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Stuff like this makes me wonder, if toys were alive Toy Story style, would bootlegs like these resent their own existence?
I imagine they'd be just foreign counterparts or retarded. their self-worth would be dependent on their owners. Also would like to see how Sid's Toys turned out later
>Did you just mention
I in fact, did.

>I imagine they'd be just foreign counterparts or retarded.
They all go around speaking with wildly stereotypical Chinese accents.
I probably should have made the point of the thread clearer. We're discussing specifically knock-off toys (which are usually Chinese).
...Anon, have you been drinking again?
You rape Kids ChungusPedo and should hang yourself
I wonder if the bootlegs would only speak Spanish
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remember what they took from you
>people think there was a Toy Story 4
How would Toy Story rules interact with model kits? Half-assembled model kits in particular.
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the plamos would just complain that they aren't finished. the sprued ones would still be alive too but in funny ways
Isn't the plot of 5 that toys are being overshadowed by technology?
Kino toy story 6 plot
Yes but how is that relevant to the video?
I wish Mahoako got articulated figures.
In just imagining classic bootlegs like MOK-KOS or Sader asking someone to end their suffering. Feels sad.
Like it was said previously, for the most part their self-worth would depend on how much their owner loves them or hates them, but the very fragility of that aspect of their lives as toys is a recurrent theme of the movies.

I can only assume most of them won't give a shit until they're hit with the character development event of being abandoned/destroyed
Even if I don't care that much about Toy Story, I have a rule to never use a toy intended to be male and custom it into one intended to be female. It's too cruel.
what if they're happy in their retard existence, huh anon?? They're doing their best. They just want to be loved.
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Tiger Man's constant expression of existential crisis due to not being an actual He-man figure would be the inspiration if I was writing the script.
Kind of like how Rex was a pussy that felt he couldn't live up to being the most fearsome dinosaur, but with more Eeyore levels of depression.
The art style utilized in these "story boards" do alot to lay out just how pozzed pixar's become over the last decade.

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