A thread for all toys Prehistoric related. previous thread: >>11218952
Nanmu's Vastatosaurus has great balance, but the neck articulation is way worse than their previous figures. I really hope they fix it with the Indominus.
Based dinosaur thread
After years of searching up and down Ebay and other places, I finally managed to get my hands on Bullyland's Paratypothorax alongside their Mastodonsaurus and Arizonasaurus. My long, long hunt is finally over.
I know Vastatosaurus is supposed to be a direct descendent of Tyrannosaurus, but the three fingers, really make it look like it convergently evolved gigantism from a different liniage of more basal Tyrannosauroid, like maybe a Dryptosaurid or Alectrosaurus.
>>11286672>Jurassic World Dominion if Tyrannosaurus was designed during the Trevorrow movies, but Giga was in the original trilogy.
>>11286676It sucks that Pachyrhinosaurus uses the same body as Xenoceratops i'd get one to use as a stand in for Feructus if it were smaller
>>11286683unfortunately none of the currently available Kongs are the right size to go with Vastatosaurus.
>>11286546Congrats, anon!
>>11286546He cute
>>11286672Damn they did a really good job with the size. I'm used to dinosaur figures not being actually the size they are meant to be
>>11285497>>11286672Thanks for the pics anon. Bummer about the neck but still one of my favorite dino designs. Do you have a heckin 1/12 figure you could stand next to him for a scale pic?>>11286546this is so goddamned based
HOT TAKE: Dinosaurs are pretty cool.
>>11287949A controversial opinion, but one that i must agree with
>>11286546Congrats on your journey, anon!
>>11285497Dude looks so good but I really can't decide on the red one or this one. Same goes for the raptor.
>>11287947I don't collect a lot of 1/12 figures. But here his the Figuarts Yamato (she's a giant she's not really a good representative for the scale), Snail Shell Bunny Girl Eileen, Figma 416, and Figma Iowa.>>11288336Yeah the paint work and sculpted detail are excellent. They still have the problem with paint chipping though. Seems like with each release they get better, but my Vastatosaurus still has a pretty bad ship on his neck that I'm probably gonna have to color in at some point in the future.>Same goes for the raptor.I'm still debating on whether or not to get the JP/LW raptors. they've got improved articulation and different hands than the JPIII raptors, but I've never been that big into the JP raptors
How long are we gonna have to wait to get Hammond Collection figures of the rebirth versions of the dinosaurs? I'm looking forward to Spinosaurus. Such that we aren't getting more feathered dromies though.
>>11288390>Girls, Guns and DinosaursBased
>>11288415What the hell is that sauropod?
>>11288475Remembered that i have a black Collection robot for some reason so here is a western figure compared to the Vastatosaurus. Probably too big to ride the Rex, but he makes a good mount for smaller 1/12 figures like 416.>>11288744Titanosaurus apparently
Any amateur/hobbyist paleontologist here willing to comment on the accuracy of the JW Diplodocus?I know that the Dreadnoughtus is rated quite highly, while Apatosaurus and Mamenchisaurus were not accurate.
>>11288997Seems perfectly allright if you ignore the feet. Something i find very cool about Diplodocus is that it is actually known to have had that row of spikes on its back
>>11288945>>11288390Thanks! I'm not much on 1/12 either, but gonna get one of these to pair with the upcoming mezco doc savage, I'm going to mod him into a 1/12 Xenozoic Jack Tenrec and this will make a decent enough Hermes.
What do you guys think of the HC Scutosaurus? personally i really like it. I find it very cute
>>11288415What the fuck is that Rancor looking thing?
>>11291729I think that I hate how fucked Mattel's distribution is, because every time I try and order this fucker on Amazon he's out of stock