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Do you guys think Playmates will succeed where Hasbro failed and make Power Rangers toys great again?
>doing anything right
I think they'll be surprisingly good kid's figures under $12,which will impress some of the collectors here who don't like spending much, but basically pointless for anyone else. I do think they may end up more aesthetically pleasing sculpts than the weird schlubby Lightning collection bucks,though
They won't.

>>No unmasked heads
>>No villains outside of Zed and Goldar if we are lucky
>>Too much focus on Zords
>>And we'll be lucky if we get Zeo and In Space, as far as no SPD, no Dini Thunder, no other team but MMPR.
>No unmasked heads
Maybe not, but I wouldn't put it past Playmates to do fully unmorphed Rangers. Something no other company has been willing to do.

>No villains outside of Zed and Goldar if we are lucky
Have you never seen a Playmates TMNT toyline? Playmates makes tons of villains. And not just main villains, but random one-off monsters and such.

>Too much focus on Zords
Doubt it. Outside of Voltron, Playmates isn't exactly known for that sort of thing, and even their Voltron offerings were pretty minimal.

>we'll be lucky if we get Zeo and In Space, as far as no SPD, no Dini Thunder, no other team but MMPR.
I'd argue Playmates has a greater potential to do more teams and deeper cuts because the price will be lower. The Lightning Collection started at $20 and ended at $25. That's a $120 for a full team at the start of the line, and $150 at the end. At that price you're not gonna get a lot of people going all in, most will just pick and choose their favorite teams or characters. Even Zeo and In Space (the most popular non-MMPR teams) struggled with peg warmers in the Lightning Collection.

If the Playmates line is more like the older mainline Bandai America figures, and in the $12 range, I think the line will perform very well and have a long life spanning many teams. At that price people will be much more likely to buy deeper cut villains and complete teams. I could also see Playmates offering team boxsets for $60 for less popular teams who might struggle to sell individually.

Also keep in mind that Playmates likes making vehicles, and MMPR doesn't have much in that department compared to other seasons. So that's another reason to think the line won't be limited to MMPR forever.
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World of Springfield
playmates could maybe make decent kids toys, but stuff collectors actually want, no change in hell
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>I think they'll be surprisingly good kid's figures under $12
That's all Power Rangers figures should ever be. Bandai had continued success for two decades with their basic kids figures. Once they attempted a $20 collector line it failed spectacularly. Figuarts failed, Lightning Collection failed, Super7 Ultimates failed. Power Rangers is simply not a franchise which lends itself to collector grade figures. Cheap figures with decent decent enough articulation has always been the winning formula. The Super Megaforce line was the perfect example of this. It had 37 basic figures in one year, which included at least one Ranger from every season. They sold extremely well. Even the Rangers from the unpopular seasons sold because they were only $10.
hello chungus, already ban evading again?
Playmates will make the same mistakes as Hasbro, if not worse. I never thought I'd say it, especially with a lot of the choices they were making towards the end of their run, but I miss Bandai.
So their only good line is one that started 25 years ago?

These PR figures will be just the $10 Hasbro ones for kids. Crappy, and no collectors will like them.
They'll make "Ok" figures, just the basic articulation with 90s quality paint aps on the front and none on the back.

Hasbro was the best option, but they gave the brand to fuckers who couldn't care less about the ip, using google image cosplayers as reference, twice.
Great? No, but they'll get more mileage out of it, probably do the godzilla crossover with megazord figures, their volton is a good precedent for zords and their tmnt line is a good precedent good variety at a good price, I hope they make a lot of villians and they mesh well with the old BoA 5 inch figures

I think it'll be on thin ice at the start since there's not an active show and elite collectors scoff at the cheap toy range(they grew up on)
It's a fucking 1993 series, and there have been more than 20 other Rangers series ever since.

It's long LONG past time for the boomers to just let that shit go already. The whole point of toku series was for every generation to get a ranger show with big robots. Keeping 1993 Power Rangers alive forever and ever and ever and ever...is fucking insane,
Ehh...Simpsons is actually simplistic enough that it would actually be hard for Playmates to fuck that up. But the flat simplistic shapes, with simple flat colors everywhere and almost zero extra detail works since that is what Playmates does with all things.
>no other team but MMPR.
thats where the money is really, and Playmates can hit the pricepoint to really make the most of it.
Face it, none of the sentai teams after, besides other dinosaur ones, really managed to resonate with American kids outside of other dino series except maybe a few vehicle ones
> there's not an active show
There's no plans for any media at all, right? Didn't Hasbro dump the tv series and animated series they were trying to put together? Are they still trying to sell Power Rangers as a brand did they actually sell it to some company?

With no current media, I have no idea how anyone expects kids these days to care at all about PR.
I'm excited to see what they do. I don't think they're going to make anything that is show accurate at all so the fandom is going to be complaining.
I think they'll go for very stylized designs with cartoony proportions. Fun toys for kids.

>>And we'll be lucky if we get Zeo and In Space, as far as no SPD, no Dini Thunder, no other team but MMPR.
>It's a fucking 1993 series, and there have been more than 20 other Rangers series ever since.

They have the license to make MMPR toys, NOT the entire PRs franchise. You won't see any non MMPR teams. S1-3 maybe alien rangers at most.
And yes, companies focus on MMPR because it's the only shit that sells. No one cares about the other generations besides the niche fanbase and a few nostalgic people that grew up with that generation. The nostalgic % of people for each season is not the same, but even if it were. Let's say all the seasons have a 5% of grown up fans, from MMPR to Cosmic Fury. The problem is MMPR was a huge fad with millions and millions of fans, so that 2% is going to be a much larger market to sell collector toys to than if SPD had 40% of nostalgic fans(which it doesn't) it would still be a much smaller market that doesn't compare.
They're not selling these to adults really, its to kids, and MMPR has both the most basic appeal(dinosaurs will always be cool) and recognizably since early millennials are a good chunk of parents right now.
Like, I get fans like Time Force and stuff, I'm a fan who likes it too, but the Timeranger mecha didn't even do well in Japan. The theme is too generic except for..the Q-rex,the standout mecha of that season. Stuff like Wild Force or NinjaStorm is largely generic animals. See Hasbro's attempts as reviving Beast Wars(where they're stuck using the 90's show beast choices and not more interesting animals) to see how that goes.
You're right. A new company launching a new Power Rangers line should start with Mystic Force. That would be a great way to ensure it doesn't get more than one wave before it dies.
Whenever someone bitches about MMPR I need to remind them that no company has ever made the full villain crew, and the only one to even make the full season 1 crew was Imaginext. Until a line makes all the main villains from all three seasons an MMPR line will always feel incomplete.
>no company has ever made the full villain crew
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They didn't make Rito, Master Vile, Z Putties, or Tengas.
What they need to be successfull
>Keep rangers and monster figures in scale like the show
>keep the Zords in scale like the show and all other previous show
>work with the japanese sentai again and not make OC Donut Steel rangers and costumes
>don't push woke agendas, you want lesbians and gay fine, don't make it the rangers personality though
>bring back the sexy lady villains with cleavage
>actually paint the figures the same way across the entire team, don't give one ranger silver paint and the other just white paint
>actually use more than the first google image result as reference
it's just that simple
As someone who doesn't mind Playmates (but maybe thats nostalgia talking), I'd cautiously optimistic. If nothing else I hope they fill a few gaps that Hasbro never did.
It doesn't matter what anyone does because at the end of the day, for some reason, Power Ranger collectors are next to impossible to please. They bitch and whine like children. The Lightning Collection had a wide selection of characters from every season (including shit like the A-Squad and loads of villains) and even vehicles were made but they still nitpick it like the autistic faggots they are while crying about how the original show got too much.
I agree with most of what you say but Gaoranger was huge because of the limbswap gimmick (Wild Force selling the limbs off as full mecha only was a huge mistake) and I think animals can sell well with good designs and marketing. I think the big issue with the Beast Wars revival stuff isn't that its animals but more that Hasbro let that branding die and it was too late. The Unicron trilogy and beyond heavily ignored Beast Wars for decades and the rare Beastformer we got either sucked (backstop) or heavily mechanized (Thundertron, Leobreaker, both the Prime Dragons and movie Dinobots with their armor aesthetic)

But everything else you said is right and on top of all that for whatever reason Power Rangers fans don't want to spend the money on collector grade mechs or weapons. Even the MMPR ones didn't do well.
A line where popular characters were locked into playsets that were EXPLICITLY under produced or Toys R Us exclusive AND under produced and Playmates EXPLICITLY pandering to scalpers to such a degree that you had the official Simpsons comic book dedicating an entire fucking issue shitting on Playmates for pandering to scalpers rather than kids and normal Joe collectors who didn't want to spend $150 for Marge and Maggie?
>loads of villains
If you wanted evil Rangers and out of scale monsters... the Lightning Collection made some. They only made two non-MMPR footsoldiers, two non-MMPR generals, and two non-MMPR head villains. And despite MMPR getting the most focus, they couldn't even finish the season 1 crew with Squatt and Baboo, and couldn't make the highly demanded Rito to accompany all the season 3 Rangers they made (Ninja and Metallic Armor).

>and couldn't make the highly demanded Rito

Still bugs me. Goldar needs his buddy.
Thats well and good, but it doesn't change that Bandai squandered the mainline for the last few years. You can't just say kids don't care when they were doing better figures before
For only $10, they were also selling the RPM figures, which were so good they were an early /toy/ favorite, or the super Legends which were also $10. Those 2009 onward retail toys were just crap. Even if they wanted roided out rangers, even late 90's Bandai stuff did it better.
As for collectors, I think the big problem at this point is that there's a ton of different scales and proportions that people have started and never finished. So people are just jaded about starting yet another one.The figuarts having poor sales sort of doomed the franchise for collector's toys
Z Puttie came with Terror Toad. Rest is correct.
I collected the line for the majority of it's run (lost interest at the end), and never had to resort to a scalper. I can't recall having any trouble getting the playsets or exclusives from that line, though I can vividly remember the struggle of finding toys from other lines I collected around the same time.
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That wasn't a true Z-Putty, that was a Rita Putty with a cheaply painted Z vest. A proper Z Putty figure would have had a sculpted vest, no belt, and knees pads.
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I could have lived without a Squatt and Baboo in the lightning collection, but not getting Rito still hurts. If Playmates ended up dojng a 6" collector line, the main appeal for me would be the hopes of getting a 6" Rito.

Same. And if they're taking requests, Soccerdillo.
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I wish the Lightning Collection could have at least made a King Mondo. The royal house of gadgetry never gets any love.
Did Hasbro lose the rights? Lightning Collection is dead?

Technically Hasbro still has the rights (they still own the franchise) they just licensed it out to Playmates because they weren't making enough money with their own stuff. And yes, LC is dead. For now.
It was clearly a Z Putty despite any of your semantics. Go die sad and lonely, you waste of oxygen.
It's as much of a Z Putty as that monster is the Terror Toad. That entire set is just whatever molds they had lying around haphazardly thrown together.
bro it's imaginext, they don't even get the face prints proportionally nice looking for the figures that do faceprints, it's a lazy company for toddler toys. I don't know how anyone can collect them, American companies suck at "cute"
The rest of the villains in the line don't say lazy to me >>11301684. They're sculpted properly to refect the characters.

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