Their oversized Marvel Legends and fake minifigs have finally done them in. I think I'll go celebrate
No one buys comics anymore. It's unironically over.
They are only selling their video game stuff and closing main branch guys! >>11297235Their problem wasnt selling the comics, it was delivering them on time. Funny thing is, ive been thinking of moving back closer to my mom and thought id see if they were hiring in ms. Never mind now.
I wonder if they'll be able to get out of it, or if by the time chapter 11 is up they'll be finished. If no one carries this someone new will have to rise up or a lot of products, including imports, likely won't make their way to a lot of retailers any more. Here's the context if you're interested in more than a headline:"Diamond Comic Distributors has filed for reorganization under Chapter 11 bankruptcy; Universal Distribution has agreed to acquire Diamond UK and has submitted a stalking horse bid for Alliance Game Distributors. Under Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the company receives protection from its creditors and continues to operate while it attempts to restructure its business. JP Morgan Chase has agreed to provide up to $41 million in debtor-in-possession financing to support Diamond’s operations during the reorganization period.The company cited the loss of many of its major publisher clients, post-pandemic declines in sales and increases in costs as reasons for the filing. Diamond and a company associated with Canada-based Universal Distribution have signed a non-binding letter of intent for Universal to acquire Diamond UK. Universal has also submitted a stalking horse bid for Diamond’s game distribution unit, Alliance Game Distributors, for $39 million. A stalking horse bid is typically made to set a price floor before an auction for the asset, with the bidder to receive a break-up fee if it does not end up acquiring the asset. Diamond is also in active talks to sell its other operating units, including its core comic, toy, and collectible distribution business; Diamond Book Distributors; Collectible Grading Authority; and Diamond Select Toys."
>>11297296>one carries this someone new will have to rise up or a lot of products, including imports, liExcuse me? Diamond doesn't matter and is easily replaceable
>>11297296Chapter 11 exists so fuckery can be done to squeeze money out of it.
How bad will this be for their sales on Marvel Selects given that people will fear the line won't ever get to their desired characters?
>>11297487Based, fuck that shitty ass McFarlane scale.
>>11297306>Diamond doesn't matter and is easily replaceableI hope you're right, because all the little comic/toy/hobby shops around me use Diamond.
>>11297490How many sell manga?
>>11297296>"Diamond is also in active talks to sell its other operating units, including its core comic, toy, and collectible distribution business; Diamond Book Distributors; Collectible Grading Authority; and Diamond Select Toys."Inb4 McFarlane buys Marvel Select and we start getting 10x more releases per year with at least 1/4 of them being Spider-Man variants.
>>11297530McFarlane keeps winning
So, what's this mean for pre-orders? Only unreleased Marvel Select I was really looking forward to is Archangel, which has been delayed for a few months now(probably related to this). Though, I also really like their Avatar statue line and was glad they were finally making Sokka.
Didn't they say they are going to try to operate business as usual through this? Shouldn't this mean the upcoming toys at least for now likely won't be scrapped?
>>11297230>another 1/10 line diesfirst storm now diamond, hopefully this garbage scale dies soon!
>>11297626It was only a matter of time. The scale is too large--now that costs are huge factor in manufacturing, the larger steel molds required for 7 inch just doesn't make sense, especially when 6 is the preferred scale of collectors.
>>11297626Storm didn’t die retard
>>11297664Not him but Storm is moving to true 1/12th scale, there was announcement awhile ago
Yaaaaa!!!! Soon there will be fewer choices for us!
>>11297724/toy/ never thinks logically or economically. They just want to see lines they dislike destroyed.
>>11297490My LCS had to start buying from other distributors when Diamond shut down during the plandemic. I think it was DC that split off first? At any rate, they order through half a dozen or so. It's sort of a revolving door from month to month, though, because none of them are, you know, particularly competent. They take regular monthly orders, deliver a portion of it, and the rest is on silent backorder forever.They still carry the Diamond Previews magazine but I can't figure out why. It's been almost 10 years since something I ordered through it was actually delivered. Hasbro, Mattel, Bandai, Jada, even Diamond themselves, orders just vanish into the void and are never filled. I think the last thing I actually received was a 1:6 Jack O'Neill from Stargate. So, yeah, it's been awhile. Even before that it was hit and miss - you'd order one ML wave and receive another, for instance.In the grand scheme of things, really makes you wonder about businesses in this country. They can't even do basic operations without 3rd world slave labor and government bailouts. What fuckups.
>>11297296too many word make brain hurt. what does this mean for marvel select and comics?
>>11297876As far as they've said, nothing has been canceled yet.Basically, they want to continue pretending everything is completely normal (bankrupcy protection), while seeking to sell everything off, to try and lessen what they owe.They've already sold off a few pieces of their company, to pay/shave off their debts and hope that low bids for other parts of their company will make their debt holders renegotiate what is owed. so them selling off their comic and toy distribution is just them a negotiation tactic.Other companies that have gone into Chapter 11 bankruptcy: GM, Apple, Marvel, Six Flags, and more who grew their business again.Who knows how bad it is for Diamond though, but at least it isn't chapter 7 bankruptcy (basically going out of business).
>>11297622I story i read said operate as usual but there were no specifics or details beyond that. I think this is just the normal circle jerk reaction when something bad happens. Ill say this about the current comic book landscape, $5 a copy a month is insane.
>>11297917Chapter 11 *can* be used for restructuring, but in most cases it exists so (((some people))) can plunder the treasury
>>11298251This. After ((they)) sort out what's left to steal, they'll make the "difficult decision" to file chapter 7.
>>11298369>>$5 a copy a month is insane.>Yes, they used to be only ten cents a copy. Reeee!It's not the price, it's the value. When comics were a dime, they were five times as long and often contained a complete story or at least half of one. Now it's like eight pages of the comic equivalent of Goku and Frieza grunting back and forth to charge their power levels. And the art, God, the _media_ quality is higher (full color, not newsprint) but it's so dull because they keep hiring based on DEI rather than talent.I don't have many subscriptions going because they've cancelled so much. But one I do get is the Skybound TF book. It's difficult to track the story because the art is so horrendous. That and not getting enough books to make a monthly trip to the comic shop worthwhile. So I'm trying to catch up 2-3 issues at a time, _if_ I got all of them because whatever distributor didn't shit the bed again and short random issues.What a shitshow everything is anymore.
>>11298516>It's difficult to track the story because the art is so horrendousThank god Im not alone. Im pretty new to comics, only started when Void Rivals and the whole Energon Universe launched because I wanted to read the TF books.Every fucking issue is full of the Writers and Fans in the letter section jerking off how AMAZING AND AWESOME AND COOL the art was this issue when its so fucking atroiciously messy I CANNOT follow the action in 7/10 panels. Im losing my mind thinking that Im missing something or I dont get it, but no. Its just ass. I'm not some old ass boomer who cant see and is complaining about new artists and 'they don't do it like they used to.' I'm literally 24, Don't need glasses and a gamer Like its not that my eyes have issues or difficulty telling things apart. The art is just fucking trash, Messy, horrible, shit.
>>11297235>>11297244They lost Marvel and DC to Penguin years ago so it was only a matter of time. They've been notoriously shit to work with for decades and played a large part in why the US comic market is so fucked these days, being banished to specialty shops because no big box store wants to put up with them.
>>11297663and you're missing out on a gigantic audience when you make 1/10th figures instead of 1/12why do you think ross/marshalls are filled with diamond select and mcfarlane figures? entire waves even
>>11299054You just outed yourself. Diamond Select's don't end up at Ross because they go to comic shops. Nor do they come out in waves.
>>11298251I don't know much about modern Diamond, but if there's any oldfags there still, they're too much of fanboys and wanting to be influencial to just leave the industry like that.They're a private company, so they don't even have outside pressure to leave. Maybe a spoiled child or three will want to cash out once enough old farts die, but are they at that point yet?>>11297663>The scale is too large--now that costs are huge factor in manufacturing, the larger steel molds required for 7 inch just doesn't make sense, especially when 6 is the preferred scale of collectors.First off, the inch difference is so neglibible that it costs almost nothing. This is why tiny companies started doing it in the first place, because for maybe .026¢ more you get a figure that's noticeably larger on the shelf.Second, the marketing for 1/10 scale is that bigger figures can be more detailed. True in theory, but no one actually put more detail into their figures just because they were bigger.Molds only really start costing more when you can no longer fit the same amount of pieces per mold. Remember how McFarlane was so proud he was in gettnig that Doomsday figure to fit inside packaging of a normal figure's wave? So ~8" is the max a figure can be before it actually starts costing more to produce than a 6" figure. And McFarlane Toys is barely big enough to be even considerd a medium sized company.So if they have the budget to do it for children toys, it shows how negligible the costs are to do 1/10No doubt, if 1/10 ever becomes expensive, it'll be because of the fuel costs to ship that extra mass. Nothing to do with the production.
>>11298900Depends on the series, I think TF is pretty readable and has cool scenes. But in general western capeshit is bad at paneling and action yeah. They try to make cool looking snapshots of action instead of giving you the flow. Manga industry has obliterated them outside of stuff for young kids like dogman.
>>11301540I think the series is pretty incredible. I read a fair few comics and this is always one I'm looking forward to. It definitely helps that it's TF, but it's a pretty exciting series with very dynamic action.
>>11297626I was indifferent at first but you are right and based anon! Fuck this gay scale. Billions must stick to 6 inch.
>>11297235I buy comics. They're from over 30 years ago, but I buy them. Make good new comics and I'll buy them.
>>11301827There's no license for "1:12", hence companies like Bandai and Mafex making 6" figures.What Diamond has a license for are adult collector figures. Not 1:10.Pic is Hasbro's license with Marvel, that states what Hasbro is allowed and isn't allowed to make, and specifically mentions Diamond's license.
>>11297487jfc who the hell is still holding out on decade plus hope for team completion from this company?
>>11302009Until now I'd been holding out hopes on a semi-complete core X-men team all this time since we'd been getting a steady drip of them. Time to jump ship to Legends, Mafex, or a combination of both...
>>11302055I was trying to build a decent X-Men with them over a decade ago. Funny to see that most of those figures, which were abysmally old even for the early 2010s are still the ONLY option for basically all those characters. Trying to team build Marvel Select in the year of our Lord 2025 is a fuckin joke.
>>11302076Lol, yeah I know. I just have so many other lines to collect I felt I could be patient and wait for DST to eventually give us redos of Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean, and Storm that were all basically statues, then maybe Jubilee and Xavier to finish the team. But if Legends is going to put out some X-men packed with accessories like the new Spidey, now's a good time for me to start fresh.
>>11301973So 6" figures are "toys" all along and not collectibles, according to legal jargon. Also Attacktix mention, let's bring it back Hasbro.
>>11297805>They can't even do basic operations without 3rd world slave labor and government bailouts. What fuckups.Look at the /toy/ market until recently. The only way toys were able to be high quality AND cheap was on the backs of the Chinese workers, and as the Chinese workers gained more leverage and higher pay, toys got worse for us. Either more expensive while maintaining quality, or worse paint jobs and quality.You'll never see figures with paint jobs like used to be produced in the late 90s and early 00s for $9.99, even inflation adjusted to 2025's dollars. The prosperity of the middle and upper class has always been built on exploitation and using externalities to benefit themselves at the expense of some other group. When that exploitation can no longer happen, the inequality vanishes, as is happening with toys.See pic from 2021
>>11303154>it's the system, not my unparalleled greed and incompetencenigger-tier reasoning
>>11303154>premium statue vs action figure
>>11304207>premium statueSure is zoomer.Nothing McFarlane produced back then cost more than your "premium" superhero action figure, like Marvel Legend or DCUC. A lot of his figures back then also featured more articuation than your average action figure too. So figures like this had ~30PoA.Even when they took articulation away, the McStatues still had more articulation than many toylines. They features swivels, ball-hinges, and normal hinges, depending on how well they could be hidden.So the McStatues had more articulation than Mattel's DC Animated Universe toylines like Justice League Unlimited.
>>11304207Premium statues don't usually cost 10 bucks
>>11304260they did back then. What's your point?
>>11304260McFarlanes were $8.99. Only the figures that came with dioramas cost $10+Keep in mind, they're specialty market figures. Other collector lines like DC Direct, NECA, and DIamond Select figures, cost more than children toylines like MLs>>11304264Statues back then cost $20+. ACTUAL premium statues were $50+Pic is what you'd get from your typical quality statue maker. Only $40 for a 4" figurine.
>>11303154>You'll never see figures with paint jobs like used to be produced in the late 90s and early 00sGood, those paintjobs were pretty bad.
>>11302366>Also Attacktix mentionThat shows how out of date Subby's screenshot is.
>>11297296>a stalking horse bidWhy are legal terms like this and what kind of terrifying horse intimidated whoever invented this term
>>11297876>>11297296TL;DR: ''we got greedy and fucked up and thought the temporary growth from corona would increase afterwards. It didn't"
>>11304718This seems to be the case with a lot of toy companies. They saw a surge during covid but that didn't last. It's kind of wild that none of them forsaw this, it's kind of obvious, but I guess hindsight is 20/20.
>>11304602Oh so you prefer the 2021 figure's paint job to the 2002 one in that pic?
>>11304910I prefer neither because they're both shit, though at least the new one can actually pose.
>>11304956You're mentally deficient if you can't see the paint job on the 2002 one is better. And if you had the new one you'd know like most of Todd's figures it actually can't pose.
>>11304986>You're mentally deficient if you can't see the paint job on the 2002 one is better.Debatable. There's more of it, but more =/= better, hence why even high-end companies where budget isn't a concern have shifted away from slathering every single surface in multiple layers of paint.Again though, they're both shit.
>>11305007Higher quality, more varied tones used and more attention paid to detail. The modern one is just a bunch of brown painted over a blue plastic figure and white brushed over the spikes.
>>11305020>But those breath takingly wonderful paint schemes help a toy elevate it's status from happy meal product to highly detailed collectible for a kino supremo collector such as myselfHoly Shit
>>11305127Enjoy your happy meal toys with your chicken tendies, anon.
>>11305246Enjoy your fragile mythic legions crap covered in paint
>>11305248Yeah that's pretty much what I'll do.
>>11304627Marvel Selects have been 1/10 well before Hasbro got the Marvel license.So the license shows they don't categorize the licenes by scale, which again, is why Mafex, Figuarts, Mezco, and other lines have all produced 1/12 Marvel figures.So we know that the license is split up between "action figure" and "collectible action figure", so how do Good Smile, Bandai, Mezco, Good Smile, and others make Marvel collector figures at the same time too? We specifically don't know, but there's definitely a seperation of licensing there too.
>>11305007>high-end companies where budget isn't a concern have shifted awayMost of these companies never shifted away. They never used complex paint apps in the first place.The companies that used complex paint apps continued using them, like NECA and Mezco. Even McFarlane continued using them for their higher priced figures, like the Kickstarter Medieval Spawn.
>>11297230RIP Bozo
>>11305564>Marvel Selects have been 1/10 well before Hasbro got the Marvel licenseCorrect, they were 1/10 back when Toybiz made figures.The main part of the license that differed for Diamond Select back then was how they were distributed, with Toybiz focussing on mass market while Diamond Select were aimed at the types of shops Diamond distributed to. It was the whole reason for the partnership between Toybiz and Diamond.>so how do Good Smile, Bandai, Mezco, Good Smile, and others make Marvel collector figuresBecause they are made for a different market such as Good Smile, SHF, Revoltech and Mafex being primarily aimed at the Japanese market. There are all sorts of stipulations in contracts, such as Mezco being required to produce a certain amount of figures with a certain amount of cloth goods. If scale wasn't a stipulation, then Mondo would be jumping on that sweet 1/12 money and saying it's fine because their 1/12 figures are for collectors.Honestly, a 1 page screenshot of a two decade old contract isn't enough evidence for anything.
>>11305650>posting an actual contract of how the license is written is wrong because my headcanon of how licensing works overrules itsure is 12 year old whose dad is the president of nintendoNevermind the same contract was renewed in 2009, which shows they don't change the language of the license over the years, because what's legally binding in 2006 was still legally binding in 2009 and the contract wasn't renewed again (thus unchanged) until 2013. And you can read the amended 2013 license here: says nothing about scale or size.>Licensed Categories: >1. Action Figures: All toy “action figures” in all sizes in all plastic (e.g. pvc/abs) or other similar synthetic materials or combination of materials (but excluding plush and porcelain), with or without batteries or other electronics, including figures capable of being assembled, as this category is generally understood within the boy’s action segment of the toy industry on the date hereof together with all related accessories (weapons, vehicles, playsets, etc.) conceived, designed, marketed and sold for interaction with such action figures (for example, Spider-Man action figures with Spider-Man motor-cycle designed and built to scale). Note this specific language, which is also found in the 2006 license:>this category is generally understood within the boy’s action segment of the toy industry on the date hereof The places Diamond, Bandai, Mezco, Good Smile, etc don't sell their toys. In fact, that maybe why their packages say their products aren't toys, eh?
>>11305671>posting an actual contractOne page of a contract=/= a contract.Most employment contracts are longer than one page. You'd know this if you weren't an illegal immigrant standing out the front of Home Depot everyday.>Nevermind the same contract was renewed in 2009, which shows they don't change the language of the license over the years>And you can read the amended 2013 license here:, that one doesn't mention "collectible action figures" like the one in your original screenshot does Subby, so clearly they do change the wording of them and the stipulations of them every time they are renewed.
>>11305671>Still says nothing about scale or size.It's literally in the first line. "In all sizes."Of course, this is for the master license for Hasbro, so it's saying they can make sized any action figures they want.And like I pointed out in my previous post, "collectible action figures" isn't stipulated as being one of the things that doesn't fit the definition of "action figure" for the purposes of his contract.Contracts for Good Smile, SHF, etc may have size or scale as a stipulation, but we would need to see those contracts. Notice that immediately following "in all sizes" it says "in all plastic" as a stipulation? That's because some companies, like Jakks Pacific, would in most likelihood, have the stipulation that their figures must be a certain size and made from soft vinyl.It's just that Hasbro doesn't have these restrictions as the holder of the master license.
>>11305726 >>11305738>a page that literally explains the license and what they can produce>but because the legal document that explains what Hasbro can do with the Marvel license doesn't confirm my headcanon, you're wrong and I'm right.I bet your Dad let you play every single Switch 2 game already, huh?And here's the post I'm replying to, since you seem to be creating a brand new goalpost and going backsies on your post.>>11301827>Hasbro has the license locked for 1/12, Diamond literally cannot legally make 1/12.Again, the license literally says nothing of the sort and you're just going into special olympics mental gymnastics to continue arguing.
>>11305567Drybrushes and washes =/= "complex paint apps".
>>11305773You replied to me with >>11305564>So we know that the license is split up between "action figure" and "collectible action figure"The 2013 contract does not mention "collectible action figure" at all. Not once. I told you that your screenshot posted on >>11301973 was out of date and you tried to argue here >>11305671>which shows they don't change the language of the license over the yearsHowever the 2023 contract shows that the wording had been changed due to the complete lack of the phrase "collectible action figure" which you are adamant is the distinguishing difference between the Hasbro and Diamond contracts.Just ctrl f "collectible action figure" in the 2013 contract, dipshit. I'll wait.My dad doesn't work at Nintendo, but at least he was around to teach me how to read.
>>11305777>2023 contract2013 contract. Fat thumbs and I'm explaining how contracts work to someone who can't even fuckong read.
>>11305777>still no proof for anything he claims and still thinks the license, that is literally spelling out what Hasbro can produce, proves him right through omissionOf course your dad doesn't work at Nintendo. As President of Nintendo, everyone works FOR him
>>11305796No, you proved it for me. There is no such thing as "collectible action figure" according to the 2013 contract, and the 2013 contract stipulates "action figures of any size."Of course, you are trying to use the Hasbro contract to prove what Diamond has the license to make, so we'll leave you to think about that one. Do you use a Toyota handbook to figure out what sort of mileage a Mustang will get? Do you use a Burger King menu at Carl's Jr?
>>11305802>my word salad and insults will prove me right, because the official license is bullshit anywayi bet you're so upset you're telling your dad to withhold the Switch 2 from being released in America until i apologize, huh?
>>11305810>seething this much because he proved himself wrongYeah little guy, my dad said the Nintendo Switch 2 is totally cancelled now, the same way your dad said he's just going out to buy some smokes and a carton of milk and he'll be back soon.
A new thing happened; Drumph ''OrangeManBad'' the evil has taken office, all leftist tears will flow endlessly. So why is this important?TARIFFS. OrangeManBad (TM) has announced tariffs on goods from CHYNA and other places. Bigly, the best tariffs. No one does tariffs like we do. A toy market that is completely over-reliant on chinese/vietnamese/etc cheap labor. This is going to be a hoot when the market opens, and the fact this is going on seals Diamond's fate.
>>11305878Good. Maybe this will filter the poorfags and I won't have to listen to them whining about Marvel Legends anymore.
>>11305881The funniest shit is, this *should* be the happiest day for a lefty>Less exploitation of third world countries>Less CO2 emissions from big container ships>More control over production and its environmental impactYou'd think they'd be happy about this, but of course they aren't. I can definitely see a bunch of toy companies crying about it because ORANGEMANBAD, but not take advantage of it. ''Well Mr. President, can we at least get help to get factories set up locally so we can utilize the oil for plastic for toys and ship them locally using American trains?''. Instead, they'll just whine and complain and lobby to try to get these things averted, or use ORANGEMANBAD as a scapegoat for their failings. If Hasbroke kicks the bucket, I'll bet they point the finger to ORANGEMANBAD.
>>11305886Goddamn I agree with you for the most part but could you be less embarrassing about it. You're making the rest of us look bad.
>>11305888>You're making the rest of us look badAnon this is 4chan.But yeah... these clowns from the toy/comics/film sector would rather go bankrupt than work with Trump, they're completely deranged. No wonder so many of them are going bankrupt as we speak.
>>11305897No, seriously. You make the rest of Trump supporters look like fags. Cut it out. I'm embarrassed to be associated with you.
>>11305905I'm not a Trump fan, I'm not even an Amerimutt. I just find this shit hilarious.
>>11305912Explains why you're so embarrassing.
How many people do you think buy Marvel Selects instead of Legends? It's gotta be like maybe 1 or 2% of the market for Marvel action figures, right?
>>11305905Trump supporters are fags, go look at them at his rallies. Watch the videos about frogs turning gay, or eating cats or that global warming is fake. They are no better or worse than the left leaning retards. They dont give a fuck about anything more than winning and being right. Fuck all those fags msn. There are real problems being ignored.
>>11305958I know a lot of people who buy the big guys from Marvel Select instead of the Legends versions, but not so much the standard size figures unless they genuinely prefer 1/10. More than anything its probably such a small percent of the market because of how few releases DST's allowed to do per year.