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Previous Thread >>11287466

>New/Latest Pre-orders

The Vintage Collection:
-B-1 Battledroid Troop Build 4pk - Pulse/Disney
-501st Clone Trooper (OWK)
-Mandalorian Super Commando (Ahsoka)
-Baylan Skoll
-Shin Hati
-Journey of Anakin Skywalker 3pk - Pulse
-Heir to the Empire 3pk - Pulse
-IG-12 (Deluxe)
-C1-10P (Imperial Disguise) - FanCh
-Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Legend)
-Yord Fandar (The Acolyte)
-Lt. Callahan (Ahsoka) - FanCh
-Aurra Sing (TPM refresh) - FanCh
-Doctor Evazan (ANH refresh) - FanCh
-Snowtrooper (ESB) - FanCh
-Howler & Sabine Wren (Peridea)
-Streets of Mos Eisley playset (w/ Jawa) - FanCh
-Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing - FanCh

The Black Series:
-Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka)
-Phase I Captain Rex (Ahsoka)
-Phase I Clonetrooper & Super Battle Droid 2pk - Pulse
-Luke Skywalker (Imperial Guard) & Princess Leia Organa (Boushh) - Pulse
-Kelnacca (The Acolyte)
-Obi-Wan Kenobi & 212th Clone Trooper - Pulse
-Dagan Gera & BX Droid (Hybrid) - Amazon
-Clone Commando (Urban Fighter) & B1 Battle Droid (Training) - Amazon
-Savage Opress - FanCh
-Luminara Unduli - FanCh
-Shaak Ti - FanCh
-Sebulba - FanCh
-Commander Cody (ROTS) - Walmart
-STAP & Battle Droid - Pulse Con Exclusive
-Prince Xizor - FanCh
-Clone Commander Bacara - FanCh
-BX Commando Droid - FanCh
-Clone Commander Obi-Wan Kenobi - FanCh

Imports/Other lines:
-SHF Ben Kenobi
-SHF Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka)
-SHF Yoda (ROTS)
-SHF Han Solo (ANH)
-SHF Chewbacca (ANH)

*No preorder available - expected in stores Fall 2024

>Upcoming/Pipeline Reveals

The Black Series:
-SM-33 (Skeleton Crew)
-Moff Gideon (Dark Trooper Phase IV)
-Praetorian Guard (The Mandalorian)
-Dash Rendar

The Vintage Collection:
-Momaw Nadon
-Han Solo (ANH)
-Chewbacca (ANH)
-Ben Kenobi (ANH)

Reminder this is a thread about toys. Don't fall for bait or feed the trolls.
>>11309205 (OP)
Reminder to submit your Top 25 for TVC March Madness 2025. Pick your most wanted, all newly tooled figures you want to see made in the line. You have from now until 11:59 pm ET on Friday, January 31 to submit or edit your list.
>he looks a lot less goofy than the captain
How? The goofiest parf is the helmet, which is the same.
Wish they didn't have the all-new-tooling stipulation, the majority of my most wanted figures are troopers that'd be repaints/retools.
Post your lists.
So what's different besides the rifle?
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I appreciate that they illustrated the droids on the box holding their blasters in a way that is physically impossible for the figures to do since they can't be bothered to put a wrist swivel on them
The shoulder pads don't have spikes and then the deco is different
I only bought two packs because I need some that can actually stand up. I would have bought four had they retooled the arms too. Hopefully they do it at some point. It's not like they can't release a bunch of variants to make it worth the money. Then again they still haven't updated the hips on the Stormtrooper so who knows
Shoulder pads, boots, color, the rifle- all those little things look better than the animated style version and help to keep the design a little in check to sell the helmet better. I should say that it just works for me for some reason.
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Remember to put your favorite character Poggle the Lesser on your SWTVC Top 25 list
I actually did put him on my list, we don't have enough cool aliens anymore
Well that's partly why Last Figure Standing was created

I don't have him on my list but I would like to see him and other Geonosians made available. Also some Umbaran soldiers would be good too.
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Why did you post this?
Weird comparison to make between the stormtrooper hips and the droid arms, considering those hips don't prohibit any poses, they just make posing take slightly longer, meanwhile these droids are completely incapable of doing the pose they're most often seen in no matter how much time you spend trying. With how many of those stormtroopers I have I'd never even remotely consider replacing them with new ones where the only difference is the hips, but with b1 droids I've mostly passed on all of them and that won't change until they fix the arms.
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Posting this again, both to re-iterate how fucking annoying Hasbro is with non-standardised neckballs, and also how much of a disaster the new head is. But mainly for the recipe if anyone missed it.
Yavin head on 2025 Farmboy Luke body, the ball that goes into the neck is about half a mm thicker on the Yavin ball, so it's a tight fit, but warming the figure up in some hot water will make it a fairly easy boil and pop. Alternatively you could shave the neck ball down a fraction if you were so inclined. The end result is pretty much the perfect Black Series ANH Luke.
Some bots are just here to spam.
Some Youtuber really wants their song about a fruit that tastes like soap to take off.

To balance the scales here is a picture of my new Lego Acclamator that I just finished building. I swapped out the clear flat stud in the bridge with a blue one I had spare to match the TCW "crystal blue" colour of the bridge windows. It's minor, but I like it.
Forgot to attach picture.
MGS capital ships when?
I had a couple of figures packed away and now one of them has a blue stain form smoke bomb pellets.
Is there any way to possibly leech out the color?
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They're finally ascending
Tunghori is back up
>>11309205 (OP)
Imagine having a landfill of plastic garbage in your house known as the Black Series. Vintage chads win again.
>Disney shit but 3.75 inches
Still landfill garbage
Holy fucking shit! Thank God
The new Anakin is better than I expected. The likeness isn't 100% but it's better than some people made it sound and one of the better Christensen sculpts overall. I feel better about double dipping with the three-pack now, though I still wish there was a little more going on to distinguish the two.
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hey im fairly new to collecting star wars toys and seeing that hasbro will bring some of my favourite characters out, i thought i might as well get into it (so far i have preordered shaak ti and luminara). but does anyone here know if the palpatine and his chair from the throne room is worth getting?
>tfw TVS Shin looks like Lily-Rose Depp
I just wanted a good looking sithfu.
Black Series is the superior line considering they actually get all the characters
Likeness is good, but why is the hair puffed out like that?
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No, this isn't Ollies, it's a Target.
I thought there was a period where they had standardized neck joints. Maybe not, or they changed them again. But so many retarded decisions with that headsculpt. The open mouth is terrible, eyes are too dark, hair is brown and it should've been swept to the side instead of straight down which is probably like that in only a handful of scenes

I think Archive Palpatine goes for around $9 these days in ollies and online too. But if you like the character that much, I'd get the throne because on his own he's kinda lame. Though I heard the soft goods in the throne version is inferior to the Archive. It's kind of a bad figure overall since it's a sculpt from 2013 but again if you like the character might as well. $45 isn't a bad price. They went to like 100-200 before the reissue

It's blowing in the wind
The Crapolyte is giving eternals a run for its money
TVC tends to get everything I actually care about, though. There are a few figures I wish got updates, but I felt that way about them before TBS even existed. As a TVC collector I'm honestly not sure the last time I really felt envious outside of the years when TVC didn't exist or 3.75" was relegated to being a Walmart exclusive subline.
How much is her lower mobility compromised by that "skirt"?
- and what are good solutions?
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Is there any place that sells extra TVC figure accessories in bulk? I see some factory-surplus like pic related show up on ebay sometimes which suggests there's more where these came from, but I can't find it so far
Basically you just have to luck out with Chinese sellers on eBay. It's a bit of a crapshoot.
>I thought there was a period where they had standardized neck joints.
I don't think so, maybe at the very start, but I just tried to swap the heads between my original 2017 Farmboy Luke and the Archive collection X-Wing Pilot Luke and the neck balls are different. Also the opening on the FB Luke is super tight do you HAVE to heat it up.
I have heard that apparently Lucasfilm under Disney doesn't want decapitated heads in the packaging, so that's why we don't get alternate heads for characters, but I haven't been able to find anything official about that, so take it with a grain of salt. Maybe the idea is that you will HAVE to buy every release of a figure to get the best version. The original FB Luke has a great sculpted likeness, but the paint was shit and the softgoods weren't well done. The 50th anniversary version fixed the paint but the softgoods still sucked. This latest 2025 version fixes the body, but now the head fucking sucks. Maybe next year they'll reveal a version that comes with a better head, but it'll have the Stormtrooper belt with a blaster and no Lightsaber.
Any specific sellers you can recommend/searches that make 'em easier to find? I see some new parts from the couple I know of but not the ones I'm looking for the most (e-11s/e-22s/officer caps)
None off the top of my head, but usually the easiest way to find other stuff is to look at the sellers you've already found and search all of their listings for Star Wars, a lot of Chinese sellers use multiple accounts so you're probably going to run into a lot of listings that are really just the same dude, so all you can really do is just look up any sellers you find and see what else they have
>They went to like 100-200 before the reissue
thats something that bothers me with those figures, that somehow a lot of people buy them just to resell them for ridiculous prices
Will probably be seeing Acolyte in full force at Ollies come August.

Second on this. Just search away and maybe you'll get lucky. I did the same with SW logo stands
What's funny about this is how utterly random they are. You'll see listings for like 20 rifles but then also listings for 20 Poe Dameron heads, or a bunch of Death Star Troopers but for some reason the seller gave them all lightsabers. I think the sellers just grab whatever factory leftovers they can get and don't know shit about Star Wars because it's never been big in China and so they just put it all up hoping someone will want them.
oh wow what the fuck you're not kidding
You now remember Mace Windu (Genosian Rescue) from the Saga Phase 1 line, #02-28.
I remember how weird it was that the very first Mace for the Episode 1 line had a decent face and then for years they kept giving him faces that looked nothing like him or awkward expressions, it wasn't until like 2013 that he finally got another decent face
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I'll never forget it. He's a staple in my collection.
You're a fucking disgusting racist freak.
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Man, I wish we got a face that good for Shin. It looks amazing.
Shin Hati?! Huh, moar liek Shin HOTTIE, amirite?
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>I have heard that apparently Lucasfilm under Disney doesn't want decapitated heads in the packaging, so that's why we don't get alternate heads for characters, but I haven't been able to find anything official about that
I have heard that too but I don't remember where. It makes sense though. They slapped a random sticker on TVC deluxe Mando just to hide his head. Archive Anakin's dark side head was also hidden behind the cardboard insert
It's probably been a long-standing thing, even the battle damage Anakin from the ROTS line had his alternate head packaged inside the cloak so that it basically looks like two figures instead of just having the head floating in the package
I thought din was for "spoiler" reasons?
Also, couldn't they just have the bare head on the figure, and then the helmet on the side? I'm pretty sure that's how they did Bo and her two lackeys. I don't remember the new rex, though...
>>11309205 (OP)
Would the Migs mayfield thighs work for a BS Shin Haati leg fix. CC Gideon is sold out at my local ollies.
So how long before the Yoda from the 2 pack gets released as a single figure do we think?
Another (another) Mandalorian (The Mandalorian) figure.
>I thought din was for "spoiler" reasons?
I'd say the Din one was most likely for spoiler reasons. Helmets see to be an exception because they're obviously a helmet. I'd love to know if it is actually a policy for Star Wars figures, and if so, how it came about. Maybe someone can ask during a live-stream or at a comic-con booth?
They could’ve put as many dismembered parts as they wanted when they had plastic free packaging but they were too cheap
>It’s a big year for Star Wars, with highlights including Star Wars Celebration Japan, the release of Andor A Star Wars Story Season 2, the 20th anniversary of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, and the 10th anniversary of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. To celebrate, Power the Force is a yearlong campaign showcasing some of the saga’s iconic ships, favorite characters, memorable droids and, of course, lightsabers.

>In addition to even more new LEGO Star Wars sets coming soon, Power the Force will feature collectibles, apparel, and toys across a host of brands, including Hasbro, Funko, Citizen, Jazwares, RSVLTS, RockLove Jewelry, Topps, and more.
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>Calls it Power Of The Force
>Doesn't spend the year doing a line of gym-junkie figures
Disappointing. I want a modern Black Series Yoked Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, Vader, and even C-3PO.

>the 10th anniversary of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Not a single person cares about this.
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They should do POTF2 like they do with the retro line, just make figures from all movies/shows in the style that they would've been in 1995, give me buff ass Jar Jar and swole Battle Droids
Nonononono, it's power THE force, and NOT power OF the force.
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but how can we power the force without huge muscles?
I remember ordering this from walmart and they were supposed to package a pin or something with it but didn't so if you complained over the phone they'd just issue a full refund. Those were the good old days when his name was YEED and he had a NEED to FEED.
>give me buff ass Jar Jar and swole Battle Droids
YES. Also B2 droids are basically swole B1s, so how crazy would a swole B2 be?
B1 = Stallone
B2 = Schwarzenegger?
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>tranny astromech
Can they just make cool and canon droids for once instead of woke shit?
That's what the Halloween droids are for.
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Please stop hating fun Anon.
I love this guy. I hope they can do something similar with a protocol droid or whatever else they've got. I want a whole batch of zombie droids to display

>Captcha: GAYMNA
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I love him as well and I'd love more zombie droids. I bought two from the Disney store, since they went on deep sale.
Hey, that's my image! I'm glad someone liked it enough to save it. Fun fact, that 3PO crawling on the ground is a bootleg I got as kid.
Here's your new Blacked Series emperor, bro.
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Aliexpress 3.75" clone listing updated again, 10 new figures, most of which have new parts too:
Kind of mind-blowing to think a knockoff seller might actually release more 3.75" figures of just clones than hasbro will release of any and all star wars characters this year, but at least someone's finally making them.
What are you doing with them?
Ehh these look kinda bad desu. I was thinking about getting a 91st and printing the harness to make Neyo. Nice that these new ones come with it but those holsters are terrible.
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God what I'd give for a proper Nebulon-B toy
Is it realistic at all for them to do capital ships or is the scale too big? Sucks that you can have a bunch of starfighters but will never be able to build out a proper fleet without capital ships.
Neat that they added them just in time for the Phase 1 501st to be releasing in TVC. I think I'm gonna wait for an official Rex though in the hopes that Hasbro gives him a soft goods kama
It's a cute image Anon. I like it a lot. Oh wow, I didn't know the C-3PO was a bootleg, or that they even made them.
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I paired my zombie droid up with my Night Troopers. It felt right.
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>he bought Dr. Aphra crap
Yeah the holsters do look a bit simple/blocky, maybe the idea was to make them look animated-style? Regardless, they seem to be a separate piece that tabs under the belt, so you could just leave them off if they don't look better in-hand. I'm personally reserving harsh judgment until I get them, fingers crossed they look fine in person.

An official one would almost definitely reuse the latest phase II Rex's kama, but I really hope they properly attach the crotch armor next time they use that design. That could be years from now, though, I think I'd rather just get this one and if the plastic kama sucks badly enough, swap the waist with an official rex's.
That's overpriced but it's a nice 3pack, that run of Vader's comic was the best imo. Shame they kept Aphra alive when she was clearly meant to die just like 99% of the characters in that comic.
I was fine with her surviving since it became a thing that she was constantly anxious about Vader coming after her.

Then they had her confront him and get away by hacking his cyborg parts and taunting him and that's when it got dumb.
What's the new one, the throne version rerelease?
I like the figures and the 2015 Vader comic run. It's a great comic series and Aphra, 0-0-0 and BT-1 were cool in it. I buy what I like Anon.
you mean you support disney's agenda
the Amazon exclusive "Masters of Evil" rerelease of Palpatine & Throne. It seems the ran out of soft goods robes and make some cheap shapeless replacement with no stitching/etc.
They turned her into some kind of Dr Who of the Star Wars universe and yeah, she became overpowered in an instant. She even gave Beilert Valance that electric handshanke from the Batman 89 movie, the way they elevate her by putting other characters down made her turn from beloved sidekick to hateful mary sue pretty fast.
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I think it would be possible to do reduced-scale toys in the $50-100 range as playsets, with largely on-model products that have a few interior compartments for the "iconic" elements
for example, if you had a Nebulon-B, you'd flip open the top of the forward hull to have a med-bay area filling up all the available space, or for Home One, you'd have a couple of panels that cover up the briefing room/bridge or a hangar bay/garage big enough to stick the little A-wing in

but of course, none of this could have any pretense to scale correctly the way most Micro Galaxy Squadron vehicles do
Yeah reduced scale would be the way to go, since a properly scaled Star Destroyer would be like 75 feet long
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New landspeeder leaked from some poster. Also Ben and Sandtrooper and apparently 3PO is new too.

I am hoping this is all new stuff that we are actually getting and not just old figures or customs repurposed for some Hasbro diorama like they sometimes do. 3PO's midsection looks really weird and the elbows look like the crappy TBS 3.75 mold. I wonder what the sandtrooper weathering is like because their weathering has been so bad or non existent the last couple years.
People are identifying that as the TVC 1.0 3PO. Which would make sense because the photographer has been consistently using older figures in new product marketing. I'm sure once the official announcement comes he'll confirm if it is an old one or not. New landspeeder looks great though and I am so down for new Sandtroopers.
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this is literally that landspeeder from 2002 with a new coat of paint
>and apparently 3PO is new too.
I hope not, because it looks like shit. They can't do anything right.
Orange-pauldron sandtrooper in that image is definitely the old one, but the white-pauldron one is the new body, and its pauldron looks like a new piece too. Don't know what to make of that really, seems like a coin toss for whether or not we're getting a new sandtrooper this year.
I kinda thought the orange one might be old but it sorta looked like he had rocker ankles. The white one looks like it has the rogue one scope E-11 which isn’t good. Man is there anything new in this besides Ben lol
It's one of the older rogue one e11s, you can tell by it actually having the silver paint detail, which a new sandtrooper definitely would not get for its included blaster on the current paint budget. No idea why it's there, the trooper clearly has rocker ankles but none of the rocker ankle releases also had their blasters painted.
You might want to use a smaller ship like the blockade runner.
and then "Kenner-ize it"
that's a perfect example of great stealth merch, useful as a "pride" box-check, but also.. not at all

if you remove them from that package, all of those are individually cool droids

you DO take things out of the package? don't you? leaving them IN the package is.... um... [pride]? lol
>s1 ahsoka
>phase 2 clones
sorry my immersion is broken
>I didn't know the C-3PO was a bootleg, or that they even made them.
I got it from a $2 shop when TPM had just come out in cinemas. Honestly as bootlegs go it's pretty damn good. The paint isn't as sharp and it's missing the black in the recesses, but honestly it's on par with something Hasbro would have put out in the Mission Series a couple years back.
Nice display. What did you do with your extra Enoch? I swapped parts around with my extra troopers but wanted to do something different with him, just haven't figured out what. Leaning towards getting a different helmet from one of the third party places and dying parts of his armor to make him like a former Imperial turned mercenary/bounty hunter.
Thanks Anon. I just kept him in the box. I have no idea what I'll do with him, but he's a great figure. I also need to swap parts on the Night Troopers it make all of them look different. I think your ideas sound pretty good.
That is rather cool. My opinion of bootlegs has greatly changed over the years.
I would unironically buy the tranny clone trooper figure.
This is what $45 is worth according to hasbro
Fucking hell. Guess I'll just pick up a custom throne from Ebay for $25 like I planned before the rerelease was announced. Thanks.
This honestly seems like a production mistake. Has anybody at Hasbro commented on it?
What's the best Obi-Wan these days? I have the Phantom Menace one, but was eyeing some of the ones from the D+ series and Clone Wars.
Black Series, I mean.
I wonder if they're going to move onto the new helmet at some point. I'm debating about getting their 501st Phase I just so it would be consistent with the standard troopers that I already have. But I like the new helmet on Hasbro's a lot more so I would rather army build these ones while they're around. Decisions, decisions..
Forgetting all the sewing on all the figures is a mistake? I assume they show early production samples to hasbro. If it wasn't intended wouldn't that have caught it?
Most of them are fine and have newer engineering except for Tartakovsky clone armor and revenge of the sith which definitely show their age but the latter is supposedly getting a redo this year. I would just get your favorite costume or wait for ROTS
You guys gonna start a return when you get your Chair Palps and he has a giant inflated hood with no stitching?
Holy shit, that's so bad. I just looked up a review and it's nothing like my original version. Do glad I got it right before it sold out all those years ago.
Patrick will not apologize for the Entertainment.
hasbro is a small independent company and stitching is very expensive, please understand
what in the actual fuck were they thinking
I'd love to get Clone Wars Obi, but don't want to pay the nearly double late tax most are trying to sell him for. I live in Georgia when he and Anakin released and I never saw either in stores.

Alternatively, I'm looking at the Jedi Legend one from the Disney+ series because it looks like it has the best likeness. Anyone with this one, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
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I feel so very mixed. I'm a bit casual with SW but I've been wantin a Clone Wars Anakin for years, and this figure seems neat, but man that expression is so neutral that it looks silly.
Do people out there make decent custom headsculpts? I know that was/is a thing for ML a bit, not sure about BS tho.
There's definitely a market for custom BS heads.
why his shoulders are so low? The armor shouldn't be that thick.
Hasbro is in a worse situation than being a small independent company. They have shareholders. So line must always go up, even if it means product quality must go down.
Man, they butchered him.
Arms look too long
I like the soft goods on the lower part to help with movement, but the top of the tunic and armour should definitely all be one piece.
Is this achievable natty?
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Speaking of Anakin, I look at this picture and the new one just makes the old figure look like Dax Flame now.
How the hell hasbro made his shoulders so low
To emphasize he isnt heroic
limited power
I feel like neither of them really look like Hayden
>what are you laughing at, young skywalker? stop that, what are you laughing at?
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Looks like some Robot Chicken shit
The giraffe neck ruins the whole figure
I like the head but I cannot believe how bad the rest of the figure looks. Looks like something from 2005 they can and have done so much better.

Anyway if you want a new head, you can find unpainted ones on Etsy. Off the top of my head Outer Rim Traders, Syndicate Customs, and Scoundrels Stock are also some good places for custom parts. There are people that will do commissions for painted too if you look around instagram.

Lol idk why this is so funny. But a trick for anyone with unruly soft goods is to soak it in water then "mold" it in the position you want and let it dry and it should lay a bit better
>Star Wars rotting on the vine and getting low tier attempts like this, missing paint apps, higher costs
>GI Joe getting amazing figures with tons of accessories and options
do it hasbro
can they reuse a mold to make it?
Honestly you could just use the arms and legs from the existing Dooku since for some reason his Jedi outfit is mostly cut the same way as his count outfit. The torso would need to be new though.
Archive Palpatine prices are already skyrocketing to nigh unthinkable prices (almost 12 dollars!)
I guess those people don't have an Ollie's nearby
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Need his bro too
Is it just mine or does Cad Bane(BOBF) tend to lean forward? Just opened him up recently and he shelf dived today. He mostly tanked the nearly 6 foot fall besides a scuff on the underside of his hat. Gave him a stand so he should be all right now, but it was pretty annoying.
If they tooled a new torso they could at least get two figures out of it with making a non-bearded head. I would buy a two pack of him and young Qui-Gon
Ollies toys tend to be 10. It's easier to just order it online.
It's a shame that the franchise is spread so thin that Hasbro has to play catchup with like 5 Disney+ shows on top of the movies and cartoons, so TOTJ stuff is probably like 15th in line as far as priority goes. Not that there's a lot of stuff I want from there, but I would like Dooku and Qui-Gon and maybe that one skull-faced inquisitor.
kek what a dead franchise
Hasbro should have a constant running poll where people can submit four figures they want from any part of the franchise.
They keep a list on their website where you can pick the four characters by selecting from that list. Hasbro then takes the top four results, and one they get locked into the pipeline the character gets removed from the list for 5/10 years or whatever. That way the characters people want actually get made, and the ones that nobody gives a shit about don't get bothered with.
Hasbro likely won't have the Star Wars license much longer. Marvel yes but Star Wars is basically cooked.
If Hasbro were smart enough to drop Star Wars they'd have done it already.
I don't think they can until their contract is up
Star wars is dead weight. Retail doesn't even like carrying it. They're actively working to remove it from planograms.
I heard a rumor jazwares released another version of the Phamtom 2 that fix the previous size issue. Is it true?
First I've heard of this, hell first I've heard of Jazwares fixing a scale issue
Cancelled my order for the Palpatine+Throne reissue. Thankfully I managed to find the older release for cheap else I would've had to get the Archive release just for the hood.
This is a pretty big tell of how things are going with the line. I'm concerned about what other "accidents" will happen with shit like the Cantina. The line is in a death spiral.
You should like better things instead.
I did as well. I already have the archive Palpatine anyway. If it dips around 20 dollars, I'll bite for just the throne. Most Amazon exclusives go on deep sale anyway, and that box is big.
Good call. It's nefarious that they put the old robe in the promos only to deliver a completely botched one. According to Amazon, over 1k unsuspecting people are about to get >>11320062

Hopefully people won't let them get away with it and this will prompt a lot of returns.
>and she was a good friend
This seems like an excessive response to a good idea.
>Hasbro likely won't have the Star Wars license much longer. Marvel yes but Star Wars is basically cooked.
If Hasbro looses the Star Wars license then Star Wars as a toyline entirely is fucked. If Mattel got it you know they'd switch the line to being 5 inch scale which mean you either need to start from scratch (which some people might do just do have a Vader that scales with other older Mattel lines) or give up collecting entirely. If McFarlane got it, then it would be 7 inch and get the same as their DC Multiverse treatment, which means the same 5 characters over and over for the rest of the line with occasional repaints and minor retools. If NECA got it then we'd get a Luke and Vader and then nothing except repaints like "video game Vader." Jakks would probably keep it at 3.75 but the plastic would be cheap as fuck and the sculpts would be softer than the retro figures.
We're in a rough patch right now because Hasbro have their heads up their collective asses and are being saddled with Disney's various agenda bullshit and creative bankruptcy, but anyone else will do even worse with the line.
The best we could hope for is some crazy billionaire who really likes Star Wars to buy Kenner off Hasbro along with the Star Wars line and get the brand back to basics.
So do we know when the current license is due to expire?
>If Hasbro looses the Star Wars license then Star Wars as a toyline entirely is fucked. If Mattel got it you know they'd switch the line to being 5 inch scale which mean you either need to start from scratch (which some people might do just do have a Vader that scales with other older Mattel lines) or give up collecting entirely.
I've never understood this fucking terrible mentality.
People act like their collection turned into radioactive garbage just because stores will no longer sell the latest new figures. It's insane.

But I love how i got a shitload of toys for WAAAAY cheap from fanboys quitting their previous obsession en mass. It's insane.

It's like they never liked the property in the first place and are just robots programmed just to buy shit. Whereas i get to play out the continued adventures of Boba Fett and Darth Vader for another 50 years, amassing new aliens and armies for them to fight together, because that's what toys are for.

That said, I've pretty much given up on Star Wars, because nothing new is actually interesting and the old shit they release is just another re-re-re-re-re-re-re-release or remake of a character that has been remade 10x over. Zzzz.
Probably the only thing I really want are vehicles, because now i have the money to buy them vs when i was a poorfag kid. Maybe a HasLab of the Clone Wars gunship that can fit more than 5 figures in the passenger compartment.
>I've never understood this fucking terrible mentality.
>People act like their collection turned into radioactive garbage just because stores will no longer sell the latest new figures. It's insane.
I phrased my post poorly. What I meant was in order for any NEW figures to fit into a cohesive display you'd need to start collecting all the characters again, not necessarily getting rid of your previous figures.
For example if Mattel put out a 5 inch scale Luke then he wouldn't scale with any of the previous 3.75 inch scale figures, so your choice is either needing to buy all the characters like Han, Chewie, Leia, the droids, Vader, Tarkin, Boba Fett, etc. again to fit with that new Luke, or just quit collecting Star Wars figures entirely and just keep what you have. It would just suck for people that have been waiting for years, maybe even decades for a particular character to be released to add to your existing collection, only for the confirmation it never will be.

Like when McFarlane got the DC license, I didn't throw away my existing collection, but it fucking sucks that none of the Multiverse figures scale with any of the previous Mattel offerings.
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oh, i know what you meant, but man, you triggered me badly, because of how people reacted when GI Joe was canned in 2015 or how Hasbro killed Marvel LEgends in 2009 or how Hasbro killed the MU line in 2013.
Or when various other lines got killed, which i won't name, because there's still deals to be had. McFarlane's Halo line is one i will name, because fuuuuck, prices started going up way hard all of a sudden 5 years ago. I thought prices would go down thanks to Wicked Cool Toys making 1:18 and 1:12 Halo figures, but i guess they weren't good enough for Halo collectors. But for a time, oooh man, so many cheap toys. Fucking glorious enough for me to splurge on still in package figures.

>but it fucking sucks that none of the Multiverse figures scale with any of the previous Mattel offerings.
Mattel's figures were fucking trash, so the only real travesty is that McFarlane's figures don't scale with MLs and DC Direct's Icons line.

Also, your example is pretty lame, because you had 100000000 chances to already buy Han, Chewie, Leia, the Droids, Vader, Tarkin, Boba Fett, etc. to fit in with a billion Luke figures. There's so many of these figures you can find them at your local Good Will for cheap and most of them would be pretty good, if not great.'
And it's not like there's new fans coming into the franchise now, considering how poor each new Star Wars is doing. NEvermind current fans also ignore the new trash. This is why people are expecting Hasbro to ditch the license.
Seriously, who fucking cares? Remember how fucking hype /toy/ was when Bandai, Medicom, 3a, and Kaiyodo were all making Star Wars figures? 10 years later, and most people don't even remember or care about them anymore.
Well yes, I agree it's stupid when people dump stuff. Like the people that got rid of all of their Star Wars figures when the prequels came out or recently with the sequels. I soured on Star Wars pretty hard after TLJ, but I still liked the toys I owned and grew up with.

>Mattel's figures were fucking trash
Well yes. Which is partly my concern because I really don't want every figure being on the exact same buck, which would be stupid for Mattel to do, but at this point I don't trust companies not to make drooling retard decisions.

>you had 100000000 chances to already buy Han, Chewie, Leia, the Droids, Vader, Tarkin, Boba Fett, etc. to fit in with a billion Luke figures.
Well yes, but my point was two-fold there. Firstly I was using them as an example of really popular characters that people would want. While I personally don't like buying the same character over and over unless there is a significant difference, like the variations between the original '78 Vader, POTF2, TLC, etc, some people like to focus characters, so picking up the new Vader might be annoying for them because it wouldn't fit in scale with the rest of their collection.
The second part was as I stated that for characters that either never got a figure, or haven't been updated in decades like Talon Karrde. Anyone that is looking forward to an update for him would be shit out of luck.

>Remember how fucking hype /toy/ was when Bandai, Medicom, 3a, and Kaiyodo were all making Star Wars figures? 10 years later, and most people don't even remember or care about them anymore.
Well that's also because they're more expensive than regular Hasbro figures (though that gap is shrinking) and also their output rate is garbage, and they keep re-releasing the same characters over and over.

Basically my point is it's better to stick with the devil you know. Yeah, Star Wars is struggling right now, but I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that Hasbro and Disney with both wise up.
If you ever want a RoJ Palps, better get your Archive Palps while he's cheap. I assume all future reissues will be the dogshit balloon hood with no stitching
I got the first Throne release back right before it sold out from Amazon. I got it and the last of the Chewie/3-P0 sets too. I went on a bit of a spree at the time, scored some extra money from a random odd job I did and used it on a modest SW collection.
Hasbro has so much institutional knowledge and history with Star Wars toys at this point that I don't think anyone would even be able to do the toys better than they can. At least in TVC scale. Even though I would be interested in seeing what companies like Hiya or JoyToy could do as alternative 3.75" offerings, you're right that the truth is they would only make the big names and pretty much nothing else because the cost of the license would pretty much require them to make guaranteed sellers. I would hate to see Mattel get the license because their human figures for their Jurassic Park line are fugly compared to TVC, but they'd be great for beasts and creatures. Maybe Jazwares could be a decent option but I don't know if they would achieve that very specific quality Hasbro has done, even though I think their Fortnite toys are pretty decent for the price.

For me, as someone who sticks with this because of the fun in world building, I would love to see a company like Marauder Gun Runners pop up and offer just a bunch of parts and pieces of various in-universe costuming and alien body parts so that I could create backgrounders until my heart's content to populate my scenes. Sure there are lots of 3D printed options but nothing beats proper injected and molded plastic.
>Hasbro has so much institutional knowledge and history with Star Wars toys at this point that I don't think anyone would even be able to do the toys better than they can
Yeah I just can’t imagine any other company doing it.
Too bad they're actively trying to destroy the line with every new, shitty release.
I dunno, the new Luke and Anakin figures are mostly pretty good and also solid choices. The Heir to the Empire three pack is a slam dunk to anybody that cares (a five pack with Mara Jade and a Luke variant are the only thing that would have been better). New Han and Obi-Wan (fucking finally) figures are on the way. Maybe this is boring if you're in it for background weirdos (which I can respect) but these seem like good decisions to me.
It's less them trying to destroy the line with shitty releases, and more getting saddled to release figures of characters nobody gives a shit about at best, or actively hates at worst because Disney can't stop fucking up the property with retarded decisions.
Hasbro's crime is over-charging for everything because the corporate guys want to line their pockets.

>these seem like good decisions to me.
These are good decisions and I'm glad Hasbro are getting the chance to make characters that people actually want. I guess even Disney are starting to see the writing on the wall.
Did they overproduce Palps in recent years? Because it seems he has dropped to rock bottom prices even on the internet. Yet Luke keeps on selling for near MSRP. Would you say Vader and Luke are really the main sellers and Palpatine is kind of a lesser purchase?
As someone coming from the Fall of MegaBlocks I kind of understand.
There is a frustration that occurs when the even the *option* for new stuff vanishes.
Matty has never really supported the brand and now it has made some "deals " with LEGO so the line is borked.
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Really wish tvc got a full run of these guys to supplement regular troopers. Not to mention after kreel and this guys black series just sort of quietly forgot them
The whole publishing series kind of skipped over TVC entirely until that announcement of the HTTE pack. I hope we get a few of those guys in the line at some point. Although it would be nice if they finished Clone Force 99 first before starting Task Force 99.
>Gee what sells more the main villain and hero with laser swords or the wrinkly old man background bad guy?

Are you retard?
Are you fuckin retarded?
Palpatine is the villain. Not Darth Vader.
>background bad guy
he’s like one of the most famous film villains in history
>Palpatine is kind of a lesser purchase?
He's never been a huge seller.
Thanks for reminding me that TVC Hunter came out nearly 2 years ago and we still haven't seen another member
Pretty sure I was always more impressed with Palpatine than Vader. Even allowing for some of his more aggressive moments like force choking the officer in ep4, he more often than not just seemed like the calm intimidating enforcer but yet not the power-mad lunatic that engineered the empire he's a part of. With Vader it feels like you could negotiate with him (even if you would get screwed in the deal, "I am altering the deal...") or keep your head down as a citizen of the empire. But if Palpatine was after you, pretty sure he was going to get what he wanted unless you were Luke Skywalker.
Yeah a lot of people who are new to the collecting scene don't remember that character popularity doesn't necessarily translate to figure sales. For example Han is one of the most popular characters but his figures have never been amazing sellers and he's tended to pegwarm. A lot of people don't remember that in 2006 Vader, Anakin and Obi-Wan all pegwarmed due to oversaturation and having too many releases at once in TSC. Even troopers aren't exempt, everyone forgets that the first TVC phase 2 clone trooper with the removable helmet from 2010 pegwarmed badly.
There is another A New Hope vehicle rumored for TVC in addition to the landspeeder. What could it be? I can't think of many vehicles from that movie they are likely to release. Maybe a TIE fighter reissue. If it's for the return to Tatooine theme then all I can think of is the Ubrikkian pod.
>then all I can think of is the Ubrikkian pod
That would be based and the perfect companion to the Cantina. It could also be the speeder bike from The Mandalorian. They did it in the Epic Heroes line so I could see them doing it for TVC too.
Well now I realized you specified ANH for it so maybe it isn't the Mando bike. If they're going for something in the price range as the N-1, maybe it's a Skyhopper
>Maybe a TIE fighter reissue
Oh boy, more broken wings!
>TPM 25th anniversary came and went
>no new podracer pilots
Only widely beloved movies get anniversary releases.
But they did release stuff for the anniversary
Then it was widely loved. Just the podracing wasn't. Which is actually kind of expected. One of the worst parts of the movie, behind Jarjar.
Honestly I'm not sure what else they can really do for podracers. They've done every pilot that has visible screentime in either the theatrical or extended cut, the only characters left are the ones that were in the extended scene on DVD but weren't added to the extended cut (Bumpy Roose and Elan Mak) or characters who weren't readily visible anywhere in the movie and most people only know from the game.
If podracing is one of the worst parts what’s the best part? I thought generally people that don’t like TPM at least like the podrace and the Maul duel
>Was thinking about selling off figs to make space for anime shit
>most of my collection is worthless because dead brand
Thanks Disney
Amazon had the TVC Osha figure on flash sale for $9. I bought it just to make a custom Twi'lek Rebel trooper, but I sure felt dirty after hitting the Place Order button.
I have the same plan and did the same. Even for custom fodder doesn’t feel good buying Disney shit though
podracing is easily the best part
The Maul duel is obviously the best part
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Noice didgits but
>most of my collection is worthless
If you were thinking it was going to hold value or increase you are a special kind of dumb dumb.
What is in your collection exactly? I don't really collect as an investment or whatever but I do keep an eye on the prices of things in case something were to happen to make me desperately need some cash, and most of my figures have either held their value or increased from what I paid.
Yeah I think the only stuff that's lost value recently is Mando/Grogu stuff due to just how much of it there is now and how much supply has overtaken demand. POTF2 stuff is still basically worthless, tail-end Legacy wave from 2009 still goes for rape dollars, etc. Unless this guy exclusively collected Black Series in the last few years I have no idea why he'd think his collection has dropped in value.

Or maybe he was one of those idiots that bought everything assuming it would all be worth thousands one day.
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I can't believe anyone pays these prices for Hasbro product.
Nobody even bought that when it was on sale for less than $10. What is BBTS thinking?
>thinking it was going to hold value or increase
Well that used to happen with star wars toys

>Unless this guy exclusively collected Black Series in the last few years
Yeah... lol. Anyway I never buy figures as investments but if I'm going to sell them, it would be nice to at least break even. But most new black series and tvc seem to go for less than retail except for some that were underproduced. Some are so cheap on the secondary market, it doesn't even feel worth it to list, pack, and ship and might as well just give them to goodwill
They see "exclusive" and think they can scalp it.
There are lunatics on ebay that break up figures into their component parts like legs, torso, arms, head, and sell them like that. So pretty sure for some selling stuff on ebay is worth it no matter what it ends up selling for , just on principle of "I must sell" alone.
I appreciate the guys that do that because there are times where I need to replace one part on a figure due to a defect or breakage, but don't want to buy a whole new one just to do that with. Same with getting them for custom fodder.
>Well that used to happen with star wars toys
Yeah 40 years ago. The only time they've increased significantly was with the vintage line and this was a scarcity issue, very few people thought to keep them in package so with fewer of them being mint in package their value increased. From 1995 onward everyone got the idea to start hoarding them so that they'd also go up in value without realizing that if everyone was keeping them packaged it would decrease the value. Throughout the modern line the only figures that have been consistently valuable are those with lower production runs, those few people found due to bad distribution, or paradoxically the ones nobody wanted so few people have. Unless you had a ton of rare figures your collection was never going to be super valuable. You fell for a meme.
>paradoxically the ones nobody wanted so few people have
It's really wild to see the Ewok comic pack from Walmart that pegwarmed horribly and had to get clearanced now going for $100+
I mean if all you bought was Disney+ and ST stuff then yeah I can see why your collection is worthless, everything else is kind of the same as where it was before
Ep6 Palpatine is worthless now, he didn't used to be. There's a lot of figures that suffered in price due to reissues.
Occasional star wars buyer here, two questions:
1. Will there ever be a 6 inch death star droid?
2. Anybody have the 12 inch death star droid? How is it?
I'm kind of glad I passed on Hunter for that reason. I wasn't going to get him unless they pipelined at least one of the other members. But now I see at least one of these things happening
>Hasbro releases one or the rest of the Bad Batch but never reissues Hunter, so everyone who missed out has to pay a fortune on the aftermarket
>They release the rest of the Bad Batch but they are in the Season 2+ looks and Hunter will remain forever alone in the OG armor
>Will there ever be a 6 inch death star droid?
Probably not, they're already far behind on a lot of stuff in Black Series and that's probably a low priority
The only reason that first TBS Palpatine was worth so much was because nobody could find him thanks to the glut of Greedos and Slave Leias. If he'd had regular distribution he'd have been pretty worthless from the start.

Greedo ironically had the opposite problem where he became expensive because nobody bought him so there were very few of him on the secondary market
If there was a glut of Greedos, he had to go somewhere. So he should've still ended up on the secondary market. Unless you're saying stores just dumped tons of Greedos in the trash.
NTA but from what I understand product that goes too long without selling either gets sold off to discount stores, and if the discount stores can't sell them they just dispose of them
to add to the greedo thing one of the problems with him was that usually when you start a line like this you do several major characters before you start going to minor characters, so a lot of people passed on greedo because the line was still new and they weren't willing to get fucking greedo before they'd gotten vader, chewie, obi-wan, yoda, etc. then once the line had been going for a few years and people were willing to get more comprehensive and add minor or background characters to their collection that's when everyone decided they did want a greedo after all
Should be illegal, they should be forced to donate them to needy children charities
And then we got like four different releases of Greedo all very close to each other
Speaking of re-releases, I'm surprised they haven't re-released Lumat. Every other figure from that last online exclusive wave when TVC first died has been reissued except him.
>no lucasfilm controversy
>/swg/ dies
>post about Star Wars toys
>some sperg gets mad because it's got Disney related stuff in it
There's just no point in it anymore.
Turns out the sculpt actually wasn't that bad
The Star Wars team is ruining things anyway
But look, they are making miniature humans >>11333424
I assert there's no real reason to get the Glavis Ringworld Mando over the Mines of Moria version. How wrong am I?
Why are you trying to silence discussion on a general that needs it?
Glavis has soft goods cape, Mines has shitty plastic one that doesn’t work with the jetpack
Would I get in trouble for listing an aliexpress clone on mercari?
Unlikely, though you should probably disclose its origin in your listing
He looks more like post-accident Hamill, for the the Yavin one is the best ANH Luke, I don't know why Hasbro never reused that head.
>*for me the Yavin one
Don't know what happened here
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EE sent out some of the cases of the new TVC wave with the Snowtrooper. It looks really damn good.
Makes me wish we got some other new Hoth/Echo figures like Han (and Luke too, really, though the old one isn't awful it's not accurate to anything). I also kind of regret only buying the one Snowtrooper.
I could see Hoth/snow planets being the theme for next year. It would make sense because we saw in that teaser footage of TM&G that he's fighting the Empire on a similar planet and this Snowtrooper is definitely going to be released again for that. So maybe they could make a new Han and release him with the TaunTaun to appease the people that wanted that set to go with the TVC 1.0 Luke version and then do an all new Luke as a carded release. Would be a good excuse to throw out a new AT-AT driver and General Veers too.
I got one free with a gift card, not sure if I'll get another. I used to like getting two of any trooper but I'm starting to care less and less. There's also no good hoth rebel figures to go with it.
Rebels are really being glossed over. I want new Rebel soldiers from all appearances. Tantive IV ones, Hoth soldiers, Rogue One marines, Endor commandos, etc. For every Imperial update, we should get a Rebel Alliance/New Republic figure to match.
So are we getting any new MGS ships?
Probably, series 7 just hit in the last month or two so series 8 should be around soon. Kind of annoying that very few of the big collecting sites ever report on MGS though.
Alright so Marvel Legends is now starting to put up $50 "Maximum" figures that are supposed to be improvements on their regular figures with more accessories, and they're starting with A-listers like Spider-man.

How soon until the Star Wars gets the same idea and are we suckers enough to fall for it?
People aren't even buying the standard figures for retail anymore, why would they try and sell a deluxe version of anything for double the price?
probably the same reason they still do "deluxe" figures at all that keep getting clearanced
I was actually thinking the other day I wouldn't mind if black series rebranded and became a premium premium line that's quality over quantity. Reduce number of figures per year and give them top notch paint apps and alternate heads and hands and other accessories. Basically do what imports are doing. But they absolutely cannot skimp out on paint and accessories if they are going to charge those prices.

I think that's sort of the direction toys are headed in and they are now for adults who want high quality display pieces instead of kids that want something to play with and break. I think such a rebrand could work if people still cared about Star Wars which they don't. And the collectors that are still around are cheap/poor so they probably wouldn't buy $50 figs.
I think I'd still pass for the same reason I'm passing on Spider-Man, it looks great but it's not such a massive improvement over the last few Spideys that I feel the need to get it. If my last Spidey was some ToyBiz one from 20 years ago I'd go for this one. For Star Wars if you want to start with A list characters like Vader or Boba, what could they improve that would make them significantly better than what's already available? A couple of extra articulation points maybe? I was willing to pay $30 for that deluxe Boba but I can't think of anything they could do that would make me want to spend $50 for a new one.
>couple of extra articulation points maybe
Way more, yes. Articulation in the Black Series is terrible compared to other Hasbro lines.
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Not him, but I think only the legs have regressed on some figures and paint apps are severely lacking... but, that's still no excuse. I honestly don't understand why Hasbro did a 180 on these things, even after charging 25 dollars per figure. I first noticed it on the Imperial Armored Commando's legs and was really disappointed. Then Hasbro puts out figures like Brutus and it's a home run. I get each wave has a set budget, but it comes off baffling sometimes.
That won't work on Star Wars. Demand is not as high. Not even a good looking $25 Luke sells out. Darth Vader was on clearance down to $8. These are A tier characters in Star Wars. If they won't sell out at $25, there's simply no way to charge $50 for them.

Look at the Palps with throne that, for one was a disaster due to false advertisement, but is still sitting around at $45.99. Star Wars Black Series cannot get to $50 on a regular figure with a ton of accessories. People rejected the Black Krrsantan that was around 27 or so and now its down to single digits in prices in some places.
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Latest aliexpress clones came in today, gonna get some better pictures over the weekend but to give some quick first impressions,
>Wilco's pauldron is flipped wrong, which was obvious from the listing image but still a shame, to make him correctly you'd have to take the paint off a spare pauldron from a Howzer figure
>Rex's kama looks like the old '06-era clone kamas, but is significantly softer so unlike those it doesn't ruin the posability of the legs
>the 91st barc pauldron piece seems super perfect
>the holster is still a bit simple/blocky in-person, but it does look better than in the listing pictures, and wins a lot of points from me for being able to slot in under seemingly any new clone belt which is great for customs/future use potential
Also personally really enjoy being able to make the 91st recon assault and specialist classes from EAfrontII with some helmet-swaps, never would've imagined I'd ever see these exist physically.
Nice seeing people able to get the niche stuff that Hasbro would never make for them
Great picture Anon!
If they had done it before season 3, a fully loaded din djarin probably could've done it. I'm talking about beskar armor, floating crib, grogu, disintegrator rifle, sidearm, bounty puck, locator thingy, some credits, beskar ingots, vibro knife, beskar spear, dark saber, jet pack, flamethrower and jet effects, baby pouch carrier... Did I miss something?
Why does Hasbro hate fans and also hate making money? Are they stupid?
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Yeah I'm genuinely really enjoying it, even besides the niche choices they're putting out, the parts they're creating open up a lot of opportunities - like fixing the official Waxer to be correct for his Umbara appearance by adding the bootleg macrobinoculars. I didn't put the 501st/212th "specialists" in my first order, but after seeing how well this works I'm getting a few of each later to go with him for that scene.

Thanks, gonna do some bigger ones later (ideally also with a better backdrop than the box they came in) but for now here's one more smaller setup.
there should only be 2 star wars lines:
-1/18 with modern detailing, full paint and good to great articulation, priced at $20 with a deluxe SKU for larger or more complex characters

-1/18 retro kenner style for $10 which acts as the cheap more kid friendly line while simultaneously expanding the vintage kenner line into modern day

1/12 should be relegated to imports/high end releases given to a company like mezco or something with soft goods and shit.
>retro kenner style
>more kid friendly line
Kids don't buy these, they cater exclusively to adult nostalgia
Double knees, thigh swivels, neck and wrist hinges, all gone. We got ball jointed necks and butterfly joints that rarely work well so not a great tradeoff. And the single elbows have always been a point of contention.

None of that matters though, neither does the scale war bullshit, cause at the end of the day, unless the brand improves in quality and captures an audience with the young generation, there's no saving the toyline.
Brutus looks so good. I want a Sidon Ithano and SM-33 to go with him and Hondo.
I feel like we're never going to get a Black Series Geonosian

Or any new Geonosian of any scale
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Can't wait for that Reva show! lololololololol
Might be worth it now for the light saber as fodder
>1/12 should be relegated to imports/high end releases given to a company like mezco or something with soft goods and shit.
Remember when the Black Series first came out and people thought it was going to be the new big thing in Star Wars and take over 1/18th?
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>no one talking about more TBS merrin leaks

its a shame its her jedi survivor design, i'd have preferred fallen order first
Anybody know if I can still buy the repros of the unproduced POTF2 Max Rebo instruments somewhere or has that ship sailed?
Because Star Wars is dead
I'm looking forward to her, she's been my most wanted black series. I hope she comes with a weapon or magic effects. Also hope they do Greez too at least. Cere I can live without since she didn't go on any missions with the crew in Survivor. Bode would also be cool as hell but I don't think Hasbro would be able to get to all of them before the third game comes out and by then they will need to make figures for it.
Well it literally did, it is the more popular scale that gets the bigger budget and more figures per year. 1/18 is dead killed by 1/12
Yet the figures do not hold their value and go on deep clearance more than the vintage collection figures. This was to the point where walmart was putting a 1/12th scale Vader on sale for less than a 1/18th scale Vader recently.

I assume they had a glut of them and were trying to offload them, along with a bunch of other Black Series, yet they weren't even able to sell out the Black Series Vaders at around $8.50 and even after a few days long sale ended they still have more left.

But beyond that, any recent "entertainment" characters, or obscure characters are bound do go on a deep sales, so there is usually no reason to buy at full price. And the Black Series can't sustain Haslabs either since the audience isn't as dedicated.
Nothing new holds much value, majority of recent releases in both scales can be found for retail or less on aftermarket. I don’t know why TVC collectors love to act like black series going on clearance is some kind of gotcha. That "argument" doesn’t even work anymore when Walmart and Amazon have heavily clearanced most new TVC as well. The difference is TBS can clearly still maintain its margins at those prices while TVC cannot go any lower.

Also the argument of never seeing TVC in stores while TBS clogs the pegs, I’m pretty sure stores just do not order TVC. But why would they not order something if it was so popular and profitable?

But anyway obviously that stuff does not matter at all because black series still keeps getting all the characters and the budget which is the main thing that does matter. Black series collectors don’t have to beg and campaign for things. They get a full wave for every new show. Black series fan pages always have way more followers than TVC. These are the things that indicate a line's health.

As for haslabs, the community has decided they do not want to spend the money and space on them. It is what it is. It’s not like Haslabs are helping TVC anyway. No budget increase, no Greef Karga, Client, and other characters to compliment them.

The scale war is so fucking retarded anyone that participates in it pisses me off. 6 inch won, 3.75 lost. It’s just true. TVC collectors should just accept it, quit their copium and delusions and childish hatred for 1/12 and be grateful they are still getting any figures.

>t. Apparently the only TVC collector that is not an absolutely retarded faggot
TVC gets pretty much everything I care about at this point. TVC undeniably has a smaller (if more committed) fanbase, though. Given how G.I. Joe went it's interesting that TVC even exists at all.
If you look at how deep the discount is on Greef Karga (especially) and the Client, you will see that no one wants these characters; its not that TVC people are being deprived of them. I see Greef Kargas peg warming for like 5-6 dollars. Generally TVC collectors are older and mostly only care about the older movies but will pick up some new stuff if it seems cool or isn't a horribly offensive piece of "entertainment."
We still get some good stuff that shows that someone working on these still has passion but as a whole it's sort of been the redheaded stepchild of the Hasbro Star Wars line. I feel like Hasbro didn't really want to bring it back to begin with but caved to vocal demand and has been quietly waiting for a moment to kill the line. To be honest, I wouldn't mind if they did away with it and replaced it with another 3.75 line where not every figure has premium articulation and some older figures got reissues. I'm not a carded collector so I don't really care about the packaging and I'm willing to have a line that had some cost-cutting like reissues or pared down articulation on some figures if it meant saving this scale.
I'd be okay with background aliens or non-action characters like officers having mid 2000's style articulation, and having action characters like Jedi or troopers retaining the higher end articulation points.

I mean ideally everyone would have full articulation but I think the line has gotten to the point where it's clearly not very profitable for Hasbro and I think we'd have consider biting the bullet and having some concessions.
Does TBS even have much better articulation than TVC anymore? Most new TBS are single jointed knees now and usually not much in the torso
They've been cutting back on it, it's honestly kind of weird that TVC hasn't
>Does TBS even have much better articulation than TVC anymore?
Not really. The butterfly joints on some figures were the one major advantage.
I know it's limiting but I wish they would give 3PO his arm things that kept them semi-bent
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