post characters you want modern figures of
at this point JADA should make a competitor to mcfarlane's movie maniacs line, but prioritize articulation. they would kick so much ass that way.
i would settle for a MEGO of pic related at this point
There used to be an anon here who kept posting this character in Knoe threads, I wonder if he's still around?
>>11304592It'd be easier to just customise him from already existing figures.
>>11304588Austin Powers and Dr Evil.
>>11304641I've seen plenty of people utilize the neca T-800 as a base for Slater, so it can work, but at this point I rather see a new figure made wholecloth for the character. Slater shouldnt be relegated to being a repaint with new boots. Plus he could really benefit from some added torso articulation. seriously that neca mould is li,e 15 years old now and it shows.
>>11304656based benedict anon rides again
>>11304588I know the 25 year old McFarlane Movie Maniacs exists, but I want something that isn't a statue.
>>11304671another great pick. im honestly surprised we havent gotten one by now.
I want an articulated figure of Jacko in this specific outfit
>>11305284its weird that neither jackson nor presley have extensive action figure lines by this point. its all either literal fashion dolls or the occasional staction/import release.
>>11305347and/or Bowie
>>11305361>Presley>Bowie>Jacksonadd in Danzig and Morrisey and Im sold
>>11305284Really wish Bandai would revisit MJ in the SHF line.>>11305361Bowie, as well. Really like him to go with Freddy, and while I'm vainly wishing for SHF musicians, pic related would be swell.
>>11305374>mfw there are Danzig figures, but they're MotU-style shit by Super 7.
>>11305361It's wild how well he perfectly adapted his style to the zeitgeist of each decade, but also never stopped being Bowie.
>>11304588I fucking hate the ending of this movie. I cannot stand how he goes through all that, just to piss away his existence at the very end.
>>11306918>just to piss away his existencehe got to die anon. immortality fucking sucks. he saw every member of his family witherand die. i'd want to die in his shoes too.
>>11306920>immortality fucking sucksImmortality is the thing that all humanity should be striving for, and while it sucks seeing family members and friends die, that's not a reason you should want to die also.The fact that humans die renders the individual's experience utterly meaningless because eventually all trace of them will fade away.
>>11306929>denying yourself the right to a natural conclusion from this mortal coil just to pursue ill-guided "scientific progress"The fact that even a robot wanted to die should say alot
>>11306918Very very very fucking depressing movie. This and A.I. came around the same time and are genuinely bleak depressing looks into a Philip K. Dick style future.>>11306929>Immortality is the thing that all humanity should be striving for, and while it sucks seeing family members and friends die, that's not a reason you should want to die also.Based
Figma pls
>>11307013I saw both A.I. and Bicentennial Man as a kid when they came out. I believe both films left an immense impression on me then, and went onto profoundly impact the way I saw the world. It's insane the kinds of themes movies were once capable of exploring. That said I still see immortality as a hell we shouldnt strive for. Already we have disrupted nature to catastrophic extents, what sense is there in further tampering with the natural order? Even in a world where aging was "cured" and immortality was achieved what would people even do with their lives, spend eternity as a slave?
I think Peacock from Skullgirls would be a interesting take since there was a figure of her but was only in Japan and this was when the game was still popular.I like the design of the character as I think Jada Toys would be perfect for this line since they can make game accurate figures like Street Fighter.
>>11307672im imagining the engineering on a Jada Skullgirls line would be reminiscent of their General Mills cereal monsters or even Jakks' super poseable sonic figures. Big but hollow heads on a super poseable (comparitively) tiny body. I would support the line, if for nothing else, as a testament to the good ole days. They really ran the game through the fucking wringer.
>>11307695I no clue what your saying like I get about the game going down the hole but that's the stupid ass review bombers complaining about the censorship about fucking Nazi symbolism and other things which I think they're retarded.I've gained interest in this series in the beginning of this year and I don't fucking care about the goddam censorship.comparring this to general mills and jacks to their stuff is that nobody will buy this stuff due to negativity crap.
>>11307725You took my comment in the completely wrong way. I was making the case that the franchise has been abused by the devs and critics for years, all the bullshit with konami up until the recent bullshit with that one artist chick going on a tirade about being coerced into drawing sexy girls. There's no reason to be irritable. I quite liked the general mills monsters figures and the jakks sonic line. I was simply saying I imagine Skullgirls figures would be designed similarly to those lines.
>>11307734Oh well I'm sorry of what I said,it's just that I like the character designs and the story but dislike how a good game can have a negative reputation in the future.Plus about Jada toys doing Skullgirls is that they will be for adult collectors.
>>11307734I also looked up about what you were referring to the general mills monsters by Jada,yeah I'm sorry for that mind is rarely fucked up of what I think about with no context.