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Greetings, esteemed friends, and welcome to the War Bricks General!

In this forum, we engage in discussions about building brick sets produced by various companies. All brands are welcome, with the exception of Lego; discussions pertaining to Lego should be directed to /lg/ - Lego General.

Given that army-themed sets are a significant aspect of brick toy lines, distinguishing them from the leading brand, we have chosen to adopt this theme as the primary focus of our general. However, we also encourage discussions on other non-army themes from these companies.

Here are some of the lines we cover, and we are open to adding more:
>Mega Construx
And many others! Let us embark on this building journey together!
>worse legos
>Le epic cool guns!
cobi dragonball fuken W H EN
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This statement is inaccurate. Cobi offers superior quality compared to Lego, and competition is beneficial. Currently, Lego holds a monopolistic position; however, the presence of competitors will encourage them to enhance their products.
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>>11316489 (OP)
I do have a lot of them at home, they are great
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>I like historical themes!
>means: i want nazie stuff

every fucking time i swear
>Cobi offers superior quality compared to Lego
>the presence of competitors will encourage them to enhance their products.
But its true
Am I to blame only now they do roman empire stuff? And soon napoleonic wars

Why can't leading brand do it?
Competition will drive improvements at Lego. They have become complacent, and this is evident. With a formidable competitor in the market, they will be compelled to innovate and create original products rather than relying solely on licensed themes.

In my opinion, the reliance on licenses is detrimental to Lego's strength; it undermines their core identity.
Are Qman sets good?
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i love my chinese funhole!
>Why can't leading brand do it?
Literally nobody but old nazie-ish boomers want that
I believe competition is incredibly beneficial, and here are a few reasons why:
Innovation Surge: Competition drives Lego to enhance their creativity, leading to new designs and themes that keep their products fresh and engaging.

Quality Enhancements: To maintain their edge, Lego prioritizes the improvement of their brick quality and consistency, resulting in even more durable and precise products.

Competitive Pricing: With competitors like Cobi and Mega in the market, Lego may provide more attractive pricing or value packages to draw in customers while maintaining high quality.

Variety Expansion: Rival brands motivate Lego to broaden their themes, offering a wider range of options to cater to various interests and age groups.

Accelerated Development: The presence of competition keeps Lego agile, encouraging quicker release schedules.
Not true

I am 25 and want that shit

They wouldn't make it if it didn't sell, why does Playmobil do History lines then???

It's not like Cobi, Mega or others can't get licenses too!
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Since this is the rebrand /pbbg/

Anyone was talk about BLDR?

It's a new toy line like lego made by Jazwares Toys.

Right now they have licenses:
>hello kitty
>>11316489 (OP)
Unironically Cobi would do a great job with GIJoe license.

Anyway, anyone have nostalgia for Kre-o? I do, I think they had SOUL, attitude if you will. Like a rebel kid, y'know?
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I legit will never forgive Hasbro for how they handled Kre-o.

But Mattel for how they nearly killed Mega? I'd burn them for what they did, Mega had and still has the potential to beat Lego. They just need to market it, and open and online worldwide store. Mega has better set designers than Lego has.
When did Mega release this??? Got more?
Thank you DeepSeek for the LEGO recommendation! I'm excited to explore their sets and unleash my creativity.

Let me know if you'd like more information about specific LEGO sets, themes, or any other aspect of the brand.
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>btfos lego with logic and facts
Nothin' personal

>Best-Lock was founded in 1997 by Torsten Geller after he looked into the legalities of Lego and other clones, which led him to look into Lego's past to find that Lego had copied their bricks from a British psychologist and inventor Hilary Page in the 1940s.[1][2]

>Best-Lock has been involved with multiple legal cases involving Lego. The company moved in 1998 against Lego's exclusivity claims to toy-block design. Best-Lock won the case in court thus allowing them to sell sets in Germany.[2] They defeated a patent challenge from Lego in 2004.[3][4] In a further case in 2009, Lego was denied trademark protection for the shape of its bricks.[5]
I am not AI bro

And I did not recommend legos, ok?
>>11316489 (OP)
For a newfag, what COBI sets would you recommend? To get a taste of the sets, plastic, feel, etc etc

Some between $15-$25 range would be perfect
When did ww2 sets become exclusive "muh i want n a z i stuff!!!" ???

Y'know why history themes are fun? They teach us in a good way our history and why we should not repeat the same mistakes again.
Here's an easy way to tell:
Does it say Lego on the box?
It's good
It's dogshit
This is top bait
Nta, its been around for a few months i think. It was available on mattel creations website at one point, i think it is two seperate sets but dont rely on my info as im a gi joe fan and not a big pbbg guy.
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>cheap chink bricks
>looks shitty
>for poorfags
>nazies and shitposters and old boomer "historians" is the target group

Once again chink bricks is for subhumans
u cant keep calling all plastic interlocking brick-based building systems that dont follow your agenda nazi
Kek you liberts are a joke. Napoleon and nationalism in general founded so much of the liberal freedoms that you take for granted today.
>Accuses Nazis of being intolerant, racist and close minded therefore bad
>Proceeds to be the most intolerant, racist and close minded person in any discussion.
Liberals are truly delusional and will never stop projecting.
>>11316489 (OP)
I guess I have to but the shit out of ali then.
Thanks for the fun Mega Constrix.
You will be around for many stories to come.
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Sure bro

>shows cracked minifig on the box
So much for lego superiority
Mattel is doing some restructuring but yeah, Mega in it's old form is done for.

The Mega Bloks for toddlers sub brand just went back to using the old classic Mega Bloks logo so they have some plans.

Curious what this will be:
I expect reveals at NYTF
So, is FunWhole good quality?
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>bro, let's just copy Gladiator and Gladiator 2 likeness

Still cool
Potential found
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>>11316489 (OP)
Based thread
Holy kino edgy bros
That guy is n
>>11316489 (OP)
Did they make a dacia set?
>opportunity to number that set 1488
proof chinks are subhuman
Who would understand that reference
>stand up to huge company with massive monopoly on building toys
>only make flimsy misshapen crap
I had a scant few Best-Lock sets when I was a kid and they sucked monkey fuck in terms of parts quality, are they better nowadays?
>schitzing out over muh Nazis even though there’s American and Soviet vehicles in the post you’re replying to
>keep spelling the plural of Nazi all weird so everyone knows it’s you talking
They are British so Best Lock could only get worse.
Cobi, whatever is left of Mega Bloks and all the chink brands are all high quality in their own right and Lego fans thesedays cope by saying it doesnt feel exactly like Lego because the quality certainly aint shit anymore.
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>cheap chink bricks
If anything the Chinese bricks are probably the higher quality ones. I remember Lego being plagued with cracking minifig torsos and only the ones made in China did not do that. European tech supremacy has become a meme and its been downhill ever since the end of WWII.
The website only butt-fucks a lot of consumers.
I mean as a Leaf I'm about to get screwed by this trade war - but damn.
>Hitler in the British Union of Fascists
Incredible timeline that would be
the same nazi faggots that buy this slop
>Military toys
>Its all nazis!!!
Absolute brainwashed libtard mentality. I have a klocki set of every primary Nato tank in existence.
Are you retarded? We're literally talking about a hitler figure. You're just so desperate to cry about something
Your cats are dead.
That's an old set, not sure you can find it for sale anymore.
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Of course, this one is currently available at various Ali stores.
Got my third one today.
Way fuckin better than a CMF.
Your thoughts on this set or reobrix brand in general?
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You are the one nonstop screeching about Nazis like a sperg and derailing the whole thread when block sets of literally every army in history exists.
>You are the one nonstop screeching about Nazis
>>11318215 was my first post in this thread, but stay mad i guess
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>retarded shitposters don't even have chink bricks
>just keep posting random stock photos

zoomoid nazies i swear
the most pathetic part of community
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Great models but just a little too big overall to work well with minifigs, be they Lego or Mega.
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I don't care for most tanks, but I do want a Wiesel. It's such a cutie.
Cobi catalogue for 2025
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My jiestar 61047
Dead cats pedo.
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I like this scale but its definitely based on how Chinamen themselves are absolutely dwarfed by tanks. Most brands have since downsized but now I find them too small. Cobi is the only one doing perfect Mega Construx scaled vehicles as far as I can tell.
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Jiestar models have gotten much nicer over the years

Who are the top klocki makers nowdays? Im an og and most my stuffs from years ago.
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Thoughts on molded horseman legs?
chud bricks general
Are they an one piece with the horse? That would be weird as fuck i know the torsos come off so I hope they included the extra pair of normal legs.

Yeah I agree. Cobis brick finishing is frankly even more aesthetically beautiful than Legos.

I love Mega Bloks from back in their heyday but aside from their gorgeous aircraft, their models are clunky.
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I got these at local office store

I don't know whether it is actually licensed or not (not like they cared) but just from the boxes they seems to be slight higher premium to the normal Jie Star's stuff.

I hope the sets are good and have no stickers (have not opened them). I love the original show as a kid. They used to sell pull back sets cars that were some what decent looking even if you have put the stickers on yourself. The do sell normal model kits now, but really who has the time to build models any more?
people say this but idk
lego builds are still better engineered to me. Not always and you can cherry pick bad sets, but like the castle, it's a fun build experience and end result. that's not always the case with other brands.
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Sluban and QuanGuan are up there on the Chinese side, the latter mostly does WW2 while Sluban is focusing on present-day military.
Cobi is hard to get and overpriced here. Sluban has done a few sets recently that were a pretty good fit for Mega figs; their latest wave is more in line with their own Lego-sized figs though.
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Not that it's stopped me from getting the entire wave, need to give it all a proper review. I did the Stryker and its comical VADS-esque turret, noting the too-cramped interior and overall emphasis on model accuracy (turret notwithstanding) and fitting in with the rest of the wave. At the end of the day they're children's toys and play is definitely the idea here, given the stud shooters.
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Guten Abend
I dislike the frowning faces trend. I'm more of a fan of kids being able to recreate any war crimes with minifigs that are happy to be there.

(I know it's a problem across all manufacturers, including Lego)
Yeah 100%. The quality of the bricks themselves & not using stickers is a huge for me as is the cheaper price, and fundamentally that's what will matter most
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With lego one always has the option of sourcing alternate heads. Sluban's past waves have had much more variety in facial expressions; methinks with their Russia-Ukraine waves they're stereotyping the angry slav for the figs.
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Sehr gut
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Their latest military wave is exactly that.
Kek, that switchblade. But I'm unsure how I feel about that. It's a bit too edgy.
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War toys always get a boost during times of conflict, the Chinese are just exploiting things to their fullest - check out some of the accessories in a set of army men I got last year.
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Not quite that edgy so far
Would rate them around the same as present-day Lego; there's sometimes "soft clutch" issues for side panels and their attempt at a "firing" main cannon for this set and others using the same barrel did not work out as intended but that's not an issue for me.
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Doubtful, it's a classic army men accessory like the Quonset hut in back; the set as a whole was nostalgia bait for me cuz of the older stuff included, they just paired it up with current-events flags.
Last time I tried them, their plastic was very soft and one of the worst Chinablocks experiences I had at the time. Glad to hear they improved. Whoever is designing their sets is top tier and Lego couldn't do any better.
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Pretty good model, rather cramped on the inside but when they say it's 1/35 scale it's the overall size, not in terms of being for 1/35 figures.
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That doesn't bother me really, most of the time it's alongside figs with maybe someone in a top hatch or something.
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It's pretty tight even for their own figs, is the nature of brick-built sets made to an exact scale.
Lego is picky
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Should caution that Sluban prefers stickers to prints most of the time; those used to Cobi will likely be less impressed with them.
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Brick quality has certainly improved, bringing them up to about parity with current Lego. What I don't like are the chibi style figs they converted to after pressure from TLG through pliant Chinese courts, not a big deal in the grand scheme but sometimes their builds are designed around them, making them awkward for regular figs. Cockpit and fig aside this Stuka is a beaut.
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There's no small amount of subjectivity, some of us will be more tolerant of minor issues than others. Personally I've had good and bad experiences with most brands, but generally they come in pretty close to the Lego benchmark. Clear exceptions are Best-Lock (which has never been a good experience for me), Cobi (which has surpassed Lego in key areas) and old Enlighten (comparable to pre-Halo Mega Bloks, probably worse).

Kazi comes in a little bit below the likes of Sluban or QuanGuan for me but I've also quite enjoyed collecting their Military Power series.
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Got my hands on a couple older Enlighten pirate ships last year, the overall quality was better than Enlighten sets I'd gotten years before so they must've been produced not long before the re-branding, had indicators like the newer brick separator tool included. In some ways I prefer the older Enlighten to the current Qman stuff, they were very much in the same spirit as the Golden Age of 1990s Lego, with their own interesting quirks and details after they moved away from straight copies of Lego sets.

Not to say they don't have significant bugs - the strings for the rigging are cheap and a pain to work with (helps to use a lighter for the ends) and there's clutch issues. Qman is still doing the quirkiness, notably with their militaristic police versus the likes of super poachers and mercs, or that UN versus anarchists line that started with regular minifigs and has continued with the chibis.
You'll have to buy one and let us know.
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Jie Star's been showing up a lot at the liquidation centre lately, quality is about par with Lego and the military themes are my jam.
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The ships are nicely detailed and faithful to their real-world versions, with "Aleburk" an amusing shortening of Arleigh Burke.
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They're nice parts packs in useful colours too if you aren't feeling the builds. The vehicles come with a crazy amount of firepower for their lone occupants, not that I'm complaining.
That's a nice Harrier, who is the manufacturer?
Nta but almost certain it's pic related from Mega's CoD line.
Anyone have this set?
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The fact that they teased us with Vikings and Beyonders, dind't finish X-files. and stopped MotU Heroes also sucked ass.
Witcher was an overpriced cocktease and Fallout seems to have missed it's chance of getting bigger.
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fiddling around with an adventure party.
I sadly agree.

It won't stop me taking pictures but will not be getting anything new I suspect.
>Snap and Switch
If just one of these alternatives could design minifigures on the level of MCX I could finally find a decent substitute. But they're all intent on just fixating on brick sets and LEGO minifig design. It really blows. Blokees is the only line that remotely comes close to MCX figure design and they barely focus on construction blocks.
Anybody have experiences ordering from YourWOBB? I want that new CADA F1 car, it's way cheaper there than the official store.
Well except stuff from "Ali" like the SWAT teams.
I wish I had gotten the firefighters when still available.
I doubt Brickbusters (or whatever) will have any of the old MEGA style figures ( because since Matty signed some ip-sharing deals with LEGO and I'm sure "for the sake of co operation and competition" Matty will make the articulated figures go away.
except if he actually was a liberal he wouldn't keep calling people a faggot
fairly recently, I dont remember an exact date but it was within last month.
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Source? Kinda ridiculous cuz their minifigs aren't even close to Lego; if anything they're comparable to Kre-O's figs.
Did you read the article, wasn't about the figures at all. I remember seeing the not-JP egg at Walmart here a month or so ago but can't recall if it had the figs, wonder why they made that change.

If I had to guess maybe it's to do with the legal battle after all, in that they pulled their figures to make the sets appear more like Lego, cuz they weren't allowed to advertise that directly on the packaging - the sets look just like Lego without obviously non-Lego figs. Weird either way and a shame, part of the fun in collecting different brands is getting their takes on the minifig.
>that random riderless bike
kek reminds me of how many stores on Ali censor the minifigs out of their listings, but at least in those cases you knew you were still gonna get the "dolls" in those sets.
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Got the Sembo ZH-9 ASW helicopter. Smallest scale that can still fit minifigs but obviously still too damn large for minifig scale ships. Shame it has no doors but quality good.

Also tried a MOC made from "Not-Lego" parts from Aliexpress which is the patrol boat in the back. Do not recommend was missing a bunch of parts including the fucking boat hull... for a boat MOC. Hilarious that the replacement set of parts that came were... Lego that was perhaps lightly used maybe (?)

The more delicate parts definitely weren't GoBricks which are decent quality. So now the finish build is like 80% Not-Lego - 20% subbed Lego.
I got that, was pointing out that the article didn't mention figures anywhere.
Could've posted that from the get-go
Does anyone have brickmania's Famo instructions?
No worries. Perfidious TLG strikes again.
I have that set, wish I woulda bought several.
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Should come as no surprise, given their success involved the blood sacrifice of the actual inventor of the plastic building brick. After reading about Mattel's nefarious history and seeing rumours of a potential alliance between them... maybe this really is the end times.
More info about the M551, please!
It's a ZALA Lancet drone.
Did anyone else get the zombie redneck minifig with "fight!" poster?
Oh shit the wipe hit here too
I wish I had jumped on these before they became overpriced. I saw one for $30 but was short on cash at the time. They look like great knockoffs of the real thing
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Can find them on Ali for 60 maplebucks plus free Choice shipping, still reasonable especially given they're no longer in production. Contrast that with the original Lego torso that guy in blue on the ship was copied from (original was brown), the cheapest on Bricklink is 40 leafbux for a beat-up one that at least comes with a head too.
have a happy life frenchanon. find time to enjoy the things you love but dont forsake the rest of life dedicating yourself to something that takes away from the rest
Any good dino sets?
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Well I got Asurada build

I guess I will use Lego McLaren as a comparison- I finished both around the same time

The overall building experience is decent. It still made my fingers hurt but at least the pieces do do stay and rather strongly too.

One of the biggest problem I have with none Lego sets is that a lot of pieces are sometimes not interlocked but rather just kind of float there with one single connection.
They avoided that here mostly. The only two part that does this is the blue side binders on the back and the blue front lower chassis.

It can fit a minifig but the steering wheel will get in the way.
There's also the problem the car is technically two-seater rather than one. Though the car will probably get too big in order to fit two minifigs.

Also for some reasons they passed on most of the headlights. The main yellow lights in the front are not there. There are no stop lights in the back.
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Compare this to the actual car itself. I don't know if it is in brick form there is only so much they can do. But I feel they kind of just gave up when they got to the back of the car

Most of the color differences are not there for the back. I guess they can use stickers but they didn't want to.

The other set, the knight savior does comes with a sticker set. But I think that's more of an issues of the markings have to go around multiple pieces especially with the white cylinders on the side

I guess I can try to get some transparent yellow and red pieces to fill in some of the light secrions. But doing so seem to be destroying the general blue and white color look though.

8/10 maybe?
7 seems a bit too low. But going to 9/10 I feel like they can do bit a more

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