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Does anyone else miss the Retrospam threads? They had something special, almost magical. I can't explain it.
QRD on the latest happenings in Retroworld? I haven't watched one of his videos in years now. Did the wife leave yet?
>>11345624 (OP)
Melinda should have her own channel, comfy, wholesome Mommy.
>>11345624 (OP)
I love him
>>11345624 (OP)
No, now fuck off.
>>11345624 (OP)
No, kill yourself
>>11345624 (OP)
The subtle ones were funny.
>>11345624 (OP)
No, it caused the monkeys maintaining the thing to cripple the board with this, "autosage after two weeks" crap.
>>11345624 (OP)
Reminder that the main Retrospammer was an actual pedo who had a discord server with kids in it.
What the fuck
Ring the bell for every reply op.
Was zatlit involved?
wait...is RetroRetard also NecroBumper?
Not when Michael asks. But, for me she does.
>>11345624 (OP)
No. No one misses them, and no one misses you. Fuck off.
Obviously, makes sense with mental illness
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>>11345624 (OP)
>anyone else
>can't explain
lol wow jannies deleted me asking if she gets her tits out
They were the threads he necrobumped
Somehow this shit doesn't surprise me
Hey be nice
Didn't everyone already know Zat is a pedophile? That's why he disappeared for a while. He got arrested.
It was before my time here and everytime I ask people to give me a rundown they start sperging instead
>>11345624 (OP)
zat unironically killed himself this time, hence why we don't have these posts anymore, and I'm glad.
whoa my prayers worked?
Naw he might have been deported though as part of the ICE raids though.

How new are you? I didn't think we got new posters anymore. Long story short, some turbo autist got into a heated debate in the comments section with RB in one one of his videos. Don't even really know what is was about tbqh. The guy comes on here to try and get /toy/ to personal army for him but he just go laughed at and made fun of. This caused him to get so mad he started spamming the board with RB's face. This just led to him getting doxxed. He eventually ended up recruiting Zatlit a known pedophile/troll/sex pest somehow who saw retrospamming as a way to "control" the board. They also got the YouTuber, That Junkman, to involve himself by buying ad space on 4chan and making videos about us. It eventually got so bad mods, instead of just range banning, the three retards, implemented a two week auto sage rule where threads older than two weeks no longer bump. It's effectively killed a bunch of the slower threads on the board and turned this place into more of a ghost town where we only have literally a couple of users who actively post their toys, while the rest of the board is just mindlessly bitching about your personal needs not being catered to and outright trolling. /toy/ used to be one of the best boards on 4chan. Until a couple of guys with a grudge against life ruined it.
his obituary was posted in a /v/ discord a month ago, his real name was Daniel Levy or something, his roomie posted his toys and some Steven Universe plushies.
But I'm sure the other Retroposter is CrimsonCommander, and he's sadly still alive.
Zat came back a month or two ago and made a new discord server. I lurk it in case he does anything out of line.
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>his obituary was posted in a /v/ discord a month ago
Really? He was shitting up /ctg/ when slt left the board a bit over a month ago because he got booted from the /ctg/ Discord pretty much immediately and decided to sperg out about it in the thread.
>Daniel Levy
Oy Vey.
>But I'm sure the other Retroposter is CrimsonCommander
I've always suspected there are more Retrospammers than we realise because Michael has publicly humiliated so many /toy/let lolcows. Pic related.
And I'm pretty sure Michael still posts on /toy/. Lio definitely does.
Ah this guy is one of the retrospammers lmao
Just because i dont post my shitty pics doesnt mean i cant be a decent and thoughtful poster anon. I do post pics when i feel like it but mostly i try to contribute to the discussion and ofcourse some light shit posting for a chuckle. I dont really see toy thevway you do i guess and thats ok.
There is only one effective way of dealing with trolls guys, we all know this, but if they keep getting fed those yummy (you)s then they will never go away.
All this says is that this is a particularly shitty board, which is saying a lot given that this Inner Mongolian Picture Puzzle Pinterest site was a joke even as a pitched idea.
Finding locations are tough.
Pedo scum
We know who you are DioSlob, you lost.
As the one that posted the Jin screenshot, I'm not the cat killer. He can't post about Jin without seething about Jin. I just think it's funny that Michael told him to go dilate.
Whatever the case is, it sucks that some random fags ruin what's comfy for the board. Then again, such is the life of message boards.
I'm in the Zatcord too but he's been gone for weeks, wouldn't be surprised if he called it quits for real this time grabbing the rope, guy was left to rot in Cali without a job
fuck off Diosoth
Hoping he finally got deported
>I've always suspected there are more Retrospammers than we realise because Michael has publicly humiliated so many /toy/let lolcows. Pic related.
And I'm pretty sure Michael still posts on /toy/. Lio definitely does.
Yea this is true, I came on 4chan about a year ago for the /lg/ threads and I join in on laughing at Michael.
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how is gonna make this vid and ignore lio pedovoy crimes?
Cause that would mean he would have to concede to Junkman. God forbid you admit another jackass is right.
>>11345624 (OP)
Don't waste your time on negative toy content or nothing you can truly learn from

Star Wars > Watch Star Wars Theory (Specially for modern stuff and what is cheaper but better from the past)

Transformers > Watch Transformers Slag Podcast (Specially the livestreams)

Marvel > Watch The Figure Fanatic

Misc > Watch MWF Podcast (Slight lean on wrestling)
Understandable, just weird that it seems that a lot of the lolcows of this board are very interconnected, still the GoFag is the main one who is needing exterminating for board quality improvement
Yeah, I checked his Kiwifarms account and he went from posting multiple times a day back in December to dead silence since then. Maybe he is kill.
Honestly ruined some of the best generals on this board because they die too early.
Solid list, one common thing here is everyone is married (and 3 of the 4 with a family) which means there is a secret to the sanity even if MWF can come off a little too "gym bro" but still has his heart in the right place
Go gigure, he was friends with Sinno fucker pedo Jin & also suffered from DDS, screaming the debunked "cat killer" lie.
You lost, Diosoth. Trump is your president now and you're going to jail.
kys Diosoth
You rape kids and kill cats Pedosoth, die
>E-celeb slop
I would not consider him a celeb.

Some content creators are worth our time, specailyl when we can learn something valuable from them.
He is just a big ol "Old is better, new is shit" kinda guy; nothing to learn there
Reminder that Pencil hates you for killing her bastard, it’s your fault she died in such a horrible way and you should feel bad, and rouge will never be real.
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Man, Except the Lego lolcows like Jang or Fucking Eljay. Man, Id die for a TTV/Nak and Jay episode with Michael on where Meso has to reign in there autism.
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Not watched much of his content myself, just tired of his face in the catalog even if it can make for some funny memes sometimes
Not the retrospamming fag but man it's funny watching Mike get huffed about people who think that Lara Croft's pistols should be her icon rather than the climbing axe.I like his content at times, but man he really does exude that autist energy.
It's what happens when a guy with autism gets a girlfriend early in his life and gets a chip on his shoulder thinking he is god's gift to everything and thinks he knows what he is talking about. Just stop watching his stuff, there is nothing to learn and you are worse off than where you started
What do you mean
I mean, I don't watch it a lot, but yeah, he definitely has that defensive attitude. I don't understand how that translated into an anon on here just spamming his face over and over, but someone like that has much more autism than the average poster lmao
>he really does exude that autist energy.
The 4 lights on the cyclotron incident pretty much confirmed that. His four hour Dial of Destiny review where he goes into a 20 minute rant about Indy's costume was also peak autism, but it was the kind of autism I appreciate.
I mean I can appreciate tism, just not the arrogant kind where someone has to be Uber defensive about something minute, like the Twitter post where normal people told him "yeah, Lara's guns are more iconic than the axe" but instead of just saying "yeah I didn't wanna hang real guns on my wall", he kind of went off. There's a fine line between auteur autist and asshole, Mike is just teetering on it. He's not lolcow tier, but he's definitely edging closer to that Linkara tier of defensiveness lol
Why mention the Lara Croft thing twice? You sound like the spammer.
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I’d love to see him do this again, nearly all his videos are negative now.
Because he made like 2 videos discussing and defending it is all, I'm not even close to being the spammed, I just found it funny is all.
>asking for it
reading this thread as a tourist is kinda scary
>>11345624 (OP)
He's gonna be in Marvel Rivals lol
Never heard of that toyline
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Welcome to /toy/let.
Just wait until you find out about Subjectanon.
Or necanon
It's a video game.
Supposedly, the anecdotal 'fact' that everyone on this mongolian basket weaving picture puzzle piss farm knowns a normie who LOVES Marvel Rivals means (a) Marvel is back; (b) the MCU is 'healing'; (c) comic books are back (d) marvel action figures are going to SELL BIG this year and every year afterwards (e) the Fantastic Four movie is going to make a kabillion jabillion dollorinos.
The unholy trinity of /toy/.
What board are you from lmao
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Where are the goddamn mods? None of this has anything to do with toys. This is spam.
Fuck off with your boogyman shit.
Mods only protect trans related stuff.
Too busy hot gluing shit lmao

Bet my left nut that mods don't actually exist for /toy/.
>>11345624 (OP)
The banned me in /lg/ for calling the pedo fag who keeps asking new thread for saying the n word.
Yea it does
>>11345624 (OP)
>>11353632 →
there i posted another one for you. glad you like my work, but its up to you to continue it.
>>11345624 (OP)
>this and the fucking Anthony threads are still up
>nevermind how actual on topic threads about toy news get deleted outright while this e-celeb troll posts stay up
Mods are fucking useless. As always.
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>>11345624 (OP)
You had to do it, didn't you?
its popsting about toys
>>11345624 (OP)
Basically I've gathered that if Michael likes you, then not a pedo. If he hates you, then you're a pedo? Is that the narrative here?

The only two things I don't like about him is his absolute zero ability to handle anyone disagreeing with him while assuming that it's a challenge to a fight, and his insistence on endorsing and supporting people like Stan Solo who only harm legitimate toy collecting with their fake shit. He fucking blocked me for questioning the authenticity of rocket-firing Boba Fetts selling at auction WHILE he himself owns several fakes.
Why’d you even respond?
sounds crazy
Shut up you fucking liar. Suck my dick

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