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big dick grayson edition


previous: >>11286565

February - Spinmasters Batman Forever retro wave
March/April - McFarlane Power Girl, Captain Cold, Guy Gardner, Wildcat

2025 - Spinmasters 6 inch remastered Total Justice
2025 - McFarlane Zatanna and Maxima of Almarac in the works
>Spinmasters 6 inch remastered Total Justice
This is made up btw
To date there's only been one verified leaker that lurks DC general and all his leaks have been mcfarlane. Spin master can not sell articulated 6 inch DC figures per licensing agreement.
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This is the extent of articulation spin master can use at 6 inch scale. So shut the fuck up you lying faggot.
You were supposed to add this to the OP… you said you would. You have one job in making the thread and you’re not even doing it right. Releases and leaks need to be in there for everything coming out.

Maybe limit what's actually in the OP to like the 10 most recently announced things, regardless of line/company, just most recent, and the regulate everything else to the pastebin. Or you can have a checklist on imgur like the Marvel thread does it.
Scalpers are desperately buying up every bvs armor Batman on Amazon to flip. Bold strategy for one of the only mcfarlane figures that got a normal production run.
He's too big, people said 1/10th is too big, now imagine what they think about 1/6th
Lotta loyalty for hired guns.
Are these even confirmed or is this just some schizo wishlist?
Those are actual leaked listings
So no proof. Got it.
They're only rumors. Sometimes they happen, sometimes some get scrapped like the Harley's Hyena or Red X rumors
Oh so you're a retard faggot. Got it.
Rumor has it that the rumored Batman 89 wave is rumored to be canceled
Rumor is we all eat plastic. Allegedly.
Technically everyone on earth does due to microplastics being in everything, especially food packaging and it's found in over 95% of people's bloodstreams
Damn, Neil Gaiman is a rapist. McFarlane Won
this is my favorite robin of all time
missed out one the one i wanted in the 90's
what's a good 1/12 scale version of him? so far i only found mcfarlane :(
As much as I hate mcfarlane on an ethical level in regards to his business business practices I respect him for being fully committed to his wife since being teenagers.
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Snagged some more of the blind bag figures, any word on wave 2?
Things are transpiring at this very moment

As always. Teflon Todd remains unshakeable while the foundations crumble around Kneel Gayman and his TDS troopers.
are we all going to ignore the fact that todd has jim's kids hidden somewhere in his compound?
Jim's kids will be held captive until Todd gets a seat at the table
It literally doesn't mean anything. All the major comic companies, and even most smaller ones use Penguin Random House Publishing now. DC and Marvel stopped using Diamond a couple of years ago.
Mcfarlane can make 7 inch action figures now?
>Spin master can not sell articulated 6 inch DC figures
Neither can Todd though unless you like that 60s Batman TV series
Why is Swamp Thing only half green and half...invisible?
SOVLfully based off an old Kenner figure
Just schizo bullshit.

Any chances for Sandman figures are now gone. If there were any to begin with.
That's fine. I've accepted that nobody with a DC license wants to make millions by selling Death and Lucifer.
too niche to have ever sold anyway.
Got Orion in today, he's all right. The flight harness has holes in the feet for the base.
If The Question is such a lunatic, why is he on the heroic side?
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He’s CIA
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>Terry get the car
Just because he's a schizo doesn't mean he's wrong.
I'd say the chances are pretty high that we get a normal dark knight returns Batman with wired cape labeled as zero hour
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Gotta give mcfarlane credit for making Amazon float the bill for the retool.
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Mafex Scarecrow and Riddler have a date for the 24th and 27th. Feels good.
Can't believe they made a figure of Slim Shady!
All I see is a merchant
I dont know what you mean by that, but okay.
Hasn't Todd already released like five versions of that figure?
They got toys in there or sumpin?
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It’s where the jokerized figures are grown
Ok, well im leaving a flaming bag of poop on the doorstep. Anyone up for a road trip?
McFarlane is neglecting dcmv to put out these pegwarmer Marvel statutes that neither the dcmv or Legends crews want
You just posted. Man nobody looks at the OP, everybody goes to the last post.
It isn't even real, it's just some autistic text wall he keeps screeching about.
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Me on the left.
Are all these 4 inch retro figures part of or taking over the release slots of DC Super Powers figures?
This is just pointless clutter
4 inch are spin master figures
The whole list is spin master
Retro seems to mean they're Kenner style figures
Superpowers is still going strong at mcfarlane
You're welcome.
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Hope they release a silver age robin soon
Didn't they already?
I havent got mine yet, how is it? Did you toss ace?
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>Hope they release a silver age robin soon
We'll probably get a rerelease of the gold labels with a better head and wired cape
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I like him, articulation, cape and color scheme are all what I wanted out of it, wish ace was articulated but he looks alright for a statue.
I imagine the silver age robin will just be retooling of this one, I just don't want to pay $80+ for it
Personally I think the cape is too fucking long. I also only got him to do a parts swap with the year 2 Batman version 2 that was on the leaked least to have a brave and the bold Batman.
Why is Batman menacing Kiara?
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First Amazon did it, then Walmart, now the circle is complete. Target is also algorithmically pricing figures. And this time on figures that are total shelf-warmers no one is buying, so instead of lowering the price to try to encourage buyers, they raise it instead. Really, really weird. The bizarre shit surrounding this line is just off the charts.
Yeah that's why most of us hate it and this general has slowed to a crawl. After Power Girl comes out there's no reason to follow the line, especially now that Todd is focusing on those garbage Marvel statues.
that head looks like a 50 year old.
It's Hans Moleman as Robin
He does look great, it is a shame about ace but i expected that after animal man and his badger (?) .
It really is a bizarre line when you step back and see the whole of it all. >>11300214
Im not even sweating pg, i doubt ill find one and ill likely miss the pre order window. But i think ill stick around until atleast maxima. For me, its been slim picking as far as figures id like to see get made and then sometimes you get a figure its just underwhelming. So those things just add up to a lack of intrest for future releases. And those statues are charging an extra $10 for a comic reprint, its the card stand crap all over again.
McFarlane seems to see the writing on the wall given the large amount of statue and 5in announcements over January. Seems like they're getting ready to move away from DCMV
Marvel Legends is having their first 2025 stream. When's ours?
And it was an absolute banger of a stream. The mainline wave is fucking gold, a new deluxe line for the big name boys with TONS of accessories. Some demanded team building that people have been asking for. They had everything today. I feel bad for you DC guys.
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Collectors line in shambles. They're even using McFarlane's Spider-man as their first figure.
Todd absolutely blown the fuck out by his own Spider-Man. Hilarious.
I said this in the marvel thread and it is funny as shit. Nuked from orbit level of fuck you.

You won't be laughing when you see the price.

When the average domestic is 50 bucks in a few years, remember those of you idiots who bought "collectors edition " and "maximum series" did this
Damn, that's a really nice Spidey.
No, Todd jacking up prices with artificial scarcity and pandering to scalpers is why things are like this, and why toy aisles are barren.

suspicious posting aside, yeah, this will be likely 50 or even higher,
Poorfag cope

post your toys
We've known these price increases were coming for over a year. If the boxes are this stacked then I'm fine with it. That's a brand new buck with the exact proportions I imagine when thinking about spiderman plus you can actually pose it. This shit all over Todd.
Enjoy spending 9000 dollars a year on action figures I guess
I will.
Bro, even with price increases, action figure collecting is one my cheaper hobbies. Compared to working on my bike, target shooting, and other outdoorsy stuff, action figure collecting is chump change.
well would you look at that, he's back from his vacation

still waiting for you to post your toys
Action figures are my cheap impulse hobby. I'll drop hundreds a month on 40k and LOTR miniatures, and the basic sets for those are never less than $60. Later this month a Conan miniatures game Kickstarter I backed last year will ship, and I spent $400 to get every expansion and set.
I would happily pay $50 every couple months for a figure that looks decent instead of $25 for a half painted McFart. Fuck, I spent $50 on just flight stands this month.
There's still Spinmaster or those Super Power things if you can't afford decent toys.
>There's still Spinmaster or those Super Power things if you can't afford decent toys.
Funny enough they are more decent than the average half assed multiverse figure
Super powers atleast has a diverse line up compared to batman multiverse. Yeah, they are simple repaints with new heads but lets not pretend that the multiverse stuff isnt comprised of a ton of re use and repaints. They fluff out the line with frozen and jokerized or my personal favorite monotone variants.
Anyway the american troll faggot is back and wreaking havoc for attention so fuck this place.
enjoy your 5 poa boomer slop
I do enjoy the toys I buy
Do you just store them away in a closet when you're done with them? Do you have a horde the size of dhunter?
Hi Elon, glad to know about all your richie rich hobbies over and above toys but no you didn't make that level 97 character
You losers act like action figure collecting is the most expensive thing in the world. Goddamn. It really isn't. Go get some big boy hobbies.
A couple glass display cabinets for heroes and games I'm playing at the time. Right now it's Star Trek, Star Wars: Legion, 40k, Lord of the Rings, Conan, and the Batman game by Monolith.

My dad has been painting minis his whole life and his man cave is a full room of glass cabinets with figures so this is in my blood.
No new announcements?
Busy making Flavor Flav figures and Marvel statues.
He's desperate to find something else that will stick, but the quality is just so bad. Still using single joints and pins in 2025
it's over.
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Just arrived today. Not an easy or cheap figure to find this late in the game
This is supposed to be bad? That's kino
Dog shit figure nigga
But if you're happy then Todd's happy and that's all that matters to Jim's kids.
Only a fool would open a treasure so precious.
You can already see the figure. Don't ruin the value by taking out of the box. Honestly you shouldn't even be handling the box or putting it in extreme light like that.
Open that bad boy up!
Better be wearing gloves when you're placing it in your temperature controlled toy vault.
If you handle your women like your toys no wonder you’re all virgins. No point paying hard earned money to keep it locked away in darkness
He's already in a running pose so there's no real reason to take him out of the box.
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Why do ESLs type out "bucks"? When Americans refer to money like that we don't type it, it's only said aloud. This is really stupid.
Encase it in cement so it NEVER loses its value !!!
In a thousand years they'll be calling these modern sistine chapels. I don't even take mine out of their shipping boxes.
Lol. I remember watching his bachelor show when nothing else was on back in middle school.

What did it cost?
Fifty-seven something..
After shipping and taxes came to about $85. Canadian.
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This robin is a good stand in and its cheap. Got him for 7 bucks on sale from amazon and he looks nice enough despite the subpar articulation. Way better than that gold label abomination
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They're not toys, mcfarlane figures are NOT TOYS!!
Looks good. Honestly the robin looks like it was an accessory that came with bats
looks like shit
Fix your stands, you lazy fuck
Dayuuuum yeah you need to keep him mint.
This looks amazing.
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Leaks for imaginext fags
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Mondo Clayface going up for order next week or so.
We're eating good, kings
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Mmm unpainted plastic
It works here
No leg articulation lol
Are the bucks in the room with us now, anon? What a weird thing to get upset about
But it do
What's with the weird viking helm? Seems out of character for rappers
You wouldn't get it youngfag
>literal toys for toddlers

yeah boy
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Not my thing but god damn that's a really nice figure.
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Damn this looks like shit.
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Yeah, too much paint and shading and detail.

That's perfect. It's raw, unpainted, just the essence of a toy, letting you fill in the details with your imagination.
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I think these are all InArt toys?
All babybshit imaginext toy fags pls go here

I'm an 80s kid
DC general is for all DC lines faggot
There's more imaginext figures than just DC ones and anons are allowed to enjoy them, too. No one is taking anything from you, and this general is fucking dead anyway so who cares.
Every blind retarded nigger faggot screaming that they reused the dark knight head is proven wrong
Aside from how they did the diaper and belt this is awesome
This one is especially retarded when they could've done it on speeding bullets buck that already had a perfect diaper to reuse
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Sea jew
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Woah he's perfect
Did Todd just use his own face?
Why did they squish her face?
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The flight stands I ordered arrived today and I just put one for her on the shelf.
The colors on the Fleischer Superman look good. If I didn't have a copy of Superman #1 already in my display I might use the card that comes with him.
It's almost over brother
Jfc. I mean, atleast guy is decemt but this is just bleh. I dont even think im excited for power girl anymore now. But hey, theres a batman figure!
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The only other character I'd want is Zatanna, but the trend is to use doll capes and doll clothes and soft fishnets look terrible when they're stitched together.

Power Girl is a good way to end it.
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Good. Bunch of faggot shit.
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Anyone else think the face on Power Girl is bad enough to pass? They just gave her a really unpleasant bitchy face.
Her name is literally Karen tbf
It'll look better with a repaint cleaning up the eyebrows and enhancing the smile.
You can't repaint a figure that will be worth like 200 dollars even unboxed down the line. It just isn't viable.
She's literally going into my ass when I get her
why would you do such a thing?
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>down the line
I've been saving up a tiny fortune since she was announced for a day one lightning strike instant buy. I swear to fucking god even if there's only one on ebay and the bidding is a bloodbath I'm going to be the one who wins.

The money is already spent in my mind, I'm like a purebred panting and stomping at the gate. I can already see the trophy, the tossed glitter and champagne sticking to my face at the end.

I am ready.
Why not just invest your tiny fortune rather than spending it on plastic?
I'm gay
reveal them already
human skin and muscles dont work like that
he's kryptonian, retard
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>finally got a decent headsculpt/likeness for a movie Batman
>body is trash
The gauntlet/wrist articulation are particulary bad
They look exactly like humans, not flayed skin creatures.
That looks absolutely horrible. Why didn't they cut the diaper at the belt?
mafex might eventually, maybe. We're getting a clark and bruce from the scene in hush where they're all at the daily planet. she's there too.
Damn she is ugly as sin
such is the case with many western woman
I've had sex with worse looking men
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God I fuckin hate McFarlane man
Why the fuck did they give it that texture?
Just purchased jokerized Harley today. Wanted a Harley and not many choices. Much much better looking figure in hand and displayed properly. A fine choice.
didn't ask don't care
Then why the fuck you here?
Then you should be sodomizing yourself with a Superman figure instead shouldn't you?
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Sweet, I need those limbs. Already got someone doing a custom face.
you won't be able to attach McFarlane arms and legs to those pieces.
To look at figures, not read some losers blog.
I remember reading this, conner was my low key cheese cake artist of choice. Had a great local library with a shelf full of dc tpbs.
But I have lol, I speciically used my Wonder Woman ones. Not sure what your endgame was here.
You wouldn't get it
So what is this cut, is she going to have the same problem as Night People Batman where she falls apart?
And you think the rest of us care about your fucking diary?
It's where they laid the cape in
I don't know how else they would've been able to do her cape
Those are usually sealed pretty well. This one looks like its about to tear off
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The sculptor mirrored the shoulder
It only needed to be like that on the left hand side
Sounds like laziness at the old McFarlane mines.
>The sculptor mirrored the shoulder
Pure laziness and incompetence on mcfarlanes part for not catching or caring.
Fucking cracker jack company Todd
Todd used to care about quality in the old days. Why doesn't he anymore?
Probably because most of this board don’t open his products, lock them away in dark vaults or cement and just want to look at pictures of toys instead?
Looks like the cape is inaccurate, its attached to the whole back rather than only on her left. McFarlane designers and sculptors are funny guys.
It is unbelievable that a toy company with today's technology is able to create something uglier than what we were getting decades ago
That's the McFarlane difference.
Can't or won't?

My guess is that Mcfart has woke political commissars on the team(like every other company) who will raise hell if she was "too hot".
They don't really need those though since they already have WB/DC as the licensor them that won't allow hot figures.
I doubt the more obnoxious posters on toy even buy toys. You never see many pics and no one ever posts their toys when challenged to do so. You might be right though, maybe todd is just catering to the misb crowd. Dude is stuck in 1995.
Cleavage line is too shallow.
Looks like Karen to me
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No one posts their toys here because schizos decided to try to identify posters by those who did so and come up with lunatic names for them and act like they're hiding in their walls.
Hush faggot
At this point I have to assume its mostly poorfags jealous that some of us can spend $20-40 on figures, despite any flaws and open/pose/display them and have fun
I spend a lot on figures but I actually tend to just pose them on a shelf and do nothing with them afterwards. It's really a miserable existence. The only reason I buy them is to get the dopamine hit of the package arriving, opening it and doing some initial posing. I'd like to be like those guys who can sit down and pick out a bunch of their existing figures and do a bunch of posing and have fun with the figures. But it just doesn't give me the level of dopamine hit of video games, youtube or social media.
Nothing wrong with that. You’re at least doing that much with your figures and getting your own enjoyment out of it. I don’t mock the misb crowd, it’s the “don’t let any air or light near the box” fucktards that amuse me
Yeah, if she was drawn in a "modern" DC comic with breast-reduction surgery and given a post-wall face.
So they gave up trying to sculpt a good face, huh?
What made you think they tried in the first place?
Yeah this general attracts more schizos than any other on this board for some reason
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it looks great. anyone saying otherwise either wants a pic related coomerbait statueshit with a generic animeblob face or is a retard.

that being said it still has the usual mcfarlane blunders, namely the pins in 2025 and being 7 inches
Love how he can't even be bothered to put preorder or street dates on his promo pics
What a retarded complaint. The preorder date is posted along with the promo pics. Why would you date promotional images
Not all of us refresh Todd's social media pages 24/7 and all of that content requires an account to view.
Her expression just sucks. She looks bored. Not even determined or serious. Like she's waiting at the DMV or something.
sorry you need to be spoonfed like a total buffoon
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I had to go look for it, too. Pre-order for Power Girl is Thursday. Good luck!

Lots of better head prints out there.
any time there's a line or company that can somehow be associated with any single person, people go insane. todd here, the legends team in the marvel thread, designers in the doll thread. people are insane little freaks. its why they desperately try to name any poster they think they can identify.
Thanks, Vee
what the fuck did you do to that figure
The face is the issue, not the body, anon. Besides the fact that it is reusing those horrible WW knees
It's mainly the face, but the body is pretty bad too. The arms are scrawny, the boobs are a little too small, the diaper looks full, shoulders are all cut the fuck up, and the knee joints look robotic. It sucks

Fuck Off Pedo, dummb coom brains have to make everything about how big their dingaling has to get when looking at children's toys
Good to know
Those legs can't support all the chest weight
How many of you guys are done with the line after Power Girl?
all of us except batfag hoarders
That's the perfect expression for JLI/Amanda Conner Peej though
yes they can
THAT'S what it is. I knew something was off. May try to fix it myself with shadowing, or just dremel it out.
Post some of your other customs. Am curious about the 'paint then sand' method.
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You can just remove paint and do it again, anon.
Todd Derangement Syndrome is very real. Maybe it's Mr. Gaiman destressing from his ongoing cancellation.
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>hasbro gets the DC license for 6 years
>Todd kys himself
>they're the best 6 years ever
the Warbird and the upcoming Dark Ms. Marvel is proof they would make a better Power Girl.
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Case in point, textbook hasbrony TDS
I need
>A definitive Aquaman
I want
>An Alex Ross Batman on the earth 2 buck
>A non fucked Wally flash
>Judas contract death stroke
>Year 2 Batman
>Dr fate
>All Batman begins figures
>All reign of superman
>Silver age Superman
>Silver age superboy
>Silver age robin with wired cape
>Decent Nightwing
But all those depend on how they look. I've got my justice league and I'm more than happy ending it with power girl if need be.
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Is it safe to buy preorders from people on ebay before the official preorder goes up? Some guy on there has sold 40 power girls and I wonder how he can know he'll get that many
Kinda already done, im not really excited to try to get a power girl since people will be buying up cases of the figure.
Enjoy the DC Maximum line, only 49.99 US dollars each.
It's against ebay TOS last I checked to sell pre-orders
Sorry you're poor and can't afford good toys.
Enjoy the DC Max Power series, only $129.99 each.
If you're sweating $40-$50 maybe toy collecting just isn't in your budget. Consider finding cheaper hobbies, going hiking and other outdoor activities are far superior to spending money on plastic effigy's to your childhood anyway.
God you ESL faggots are the worst. That said, I agree.
My phone auto corrected it and I was too lazy to fix it. Calm down
That is not an autocorrect lmao
Feeling extra lonely this morning huh?
Learn how to use apostrophes and pluralization, it's sad.
Nta anon but yes. The US has elected literally Hitler and everyone around me is cheering and celebrating him being sworn in today. Fools. This is how Liberty dies with thunderous applause.
Idk what that word means but it sounds gay and you sound like a massive faggot.
Can't wait until the deportations start
Cringiest thing I've read in a long time.
Better than Toddslop
not reading that lol
>being proud of being an illiterate smooth brain
yikes, retards sure are out in droves right now lol.
People that stupid reproducing is the problem anon.
Don't fall for the obvious bit, he's trying to backpedal.
He isn't, trust me.
>in an evolutionary sense
It's funny how, when reduced to its core, the human experience revolves around reproduction and the propagation of one's genes, it is the ultimate measure of a successful life.
Hasbro and Todd slop isn't worth 40-50 dollars, even if you're a billionaire.
Did you know toys contain forever chemical materials that damage genetic code over time? Probably should stop collecting them.
I just shitpost here. I don't even collect toys.
you must have low standards
Dante is NOT

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