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I want a good Tarzan figure, highly posable, and looks good in most any pose achievable.

What options are there? Or is it best to make a custom? If best to make a custom, what are the best naked/nearly naked human male figures I could find?
Disney is barely tolerable if no other option exists, but I would prefer a more "live action" look.

And yes I am aware of masturbation action Tarzan.
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A custom is your best bet unless you want to hold out for a Mezco or Frazetta GirlsxIcon Collectibles Tarzan. The RomankeyxCowl male blank would be pretty good as a base, especially if you want more intense poses, but I don't know about a good head sculpt that wouldn't be custom work.
Well, that's a start at least! I'm sure I can get a loin cloth for that figure, trick would now be giving him some "scars" and a good head, any idea or info on possible heads?
As I look I realize I'd need two or three heads, maybe four, one neutral, one scream/yelling, one smiling, and maybe one snarling.
Anyone got suggestions for sourcing a loin cloth or head for the suggested RomankeyxCowl male body?

Also, how pale is the white flesh color? I'm not sure between the white and the "yellow"/tanned color which would be better.
Doesn't Tarzan mean something along the lines of light skinned? Because he's a white baby adopted by Black people or gorilla's or something.
He's "the great white ape" so, yeah, a nigure won't do.
It means "white skin" in the tongue of the mangani
I never expected so many /toy/ soldiers to be as big as fans of ERB but we're kind of boned. There arent alot of good tarzan figures. Outside of the vintage MEGO and Mattel figures, it's all disney shit.
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>still no good posable Disney Tarzan for some reason
WTF TÜRK??????
Disney brain rotted fool.

Disney Tarzan is one of the worst Tarzan tales done.
Maybe in the future Four Horsemen will do Tarzan for their Figura Obscura line, I'm kind of shocked there's really not much Tarzan out there.
Same, I wonder if it's difficult to work with ERB estate or something. It really feels like we should have a Tarzan or John Carter by now.
This would be the best outcome. There's a ton of Tarzan media in the public domain as is too, just this year the Hal Foster strip began lapsing. The four horsemen could go hog wild with Tarzan and Carter both. A figure obscurs barsoom line would really be amazing.
From an outside perspective they seem really cunty in the same way the Doyle estate has been for the last 70 odd years. They've trademarked the name "Tarzan" despite the character having spent nearly a century in the public domain. They also refuse to reprint alot of classic tarzan comics for whatever reason but at the same time they'll invest in making original comics following the adventures of Jane Porter or Dejah Thoris.
Copyright mafia, they lost their chance to close it all up before this modern era, so they're determined to cling to what they do have rights to for their shareholders sake.
This does make me wonder, what would be a good Jane figure? I figure she'd need flexible hair and good if not equal to Tarzan's articulation, but would it be more fitting for her to have some torn Victorian dress clothing or a similar "animal skin" look to Tarzan? Short hair, long hair, what color hair, etc?

I guess part of Jane would be picking an era to be based in, but like, the other aspects seem to be the troublesome aspects.

Heck, part of the trouble for a good Jane is deciding how scratched/scarred/sunburnt she should be, given that Jane would join Tarzan in washing via rivers and lakes.
every year they lose more ground. that is the only upside to the whole mess. if they were atleast good stewards of ERB's works I'd respect them but all of their decisions reek of incompetent greed. remember that god awful sony film? the disney john carter flick? the netflix tarzan and jane cartoon? all them, all equally shit, and all because they dont care who they lease out their rights to so long as they get a big payday. It's as bad as the seuss and tolkien stuff.
see those are the sort of details more creatives should prioritize when working with these characters. ideally I would like to see a tarzan line that covers all the most iconic incarnations of the character, like what boss fight has done with popeye and the other KFS heroes upto this point. We could have a hal foster series, a filmation series, another line that takes more after the books, and a few different tv and movie figures here and there. the book line could stand to include a handful of different jane variants based on the titles they pull from. a victorian jane modelled after the first book, a jungle jane from subsequent titles, etc. John Carter and Dejah could be handled in much the same way.

In the event that all this pays off what Id kill for most is a huge tree house playset for to house the two of them along with various jungle companions.
I kinda want to use actual tree stuff for Tarzan figures like bonsai and random sticks with thin twine to be "vine rope" and maybe thin branches for the vines he swings on.

My main trouble would be that, ideally, I'd have a scaled down Lincoln logs set to be able to build the tree house and then glue and wrap twine where it would hold the place together, but I think Lincoln logs would be overly large and thick to be "jungle wood"

I have no idea if there even is an articulate ape to pair with him for cheeta/book chimp friend, but king Kong can be any big apes I want.

Maybe this could be a fun project for y'all make a Tarzan display with toys that fit the concept.

I would really like a good Jane figure who would be the designer of the jungle tech.
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Boss Fight Studio's HERO H.A.C.K.S if you want a 4inch figure
looks great akshually
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Customize a marvel legends Kazar
Hm, that could be a suitable resource, thank you.
Original isn't suitable for harvesting resources beyond the knife.

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