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>"Yeah bro, I customize figures"
>Uses shoe polish as "weathering"
>Sculpts with sculptee or greenstuff on Marvel Legends or Titan Heroes
>No Sanding
>No priming
>"Vallejo paint? Nah bro it's fine, I just picked some up paint from Walmart."
>Hot glues fabric to plastic
>No Clear Coat
>acrylic paint + alcohol for blacklining
>uses mr.hobby mr.super clear matte spray
"Gundam marker? Nah, micron is good enough."
what's wrong with using that? i use it on my custom Nendos and it's what they company uses for their prototypes. it's also the only matte paint i've found that doesn't leave whiteish powder on the figure
What's the difference?
Nothing, it's based. Customize toys how you wanna do it and don't listen to the faggots who criticize your favorite pieces. The methods that work for you, work for you.
Why pay for paint when you can just mix paint together and get the same results?
use paint thinner ? Nah thank bro, I'm just gonna put the pencil in the paint directly
wait what's wrong with greenstuff
Literally nothing.
Faggot is trying to be elitist cuz it is
Sounds like that line about green stuff upset you greatly
NTA but greenstuff tends to cure slightly rubbery and sharp edges often become softened after curing. That said, mixed 1:1 with Milliput or Apoxie Sculpt it becomes much better behaved.
Can I do just milliput?
You can but it has the opposite problem, it's quite brittle and crumbly, and also not great to work with. Mixing the two putties gives the best of both worlds; the ease of use and durability of Greenstuff and the detail retention and hardness of Milliput.
So if I buy the Tamiya japanese thing I could skip the mixing step?
Probably, I've actually never used Tamiya putty but I hear it's good.
Well now I'm glad this thread exists before I just used milliput to make my custom yugioh monster figures
>wake me up when your testicles drop
>" I don't need any fancy tools or paints. All of my masterpieces were achieved with head swaps between Hasbro figure lines."
OP here. Not being elitist, I unironically love that people customize their own way and think even some of the worst customs are still based.
may I see the splendid result?
>boil 'n' pop limbs
>here's my custom, bro
What's greenstuff?
2-part epoxy putty used for sculpting.
it objectively is though
most western paints suck
>>Hot glues fabric to plastic
That's exactly what the factories do too.
what is the consensus on spray painting figures that you want to change the main color of, then painting the remaining details

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