I got this little people set two weeks ago and now there's blackish greenish spots on all the yellow parts. What is that? Plastic decay? Mold? What do I do about it?
>>11294605Does it wipe away? Looks like mold to me. What does the full set look like? You can purge the muld if it isn't cardboard.
Looks really tasty, like some peppery pasta. Are you sure your toy isn't made of delicious pasta?
>>11294617The full set looks like this but only he yellow plastic has spots. It doesn't wipe away because the spots are inside the plastic. How do you purge mold
>>11294812You can see those same exact spots on all of the yellow bits in that picture; looks like it's intentional and was inserted into the plastic itself. There's nothing wrong with it.
>>11294812why the hell are you buying shit that bro
>>11294605OP are you blind? Or just dumb? You can literally see the same black dots in the plastic in this pic too >>11294812
>>11294927Probably a christcuck
>>11294605I know it's a feature and not a bug in this case but something similar can happen with soft vinyl plastics that were originally uniform. I have some figs that got similar specs resurface on them in a few places, thankfully some of them disappeared but I never thought dust particles stuck in plastic can move around to such a degree.
>>11294605Did we have a nativity thread this year? I only noticed Secret Santa general
>>11295385I don’t think we did, damn. There’s so much shittery going on people seem less and less keen on posting and contributing to creative threads, too. What’s the next themed holiday thread we could do?
>>11294812I know this is /toy/ but come the fuck on
>>11294605This is literally cheesy pasta