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Has anyone been to Wonder Festival before? I'm in Tokyo next month and I'm hoping to check it out. Can you buy exclusive toys and sell them for a profit?
>>11312611 (OP)
You have an obligation to buy as many rare garage kits as you can in the indie section. They are basically priceless.
Has anyone been to the Shanghai or Bangkok Wonderfests?
>>11312611 (OP)
>Has anyone been to Wonder Festival before?
But im going this time. I bought flights to Japan 5 months ago to 'surprise' my girlfriend little does she know, my one must do activity is wonfes, already have the tickets and everything. See you there.
I haven't booked as I was too dumb to figure out the Lawson app, will I be ok getting a ticket on the day?
Start from the train station, they will force you to if you wait at the entrance.
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>>11312611 (OP)
>Can you buy exclusive toys and sell them for a profit?
Nobody help this scalper wannabe
Does Wonfes even announce anything? I forget
I did not work for me on google chrome, I had to go through Microsoft Edge to buy it, theres an english version link on the site that says 'for overseas' customers use that link. Its no harder than buying tickets for something in the US.
Is the Tokyo Wonfest the best one? I would have thought the Shanghai show would have more exhibitors.
I NEED the 2 figures at the top of this topic, since a billion isn't enough figures to already have with tits n' slits.
Go be poor somewhere else.
Thanks fren, I'm booked in now. Really looking forward to this.
wanting to make pocket change from reselling toys is the real poorfag mindset. Get a real job
I do! How do you think I afford trips around the world for frivolous reasons?
Will Snail Shell be exhibiting? I expect they will be.
Im not seeing them in the list anywhere

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I like the look of this for toy photography.
Arent snail shell chinese and go to their own version of wonderfestival?
Yes, but I expected all the major manufacturers to be at the Tokyo fest, why would they not be?
You would think so. Maybe they forgot to send in their application for a table on time.
I think they do summer wonfes not winter
Tokyo for waifus and fotm, Shanghai for mechs.
Balls. Tokyo in Summer is too hot for my pasty complexion.
Flavor ot the month
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What are you guys looking forward to seeing at wonfes?
Boogiepop figma
I've been to a Wonfest and a Tokyo Toy show (and a few Design Festa)
Expect a big line to get in that starts early, even with prebooked tickets. If you have your eye on a show exclusive, especially one that will be in high demand, if you aren't near the front of the line you're fucked.
Once gates open, collectors will bee line straight for the booths of the exclusives they want to snap up. Even in that case, you might snap up one, but others you are after might sell out by the time you are finished at the first booth.

Expect a well ordered, polite shit fight. Especially if there's Chines/Philipino/Indonesian scalpers.
Boogiepop Phantom Nendoroid
Mythic Legions
Only a few hours to go. I’m expecting to be disappointed.
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Yeah, they never show interesting stuff
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Eh, it was ok I suppose. There was just so much garbage compared to good stuff. I did score some Acid Rain figures. I’m quite far along on the spectrum so the crowds and noise and chaos were hard on me. Being made to stand in the sun for an hour while the fucking cosplayers got ready didn’t help matters.
>Anon didn't prepare.
Anybody score an Wonfest exclusives?
Is the Shanghai wonfest the best?
Yes. Summer wonfes is where the good shit is.
I grabbed a WF SAS Ringo and an assload of garage kits

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