll take about a year before ramifications are seen.
Nevermind rereuses is still the majority, which can pay off new shit.

The BK Coupon incident happened in the WH40k general thread. Basically, i was asking certain Joytoy super defenders to take a photo of an everday object with a toy to see if they're not Chinese. One guy turned out to be from Hong Kong (all his posts then got deleted, and for a month later probably samefag kept getting his posts deleted and even WH40k threads got deleted) and suddenly a lot of people i was arguing shut down. They figured out why i was asking for weird requests of western objects, so in comes Burger King coupon guy, who's seems to live in a favela (or Mexico) and just wants to argue with me, because he's angry I criticize Joytoy for not using gold paint, using brittle plastics, and fucking up the scale.

He thinks by proving he's not chinese, that means the other 2-5 super defenders aren't shills, and posts a Burger King coupon and how he's totally going to eat there after making his post. Since i live in America, i also get Burger King coupons and went to look in my coupon drawer for it. Turns out, the coupon was 3 months expired, so he's obviously couldn't eat and i made fun of him for it. I mocked him by saying he only found it by looking the garbage pile that America sends on garbage boats to seedy third world countries (Get it? because it takes months for boats to get overseas) or that he gets paid in American garbage by Chinese officials, which somehow turned into CIA
are you saying you want to fuck gay snake spacemen from eternia?
Ah, ok, so this was their last hail mary. I'll beg for your pardon for not believing you when the next major wave features no newly tooled parts.
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>I call it "Subby Bingo"
Only reason i bring out my rancor vs troll pics and other shit i keep repeating is because people start saying I'm lying, that i don't own anything from the line, that I'm a newfag, etc, because it's fanboys delusions that no one who criticizes a line would own it.
So you guys are the ones starting a cope bingo and I'm only responding to it.

Hate to break it to you, but unless you're some butthurt contrarian with an axe to grind, like the Horus/burger king guy, the biggest haters for anything are usually former fans.

So why would anyone be shitting on 4H? A long history of brittle plastics. Long history of paint problems. Long history of awful customer service. So i experienced all of that before their massive fuck up last year, and their massive fuck up last year was all their problems in the past x10. So a ton of fans got pissed, hence the poor sales they've been experience for the past year and the Mythic Legion generals basically dying.

cope bingo: this is a stolen image

But not really, since i took it as proof of being a long time fan, because copers can't deal with the fact that fans can criticize something they enjoy. The fact is, I'm one of the last 4H oldfags to post here, because these threads have declined in popularity a shit ton and even people who backed the Raven KS are rare if not nonexistant (aside from myself) now.
No other fandom has lost this many fanboys, not even Star Wars. So it says a lot about how poorly 4H treats their fans.

>not believing you when the next major wave features no newly tooled parts.
No one said this, retard. Keep coping.
Oh God, it's the Rancor Retard...
>No one said this, retard. Keep coping.
But you said we'll see the ramifications of their actions, in about a year. They are spending more than they ever did, all while their sales are decreasing and decreasing. If they are only living from past money and loans they'll eventually break. If it's not a year I'll take it'll be two years, then.
wouldn't proof be time stamping that now?
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I thought for sure there was a checklist between 1.0 and 2.0 bodies but this is all I'm finding


Short of it:
male, orcs, dwarves, are 1.0 bodies and are compatible with each other.
elves, females, goblins are 2.0 bodies and are compatible with each other.
there are skeletons in both 1.0 and 2.0
there is one female that is 1.0 body, Cosmic Legions Vorgga
Other exceptions are:
Female barbarian and female dwarf from the upcoming Rising Sons wave are 1.0 compatible
Male elf Lijae is in a 1.0 body unlike other elves
There are a few chunky goblins that use the 1.0 dwarf body.

I also think that some recent figures have 1.0 head on 2.0 body, and maybe vice-versa through an adaptor, don't they? I haven't quite followed this trend of adaptor usage, but I think one option is meant to use dude heads on thin bodies to be clad over in soft goods, and the other is meant to use goblin heads on chunky dwarf bodies.
Are 2.0 bodies supposed to be superior in articulation? And was it supposed to be that all figures going forward we’re going to be 2.0? I just don’t understand.
first link


As stated previously, the smaller 2.0 figures included the females, elves, and goblins. There is also a 2.0 style male vampire and a skeleton, two races that were also part of 1.0, so there is some nice variety of sizes within those two types of characters. Because these figure types needed to be smaller, the bodies use different connectors than the 1.0 figures do. This means that while 2.0 figures are fully compatible with each other, allowing for the swapping of arms, legs, heads, torsos, armor and more, these figures are generally NOT compatible with their 1.0 counterparts.

ie, 2.0 is for petite or smaller body types
2.0 builds were supposed to be female builds specifically, they first came out during their second Kickstarter. But fans were worried an "all female" kickstarter wave wouldn't do well so they added male elf bodies into the mix using the same limbs as the female figures.

Overall they have mostly the same articulation, with the 2.0 having upper torso movement but swivel waist as opposed to the 1.0 straight ball joint waist. The 2.0 figures do have slightly better range of motion, but that's more due to slimmer limbs and sculpts providing more clearance for movement.

As other anons have pointed out though, there are more and more "exceptions" to the rule as female figures will be coming out for the 1.0 build and there's actually a few Elf characters on the bulkier build as well. New 2.0 based female figures are also in the works.

But to make things even MORE confusing....a new 3.0 build was announced at the last con which will include double jointed elbows and knees and I believe even butterfly joints. So far only the Roman soldier and the Gnoll use those builds.
Well shit I was wondering why the elf head didn’t fit on the knight body I just assumed they all fit together
Thanks for the info
It's not that confusing. As a customizer this is nothing compared to other brands that have little or no uniformity. I'm curious to see if they will phase out the 1.0/2.0 quickly. They are moving faster than Marvel Legends has which is still using bodies from 2008 on new figures.

>So far only the Roman soldier and the Gnoll use those builds.
The just drop Armory Knights use them, also sounds like most figures going forward this year will use it as well.
should be clearer: most figure preorders going forward this year will use it as well.
>It's not that confusing.
Yeah, probably the simplest way to put it is:

1.0 = standard frame (mostly males of most races)
2.0 = thin frame (mostly females and twinks like elves and goblins)

with the knowledge that the gender and race thing is not a solid rule and a buff female may be 1.0 compatible, etc.
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Don't give him (You)s. Don't read his essays that take his little brown fingers every ounce of Burger King energy to pound out. He's like all the ads that came to life in that Treehouse of Horror episode of the Simpsons. Just don't look.
Snakes are now sold out.
Hagnon stands alone among the shiny knights
When will they rerelease the birds? I was going though the checklist and got upset when I saw those and how much they’re going for now…
They are remaking Eathyron this year, so I guess they'll reuse the body (as long as it's not too godly to use on other birds).
(reuse the body as in, they'll make a new body and likely reuse it for other characters, I mean)
>They are remaking Eathyron this year
Oh shit, I didn’t know that. Awesome.
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There's actually a handful of figures that come with neck adapters, though they're very few and far between. There are also three elves who just straight use the 1.0 builds, Lijae, Bardic and the Xylernian Guard (though the last one could pass as human with just a repaint of the eyes).

Armory Knights use the Valiant Knight parts, which is still standard 1.0 build, just with better range of motion due to better sculpting. That build has no new added articulation outside of a new neck hinge, it just gets better range of motion from the basic joints.

The new build has an entirely different joint structure, using double hinges in the elbows and knees instead of the swivel peg.

Personally, I'm not too fond of the idea as it instantly limits your ability to swap parts around. Plus I always preferred well engineered single hinge joint elbows to any kind of double jointed limb.

It gets even more convoluted when you throw Cosmic stuff into the mix. I'm pretty sure the Grey's use 2.0 connection sizes, but are much taller. Most of the Cosmic females use the old 2.0 build, while a good chunk use the 1.0. Though Goblins technically first showed up with 1.0 bodies, most of em were built on the 2.0 buck, except the last Legion Builder, who actually has a neck adapter to fit 2.0 heads on 1.0 bodies.

Also, I legit have no clue which build Diis Paatar uses, as it could easily be either 1 or 2. And then there's the Brute Scale figures, which is a headache all on it's own.

I'm pretty sure there were issues with the original Bird mold to the point where the 4H said they won't be able to make more even if they wanted to. Probably factory shenanigans as that was still early in Mythic's production and they changed factories a few times. I like my birds, but honestly they're no where near as nice as the Legions. Though it is a shame to lose those legs as they work perfectly on 2.0 bodies to make an awesome harpy.
>I'm not too fond of the idea as it instantly limits your ability to swap parts around
How exactly?

>I'm pretty sure the Grey's use 2.0 connection sizes, but are much taller.
How is that an issue? Or rather what is the issue?

Let's start there: what issue is that causing?
you ever get the feeling someone is in here talking about figures they don't buy?
That's like, 95% of /toy/
I hear you but this seems like an usually hard ball attempt to try and talk like they are part of the community when they clearly are not.
>How exactly?

Because now I can't pop off an arm at the elbow to swap it onto another figure. At best, you'd have to take off the entire bicep/elbow/forearm assembly, and that just doesn't give you the same effect.

>How is that an issue? Or rather what is the issue?
Not so much an issue, but just pointing out another exception to the system.
Can someone post some cool knights?
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Does this count?

Weapons are stolen from AWOK figures.
>Because now I can't pop off an arm at the elbow to swap it onto another figure.

But why would you do that in this series?

>another exception to the system

but that isn't an exception so much as just working as intended. 2.0 is a thinner frame, it's why the Grey's use it.
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When The Order sends you to the frontier regions on a mission to slay the monstermen
>I'm pretty sure there were issues with the original Bird mold to the point where the 4H said they won't be able to make more even if they wanted to.
No, a bunch of people in the Facebook group conflated the loss of the Scarabus molds with the birds because both were from the Gothitropolis line. I know this because when everyone was constantly saying the bird molds were lost, BBTS got another run of Eagalus V2 from the All Stars 2 wave years after that wave was released. I think that was around the time of either the Deluxe Legion Builder wave, or when BBTS got the Argemedes restock that had the updated hip engineering. I can't remember exactly when, but it was well after the rumor that the bird molds were lost was floating around.
But I'm guessing going forward, Eathyron will be a new sculpt. They do seem to be keen on phasing out some of the parts from the first ML Kickstarter like the overused breastplate piece, so I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same with the birds since they are over a decade old at this point. I was surprised they never used the bird legs for a harpy since they fit the 2.0 hip sockets without any need for modification. Maybe they might finally released a harpy after Eathyron V2.
....why would I want to pop and swap parts between figures in a line designed around being able to pop and swap parts between figures?

I'm pretty sure you're just trying to be obtuse at this point.

Deus Vult!

Well that's good to hear, I don't pay any attention to the facebook group at all so I have no idea what rumors spread through it. But if they can still make the birds it's a bit reassuring because I'd hate to see any company get screwed like that.
>why would I want to pop and swap parts between figures in a line designed around being able to pop and swap parts between figures?
I'm not because if you actually did pop and swap figures in the line you understand why I ask that. Popping from that point for almost all 1.0s and 2.0s is unnecessary short of a very select few but the issue with those few is they come with extra limitations.
Which Templar is this?
>Well that's good to hear, I don't pay any attention to the facebook group at all so I have no idea what rumors spread through it
I've mostly given up on the FB group these days, but that was where the rumor originated. And it kept circulating even after that Eagalus restock.
It still sucks that the Scarabus molds are gone, and that they claim they have "no intention to revisit the characters" even though I'm sure they will do most of the Egyptian Gods as FOs like Anubis and Bastet, but I would even settle for Legions inspired by Haures, Azazel, Melchom, and Nergal.
Honestly I wish they would have stuck to one off releases for figura obscura, because I doubt we’ll see more Egyptian gods this year and we’ll be waiting years to have at least even a semi complete Egyptian collection. I’m also wondering what there plan is once they run out of characters that fit the Halloween and Christmas theme, because they’re already running close to that. They should just do 3 non holiday specific releases a year.
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>if we collectively ignore all criticism and pretend everything negative said is a lie, it means 4Hs massive from fuck up didn't happen and all the fanboys who they pissed off will come back
... or is your cope just for 4H to continue cheaping out and fucking over their customers, because you don't want anything to change?
I mean, didn't they fuck up last month's glow in the dark figure that that didn't glow in the dark, because they cheaped out on quality control and just rushed that shit out instead of checking production samples?
Sticking your head in the sand and defending their fuck ups is why they do shit like that

If you own enough unique toys and put enough context with it, then you don't need to provide time stamps. Time stamps are easier to fake than being "rancor guy", where i use figures from previous photos in specific settings that I've already established before in my photos. It's like how I've pretty much established one of my work benches that people will recognize me by.
I also like ultra specific stuff but are easy to do, like putting a figure infront of the post I'm writing or getting a literal shill to out himself by making a figure touch the ground of a socket.

>ignores the fact his statement was a lie and tries to rationalize his pay check to pay check understanding of how a business works
This might be falling on a retards ears, but a company can still make profits while losing business year after year. shocking, i know. And again, because 4H asks for interest free loans, they're not actually investing any of their own capital to do it.
cope bingo: "he said 2+2=4 just like he did 1000 times before, thus he's wrong!"

For people willing to learn: most companies (even giant companies like Hasbro) ask for loans to produce stuff without begging their customers to make it. They pay those loans back with interest and build even more credit to grow their business. This is why other brands can afford good QC
How is that Mezco Red Son Superman? I’ve always wanted it, but not sure if it’s worth secondhand prices.
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Wait, are you trying to insinuate I don't actually play with these figures? One of the few guys in this thread who's actually posting new OC pics? The guy who just an hour earlier posted a pic with a custom built Harpy just hanging out in the background? You trying to say I don't actually swap and build these figures like they were meant to?

Literally one of the first swaps I ever did with these figures was to take the elbow off of a Clavian Test Shot and swap it with the elbow from the Owain test shot. And it's a swap I've been doing every time I updated my custom undead knight. I'm well aware at how limited in use that swap can be, but I will always appreciate the fact that I make use of that very limited option.

Looks like one of the Templar Legion Builders. Iirc one of the earlier versions had a factory mess up where they painted it up like a full priced figure, even though it was still priced as a Legion Builder.

I would have loved to see them go back and retread Scarabus and other older characters, or even drop Legions built versions of some of their old concepts. With their willingness to do "Non-Legion" figures using the same parts, it's not too out of the question, and with FO being such a hit, I think that would be an amazing place to dip back into the 4H archives.
I don't see them running out of concepts for Halloween or Christmas any time soon. Hell with the Christmas Carol figures alone they still have a good three years left. And the Halloween figures are pretty much "anything from something scary", which is a literal endless supply of ideas.
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yeah, they sure are winning all your money, despite all their quality control problems.
Thankfully, not everyone is a retarded as you, as evidenced by sales being extended and mystery bundles being created, because so much of their fanbase left them.

One of the few lines where what you see is what you get. I think Mezco's quality has been consistently high since i first started buying their stuff in the 00s, which is an outlier in this day and age. So if you like what you see, get it.

If you've owned a One:12 figure, you should also know the feel and range of motion you'll get.
If not, the line looks better in person than they do in photos, but there's still a certain texture about the cloth that is more like what you see in movie costumes. Articulation is better than modern Marvel Legends, but can spring back thanks to the cloth. They can be fiddly to pose, but the look and poseability makes them worth it.
They're why i've basically stopped buying Hasbro/Mafex/McFarlane superhero figures. Obviously, I still buy some if they're unlikely to get a One:12 or i didn't like the "mezflair"

Anyway, i personally don't think any 6" figure is worth $200... but then, wasn't that mospeada figure standing next to the Superman close to that? Still, not $200 and technically comes with a bike, so it was worth it. And just to blog a little more, i was unsure on the One:12 Gambit and waited for reviews to show how the plastic armor limited his articulation. So after being convinced, prices were already $100+ but i had to have him. Got stolen from my doorstep and i couldn't pull the trigger to buy him again, because then I'd have spent $240 to have him and no figure is worth $200.
Do you think they’ll be able to keep the dragon at $500 or below?
Mospeada and Superman have nothing to do with fantasy figures.
Take your off topic shit elsewhere.
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Yo, the Metytoyz goblins are up for preorder in places.
I think I'm getting one of each.
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Thanks for the heads up. I usually like to use 5k but you snooze you lose and I got them on gundamit. 2 of each because goblins are my favorite.
>Wait, are you trying to insinuate I don't actually play with these figures?
time stamps with these displays of yours would lay that to rest.

>You trying to say I don't actually swap and build these figures like they were meant to?
It's either that or you are not critically thinking why anon noted that

you are trying to hard anon, no one believes this.
So we have at least four threads that come and go normal but this thread on the new years things get weird with obviously one anon because of all the samefagging. I get the idea it's a clown coming into a thread to honk, but why the timing? Was it just the sale? Someone posted something as he was scrolling by?
New Year's resolution, I guess.
I thought he was looking for BK vouchers, but it seems he is just looking for the attention that his parents never gave him. It's like feeding wild animals. Someone gave him (You)s and now he keeps coming back for more.
As a follow up, there could be a few noobs that came to the thread for the dragon, and because they don't know about his decade long tantrum, they made the mistake of thinking he was arguing in good faith.
The other issue, which seems unrelated, is the anon that is demanding a timestamp from an obvious long time collector. This is the exact same tactic used in the import threads, and I believe is a direct result of the mods not taking Zatlit out behind the shed and giving him the Old Yeller treatment he so desperately needs. Really, they both need it. Their permanent removal from this board would be a blessing, but their removal from the planet would be classified as humanitarian aid.
Why’d they even do the limit of one the first day on the armory knights when clearly they had a shit ton? To create fake FOMO?
That's the bad faith take. Good faith is why they do it with nearly every sale: to make sure everyone has a chance at it and not just the scalpers. Looking at how fast the snakes sold out after it was lifted shows why they enforce it.
>Why’d they even do the limit of one the first day on the armory knights when clearly they had a shit ton?
Because the Cabal is full of faggot scalpers. Sorry, I mean resellers that sell things at "market value."
How is it scalping if you’re selling it for retail?
These guys do anything but FOMO. It's clear the goal was just to avoid people who would buy cases to flip later. Issue is you can't predict what figures will fall prey to that so all the new stuff gets the 24 hour buy limits.
>That's the bad faith take.
If he's noticing a pattern, that isn't bad faith.
When they have a history of doing FOMO, it's SSDD. Same shit; different day.

Do you only overcomplicate this because it's just your coping mechanism?
You already guessed the simple answer. Why can't it be because they're sending out five emails a day?... because they're desperately trying to get rid of stock, but don't realize they alienated most of those fans, and have no idea how to expand their market? That's also SSDD, which is why their Power Lords relaunch failed, because they're incredibly insular. They had no idea how to market their shit 8 years ago and they still don't.
Holy fuck, are they complete retards at running a business. They're unable to learn from fucking experience, because they're that retarded.

But enough of that, it's simply just a sale going on, which made me look at this thread, and i made a short reply to someone on why their sales are taking longer than ever. This triggered a bunch of sensitive fanboys, who need to overcomplicate shit instead of believing the most obvious explanation.

And who is even samefagging? Some newfag who hasn't been here long enough to recognize long time posters? Way to show how suspicious and insular these threads have become. Maybe you fanboys aren't retards that need to cope hard, but just schizos making up conspiracy theories.
Perhaps the other threads were too slow for him to notice? I dunno why he didn't show up for them but I kinda miss it. Yea they were slower, but they were so much nicer to post in.

>The other issue, which seems unrelated, is the anon that is demanding a timestamp

Yea, that confused me as I don't think anyone with half a brain could doubt that I collect these figures. Hell with all the /blog posting I do about my collection I was worried it was actually annoying some anons. I really do avoid full on pic spamming, but I'd much rather post pics no one talks about then have the thread get eaten by obsessed weirdos who like to tell lies.

Pic related, the oldest image I have of that elbow swap I mentioned taken back in 2016.

Yea, it's a damned if you damned if you don't kind of issue, but I'd much rather they add limits during the start of the sale so people have a better chance of at least getting one figure. That said, most con-exclusives usually have decent amount of stock so they don't sell out as fast. Between the amount of stock and the higher price-point I can see demand for the Armory knights being less then average.

....though I did just realize that the Armory Knights don't actually use the full Valiant build. The basic armored ones use the Red Shield Cuirass, which is an older, thicker model. Now I'm back to being tempted to buy the two Gunmetal knights so I can use them to fully update my Cursed Knight custom, as that older body works way better with the straps then the smaller Valiant torso.
>If he's noticing a pattern, that isn't bad faith.
but anon didn't say anything about a pattern.

>When they have a history of doing FOMO
But they don't have a history of it. They have the flip reputation of making the in demand figures over and over again.

>And who is even samefagging?
Why are you talking like that?
>it's a pass user

well that explains a lot.
What are you talking about?
Don't even try to argue with him, truth, logic, reason all hold no value to that creature. No matter what the 4H do he'll bitch they did the wrong thing, no matter how many figures they sell he'll say that no one buys their toys, no matter how many new parts they come out with he'll claim they're just using the same pieces over and over again.

He's just here to annoy people out of these threads because of some obsessive grudge against the 4H and giving him any amount of (You)s will just encourage his schizo posting.
>but anon didn't say anything about a pattern.
Holy fucking retard.
Why would anyone say "I've noticed that there's a pattern that the sun will rise from the east"??
Obviously, 4H isn't pulling the same shit everday, so that poster is just guessing at the most easy answer to explain their bullshit.

>But they don't have a history of it.
Are you a newfag or a retard? 4H has been doing FOMO since fucking forever. Ever since their FANtastic exclusives, their shit has basically been made to order/preorder only. And to be fair, it's probably the kindest of FOMO, since you have time to put in your order... if it wasn't limited quantities (also FOMO)... which they've gone backsies on, since they'd have "remainders" they'd sell at conventions despite also being store exclusives.
Convention exclusives are also FOMO.

Then there's how they'd pressure people into ordering shit, telling people that they need to back something or it'll never get made, without actually telling people how many backers they need or even the progress that they've made (Power Lords, trolls, and others).

And most importantly, so many store sales for the past decade. You had a day/weekend to put in your orders and everything "sold out" by the end of the day/hour, whether it did or not. And you'd see that stock show up at conventions or at the next store sale.

They'd push FOMO so hard that people caught on even back in the early 10s, hence people passing over stock they'd sell at conventions, because it supposedly sold out, yet it constantly showed up again, year after year. Shit like the Scarabuses talked about earlier? Basically shelf warmers, despite "selling out" online and people asking for more. That pissed a lot of people off, hence some collectors giving up even back then and eventually 4H had to put their scarabuses at half price.

>Why are you talking like that?
? You a newfag who can't into 4chan lingo or are you honestly unclear about something?
Why do you write books with every response?
A desperate cry for attention.
I've seen retards in that group try to sell shit that's still in stock at most retailers for $80-$100. Let's not forget when Jeremy was selling an incomplete Deluxe Knight Builder for 3 times the price and all his nut huggers were saying "wow, great price" without a hint of irony. That was before he revealed he had been a shill for months/years...I mean before he announced being given a full time position as 4H's marketing man.
Because his parents didn't give him any attention. I keep warning you fucks not to give him (You)s because we've had 4 good threads without his autistic lies, but you keep throwing bread to the seagulls and now you are wondering why they are gliding overhead shitting on the thread.
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So to change up the discussion a bit, with the recent variety Roman type figures set to come out over the next year or so I've randomly decided I want to build a Roman Shield Legion. But I decided I don't want to just get multiples of the same figure, but rather get one figure from each of the different lines to build my ranks.

Off the top of my head I can think of four figures that fit the "Roman Legionnaire with big shield and spear" requirements.

Mythic Legions Pride of Leandorr, Xesray Studios Roman Infantry, AxyToys Ceratopsidae Dinosaur Legion and Bossfight's Epic H.A.C.K.S. The Phalanx....though the last one is iffy since his colors don't match at all. Anyone else know of any 1:12ish, decently articulated Roman Legion type figures who sport the scutum and pilum?
Coomodel did a centurion, standard bearer and infantry.
I'm college eduated and I came onto the internet before twitter, youtube, and reddit lowered everyone's IQ.
How the fuck is not even a single page worth of words too much for you?

Sorry if there's too many examples of 4H's horrible business tactics to scare people into making orders. How could i list a dozen examples of 4H's shitty FOMO tactics without drawing typing a lot? Would it be better if i was a youtuber, reading aloud 4H's fuck ups, instead of torturing your brain with words you find hard to read?
You only continue to prove me right when i say that fanboys are the biggest retards, but that goes without saying, since you've been defending one of the worst toy companies that has constantly fucked over their customers.

Also, LMAO at the "Reading Level" in pic. Even when dumbing my posts down for you retards and using 4chan phrases, it's still at a fucking 12th grade level.

>ib4 but you didn't list a dozen
no shit. can't type everything out due to the character limit, so skipped some and lumped others together.
That's right, I forgot about that line. I remember their knights looking good so their Romans can't be that bad right?

.......oh, well that's unfortunate. Looks like a kid dressing up in his father's clothes. I'll keep this guy in the maybe pile, but I do appreciate the suggestion.
>I'm college eduated and I came onto the internet

And people wonder why we don't take him seriously.
I've just realized that the upcoming Biblical Adventures one apparently does not have a pilum, probably because they gave him a centurion helmet (https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/235755?o=4).
The blue one does have a pilum and regular legionary helmet (https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/235770?o=4) and the weapons pack includes a pilum as well (https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/235939?o=4).
I discarded them long ago in favor of the beefier Xesray ones and I hadn't noticed this weird loadout until now. It doesn't appear that a seath exists in any form, I guess the sword just hangs from the belt.
Have they ever made a king figure in just normal noble clothing?
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New Silver knight pics from latest stream.
We'll probably get an insta post tomorrow with better resolution.
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>doesn't notice it's two different screenshots, in two different styles, thus two different sites
>thinks grammarly ranks shit
>doesn't even know what a "reading level" is
Ask me how i know your IQ level is low without making you take a test.
Holy fuck, this confirms at least one of you is an actual retard, adding weight to my statement that fanboys are retards.

You find reading a struggle, your comprehension level is shit, and this is why you don't notice the pattern 4H of fucking over their customers. You literally couldn't graph their long history of fuck ups and come up a basic conclusion.
Non-retards have noticed of how they create FOMO and just fucking over their customers. Hence no oldfags existing in these threads anymore. Even the lesser of the retards finally got fed up, because 4H's quality control has become bottom of the barrel and they fucked over so many of their releases in the past year.

And the only way you can defend 4H's fuck ups is by pretending you totally know some racist who used grammarly before and how his dick fell off because that's what happens when you smoke marijuana, so that means I'm wrong. Complete non-sequitor, but that proves 4H hasn't fucked up in the most inept ways ever and their sales haven't cratered in the past year due to fans getting pissed off at their QC and customer service?

You really think 4H is going to suddenly improve, just because you bend over for everything release and defend them? Do you even want improvements?
Even back when these threads were popular in the late 10s, growing the brand, they STILL didn't put money to improve, despite constant complaints about their bad quality. Now that they've petered off, i doubt they'll make changes, especially when their shit is selling poorly. They know that at least have a solid base of retards who'll support anything.

cope bingo: using images from other people is stealing and that means it's not real proof
cope bingo: reusing images makes them false
also, i did the grammarly check on your post and LMAO ::see pic::
Is your post actually copypasta???? If this wasn't so funny, I'd almost feel hurt that you didn't take the effort to actually reply to me.

And before you try and defend your shit, i did remove the quotes just to double check and, LOL, it still said it was plagiarized. Too funny.

Are you a bot or using a bot?
Savage Crucible's new exclusive is pretty cool looking like Heman's Battlecat.
This actually looks pretty good for $30, what are the chances it sells out in less than 5 minutes?
Oh, didn't know about this guy, he looks right sleazy so he'll fit perfect on the team as the guy no one likes! Might even grab the weapon set for his spear since the rest of the pieces do look pretty nice.

But yea, I can see this guy being a less popular choice over the Xesray stuff, if I wasn't intentionally trying to pick from multiple different lines I probably wouldn't have even given him a second glance.

Not yet, closest we got was the Jacob Marley figure. But I'm sure all those parts will see reuse in the not too distant future. As discussed earlier, that coat and torso build could work for tons of different archtype characters, from Pirates to Kings and then some.

....I don't need another knight right? I already have plenty generic knight figures....so I can just pass on this guy....

That said, I do actually like his 4H logo shield. That's probably the only one of those shields I actually do like. And can I just say how much, in general, I hate these thick rimmed shields. They were so close to making some really cool knight shields and then they go and ruin em with the awful bulbous edges that prevent them from being good defensive items while also making them less effective for offensive purposes as well. Everything else they've been putting out with these knights creeps more and more towards realistic, but those shields are just awful.

Got any pics or links? Quick google search came up nothing for me. I like my SC Lizard peoples so I'd love to see what else they're coming out with.

With it being a Pre-order, I don't think it'll have any kind of limit. Though being entirely reused parts should give it a super fast turn around time.

Also, when I first saw this image, I thought they were gonna do a reissue wave of all the faction leaders. Then I read it was a sale for a book and became instantly less enthused.
0 they said they have a 12 pack
Who had "collage of Facebook pics of broken figures" on their bingo card?
Wow it's this post again.
>uses bot to check other people's posts
>thinks anons are using bots to compose their posts because the bot told him
Keep winning, Subby.
>program does the most simplistic functions
>checks a database on whether a long string of words have been used in the same pattern before or not
>d-d-don't believe what a bot tells you
Holy cope.
Might as well tell me not to believe in a spellchecker or word counter either.

But I get it, you're just trying to criticize my mocking that bot to deflect my criticism about 4H, during an important time when they NEED to sell as many toys as possible, to make up for the fact that sales have been shit all year, due to their poor quality control and fucking over their customers.

Have another image on why their fanbase has shrunk in the past year.

cope bingo: he posted it again
cope bingo: stealing images
I did! But using a bot program that checks grammar to "prove" how smart he is while making a post full of grammatical errors is a new one.

I think the machine is learning!
He is college eduated and came onto the internet before twitter, youtube, and reddit lowered everyone's IQ.
That just means he was born retarded.
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>been looking at 3D printed heads
>barely any TES stuff
Damn I wanted a dawnguard helmet
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Not sure if anyone here has played it, but what would be the best parts and pieces to make the 4 castle crashers? If paint is required that’s fine

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