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I bought a Venom symbiote blast but the retard sent it wrapped in paper instead of bubble wrap and it came broken from the ab articulation
So now I ordered two knock offs from Aliexpress (the one in the pic and a shittier one)
The thing is, I couldn't find a video that explains how to fix toybiz molds because this will be my first fix and ''custom''
I want to learn everything about custom figures, this will be my start in this world, so any help and ideas are welcome
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I did a repaint on the bootleg a long time ago....Idk what's even different from the original but I guess just transplant the parts from the bootleg to it?
Yeah that's exactly what I want to do, I forgot to write it down lmao
Sick paint job tho, what paint did you used?
There's not really any easy way to fix a broken torso joint like that. All you can do is crack the torsos open by making a small puncture in the seam and then prying it open, but that usually does a lot of damage and the halves will never go back together cleanly. So then you'll need to do some re-sculpting and painting. The easiest thing is to just return and order another and hop it isn't broken.

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