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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

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>>11344994 →
>>11351208 (OP)
Who is this for?
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>>11351208 (OP)
Same energy
It must suck to be a poorfag who likes lego
i just started doing legos 2 months ago and I already have
>notre dame
>disney castle
>barad dur
>snow whites cottage
>3 christmas sets
but you know what you don't have? something grassroots you made yourself. what have you created? you can only recreate.
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what dies the blue dog do that perhaps say animal crossing is not already doing
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how many ideas supporters you get?
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Post Sonic characters you'd like as minifigures.
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>>11351208 (OP)
Why didn't they do a piece that goes over the front and back instead of doing whatever this is for the Bluey characters?
It just looks uncanny, Bluey dogs don't even have necks.
>no muffin
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Got a full case of beastmasters, 1 away from a full case of paladins.
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I put in the tiniest amount of effort. Also got my BDP series 3 sets in yesterday.
Well fuck me, I might get this one
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Me and the boys
You know what I think we need? Microscale.
Wondering the same thing, but deep down, I know it's for adults without any kids who are weirdly into a cartoon for small kids and their parents. Bluey should be for Duplo, or maybe there just needs to be a size smaller instead that doesn't suck (I don't know if I ever knew anyone who enjoyed Duplo, even little kids prefer the one they can choke on).
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Nothing too fancy today. Classic comfy colors.
Being a poor fag just makes you appreciate it even more.
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Nothing fancy or interesting found today but most were authentic so I am happy.
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These all look fake but they go home with me anyways. I’m sure I’ll finds some kid who will enjoy them.
>>11351208 (OP)
Why did they give them the regular legs? Now you can't really do the parents.
Wait why aren't these Duplo?
He works at a store. He scans them and sets the ones he wants aside before they ever hit the shelves. What compels someone to be like this? Only god knows.

Bless you, doing God's work.
>Why did they give them the regular legs?
They gave Bingo and Bluey the mid legs.
>Now you can't really do the parents.
But Bandit and Chili are right there.
>Wait why aren't these Duplo?
There's Duplo sets coming too.
I think bluey is really gay and adults who like it are pedophiles. But this set is pretty cute and if its $15 or less I'll pick it up
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rivendell kinda underwhelming to be honest, but yea nice building techniques
Buy 2 and make a bigger one
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SA45_2nVDSU&list=PL39748E6581A9584B&index=5 [Embed]

>no warrant
>no probably cause
>planting evidence

Lego was engaging in copaganda
What is that thing with all the pictures of people?
>rivendell kinda underwhelming
I was finally planning to get it this year how dare you say that

get it still, dont worry about my opinion im just anal about lotr. its not even about the price like for most people, in fact id like them to release ucs star wars priced lotr sets
It’s on old souvenir for the Partizan Football Club in Beograd, Serbia.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyoAt7r1omc [Embed]
Oh hey it's just2good bigfig
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Clone base moc update
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I want to build the gun bigger around this classic tie fighter piece,
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I can't believe Lego is seriously gonna let the theme with the highest potential ever to just slip away
Shat the Garden?
I bet the cmfs did fine but the playset didn't
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you're wrong, they both sold great. it's just that the set+cmf was the full extent of the deal lego made with hasbro. continuing the theme was never on the table
Nobody likes the ugly tree
Dnd? You mean the theme that got 1 set and just a meme minifig series? You mean the theme they could have made for play, with dungeon section sets, had it been done in lego of yore? Enjoy your movie tie in afol slop and be pleased
Putting together the Harry Potter potions class right now. It’s exactly what you’re describing.
Are these still available in stores? I need that ilithid.
Yes but they're retiring soon.

I still need the mindflayer, vampire dude, birdman, and the bard, but literally no stores near me carry them.
I'm not a big Star Wars guy, but it's looking good. The window surrounded by rock above the hanger looks really nice, and I really like how those grouped up olive green curly grass pieces look.
it's official. bluey is a flop. Will lego survive another misfire? can star wars save lego one more time?
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would you buy my spider man cmf over the official one?
>>11351208 (OP)
Are those heads disappointingly flat like the Animal Crossing ones?
I forgot about the movie.
Which one is Marlon Wayans?
I really like that car for some reason. Still I would never buy furfshit
Nice work anon! You've made excellent progress.
This set makes me very aware that they are all naked.
needs more "weird" spidey villains i think. classic prowler's a cool pick though.
>>11351208 (OP)
Their eyes are staring into my soul
We get it, you don't like "nu spider-man"
But I would totally get a bagman minifig and maybe a man-spider
>Are these still available in stores? I need that ilithid.
I have one store in the neighbour city but they have it on pegs under the log. So i never bothered.
i assume it will just give me shitt on of Ladies of Pain or gnome barbarians if i will just ask someone to open them and take them like that.
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Now, I don't mind chopping wood
And I don't care if the money's no good
You take what you need
And you leave the rest
But they should never
Have taken the very best
Deep inside a mysterious nebula, The Blacktron Space Force have reconstituted and built a large base with a formidable ground, air and space capability. With this force, they can project power to protect the Frontier Colonies from the oppression of the tyrannical Futuron Corporation and their Space Police mercenaries.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JNE_XfwL5U [Embed]
wrong cmf line, you're thinking of the F1 one
missing the point
fuck you

Did any other lego youtube celeb get their own exclusive lego figure or is just2good the first and only one?
>hey guys duckbricks here
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these two cops are kinda cute tho
I always liked how muscular and sexy american cops are.
A lot of them take steroids then go home and beat their wives.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fUtMwhixf_k [Embed]
Props to the Titanic designers, I thought this was going to be much more of a repetitive chore. still some unavoidable repetition but slight mix-ups render it alright to the end
Built the Biolizard today. Fun little set.
>>11351208 (OP)
LEGO Ideas River Steamboat Revealed at Toy Fair 2025
When are we getting the plantation manor set next?
There's a store on amazon that seems to have unlimited numbers of muppet minifig series and it sells them for 3x the retail price a pop. This is what all those beast master scalpers are doing too. And those seige set buyers
uncle toms cabin set first
I'm very surprised this wasn't a Duplo theme.
They know their audience
I’m a bit of a Cramps fan myself
https://youtu.be/74nxtmSzQg8?si=0ld040bl29lP2Ttu [Embed]
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I’ve been posting this to the Sonic board and I realized I haven’t posted it here (as far as I remember), and I made more progress today.

I’ve started work on the Green Hill skyline in the background. Next step for this is to get a few more colored bits to represent rings, rocks, tv power ups, etc. as well as get some blue in there for the actual sky.

Is it obvious it’s a background skyline at this point?
You mean the back row? Probably is if you took the pic level to replicate the video game view, should look good with blue etc.
the forced perspective effect you're going for would look better if the background wasn't on top of the same "floor" as the foreground. try placing it in the back with a one or two stud gap
Its better than the submission
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Here. I was thinking Bright Light Blue would work the best.

I was thinking that as well, this was more of a mock-up than anything.
Looks good but I agree with other anon, needs to be back 1 more and raised I think. But experiment with placements & checking them in this angle, you're on the right track it's looking good
Every youtuber got their own minifigure in the Everyone is Awesome set because every youtuber is a faggot.
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>bionicle thread invaded by trannies cooming to tranny MOCs

Is nothing sacred
This is a new one for me… sigh. Why can’t we just have nice things?
Just report em
Crazy how half the people on 4chan will see easiest to spot bait posted on their thread and they go "the west has fallen..."
Based. You better be using the classic phase 2 clones. I have the green 442nd clone on the way and i just got the jet trooper from the 2005 turbo tank
Nah its just some one coping they got pink pilled by probably the mask of destiny team
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God now I'm sad they won't be making new orleans street as a set.
>I’m sure I’ll finds some kid who will enjoy them.
You gotta get them into your windowless van first though.
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My army is growing
Ah what a score this set is. I'm going to buy this set and have 40 lizard minifigures invading it.
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Built Invisible Hand today, so here's Republic ships engaged in a broadside battle! I'll add a 1:3300 midi Venator next month. All these ships are in 1:3300.
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wrong pic
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I am the ring master.
>spiderman with his mask off
wasn't his identity meant to be a secret?
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There are no civilians there. It's all heroes and villains. So, they are either in the circle of trust or don't care who he is. But if the set also doesn't come with a mask head for him as well, I'll be disappointed in Lego but I'm not going to buy it either way.
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>no thor to finish the big 3 of the fight, iron man, cap and thor
>one singular chitauri and black panther instead
This set is alredy ass but somehow they keep making things worse
why antman has a massive red BELLYBUTTON?
remember in the first Ant Man movie at the end when he went quantum-small and used the grow-disc in his belt buckle? I guess it's supposed to be that spot
Ive been thinking about getting the Acclamator set
Fixed Spider-Man.
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He has the suit on here >>11353551
>Tiny portals, which I assume to be far away due to forced perspective, awkwardly hanging off transparent poles
>The way the portals look in general
>Antman in the mech body to represent Giantman, looking like he has a tiny head
>Lego being to lazy or cheap to make a new broken shield piece, so it looks like Captain America's shield is half finished
>Most of the minifigures are reused
Who would actually buy this? It looks so bad.
I like how it tries to be a play and display set and ends up failing at both.
lego boku no pico
Look better than the original set to me. Although wtf is harry potter doing in the top left
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because it looks like a Qudditch field with those portal-rings
>Who would actually buy this?
People who want those minifigs and don't have them?
KEK. It's even a better quiditch set
>Lunar Outpost has a contract to develop a Lunar Terrain Vehicle (LTV) for the Artemis Program. The LTV is expected to launch before March 2030.
I was wondering whether the Acclamator and Providence were in the same scale. They did look about right next to each other, at least.
Interestingly, the "minifig-scale" (not really, but it has interior space for minifigs" ISD is also almost the right scale with them. I compared its length to the Providence (it should be about 1.6 times longer since Providence is 1.09 km and ISD exactly 1.6 km long), and IIRC it's about 10 % smaller than it should be, though that could also be due to the design being a little stubbier than the ISD models used in the film and missing the pointy tip of the prow.
Is there even a set with endgame thor and stormbreaker so you could add him yourself?
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>I wanna know what love is I want you to show me I wanna feel what love is I know you can show me ... Oh.
That's his willy
I was thinking maybe john carpenters the thing...
The night they drove old Wolfpack down
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Do they release insider sets at a different time? Where the fuck is the micro command center?
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The Last of the Wolf Pack .(Colorized)
This is the first time I've seen one of those playground tic tac toe things as a toy.
And it's a sticker lol. Why these bluey sets stickers windows and shit? They seem so weird
I mean I guess they're aiming at kids who are coming just off duplo tbf. But those minifigs could have been better even then
I miss hearing 70s and 60s on the radio.
Yeah I personally don't like the current playscale version of the ISD as the proportions just don't do it for me. The superstructure is a bit too long, and the bridge / tower seems too big as well. It's nice overall otherwise, well detailed.
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How many wolfpack beastmasters do you have?
0 because I only buy minifigs with solid black eyes.
only 5. the stores don't restock ever because the minifigs get bought very slowly and it takes 1 person to get all the beastmasters
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Any good faces that you recommend get the black eyes treatment?
jesus christ. lol, lmao even. they finally dropped the facade that capeshit sets are about anything other than the figs, i guess. except they suck too
Depends on how stylized the eyes are. You'll want to make sure it's just white you are coloring with a sharpie. Any colored eyes are a serious gamble as sharpie will only look like a darker version of the original color instead of black. You want as little work as possible. And ideally as close to a circle as possible.
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how many sets would you buy if you wanted to recreate this? like 6-7? or more?
1 set plus $4000 worth of specific parts.

Wish I knew how to start, im a basic "buy set, build set, display set" bitch. I envy the planning skills of moc builders, besides their creativity. it really started to depress me lately that i can only watch others do it. you can be as good as you want (which im not) but if you dont have walls of parts, how can you get better
its not as fun as using real pieces but you could try Studio
I just bought the boutique hotel, natural History museum, and Tudor corner. These are the first modular buildings I've gotten. I think they'll look good together. Thinking about getting others depending on how I like these. I know a lot of people bitched about the color of the natural History museum but I think it looks fine myself.Ç
>if you don't have walls of parts how can you get better
Well extended Rivendell is a really shitty place to start anon.
>where to start
Start small. Buy a set and then ignore the instructions entirely while building whatever you want.
>I don't know what to build
Then either build a house or a vehicle. A Scifi Speeder is generally a good idea because it can be impractical looking.
The only thing you have to worry about is whether the set is good for that sort of thing. If it's bullshit like >>11353647 then yeah you're going to struggle. But if it's a 3 in 1 or something like that you have a lot more to work with. Look for sets with parts you find interesting. A set that you can do something with.
faggots like you turn me away from the hobby, couldn't find one wolf tamer in any store since release. Even when it looks like a full case, scalping fags like you already took them out.
thats not scalping since they are not reselling them. and lego is fully to blame for this since they use this stupid blind bag model instead of selling them online in unlimited quantities.
>be me, love GOT
>unable to make true Stark troops, make due with Vikings torsos
>village comes out with WP torsos, but have to wait months due to backorder
>lightning strikes twice and now able to get these as well
My stark army has a good 20 now, 4 original WF, 6 of the village torsos and 10 of the CMFs. I still need to figure out a good female torso for my female stark.
the hobby? what hobby? the hobby of buying a product then staring at it? are you gonna be missing out on a playdate or something with your little toy man? It's not a kit; it's literally a little toy. How is that a hobby?
It's the modern definition of the Hobby, thanks to Games Workshop: buying new shit every week on impulse and trend like an irresponsible adult, in order to post the new unopened boxes over social networks, while doing some jokes about the "pile of shame hahaha so funny the wife is so mad".
what a low iq post. Did you eat breakfast this morning
>the Council will decide your fate
>>11351208 (OP)
I'm working on making a Gunsmith Cats set. This is Rally and Minnie Mae.
I found a brown Lego horse from the '90s in great condition in somebody's trash recently. One man's garbage...
This is awesome. And it's no secret that Lego is authoritarian and pro-big oil.
She looks a million times better and more feminine somehow
Put your hands up, motherfucker!
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Normally I'm not a big ninjago fan but I actually do love the way this dragon looks, tempted to get it
that's an incredible amount of minifigures in one 500 piece set
Well to be fair like 3 or 4 of em are complete reuses.
The Sora especially they've been dumping for a while and the 2 villains included have been in almost all the current stuff in one form or another
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Look behind you, ableist scrub.
>flame in dog head
Very nice. I wish I hadn't given my sister all my other Friends figures. I didn't realize they were worth anything
Kids need ninjas, it's most the play value
Mortal Kombat LEGO confirmed?
This one’s only $40 and has Kung Lao, Smoke, Sub Zero, Ermac, 2 of Onagas soldiers and a bonus skeleton.
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>I didn't realize they were worth anything
Me neither. I value them for the Friends™ we made along the way.
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When are we getting one of these? It would be an epic build.
This a batmobile? Theyve exhausted all the popular ones so maybe
Looks cool
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If you want to get a better understanding of the mentality of the people who share this hobby with you, head on over to the comments of Lego Ideas blog entry on the Classic Baby Space Micro Command Center. This was supposed to be a set to redeem with rewards points on March 1st at 12:00 am and it hasn't shown up yet. These guys are freaking out. Its ruined their whole weekend.

Check 'em. Yeah it's from the Batman Ninja movie.
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>two boxes of scooby snacks
>delicious ham bone
>geiger counter
>water bottle with lifestraw lid
>magnifying glass to start fire
Apocalypse Scooby is ready for anything.
I love this. All the same faces for a robotic uncanny valley effect.
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someone would be able to build this? it just blow my mind, i try so much time without any significant result
That's a lot of greeble and curves that bricks don't do well
yeah maybe a mastermind will find a way to simplify those curves
Why were you looking through someone’s trash?
It's nice to see your progress, good work anon.
Is it just the camera playing tricks or is the whole building leaning left though?
stop having fun with mocs and talk about youtubers
just picked up 60404 for $6.99 on sale at my local dollar general. I am basically STEALING from the lego company with these deals
Not bad. I swung a deal with Kohls Cash to get it free with the prison.
OMG Google sucks. did anybody post a list of the codes yet? is Google unable to find it? does that mean nobody cares about these sooo much that nobody is even bothering posting a list of codes?

all I want is the one helmet that's black with the red visor.

anybody have a code list please?
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fuck the (((falcon knights)))
ok they what is your favorite and or most hated? I like R.R. Slugger and fucking hate Penplays and DoubleU Bricks
pay up faget they're blind bags for a reason
Pretty sure the visor isn't really red
That's pretty neat.

It's a long story.
Why doesn't LEGO do more licences?
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>tfw no cute gf to build legos with
>tfw no femboy twink to browse prick a brick with
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vgh... the good old days....
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do people actually enjoy applying stickers? i usually leave them out but tried applying them once and it's anxiety inducing because if I misalign them I can't redo it
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use the brick remover to apply them. it's a skill and if you ever work at a place with manual price tagging still, your boss will love you
Building with my neighbor's kids was super fun. It also disgusted her how childish and civilized and quiet it was. She never asked me to come back.
I have been looking for stickers packs you can apply to your own bricks but haven't found a good source
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No, stickers are pain. But Lego loves them because they are cheaper than prints. I had some sticker mishaps too. One was on the only Speed Champions car I ever got, that Bugatti. Put the grill on upside down. In that case I used my pocketknife to get under a corner and slowly pealed it off and stuck it back on. I got lucky that time. The other time was the central panel on the Lego Dimensions portal build. But I either didn't know how to peal at the time or didn't realize the issue till later.
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Are you okay?
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you'll probably never find a woman who cares about lego but she will have her own bullshit hobby like paintings by the number or coloring books or jewelry making or whatever. Best you can do is explain to her as I do that you don't play with the sets like a child, but it's just the process of building the sets that is enjoyable and relaxing as it engages your mind just enough to filter out external thoughts and keep you focused on a task which is precisely engaging enough to relax the sober mind
Hold up, I still do... at least for solo rpg sessions
The Dollar Tree ones are enticing but they don't fit properly and the quality is very poor
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A little help with finding a piece for a MOC. Is there a version of this piece that is 2 studs deep on the bottom or reaches 3 studs high?
why doesn't lego develop RPG campaigns /sets
I mean, they tried.
I mean I avoid stickers for the most part but I have city builds they would look good on, no harm applying to basic bricks that can be replaced
yeah good fit is my issue
Lego will send a free sheet if anything about your current one is fucked up. Got a free hospital 60330 sticker sheet that way.
Just came back from Walmart thinking they'd have at least a couple, but nope all gone.
i've been to three walmarts and all you little shits took them all
Screw you. Black Falcons are the coolest faction. I just ordered tee shirts for myself and my father.
A new blacktron pavel video just dropped
https://youtu.be/mfPLN4toCLM?si=7N8-Km1LVbcwepnJ [Embed]
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lmao at "MaDonald"

giving off McDowell's vibes: they have the Big Mac, we have the Big Mick, no sesame seeds on the bun
Dollar Tree has some surprisingly nice knockoff sets for $3 that are a good starting point for a mcdonalds
Black knights have long been associated with the wacky tobaccy.
They legalized it in the black falcon state back in ‘19. They just want their cut of the taxes homies, relax and pay the piper his due.
>the machine elves hate the black knights
Cabbage girl is single and incredibly poor.
Do Lego stickers have a shelf life until they start to peel off?
I kinda want to buy some sets to display them, but hesitant to drop a lot of money for a set only for the stickers to fall off in a few years.
I’ve got some scooby doo sets in a mixed lot with stickers back in 2016 and they still have them today.
I’d say ~10 years is the window max though on modern sets
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Yup, I can see how hygiene, eating smaller portions and going outside would seem cringe to you. Stay fat and smelly!
secondhand ebay and aliexpress you can get stickers for really popular sets. lego will mail ones still in production but never once the set is oop
damn that toothbrush is clever
it's a miracle that this thing is not pink & light blue

there's not even a single pink & light blue, or rainbow, sticker on it, it should be covered in them all over.

why is there a sandwich? who puts a sandwich in the suitcase?
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lol but that sandwich is too small for Scooby
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It's now -11% off, it was -8% off a month or two ago.

Think it will go any lower? Is it gonna retire soon? I genuinely really wanna pick this up
That's a realy big joint.
That's a pretty good discount if you want to ensure you get it
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>he doesn't know
I had this set as a kid. It was absolutely bitchin'. I remember the ketchup and mustard taps inside and the minifig in the car had such a fucking snazzy leather jacket AND sunglasses AND a hundred dollars that he immediately became my favorite.
Yeah, that set is $300+ USD now. For me, it's lady Guy Fieri.
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I'm telling ya... I know it's heresy but $3 USD pic related. I'm just not sure why they give customers their slurpie/ketchup in entire buckets.
>For me, it's lady Guy Fieri.
Suddenly need to put mine together...
The burger stand detaches completely which is kinda neat. It's not a bad set at all, though even Lego pokes fun at it. I think it's meant to be viewed as a satire of sorts (of all the food truck sets, popular cooking shows, etc.) and it really shines in that regard.
>cool guy spends 100 bucks on McDonald's in the 90s
based lego Man
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Back then you really could get like 75+ burgers for $100 bucks. He's gonna ruin the store doing stunts like that.
It's up
https://youtu.be/PH3i4xziHH0 [Embed]
sorry if you're waiting for the jang review, he's got another fun whole
>that set is $300+ USD now
are you serious? iirc there isn't even anything unique about it other than the stickers
now i really wish i had my old sets
>not Girl Fieri
yeah, truth is the stickers are probably shit now and bricks that old aren't the same as new ones, especially used. really glad Johnny Thunder came back so I didn't go and blow like $50 on an old used set.

Also I used to buy sets from every theme years ago but then I realized I didn't like most of those sets. Now I only buy Star Wars (original trilogy) that isn't UCS or overpriced (get it cheaper off eBay) and I also have tons of prices from the past for mocs.
I'm amazed at its size. It isn't far off the titanic
You mean the McDonald's set? It probably had a more limited run too don't forget. It's pretty low on piece count for that still. Are you sure those aren't prints? Ans I guess being a McDonald's lego set has some unique value to it
The reference from review
0 cus I don't care about castle.
New pieces to make the skull joint and the whole build looks really sturdy. I'm quite impressed actually and may eye this set up before it retires
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>Are you sure those aren't prints?
Just use ebay.
>Mcdonalds shirt is a sticker
what should the dimensions be for this to print? i'm retarded
Well check the shirt and measure how big would it need to be to fit a fig torso.
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>uncanny valley effect.
Cognitive hazard. This pic will hurt, and it won't stop. Older AI generated image horror vibe, too. Pretreat with eyebleach, or don't look. Some things are kept in containment for a reason.
Meat is back on the menu, ladies!
One job...
SEX, but not with >YOU
Tease me but never please me, you multi-billion shekel corporation. Too big a boner for me, anyway.
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Am I tripping, or is this a black Mixel joint on Ant-Man’s ankle in the new Avengers Endgame Final Battle set?
Have any pictures of the Bender Mega Construx minifigure?
I only have and wanted one. My Walmart had a whole bunch of CMFs, but not one had a beastmaster. The week later they just happened to restock out of no where and I only scanned the first top rows and found one.
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I like your creativity. A lot.

Been meaning to get one of the Monster High sets... whatever one blends with the Scooby franchise the best but I keep missing out. Some for sale on Mattel's 'special' site right now.
that's encouraging. i only want one for my castle. i don't need all of them
We will officially call the Burger Truck set 'Girl Fieri' as we refer to the Jungle Polybag as 'Obama'
Poor bender, never speak of this again.
The money, what's that from
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I can only wish to own any type of vehicle fight now. Maybe this one would be in reach.
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Based. Usually but not always if there is one there is more nearby.
She’s out there somewhere. The challenge is finding one who’s authentically a fan.
>First it was yellow
>Then fleshies
>Now Orange
Bro with all the money she spent on tattoos and piercings she could have bought two of the Jabbas Sail barge.
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May Krocky bless you with more block fun my child Return to Krocky, my children. Remember how to play before consooooming consumes you. Oops, maybe too late for most. Too soon? Alot y'all chose misery, I'mma chose fun with my gay ass plastic crack. Cheeky approved!
I do not remember. It's his now and he ain't talking.
why he steal sonics wiener
And she'd be prettier than Jabba too.
She's not single, she's my wife.
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aunt jemimas log cabin has chariots, who knew
>dogshit show gets dogshit lego theme
this is almost a joke
Are people seeing these in the shops already? I thought they were coming out 1st march like everything else but they're actually not out until 1st may.
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Daily reminder Jaller is McDonald colors because he was a happy meal toy
Bro I had to actively wind down from profit to net-neutral on my collection. Lego *makes* money so trivially easy I'm shocked people stress so much about it.
>>11351208 (OP)
I don't mean to get political... But I would FUCK Chili Heeler.
Dark bluish gray, based on the microphone ball joint piece it connects to. Marketing got in trouble for changing a ball joint to brown on the chewbacca product images so they might still be trying to retouch images.
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Getting back into Lego after not having collected it for a long time due to a traumatic experience in my youth. How long are sets typically on sale before they're retired? I was thinking about getting a particular set made around 10 months ago and wondered how long I could conceivably wait to get it before it becomes secondary market only.
there's a list where you can see when the sets retire, just google it
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does this last forever or fades over time?
>that classic red flag on top
ah friends, you are a good theme
>Getting back into Lego after not having collected it for a long time due to a traumatic experience in my youth
listen bro. Bionicle isn't coming back, it hurt me too
show me where on the bionicle the bionicle touched you
I saw one for $12 the other day and picked it up in a heartbeat, gonna be great base for a kickass car trailer for a hotrod or a ratrod

this set is great in itself, well worth the price, and i even managed to save like 50% on it. The prints themselves are 10/10
-Burger bun print
-Burger sign print
-2 black 2x6 tiles with flame prints

Wish Lego would get rid of stickers already and give us prints like these all the time!
Why does this look exactly like the DreamZzz cottage
Yes, the prints were very nice
Why is Autumn missing a hand
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Jang is leaving lego behind.
He is spamming his lego review channel with re-uploads of reviews he did in the past which makes it a whole clusterfuck of 15 videos you have already seen before and 1 new video if you are lucky. IT'S OVER. The days of Jang's prime lego reviewing days are long gone.
He's done some thought videos on bluey send marvel sets. Can you watch and tell me what he thinks of bluey pls
I can't believe jang shits on lego for having a 420 piece set but is loving a cobi panzer tank VI
ah shit that's a real good tank though. Real nice interior. Guess I'm cobi now
i dont get cobi. why even use bricks if you are going to use huge set specifically molded pieces?
Mega Construx Bender.
creator dragon best set of the last years no kidding
Do you guys ever just buy a set to make alt builds out of?
You misspelled creator castle but I’ll let it slide homie because that dragon is tight yo.
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Not so fast
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I was almost tempted to get the falcon just for this build but at that price point I better get the pieces for a moc made from scratch
Funny you post that, I've got it on my wishlist to do as well. Its still about £68 here yeah for 900 pieces could probably source them cheaper
I meant more to make own mocs tho. I think it'd be fun after seeing what everyone else comes up with, just thinking of a set
We get it you yiff.
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I did try to make something with this but gave up.
Okay baddragon
her arm fall off
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Really fast in every direction.
Found some lego (and mega bloks) for free and picked it up, any advice for washing future bricks, maybe from the gypsyanon?
are you medieval catholic? just use soap and water
Just lick the bricks clean.
Is this poop brain piece next to the pink skate?
The knockoff version of this set is like $15
Her name is Ulna and she was born without a body. Just an arm and harry armpit. MC Nu-barbie hair piece inserted into lego mario toad arm.
My 7 concubines. Each one for each day of the week
Is this even affordable as parts pack?
Aren't all sets parts packs?
I like this better than Castle In The Forest but it still doesn’t feel very Forestmen to me.
When are they bringing this faction back?
I tried but it doesn’t work as well on the thinner bricks
Soap and water should do any grime, get yourself some brushes like these for anything stuck in
If you mean stained bricks only way you'll deal with it would be hydrogen peroxide and you have to redo it regularly
Why is Jang CONSTANTLY doing charity streams (for Starlight Children's Foundation) when he is also complaining constantly about being overworked and not having money or time?

No one is forcing him to stream for charity. Fuck them kids.
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US $279.99
I want the Lego Gaston, but that's it.
The dirt was mainly inside but I’ll try a 2.0 wash for it when I am done with the showing, there was a LOT of dirt in the one dark red brick
what a blown opportunity, if any set was going to include un-cursed servants, this would have been it. they could have bumped this up to a full $300 if they included like what, seven (?) more minifgs

there could have been a full happily-ever-after moment
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Try these brushes
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Any ships you guys personally want to see in Midi scale?
I'd love to see a Hammerhead, one of my favorite star wars ships.
I actually really love the Midi line too, despite how overpriced they are I want to see more stuff like them.
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Soak overnight
>fish brushes
I’ll try walking down there tomorrow and pick up something maybe
Get yelled at for doing that
Will try
I thought that was a virus
people see any link that isn't youtube or twitter/x and think that.
Semi warm water (don't use cold) and simple dish soap.

Get a big bowl for the amount of pieces you'll be cleaning. Pull everything apart like legs and heads from torsos.

Drizzle a little bit of soap in there.

Open the tap and pour that warm water in there (warm it up first, or use bottled water if your tap water is heavy in minerals).

Let it soak for about 20 seconds and then just start washing them by swirling the pieces in the soapy water and kinda just grabbing them and rubbing them with you hand like you're washing salad or beans/rice.

Make sure your drain is plugged up or put something like a plastic colander or whatever you have so little pieces don't accidentally fall down the drain.

Carefully pour the water out and fill it back with warm water and repeat that until all the suds disappear.

Do one final rinse with clear water, and pour that water out.

Place large layered paper towels, or a folded cotton towel on a flat surface where pets won't jump up or people wont mess with it. Lay all your pieces down in a single layer and apply a second towel or paper towels on top to soak the rest. Let it sit for an hour or two.

Come back and grab the pieces and gently tap the pieces on the towel to get the rest of the water or water bubbles reapped inside the pieces. Let them sit or put them away if they're dry.
Image of 75399 on Amazon
Nobody else stopped.
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>"What a horrible Scorpion Knight to have a curse."
This. Yummy burger, too.
This, fuck disney/legos pricing of star wars sets. I got the mini falcon for about £15 off aliexpress and I'm gonna turn it into the Ebon Hawk when I've got time. I'll probably buy some red pieces from ali as well to make it move game accurate.
Probably just the venator and basic star destroyer, I can't really think of any others atm.
those proportions look a bit off, though the u-wing is a weird looking ship at the best of times.
Also I still can't believe ahsoka's jedi interceptor is 40 fucking quid, such a ripoff.
This is similar to what I do, but to rinse them I just have multiple plastic buckets of water that I transfer them into consecutively.
Was it that hard to go for better proportions? At least the cheap spire could been made a tad taller.
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my NEXO KNIGHTS ULTIMATE LANCE is about to be delivered this is not a drill!!
This is hands doen best JW wave ever
Still kino set
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>kino set
Can this even be considered a ‘set’,
How is there 200 pieces in this?
Fuck outta here
Isn't Gaston already in that villain set?
Oh shit a Baby Rosa
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why is Cassian orange
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It's this piece
Who are these literal whos? Where's Chris Pratt?
Pretty good play sets, jurassic world really does exist to sell Dino toys
PEAK. It was real. More importantly... are those fucking PRINTS?!? I guess they have to be if they envisioned a kid using it in water?
Although now I look closer that eye kinda looks like a sticker
When are we getting Sonic leaks? It's the only theme I care about.
Oh yeah I forgot about Jurassic World prices. Yeah anything with dinosaur moulds is extortionate for the piece count
Funnily enough the t rex fossil is alright. 3.2k pieces for £220 when I thought they'd price it 300+
>sonic leaks
check deviantart or r34
it's ANOTHER re-boot
all new characters
(same dinos?)

did you not know?
Jurassic Park trying to do the Disney Princess thing where they sort-of "own" dinosaurs the same way Disney owns Snow White and the rest of the fairy tales
Yeah that was pretty much why jurassic world came back imo. Basically a vehicle to brand dinosaur toys and media because jurassic park had such staying power. Pretty smart I suppose
>Revolver colored in orange to represent Flare Gun
How hasn't this happened before?
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Has there been a Red Revolver?
There’s been a brown one apparently as seen here
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>>11359530 →
There is 12 image slots left.
Hes a Trump sympathizer
He rapes kids
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Kids, weirdly. Who knew a toy company would cater to things under the age of 10
You could also just hang out here.
Raptorbros...not like this...
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>cheating bitch
>ship's gimmick is being a bit of a troop/people carrier
>scale it down
They did this with the gunship, and the last u-wing was already cramped for internal space. Why is every ship either getting smaller or a shell around a technic core that utterly robs the build of space or interior?
Nice. I want to try and make the newer research center into a more old style one now
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wtf this is cool!! Maybe they'll make a set of the LTV?
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Kinda feel bad for ashnflash with his entire public reason for staying in the lego program is so lego doesn't strike his videos until his youtube account gets shutdown.
>sure I cant talk about leaks anymore
>sure I can't even mention the sets if its just a set number what series it will exist as, and possibly a price
>sure I cant discuss a set even if randoms or himself finds a set in the wild weeks or even months early
>sure I cant discuss or review anything until okay'd by lego
>or I could lose my YouTube account, lego account, and possibly get sued for breach of contract
>but hey I still have the YouTube account and free legos every so many months
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Just snatched this up. I'm giddy as hell for it to arrive.
Lego is more uppity about real guns more now than ever. If they can reuse a mold to make a gun nonviolent, they're euphoric.

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