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Power Girl Preorder Platinum Edition

Wildcat, Orion, Heat Wave

Multiverse - Power Girl, Captain Cold, Guy Gardner
Super Powers - Robin, Jay Garrick, Atom, Lobo

February - Spinmasters Batman Forever retro wave
March/April - McFarlane Power Girl, Captain Cold, Guy GardneR

2025 - Spinmasters 6 inch remastered Total Justice
2025 - McFarlane Zatanna and Maxima of Almarac in the works

Previous: >>11304801 →
>>11311787 (OP)
What does modern Maxima of Almarac look like, because you know they won't do the old outfit. Too lewd.
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Probably the lesbian one Steve Orlando keeps pushing and no she's just a normal lesbian. It's like the guy hates fun.
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>>11311787 (OP)
I guess it could have been worse...
Looks like they may just break out the catwoman buck and do some paint apps for the armor bits. Get ready for the bulge.
>>11311787 (OP)
>No mention of Mafex Robin
Into the trash this thread goes. OP sucks at his job.
Not OP but no one on this board actually buys Mafex, they just agree the promo pics look good and assume it looks the same in hand.
Cute lesbian
I buy them. Stop projecting your poorness.
I bought 1 mafex, it was pretty good. But they're really too expensive to get many of unless you like the characters a lot or its one of the characters you get a 'discount' on
no one cares about the gayest robin
Usual I see?
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I’d care if they’d done his best suit
>>11311787 (OP)
Do we think we can trim the diaper around where the hips attach on the regular version to both give better leg movement and a more pleasing thigh view?
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How bad do you think Huntress is /10?
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She was like a 3/10 out of the box but after drybrushing some metallic blue on her arms, boobs, and legs she's one of my favorites. For a while she was only $18 on Amazon, and she'll be a great shelf buddy for Power Girl.

Too bad there's no way to do the bare midriff.
You’re such a worthless fucking faggot
cozy display, anon
What will you do when the real classic Eradicator, Superboy and Cyborg Supes come out?
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The ones I have kind of mark my progress getting into customizing. Steel was the first time I really took the plunge with the chrome. Then Eradicator was my first time painting skin and I was super nervous because every time I've seen customs people seem to blotch on skin with heavy layers but it turns out if you just control the brush and don't make stupid choices it's pretty easy. Hank was my first time kitbashing different figures and 3d printed parts, and I love the metallic blues on the Injustice body parts so even if Todd made an accurate version this one means more to me than his ever could. No one else has a set like mine, pretty happy with them.

Maybe if the new versions had blast effects and a hammer that's guaranteed to not droop.

Finished repainting Dr. Fate. Mostly just weathered the armor and drybrushed metallic blue on the bodysuit.
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Huh, its not awful i guess.
Art aside, i dont guess its awful. Id say i like it more than maxima.
>>11311787 (OP)
Hate the red eyes.
anon that's an obvious edit
You’re so fucking gay
Why are you shrieking at anyone who compliments your posts?
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Todd ruined the line by not making consistent styles on villains. Or even giving us a proper villain roster.
Someone needs to do this suit right already,
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Soon my brothers in Poseidon
Flashpoint aquaman is in the mail along with the carded Flash Gordon head.
It's a botch to make the only head a laser eye head, unless that Power Girl is always like that which I doubt, but I assume this is some more modern PG I don't know much about
Thats why its multiverse. The line isn't consistent even among the heroes technically. If you look at Death Metal Superman it looks like a totally different company made Reeves Superman, yet both are DC Multiverse
Remember when Todd promised high detail sculpts and now we're sitting with nearly blank bodies for most releases?
Which Cyborg Superman is that?
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I caught Flash Gordon on clearance at my Wal-Mart. Your going to need some green stuff or something to tighten that socket.
His custom using I think an Injustice Supes
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He's just like me.
I notice McFarlanes tend to mostly only be good for either stoic standing poses or silly poses like this
Liars. Go look at the Mafex general. It's just promo pics.
Because the articulation sucks. The thigh swivel is especially bad on all figures thry do.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGPSeHvILRo [Embed]
Are you saying Mafex isn't bought unless someone posts a pic of their own?
She’s good. Not perfect but good. Hair and faceplates kinda hinder the head articulation. Solid 6-7 / 10
Most Mafex posters are just window shoppers, yes.
There's a huge disconnect between sculpt and articulation in the production of these figures. Some have ball joint wrists sunk down in giant gauntlets that don't even let the hands swivel. If there was more planning in joint placement and sculpting around articulation to make look more natural the mcfarlane figures would be on par if not better than some imports.
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This is cope. I have more Mafex's than I have McFs. Here I have both Hush Batmen, AzBats, Knightfall Batman, Nightwing, Joker, Harley, Bane, Ivy, Catwoman, and on a different shelf is Steel. That's eleven figures, and that's just my DC stuff, I also have a bunch of Marvel and a few non capeshit Mafexs. I also have Riddler and Scarecrow due out this month.

And yes, I know my shelves are crowded, and no, I don't care.
Why do you spend so much money on those and just cram them into a shelf like that?
One wonders why they even bothered to include the articulation. Was it just to be able to say "22 moving parts" on the top left, to fulfill a quota they advertised for articulation? Quite vexing. The designer ruined these sculptors' work.

Where else should he cram them? Or are you suggesting he should buy a bigger house to properly display them with more space in between?
Because I fucking want to. Deal with it. I've never seen more people so insecure about what other people do with their own money than on this board. I mean goddamn.
Either dedicate more space to the display or limit how many figures are on the shelf at one time.

You're spending insane amounts of money on figures that are just stuffed into rows, making all of them look like trash.
You don't know the difference between collecting and hoarding.

The top shelf is too cluttered.
Looks like a shartimus prime display
It really comes down to personal preference. I have loads of Mcfs and zero Mafax cause I don't like Hush or Reign of the Supermen. If Mafax made some real deep cut DC figures or just a JL line I'd be all over it.
Collect for yourself anon, some people aren't displaying based off having like 10 people on this dying board say their display looks nice.
We can't ever have regular display or collection threads here because minimalism has become the ideal, largely because a good deal of collectors here are broke 20-somethigns that can afford one import a month at best.
Lol fuck off interior design anon. You big fat gay.
Where is he going to put the figures not on display? Keep in mind, everywhere else risks plasticizer leakage. Back in the box? Plasticizer leakage. In a tub/storage receptacle? Plasticizer leakage. Sitting on a shelf may cause color changes over time if they are exposed to too much light but is less likely than enclosed spaces where the plasticizer cannot properly off-gas, lays on the figures and causes The Stick.
I'm not talking about minimalism, I'm talking about giving each figure enough space that a shelf doesn't look like a clusterfuck.

If for some reason he lives in mom's basement and only has one corner for fifty million versions of Batman then at least get step risers to vary the height. Standard A pose jumbled into a cube is the laziest and ugliest way to present toys.
>Where is he going to put the figures not on display?
Nail them ones you ain't going to play with to a wall.
That's fair. If I didn't like those storylines I could understand not wanting to go all in on the line While the storyline isn't the best, Hush has some of my favorite Batman art and I consider Jim Lee to be one of my definitive Batman artists, so getting a line based on his art from that comic is a no brainer for me. I have skipped a couple here and there like Huntress and Hush himself. I still may get Huntress, she's always cheap.

Bitch, if you think eleven Mafex figures over the course of what, half a decade at this point, is an insane amount of money, you should probably reconsider toy collecting and find a cheaper hobby. Stop being so insecure about what other people do with their own possessions. It's gay.
>If for some reason he lives in mom's basement and only has one corner for fifty million versions of Batman then at least get step risers to vary the height. Standard A pose jumbled into a cube is the laziest and ugliest way to present toys.
It's my home office, I own my own house. I've posted the room before. I admit I do need risers and a lot of my shelves are a bit cluttered but this is collecting over the course of over a decade. Shit ads up, and no I don't want to get rid of any of the stuff I have on my shelves currently, as I like them. I do purge old figures I do no longer want every few years, but everything I have on display currently, clusterfuck and all, I want to keep. I do toy photography and have a separate station for that so when I want to take pics of a fig I just grab it off the shelf.
You don't buy toys
Just clean up your display and invest in risers and it won't look so embarrassing anymore.
I know I need some risers, Should've gotten them when I moved and took down my entire display and put it back up in my new house, but I had too many other moving related expenses at the time to actually buy anything toy related outside of the couple of pre-orders that I got during that period.
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T pose them, glue them all on top of each other, spray paint them gold.
>We can't ever have regular display or collection threads here because minimalism has become the ideal, largely because a good deal of collectors here are broke 20-somethigns that can afford one import a month at best.
Thank you. I couldn't have summarized it better myself. We used to have great display threads where people would post their elaborate set ups that they spent years putting together. Now it's just the same handful of posters that have too thick skin to give a shit what the shut ins on this board have to say about their collections. And it absolutely is 100% jealousy from broken 20 somethings that can't afford to collect toys themselves so they lash out on those that do. It's pathetic.
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Already at Walmart
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Got the whole lot
As soon as I get home power girl is going right up my ass
how did you make it out alive?
I yelled “IM GAY” nonstop until I walked out the door. Not a single person came near me.
Saw these on IG yesterday.
Don’t dox me bro
Don't worry, they're not your pics anyway
Many anons repost content because they can't afford real toys. It's a disgusting larp

Based real toy havwrs.
I’m going to keep this short
Mcfarlane’s factory has been found noncompliant. Meaning whole wave cannot be sold in the US. There is no telling how long they have been noncompliant. You likely have compromised product in your collection. This was the price of keeping things cheap and will likely cause mcfarlane toys to shut their doors.
Lmao if that’s true their ass is grass. Stores would have to pull everything from shelves and Todd would have to pay them back and that’s not mentioning how bad of an assfucking he’d get by the government.
>if that's true
This general acts like google is impossible to use.
I can't assume this general is smart enough to do something as simple as googling to verify a claim. They can't even read a comic book at a middle school reading level.
RIP to all the custom fags that heated their figures up
Media outlets won’t pick this up for awhile but the lack of product at stores will be apparent shortly. Todd will pullout from toy fair.
does that mean someone else will finally get the DC line?
What is "noncompliant"? Lead in the paint?
I see nothing about this anywhere, where's the proof anon?
>>11311787 (OP)
ass seize? Boob seize from the side?
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>Todd keeps winning so much that TDS troons are reduced to writing literal fanfiction in order to keep up their outrage peddling
If people think Todd's factories are fucked I can only imagine whats going on with CT toys or other bootleggers
CT absolutely is covered in toxic paint. I understand what we’re all handling has risk but the shit these people are using isn’t risk it’s guaranteed expose.
Why are we even buying these toys if each carries 'risk', I thought this shit was regulated?
It’s just like our food supply man. Everything is tainted but 0.02 percent of any carcinogenic is acceptable
We are all in danger. Society is failing us. Products should be safe, they should not have dangerous chemicals.
Won't somebody think of the shareholders...
There's nothing in google results for it. Also they wouldn't continue to be putting out promo pics if they knew this was coming
I assume what they’re promoting is already on the boat or in stores
https://youtu.be/4QOAvaGoht0 [Embed]
Why would they still send it out if they are going to have to pull it anyway? Makes no sense. They would be going radio silent to consider their PR strategy if what that guy said was the case.
Look at the size comparison. Because they reused the WW/SW body, Power Girl is way too huge. She will not fit with the rest of the line. Fucking incompetent.
Looks like the latest batch is already hitting the shelves >>11313197
I wonder if it’s the real leaker anon posting or a schizo
It’s also wonder woman’s head repainted lmao
me like em huge
That cant be
It’s fucked. Hopefully a foot swap wit blue beetle will take her down to a reasonable height
Sup guys, I'm keeping my Power Girl inbox, since she's just Wonder Woman, I know how badly she will articulate. She will be worth hundreds one day. Todd has converted another to MIB collecting.
FUCK guess I can't suck and chew on my DC figgers anymore
You don't even have a Power Girl yet. Anything can happen, any order can get delayed or cancelled.
Do you really think that's what it takes? Come on, anon, no man is an island. Air connects us all.
BBTS never cancels. Only Amazon, Target, Walmart, and EE do that.
Or touch them. Mib fags win again.
Boomers played with lead painted toys and they're doing fine.
Hello Batman General, I am the ultimate collector. Impress me with your best DC toys.
I'm glad the power girl figure sucks. Serves you all right.
We knew it sucked before we bought it, but we did it anyway, because Todd hypnotized us into making us believe it'd be worth hundreds of dollars some day.
lol how funny would it be if it ends up pegwarming like the DCUC Power Girl did
anything for power girl
The hype for Power Girl is INSANE right now. There's no way she'll pegwarm. Anons are saying she's going to be worth hundreds like Poison Ivy, and it's not hard to see why.
What the fuck? Why is Poison Ivy worth that much?
We know why
Just canceled my power girl
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Target's getting some interesting strategies going.
She's basically flat and it was a bad movie. I don't get the appeal.
Which figure would you storm hell itself to get? I understand you're gay but there has to be some male figure you'd do anything for.
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None, they're action figures and hell is way too hot.
Nobody cares about niggy figgies that’s why nobody post the flying ape
That is a really unflattering photo. Look at the obvious mold damage on his right arm, the paint imperfections in the green on full display and the flaking is instantly apparent. The red is easily visible on the sides of his left torso piece where it connects to the shoulder.
Todd’s making it easy for me to save money. Based Todd putting out absolute shit in limited quantities while flooding the shelves of target and Walmart with peg warmers.
Why do some of you treat this place as your venting ground to various companies like they're here reading these posts?
Thats pretty much why this place works, because you wouldn't rant to your friends and family about action figures you're upset about.
They unironically are here reading our posts. It’s called market research.
if they were there would be a lot more things fixed long ago
I don't think I've ever been upset enough at an action figure to rant about it. I just don't buy it and move on.

Lmao, no they aren't. This board is far too dead. They're looking at plebbit, Instagram, facecuck, and the TikTok.
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I know for a fact we either meme magic'd Power Girl into existence or the inner circle of McFarlane Toys is here. With Power Girl coming out soon, it's time for this general to start discussing Zatanna and Maxima 24/7 until they're announced.
> you wouldn't rant to your friends and family about action figures you're upset about
I rant to my wife about Todd all the time. I even made her watch this YouTube documentary about Todd https://youtu.be/uH91zSklnb8 [Embed]
>We meme magicd a B list figure in a toy like that produces B tier figures.
I would've been more surprised if he never made a Power Girl. You guys are kind of stupid if you think this place had anything to do with her being made. Not just kind of stupid actually really fucking stupid.
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We’re getting yellow rotator cuffs instead of sculpted shoulder things aren’t we
I don't really think PG is B list. Swamp Thing, Green Arrow, Super Girl, those are B list. Still known enough for normies but not A tier Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, etc. Power Girl is C list. She's more niche than the typical B lister. Which doesn't mean she is bad, but she's just not widely known outside of comic fandoms.
You may deny the power of DC General's Quintessence but the magic is real.

He's already made three versions of Fate, there's no more money in the character.
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He’s in the next digital wave dingus
This line makes me realize that DC actually doesn't really have much depth of financially viable characters for action figures once you get past the main Justice League.
>justice league unlimited
The major problem is there is no new media making people want the extended hero roster
Mcfarlane has lost superpowers
I recently price-checked the Killer croc at target and it had a sticker over it showing Darkseid. Maybe swappers
There's no way you're actually this pathetic
I've felt it, too
Always late to the party, better luck next time
soon our power will be ultimate
Anyone else been watching that Kyle Rayner and Kilowag pack on Amazon drop to $45 then jump up to $84 in the last hour?

Why is John Stewart the only Lantern selling for less than $20?
>Staying up in the middle of the might watching prices of action figures on Amazon fluctuate
Get a life you fucking loser.
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Hes been released 3 times already and is on that shit gorilla armed body with tiny feet
Not to disregard any of the points because in general, they are valid, but does it really matter when the figures are standing on your shelf? I understand collectors tend to be turboautists about certain things and in some cases like McFarlane's knee joints, I tend to be the very same. However, slight imperfections have always been a thing for sub 50 dollar/euro figures and don't care when you're looking at them in a display anyway. That being said, anyone collecting McFarlane (and Hasbro) figures should know by now that QC really isn't in the interest of the company and that minor mistakes are widely accepted by the consumer base because nobody is willing to vote with their wallets when it comes to quality issues. It's a meaningless conversation if the customers are unwilling to not buy inferior quality figures
get a job
Because there were multiple releases and the Kilowog-pack version of Kyle Rayner was popular as fuck in the 90s which is when most people here grew up. But way to go and try race-baiting people here. You should also go get a career if you know about the price changes on Amazon
I saw that a few days ago.
I noticed it friday, i work 40+ hrs a week. Would a career prevent me from window shopping online on an off day? I do it on my lunch break too sometimes. As a man with a career, how do you suggest people without careers shop online?
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I've been holding out for a Knockout figure, but I will lend you my energy.
You are not the first here to be concerned about Amazon's algorithmic pricing. I have posted about it in the past and it seems most have now accepted it's real but there's really nothing we can do about it besides just not buy overpriced garbage from Amazon. Target and Walmart have also begun doing it but with less frequent adjustments. You can see Parallax Sinestro and Fire are overpriced at Target for example.
Yeah. I get most of my figures on discount and had been watching that for weeks. It was $60 most of the holiday season and I ordered it when it dropped to $50 last week. I've been thinking of picking up that digital Superman sitting at $15.
Almost every Superman Todd has made has been bad
MCF is going to take a huge hit from putting out another Joker 2 statue and action figure fans will likely pay for the mistake. How long before the license goes away?
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Thats from 2020. Most McFarlane Supes figs were not out at that time
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I haven't bought a McFarlane figure, but this upcoming Fleischer Superman has my interest. Do most of them sell out fast like Power Girl did? I wish the S was bigger on this guy too, but I doubt we'll be getting a mass market posable Fleischer Superman from anyone else any time soon.
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hi chat
I'm perfectly fine with this even if it's 5POA. I have enough todd monstrosities, DCDs and other higher articulation figures, including the New Frontier Supes and I don't need more gummy, greasy plastic wearing diapers in my life.
It all depends on the desirability of the figure and how little Todd makes how fast they sell out. He might be a bit slower than Power Girl but I'm not sure how popular Fleischer Superman still is. It could also sell like mad. My rule now for McFarlanes is if I have to have it, I preorder minute 1. If I don't then I wait and see what happens. Basically the equation has become binary. If I don't buy it minute 1, I have accepted possibly never getting it.
I'm happy with my New Frontier Supes I brought to the Daily Planet set but if I see Todd's Fleischer Supes in the wild or less than $50 on ebay I might go for it
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Chances of getting a new Conduit?

Man, the writing in these comics is horrific. Yet this era seems to get quite a lot of figure releases surprisingly...
Yeah, he should be commenting on Superman's drip or his rizzle frfr.
I just got it in and I see why it's on discount. Which it just dropped back down to $55. Kilowag's right shoulder is a little loose and a small amount of the yellow wash got on his leg. I think Kyle's neck is on backwards, like it doesn't look symmetrical when facing forward and it won't look up. Also, I hate to say it, but it looks like they oiled his joints cause he's oily under his pits.
...Are you buying USED action figures on Amazon, anon? Ohnononono, that could be anything
No it came from Amazon itself and doesn't taste like delicious semen.
Then the price shouldn't really be correlated to what you get, as they just have a huge warehouse stack of them and its random what you get
Dude, that is the one villain DC figure I would buy. My first comic ever was the one in which Clark wrecks his shit in the football stadium. It was hardcore. Also love that fucking simplistic design

Power Girl sold out? An online shop I usually order and preorder at still has 100/100 up for preorder
nah, something's up. like four months ago a bunch of black hush batmans showed up at my target, but with new price stickers covering the box upc.
If you enjoy the absurdism of Amazon pricing, here have a fun one.

An ugly Damien "Shrunken Head" Robin figure that Amazon is selling at 54.99 when it retailed for 24.99 when it released. Third parties are actually selling it lower than Amazon is.
All I can assume is you're not from the US or not many people use the site you go to
Yeah, should have mentioned I'm from Europe but most high demand figures tend to get preordered quickly. Wonder Woman was up for a mere few days
>mere few days
WW was sold out in minutes or at longest an hour or two in the US.

I assume Power Girl isn't as well known in Europe, so probably why she doesn't sell out fast there.

Perhaps as an additional factor, Europe isn't as big a brainwashed consumer culture as the US as well?
> An ugly Damien "Shrunken Head
Shut up fag
On some sites, I didn't even catch the preorder for WW so that checks out. Helps that the online store I'm referring to is relatively unknown. I bought a Red Electric Superman to see how much he would go for just because they list Platinum Editions and thought about doing the same for the Starfire Platinum
I'm gonna guess this figure is a giant brick.
>why can't trash can batman suck his own dick???
They should've released it as a statue
I’m going to buy some funkos
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More unique sculpting than mcfarlane and cheaper.
the mcfarlane powergirl has more uniquely sculpted parts than that funko pop does
It really doesn’t
sorry you don't know how to count man, the education system failed you
That funko has less reuse than the mcfarlane figure
Toot Mcfartin
it has less new sculpting than the mcfarlane too
Just let the retard burn his money on funkos. We all know people who buy those have brain damage.
Maybe we should just stop concerning ourselves with what complete strangers on the internet buy with their own money. Just a thought. This whole place would improve dramatically if you guys weren't so insecure about each other's purchases.
But then no one will know just how superior i am to not only them but humanity at large.
The shit flingers on this board are way too autistic for that. Look at the Marvel thread where some guy is losing his mind that not everyone hates the new Maximum Series Spider Man.
As opposed to the brain damaged tards that buy McFarlane shit right?
I also hate the new Maximum series Spider-Man
Me too.
This general is going to suck so much ass when Power Girl comes out and the only people still here are the bitchy fags and schizos
Surprise for you, most of them will also leave once power girl is released unless some new unobtainium character is dangled
It's going to be a wasteland
>I'm gonna buy a funko teehee
>grrrr that's stupid
This is the future you chose
It's actually the future Todd chose for his line
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>mogs mcshartlin
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>he's still baiting with funko pops
TDS is a hell of a drug
>the fucking funko is objectively better in sculpt and paint
I don’t care if these are 8 inches because they look perfect aside from Superman
Tell me you've never handled a Beast Kingdom figure without telling me.
Oh shit my britches are these 1/12? I'm down for these if so.
Toy tuber got to handle the Batman figure and said it’s solid and not floppy like previous beast kingdom figures
>all using the same buck
>still have unique sculpting
But mcfarlane and hasbro said that was impossible
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Buy selling our collections and buying funko pops
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>no butterfly joints
>same diaper joints
>on par with mcf sculpts, only with paint
hard pass, ching chong to you too xiang
Kanna is cute
Pedo fags
>Superman isn't smiling
Accurate to the source >>11315290
chad alpha males
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8 inches
This would be a deal breaker if they hadn’t shown us multiple league members. I don’t care about scaling with other lines. Mcfarlane fucked that up years ago.
Shame the S isn't as wide as the art, the blue is wrong and the headscupt is shit, but putting aside all that, he's identical :^)
I was talking about the head sculpt sperg
the one that looks nothing like the art?
This confirms swappable hands
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$50 per standard figure going off of what they’re Batman figures are priced at on preorder.
It's like he's trying to make a 2025 figure with ToyBiz era tech
Good thing they’re 1/9
Why do they keep putting faggy capes on Doomsday?
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i thought you said you were leaving
hurry up and gtfo
That's Darkseid
It's some le retro meme thing.
I just want a normal version in green shorts.
jarret confirmed poser retard
What if jarret isnt actually real and its just some marketer being as obnoxious as possible to bait yous
No he’s real
[spoiler]a real faggot.[/spoiler]
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McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Fleischer Superman, preorders go live tomorrow (1/29) at around noon EST.
Tell me about The Superman, why does he hide his eyes?
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He’s super sleepy
Wow they finally made a body without fucked up elbow and knee joints. Now why can't they just repeat that method of joint cutting for all future figures?
I respect Todd's pin game
i dig it
the real question is will he fit in with other figs
He used to wear a blue skirt and cape in ye olde comics
> Wow they finally made a body without fucked up elbow and knee joints
They’ve been using this body for over a year now
So you buy blue Doomsday now then another version when they do Reign of the Supermans.
Might replace the head on my AC1000 Supes with this if it fits.
The first one was $40 oldSupes wasn't it? No one paid attention to that one since it was a $40 McFarlane.
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Never devalue the beloved AC1000 with other parts. Az-Bat will be mad at your ham prices if you do.
Since then we’ve got task force supes and Shazam on it. According to the leaks we’re getting kingdom come and silver age on it as well.
Skin tones won’t match plus this is colored plastic while ac1000 is painted
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Ah no wonder I didn't notice. Task Force's color scheme and horrific head sculpt distracted from it and Shazam isn't Supes. Kingdom Come might be interesting.
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This is what they waste unique tooling on now? Shit, it looks like a Loyal Subjects figure
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It’s reuse
Tiny head
Thats good, it gives him heroic proportions.
He’s also shorter than the regular teen buck
that head would make for a sick batman head
You know what you must do, anon
Is it even worth buying these things if you aren't a customizer?
Todd used to have about a 25% hit rate with figures that didn't need any modifications to be good. Now it's more like 7% or so. And that isn't counting the percentage that are unsalvageable even if you did try to modify them which has also gone up. Basically it's case by case, but I certainly wouldn't recommend anyone getting into the line the way it is now, especially with how Todd refuses to make enough figures to meet demand so it may be impossible to get a figure even if you want it.
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Look upon Fish Perm Man and despair. No, there is nothing here for you in this line.
Damn, way better than any Legends…
Kek if you like shit in your diapers, yeah.
Wow. I gotta buy this wave now!
They were spammed for like a week straight when they came out. They're the grossest, most tasteless toys I've ever seen.
It's always during ESL hours that the most jealous toyless posters start throwing tantrums.
Karen has spoken
When do you think Todd actually last paid attention to dc multiverse?
>g-string trunks
They were so close...
This is the subtle art of trolling in figure form. Todd is goofing on us all.
Beast Kingdom is fucking ass though
Based beast kingdom getting a nut
Finally, the Superman I've always wanted. Feel like I can finally rest easy after this.
Got him
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Nightmaster is the chase of the wave
Can't really call this a chase if it's packed 2 to a case, right?
>Subject to change
Well either way, he looks pretty cool, would be happy to get him (if the figure looks good). I haven't seen any platinums in years though. Was sad to have missed out on The Question.
>>11316407 →
>>11316407 →
>>11316407 →
This thread hasn't hit the bump limit yet.
At least their shoulders are in the correct place.
So another guy in spandex
You can tell op is obsessed with the dc multiverse line
>Beast Kingdom is fucking ass
Yeah. McFarlane's.
Eyes are the wrong color. The reason why he was cast out from his people and ended up as Aquaman's ward is cause of his purple eyes.
>It's like the guy hates fun.
I've had to work with him, he's a snide asshole.
Awesome! Only 4 more to go.
>>11311787 (OP)
Larkin Love headsculpt when?
Damn i loved this book, really wish ragman wasnt so high priced. Kinda makes me curious what a multiverse black orchid would look like
Amiami charged me for Mafex Riddler and Scarecrow. Holy shit those DHL shipping prices. Shit was gonna cost me $40. I switched ot EMS for now, but even that was expensive. Shit sucks yo.
I saw some pics of that on another board, really interesting thread of people cosplaying as her.

NT last A but I also hate ALL the expressions on all the figure head sculpts, not just the Supes, though.
>>11311787 (OP)
too bad we don't get 3rd party bootleg Powergirl figure with giant boobs

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