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Good to be back, Vincent got delayed again so instead of the 11th, he got pushed to the 25th, held off from doing an early thread as idk if he will be delayed again but thankfully Hobbysearch just posted his box pic so that means he is coming out in a day or 2

>Vincent is numbered 9
Interesting, Cloud(1), Tifa(2), Aerith(3), Barret(4) Sephiroth(5), Nanaki(6) and Yuffie(7) are released in order, who could be number 8 then between Cid and Cait?

Previous Thread: >>11241558
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>Bring Arts

25th Vincent FFVII(Used to be 23rd November then 11th January)

22nd Joshua FFXVI(Used to be November 30th)
22nd Cait Sith FFVII

8th Cid Highwind FFVII(Used to be 25th January)
8th Ifrit FFXVI(Used to be 26th October then 25th January)
29th Sephiroth FFVII Re-Issue

26th Hardy Daytona Bike Only FFVII
26th Rufus Shinra FFVII

31st Cloud and Hardy Daytona Set FFVII
31st Rude FFVII

28th Tseng FFVII

26th Zack Fair FFVII
26th Reno FFVII
26th Elena
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25th Cloud Strife FFVII Rebirth

29th Aerith Gainsborough FFVII Rebirth

26th Yuffie Kisaragi FFVII Rebirth

28th Elena FFVII Rebirth


Noctis Lucis Caelum FFXV(No Release Date Yet)

30th Vincent Valentine FFVII Rebirth
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>Adorable Arts

28th Yuffie FFVII Rebirth
28th Red XIII FFVII Rebirth

26th Vincent FFVII Rebirth

>Polygon Sofubi



30th Cloud Strife FFVII

So, how was your holidays?
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>are released in order
Wait, I forgot Barret came out before Aerith but that was because of the latter's numerous delays, still she was planned to release before Barret unlike Vincent who is numbered 9 when Yuffie is numbered 7

Got best doggo last Monday and mine feels solid except that his head isn't that tightly held by a peg so it may fall off but its easy to put back, accessory is very lacking, probs the figure with the lowest amount as he only has dentures which you can leave it out and make his upper teeth pull out ala PAK Red XIII

Still skeptical with his bendy tail and I straighten them out as I fear it might crumble if I leave it posed , I watched a PAK Red XIII Remake review and it also has a bendy tail, Bring Arts Red XIII is kinda like a smaller version of the PAK but with og look instead
finally a good thread
holy shit sovl picture. I'm still hoping the make monsties after the turks
I wish someone would release Final Fantasy monster toys in chibi 2.5" size

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Something in the Chocobo Dungeon/Tales style would be great. I also want...

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There is the Bright Arts line that has those 3


Although idk if its poseable or not and if they scale(Chocobo most probs not) with the Bring Arts series

The Chocobo I mentioned is kinda based from Chocobo Dungeon from the looks of it

My heart says yes but my wallet says no lol, up to now, idk if I will go for the Turks/Rufus because those 5 are another $500+, the whole main playable characters and Sephiroth are already super expensive as is
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Still no oob pics of Vincent so I will try to look again tomorrow

I also saw Vincent in stock at Amiami this morning, idk if he is still available now though

Since Rebirth just released in PC, pic seemed appropriate
Nobody cares about Shin?
>2nd figure was noctis
not anymore
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Found someone who got Vincent already

>Still pretty barebone for the price the line commands
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Atleast the line looks good and accurate to Nomura's og 90's character arts
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Owner is the posechad who bought Cloud, Barret and Sephiroth
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Too bad he only goes for bros and no waifus and pets, so no Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Nanaki or Cait in the future but I saw in his pinned tweet that he will get Cid and Zack

Will post more pics when he post more, hopefully some good action shots
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Speaking of Noctis, just saw this so might as well post this since I waited for the 900 timer as I am always using incognito

Tentative release date is September
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He just posted more pics

>Posed similar to og character art
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>Re-release Noctis
>Still no Royal Arms
>Even less weapon than PAK

Jesus fuck, how lazy can SE be? What’s even the point of this? And since when does Noctis have red eyes in the game? He only has glowing eyes when he summons but they’re not red. This is pure VersusXIII nostalgia bait.
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Love how the 3 boys looks great together
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I wonder if those Revoltech muzzle effects fits on Vincent's Quick Silver and Barret's gun arm/gattling gun?
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Oh, Vincent has shading the tips of his hair!? I didn't noticed that on the promo pics

I would prefer no shading but atleast the hair isn't transparent
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Net at home is acting up and browsing Twitter is slow so I will just continue looking for pics tomorrow
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My Alisaie and Alphinaud arrived. First PA figures. They're a bit smaller than anticipated.
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Never had one of them so I didn't know exactly how small. I just knew that how old they were, and their size that the cm measurements made sense in the 1/12 scale. And it does just almost fit. But the proportions with the molding to match the in game models really doesn't stack up well next to other 1/12 scale figs. It is mainly the head size of the other figures that throws it off though.
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Nice hauls! Are you the anon who was worrying on how to manage buying the twins in a month due to Alphi being delayed last thread?

Another one added to the FFVII line, they really look great when displayed together

Afraid not. Haven't even lurked in a few months. I pre-ordered these 2 two months ago and had my eye on then since late summer I believe. Thanks though, they're pretty excellently molded with good detail. Still sorting how I feel about the faces though. Wasn't expecting the hair to be so... glittery? Insane collection though, how is the Yuffie?
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I see, pic above isn't mine. Yuffie like the rest of the FFVII line looks great and it captures Nomura's 90's character art work of the og game, here is what I posted last thread(https://archived.moe/toy/thread/11241558/#) when I got her:
"Also got Yuffie just now, my problem with my copy is that her shoulder pad is easy to dislodge, her tummy is backwards assembled which is easy to rotate, the short part of her right leg is also backwards which is easy to rotate as well and the common tight left shoulder joint, idk how to fix it, I can move it but I need to be careful to avoid breaking it, maybe I can use silicon oil or dip it in hot water to loosen it up"

I saw a review that silicon oil works to loosen joints thankfully but I have not done that yet

No plan to get Y'sh and Estinien Bring Arts to expand your Scions?

Yeah, Bring Arts Sephiroth's hair has a pearlescent sheen to it which isn't that obvious but if you look closely, you will see, SE is notorious for making hairs of their figures have transparent or glittering finish which if I am given an option would prefer it to be just molded in 1 opaque color

I saw the twins' Bring Arts pics last month when they released and I think their hair is really glittery as its more obvious in pics whilst Sephiroth's case, its not that obvious and you will only notice it when looking at it irl and close. I think SE did that to the twins' hair so it would match Bring Arts Y'shtola
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Yeah, I think so as from checking MFC, only the twins, Y'sh and Estinien got the Bring Arts treatment, the latter 2 was released years ago but with the twins just releasing last month means SE didn't forget the FFXIV line so maybe they might release Lyse, Yda, Papalymo, etc.

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Tbh, it can be anyone, I don't play XIV so idk who is more important between the scions but whats important is that SE released the twins which meant they are willing to release more from that series

I forgot where I got this pic but I will post the link if I find it again
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Unboxing vid
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this gigachad
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Forgot pic
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More pics from the posechad
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From what I translated, owner said this kick pose is from Godhand(Ken Mishima) from Ehrgiez where Vincent is a clone for said character
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Forgot pic
So is Red out? I'm still waiting on my bbts order.
For a bit yeah. Got Yuffie and him some weeks ago.
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Bring Arts Red XIII released last year November 9th, same month along with Bring Arts Yuffie on the 16th, some JP twitter posts I saw got their Yuffie first before Red XIII, for me, I got Yuffie last month then last week Monday got Red XIII >>11306911
,the latter was delayed for me due to being held in customs as well as being shipped near Chinese New Year which I presume delayed it also
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"some more"

Forgot to mention, BBTS and other US based online toy stores gets their stocks after a few months from JP release dates as they usually use the cheapest and slowest method of shipping when importing stuff to maximize profits, I saw Amazon US has a release date for Bring Arts Red XIII for April release
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Finally got my Xenogears collection in one spot the other day.
>tfw the display case is smidge too small
Looks pretty sick actually, can't wait to get mine.
Might be my favorite one aesthetically so far. Just wish he came with at least one other gun like his SPAS shotgun.
I didn't know The Perfect Works book had a hard cover version..
Its the translated version printed in book format.
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Nice collection, not planning on getting Elly, Barts and Maria?

Yeah, would like a weapons pack for the FFVII series
Missed the boat on Elly and there is no way I'm paying through the nose for her. Don't really care about Bart, Maria, or ChuChu. Pretty much narrowed my Xenogears collecting purview to Fei and his gears. I'll pick up Citan if/when he comes out just because he is a badass though.
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Yeah, once these Bring Arts or any other lines like figma, SHF, Mafex, etc becomes soldout, aftermarket prices increases
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Forgot to say that you painted Structured Arts Xenogears and Weltall really good, I forgot those are model kits and from first glance, they looked like a prepainted figure, only until you look closely and comparing/looking at Bring Arts Weltall-ID when compared to him that you notice there is something different with it
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Thanks but I can only take credit for building and painting the Xenogear Structure Arts model as the first Weltall is the Bring Arts figure.
Vincent just entered my Private Warehouse.
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Do post pics of Vincent when he arrives

Team is going good so far
My friends…I just want a Celes anything. What can I do?
The real reason these figures are so expensive is because of these boxes being too big for what you get.
Hope and pray they don’t stick her in a 2 pack with Locke and charge $300 if they do make her
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Hope SE remembers VI which I think they do as they recently released an expensive Terra statue, the question is, if they do make a VI Bring Arts line, will they base it off Amano art style or the game sprites? Tbh I feel Amano art style won't translate well into figure form but thats just me

You can pay amano a hefty sum and maybe he’ll allow it
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Bring Arts Cait Sith delayed to March 15th from February 22nd

Why am I not surprised, if its from FFVII, it will surely be delayed, only ones who weren't delayed was 1st release Cloud and Tifa who came out in November and December 2023 then Aerith started the delays for the line, she was supposed to be released in January 2024 but got delayed multiple times, so many that Barret came out before her but only for a few days and both of them got released in April 2024
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Missing 4th Limit Break...
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Lots of pics in a tweet so just visit the link to see more

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Team is looking mighty fine so far
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lol knew i wasn't the only one with this idea. I'm planning on using my megahouse devilman as a stand-in for his final limit break, thoughts?
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Yeah, definitely would work, if you really want to and are skilled and don't mind customizing said figure, you can paint it purple similar to the in game model in the og
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sqenix pls...
A Jason Voorhees figure would fit better than the mummy guy imo
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Yeah, Jason would fit better than the mummy for Vincent's lv3 Limit Break but maybe the owner doesn't have Jason
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For archiving purposes

Neck mod
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Sofubi Sephiroth and Zack
Release Date: May 31st
Price: 3,300 yen
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Maria and Chu-Chu arrived. They are pretty cute and tiny.
What are the chances of them making a Bring Arts of cowgirl Tifa?
Crossdressing Cloud when
We'd have gotten variants before the Turks if they truly intended to milk it again.
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Up to now I still don't know if I will get the Turks, the playable main casts plus Sephiroth is already pretty expensive as is but a Cowgirl Tifa Bring Arts, that I might bite, we don't know if SE is done with the VII Bring Arts line after the Turks since we have not gotten any new announcement, they did make a Zack Bring Arts prototype even if they have no character artwork they can base him off like they did with all the playable characters so far but I think they based Zack's Bring Arts figure from this picture so they can also base Cowgirl Tifa from this pic as well if they really want to
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There is an old sketch of Tifa Cowgirl attire but its a rough drawing but still can be used as reference, now that I am looking at it, I'm kinda wanting it now just so my Tifa can have an alt hair and maybe new face plates

Nice! Maria is small as well as Chu-Chu but thats great as Maria is just a kid(13yrs old), since you have her, is her hair transparent/translucent? I saw reviews and it seems like her hair is not 1 solid color, also, is your Cloud a rerelease?
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She looks about Alena sized.
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Since its the 31st of January

Happy 28th anniversary to FFVII!

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Is there a Bring Arts discord or is the line too niche/dead to have that much of a community?
I think her hair is the same as y'shotla just spaghetti colored. It looks very very pretty.
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Oh so translucent/transparent? Hard to tell from a review and pics I saw online but this is the best shot I found where it seemed her hair is not opaque
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A Discord server just for Bring Arts? That Idk, rarely use Discord anymore after a gacha game I played EOS'ed last year. There are Facebook groups that I found thats for SE products/figures so they talk about PAS/Ks, Adorable Arts, Masterpiece line and Bring Arts

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Neither are really transparent.
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Looking at MFC just to double check, it seemed Y'sh Bring Arts has translucent hair as you can kinda see her eye brows thru her hair, but maybe it was how it was shot?

Idk, I don't have both figures and don't plan on getting them in the future but was curious as SE likes to use translucent hair on their figures and I don't like it
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Can kinda see her forehead behind her bangs, which made me think it was translucent but I will take you word for it as you have both figures irl
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Roster is looking good
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I could have bought like 5 SHFs for this much....

Anyway I was thinking about getting Terry next, is he good?
Are those guns 3d printed?
Surely once the Turks shelfwarm so bad they almost kill the whole line, SQUEENIX will give us Tifa with a new hat, right?
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Well.... lets put it this way, if we want SE characters in figure format, then we don't have any choice as they have a monopoly for their IPs, would be better if other figure companies can make them too like a figma, SHF, heck even Revoltech as more competition leads to better product which means consumers benefits the most but as of the moment, current SE will keep it that way for now, prices for import figures are way higher now than before(I stopped collecting around 2017 then came back just because of the FFVII Bring Arts), Revoltech Ryu Hayabusa srp is even at 12k yen, figma Link TotK is 9.9k yen (DX is 16.8k yen), only difference is that Bring Arts offer way less accessories including alt faces and hands for the price they ask, would be happy if SE prices their stuff lower but knowing them, that won't happen as they want their merch to have premium prices

Yes, the maker even put the 3d files online for download
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Still bothers me a bit that he doesn't have a cig.
Its not like kids will be influenced by the figure since in the first place, they can't afford it unless they ask their parents for it.
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While typing this, I have the first release figma Snake and the reissue doesn't have the cigarettes, what's up with today's figure manufacturers?

Idk if the moogle Cait rides is supposed to be that big, kinda remember the moogle not that big during fights
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I wonder who is number 8 between the 2?
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it's pretty accurate. He just looks as big as cid due to the angle but is probably slightly smaller
I got a few cigs with Revo Wolfwood, but I'd hate to poke a hole in his face.
there probably are
you can have discords for things as small as less than 10 people
but then they have to be that committed or you get fly by night types that bitch that no one comes to the discord to chat.
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Vincent cape mode
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Cape looks nice but this one, I prefer no mod
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crotch mod for better range
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Just bought a Bahamut. Oh boy I always wanted to pose one with the ff7 figures. Can't wait for it to arrive.
I have your same keyboard...
Yeah but his Shadowbringers look is good too.
Now all thats missing is BA Odin, ff9 steiner vivi & freya beatrix. Ironically it's fairly easy to get Odin he's just expensive on it's own but all my funds are tied up for the rest of the year now unless some more stuff sells.

Xenokino is a bonus but just as hard to get...
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Not my pic, just found it on FB groups, I wasn't able to link it as its a private group


Curious on how Bahamut Bring Arts scales and looks with the FFVII Bring Arts, do post a groupd shot or atleast Cloud besides Bahamut for size comparison

Yeah, I will. Maybe if I'm lucky yuffie arrives at the same day. Can you fucking believe it? Hobby genki sent everyone out EXCEPT Bart lol despite me telling them to.... Now he rots there along with vincent waiting for cait sith and sephiroth to come out.
Yeah, I think Hobby Genki ships things based on order time not on when the figure is released
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got my vincent in the mail today and the ball socket for his hip is cracked in half, square enix's shitty QC at the prices they charge never ceases to amaze
Mine hasn't arrived yet but I'm dreading this happening to me
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Sorry to hear that. Saw someone in FB group that replaced the broken/cracked ball socket with 3d party replacement, maybe this would help
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The specific 3rd party joint used, I think a figma joint would work here too if you have any spares
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just get a replacment. Sqenix customer service is pretty good. They replaced a missing piece for my zidane dagger LAST YEAR. Though you should just try the shop you bought it first to get a full new figure instead. Also let your figures warm up when you get them instead of instantly start molsting them
Yuffie is 16
and she can make clones
Out of 10
Still don't get why it's creepy, she's not being sexualized or anything
it was broken out of the box, i didnt even touch it, just took him out of the tray and the leg fell off
i guess the tolerances on it are just shit since it seems to be happening to so many people
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Yeah, like what >>11324583 said, if it came that way then send an email from where you bought Vincent, if its SE store then they will probably replace it as I have read they replaced faulty 2B's from their Masterline years ago, although they didn't asked for the owner to return, they said they need to break the faulty figure first before sending in a replacement
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Since this thread is now on autosage, I won't be bumping this thread anymore but will still post pics of vids I find just for archiving purposes
You joke but pedophilia is a real problem in the gaming community.
It's not creepy to have an ultra realistic depiction of a 16 year old girl on your desk? Okay bro. I don't care about the OG design because it just looks anime but the remake design looks like a real child.
>Use google or MFC for pics
GSC just got the FF license and is releasing Noctis, Lightning and Fran statues, won't upload pics out of respect for the no statue rule of toy but I am posting this as this news is huge, it means we may get Nendos or figma or FF characters now, who would have thought this day would come?

I wonder what changed SE's minds on licensing their "precious" FF IP?

Bring Arts Vincent replacement crotch mod

Vincent Bring Arts short
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Well they said they port their games day one and stop making exclusives on ps5 so maybe they want to expand the toyline too who knows. Though statues don't really mean anything sadly. GSC gets all kinds of stuff that never gets a figure from ANY toyline despite being popular. See all the eminence in shadow stuff. Maybe we get nendoroids? They did make a lot of nier ones afterall and I've been drooling over these fan made ones for months.

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