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A thread dedicated to Jada Toys and its figure lines. Jada’s model cars are for the diecast general.
-Street Fighter
-Mega Man
-Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
-Scooby Doo
-Food Mascots


Street Fighter Waves
Wave 1 - Ryu, Fei Long, Chun Li
Wave 2 - Ken Masters, M. Bison, Dhalsim
Wave 3 - Guile, Cammy, Dee Jay
Wave 4 - Blanka (Deluxe), Sagat (Deluxe), Vega

Street Fighter Exclusives -
Evil Ryu (SDCC)
Alt Player 2 Gray Ryu (Paulmartstore)
Red Chun Li (Target Exclusive)
Alt Player 2 Pink Chun Li (SDCC Exclusive)
Violent Ken (SDCC Exclusive)
Alt Player 2 White Gi Ken
Alt Player 2 M. Bison (BBTS Exclusive)

Street Fighter UNKNOWNS
Alt Player 2 Fei Long
T. Hawk
E. Honda

Mega Man Figures
Wave 1 - Mega Man, Ice Man, Fire Man
Wave 2 - Hyper Bomb Mega Man, Elec Man, Cut Man
Wave 3 - Bubble Man, Wood Man, and unhelmeted Mega Man
Wave 4 - Gemini Laser Mega Man, Snake Man, Proto Man

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

Scooby Doo
The Creeper
The Mummy

Food Mascots
Franken Berry
Count Chocula
Boo Berry
Chester Cheetah
Flamin’ Hot Chester Cheetah
Tony the Tiger
Fruity Pebbles - Fred Flintstone
Cocoa Pebbles - Barney Rubble
Why wasn’t jada at toyfair, what are they gay or something
that is now making and focusing on action figures, retard.
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>daf foggy effect on the window
Why Jada makes so damn good boxes?
Where were these shown?
My anus
Guts Man and Bomb Man???
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>>11356683 (OP)
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For several years now I have stopped myself from buying any figures just because they look cool without knowing the source material. I made an exception for David and I was reminded why I dont do that shit anymore. I was initially a bit disappointed with the figure, and I could nitpick the fuck out of it, but was growing on me. Then I binged the anime and Im in love. The anime is phenomenal and made the figure grow on me a lot.
Some random notes;
>the jacket is made of a very plastic’y material
>there is a lot of room for improvement on the tailoring of his clothes (really good for the price tho)
>some of the graphics on his jacket are creased out of the box
>the belt is removable
>he is nude color under the pants
>the necklace sucks
>the gun arm accessory falls off too easy
>borderline loose shoulder joints
>his torso’s range of articulation is inferior to Guile
>a pair of relaxed and a pair of splayed out hands wouldve been nice
Im super happy I got this figure for only $30. At full retail price they are dancing on edge of the value that is making Jada famous
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Does that morrigan look like storm arena?
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Saw this picture as well, yes, everything on the left seems to be Arena.
Looks like Morrigan and Lilith for Darkstalkers
Dan, Chun Li, and Sagat for Street Fighter
She looks in scale with Dictator so probably SC
Also, looks like the ugly diaper still there
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Nope, morrigan and lilith are arena
How popular is darkstalkers? I’ve never even really heard of it until the storm collectibles release.
dead franchise
morrigan is just a whore that shows up in crossover games like marvel vs capcom, thats all most of the people know about darkstalkers
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Felicia would be a better action figure, but those two twats are the faces of the franchise.
Mr.Leeee on instagram got a video, a little better than the still going around. 1/3
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wtf is that chun li
looks like a statue
The Chuunli waist is too DEI wide. I thought STORM was all coomer bait?
I feel like this Lilith has the potential to be the most offputting female figure Storm has put out yet.
On the flip side, it's interesting seeing them commit to mold re-use, since that's actually accurate to their lightly edited sprite sets.
But of course the art for the two never really reflected that.
It used to be like the second biggest Capcom arcade fighting game, if you didn't include Marvel crossovers.
But that's just it, they only really kept the IP around for crossovers so it inevitably fell to obscurity outside of the characters who kept appearing elsewhere. But even those crossovers have slowed down.
Not impressed with that Chun Li.
I hope that it's a mix of early sculpt, bad lighting, and the stand making the waist look less defined than it actually is.
The characters became popular, but the games arrived at a time when 3D fighters were already a thing, so normies ignored them and only the dedicated fighting game players played them. They played like crazy anime fighters, and eventually the Marvel vs series took that spot (Street Fighter being the grounded fighter and Marvel being the crazy one) and Darkstalkers disappeared since Capcom would not be carrying so many separate 2D fighting game series.
Loool that chunli, cannot fucking believe how the shfiguarts is still the only good chunli after so many years, just how hard its to make a chinese anime girl with pretty face and amazonic-like body
can someone post pics of custom chun li and cammy face paints?
they were posted like a month or two ago or something
They look fine. Stop being weird.
I mean "fine"? Yeah fine, jada one its also fine even though has the face of a tranny, but "fine " is not enough when we have tons of figures that look straight out of the original artwork
Exactly that. It's a model now, and articulation will be added later.
Good thing that Chun Li's early in the production process so they have time to go back and fix...well, pretty much everything.
>don't ask questions just consoom slop fighter and monhun
Typical capcuck
Fuck you storm! I was going to sell my Fei Long and skip this T-Hawk since it's going to be 7 1/2 inches tall and cost an arm an a leg to ship, but it does look damn good!
>I thought STORM was all coomer bait?
nah. Storm have been notorious for only appealing to barafags. Their females figures have always looked unattractive. That said, the chun-li is clearly an early fixed sculpt model. She'll look very different once jointed.
It has a fairly dedicated life long fan base as far as /vr/ fighting games go. Ive always sucked at these games but i still enjoy the art and designs. Capcom had a compilation of arcade games that featured the darkstalkers franchise and the awesome cross over puzzle game featuring sf and ds characters. So it may not be the biggest series in the genre but its a familiar series to most fightan game players. Im more familiar with darkstalkers than say king of fighters for example
Going on a road trip so be prepared for my visit.
This storm arena line feels too greedy… too much shit shown and we still don’t have Ken or Ryu in hands, it feels they are salty against Jada or something. I hope they don’t fuck up like they did the mk line teasing Shang tsung, kitana, mileena and Johnny cage to then never release anything
Also, the games retained much popularity in Japan, where Marvel was weaker, so they've enjoyed a lot of Japanese fanart and shit which in turn has kept the characters popular in the West.
Anyways, since it's Capcom's second biggest non-licensed fighting game franchise they've got some slots secured in pretty much all of Capcom's crossovers, meaning the brand is always there in some form even though no real games are released.
I repeat:

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>I thought STORM was all coomer bait?
right? they girls are the best in the market
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>jada one its also fine even though has the face of a tranny
Atleast my boy Dan looks good...
You fags should make a Storm thread
Wouldn't you like to share? Is not like Jada has anything to discuss right now
I feel you my man…
That looks more like an old landlord lady than a tranny.
>teasing Shang tsung, kitana, mileena and Johnny cage to then never release anything

I'm now glad I missed my chance to get into Storm. Now I have Jada for street fighter and soon macfarlane for classic mortal Kombat
>and soon macfarlane for classic mortal Kombat
Bro, you can't be serious with how shit those look. It's gonna be the usual Toddslop.
Looks like Scooby-Doo wave 1 goes up for pre-order tomorrow.
The fuck? This is Storm general
Yeah I’m not feeling the reuse already, Lui kang uses the same torso as the mk11 figure
exited for those, its gonna take a while before they reach eu
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I still want to know how this was customized? Does the dress come off?
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so, wait, are we actually getting some darkstalkers stuff?
Who the fuck does a Wave 1 of Scooby Doo toys without Scooby Fucking Doo.is Jada retarded?
Ieam it's cool that they're doing monsters and these are the best a Scooby figures ever.
But releasing one of the main characters per wave alongside two monsters of the week is going to kill the line by wave 3. We won't have the complete mystery gang.
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I'll likely wait for a sale on this line. Hoping they make Space Kook well with LED feature or at least GOTD.
Scooby Doo is up for preorder on BBTS, $29.99 a figure.
Damn $30 is what I paid for the whole gang 5 POA but decent sculpts. Shaggy better include panty grabbing hands.

NGL I like the sculpts, they're the best looking SD figures ever made. I'd get the main gang if they eventually release them.
My wishlist for the like would be Scrappy Doo, Hex girls,, Vincent Van Ghoul but I know Scooby likes stick to Where are you only
>>11356683 (OP)
>Scooby Doo
These look more interesting than the far more expensive Mafex but whose going to pay $29.99 and up? At least give people extra hands or more snacks than one at that price.
>got a thin, only slightly less souless looking in the head and more proportionally headed Funko Pop and only had to pay 3X as much!!!
>whole gang 5 POA but decent sculpts
the mafex?
on sale?
$30 is going to price a lot of people out I think, especially for the monsters. The creeper is iconic enough but the mummy could be from anything.
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Dude, are you high?
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The mummy is pure sex, can't wait to make him rape Snail Shell's Mummy
no, not the mafex, can't remember who made them bought them like 15 years ago
damn this pics are amazing
I can't really see them reusing those bucks again so I think thats the reason it costs more.
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Dude, I meant MEZCO.
All those Asian toy companies look alike to me, but yes, I would much rather be high than tired and non-caffeinated.

yeah feels that way

thanks - I had meant Mezco, not Mafex but I believe picrel came out just a few years ago, not 15
still looks as bad as the original
>stormfags invading here to shill their shit and get mad when anons say their shit lookss like shit
>We won't have the complete mystery gang.
Velma will be in wave 5 and after that they'll end the line since no one will pay attention to it after they get velma out.

>the mummy could be from anything.
Honestly, hope he's generic enough to sneak into other displays. Having said that the witch doctor is the generic bad guy I really want.
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forgot pic but also actually I lied, I want the black knight the most.

Witch doctor will be fun for beach/jungle themed displays but that black knight is going to serve us well, it's getting army built into the backgrounds of all the mansion/museum display shelves.
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hey a mummy so well articulated its gonna be a seller
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>Hoping they make Space Kook well with LED feature or at least GOTD.
Same, wonder how they will make the helmet because if it's concept accurate I guess it's pretty unlikely he will have a LED, if they make him like the sideshow statue with the back of the helmet covered I guess it could work
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This is the sideshow one
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probably factoring the new tariffs in too. Prices on all this shit are about to go up unfortunately.
Nice drawing
Yo I want those Flintstones man.
Instead of Jada doing Marvel or DC they could do Hanna Barbera heroes like Space Ghost, Birdman, Mightor, Herculoids.
I've always wanted the Herculoids. Just when I finally joined the workforce, they were already on aftermarket
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Player 2 Fei Long still seems to be coming
So I guess their abandoning the 1/12 Darkstalker line.
>tracksuit chunners
Blech, didn't like it 30 years ago and still don't like it now.
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WonderCon and Jada Online exclusive Fei Long Player 2
>>tracksuit chunners
Yeah, this prototype inst a very good interpretation. Fortnite made a better Chunni and it's for kids.

https://youtu.be/kDqOUvZILRw?t=6 [Embed]
Storm Arena M. Bison is looking good.
Huh? There’s not been a storm arena bison announced yet. There is a SF2 Bison coming out in their normal 7 inch figure line though.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the Ultra SFII Bison for the regular Storm Collectibles series.
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I hope we get gutsman and bombman soon
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Maybe if you want your Bison to be way bigger than the other fighters, it could work...?
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You're right.
I've only seen the (Storm Collectibles) Sagat with a proper 1:12 and he scaled quite well. I assume they'll release a Storm Arena one too.
Storm just ceded the market to Jada by raising the price on Storm Arena to $30. Not a good start to their line.
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Jada raised their Sagat and Blanka prices an extra $5 too.
Jada ceded the market to Hasbro
Jada can't compete with Hasbro at all.
Is every consecutive release going to be more than the last. They are starting to irritate me with this shit. They are supposed to ge good for the price not shitty for the price which is where they are headed.
Those two and a Wily is all I really want. Just give me the roster for one full game, I don't know why that's such an impossibility.
Why does everything have to be a competition for retards like you? Hasbro doesn't produce Street Fighter figures so how exactly could this be a competition? Jada has better articulation because they take their time making these figures so it's a win for fans either way
These are bigger figures and they stated from the very beginning that the price was going to be higher. Also, they can't really dictate whether BBTS puts a surcharge on every figure, that's for every online shop to decide.
Sagat and Blanka were priced at 28€ where I live last time I checked
Because everything IS a competition. That is what markets are about. And you can't use license monopolies to nullify that (nor should you really want to as that is bad for the consumer--YOU). When I buy a figure I am absolutely thinking about whether it would be better for me to buy this character from this line or maybe a different character from a totally different line. Blanka isn't exactly a must have, and even Sagat kind of depends on how much you care about SF. He isn't Ken, Ryu, Chun Li or Bison tier let's say.
If you guys did not know, tariffs on China are in effect, so prices will be going up on almost everything in the toy sphere.
>Because everything IS a competition
Why isn't Capcom giving the 6 inch license for speicifc games to multiple companies at the same time but instead SF2 to Jada and Alpha to Storm?

Also, you completely ignored I was referring to the Jada vs. Hasbro comments because people here mention Hasbro pointlessly. I completely understand people having to choose between Jada and Storm but bringing Hasbro into this is annoying

Wouldn't that mean that all prices should increase and not those in specific stores? I'd believe the tariffs are in effect in a heartbeat but when the prices are different all around, it seems more as if specific stores like BBTS just want to make more money in general
Only for Americans
You literally didn't comprehend my post past the first 3 sentences. The fourth sentence is directly talking about Jada vs Hasbro and why it does matter. If Jada is selling Blanka for 34.99, and I have a choice to instead get some random Legend I want for 24.99, I'm going with the legend.
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>If Jada is selling Blanka for 34.99, and I have a choice to instead get some random Legend I want for 24.99, I'm going with the legend.
>If I have to pay more for a figure I don't want then I'm going to pay less for a figure I do
>Wouldn't that mean that all prices should increase and not those in specific stores? I'd believe the tariffs are in effect in a heartbeat but when the prices are different all around, it seems more as if specific stores like BBTS just want to make more money in general
Some stores or toy makers may choose to eat part of the cost at different points, either in an attempt to beat the competition or in order to appear reliable as in "we offered this product at x price and it'll keep that price on release because we are a serious business".
However it is, BBTS has increased the prices of both Jada and StormArena. Other stores may choose to keep them unchanged, but it seems likely that these may be the new prices for future figures (keeping in mind than Sagat and Blanka are deluxe).
Where did I say I didn't want Blanka?
then you are just poor
got it
>it feels they are salty against Jada or something
The target audience it's completely different
>The target audience it's completely different

people who want $30 Street Fighter toys?
You're implying that SC is jealous of Jada, and I'm telling you the target audience is different and I don't think the new line is because they're jealous of Jada, that's retarded
Same ol same ol "if you don't think a figure is worth any price you're poor!"

You're the reason ebay has 100 dollar figures.
I agree, doesn't matter how expensive or cheap is, ML is shit

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