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Do you guys think Playmates will succeed where Hasbro failed and make Power Rangers toys great again?
>doing anything right
I think they'll be surprisingly good kid's figures under $12,which will impress some of the collectors here who don't like spending much, but basically pointless for anyone else. I do think they may end up more aesthetically pleasing sculpts than the weird schlubby Lightning collection bucks,though
They won't.

>>No unmasked heads
>>No villains outside of Zed and Goldar if we are lucky
>>Too much focus on Zords
>>And we'll be lucky if we get Zeo and In Space, as far as no SPD, no Dini Thunder, no other team but MMPR.
>No unmasked heads
Maybe not, but I wouldn't put it past Playmates to do fully unmorphed Rangers. Something no other company has been willing to do.

>No villains outside of Zed and Goldar if we are lucky
Have you never seen a Playmates TMNT toyline? Playmates makes tons of villains. And not just main villains, but random one-off monsters and such.

>Too much focus on Zords
Doubt it. Outside of Voltron, Playmates isn't exactly known for that sort of thing, and even their Voltron offerings were pretty minimal.

>we'll be lucky if we get Zeo and In Space, as far as no SPD, no Dini Thunder, no other team but MMPR.
I'd argue Playmates has a greater potential to do more teams and deeper cuts because the price will be lower. The Lightning Collection started at $20 and ended at $25. That's a $120 for a full team at the start of the line, and $150 at the end. At that price you're not gonna get a lot of people going all in, most will just pick and choose their favorite teams or characters. Even Zeo and In Space (the most popular non-MMPR teams) struggled with peg warmers in the Lightning Collection.

If the Playmates line is more like the older mainline Bandai America figures, and in the $12 range, I think the line will perform very well and have a long life spanning many teams. At that price people will be much more likely to buy deeper cut villains and complete teams. I could also see Playmates offering team boxsets for $60 for less popular teams who might struggle to sell individually.

Also keep in mind that Playmates likes making vehicles, and MMPR doesn't have much in that department compared to other seasons. So that's another reason to think the line won't be limited to MMPR forever.
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World of Springfield
playmates could maybe make decent kids toys, but stuff collectors actually want, no change in hell
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>I think they'll be surprisingly good kid's figures under $12
That's all Power Rangers figures should ever be. Bandai had continued success for two decades with their basic kids figures. Once they attempted a $20 collector line it failed spectacularly. Figuarts failed, Lightning Collection failed, Super7 Ultimates failed. Power Rangers is simply not a franchise which lends itself to collector grade figures. Cheap figures with decent decent enough articulation has always been the winning formula. The Super Megaforce line was the perfect example of this. It had 37 basic figures in one year, which included at least one Ranger from every season. They sold extremely well. Even the Rangers from the unpopular seasons sold because they were only $10.
hello chungus, already ban evading again?
Playmates will make the same mistakes as Hasbro, if not worse. I never thought I'd say it, especially with a lot of the choices they were making towards the end of their run, but I miss Bandai.
So their only good line is one that started 25 years ago?

These PR figures will be just the $10 Hasbro ones for kids. Crappy, and no collectors will like them.
They'll make "Ok" figures, just the basic articulation with 90s quality paint aps on the front and none on the back.

Hasbro was the best option, but they gave the brand to fuckers who couldn't care less about the ip, using google image cosplayers as reference, twice.
Great? No, but they'll get more mileage out of it, probably do the godzilla crossover with megazord figures, their volton is a good precedent for zords and their tmnt line is a good precedent good variety at a good price, I hope they make a lot of villians and they mesh well with the old BoA 5 inch figures

I think it'll be on thin ice at the start since there's not an active show and elite collectors scoff at the cheap toy range(they grew up on)
It's a fucking 1993 series, and there have been more than 20 other Rangers series ever since.

It's long LONG past time for the boomers to just let that shit go already. The whole point of toku series was for every generation to get a ranger show with big robots. Keeping 1993 Power Rangers alive forever and ever and ever and ever...is fucking insane,
Ehh...Simpsons is actually simplistic enough that it would actually be hard for Playmates to fuck that up. But the flat simplistic shapes, with simple flat colors everywhere and almost zero extra detail works since that is what Playmates does with all things.
>no other team but MMPR.
thats where the money is really, and Playmates can hit the pricepoint to really make the most of it.
Face it, none of the sentai teams after, besides other dinosaur ones, really managed to resonate with American kids outside of other dino series except maybe a few vehicle ones
> there's not an active show
There's no plans for any media at all, right? Didn't Hasbro dump the tv series and animated series they were trying to put together? Are they still trying to sell Power Rangers as a brand did they actually sell it to some company?

With no current media, I have no idea how anyone expects kids these days to care at all about PR.
I'm excited to see what they do. I don't think they're going to make anything that is show accurate at all so the fandom is going to be complaining.
I think they'll go for very stylized designs with cartoony proportions. Fun toys for kids.

>>And we'll be lucky if we get Zeo and In Space, as far as no SPD, no Dini Thunder, no other team but MMPR.
>It's a fucking 1993 series, and there have been more than 20 other Rangers series ever since.

They have the license to make MMPR toys, NOT the entire PRs franchise. You won't see any non MMPR teams. S1-3 maybe alien rangers at most.
And yes, companies focus on MMPR because it's the only shit that sells. No one cares about the other generations besides the niche fanbase and a few nostalgic people that grew up with that generation. The nostalgic % of people for each season is not the same, but even if it were. Let's say all the seasons have a 5% of grown up fans, from MMPR to Cosmic Fury. The problem is MMPR was a huge fad with millions and millions of fans, so that 2% is going to be a much larger market to sell collector toys to than if SPD had 40% of nostalgic fans(which it doesn't) it would still be a much smaller market that doesn't compare.
They're not selling these to adults really, its to kids, and MMPR has both the most basic appeal(dinosaurs will always be cool) and recognizably since early millennials are a good chunk of parents right now.
Like, I get fans like Time Force and stuff, I'm a fan who likes it too, but the Timeranger mecha didn't even do well in Japan. The theme is too generic except for..the Q-rex,the standout mecha of that season. Stuff like Wild Force or NinjaStorm is largely generic animals. See Hasbro's attempts as reviving Beast Wars(where they're stuck using the 90's show beast choices and not more interesting animals) to see how that goes.
You're right. A new company launching a new Power Rangers line should start with Mystic Force. That would be a great way to ensure it doesn't get more than one wave before it dies.
Whenever someone bitches about MMPR I need to remind them that no company has ever made the full villain crew, and the only one to even make the full season 1 crew was Imaginext. Until a line makes all the main villains from all three seasons an MMPR line will always feel incomplete.
>no company has ever made the full villain crew
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They didn't make Rito, Master Vile, Z Putties, or Tengas.
What they need to be successfull
>Keep rangers and monster figures in scale like the show
>keep the Zords in scale like the show and all other previous show
>work with the japanese sentai again and not make OC Donut Steel rangers and costumes
>don't push woke agendas, you want lesbians and gay fine, don't make it the rangers personality though
>bring back the sexy lady villains with cleavage
>actually paint the figures the same way across the entire team, don't give one ranger silver paint and the other just white paint
>actually use more than the first google image result as reference
it's just that simple
As someone who doesn't mind Playmates (but maybe thats nostalgia talking), I'd cautiously optimistic. If nothing else I hope they fill a few gaps that Hasbro never did.
It doesn't matter what anyone does because at the end of the day, for some reason, Power Ranger collectors are next to impossible to please. They bitch and whine like children. The Lightning Collection had a wide selection of characters from every season (including shit like the A-Squad and loads of villains) and even vehicles were made but they still nitpick it like the autistic faggots they are while crying about how the original show got too much.
I agree with most of what you say but Gaoranger was huge because of the limbswap gimmick (Wild Force selling the limbs off as full mecha only was a huge mistake) and I think animals can sell well with good designs and marketing. I think the big issue with the Beast Wars revival stuff isn't that its animals but more that Hasbro let that branding die and it was too late. The Unicron trilogy and beyond heavily ignored Beast Wars for decades and the rare Beastformer we got either sucked (backstop) or heavily mechanized (Thundertron, Leobreaker, both the Prime Dragons and movie Dinobots with their armor aesthetic)

But everything else you said is right and on top of all that for whatever reason Power Rangers fans don't want to spend the money on collector grade mechs or weapons. Even the MMPR ones didn't do well.
A line where popular characters were locked into playsets that were EXPLICITLY under produced or Toys R Us exclusive AND under produced and Playmates EXPLICITLY pandering to scalpers to such a degree that you had the official Simpsons comic book dedicating an entire fucking issue shitting on Playmates for pandering to scalpers rather than kids and normal Joe collectors who didn't want to spend $150 for Marge and Maggie?
>loads of villains
If you wanted evil Rangers and out of scale monsters... the Lightning Collection made some. They only made two non-MMPR footsoldiers, two non-MMPR generals, and two non-MMPR head villains. And despite MMPR getting the most focus, they couldn't even finish the season 1 crew with Squatt and Baboo, and couldn't make the highly demanded Rito to accompany all the season 3 Rangers they made (Ninja and Metallic Armor).

>and couldn't make the highly demanded Rito

Still bugs me. Goldar needs his buddy.
Thats well and good, but it doesn't change that Bandai squandered the mainline for the last few years. You can't just say kids don't care when they were doing better figures before
For only $10, they were also selling the RPM figures, which were so good they were an early /toy/ favorite, or the super Legends which were also $10. Those 2009 onward retail toys were just crap. Even if they wanted roided out rangers, even late 90's Bandai stuff did it better.
As for collectors, I think the big problem at this point is that there's a ton of different scales and proportions that people have started and never finished. So people are just jaded about starting yet another one.The figuarts having poor sales sort of doomed the franchise for collector's toys
Z Puttie came with Terror Toad. Rest is correct.
I collected the line for the majority of it's run (lost interest at the end), and never had to resort to a scalper. I can't recall having any trouble getting the playsets or exclusives from that line, though I can vividly remember the struggle of finding toys from other lines I collected around the same time.
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That wasn't a true Z-Putty, that was a Rita Putty with a cheaply painted Z vest. A proper Z Putty figure would have had a sculpted vest, no belt, and knees pads.
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I could have lived without a Squatt and Baboo in the lightning collection, but not getting Rito still hurts. If Playmates ended up dojng a 6" collector line, the main appeal for me would be the hopes of getting a 6" Rito.

Same. And if they're taking requests, Soccerdillo.
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I wish the Lightning Collection could have at least made a King Mondo. The royal house of gadgetry never gets any love.
Did Hasbro lose the rights? Lightning Collection is dead?

Technically Hasbro still has the rights (they still own the franchise) they just licensed it out to Playmates because they weren't making enough money with their own stuff. And yes, LC is dead. For now.
It was clearly a Z Putty despite any of your semantics. Go die sad and lonely, you waste of oxygen.
It's as much of a Z Putty as that monster is the Terror Toad. That entire set is just whatever molds they had lying around haphazardly thrown together.
bro it's imaginext, they don't even get the face prints proportionally nice looking for the figures that do faceprints, it's a lazy company for toddler toys. I don't know how anyone can collect them, American companies suck at "cute"
The rest of the villains in the line don't say lazy to me >>11301684. They're sculpted properly to refect the characters.
Yo, what's that Shadowborg figure up top?
What is this reignition? Toy reveals when?
Lmao, I bet you’re the same tismo making the Power Rangers threads in /m/
I swear to god if we still don't get the entire main Evil Space Alien crew I'm going to lose my fucking mind.
I'm so sad these got cancelled.
I remember Super7 mentioning Soccadillo, but that was back before Madam Woe got cancelled and the waves became smaller, so who knows now.
Boomers did let it go, hence why Power Rangers can't keep a toyline going. The problem is, absolutely no one cares about the non-MMPR seasons either, and never did, so there's no nostalgia worth milking there.
Hasbro auctioned off the show props they had.
>Playmates’ Power Rangers, which will launch at retail in fall 2025, will be available in children’s and collector versions and feature “well-constructed figures at a better price than other collectible companies, including Hasbro,” said Jeff Trojan, VP of Marketing at Playmates..
Kek. Based Playmates licensing Power Rangers from Hasbro, then directly shitting on Hasbro's toys for being overpriced and shoddily made.
Playmates is shit, now more than ever. You should absolutely "mind" them, because they are a barely functioning company.
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You mean General Venjix? It's a Japanese import SMP model kit.
>General Venjix
Based Forever Red enjoyer.
The fact that this is the only Cyclopsis toy to ever even get a prototype is maddening. For being milked so hard, no line has ever tapped MMPR's full potential. Playmates has a history of deep character selection, vehicles, playsets, etc, so I think they could pull it off.
It's Playmates new MMPR toyline. Some are speculating the timing of this announcement could mean the line will debut at London toy fair on Tuesday. If not, NY toy fair is March 1st.
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Playmates also has a history of cancelling figures
What company doesn't?
Not as much as Playmates.
What am I looking at here?
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>they are a barely functioning company
Still lightyears better than Hasbro who has no idea what the fuck they're doing, and doesn't even want to make toys anymore.
>Boomers did let it go

No, the market did because no one is buying this shit, power rangers is forever dead.
it's weird how many people here act like a children's toy line not being designed with collectors in mind is a failing of the company
being for kids shouldn't be an excuse for making worse looking figures , especially when they had the capacity to make better ones for a similar price a few years before.
Super Legends had better articulation, a good comprise between the screen and roided look. Cut thew size and paint for a kids line, fine, but the 5'' line Bandai America was running in their last dew years was definitely worse, which is a shame because it was so comprehensive.
What's a real shame is power rangers forever circling the toilet drain while nostalgia fags keep claiming it'll last another few years when it's dead and needs to stay dead.
think that's a dude from ben 10 but I barely remember that show
The toys for kids from the 80s and 90s are superior to the garbage they try to get away with "for kids" now.
The articulation was essentially the same. Super Legends rotated at the wrists, the Action Heroes rotated at the forearms. Same difference. Super Legends rotated at the thighs, Action Heroes rotated at the boots. I'd argue the boot cut was more useful. Everything else was identical.

Overall I'd agree the Super Legends had better body sculpts. The Action Heroes were more stylized, but I don't mind them. They aren't nearly as bad as earlier Bandai lines which were roided to oblivion. If the Playmates line had the proportions of the Super Legends that would be great, but I could live with them being a bit more stylized as long as they don't go too far with it.

The monsters on the otherhand should be as accurate as possible. Hasbro lost a lot of the charm of the orignal monster suits by fucking with the designs. Bandai's Rangers may have been troubled more often than not, but the monsters were always wonderful. Playmates should definitely strive to match the essence of those old monster figures. I'm even cool with them having action features.
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Best PR toy line was Dino Charge

They did so many figures for aliens
I really wanted the DC generals in the Lightning Collection. They're some of my favorite newer monster designs.

God what I wouldn't give for a nice new Serpentera...
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They were dope
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This thing is cursed
The super mini-pla was ok though
>ben 10
Wasn't that Bandai?

Playmates got it when they did the reboot.
>There's no plans for any media at all, right? Didn't Hasbro dump the tv series and animated series they were trying to put together?

They broke the deal they had with the super sentai producers, thats why the final season was fully "original", the cartoon show didn't pass from pilot and now hasbro closed their tv and movie production arm, so now they just added PR to their catalogue of frozen IPs, they won't sell it but will licence it to others.
>hasbro closed their tv and movie production arm
Someone else could make a show now, but they'd have to pay 100% for it.
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They'd only end up being worse than their Bandai counterpart like every other monster they made. Look at these guys >>11302673. Thirty year old figures, and they still mog the shit out of Hasbro's slop.
>mog the shit out of Hasbro
None are perfect, both are missing a lot of paint, bandai eyeguy has more irises painted, but you get more articulation and better accessories with the hasbro versions.
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I bit of effort and you coud turn the LC eyeguy into a show like replica.
The Dino Charge line was ironically a response to the success of the 2012 TMNT line. Playmates was making a lot of villains, and they were selling really well, so Bandai decided to give monsters another genuine try. This is why I think Playmates is a great fit for Power Rangers. The best PR line we've had since MMPR was a result of Bandai trying to emulate what Playmates was doing.
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The Bandai figure didn't paint more irises. It painted ALL the irises, including the ones on the back.

Imagine thinking that terrible sculpt resembling flacid dickskin is even a passible Eye Guy. Just because someone washed the shit out of it and painted the missing irises doesn't make it good. Hasbro spaced the eyes out more and sculpted a bunch of them closed to minimize the need for paint, and even then they couldn't be bothered to paint all the open eyes. Figure is trash.
>firing eye tits
>Hasbro spaced the eyes out more
The bandai one has the eye tentacles glued to the main body while they should be free. Hasbro had to modify the proportions for articulation, but you sound like a poselet brick collector.
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That Hasbro head is way off model. Those tentacles are thick as fuck.

>Hasbro had to modify the proportions for articulation
How does Hasbro spacing the eyes out more and closing a bunch of them help articulation?

>you sound like a poselet brick collector.
When it comes comes to the monsters I prioritize sculpt over articulation. Most of them were barely mobile in the show, why do their figures need to be super articulated? The monsters were glorified props for the Rangers to beat up on, so I'd be perfectly content with 5 POA vinyls if they were sculpted as well as Bandai's old 8" Evil Space Aliens.
this is my number 1 want from the playmates line
I was hoping for a S7 or lightning collection version
Yes it's the same fag always making threads he is that lonely
>S7 or lightning collection
Why would you hope for a shitty overpriced off-model figure when you can buy an original one in the same scale which looks like it stepped off the screen for $10 on ebay?
because that one is fucking huge and not in scale with anything
The Bandai Soccadillo is 8 inches, the same size a Lightning Collection or Super7 monster would be.
thats unfortunately true, i didnt buy any of those, forgot they were oversized
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He's actually one of the shorter deluxe monsters.
oh nice, i might actually grab one then if I can find one that isnt covered in scuffs
>With no current media, I have no idea how anyone expects kids these days to care at all about PR.
believe it or not, there's a lot of kids who do watch these shows on steaming
yea they watch skibidi toilet
Calm down, fag. Let people want something else.
I hate anything that's not MMPR, so I'm fine with this.
I love this figure so much.
I would've killed for a Sledge/Poisandra two pack.
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>which looks like it stepped off the screen
Now, now, I love the old Socadillo figure too, but it's hardly perfect. There's definitely room for improvement. The figure is way more rat-faced and bulbous than the suit was, and its head was nearly on top of the figure (where you'd expect a head to be) instead of almost on the front like the suit's was.
This is now a Sockadillo thread.

I do wonder why Toei decided to make the Zyu2 monsters mostly ordinary animals instead of mythological creatures like Zyuranger's were. Only a few of them kept the mythological theme.
It's the same with Ghostbusters.
Mattel had their go.
Hasbro has milked it.
There's only so many ways you can put the OG 4 guys in suits and expect people to buy the same thing over and over again.
The problem with MMPR merchandise is that they always make the same three things. The Rangers, the Dino Zords, and like Goldar. Season 2 gets considerably less shit and Season 3 gets fucking nothing in comparison.
>Do you guys think Playmates will succeed where Hasbro failed and make Power Rangers toys great again?

this board said the same shit about Hasbro vs. Bandai lol
1) That's a Super Sentai thread and this thread is about Power Rangers. 2) This thread is about Power Rangers toys. Your post is like telling people to talk about NECA horror movie figures or Godzilla MonsterArts figures in /tv/.
Hasbro did a decent job with season 3. Full sets of Ninja Rangers (with both Kim and Kat), Metallic Armor, as well as Tengas. No Rito was their big miss.

The reason I'm optimistic for Playmates though is because I think there's a good chance they make new things from MMPR. I'd be very surprised if we didn't get a Rad Bug from them. They're probably the one company who would make fully civilian Rangers and side characters. I could see a dual sided Command Center/Juice Bay playset, or a Rita/Zedd's palace playset. Monsters who've never been made as toys like Shellshock, or a Megazord scaled Cyclopsis. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but if their MMPR line is anything like their TMNT lines there is a lot of potential for new products we're not accustomed to.
Power rangers is dead move on
>franchise which ran for 30 consecutive years takes a break for a year
The Playmates line is going to revitalize it by making fun toys both kids and adults can enjoy again like in the Bandai days.
>franchise which ran for 30 consecutive years

Holy shit you are delusional. The last series was 10 episodes, with the faggiest team of all time and a female red which no one wanted. It didn't even get toys because hasbro knew it was that shitty and cheaper to throw away than bother selling at Ollie's. Power rangers is dead and playmates will treat it much like they did with Ben 10, another franchise bandai was heavily involved in. You fucking retard.
Poisandra and Curio are a lot of fun in the Japanese version, Kyoryuger. Give it a look sometime, if you haven't already!
One thing I trust Playmates with less than Hasbro is the Zords. Hasbro made some baffling choices with their robots, like the Zeo Megazord, but at the end of the day the Zord Ascension line was okay. Passable but way too overdesigned and pricey to most. But that was from a company who has an entire subline of robots they've been releasing for decades, the only transforming stuff I know from Playmates is mutating turtles and a Voltron line where they've just been re-releasing the same classic mold with no changes for nearly ten years now. I don't have any faith in them giving us good robots, or if they'll even be much of a focus in this new line.
Why does it matter bandai makes better robots.
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>the Zord Ascension line was okay.
I didn't say good.
Re-read the OP.
What exactly can be improved for a dead brand like power rangers? Comic books are woke and broke, animation project was cancelled, movie in the works was shelved. Face it anon, it's gone.
Not only does that look like complete shit, but lots of people have reported both the OG and Astro Megazords are pieces of crap which break easily.
the rangers comic book is actually one of the few successes the series has left. its outselling rhe majority of DC titles, but then again, so is skybound's transformers. Last I heard paramount was in the running to buy the franchise from hasbro outright. Who knows how true that rumor could be. aside from the boom! comics they also have that upcoming beat'em up too so there's that.
>into a show like replica.
>dat pic
my sides!
>What exactly can be improved
The toys. Ya know, the things we're here to discuss on /toy/.
>the rangers comic book is actually one of the few successes the series has left.

Yet it's still woke shit, Japan does it better with anime the red ranger isekai this season is better anything any American ever wrote
chungus fag doesn't knoe a shit about toys, mate

>they also have that upcoming beat'em up too so there's that.

That came out last month. Its pretty good.
Japan doesn't make any villains, who are often the best part of the show. They expect their Ranbers and mech to have a circle jerk.
wow looks like crap,Americans cannot make good toys
>looks like crap
Then the Japanese suit design looks like crap, cause that's what they look like.
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>this board said the same shit about Hasbro vs. Bandai lol
People clearly didn't understand how bad Hasbro was. They soon found out.
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can you share some examples with the class? im genuinely unfamiliar with how bad the boom series is. i just know my nigga ryan steele is back.
London Toy Fair starts Today till Thursday

Should we get something from this? A reveal?
Nothing, Playmates and other major US brands aren't attendending. So no MOTU or Marvel stuff.
I'm skeptic until we get some concrete previews, but they'll have my respect if they make previously untouched merch like Cyclopsis or a roleplay Thunder Slinger.
The toys are being shown at Toy Fair this week.

Character will distribute PR in UK and Ireland so they might show some of them

>Character Options will begin its distribution of the toys from summer 2025. The new collection will be first seen at London Toy Fair, and later in Europe by other newly announced distribution partners – GP France and Boti (Germany).

>At London Toy Fair, Character Options can be found on Stand N16, where it will show Power Ranges alongside its many other ranges.

Chances we get pictures?

Still they might not allow people to take pictures.
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Was this a bad era?
It had it's problems but at least it wasn't pushing faggotry on children.
Ths fuck is wrong with you
It was fucking terrible. Partly due to new Saban mismanagement, but mostly due to Nick being. a terrible place to try and deal with action shows for kids or anything that isn't about boogers and farts and feet
From this thread

>First off, wow, that place is huge! There are so many stands, it’s crazy.

>I went to the character stand because they mentioned they would reveal the new Power Rangers toys. Apparently, they're being distributed in the UK. No pictures allowed, but they said the reveal is very, very soon. I also saw some Doctor Who toys that looked cool, but since I’m not a fan, it was hard to fully appreciate what I was seeing. There were also some cool walking robots, RC-controlled items, things that looked like the Tin Man, a classic UFO, the iconic blue phone box, a lot of old man figures, some cool aliens (green ones with claws), a rhino alien, and other interesting items.

>Anyway, onto the Power Rangers! They have a 5-inch figure line with great articulation. All the original Rangers are included, along with lots of aliens and monsters. The Zords are sold separately but can combine into one. There are also some roleplay items. Some of the recognizable aliens include Goldar, the Putty Patrol, Rita, Lord Zedd, a Skull General, a big-eyed creature, a Sphinx monster, a Mantis monster, a plant monster, and they even have large figures too.
>Skull General
Well there's your Rito, boys. But it's stuck in a 5" kids line.
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>Putty Patrol (Rita's probably)
>King Sphinx
>Skull General (Could be Bones or Rito)
>Bug-Eyed Creature (Eye Guy?)
>Plant Monster (Octoplant?)

Are Playmates the chosen ones? Will they finally do it?
5". Kids line. If you're happy with happy meal - looking figures with bad articulation, then sure, be happy. But these won't scale or look well with any other lines like LC, Super 7, etc.
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Since all the villains mentioned except Zedd seem to be season 1, I'm inclined to think it's Bones. Also the anon knew the names of the main MMPR villains. I personally would rather it be Bones since we already have a 5" Rito. The OG Rito figure isn't the best, but he's not bad if you give his right side a paint wash.
I don't think anon meant Bones. 'General' implies military which fits with Rito much more.
I just hope the rangers aren't roided out monstrosities BanDai America made them. The last basic rangers in boxes Hasbro did were perfect.
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I swear to god, if we get blue balled with a 5" Rita for the third time and they don't end up releasing it, I will torch Playmates to the ground... in Minecraft.
Someone lying on the internet?!?!
>'General' implies military which fits with Rito much more.
Good point. The Bandai Rito was egregiously lacking his sword and could benefit from some more articulation, so I would welcome a new and improved figure. If this information is true, it's encouraging to hear that Playmates is coming right out of the gate with a good mix of monsters of the day and main villains. Hopefully the line sells well enough to keep it going for a while.
they're scared of her torpedo tits, anon.
The shows were very below average, Dino Charge almost saved it before SuperCharge went off a cliff completely. The toys were a different story, Bandai found a decent model to follow after Samurai finished, but no one over the age of 10 were ever going to be okay with how half-assed the words were. At the very least they seemed committed to releasing every word unlike Hasbro. The figures were easily the best part of the line, and they found their grove during Super Megaforce/Dino Charge, but you can tell the start of the Legacy line hit them hard. They stretched their resources too thin and every line suffered because of it.
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>a Skull General
My face when

>a Mantis monster, a plant monster,

So Mantis and...Bloom of Doom maybe? The Venus Flytrap?

Also, the "big eye" one could be the Cyclops.
>no scale
>legs are too often a single piece
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Everything after Ninja Storm was shite.
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Man, I hope so. I'd be a lot more psyched for that than a third Eye Guy figure. It would also mean none of the initial monsters of the day Playmates has planned have a 5" counterpart, and I wouldn't be surprised if that were intentional. It would be amazing if Playmates made a conscious effort to expand on pic related instead of re-doing monsters which already have perfecly good figure in the same scale. Give me Commander Crayfish. Give me Fighting Flee. Give me Shellshock! There's so many monsters from season 1 alone who either haven't been made in 5" scale, or have never had an action figure at all.
How are the S7 Bulk/Skull? They seem alright in pictures but I think they would scale bigger over most of my figures even though they are humans and not superheroes.
I'm guessing it's very unlikely that Playmates do them right?
They're good for what they are, which is 7" scale figures. If you think you can fudge them with 6" stuff, don't. They're way too big. My only gripe with them is that neither of their expressions are scared. Could've made for some fun displays with the oversized Hasbro monsters, which scale well with them.

I think Playmates making them isn't unlikely at all. They always make April O'Neil, and have made other civilian non-combatant characters in the past. If pic related could get a figure from Playmates, I like Bulk and Skull's chances.
>>franchise which ran for 30 consecutive years
>Holy shit you are delusional. The last series was 10 episodes
>TV show seasons don't count if they're short
why would you expect the makers of TMNT figures to make figures that are 6-7 inches retard
This is exactly how i imagine the rangers and all the figures released will be packaged, figure and weapons on sprues. 6 inch is a dog shit scale btw.
toy line wise everything was ass sans dino charge after RPM
>They expect their Ranbers and mech to have a circle jerk.
Yeah, I've never understood what Bandai Japan expects kids to have their Rangers and mech toys fight when they're playing with them. Random Godzilla and dinosaur toys? It's like making a Batman toy line where it's just Batman with no Joker, Riddler, Catwoman, etc. figures.
yup they're literally using ultra kaijus
Not that anon, but to summarize as briefly-but-still-helpfully as I can: The comics actually started out really well. Set in Season 1 right after Tommy joined the team, it was presented as what I imagine most fans want from the series: MMPR, but taken seriously, with actual stakes to the plot. Things were going well all the way through Shattered Grid, the 25th anniversary event arc. But then they bungled the finale to Shattered Grid and they were never really able to fully recover from it. The comic moved on to Season 2, except it was obvious the writers saw Season 2 as vastly inferior to Season 1. Lord Zedd, the White Ranger, the Thunder Zords, and Rocky, Adam, and Aisha were all endlessly shit on, despite their Season 1 equivalents being constantly praised. Rita, Jason, Trini, and Zack were kept on as main characters well past the point they left on the show, with the three teens becoming the super secret Omega Rangers (the Peace Conference was just a cover story, you see). This Season 1 love/Season 2 hate was going on at roughly the same time that it was becoming more and more obvious that the comic was growing more and more interested in its own original characters as opposed to anyone from the show. Lord Zedd was never once allowed to be the main threat of an arc - It was always either Rita or an OC villain. Then the big finale arc lasted an entire year and that was just exhausting. Season 3 was never touched upon, though they went out of their way to make sure Master Vile was outdone by Rita (she literally stabs him in the back and steals his powers) and to inform us that Rito isn't just a lovable oaf slacker, he has literal, actual brain damage. And then some of the spin offs starring OCs veer off into weird territory, like the other anon mentioned.
>a Skull General
The fact that he says "skull" and not "skeleton" makes me think it's Rito, rather than Bones. Bones just looks like an ordinary skeleton. But Rito has an extra "skull" on the back of his helmet, his torso is a skull face, and he's got those little skulls hanging from his waist. It could be Bones, I guess, but I'm really hoping it isn't.
>a big-eyed creature
Eye Guy.
>a Sphinx monster
King Sphinx.
>a Mantis monster
>a plant monster
Well, "plant" is really vague. They couldn't have said "flower monster" or something? Help narrow it down a little? This could be Pineoctopus, Spit Flower, Octoplant, Pumpkin Rapper, Bloom of Doom, Invenusable Fly Trap, Terror Blossom, or Needle Nose.
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Lord Drakkon and muthafuggin' Shellshock coming from Super7's next wave of ReActions.
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I guess I should post this here

>bummed that the line died without getting Knasty Knight
>Considering buying a Mythic Legions to pass it off as him
>Suddenly realize that I'm about to buy a figure that could very well be out of scale compared to the Rangers, which was one of the biggest complains of many, me included

I guess those lazy fucks got the last laugh, huh
>Rita, Jason, Trini, and Zack were kept on as main characters well past the point they left on the show
>Lord Zedd was never once allowed to be the main threat of an arc - It was always either Rita or an OC villain

What are you talking about. Rita doesn't even appear between Shattered Grid and Darkest Hour.
>someone finally makes Shellshock
>it's a Reaction
in that case how's the new continuity going? ngl this is the first Ive seen anyone talk shit about the boom comics. I've seen nothing but glazing for it for the last 5 years.
why are you mad? it is a power rangers thread. it's relevant to the discussion you autist.
alot of the ultimates are still shelfwarming in ross. i wonder how super7 is even making ends meet these days.
every power rangers discussion boils down to shit like this. i wonder if the series' detractors are former fans who've just come to despise the franchise or if they're all super sentai elitist turbo autists with hateboners for saban.
>the first Ive seen anyone talk shit about the boom comics.
You must be new here, plenty of people have been shitting on boom from the jump. Even what some consider to be the "good" run is fanfic tier trash.

>what if Tommy never turned good, and combined the Green and White Rangers together into a super Ranger, and then traveled though time killing all the other Rangers and stealing their powers to become even stronger
>what if Jason, Zack, and Trini didn't actually go to a peace conference, but became a new team of Rangers on a top secret mission in space

Anyone who defends that shit has horrendous taste.
All I wanted was Carter and Casey figures
>super 7 makes reaction monsters
>they don’t sell go clearance
>get a bunch of monsters for my SHODO’s for 3-4 dlars each.
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>monsters for my SHODO
That's all they're good for, and even then they suck. The sculpting is just bad across the board, but I guess that's intentional from Reaction slop.
10 years on since I jumped on them, I still think I won with the Figuarts set. Have no felt the need to upgrade since. Even if they make 2.0 or even SHFSS(unlikely), I don't feel pressured to upgrade. Nothing since has lived up to these, not the Hasr, Super 7, or Shodo, although the Mezcos are kinda cool(I got the Green one as a standalone) the inability to pose like the SHF makes them more a sidegrade
It's a shame since I'd gladly have bought up full teams up through Dekaranger/S.P.D
You ought to look into SMP for the Zords to go with them.
Latest release is the Torozord, with Clear Plastic Dragonzord next and Mystic Force up for pre-order.
They'll probably do whatever else was in Mystic Force and Clear Plastic Titanus after that, with Sagittarius and Kentarus way later down the line.
I'm hoping they circle back to In Space and do the Mega Voyager and Mega Winger soon.
How is it that after two days there's not a single corroborating peep about this line anywhere else on the internet, nor a single photo has leaked when it's easier than ever to sneak a pic? Not saying this is bullshit, but the only person in the world who has seen this line and reported on it is an anon on here?
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>Shellshock finally gets a toy
>Its ReAction
>Rita doesn't even appear between Shattered Grid and Darkest Hour.
Read the entire sentence, anon.
>It was always either Rita or an OC villain
>OC villain
When it wasn't Rita, it was Kiya, the Eltarians, the Empyreals, or the Death Ranger - original characters that weren't from the show, keeping the focus away from Zedd until the comic felt like using Rita again. Although there was also the Putty Rita that Finster made for the Dark Rangers that never got a resolution.
At least he's not weirdly sculpted like Pudgy Pig was. He looks pretty accurate, at least from the front. And hey, the old classic Bandai figures were only 4/5 poa, too.
>Even what some consider to be the "good" run is fanfic tier trash.

I was going to yell at you for disparaging the pre-Shattered Grid run of Go Go Power Rangers until I saw you were only listed post-Shattered Grid arcs.

I know, you can easily boil down early Go Go to
>what if the team had a sixth friend who wasn't a Ranger but everyone loved him also he was dating Kimberly
but they got some decent mileage out of it before post-Shattered Grid ruined everything.
Matt was an absolutely great character who should've left after the "Admit to me that you're the Rangers or I'm never speaking to you ever again" moment and never returned under any circumstances.
No wonder comic books are going broke, this is the gayest shit I've ever read.
hi athena. you're really taking a sledgehammer to the board today arent you?
>Power Rangers
>remix to Ignition
>Wholesole little Athena
>Precious little Athena

Kek, that's all you'll be able to do once China imports become illegal.
The rest of the sentence isn't relevant. Rita wasn't "kept on as a main character well past the point she left on the show" and she wasn't "the main threat of an arc" when she returned. She didn't appear for three years and came back working for Dark Specter. Do you think she was the main villain of Darkest Hour or can you not read?
Imagine getting this worked up over a stupid fucking children's show kek
People have trouble accepting this. I don't know why. I can accept that 2003 Turtles is nowhere near as popular as the 87 series and thus doesn't get as much focus. Power Ranger fans are delusional and think SPD would sell as much as MMPR if it got as many toys.
MMPR ratings fell off a cliff after Season 1. They don't make season 3 shit because it's not what people are nostalgic for.
Re-ignition is such a rough choice for a line name. Makes it sound like there's something wrong with the IP, if it needs to be reignited.
Which, I suppose is true. But don't lead with that.
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Take this bullshit to /co/, this is a forum for discussing toys, not shitty comics.

Based rational minded anon. The Legacy 6.5" Line got off to a horrendous start because wave 1 was MMPR and Ninja Storm. The MMPR figures naturally sold, but those Ninja Storm figures peg warmed for years, and it hampered new waves from being ordered by retailers. At one point Bandai even told people they needed to go out and buy the peg warmers if they ever wanted to get the new figures.

Now don't get me wrong, I like Ninja Storm, but launching a new line and making 3/5 figures plus the build-a-figure in your first wave Ninja Storm is not a winning formula. You need to get people on board and create a strong foundation before trotting out those less popular seasons. Then you hope if the line has legs and people are enjoying it, a completeist attitude will kick in and you can start moving less popular teams.

Hasbro's anthology approach didn't fair much better for the same reason. Dino Charge Red was a big peg warmer in wave 1. Beast Morphers Red and Gold peg warmed in wave 2 despite being the currently airing season. These were low demand characters who should not have been launching a new line. Spacing out teams in different waves also caused problems for both Bandai and Hasbro in terms of consistency.

Starting with the full MMPR team is the most sensible way to launch a new PR line. From there you can branch off into other teams, but don't get cute and make your next team something like RPM. I like RPM, but it's not going help give a new line of Ranger figures it's legs. Stick to Zordon era to build your foundation, then you can start to branch out if the line is a success.
While I agree on the release the full team in one wave business plan, I think at this point they've done too many resets and alternate lines on the franchise at this point. If they do another line and full release the whole MMPR team they might still have issues with peg warming just from brand fatigue at this point. Lightning probably would have been the time to do waves of entire teams. If they did do a wave 1 of the MMPR team I think it would be best followed up by combinations of villains and characters from other team. Which ever team character ends up peg warming, put that team on the back burner and finish up the team of whatever didn't peg warm, and continue ad nauseum. I think one thing that would sell me on a new MMPR line is if they did some Megazords in the same scale as the 6 inch villain figures.
I disagree. The repackaged MMPR figures throughout the Lightning collection always did really well. The reality is the people sick of MMPR are a vocal minority. Also as someone that skipped the Hasbro stuff I'm kind of interested. Especially if they do relaunch the large scale figures as rumored. Those were my favorites as a kid.
>I think at this point they've done too many resets and alternate lines on the franchise at this point.
You're right about the brand fatigue. There's been so many resets over the last 15 years. 2010 reset the Bandai line to 4" scale. Then 2014 reset to 5" flat, which may not sound like a big difference, but were noticeably smaller figures than Bandai's original 5.5" line. Then Bandai started the 6.5" collector's line in 2016. In 2019 Hasbro took over with their 6" lines. And now in 2025, Playmates looks to be going back to 5" for their main line, and maybe a larger scale for more collector oriented figures. That's not including offerings which aren't a part of the main toyline, like Figuarts or Super7 Reaction/Ultimates.

As has been mentioned here, not a single one of those lines has been able to complete the main villain cast of MMPR. Zedd, Goldar, and Putties are common in lines, and Rita has gotten more common after finally getting a figure 2011. The rest are spattered about. Lightning and Ultimates got a Finster. Lightning and ReAction got a Scorpina. Lightning got Tengas. ReAction got Squatt, Baboo, and Rito. None of those recent lines have gotten a Master Vile.

If Playmates wants to set themselves apart from all these other lines and encourage people to buy-in, they need to offer new and exciting things rather than the same tired retreads. Even the monsters made by Hasbro and Super7 have been mostly retreads, as only the LC Pumpkin Rapper and upcoming ReAction Shellshock have never had action figures before. If the leak is true, Playmates looks like they will be off to a promising start. Four monsters of the day (two or three of which have never had an action figure before), and 5/12 of the main villain crew right out of the gate. If they continue down that path I think it can be a successful line like MOTU Origins.
I think low cost is a big factor which sets Playmates up for success. Bandai's basic figures were their best sellers by far. They sold so well that Bandai forced superfluous cockpit mode Rangers into the show just so they could make more basic figures per year. Bandai never had a problem with peg warmers until their 6.5" $20 line, and we've seen numerous Power Ranger collector lines fail over the years. Power Rangers just isn't a franchise which works in the collector action figure market. Collectors will buy higher priced Zords and roleplay items, but Power Rangers action figures over $20 have consistently struggled to sell. If the Playmates basic figures are about $12 and have decent sculpts (not cartoonish, roided, etc.) I think it will hit the sweet spot and have a long lifespan.
Where are some goddam leaks pics from UK toyfair?
Nuremberg toy fair is this tuesday, playmates will be there
Agree with all this, if anyone walks through a toy aisle right now you will see a lot of the low cost action figure lines that aren't deliberately neglected slop (aka Hasbro's 4 inch figures) you will see they typically sell decently. Mario and Sonic seem like they hit a good balance of being modestly priced toys for kids while also being sculpted well enough to appeal to collectors. They rely a lot of PM repacks for waves however, so I would expect future Playmates waves to have 2 or 3 MMPR re-releases alongside any of the new monster figures.
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>they hit a good balance of being modestly priced toys for kids while also being sculpted well enough to appeal to collectors.
I've said this before, but I think collector dedicated action figure lines were the downfall of the industry. Action figures had steadily improved for decades until they reached a point in which companies started drawing lines and making slop for kids, and overpriced adult catered figures. I never understood the rationale of that. Why not just find a good middle ground of quality and affordability that kids and adults can both enjoy? The Jungle Fury line and the Super Legends chase figures were a great balance for $6.99.
The Super Legends Zedd would rate so much higher if it didn't lack the spike on the bottom of the Z-Staff.
Crazy Uncle Todd destroyed too many toy companies during the 90s by not playing by the rules of the old farts who ran the existing toy companies. He scared them into having to offer more and destroy their profit margins because he was innovative. So they began offering more.

Todd eventually faded away to statue land. But then high quality import companies came along as well and adult collectors took notice. Domestic old guard felt they had to offer more to compete and had to buy up all the competition they could while targeting lines more and more towards collectors while on their faces making it possible that kids could still be interested and buy the lines...if their parents had enough money to spend on the figures.
I saw the playmates MMPR toys, all the figures are S1 except for Robot Rita, I didn't see Lord Zedd or white ranger or anything from other seasons. Lots of monsters, all S1: baboo, finster, squatt, putty, goldar, sphinx, bones, snizard, shellshock, they're about 14 cm.
The rangers have cartoon proportions (big feet/hands), the scultps are good, they look fun. 2 green rangers, jason and tommy figures in red/green karate gi. they come with unpainted silver weapons gun and their respective weapon), articulation looks good, and I really like the helmets, not 100% show accurate. command center playset with zordon and alpha and a motorcycle.
zords don't look great, not a lot of paint or detail on them. no dragonzord or titanus.
Why doesn't your information corroborate with the other anon? His sounded more legitimate.
I've considered them, but as petty as it sounds, they're too small for my tastes. The added articulation is cool, but they aren't getting crazy articulation so its not a major selling point to me.
Plus I do have a lot of the original releases, along with the SoC Daizyujin. And the old DXs aren't too far in size from that
I bought a Muteki Shogun last month. It needs the sword and individual weapons,but it wasn't a bad price and had the JP box. I'm aiming to rack down a few more choice pieces in the coming years. Since I don't really like the mecha design past the 2000s its a finite cap too
this looks like a bunch of m&ms wrappers came to life.
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>Why not just find a good middle ground of quality and affordability that kids and adults can both enjoy?
Well we reached that middle ground in the mid 2000's, but like you noted, the bigger players butted in and bought out the smaller companies that made everything wallet friendly. Then they fucked up prices, fucked up the figure designs, and over the course of the next fifteen years we end up in today's situation. This is why I appreciate playmates' efforts even if it does piss me off when they cut corners. You cant beat an 8.99 ninja turtle with 10 to 12 poa.
Those sonic and mario figures are the toybiz of the modern day. Gen alpha will celebrate those figures into their 30's. I'm honestly baffled by how perfect those all turned out. It seemed like an impossible feat in the current toy landscape.
> I think it can be a successful line like MOTU Origins.
if only they thought that far ahead with their TMNT remastered line
I trust Playmates
Is that a fucking Pawpaw Bear?!
Why no leaks yet?
>Re-ignition is such a rough choice for a line name. Makes it sound like there's something wrong with the IP, if it needs to be reignited..
It makes me think of cars. Which would be fine for a Turbo line, but it's an odd choice for dinosaur based MMPR. It's also too close to recognition, and I guarantee you're gonna see retards calling it that (maybe unintentionally due to autocorrect). Ultimately if the toys are good I don't care what the line is called, but it's a weird choice.
Seems more legit
Why? Dino charge sold great
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Should Megazords also get figures? Like in whatever scale they will be 5 or 4 or 6 inch?
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When you make cheaper, more kid friendly figures, you sell more of them, and you can make more. Pic related was ONE year of Bandai (2014). The biggest mistake they made was falling for the $20 collector figures meme.
>only 3 bad guys
Jesus why
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Yes! I always loved the Zord figures. In some cases I like them more than their deluxe counterparts because they were less boxy/more poseable (Red Battlezord comes to mind). Sadly they didn't start making those until Zeo, so I'd love to get 5 inch MMPR Zord figures.
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Post villain characters you wish will get a toy, even if you know it probably will never happen
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That would be cool if they could do super sentai figs as chases, I want vancuria, but the two girls would be awesome too
They should do Godzilla vs. MMPR zord two packs and next mutation turtle/ranger two packs, just cause they can

And Kaijuzords.
>Every figure is posed the exact same way
God I hope we get collector figures so we don't get stuck with these bricks
Playmates at peak skill & effort could make something pretty decent. However, considering how they got the license to begin with, I doubt they'll give it the time unless what they're currently making now somehow pops off in sales.

I figure at leat decently poseable figures should be easy to do. At least for most Rangers, the hardest part would be the accessories because they have so many gadgets. That could be solved by just selecting key ones and being consistent with what the members of a shared team get. Plus, the Rangers are just japanese stuntmen and some women who are pretty slim. No need to make them muscular like Bandai of America's or frumpy shortnecks like Hasbro's sometimes looked. If you made them SHF scale, which is still smaller than Hasbro's scale, you could cut costs on plastic. Get rid of the actor heads for further reduction. The body sculpts don't need to be that complicated, man. Playmates could gain popularity by being a cheaper alternative to SHF, either as a whole replacement or to compliment the existing new SHF. Yeah, they won't go as hard as SHF, but Bandai Japan is not gonna go at the other Rangers at all anymore. So it seems, anyway. And while it won't serve Sentai fans as well due to the gender-swapped characters, at least it provides something. Especially to PR fans, whose branch of the IP got this "opportunity" to begin with. If they can make the price not TOTALLY suck, there'd be more wins than loses for everybody, overall.
...There's larger posts in this thread.
The middle ground is like the Jaks Pacific Nintendo toys.
$10 at Walmart and I can get Link with 13-18 PoA and a pretty damn good sculpt.
Collectors lines have their place, they're just not meant to be the standard on the toy aisle peg.
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When should we get first reveals?

Also, do you think Playmates will re-release some old Bandai toys? Are they allowed to?
Shut up

Why didnt Bandai ever make villains for their lines? Dino Charge has most villains made.

Fucks sake, mystic force had such cool villain designs and none of them became figures minus wolf knight, but he is a good guy.
>Why didnt Bandai ever make villains for their lines? Dino Charge has most villains made.

Japan is literally famous worldwide for cool villain and monster designs but somehow there is this meme that Japanese people don't buy villain toys, just the same Red Ranger 100x.
Hasbro had to reengineer the Mighty Morphin automorphers so I doubt it. Bandai retains all the rights. They could theoretically release any Bandai US made MMPR product that doesn't have the likenesses in Japan, like they did with the Lightning collection morpher and SoC Titanus
You forgot that companies also began to push articulation, over the top sculpted details, and paint applications as selling points. Hasbro even did that with the LC they pointed out that the figures would have fabric folds as part of their detailing. Sure they look nice but no one would have cared if it wasn't there.
I miss the over the top sculpts more than anything else these days. Figures now look so bland now. Granted it might be down to the transition from the aesthetics of the late 90's and 2000's eckstreem edge trends, but holy shit, everything nowadays has the texture of either a basketball or an orange peel.
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>only 3 bad guys
>Jesus why
Because they made 21 Red Rangers and 11 sixths. I'm always one to advocate for more villains, but Super Megaforce wasn't the line for it. They made up for it the following year.
I'm convinced they went all in on villains for Dino Charge because the Kyoryuger generals were so popular (Even Bandai Japan gave at least Dogold a Sofubi) and because the TMNT line was selling mutants like hotcakes. It was the perfect storm.
It was the TMNT 2012 line. Dino Supercharge package refreshed most of the villains from 2015, so that's why they went lighter on the villains with only six new ones. Bandai had more villains planned for 2017, but the movie's failure fucked everything up. Madame Odius and Spinferno were supposed to be in the final 2017 Ninja Steel wave (as well as the remaining training mode Rangers), but the glut of movie figures not moving kept the final wave from ever being released. Thankfully Bandai put Odius and Spinferno into Good vs Evil two-packs the following year.

Not so fortunate was MMPR Rita, who had a 5" figure planned for a 2017 Then & Now two-pack which never got released. Bandai said they would release her later in another manner, but once Hasbro took the license that went out the window. They also apparently had four different 5" Putties planned for their 2017 movie line which never got released (along with a second wave of movie Rangers with open helmets).

2018 was barely a line. Bandai knew they were losing the license and stopped trying. The onlly new figure released after the first Super Ninja Steel assortment was the Evil Red Ranger.
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>17 POA figures are bricks
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>Playmates at peak skill & effort could make something pretty decent. However, considering how they got the license to begin with, I doubt they'll give it the time
Hasbro was so utterly inept at making Power Rangers toys that even a medium effort from Playmates will blow them out of the water.
I feel like I was the only one who thought the swords were always too short. They didn't feel long enough
I know the blade mode of the Blade Blasters were tiny. They were sized to fit perfectly in the holsters, but this made them so small the male figures couldn't even hold them properly. The holster mode was ironically made bigger and could be held without issue, but barely fit in the holster. How do you fuck that up?
Playmates can't be worse than Hasbro

I am happy they have a vision
And what is this vision?
Have we seen any prototypes or designs yet? At least a sketch?
Is there even a verbal description of what they're planning that I missed?
No, they are paying for the license rights from Hasbro who owns the master license. No one has access to those Bandai America molds other than Bandai Japan.
Jesus, this comic was so disappointing and stupid.
>No Dino Fury villain figures
Man, I would've bought Mucus and Slyther at least.
I juat wanna say, as a lego general veteran, this is a good thread. Keep it up power rangers chads
I want toys reveals now
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Were Hasbro Megazords bad? How can Playmates fix it? How would you handle them?
How they handled megazords and zords was all over the place. Are they for collectors? Are they for kids? Are they for both?

I will say something unpopular, but I think future PR toy lines need to focus on kids and not adults. Also, just because its for kids doesnt mean it has to be shit! In my opinion, dino charge was peak.
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>No Dino Fury villain figures
>Man, I would've bought Mucus and Slyther at least.
That image is showing Bandai's villain figures in their final years. Hasbro made some Dino Fury villains. Not Mucus or Slyther though.

>How they handled megazords and zords was all over the place. Are they for collectors? Are they for kids? Are they for both?
I actually think those Megazord figures were one of the few good things Hasbro did. The paint and articulation were minimal, but the sculpts were highly accurate to the suits used in the show. Though I'll agree that it seems they didn't know who they were marketing them to. They were more expensive than the basic kids figures, but cheaper than the Lightning Collection, amd seemingly pleased neither market.

>I will say something unpopular, but I think future PR toy lines need to focus on kids and not adults. Also, just because its for kids doesnt mean it has to be shit! In my opinion, dino charge was peak.
I'm fully with you there, though I think Super Megaforce was also peak. The sheer number of past Rangers they released in one year was nuts, and I really like how they did some original auxiliary Zords and gave the Turbo Falcon a Megazord mode. Only thing they botched was the release of the keys, but they at least put out the missing keys the following year.
Why Cosmic Fury had no toys?
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Yes, they look bad and were bad quality (broke).

>1.Get rid of the added greebles, honeycombs, etc.
>2. Don't scale them to arbitrary numbers from Japanese picture books. Make the Zords roughly the same size like they are in the show.
>3. Use a mix of the original Bandai toys and the show for the proportions. Don't get cute with stylization.
>4. Take note of what SMP is doing in regards to engineering and articulation.

It's not difficult. I would also bring back the Zordbuilder connection system. I think that was a very fun gimmick which had a lot of potential, but Zordbuilder often seemed like an afterthought to Bandai, which limited what one could do with it. For instance, Dragonzord needed a part from the Mastodon to be able to use other arms, which kind of defeats the purpose. They should've given it a conversion piece (basically that Mastodon part minus the feet) to allow it to combine with other arms while still having a fully formed Megazord.

The Zords should also be a highly quality than Bandai's yearly toylines. Since Samurai, Bandai's seasonal Zords were often making concessions to not exceed a certain price point. The Samurai Zords couldn't do symbol mode (which impacted at least one transformation), Super Megaforce didn't have opening doors, etc. If Playmates is selling their Zords individually like their Voltron, I expect this will be the case.
Super Ninja Steel had the weirdest packaging, like they were collector toys but they barely had paint!
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Good question, I liked cosmic fury and wondered the same
I really liked that packaging, though it was weird they did a big packaging overhaul for one wave of toys right before they lost the license. Maybe they planned it before the rug got pulled out from under them, but I imagine they knew their days were limited long before we did.
Oh cool, looks like we're getting Rito, I hope they get his paint right.
If this is as good as he describes it, all I can hope for is that they scale well with SMPs.
>bring back the Zordbuilder connection system
NO. It's a cute idea, and I wish it had worked out better, but the Zordbuilder ports sucked ass. They were weak as hell, giving us a Daizyujin with a permanent slouch who needed knee braces to keep from snapping in half.
Latest rumours for franchise say:
>a animated series is in the works
>paramount is making a reboot film and might buy the franchise from Hasbro
I dont know if I want PR under Paramount, I think safest bet would be Universal.
Wasnt 2017 PR bayformers? It was a giga flop

I did like it
>Zordbuilder ports sucked ass. They were weak as hell, giving us a Daizyujin with a permanent slouch who needed knee braces to keep from snapping in half.
That had nothing to do with the Zordbuilder ports. That was the result of poor die-cast implementation, resulting in an extremely top heavy Zord, and having knees which didn't securely lock into place to prevent the legs from buckling. Keep in mind that the Legacy Megazord was just the $25 plastic 2010 toy with better paint/stickers and die-cast bits haphazardly slapped on. It wasn't designed with the weight of a largely die-cast Dragonzord being worn on top of it in mind.

I've never had an issue with the actual Zordbuilder ports in any of my stuff, though I have noted they aren't all created equal. Some ports or pegs are ever so slightly larger or smaller than others, which can result in a tighter or looser fit. Playmates could do a better job to avoid those discrepancies so everything is a good tight, but not too tight, fit.
These and monsters were all I bought as a kid because I knew i couldn't afford the DX toys or to complete a team.
Plus I just liked robots a lot.
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>Sure they look nice
lmao are you high
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Mystic Force had kino monster designs and its a shame we will never get toys of those
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She actually got a figure in Japan.
They were 2mm pegs, the SMP's joints are larger in comparison.
I like the idea of Zordbuilder, but it was just awful.
Don't know where you're getting that info but you're wrong. They are much larger than SMP pegs.
Looks shit
So what's the best Green Ranger figure?
SH Figuarts?
Lightning collection putty 2 pack?
Super 7?
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Pretty sure they did this to save on packaging costs. At that point they merged all their lines and the only thing that differentiated them was the color of the packaging. Super Ninja Steel was all black with a color splash of red, the throwback/"Legacy" line was silver, and the actual Legacy RP stuff was all black. Shame it only lasted a year, and so many items had to be cut due to the buyout.

I remember the earlier rumor was Paramount buying the production half of the series while Hasbro keeps the master toy license. Regardless, I trust Paramount way more than I trust Hasbro. Simon Bennett talked about how often Hasbro would butt in and ask for arbitrary changes or whine about things that nobody cared about. Like they're the reason the Cosmic Fury weapons had the ugly logo thunderbolt and vetoed Dino Fury Red changing to Cosmic Fury White which is why he's stuck with that ugly champagne color.

Between those 3, the Figuarts is your best choice. They all have their issues, with the SHF having the least of them, his issue is the shade of green they chose is too close to teal so he looks really washed out next to other greens. The putty 2 pack green is based on his Dino Thunder cameo so he has a miscolored holster and silver trim on his helmet.
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>his issue is the shade of green they chose is too close to teal so he looks really washed out next to other greens.
Not really, Dragonranger is more of a tealgreen than a foresty green, it's just that all the US merch for 30 years has used a more basic green. Being a 30 year old TV show means the colors do depend on the broadcast, but Bandai Japan uses the same color for their Zyuranger merch except for some earlier toys
Friends. I want the Dino megazord and dragonzord. What are my options?
>Between those 3, the Figuarts is your best choice.
Depends on what one values. Do you want the most accurate helmet sculpt? That's Lightning Collection Remastered (shield sold separately). Do you want the best JDF likeness? That's the LC Fighting Spirit/Putty 2-pack or wave 7 Green Ranger (which I'd say are also the figures with the most accurate shield sculpt). Do you want the most accessories? That's Super7 Ultimates. Do you want the best articulation? That's Figuarts. Best paint? Also Figuarts.

An area where the Figuarts isn't good is having villains to pose with. Bandai's Z-Putty figure from 94 and Super Legends Zedd scale pretty well with Figuarts. That's about it as far as MMPR is concerned. The old Bandai monsters are too small, and the Lightning Collection villains are too big. I would say I like the Figuarts the best, but Lightning Collection Remastered is what I display because of villain compatibility.
I'm biased, so I have to recommend the Super Mini-Pla. They're model kits you have to build, but that's half the fun. About 6 inches tall, shitloads of articulation, and as a side effect of them using the same joints a lot, you can mix and match with other kits to some extent.
They did a new run of them when they changed from Super Mini-Pla to Shokugan Modeling Project, so you should be able to find them on the aftermarket, or they recently released a clear plastic version of the Megazord, with Dragonzord in preorder right now.
You can hunt down Titanus too, or wait for the Clear version, and it's motorized.

If you have way too much money and space, Altara has a Megazord that's like, 2½ft tall that you put together piece by piece, and the whole thing will cost about $1k.
If you have not that much money, but still plenty, Flame Toys has them, but stylized. Like Megazord has wings now and shit.
Or you could try to hunt down the Soul of Chokugin sets. About the size of the old DLX, but collector quality.
And there's still more options for the Megazord, like those ones that turn into cubes.

There's not so many choices for the Dragonzord, but someone could make a ln actual collection from just the Dino Megazords out there.
Yes you mook, that's why all of them are posed the same spreading their legs to unstick their balls to their thigh
Best option: SoC
Solid option:Hasbro ZAP
Great option if you're ok with the size relative to price:Superminipla
Surprisingly still decently priced/worth it option:the original 93 US releases(if you can get them loose)
Great option if the prices weren't astronomical: Bandai Legacy
Avoid:Hasbro budget MMPR Megazord

The Legacy Dragonzord is actually my favorite, over the Bandai Chogokin even, because it feels the most true to screen. The SoC is the best Megazord bar the giant model kit thats so costly it's hardly an option. The Superminipla is probably the most popular option for /toy/. My own unpopular opinion is that the ZAP is pretty cool
personally i think the mezco one blows the others away, though it should considering its price
the other rangers are supposed to be shipping soon, i'm eager to see if they will turn out as good or if mezco just got lucky with the green and white ranger
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>Solid option:Hasbro ZAP
Opinion discarded

>i think the mezco one blows the others away
In cost to shit ratio?
Reiginition reveal on Tuesday
please goddammit. You're so close
>And there's still more options for the Megazord, like those ones that turn into cubes.
yeah the Lucky Cat "Beast Lord" set is pretty nice(both the original colors and the more recent Black version they did), they teased a Dragonzord figure as well but nothing concrete has emerged about that one yet as far as I can tell

>please goddammit. You're so close
I imagine we'll probably get figures for both MMPR/TMNT crossovers within a year or two of the Playmates PR line launching assuming there's no legal issues surrounding the designs
The mammoth is cool as shit


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I'd actually buy some decently made Krybot figures, I'm not massively into PR but I loved SPD as a kid and as mook designs go they were cool.
>Reiginition reveal on Tuesday
Says who?

>Turtle helmets have identical visors
>Casey Jones has half his head and arms exposed
I wish Americans would forever stop designing their own Rangers. And before anyone says it, Titanium and the Spirit Rangers were designed by Plex, the same people who design everything for Sentai.
Also worth considering: Super7. It's more of an action figure than what you want out of a zord, but it would look cool next to others like them.
>Friends. I want the Dino megazord and dragonzord. What are my options?
It's pointless to discuss this now before seeing what Playmates version will look like.

Super7 Dragonzord looks like shit and is out of scale with the Megazord in the same line.
the unmasked head is awful but i don't buy rangers to display them unmasked, its otherwise great
Didn't they also make a Dragon Megazord and MegaDragonzord? How did those turn out?
Super7 is garbage and nobody should consider them. Sorry not sorry.
>says who
Playmates duh

Nuremberg makes most sense to reveal it now because they said news soon, new york toy fair is in march, 1 month away. Made more sense to announce reignition closer to new york, so nuremberg being the reveal makes most sense
Why did they design them after the big foam suits and not the robots? Posable robots are cool. Guy is big unwieldy foam padded suit less so.
how much are they?
how hard are they to build? I have hamhands
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>Hasbro made some Dino Fury villains.
>Not Mucus or Slyther though.
>is out of scale with the Megazord in the same line.
Eh, it's not that bad. It's better than the original Bandai toys, where it's like half the size of the Megazord.
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Still mad they didn't make either of these in the lightning collection
>Opinion discarded
I totally expected people to feel that way, I get that the ZAP Megazord isn't ideal, but at the moment it hasn't been hit by secondary market costs like the Chogokin or Legacy releases which makes it decent.
The Minipla is a better option in terms of engineering but for people who want a bigger size/more paint but don't want to spend money and don't mind the liberties taken, there's the ZAP
But I also like the Mezco Green Ranger I have(not as much as the SHF, but it's a nice piece) so I'm sure we'll simply disagree entirely.
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>the unmasked head is awful
>its otherwise great
Lol it looks like he's wearing a onesie. The texture and fit of that suit is awful. Also that helmet sculpt is worse than Lightning Collection Remastered, or even Hasbro's cheaper VHS Green Ranger. Then the shield diamond is really small, and the morpher is too small for the belt. I wouldn't pay $20 for that. It makes Hasbro's figures look good.
>Nuremberg makes most sense to reveal it now
So not Playmates then, just you talking out of your ass and making assumptions.
Per Rangerboard.

>The 4chan source claimed they saw Doctor Who merchandise as well, I've spoken to Gallifrey Base forum members that were there and they said no such merch was on display, so if he would lie about that, there's no truth to the PR info.
these look like absolute garbage
Every single comic book OC is garbage. The 2017 movie suits are garbage. The Cosmic Fury suits are garbage. Americans don't understand sentai design.
>Lol it looks like he's wearing a onesie
oh so like a fucking power ranger got it
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Power Rangers wear tight shiny spandex, not bulky fleece.
Its Joever
New thread?
We're only on page 3. If any news does come out tomorrow, that would be the time for a new thread.
Say what you will, but at least Super7 attempted show accuracy for the suits, instead of basing them off the toys or some imaginary idea of how they "should" look like every other rendition in the last several years.

If we get toy line reveal then Power Rangers General is BACK

I really hope we get reveals Tomorrow
I do too, but we got nothing at London toy fair, so I don't know why anyone is holding onto hope of Germany producing reveals. Playmates said a good while ago that the reveal would be at NY toy fair. Could things have changed since then? Sure. But Germany would be a weird place to debut your new toyline.
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Think Playmates will be given a green light to do things like the transforming figures or extra armor ones if the line is even remotely successful?
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God I hope not. All that extraneous slop always seemed so pointless. Also Bandai already tried that with MMPR in 2010, and it was a huge failure. Stick to the actual show. You have a massive pool of villains to draw from and a lot of MMPR variants you can do. Commander Crayfish's Putty Rangers, 95 Movie Rangers, Ninja Rangers, Metallic Armor Rangers. They can do a set of helmetless Rangers with shitty oversized removable helmets down the road. Dragon Shield variants/shieldless Green. Fully unmorphed Rangers would be great to finally have. Alien Rangers are technically MMPR. There's no shortage of MMPR milking they can do without having to resort to making shit up.
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>at least Super7 attempted show accuracy for the suits
And they failed spectacularly in regards to the Dragonzord. Their Megazord is better, but still not quite right. Hasbro's $14 VHS figure has a more accurate sculpt/proportions to the show suit than Super7's $65 attempt. Sadly the Hasbro figure has very little paint due to the cheap price point.
They didnt say anything of nytf, just that it will be soon. Nuremberg toy fair is still big for reveals, hasbro will reveal their new transformers toy line there for example
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Well fuck
Is "suit accuracy" really what people want for a new Megazord figure? The suit itself has not aged well at all.
wtf, I thought Playmates said we were going to get a look at them soon. Over a month from now isn't soon.
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I'd rather suit accuracy than shit like pic related or ZAP. Some toys veer too far from the source material. I think the SRC is a great middle ground. It's idealized, but doesn't stray too far from the classic design.
Yeah I agree that's too far, but I'd sooner want something that resembles the original concept art or even the original toy as far as proportions go.
Soon is a relative term. Seeing as the toys aren't slated to hit shelves until the fall, seeing them in a month could be considered soon by comparison.
Fair enough, but I thought I remember seeing "next week" specified or something after the "mantis monster and skull general" report. Oh, well.
Concept art sure. Can't say I agree as far as OG toy proportions are concerned though. I'm not a fan of how squat and thick that Megazord is. Here's the SMP, which has similar proportions to the OG toy, next the sleeker SRC. I like the SRC much better. A transformable version of that would probably be me ideal Megazord toy.
Its confirmed that leak was bullshit
This guy is the only one I've seen who is confirmed to have been at London Toy Fair and claims to have seen the toys (which he says were in a locked room) >>11313853

Sadly he doesn't say much (probably had him sign an NDA).

>Different to what Hasbro was producing
>WIll appeal to both the kids and collectors
>Will make you revert to being 5 years old and wanting to play with Power Rangers again.

Take from that what you will. Hopefully it means a lot of villains regardless of the leak being a lie, cause how is one supposed to play with Power Ranger toys without any villains?
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>WIll appeal to both the kids and collectors
This is the winning formula. Stop fracturing your consumer base with dedicated kid and collector lines. Power Rangers isn't popular enough to move complete teams at a $20+ price point. The Legacy females should have been evidence enough of this for Hasbro to not make the same mistake, but Hasbro hates making toys for children so they thought less cartoonish proportions, an unmasked head, and an effect part would better move their take on a PR collector's line.
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>Dino Fury villain figures
Here's a visual reference of what they made.
Okay I do agree the SRC looks real nice, if anything for the size of the head in regards to everything else, but I'd gladly still take the SMP considering it can combine/transform.
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Not doing a Robo Roxy or gold Vargoyle variant is crazy to me. Villains rarely give you an opportunity to get extra mileage out of a mold, but Hasbro had two easy repaints handed to them on a silver platter and they couldn't be bothered.
Did Hasbro not have any contact with Plex or even heard of them? Why Plex wasn't even considered to design the Cosmic Fury suits was baffling as I'm sure we would've gotten better designs than those fake muscled ass ones.
Plex is a subsidiary of Bandai, so I'd say that bridge was burned.
You talk like you gargle cum
Geez, they actually bothered with a figure for him? Even in the show itself, he felt so unnecessary.
Whoa, wait, they actually made a new figure for Zedd? Holy shit. Doesn't look too awful, either... And it even managed to get the Z-Staff right.
I seem to recall hearing that someone asked Simon Bennett (the main producer/showrunner/whatever) a question regarding Plex (probably in regards to the Cosmic Fury suits) on one of his social media accounts and his answer was basically "What's Plex?"
I swear Power Rangers is forever cursed to never finish a villain crew. Sometimes they get close, but can never seem to finish. All Dino Charge needed was Arcanon. All Beast Morphers needed was Scrozzle. If Playmates can actually complete an entire main villain cast it will be a huge accomplishment not done in the entire history of the franchise.
Even though it's just a board game and not proper toys, props to Heroes of the Grid for completing not just the entire MMPR Evil Space Alien crew, but the whole main MMPR cast, as well. It's a shame they weren't able to any MMPRTM stuff since Hasbro thinks they don't own it for some reason.
Escape is my favorite Sentai villain and I was holding out for a screen accurate repaint when I heard they used the original suit. I don't feel confident in my ability to customize one.
Where are those reveals anon?
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plex did work for Mattel on that Hot Wheels Robo Wheels series, so it's not like other toy companies can't hire them.
Mattel didn't take one of their biggest money makers away from them.
Playmates posted another tease on their IG. Getting kind of sick of all the teasing, just reveal the damn line already.

they're teasing human characters including midriff bearing Kimberly!
Seems more like a communicator tease to me.

NTA, but I hope you're right. I missed out on all the Bandai versions (only got into collecting PR stuff around 2021) and I'd gladly take a communicator that doesn't cost multiple hundreds of dollars aftermarket.
speaking for at least myself, yes
Didn't think they were going to tease roleplay merch already. Kind of excited to see how this turns out.
So... do you guys actually watch the shows?
I've watched from In Space up until RPM, didn't watch Operation Overdrive though
As an adult?
No they were airing while I was growing up, once I got old enough I stopped paying much attention to the shows
Same, but my question was about the present.

Apparently there are adults who unironically watch Power Rangers/Super Sentai, and there are even Reddit subs for them.
I wanted to see if there are some here so I can ask them how do they bear watching something so unfathomably cringe?

I like the mechas, music, and designs, I understand that, but the shows themselves have dogshit acting/dialogue/plot.
Not that anon, but:
>unfathomably cringe
You're already walking into this with the wrong mindset. You don't watch Power Rangers expecting Shakespeare. Just like with an old B-movie, you just go with it, warts and cheese and all. If it's only worth lampooning, that's fine. If it surprises you with a well-written and touching moments, even better.

To be fair, a lot of the later seasons from the past decade couldn't even hit that enjoyment benchmark for various reasons. But that's not to say there's something inherently wrong with the franchise that demands ridicule. You just have to stop expecting something not being offered and have fun.

I went through every Power Rangers season over a two year period. It was more of something I'd put on for background noise while waking up and getting ready for work than something I'd actually watch, but the elements that stand out as cringe to you are part of the charm to me. The bad acting and cheesy dialogue are unintentionally hilarious most of the time and don't take away from the action, which is still fun to watch as an adult.

Also, I think the parts of PR you're criticizing vary from series to series. Everything after RPM is complete garbage, but stuff like In Space and Time Force actually end up being good, watchable shows in their own right despite the the PR trappings.
Anyone here own this bad boy? This is the pique DinoMegazord design. Who needs show accuracy.
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>pique DinoMegazord design.
More like puke. Sadly even Bandai Japan is getting stupid with the redesigns.
The acting in Time Force was top notch, lots of emotional moments between Wes, his dad and Jen. Ransik's actor was amazing as well, he really sold his role. I wish the seasons that came after RPM kept the same quality of writing before it turned into utter slop. Like honestly, what the fuck happened?
What the fuck is that sword supposed to be lmfao
You say that as if the seasons preceeding RPM weren't slop. I think the entire Bruce Kalish era was horrible. People seem to like SPD for some reason, but I can't get past some of the unlikable characters. Jack was DEI in full effect. Didn't earn his spot as the leader, immediately abuses his power, throws a tantrum when Rangering gets in the way of fucking a white girl, and ultimately quits.
The whole thing is bad, and I don't get why because the others aren't so overly stylized. One cool thing about this line is that it's Zordbuilder compatible. For Zyuranger or Gokaiger the BoA Zordbuilder toys were superior, but getting Zordbuilder compatible robots from series before BoA started Zordbuilder, like Gaoranger, or after BoA lost the PR license like Toquger, is pretty neat. The full action Kyoryuger arms also use Zordbuilder connections, so there is a ton of cross compatibility potential. Crazy to see Japan reviving Zordbuilder after all these years.
Stopped reading as soon as you mentioned DEI. As if Power Rangers hasn't been inclusive since the very beginning of the show. GTFO fake ass fan.
I'm talking about the character. Jack had no prior experience as an SPD officer. He was arrested and sitting in a jail cell when he was taken out and given team leadership over the white guy who trained for it his entire life. If that isn't DEI I don't know what is.
It wasn't about DEI ffs, the commander put him in charge as a lesson to Sky to not be entitled to a position just because his father used to be in that position. Jack might not have been as qualified as Sky for the position of Red Ranger but this is actually a plot point in a later episode when the rest of the team is busting their asses during training and Jack is laying back and not doing any work, Sky calls him out on it and Kruger forces Jack to participate in training and Jack realises he has to pull as much weight as everyone else.
Its really no different than Tommy getting to be leader despite never leading the team before and Jason still being around, Andros leading the team despite TJ already working with them as a unit,Wes getting to effectively lead despite being a rookie(I know Jen is still considered leader, but it doesn't come off as such most of the time).
It's not uncommon in storytelling for the outsider to be shown as exceeding over the by-the book, experienced one, because freethinking and outside the box thinking tends to be romanticized. Especially in western storytelling, and PR has a history of the Red ranger being one of the more wildcard members of the team.
Is that the standard edition of Byoon D that can attach those other mechs?
Its a cool design and I love Sentinel, but I'm just not that into this. I don't need 1:1 show accuracy either, but the SoC and SRC(and even the Retrofire) hit a sweet spot of being cool and tweaking proportions to look more dynamic while remaining recognizable. This is basically a whole different robot. A really cool one, but there's a lot of really cool toys out there and I don't really feel the need to own this that much.
I was buying a lot of figures for the design alone for a while, and when they started making more figures that appeal to my nostalgia/things I already liked I was more happy. But I'm glad you like that figure anon, it's cool to see sentinel redesign a Sentai mecha.

Fucking Trip made Red ranger eventually. Their standards were incredibly low.


This anon is actually correct though. There was a narrative reason for it and the rivalry between red and blue is one of the more memorable things about SPD because of it. Also, Jack giving Sky his morpher to take down his dad's killer in red battlizer mode is a top ten Power Rangers moment.
You mean Bridge
>It wasn't about DEI
>criminal black guy with zero law enforcement training/experience made leader of team
>white guy who was their most trained/capable recruit is made #2 to teach him a lesson in subordination after scoffing at the idea of a female leader
>Cruger's female lead A-Squad is the only team in Ranger history to have willfully turned evil, proving Sky right that women shouldn't lead
Idk why you're so desperate to apply DEI to a show that was released twenty years ago when DEI wasn't even a thing back then
SPD is different from most Ranger teams because it's a law enforcement organization with proper training and rank and such. For a police organization to just grab two people off the street with zero training, and make one of them the leader of your new team over the people who have spent years training with that organization is kind of nuts.

The MMPR team had no formal training were randomly selected by a space wizard, who made the strongest of the group the leader. Enter Tommy, and Jason was no longer the strongest of the group. Even still, Zordon didn't appoint Tommy leader immediately after turning good. Tommy put in time with the group and proved himself. Even when operating on little to no power, he saved the team's ass again and again. Jason was also emotionally cracking ("Missing Green"), and Zordon may have known Jason was going to be selected for the Peace Conference soon after (he can see seemingly anything on earth with his viewing globe, so I doubt he didn't know it was coming in advance). Appointing Tommy leader when he did could have been done to build the cohesion of a Tommy lead team before Jason left, while still having Jason around for a while just in case Tommy didn't rise to the occasion.

The Space team is very simple. Space was Andros' territory, and they were using his ship, powers, weapons, etc. It would have been silly for TJ to have come in and lead that team knowing nothing of Space, just like it would have been silly if Andros had come to earth a year prior and become the leader of the Turbo Rangers.

Jen consistently lead the Time Force team, and while Wes did show leadership qualities at times, a lot of that stems from the Red Ranger having been designed to be the team leader. So for instance his Zord is the torso, and he gets the center Megazord position by default. The Time Force officers were also on Wes' turf in 2001, so they were fish out of water, and that allowed West to take charge of some situations.
Yes. It uses the same inner robot skeleton as the DX Robo Universe line.
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The mech from this year's sentai, Gozyuger, is also Zordbuilder compatible.
That's pretty neat. I've never been one for wanting to combine different robo's from different series but it's cool that they're doing this
>affirmative action didn't exist 20 years ago
SPD also takes place in 2025.
> what the fuck happened
When Saban bought it back, he deliberately lowered the target audience to 3-8 from 6-11. The reasoning behind it was since live action super heroes had become much more ingrained in pop culture and they weren't equipped to go head to head with stuff like the MCU they decided to use Power Rangers as an entry point series for young viewers. Kind of like how in Japan Kamen Rider is aimed at a slightly older audience than Sentai.

Did you completely forget there's an entire episode of SPD where Cruger reveals he knew both Jack and Z had powers and kept an eye on them until the day they were arrested to put them on the team? The bad writing isn't Jack getting his spot despite no training, it's Cruger deliberately leaving 2 people on the streets for most of their lives despite having everything they need to live on the SPD campus.
Just admit you're brainrotted and gtfo
>a lesson to Sky to not be entitled to a position just because his father used to be in that position.
If he felt entitled to the position it was because he was SPD's top cadet and worked hard for it and rightfully earned it, not just because his dad was a Red Ranger. Jack did absolutely nothing to earn that position, and when Jack immediately abused his power was his leadership revoked? No. He got to continue on as leader until he quit the team. Where was Jack's lesson for letting his rank go to head and being a lazy piece of shit on day 2? All is forgiven for him after that week's battle. Meanwhile Sky gets demoted for a fucking year for simply scoffing at the idea of a female Red Ranger.

Two things can be true. Yes, it was bad that Doggie left Jack and Z on the street. I could get past him simply making them Rangers without going through all the formal training and such. Appointing Jack the leader was too far though. He was completely unqualified to be given that position, and for a militaristic law enforcement organization it was absolutely ridiculous for him to come in off the street and lead the team. You'd think after seeing his entire planet get wiped out Cruger wouldn't be so cavalier about the qualifications of his Earth defenders, but rather than appointing a leader based on merit, he plays stupid head games to teach "lessons". Not a surprise A-Squad defected if these are his teaching tactics. Cruger is a cucked asshole, and even the black guy he unceremoniously appointed leader didn't respect him in the end.
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I want some new VR Troopers figures that look like the relaunch comic
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and Prime Rita
I'll never understand the people who find this American designed deviantart tiers trash appealing.
I've only had bad memories with Power Ranger toys. Ranging from empty shelves, jealousy of the other kids with their cool white and green rangers when I was a kid and the only ones I managed to get like Yellow were stolen.
It's cursed for me. Same shit as a grown-up with Bandai and Hasbro. Either missed by nothing or absurd scalping prices.
I kid you not I preordered White, Green, Drakkon, Ranger Slayer back then on Amazon and every single time it was cancelled for some bullshit reason even when restocks allegedly happened.
And I really wanted to kms over that FOMO.

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