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$50 Marvel Legends and $150 Imports in 2025, this retard will kill the industry for how high the taxes for China will be
and the product is made in China dumb fuck, now every single needle that China wants to send to the US will cost more than a Big Mac.
Now imagine how much the factories will charge Hasbro now for the operations, and regarding Imports YOU'RE FUCKED BOY
Good maybe this will make these faggots make toys actually worth buying
(You) don't buy toys.
>$50 Marvel Legends
Don't care.
>$150 Imports
I'm not in Fentanyland and I buy my chink and Jap shit from chink and Jap shops.
>No more income tax
Get your priorities in order you little goblin. Fuck China.
Why not produce the toys in USA?
That's what the tariff proposal is supposed to incentivise, but OP would rather seethe about Cheeto Hortler while he kills his cats.
I dont get it

Lego produces most of their sets in Europe, now they make a factory in USA. Lego doesnt have only China make their products.

Why cant US toy companies do the same?

dumb fuck is deporting the working force
>I buy my chink and Jap shit from chink and Jap shops.
>Jap shops selling globally
>The businesses that Trump is explicitly saying will pay extra taxes
Autism is a hell of a drug isn't it lil Timmy?
He will have indians so
Yes, Europeans, Australians and South Americans are going to have to pay US tariffs on goods that they bought from HLJ that are made by non American companies and never enter the USA all because you are a fucking retarded cunt that doesn't know what the fuck you are talking about.
Chinese Megafactories don't grow in trees.
You get $25 toys for how much the companies are already saving as much money as possible manufacturing shit in China.
using Lego as an example is laughable, is like comparing a GPU to some USB flash memory, 90% of Lego pieces are the same in different colors for the last 20+ years, and even then they're known as some of the most expensive toys in the market right now.
Not even counting the cost of labor that would easily tank Hasbro in a week or less, the cost in the US is around $15/20 hour, in China it goes from $2 to $5.
Not counting the set of standards that Hasbro or any other company would NEED to follow according to the US law, completely absent in Chinese production.
Overall, a Marvel Legends would go from $25 to probably $150, if the Hasbro board somehow has a stroke and approves the construction of giant factories in the US that would put them into bankrupt without money to even pay their first American employees.
I didn't have anything against Trump regarding his cultural position, but thinking that this is something good for the toy industry is pure nonsense, at very, very best, toys now will cost $10/20 more, at worst and if Trump really puts more tariffs on China as he said he would, it would practically kill the domestic companies and make the importing prices/international shops put some serious fees for their products because the US now will tax them/you for buying products made overseas.
>Yes, Europeans, Australians and South Americans
>putting spics alongside White people
Thank you for your opinion shitskin, the White men are speaking right now. Go over there and worship death or something.
Exactly; just produce locally!
>Local oil for plastic
>Local factories
>Internal shipping via rail
>Less Co2 emissions
>Better environmental protections
>Better working conditions
>Just automate the factories partially, modern technologies allow for that. (AI can be used for product quality control before a final check by a human)

But we can't have that, because the orange man is bad and the musk man is bad and we need to pout like little children. No, I'm not a fan of Trump or Musk, they do good things and bad things just like any other human being. But if there's anything you can appease Trump with, it's a deal he cannot refuse. All the toy sector has to do is tease him with a deal like a carrot on a stick. But we know they won't do that.

Instead, Hasbroke will file for bankruptcy (which is long overdue) and blame Trump for it. With the new tariffs on Mexico, 3 factories they rely on are already useless. And when China/Vietnam follow, 95+% of the factories they rely on become useless.
Says the mouth breathing armchair economist sitting in his mom's basement.
>Exactly; just produce locally!
>Just build a giant factory in Nevada bro and put AI in charge so ez!
Is this post satire or are Trump supporters really this fucking stupid?
>la creatura de america thinks he's white
Imagine seething because you don't know how tariffs work, you stupid fucking mutt.
I'm not the one who tried to slip Spicland out of nowhere here Pablo, ay ay mijo
Dumbest fucking post of 2025 on /toy/ so far and we're not even out of January yet. You probably think printing more money solves all its related issues too.
>abolishing the IRS
you’re going to have a hell of a lot more problems than $50 marvel legends if he actually goes through with this
there is a reason this idea has never gone far despite the idea being floated for years, the middle/lower classes would be completely, utterly fucked by the inevitable 20-30% tax on everything they buy needed to support such a change and businesses will still lose money as that spending power goes down
>3 posts from the same guy
A few posters on /toy/ are fucking hilarious for this anti-Musk/Trump bullshit. People say ''well, it can work out if X and X happen'' and they immediately see it as ''I AM MUSK FANBOI''

No, I'm not a Musk fanboy. His tunnels were stupid and a hazard, his Mars colony idea is stupid (just mine asteroids and make stations at Lagrange points, or build moon cave bases or something for minerals), and Trump-man has done stupid things as well. But if you try to see things for what they are, in a balanced way, clowns like this immediately sperg like little children.
No, I was just pointing out the three other continents that buy weeb shit from Japan because you are too fucking retarded to understand how tariffs work. Stop projecting because your mother was a wetback whore. Fucking Argies are whiter than you will ever be.
I literally voted for Trump and I'm only the last person you replied to. Not everyone is samefag you goddamn shcizo.
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>Point out stupid shit that even a basic understanding of economics would debunk
Okay nigger, explain to me then why producing locally would be a bad thing, by using local refined oil for plastic immediately transported to the local factory, then transported by rail. Would keep costs down, too.
I was calling you stupid for thinking Hasbro is going to go bankrupt. Personally, I would prefer to see more goods produced locally, generating more American jobs. Stop thinking everyone who disagrees with you is the same person. Makes you look stupid.
Chang manufacturing your toys gets paid $5 hour at best from Hasbro
John Doe manufacturing your toys in the US would have to get paid $20 hour at least from Hasbro
yet you think that manufacturing toys in the US would be something better, Hasbro would need to raise 4x the price of their products, successfully putting them out of the business alongside every single domestic toy company, and you said that it was actually something good because muh oil and eggs
we think that you're stupid because you're indeed stupid and feel prideful for it
Yeah but Trump is introducing Tariffs.
Plus, by transporting locally you remove the costs of shipping resources to China (oil) and from China (final product) and just pay for internal transport which you would pay for anyway. So it balances out. And in modern factories you need very little staffing these days, this isn't the 1980's anymore.

Their revenues are declining every year, inflation not taken into account, most of their brands are dead. Barely available at retailers, and Chris Cocks is lying to the shareholders and getting his ass sued for it. They got more debts than assets 3 times over and loan money so they can give dividends to shareholders to pretend everything is fine. That can't go on forever, one day the money tab dries up.
Blah blah blah. This is absolutely no different fromlast year when you idiots spouting "TWO MORE WEEKS" for months on end. Shut the fuck up already, you've proven that you're stupid, no need to keep going.
Two more weeks is a meme anon... they go down the money the money tab dries up, not as long as people pump money into the company. God knows when that happens.
I know it's a meme you dip. My God, you idiots are insufferable.
>completely ignores the elephant in the room that is automation
John Doe isnt going to be one in a team of a few hundred other John Does assembling Spider-Men by hand. He'll be one of 30-40 people working in tandem with an automated assembly line preparing the pieces, while he and his peers, assemble the final products and check for quality control. This is pretty much the chinese approach anyways. Sweatshop labor is reserved mostly to textiles and electronics these days.

As for hasbro dying, it will just open the doors to the next big dog toy company. There are already fleets of companies licensing hasbro's ip like Basic Fun Toys and The Loyal Subjects. Hasbro at best is keen on retiring from the manufacturing side of the game just to rest on their laurels and collect passive income from licensing deals (this is ignoring all the legal troubles they find themselves in) so they're on their way out anyways. The first company that takes advantage of the new landscape with them gone gets to absorb alot of the market share. You're silly if you think there wont be a gold rush to fill that void.
>why producing locally would be a bad thing

Not bad per se but producing locally will increase prices 2x-4x most likely. Most stuff is made in China and most stuff should cost way more than it actually does. China is able to keep the pricing down by using slave labor. This is why nobody can compete with China: other nations don't have that slave-mentality.

Figma for instance has their own factory in Japan and they complain that no matter what they do their factory still can't keep up with China. Whenever an issue arises Japan/Europe/US have to either innovate or compromise. China solves any issue by just throwing more manpower at it.

It's a numbers game: China has more people than the USA + Europe + Japan + Russia combined. This is why Trump and WEF fags put such high hopes in AI + Indian labor. Indians don't have the "China #1" policy so they'll gladly work to enrich someone else. As far as AI goes it's a pipe-dream. AI can never surpass the quality of the training data so it's at best as good as a mediocre employee but then again so are indians...

Nobody in their right minds will buy a ML at +100$ so I do expect a hike in quality as well. But nonetheless, the era of 25$ action figures is gone.
>Personally, I would prefer to see more goods produced locally, generating more American jobs.
producing what when the company goes bankrupt? people are discussing about paying fifty fuckin bucks for a Spidey, now imagine how much a US made Marvel Legends would cost.
I refuse to believe people can type shit like this with a straight face.
>puts tinfoil hat on
What if Musk saw that coming and teased about buying them because he can steer Trump's policies; they go bankrupt, he buys them like the hawk he is
>tinfoil hat off
Maybe the External Revenue Service should also look into all the money hidden in Panama and Swiss accounts by his friends?

Also toys today are already overpriced. Garbage like the Super. Even the Transformers look like worse quality plastic for 40x the price.
>Produce locally! more jobs for Americans!
The biggest Trump supporter who just appeared a day ago alongside Trump publicly said that he will replace you with Jeets, yet you come here with this American Pride bullshit.
Pure cuck mindset.
These post I like because people think about what they're writing, even if I disagree.

This post I dislike because it's /pol/-tier bait.
>Europeans, Australians and South Americans
So like 10 guys who buy toys?
>these post I like
good morning sirs
Some things are more important than toys. Of all the things to get mad at orange man about.
good goy, die for Israel
>Some things are more important than toys.

>Some things are more important than videogames.
>Some things are more important than movies.
>Some things are more important than sports.
>Some things are more important than cars.
>Some things are more important than toys.
>Some things are more important than oil.
>Some things are more important than family.
... but nothing is more important than God.

Conversation over.
Good goy
OH BOY! Another demoralization thread spearheaded by a fucktard that doesn't know what he's blathering about! You're wrong, ML won't go to $50 for a basic figure, and you really need to learn how to COPE.
I can't believe Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos would rather abolish the IRS than pretend to pay taxes
How far have we as a society fallen that we (the 99%) must worry about how our laws and regulations will affect the 1%?
What are you trying to say?
yeah, it ain't china that moved manufacturing to china you stupid cunt
Ty, I've cut down significantly on marvel and otehr Hasbro figs over the last year and this will finally cut me off from spending needlessly. I have so much back logged, I'll finally get to sit down and enjoys the toys I've bought in the last 2-3 years. $50 figs could also mean Hasbro and other companies will finally slow down and release waves only 4 times a year instead of multiple wave and sublines every other month. I'll just wait for things to hit ROSS and Ollies and preorder the ones I really really want which at this point is a very small list.
>no income tax = $$$
>oh no the cost of figgies will go up waaaaah
Only poors and hoarders are bothered right now.
>abolish the tax that disproportionately affects the top 1% of earners
>You get $25 toys for how much the companies are already saving as much money as possible manufacturing shit in China.

>he thinks the savings don't go to shareholders, executive/board pay, and company megayachts
You sweet summer child.
Yeah, I've cut back alot too. At first it was hard to tell with so many plandemic delays dragging out my preorder list. I buy so few figures in store anymore, because so few figures are available that way, but the preorder list was masking that. Well now I'm down to a page of silent cancellations and a page of stuff due in the next month. Most of the stuff they've been soliciting for awhile has been autistic shit like yet-another-Iron-Man-except-this-time-her-new-hat-is-mauve-instead-of-lilac. Seventeen companies are doing variations of TMNT and I wasn't exactly bowled over by it in 1988. Just boring and expensive.
Feels good not being American
how it feels to suck billionaire republican cock 24/7 then go to 4chan to seethe about other billionaires?
How do you think these american companies are gonna make up for the low sales domestically? That's right charge even more to overseas markets. They're that stupid.
Why should that matter? China makes better bootlegs than Hasbro, seeing how none of those pesky royalties need to be paid to Disney.
Well, cant Hasbro just not sell toys in USA? Like they can still produce toys, just give up on US market and fags who want your toys pay drumpf fee
They're barely selling toys to anyone as it is.
America really fucked up moving all manufacturing to China, huh?
Nobody wants their crap anymore anon, and now that China and Mexico get tariff'd it may be the final blow.
>Over the past year, Hasbro has underperformed the broader market due to declining revenue, negative operating margins, and a decreasing return on invested capital, all pointing to weak demand, profitability challenges, and limited growth opportunities.
>The situation worsened after the company posted its Q3 earnings report on Oct. 24, when shares dropped 6%. With a revenue of $1.28 billion, down 14.8% from the previous year, Hasbro's disappointing performance stemmed from declines across all its operating segments.

The company is already dead, dead for over a year but (((money people))) are riding the corpse. /toy/ has known this for over a year now after doing a co-op with /tg/ and the horsefuckers and untangling the mess Cocks made.
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>will kill the industry
Ask me how I know you're a fag.
>Nobody wants their crap anymore


Robo seems to enjoy Chinese goods, hope it fucks him right over.
Remember when toys were made in Japan?

Pepperidge farms remembers.
I mostly just like the ones I own.
>Well, cant Hasbro just not sell toys in USA?
I'm sure that Tencent will buy Hasbro and move all the operations to China, it's pretty obvious how they were behaving in 2024 and China is Marvel's N1 consumer so it makes a lot of sense.
Overall most domestic companies will move their operations to China and focus on Asia and South America. China just built the biggest port in Peru - South America so they have direct line to make the product and move it to another continent for virtually zero costs.
People thought that China's endgame was India and Africa but why waste time with subhumans when you can use corrupt beaners as your perfect business partner
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I hate to break this to you but Hasbro was on the verge of collapse already.
Based Trump is only giving them the final nudge into the grave.
Well hasbro might focud more on europe too, r-right?
But shareholders couldn't buy a new megayacht for every 1000 figures sold so that had to end.
Probably the endgame for alot of industries. Who could've ever foreseen that hollowing out the customer base would've led to this. Besides anybody with a functioning brain, that is.
you mean at all the retailers that shoved many of their brands out the door because they aren't selling?

The only posts that were recently deleted were from the Dragon Ball General, or self deleted posts, legit I think most of the jannies are dead
Yea the jannies are complete faggots here. I'll prob get banned now, because i hurt their cock sucking feelings.
because this is an important topic regarding the toy industry faggot
some of us buy toys, unlike you
>Americans make toys

Since when?
>because this is an important topic
And there’s ChungusFag again shitting up the board and still not banned
Imagine being this much of a pathetic queer that you as a grown adult care more about the fucking price of children's toys than you do about the state of the country itself.

I think this is a good idea on paper and bad idea in execution. This will just have the existing companies have the customer pay the difference. I don't think this wil even encourage new jobs in the states because a lot of supplies for toys come from outside countries, so you are making it harder for small businesses.
However, whoever starts taking resources within the states, like using manufacturing purely 100% in the states is going to start coming on top. That said, that takes a HUGE investment so this just helps companies with a fat wallet who can risk that investment again at the end of the day. I wish I had an optimistic viewpoint on the situation, but I've been around long enough to see some companies act very unethically and get away with it all the time. They just past their 'oopsie woopsie you caught us ;)' fees to the customer and move on.
All this talk of Hasbro specifically being impacted? I think they are in a bad spot either way, so they have more to worry about than this.
......he says ignoring the fact that prices rose across the board for just about everything.
But the price of consumer goods have gone up in price across the board like that since 2008 or there about.
That would be SSDD, because everything keeps going up in price, with leaps and bounds over the past 20 years. A classic example of nothing ever changes.

Of course, if you weren't a zoomer, you'd remember and know that TOYS never really have jumped up in price until ~2008 and then remained about the same until COVID-related retardedness fucked everyone up. Before the 00s, price increases were so gradual that... well, it made most people think toys never really increased in price at all.

In the 80s, you could buy a GI Joe for $1.99 and then 2.99 in the 90s. By 2005, you could buy a GI Joe two pack for $5.99 with brand new engineering. A larger sized action figure like TMNT or Thundercat was $4.50 in the 80s. In the 90s, those larger figures were $4 and went up to $6 by 2005, while also featuring a new comic and having 2-3x more articulation and paint.

Anyway, check out this cool chart showing how much toys have increased in price over 40 years. Note the reaction about exports costs actually made prices go down in the late 10s (2016 is when Trump actually first started working toward higher tariffs for China). Prices decreases kept going until 2019, and slowed down after that. 2020's lessening price decreases probably has to do with COVID and 2021 was definitely covid.

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