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How do you deal with plastic fumes? Long enough storage will start to affect certain paints and plastics
I just huff it. Theres nothing quite like new PVC smell
are you 3d printing something? What?
be more specific
>Sader Figma never
>we now have the power to 3D print Sader heads for figma
I like this dystopian future sometimes.
No, I just have a bunch of toys sitting in plastic bins.
I inhale all of them. Sniffing plastic figures never made me sick.
And before someone starts, no you idiots! I don’t sniff smell of chinamen from his toy factory, I use premium perfumes to get rid of chinamen smelly smells!
Plastic toys don't decompose into toxic gas, if that's what you were wondering.
A little bit of that is good for you. Help builds your immune system
I become one with them
I think the only solution is not to buy them in the first place. Once you have toys they are going to off-gas as that is what plasticizers do. Not much that can be done. One of those filtering things that remove PM2.5 from the air might help but I'm no expert so I don't know. It might not work for all I know. I'd be more worried about the health effects than its effects on other paints and plastics though.
How come toys are the only plastic thing that leaks plasticizer over time? Like, when I take TVs or VCRs that are several decades old out of storage their plastic casing is never sticky, same with old pens, PC mice and other cheap plastic crap, at worst they develop some yellowing but even that's uncommon. Yet my old Shinkis and Revos are all nasty and sticky despite being stored in the same conditions. Is it because their packaging prevents ventilation or something, has anyone tested comparisons with storing toys long term in their original plastic blister boxes or sealed containers VS storing them in an open box or some kind of ventilated environment?
Maybe a different kind of plasticizer? I imagine electronics and toys have different manufacturing requirements since one is way more likely to end up in a child's mouth than the other
It's all about the kind of plastic used. Hard plastic like ABS never gets sticky.
TVs and VCRs are likely ABS or other kinds of plastic besides PVC, as said by

PVC is what leaks plasticizer. There are also different levels of plasticizer present in PVC, so some PVC can be on the harder side and some of it can be so soft that toy reviewers call it "rubber" even though it isn't rubber. Softer, more malleable plastic has more plasticizer.
>Softer, more malleable plastic has more plasticizer.
Thank God I collect mcfarlane
Toys are the "only plastic thing that leaks plasticizers" because on /toy/, it's the most important object in people's homes.

Most other shit leaks plasticizers too. Mice, controllers, remote controls, car dashboards,... pretty much anything made of plastic. There's reports on /v/ about their controllers getting sticky, but it's largely unnoticed because people are constantly handling those controllers. Wiping the plasticizers off just by playing games before it ever builds up to a noticeable level. So the few times its reported, it's after they let their console unplayed for a year or so.

Same thing with TV remotes and your mouse. You're constantly using it and constantly wiping off the plasticizers before it builds up to a sticky mess.

Car forums have constantly brought up issues with plasticizers leaking. Shiny/wet dashboards, dashes, consoles, switches. Foggy clear plastics on the dash and headlights. Brittle handles, switches, and connectors.

OF course, plasticizers leaking is mostly a problem with AGING objects. How many people have a car that's older than ten years old? Mice? Keyboards? Controlllers? Especially now when shit is worse made. Most shit today is trashed within 5 years, so fewer people will ever experience those problems.

And if you want to slow down the aging process, invest in AC and keepign shit away from the sun. Open your toy boxes every year, to vent those plasticizers that are leaking, so that they don't build up and make it even worse. IF plasticizer touches another figure that hasn't leaked, it will cause the plasticizers on that figure to start leaking too (this damage is slow acting btw and requires long term contact).

ABS leaks plasticizers too, hence getting more brittle with age.
I have a pc monitor from 2001 that I rarely touch. But it isn't sticky when I do. My SNES isn't sticky and it's from the early 90s. It is discolored of course though. Stickiness is far more prevalent in PVC than ABS and PVC is the arena of toys, not consoles or tvs.

ABS does get more brittle though so you are right there but it doesn't necessarily coincide with stickiness.
PC monitors have special plastic blends to withstand heat, so they cost more and hold up better than most other plastics.

I have a PS4 controller that starts getting wet after a few weeks of me not touching it. Controllers almost all use ABS.
I've seen people talk about their PSPs getting sticky, and those also used ABS.
ABS is pretty common with handheld portable shit, and plasticizers increase their durablity, by giving it more bounce/stretch if it ever falls onto the ground.

Something like a PC monitor though? Way less plasticizers are used, because no one expects some guy to throw it in a fit of rage if their sports team lost.
Same thing with the SNES or Playstation. It's still tough though.

That said, I have two other PS4 controllers that aren't leaking, but have gotten brittle. I have 4 PS3 controllers that have only gotten brittle. 2 PS2 controllers that are still pristine. 1 OG PSX controller and a dual shock that are also pristine. 2 Dreamcast controllers that are still pristine. One GCN controller that's still pristine. 2 Saturn controllers that are still pristi... but you get the point, right? Old shit has held up way better than the newer stuff.

I have ipods that have gotten brittle. smartphone protectors made of ABS have gotten brittle so fucking fast, which made me realize that they're all just shit and i just use those $2 silicon ones now.

I think toys use better plastics than electronics and other consumer goods, probably because they have to pass safety regulations. The only toys I've bought in the past 25 years that have had plasticizers leak are my LotR Toy Biz figures, and i bought those mint on card just 4-7 years ago. My oldass ToyBiz MLs are still in great shape, aside from an Omega Red whose metallic red dulled. My 90s and 00s GI Joes are still perfect. My 90s and 00s McStatues are in perfect shape. Even my 00s Revoltechs are still like new.
anything from the 10s, i think it's too early to say.
Would activated charcoal bags absorb plasticizers?
a simple tissue can absorb plasticizers, but most of it just lays on the surface of the toy.
You can wrap toys in printer paper to save other figures if you'd like

Newspaper works too, but then you have wet ink to deal with too.

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