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is there an R/C general? because there should be.
post ur stuff!
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Any cool rc convertibles for 1/12 scale figures?
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There's usually a thread in /diy/ but it's mostly drones. I've got a couple Tamiya kits I need to finish with paint and a few crawlers to tweak so they'll run better. Also need to paint and assemble a body for my SCX24 made entirely out of aftermarket parts.

Most shells are lexan due to the light weight and impact resistance, but there are some "hard body" shells for crawlers since they don't really have to worry about high speed crashes. 1/12 isn't a super common scale for them, but there are a few. RocHobby makes a (discontinued )1941 Jeep and a Kubelwagen, and FMS has a Land Rover and a Toyota FJ45. These are all RTR (ready to run) so all you'll need are batteries for the controller.
Any recommendations for either an RC Blimp or hot air balloon?
Some anons tried a few times to make a rc general but they failed to find an audience
I was one of those guys... My OP picture was a helicopter. The diy group also has crawlers and buggies. I am the only airplane and helicopter guy (I wish there was somebody that on here that I could talk to).
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y helo thar
Hello. I actually have not had a helicopter in years, but I have seriously been considering getting an M1 or T-Rex 150 and adding a scale head and a body kit eventually. I need the money first, however.
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M1 is great. perfect for backyard flying.
haven't gotten into scale yet, but it's on the list. TC's M500 from magnum PI would be sweet
I've only seen the novelty type, basically a helium balloon with a simple motor and prop
Sweet. I was looking at the bodies by a company called Heli Scale Quality, but most are made for Blade products, but their MD-500 is for M1 and M2 depending on the size ordered.

I personally want a M.A.S.H Bell 47.
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Got paint for my scx24, going to post it when it's done.

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