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/toy/ - Toys

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So /toy/, what are some long forgotten, obscure toys that brought you great joy as a toddler that you only recently rediscovered through tons of online research?
>>11320375 (OP)
>>11304269 →
>>11320375 (OP)
what the fuck are these called i had a metal green one, a plastic pink one with gold trim and a police one as a kid and never found the name of them
They were toys based on Dennou Keisatsu Cybercop, a Japanese Tokusatsu series.
I think we eventually got more accurate ones over here, but I am in the same boat as you. My first exposure to these toys were the chromed out versions. The green one was my favorite.
I don't THINK they were bootlegs, it just seemed like a weird repurposing of the license.
They each had a planet's name and a different gimmick. Mars (green) was the heavy weapons guy. Mercury (blue) was quick. Saturn (black) had radars mounted on his shoulders. Jupiter (red) came from the future and could wield a mysterious energy. Lucifer (white) was the evil OP one that later joins the team.
And yes, the earlier toys were very silly, but I don't think they were bootlegs either.
I just love it how mars would pick up a rock, dial his gun's number on the dial hidden inside that rock, and have a briefcase with his gun shipped via underground tubes to wherever he was.
Me and my siblings had the green, black, and white one. The white one was a really fun toy that I used to fight my brother's power rangers.
These were the toys that made me more interested in prioritizing articulation on toys.
>>11320375 (OP)
oh shit I remember this one!
The OP is Kino as fuck.

https://youtu.be/J79Ql3Mf6Lo?si=N0dnfgtKBz1dV8Ka [Embed]

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