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I got this at a thrift shop today for 12$. I tried finding this set online but theres no trace of it anywhere despite finding the line as troll force by Toys N Things. Was this rare or something?
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Side of the box
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Back of the box
>Galaxy Warriors molds
I kneel
Can't wait for the Phelous review.
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I liked Battletrolls more myself.
This is incredible! My brother and I have been coming up with a "what if" bootleg story involving radical cavemen trolls. This is basically right on the nose right down to the Heman body.
I saw this stuff on the shelves in the late 80s right when Lionel Playworld was going out of business....

Wish we could get back to the days of a whole building dedicated to physical toys for reasonable prices
>Wish we could get back to the days of a whole building dedicated to physical toys for reasonable prices

eh, toysrus was never reasonable and only some of what KB toys had was reasonable.
Everyday i lament the demise of toysrus and i still hate this future where actual stores are dying
Sorry to derail the conversation from the Trolls but for me, I would love to open up a toy shop...

..but with all the weird people out there (I worked in KB Toys for 3 years), I just can't see how I could keep it afloat if there's theft, people being nasty, and all the other things that come with running a store.
Online is the way to go and will have to be until society undergoes some sort of big change.

I see some people on Insta doing their best but if it were me, I'd have everything behind a glass or a locked case.
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I dont blame you, people are assholes these days. I remember when i was a douchebag teen i would steal shit like 10+ years ago. Thankfully i dont do tjat anymore but the point i was trying to make is that people stealing things from stores has gotten worse imo. People are assholes especially in todays era
>never reasonable
it was like a few cents to a dollar more expensive than Wal-mart most of the time. Sometimes KB would be a few dollars more(like $12 for a deluxe TF over $10) but they also had a better chance of restocking.
You old fucks traded a shop full of toys for a shrinking Wal-mart/Target aisle that never needs to restock anymore because they have no competitors, all to save like $1 on $10 toys.
The entire domestic industry's still suffering that.
Fuck off you doom wishing faggot
>people being nasty
I have morbid curiosity to know what kind of disturbing shit happens at toy stores since I haven't been to one in over 20 years since I was a kid. Would open a thread but got nothing to share, so if any anon reading this got funny stories about toy stores please feel free to open a thread.
Same KB Toy store dude here.
Not so much disturbing but stuff that make for a fun day a work:

--One of the Store managers had a PS2 theft ring, got caught, don't know what happened but seems to be doing alright now
--Asst Manager caught stealing prepaid giftcards
--Staff dating other staff
(Meth BF proposing to staff GF in middle of store)
--(Me) getting friends to stop by during Black Friday rush and walk out with a bag of toys and games
--(Me) carrying a box full of TF Transmetals and Star Wars to my car during my break
--(Me) making the occasional Playstation game disappear to play at home
--(Me) taking home returned items to sell on Ebay or get store credit at FuncoLand or Gamestop

--Leaving their diapers and drinks in the store
--Kids taking pokemon stuff to the back of the store to open and take whatevers inside
--Mexicans and Indian fucks taking price tags off of other products and putting it on games (hoping to get $30 gameboy Mario for $10... we could figure that out by typing in the SKU or scanning and showing them)
--Weird people trying to get into the backroom in hopes of finding 'the good stuff'
--Harmless but funny 90-00s Wrestlemania and HotWheels hot heads
--Occasional Black dude pulling the race card because we always checked ID for credit card fraud

Best 3 years of my life!
I consider myself an introvert but I learned a lot from working with the other people there. Opened up a bit, learned more about people and how society works. Had to leave because we got a new store manager, he hired his lazy ghetto friends and brought the moral down enough to make it not a fun place anymore...
You crazy for doing all that shit man I mean I never worked retail but that's a lot

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