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Say you were in charge of a floundering value-focused toy line that had a $25 price but had many high-end alternatives. The line was not doing well, though the quality had improved somewhat since its beginning. You improved articulation compared to the poor early figures and threw in an OK amount of accessories (for the price point that is). However, it was still selling poorly enough that for the most recent wave, Amazon had to drop preorders from $25 to ~$21.50 to try to entice buyers.

First: what would you have done to try to save the line?

Now here's what they actually did:
-Increase the price to $35 so its no longer value-focused but not high-end either
-put up preorders in January 2025 for a 3 figure wave to release in 2026
-use much improved paint on one figure, slightly better paint on another, and the same style of paint as the old figures on the third
-increase the size of the figures between .2 and .4 inches
-make 3 pairs of hands standard instead of the previous 2 pairs of hands and add on average 1 extra other accessory
-say you're improving the articulation in marketing material

Second: knowing this, do you think this line recovers or nose dives even harder?
>nose dives even harder
Exclusively this. You pretty much described why already. The most important concept to introducing a new product is whether it's already being offered elsewhere or not. If it is being offered elsewhere, then the second most important thing is whether you can offer a superior version of it. There's already high quality fully articulated Gundam figures out there- Robot Damashii. Sure, they're more expensive, but the quality is so much better that most people are willing to pay more. You also have the problem that, even if the Gundam Universe line is more simplistic, it's still marketed towards adults, and that crowd can already most likely pay for the superior RD option. Hell, most of them are probably into Gunpla and just paint the damned things up anyways. Gundam Universe's problem seems to be that it thinks it's still the late 90's or very early 2000's when those old cheap MSIA Gundam figures were still being sold in the USA and super popular with kids at the time. These are basically just the updated versions of those, but kids have largely moved on from figures and other such toys in favor of digital entertainment. Figures are almost exclusively the realm of adults with money, and there's an ever increasing demand for both high quality and affordability from them. Gundam Universe objectively offers the people who would actually buy them absolutely nothing. Are you hobby-inclined? Then just get a vastly superior Real Grade kit and detail it yourself. Not hobby-inclined? Then just buy or save up for a vastly superior Robot Damashii.
If I were making this line?

>Up the scale to be straight 1/100
>Increase quality of joint durability and plastic quality
>include all proper accessories and features (i.e. beam sabre/weapon storage/moving panels etc)
>Increase range of motion/articulation to match that found in model kits of same figures
>Increase Pricepoint accordingly.

Basically, these should've been higher quality action figure versions of MG kits (or just bigger Robot Spirits). I wouldn't go so far as to make a skeletal frame with removable armor panels, but I would suggest trying to simulate that style of engineering as close as possible. While I understand the desire to have a "budget" line of figures for kids to play with, a line that celebrates a series going back 40 years really shouldn't have been it. This line was made for fans and it should've been treated as such, with decent quality figures and a play experience to match other mid ranged collector focused toylines.

I would have no problem paying more money if the final product felt like it was worth it. But as is, even at the "low" end price point these figures sold for, I never felt I got my money's worth.
>, with decent quality figures and a play experience to match other mid ranged collector focused toylines.

Like marvel legends?
>There's already high quality fully articulated Gundam figures out there- Robot Damashii

I love the few Robot Damashii I have, but I want my giant robot action figures to stand taller then 5 inches. Gundam Universe should've packed all the quality from the RD figures into a bigger frame.

And yes the model kits do exists, but an actual action figure will always be more sturdy and fun to handle then a model kit.
I was thinking more along the lines of Figuarts or something, though there are some really nice Marvel Legends coming out these days. But overall I'd say Legends is a budget line more focused on quantity of output over quality of individual figures.
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That the Metal Build lines are. Unfortunately, they're so far out of reach pricewise (and and scalped to hell) that unless you're Elon Musk you can forget about collecting them.
the sad fact is also that gundam MSIA was miles above GU in accessory count, articulation, paint, and arguably even sculpt because the GU stuff is so radically redesigned. Its a very regressive feeling line. Personally I think instead of GU Bandai should have focused on getting the main character's RDs into US retail instead. If they can sell a goku for $35 they should be able to sell a rereleased rx-78 for the same price, even if they have to cut some accessories to do it.
>RDs into US retail instead. If they can sell a goku for $35 they should be able to sell a rereleased rx-78 for

Look at this delision. Americans don't consider the brands as equal. When was the last time Gundam aired on US television? Dragonball doesn't have this problem considering the dub actors frequently make appearances at conventions.
its not about the brand being equal; it is a reused mold of an existing toy
if anything they are spending MORE money by trying to create this new line specifically for american buyers instead of just adapting their existing toys like they used to do
Why should Japan care about American? Robot Damashii is meant for the Japanese. This seems to awfully upset your feelings, when Japanese businessmen would rather sell cheaper knock offs instead of premium brands within their own markets.
>trying to create this new line specifically for american buyers instead of just adapting their existing toys like they used to do

Isn't that what P bandai America is for? Pay up little piggie. Oh too expensive? Get a job.
Yeah and this is why the line is failing? Please keep up with what we are discussing here? The people who are interested in gundam are aware there are better toys available, as selling them shit ones is not working, so perhaps maybe what they are doing needs to change?
Funny because Dragonball and Naruto and all those other dumb brands have chepo toys at retail which sell fine, maybe gundam is a dumb franchise and not even robot damashi would sell at us retail is these can't. Didn't you Americans also kill power rangers?
hello chungusfurry
already ban evading again?
35 dollars is insane for these. I got a few of the exlusive repaints on sale (RX-78 G3, Trans Am 00 Qant from Target, Gold mode God from Amazon). And honestly I wouldn't pay any more than a basic 1/144 HG costs, considering how clunky and poorly proportioned these things are.
I mean no one is buying these, so I don't particularly understand why you're defending these business decisions.
Always funny to see Americans talk a big game when it's all for nothing. You retards killed power rangers then continue to kill everything else decent in the world. Why can't Americans make their own gundam? Poor lazy?
This wave comes out June 2025 or at least the HLJ orders do. I was always against the line due to a lack of accessories, articulation and a strange size. Like, Tallgeese can't even open the super verniers and so many suits are missing basic accessories like beam sabers and shields. Freedom can't aim all 5 guns, suits with funnels can't use them. Comparing this to MSiA is an insult to MSiA. MSiA was packed to the brim with accessories and gimmicks.
These weren't meant to replace MSiA. That was Gundam Infinity, a line that came out at the same time as this one and lasted only 2 waves. It was a dogshit line that had worse articulation than MSiA, less accessories and a worthless parts swap gimmick they dropped from the wave 2 marketing.
Robot Damashii are too expensive and only make UC suits these days. It wouldn't sell well in America. All the Wing, G, Seed and 00 units are old as hell and many are expensive on the secondary market. Especially the Wing stuff.
You have to remember anon, Americans are lazy and cannot do anything right. It's why super sentai does well and power rangers died.
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>-Increase the price to $35
No fucking way
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The fuck is this non-sequitur argument? Gundam is a brand owned by a Japanese company, why would an American company make Gundam toys?
Also what difference would it make? People are just pointing out why this line failed. A superior competitor doesn't have to exist for this line to have done poorly with it's intended demographic.
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I'm pretty sure these aren't actually American toys, they are just designed to be sold to them.
Hell they even come with little clips that seem to be exclusively intended for use with Tamashii display stands. Hell, a special release of the Unicorn literally came with a special one with Gundam Universe branding right on it.
this line was doomed since the beginning as every release was garbage compared not even to RD counterparts, but to fuckng HG plamos
>Why can't Americans make their own gundam?
Because Japanese mechs are gay shit for troons, the latest gundam toon is a direct admission of this. But you'd know all about that as a brown SEAmonkey wouldn't you chungus?
It's crazy how the old msia line was superior and cheaper at like $10 outside of the giant suits and vehicles. Good times indeed
>Heck of a boomerism to be had with that wholesome nostalgia of my darn tootin childhood toys with cheaper prices, lemme tell ya

Kek, retard boomer
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All gundam toys are all the same goddamn V/W crown head character anyway on a different body. Transformers is always successful for a reason
>but an actual action figure will always be more sturdy and fun to handle then a model kit.
I actually gave this line a shot, but my main problem with it was this DIDN'T feel like it was the case. Besides being heavier, nothing about these figures felt nicer to play around with than a completed kit of around the same price. They had less accessories, frustrating articulation (usually resulting from MS being way bulkier than they should, in particular the WFM mecha an Quant) and just generally not satisfying any sort of niche you would think a completed figure would provide.
NTA but there were objective superior aspects to the MSIA line, like better accessory selection, being closer to 1/144 scale, having better articulation most the time (outside of the earlier Wing ones) and most importantly, offering a lot of mobile suits that didn't really have decent modern hits or kits at all around the time.
Action figure faggots really can never be satisfied can they?
Now that Epyon is being released finally I give this line permission to die.
No! I want a Zeta and a Ex-S!
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>offering a lot of mobile suits that didn't really have decent modern hits or kits at all around the time.
The MSiA line really gets talked about with some pretty thick nostalgia goggles; when you actually have them in your hands now you see they were not that great. But you point about the variety it had is the one positive I will agree with. It would be great for the Gundam Universe line to make some MS designs from things like F91, ZZ, Sentinel or Victory that dont get much modern love.
Anon, why is Transformers a franchise zombie currently?
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I'm not sure what the age range they're aiming for, I just assume they are aimed towards international (mainly US) markets. What I would have done from the start is basically what Bandai America did with DB, releasing slightly different version of Japan's DB Shodo line but bigger. They became like 5 inch later for DB, added Demon Slayer, etc.

For Gundam, this would be a bigger version of G-Frame conceptually, but as completed models, not so much able to be disassembled except for like the ball joints because they have to be. Not as big as GU for joint wait tolerance but HG kit size should be doable.

Frame is shared to save costs, armor parts are mostly one or two pieces each glued on, just weapon holding hands in PVC. I think they can be cheap enough like Hasble or McFarlane action figures. Something like beam sabers can all be same mold honestly, who cares how inaccurate the grips are, have round and square you covered 99% of them. Downside is they can't be for lower ages but they should be as durable as say TF toys. Same material and they have ball joints.
Hasbro, not sure how I got hasble lol
I mean, what isn't today really? Most franchises from when I was a kid seem to be on life support.
Transformers is dying?
At least it's not the same designs/characters over and over again. Yeah, that's what I said
Transformers in it's current freefall state is still healthier than it was in 96-2004 when it was considered to be in a resurgence. "Successful" at that time was being able to have more than 20 new molds a year and two lines(the second being made of repaints). These days we get like 80 new molds a year, even if half of them are cheap shit for stupid kids.
They were like 8-10 in 2000-2004, so about $15 today, which even then is very reasonable compared to what you get compared to the pricepoint today. I don't think it's just nostalgia goggles, at the price people are willing to compromise where as GU being close to prices of kits and earlier RD releases means it feels more unfavorable a comparison.
When people cite nostalgia goggles for stuff like Toy Biz, MSiA, old McFarlane, etc, I don't think they realize that price is a factor even with inflation.
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>-put up preorders in January 2025 for a 3 figure wave to release in 2026
all 3 say June 2025 release
Gundam Universe is being sold in the same place Figuarts are in US retail though, which I'd say is a problem. A line like GU would survive more with other toys like transformers where it could maybe hook kids interested in the designs. In the collector's toys area it's only attracting collectors who will just spring for RD or model kits.
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I wonder If SD Gundam toys would do better to get the interests of kids? Sturdy SD gundam toys would have less need for joints, less parts, have some musha and knights too why not. I don't know if they tried that already with SD Gundam Force and failed, hence no longer an option. But that could be blamed on the media source. I imagine SDs of regular MS like what the kits have been doing for decades would be a different story.
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Oh and also incorporate some card game aspect as well, get those group in too.
Seems like a worthwhile endeavor.
Zero and Epyon are sold out too. That cuts into the narrative of this thread.
Toys will struggle to move big numbers without successful multimedia projects. Gundam is only popular in asia, in the US it's still a niche property relative to Bandai's size
It seems like what you want is for RD to just make bigger figures. Gundam Universe was always intended to be the cheaper line even though they are bigger (thats because Americans want 6.5 inch figures, while Japanese prefer things to actually scale with the specs and to do that some mechs are going to need to be small so the bigger mechs don't destroy your wallet any more than RD does already if you buy a lot per year).
I got my first GU late last year, the Astray (hate SEED but love the design). It’s an okay figure and looks nice but year, articulation is mid at best.

The issue with the line is exactly what people in this thread said is you could find other options for exactly what you’re looking for.

That said, if they did the Kampfer in this line, I’d get it.
TV is old hat, anon, a large portion of people in the west watch streaming now. Gundams are always available streaming, there is no problem of accessibility like there was way back when TV was the only option.

It may be Mid 2025 for Japanese sites, but the BBTS preorders show early 2026 for 2 and December 2025 for Eppy. So the western stores are getting them on a delay. They also aren't sold out at BBTS.

Of course it's garbage compared to RD, GU is a budget line. And kits are a different market. These are for people who don't want to have to assemble kits. It may just be that the budget Gundam action figure niche isn't big enough to make a long, successful line out of, at least in the west. I guess the only reason GU has lasted as long as it has is due to the Japanese support, given the sell outs on Japanese sites.
What the actual fuck, they never released a Zeta ? That's such a stupid move when it's one of the most iconic design of the whole franchise besides the RX-78, Unicorn and maybe the Wing designs if you're american I guess. I don't even like the Zeta that much but they really are stupid beyond belief.
They probably think Zeta is too old but not widely iconic enough for people to recognize like RX-78, simply because RX-78 was the first and the first will always have huge notoriety.
My biggest issue with GU is some of the suits that naturally have more items, have figures that don't get the accessories. Zephyranthes not getting its shield. Nu not getting its shield or beam rifle. The figures are not bad but some of them feel incomplete.
>What the actual fuck, they never released a Zeta ? That's such a stupid move
Bandai was probably avoiding the inevitable anger from buyers thinking they bought a toy that will transform when there is no way a Zeta at that price would be transformable.
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That's just a natural consequence of setting a price point and having the figure need to come in under that price in cost to manufacture. Makes sense for a budget line. I'm ok with it, if I absolutely must have the accessory I just go for the RD. If I don't then I'm ok with getting the GU.
It depends, some metal build figures are cheaper than others.
And if you can travel to Japan they're vastly cheaper.

Certain designs like the Strike Freedom will cost you an arm and a leg regardless though.
I just wanted more G Gundam figures :(

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