>JANUARYSuper Saiyan Trunks - Infinite Latent Super Power (Reissue)Pan GT & Gill [Web Exclusive]>FEBRUARYVegeta - Older Style Battle Clothes [Web Exclusive]Frieza - First Form (Reissue)>MARCHSon Goku - The Lowest Born SaiyanMedical Machine [Web Exclusive]>APRILSon Goku - DaimaSuper Saiyan God Son Goku (Reissue)>MAYVegeta - Daima>JUNEMajin Buu - Good (Reissue)>JULYV Jump 40th anniversary Son Goku + ShenronZarbon - True Power [Web Exclusive]Super Saiyan Son Goku (Mini) - Daima [Web Exclusive]>AUGUSTKing Gomah [Web Exclusive]>OCTOBERSuper Saiyan 3 Vegeta (Mini) - Daima [Web Exclusive]>NOVEMBERLegendary Super Saiyan Broly (40th Anniversary Reissue Edition) [Web Exclusive]>PROTOTYPESPanzy - DaimaGlorio - DaimaSupreme Kai (Mini) - DaimaCooler - Final Form (40th Anniversary Reissue Edition)Tamashii Nations Dragon Ball Series>https://tamashii.jp/item_character/dragonball_series/Tamashii Nations Surveys>https://tamashii.jp/survey/Previous Thread >>11302561
Voters just gave Tamashii license to keep using 1.0 era molds kek. New Android 16/17/18 neverNew Beerus/Whis neverNew 4th form Frieza neverJust reissues and exclusives
>>11307692idk why but in this picture cooler is oily af
>>11307704>New Beerus/Whis never>New 4th form Frieza neverThese two hurt me most.How the fuck do people still think the current 4th form Frieza is acceptable in the current lineup of other Frieza forms that are modern (except golden but fuck golden)
This thread is early no?
>>11307704I think it's time we accept we aren't getting 3.0s for these figures. Only one offs and specific forms like Full Power Frieza, SS4 Goku, Buffku, etc. We aren't getting a 3.0 base Goku or Vegeta or a 3.0 perfect Cell. In their eyes it's a waste.
>>11307704>>11307706All of the 1.0 molds with the exception of Freeza, Cell and the Androids, have been replaced with newer molds. I don't think Bandai's going back to the old figures other than for this sort of thing. They gave fans a chance to vote for any figure made so far to be rereleased, and that's what the majority wanted.I agree we need new 4th Form Freeza and Perfect Cell figs, I imagine Cell is likely. Freeza may not, for now. Depends on if they keep Namek relevant. The Androids don't bother me, and I don't think they plan on making new figures of them. All of this 2.0 and 3.0 stuff is just fan terminology. Bandai just advances things whenever they feel it's necessary.Beerus and Whis are not 1.0s.
>>113077383.0s of those are more likely than 3.0s of the same Vegeta/Goku designs if anything. 3.0 SS Gohan and Future Trunks are basically update of 1.0s even though people expected a 2.0 Future Trunks due to the Time Patroller/Xeno Trunks being basically that split in two releases.Broly is a weird case though. I think they expected it to win or do well, and maybe it's just too big a mold for them to think it's worth upgrading.
>>11307753"Beerus and Whis are not 1.0s"He has "1.0" Hips, Knees, Ankles, Shoulders AND Abs, and you think Beerus ISN'T a 1.0? Cause he sure as shit isn't a 2.0, and don't get smart with that "oh but they changed the box design andthey threw himmin the the 2.0s on the cover of that book they did with UI Goku" yeah that don't mean shit.
>>11307753>I agree we need new 4th Form Freeza and Perfect Cell figs, I imagine Cell is likely. Freeza may not, for now.Hopefully at the latest, if we get a Perfect Cell redo and a Kid Buu SHF, they'll also consider going back to do Final Form Frieza anew so we have all 3 main villains with modern molds.>Depends on if they keep Namek relevant.Seeing people talk about wanting Nail when we have a Frieza from 2012 that is starting to look more out of place by the day is so weird to me.
>>11307753>Beerus and Whis are not 1.0s.Whis is hard to tell since he's a traffic cone anyway. If they make him again, we'd need a soft goods robe.Beerus is absolutely a 1.0. The peg into shoulder sleeve thing, the drop down hips, the 1.0 style knee joints without even a cap, etc.I'd say he aged fairly gracefully (knees aside) but they could do a good job if they made a new one today. Engineering-wise and likeness wise.
>>11307767Then Kefla is also a 1.0. Sometimes Bandai just does stupid shit man.
>>11307766I would agree if proud prince Vegeta didn't disappear.
>>11307738I simply will not buy shitty old figures that don't look like the characters. I will just wait for our Chinese friends to produce superior figures.
>>11307784Kefla doesn't even have dropdown hips despite not having enough space to allow leg range, so it's probably worse than a 1.0.
>>11307767I mean Bandai doesn't consider them to be "1.0s" I don't have him so I can't say from experience, but who knows maybe they'll release a new figure of him one day. Probably not anytime soon. He got the same EE repaint treatment the Androids got so it's not likely, hell the Androids have a better chance if they move onto the Cell era.
>>11307692So who do we think actually won? I feel like either broly one, but they knew the fans would throw a bitch fit given how many alternatives are on the market, or cooler won, but in order to compete with the bootleggers then did broly as well anyway.
>>11307738We'll get updated Goku and Vegeta, the adult Daima Vegeta is already so close to a Z base. The face artstyle is different. The figure is already at that $35 price point, they can just keep slapping new heads on it like they've done with the recent SSB one. They've got this newer body now and they'll put it to use. They also have the Daima Goku which is kinda iffy looking so idk how I feel about that one yet.
>>11307796I think Broly won since his post was first and he's also going up for PO first and releasing first.
>>11307790nta but what do you think these knees are?
Just curious but what exactly constitutes a 3.0? And what figures are part of this new type? I know people have mentioned buffku and FP Freeza. That it?
>>11307796Someone said it was close and they decided to do both. I'm gonna say Broly won and the current environment with all the Broly out there made them decide to do #2 as well. Makes sense business wise as Broly might not be as attractive as before so there's a 2nd figure in Cooler where they can get more sales.
>>11307808Depends entirely on what character it is and especially if older figures exist of it already, because you need a point of comparison.The new Teen Gohan is an example. Boy From the Future Trunks is as well.
>>11307738I think we will get a Buu saga Goku and Vegeta which will be 3.0's in like 3 years.
>>11307808mostly the legs, arms,neck and shoulder schemesome figures like Piccolo are 2.0s with 3.0s legs.a 3.0 has a double ball joint in the neck, a ball peg in the shoulders with soft plastic sleeves that don't look like fucking gargabe unlike 2.0s, but it depends on the character.the legs dont have flaps and can do a perfect split with the downside of having an ass platethe arms are better designed without losing a chunk of the middle like 2.0s3.0s are most of the time bulkier.the only reason things got muddled is because Bandai started doing rubber torsos and then the Daima Goku uses new (and shittier) schemes so we kinda lost the thread.the important part is fans like the 3.0s and thats why Chinks do them
>>11307808That's hard to summarize, but there are some differences you can spot. Mind you, Bandai very often experiments with what is considered "3.0" (or just plainly newer engineering for characters that have previous iterations), so it's sort of in flux. Generally, it only applies to characters that get a lot of releases, like your Gokus and Vegetas, and characters that have similar outfits. But it could apply to any character that has either a 1.0 or a 2.0 figure. But since we have half a zillion Gokus and a quarter of a zillion Vegetas, and a good few characters also use Goku's outfit or something similar enough to it, those two are the best ones to compare to. Frankly, Goku and Teen Gohan are the only ones where you can really compare and contrast easily. Maybe Trunks if you look at the Xenoverse Time Patroller figure (which mostly has Trunks' body)But taking Goku gi/baggy pants outfits as a primary example here, the commonplace differences between 2.0 and 3.0 are:>Gi sleeves no longer pegged into the back of the figure's arm but instead integrated into the butterfly/shoulder joint and made into an actual sleeve>Removal of the rings between the crotch and the thighs>Dedicated ankle joints that actually try to afford full range, rather than just a ball peg that fits into a hole at the top of the shoe>Better engineered double knee joint with a smoother kneecap that goes along better with the shape of the upper and lower leg of the baggy pants when standing straight and when bent. Also in most cases looks smoother and less bulbous from the back, similar to the elbow joint.>Upper torso forms more of a ribcage shape and the abs join into that, creating a more natural bend and origin of motion than a haphazard straight cut right below the pecs>Elbow joints wider and flatter compared to the more bulbous 2.0 elbow joints, and disappear more into the sculpt of the arms.I'm sure there's more, but those are the main differences I can think of.
Fans are retarded. I hate seeing 1.0s on these polls because of how predictable the fans will vote. Fuck 1.0 Broly.
>>11307808>>11307866 Important to note is that Bandai is pretty fucky about the figures they release and their engineering. For example, Dragon Ball Super Broly (both), Jiren and Cooler have what one would consider more 3.0-tier engineering, and those are fairly old by now. Meanwhile, 2nd form Frieza, who is more recent than all of them, has 2.0 crotch rings. Whether that's because the zesty black shorts are easier to do that way, or they just spin the bottle on how they engineer a given figure is something you can decide upon yourself.
>>11307692how is it different than the original cooler final form release? different colours? is this official
>>11307875>how is it different than the original cooler final form release?It isn't. It's a straight reissue plus a 40th anniversary stand and maybe some different packaging.Reissue as a result of a fan poll asking what figure you want to see reissued.
Why is Z Broly so popular right now?
>>11307692>some 200 dollar figureMeh
>>11307808It is just elitist retardation
Final Form Cooler reissue is cool, but I really want a fourth form.
>>11307878No clue. It is kind of annoying.
>>11307692really glad for thisnot really into dbz figs but I wanted one of him for a while but was way too latenice
>>11307808Here anon. Notable 3.0's Nappa, Cooler, Turles, Raditz, Super Hero/Beast Gohan, King Cold,Mecha Frieza,Krillin (Earth's Strongest Man), Boy from the future Trunks.
>>11307878Z Broly is cool, its intimidating, makes for a great figure, insanely popular, pairs well with the battle damage TrunksIts the perfect toy bad guy for Dragon ball since he fights Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Gohan and Piccolo at once.
>>11307878lack of a official 3.0 and almost 7 years since the last convention exclusive.
>>11307866>>11307873not that anon but I appreciate the writeup
>>11307878In db figure world when someone makes a great figure it causes a ripple effect on the scene>low tier 3ps bandwagon behind said figure and make accesories like headsculpts, shirts, etc. that slightly changes or upgrades an already good figure.>other lowtier 3p do the same character with a twist>DF chimps out and announces/makes an inferior version just to fuck with whoever made the figure in the first place.>Bandai and high tier 3p like Kong and Tonsen are usually the ones that made the figure and at least in Kong and Tonsen case they make alternative versions to capitalize on it.Happend with superhero and beast Gohan, Teen gohan, Buffku, Black from heroes, etc.It was pretty strong with Buffku, the Tonsen Trunks and now Broly thoThe tonsen trunks has windsweep hairs, softgoods, alternative faceplates, God Hairs, Ponytail headsBroly future looks good
>>11307808notice how nobody can give you an actual answer because it’s a retarded made up term
>>11307896we need other movie villains first. cooler already has 2 figures.
>>11307927They did, though.
>>11307903>>11307909Isn't that 3.0 Goku a third party fig? I wouldn't say that counts.
>>11307931ntayeah, but adult gohan's gi (which it is based on) isn't dramatically different.
>>11307930if they can’t summarize it in a few sentences it means they don’t know what they’re talking about
Actually very fitting
3.0's aren't real.
>>11307942You can't do that with 1.0 vs 2.0 either.
>>11307796Wasn't it stated one of the executives assumed beforehand which one would win and started the process of making it before the results were tallied up, then was surprised when it wasn't the one that won? I'm guessing Cooler won, and they assumed Broly would win, so they did this.