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Well /toy/, I finally did it. I finally trashed all the boxes for my import figures. It was four extra large moving boxes worth of just boxes and plastic. All gone now. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel. On one hand it's liberating getting rid of them. On the other though, I have massive anxiety about accidentally having left an accessory in a box or that I'll one day want to sell my collection only to not be able to get a good price for it since I got rid of all the boxes. They're my imports, mostly DBZ Figuarts. I already trash boxes for western figures.

Pic isn't mine, just a random one I got from Google. What have you guys done with yoru boxes?
Good for you. People will cry about resale value, but ultimately you're still likely to get what you paid for back unless a new release makes it completely obsolete , and even then if you live your life thinking of what you could've gotten for resale, you'll drive yourself nuts.People buy expensive dinners and video games knowing it's a transitive purchase they won't get money back on. Under $100, it's not really worth sweating these purchases.
I used to keep boxes too, i still will if its got nice art, but mostly i just collapse the ones i want and recycle the rest. I wouldnt expect my collection to bring much so i just keep them for me. The hardest thing i had to dump were the pplastic blisters for motu origins as some times they have neat stickers.
If you buy toys without a firm intent to keep it forever you shouldn't be buying toys. That's how you end up retarded and stupid and hoarding boxes that take up space because you're worried about money down the line and you don't even know if you'll be alive long enough to list your dumb collection. You should only sell things when a new version that is improved comes out and even then no you shouldnt. Take your toys out of the boxes, trash the boxes and play with your goddamn toys. If you need money get a better job. Be glad your shitty home doesnt look like a swap meet stall full of articulated toys that will never be articulated because you decided the cardboard was more exciting or valuable.
I still keep the majority of my import boxes, but have been customizing a lot more over the last couple of years and the second any part of the figure has something to it that can't be 100% undone, the box is gone. It's a combination between "But the VALUE" and being able to at a glance see that yes in fact every single piece of the figure is in the box, but I'm slowing moving toward that tackle/bead box life.
Did you mix plastic and carboard?
i trash all boxes except for high end toys like chogokins or things too fragile to store without the clamshells
no regrets
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Trashed a lot of them but I still kept a couple because I haven't invested in a proper container. My main issue is actually the larger ones like pic related. I haven't gotten rid of the box and I see it as my weakness because if I need to swap it out my display cabinet (very limited display space), I don't have any place to store it unless I buy a container specifically for this and the Batmobile. These two are the first and only large vehicles I ever bought, so I'm unprepared. I might buy one more (Nolan tumbler) but that's not gonna be for a long time.
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Card packaging like pic related actually encourages me to dispose them asap.
yeah this sort of stuff i dont keep at all, retro cards like that display well but im not going through the effort to try to hide cutting them open
I've kept a handful of on card figures due to nostalgia. I have the Black Series Power of the Force II carded Luke and Hand still on card, a second TAS Spidey to keep on card, and a Black Series B1 Battle droid on the TPM card since all those are homages to some of my most played with toys as a kid. I don't keep other retro style cards, just the ones specifically from my own childhood because of nostalgia, and the cards are easy enough to just file away in a folder.
I think its fine to keep boxes for stuff like that, or for really expensive figures (Chogokins like the anon above mentioned). They're hard to store when you want to put them away.
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Saw this and wondered why no one's made third party containers specifically for MLs and Macfarlenes. Feels like an untapped market. This one apparently is a photo keeper and box set.
I kept most of my boxes for years, but after moving a few times and realizing they were literally just taking up space I finally got rid of most of them. Now I very rarely keep boxes, though I'll still save some cardbacks if they're nice enough. Thankfully most toy packing these days is boring, plain and dull so they're easy to toss. But my Haslab Deathsaurus box is so nice I actually keep it in my room on quasi display.

I have two of those for piles of accessories, they're nice but kinda fiddly and I couldn't imagine having to get enough for each and every ML or other figure I have. I'm at a point where most of my figures just go into giant bin piles with my ML and other hasbro lines getting stuff in those cheapo plastic draw organizers.
I keep my import boxes more for protection of the figures' accessories and easy packing in a potential move than resale value. I've got my domestics' accessories in a tackle box and even though I barely move it, I've already noticed a bit of paint rub on certain things, so I don't want that happening with my imports.
Here's the thing, bud:
1. I got rid of 99.9% of my Lego boxes. Still have the manuals in one big box and it is a heavy box. I only kept the boxes to the 4 sets I have that are over $300.

I do not miss any of the boxes. I do not remember any of em being that good to look at.

2. If you ever sell anything, yes, you'll probably get less because of the boxes. But there's the thing, there are more people out there willing to buy your item BECAUSE it's cheaper than a fully boxed item. Someone might not even want the box after you ship it (I have tossed several Lego boxes of retired sets after getting them off eBay).
boxes only matter when they're unopened you dingus
Some I keep, most I do not. Most import boxes aren't especially worth keeping for any reason but resale value. They're almost always cheap, flimsy, and uninteresting to look at. Hasbro's packaging is a lot more collectible and often more sturdy (TVC and Black Series), though I don't keep that either despite appreciating the design work. I understand wanting to keep everything, but import boxes are as utilitarian as the box Cap'n Crunch comes in -- and those boxes at least have a word search of something on the back.

Accessories can be tossed in sandwich bags without much fuss 90+% of the time. Figures can be wrapped in bubble wrap or even just sheets of tissue paper to avoid paint rub on anything too delicate.
>What have you guys done with your boxes?
I keep them. But if I wanted to get rid of them, I would sell them on ebay. Some people want the boxes since they may have gotten the figures loose, so I make a little money and don't have to see them trashed or ruined.
>They're almost always cheap, flimsy, and uninteresting to look at. Hasbro's packaging is a lot more collectible and often more sturdy (TVC and Black Series), though I don't keep that either despite appreciating the design work. I understand wanting to keep everything, but import boxes are as utilitarian as the box Cap'n Crunch comes in -- and those boxes at least have a word search of something on the back.

I've thought the same thing-basic Japanese figure boxes are pretty unexciting, but I feel inclined to keep them due to value and ease of storage, where as American packages are more interesting but destroyed once opened in a lot of cases. I care more for a box if it's got original art on it, it makes it feel unique,where as basic toy photos or merchandising art is just boring.
Any given model kit has a nicer box than any Figuarts or Figma and those are entirely worthless and meant to be thrown out once the kit is assembled
There are some boxes I admittedly need to throw away... but some I keep incase I wanna put my thing back in it or if it has extra stuff I keep it in there so I dont lose them. Easier to organize extra parts and what not for me since I have something visual to go off instead of some random bin
>mostly DBZ Figuarts
You won't get a good price for them due to how common they are and how newer versions keep coming out
I like these but they get glued down so i just end up ruining the art no mwtter how i try to cut it off. I honestly prefer these to boxes and wish more came like this, the file cards on classified retro figures are nice and thick when you cut them off.
I used to keep some boxes because I liked how they looked. At one point though my wife made a snide comment about keeping empty boxes, and I felt kind of dumb. Trashed em all the next day. I hindsight, keeping the boxes was kind of dumb. No gripe with people who like to keep them though. You do you fellow anons.
Next time make a comment back about how much of X she makes sit unused despite being excited at the time buying it.
I keep the boxes for toys I buy only for a week after I open them. Then, if I feel even the slightest buyer's remorse I keep it, knowing fully well it will be the first to be sold when I decide to sell unwanted stuff in order to free up space. But if it's something I genuinely love even after the initial high that packaging goes straight to the bin.
Yes, like bootlegs. Now fuck off.
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Good for you, OP.
Trash is trash.

That said, i keep boxes that have nice art on it. If a box just has pictures of a toy or has shit art on it, i'm already flattening it while taking the toy out of the box and putting that shit in the recylcing bin. Accessories are all put into craft bins or tackle boxes.

All boxes i keep, most of it i just flatten and put into a bin. So out of over a thousand toys i own, the dozens (hundreds?) of boxes i've kept fits in a single plastic box. Very little stays whole, but i also have kept maybe a dozen toys in box out of laziness.

I have a shit load of card art, thanks to Hasbro hiring amazing artists. I wish more toy companies spent the extra nickel to make stuff like this more common. Even the backs can be a giant nostalgiatrip, because you can find all the toys that came out that year/wave from when you bought your toy.
Absolutely this
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>tfw you threw away all the boxes for your toys/figures, but now you need to convert your home studio/office into a nursery and need to pack and move your collection to the basement.

Best, most efficient way to do this? It’s mostly vinyl Q-posket figures, blind box figures and prize figures, but it’s still a pain. It’s also a little disheartening to move everything to the basement but it’s for a baby so… It also feels like I’m giving up parts of my identity, but I’ve heard every parent goes through that type of sacrifice.

We have a loft area that connects the staircase to the bedroom hallway but that space is used as an entertainment area with video games/consoles/amiibos, blu rays/dvds, comic books, sports and music memorabilia, etc. We’re probably going to pack and move all that stuff too so I can set up my office space there.

Hopefully we’ll have a bigger house in the future, but for now, we gotta make do with the 2 bedroom townhouse we have.
printer paper, wrapping them up, and just shoving each one into a plastic bin.

vinyl is kinda shit when it comes to paint coming off, so wrapping them is important.
Searches I did in 2023 still pop up listings for empty boxes; I don't doubt that you have sold some, I mean, I'm an idiot who buys branded display base stands, so there's a market for everything, but some of the other idiots trying to get something like $5 or worse, $10 for an empty box are just smoking crack. That all said, I don't buy thus don't search for imports.

There's a very few that have decent art and I can keep just that one piece, not an entire box. I have kept a few sheets because I want to scan them or photograph them to save information like who was the sculptor. I wasn't doing this because you could find it on line, but now that people are not monetize that crap and it's all being done as You Tube videos, it's worth it to save that information somewhere else.

most get tossed. i keep some for transport, especially for figurines and statues. for articulated toys, it's just worthless crap.

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