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If Elon doesn't by Hasbro and Hasbro goes under, is Transformers over as we know it?
No, Takara would still own the IP. But only in Japan.
I imagine someone would buy the IP after Hasbro is liquidated.
Elon isn't buying Hasbro.
TakaTomy does exist as an entity in Murrica right?
Yes, but just as Tomy.
>is Transformers over as we know it?
god i fucking hope so

t. transformers fan
Why would Elon buy Hasbro?
1) Licensing issues. Cybertruck, Optimus, the list goes on.
2) He's a fan of the brands. He posted horse memes and gi joe memes before, and says he's a DnD fan (which I can believe desu)
3) The brands are underutilized and butchered by retarded Hasbro/Paramount execs boomers, but you can make a ton of money with them. I don't think he doesn't see that.

I think the toy market wants the brands but not the useless baggage hasbroke brings with it; the megadebts, the useless boomer execs, the unsold merch, the list goes on. They could declare bankrupcy any day now, literally two more weeks
>Hasbroke merch not available in brick-and-mortar retail, or shoved in the back; rumors say retailers hate Hasbroke because they keep shelf space where nothing is selling, hurting their businesses.
>Not portrayed prominently in online retail
>Only gambling Monopoly app makes money
>All brands in the gutter
>Shareholders doing a joint lawsuit against the company for lying about the unsold merch
>Stock value artifically high because boomer clowns look at numbers on spreadsheets but have no idea what the firm if actually doing
He's a retard who throws money around.
Cocks is giving us a masterclass of sucking a company dry while playing the shareholders for complete fools. Is he /ourguy/?
It's a threat to try and force them to stop being woke. Buying hasbro would pretty much kills LGS' though. MTG players would quit in droves and most game shops can't handle any lost business.

Who cares about that retarded shit
The lgs that the anon mentioned.
Transformers has been mishandled for like a decade and it's been a parade of failures since AOE (which was liquid shit, but still made tons of money)
Hasbro is full of braindead faggots who have no idea what they're doing.
No, he's a fucking moron who needs the luigi treatment
>he's a fan
He's a fan of literally everything all the time forever, anon.
He's a fan of Twitter, he's a fan of Diablo, he's a fan of PoE, he's a fan of China, he's a fan of Trump, he's a fan of Biden, he's a fan of Overwatch, he's a fan of halo, he's a big fan of Deus Ex, he's a fan of anything and everything as long as it keeps him in the zeitgeist, holy fuck man, his words don't mean shit, quit huffing the fucking copium and snap back to the real world for a fucking moment, Jesus christ
>wow based billionaire really cares and is relatable! So based, so real!
How many fucking times are people going to fall for this shit, man?
elon is too busy exerting alpha dominance over orange jesus to give a fuck about your plastic fetish, son
I hope elon byes earth.
To import more Decepticons so Earth can WIN!
And if Elon buys Hasbro, it will go bankrupt instantly. He only ever cares about money, never the material stuff. And SpaceX? A scam. A scam, I tell you!
I'm pretty sure Takara would get first dibs at buying out Hasbro's share to obtain sole ownership if Bain Capital gutted Hasbro though. I don't know for sure if they do, but if I was negotiating a contract about joint ownership, it's something I would have pushed for.
I think that was what was meant by someone buying the IP as soon as Hasbro goes under. They would only buy the brand and then make their own thing. No one is going to hire the people that tanked the previous company.
Thing is, when Musk does it, it actually does not seen like a venture capitalist looking to bank on a growing trend or take advantage of popularity for a quick dollar.

It actually looks like a big fat nerd who desperately wants to se seen as cool jumping in on what he thinks the general population sees as cool. Hoping he can be hip and cool too.
I don't think he is interested in or even humoring the idea of buying Hasbro.

If anything he would wait until Hasbro goes under and then buy the 2-3 IPs he is personally interested in when all the Hasbro properties are being auctioned off by a liquidator.

After that he would license it out to whatever cheap manufacturer out there to actually make the products.
It would be a waste. Hasbro has already damaged the brand with their DEI bullshit, noticable drop in quality, and bullshit high prices. Plus their contract with Disney guarantees they'll be producing Star Wars and Marvel shit no one wants for years to come to guarantee a loss every single year.
I want Elon to buy LEGO and bring back Bionicle instead.
>People actually believe Musk likes anything other than making money and sucking his own cock because his dad loved fucking kids more than him
Can't believe people are still getting worked by the "Musk will buy ___" shit. He's just trolling and making threats.
tabletop and tcg games became an absolutely massive part of hasbro's revenue in the past ten years anon.
He would just fire everybody and hire corner cutting pajeets
Which is DESU something I can see him do. I doubt he'll do it since he's too busy cozying up to OrangeManBad (tm). But the company is pretty dead right now, he could make a little profit from it if he wished.

But anons... it'd be funny as hell which is why I want it to be true.
I'm convinced this board is composed of sub 80 IQ jeets and chinks. The amount of stupidity here is unreal.
Do you think Elon is hiring h1bs to shitpost?
I think it isn't ''yay Elon will make everything great :DDDD'' posting but ''it'd be funny as hell'' and ''Cocks already fucked up, it can't get worse, so why not''
Is it really a threat if the company is fucked if he doesn't do it?
Either way, it comes off as fucking retarded.
I am not an Elon fanboy, but what is the worst that can happen? I mean, the whole thing is disintegrating as it is.
>3) The brands are underutilized and butchered by retarded Hasbro/Paramount execs boomers, but you can make a ton of money with them. I don't think he doesn't see that.

>Honestly believing Elon knows how to make money

He was legally forced to buy twitter for more than it was worth btw
>gf Arcee leaves him for Chad FtM Springer superior Triplechanger big dick
>has gigantic mid-life meltdown

this actually tracks lol
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Yeah bro, elon is such a fan of things. A real true fan that you want in charge of anything creative. What a fan.
Musk can't float the fifty grand it would cost to buy 4chan, why do you think he can buy Hasbro?
Why do you need to be constantly so mindnroken about the US of A AthenaCreep?
>Hurdur Elon is only le bad and le evil and hurdur
OrangeManBad Derangement Syndrome in action.
>Oh noes you must be Elon bootlicker then!
Only for simpleton minds like yourself. I don't trust the guy, but it'd be hilarious if he bought it for the sake of shits and giggles. Firm is dead anyway.
I think Hasbroke will file for chapter 11 in 2 MORE WEEKS. Hear me out.
>Cancelled videogame for Transformers after pouring dozens of millions into it, just like that
>Cancelled horse show right before christmas
>Getting sued by shareholders for lying to them
>Everything else is going to shit
Perfect time to pull the plug.

>Cancel it directly after new year so you don't have to list it as Q4 but rather Q1
>Cocks gets more bonuses
they cancelled the horse show?
G6, the pilot for that looked so bad it made G3 look like a masterpiece so they shot it out back but it still leaked to the public
They cancelled G5 last october because all the little girls didn't give a fuck and the horsefuckers didn't care either. Nobody bought the merch and ratings were abysmal. Then they leaked some concepts for G6 that were so bad they canned them when they learned the response from the audience.
No, some other company will buy the IP if Hasbro goes under and more likely Hasbro won't go under. Elon is a gigantic fucking retard and him buying Transformers would kill it immediately.
>Bronies killed MLP as a brand by not buying a product that didn't appeal to them

brilliant work anon
It is the only thing at hasbro making any fucking money, bro. They'd be bankrupt without it. It is solely what drives their profits. Toys dropped off after covid. DND is not as monetizable as MTG.
Bronies made the brand successful and then when they amputated their peripheral demographic the brand tanked. Numbers do not lie
Autism: the post
Hi Athena
Sup Jin, jerk off to underage sinno nudes you took when you fucked her, as usual?

>bronies offshoot from furries
>Furries are babyfucking pedo freaks who love rape and accepted a pedo jew as president

>Trump's Deranged Supporter thinks he is flawless and placed in by godjesus

>If it isn't nazi its woke therefore bad!
Reminder this poster is in his 40’s and has multiple dead cats
Singapore lost
Bronies are quite literally responsible for the massive influx in AI voices, a group on the board attempting to recreate voices drawing the interest of the individual (also a bronie) who would then make eleven labs.
Before that they had that fighting game built with the skullgirls engine, among other things.

I have no love for furries, bronies, or other such scum, but to say they make nothing besides memes is ignorance at best and cope at worst. Pretending people you don't like haven't done anything because you don't like them is the behavior of a child.
Those-we-shalt-not-speak-of notwithstanding, G4 was quite popular with the little kids and that slowly cratered with the more dumb shit Hasjew pulled. G5 was so impopular it might as well not have existed.
>Bronies are just so wholesome and kino and are kicking so much ass they might have well invented society to begin with!

The delusions of bronies never cease to amaze me. All you'll be known for is putting a retarded pony sticker in a sattelite because your retardation needs to plaster your dumb children's show all over the place like a cancer.
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Hasjew Chapter 11 when?
Not happening as long as they have MtG autists, at most i can imagine them shuttering even more franchises.
who cares about shit american Transformers anyway?
what does this transform into?
> MtG autists
One brand won't save the entire company. MTG autists and boomers using the casino slot machine called Monopoly Go won't change that.

I think they're desperate for cash
>sell memorabilia for just 3 million

>Shut down TF game
>Shut down Pulse Asia
>Shut down MLP
>Shut down Power Rangers (in silence)
>Desperate for cash
Seems to be true.
>Despite its strengths, the company has slipped 22.8% from its 52-week high of $73.46, achieved on Oct. 1. Moreover, it has declined 21.4% over the past three months, significantly falling behind the broader Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR Fund’s (XLY) 14.4% increase over the same time frame.
>Moreover, in the longer term, HAS has gained 11.2% over the past 52 weeks, underperforming XLY’s 27% returns. Over the past six months, shares of HAS are down 2.5%, massively lagging behind XLY’s nearly 24.6% gains over the same time frame.
>On Oct. 24, shares of Hasbro dropped 6% after reporting a weaker-than-expected Q3 revenue figure of $1.28 billion, which fell 14.8% from the year-ago quarter. Its disappointing top-line figure was a result of a decline in revenues across all of its reportable operating segments. However, its adjusted EPS increased 5.5% year-over-year to $1.73 and significantly surpassed the consensus estimate of $1.31 per share.

I dont think springer has done anything, possibly ever. Guy was just there. Ultra Chadmus on the other hand...
Springer is the ultimate 7th wheel
I "could" tell you but roundeye baka gainjin would never be able to understand glorious Takara transformation. You would have to be from Nihon to fully grasp the transformation.
Whether or not Elon buys Hasbro, Transformers will die outside Japan.

>Stock analysts at (((Roth Capital))) cut their Q4 2024 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of Hasbro in a research report issued to clients and investors on Wednesday, January 15th. Roth Capital analyst E. Handler now forecasts that the company will post earnings of $0.28 per share for the quarter, down from their previous forecast of $0.34. The consensus estimate for Hasbro's current full-year earnings is $3.87 per share.
But that sounds good, right? Well... it's *basic* EPS, not *diluted* EPS. Jewspeak for: convertible debts not included. If it were diluted EPS, one would be looking at -$0.15 to $0.15 margins. And that doesn't include all the other (((trickery))) to make earnings look better than they really are.
Honestly I'm starting to wish they would go under.
Quick look on 2005 and you have faggots and cuckolds getting upset about kotobukiya girl megatron/prime etc and claiming their creepy.

You then have Hasbro who have just jacked up prices to retarded levels. A voyager costs 90 bucks now. A Voyager.
Yet their using a cheaper factory in Vietnam, using cheaper shitter plastic (which is why Netflix soundwave, classics scourge and fort max all started to discolour), giving you less plastic so you end up with hollow legs arms and torso, Pulling the premium bs on people with selects and asslab.

You end up buying a $30 toy (voyager) for $90 and then have to spend $40 on a kit to fix up all the corners cut by Hasbro + $20 on Toyhax stickers because you can no longer buy the superior Takara version.

At that point why not just buy 3rd party mps.
>3rd party

Cool bootleg you fucking piece of shit
K fag go spend 350 buckaroos on wrong scale Ginrai then
At least you can still buy Transformers. Power Rangers and horsefuckers are complaining they can't buy anything
Stop touching Kids Athena
>Ahead of the event, analysts expect HAS to report a profit of $35 per share, down 7.9% from $0.38 in the year-ago quarter.
That's even worse if you take into account inflation. So 2024 Q4 was worse than 2023 Q4.

>Despite a drop in revenue in the previous quarter, cost management and operational efficiency enabled the company to report an adjusted EPS of $1.73, exceeding the earnings expectations by 32.1%
"We fired everyone who made toys"

>Over the past year, Hasbro has underperformed the broader market due to declining revenue, negative operating margins, and a decreasing return on invested capital, all pointing to weak demand, profitability challenges, and limited growth opportunities.
>The situation worsened after the company posted its Q3 earnings report on Oct. 24, when shares dropped 6%. With a revenue of $1.28 billion, down 14.8% from the previous year, Hasbro's disappointing performance stemmed from declines across all its operating segments.

This is going to get lit
Bruh you're talking to yourself lol
If Elon doesn’t what by hasbro? Fucking ESL piece of shit.
He's an Afrikaner of Bong descent, not Dutch Boer... English *is* his first language. LMAO

Shut up this is funny as hell, Cocks is showing us a masterclass in fooling shareholders
You cackling to yourself like a retard isn't as funny as you think it is.
>ESL rambling nonsense
So this faggot is Elon right? Everyone knows he posts on 4chan because he wants to suck his own dick
They had their chance with Beast Machines

Downward spiral ever since
If Musk bought Hasbro then brought the manufacturing jobs back to the US then I'd give him respect. But I have zero faith in that happening.
Trump already imposed tariffs on Mexico: Hasbroke relies on 3 factories in Mexico. So who knows, it may be a plot to get manufacturing back to the States and with the increased oil drilling, the plastic can be made at home.
I doubt it, a lot of the factories Hasbro uses, especially in Transformers, are located in Southeast Asia, meaning they wouldn’t be affected by the tariffs

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