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Previous thread: >>11352657 →

>Archie Ace Duck & Mirage Chote part of Wal-Mart Collector Con 3-13
>Movie TMNT on shelves: MORE Tatsu, Leonardo vs Shredder 2-pack, Casey Jones with Dirtbike 2-pack
>Mirage TMNT on shelves: Single pack Lawson Turtles
>Last Ronin TMNT on shelves: Nightwatcher Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Grammy April, Casey Marie & Motorcycle
>Fred Wolf Toon TMNT on shelves: black and white Usagi Yojimbo
>Archie Adventures TMNT on shelves: Shredder (with Krang!)

>Vintage rerelease Military Turtle bundle at Wal-Mart Collector Con 3-13
>Remastered Shredder, Bebop, Last Ronin Raphael leaked/revealed
>Rerelease Mutant Module and Turtle Lair leaked/revealed

>Turtles of Grayskull wave 6 and 7 shipping
>Turtles of Grayskull deluxe Leatherhead (Wal-Mart exclusive) on pegs.
>Turtles of Grayskull deluxe 2-Bopsteady (Target exclusive) on pegs.

>Ultimates wave 11 shipping
>Ultimates wave 12 in "paint and sampling" stage
>Ultimates wave 13 up for pre-order
>Glow in the Dark Wingnut & Screwloose up for order on Wal-Mart
>Glow in the Dark Scratch up for pre-order

>McFarlane Toys doing IDW Page Punchers
>Mezco One:12 Shredder revealed
>Mondo Baxter Stockman up for pre-order
>Heatboys Shredder Mech up for pre-order
>JoyToy Casey Jones, Zork, Zarak, and Triceraton Infantry revealed and up for pre-order
>Rage Toys Samurai Not-Mikey shipping
>Rage Toys Crimson & Violet announced-female turtle sculpt shown
>LingjiHun TMNT up for pre-order on various sites

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/
Super7's Website - https://super7.com/

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Toy Fair happened! Lots of reveals.

Super7 had some physical prototypes of the second wave of 2k3 stuff: https://www.toyark.com/2025/03/01/nytf25-super7-godzilla-tmnt-music-voltron-sesame-street-reaction-and-more-556207
NECA's booth: https://www.toyark.com/2025/03/01/nytf25-neca-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-555966


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Playmate's booth: https://www.toyark.com/2025/03/01/nytf25-playmates-tmnt-figures-557297
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Going by talk at Toy Fair, this appears to be what to expect for Target's 2025 Haulathon.
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Transmat Fugitoid and Super Turtle are up for preorder on the usuals.
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Super7 Ultimate's wave 13 is up for preorder until the 28th of March, at least on the Super7 store.
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Wal-Mart Collector Con is next week, with TMNT Adventures (Archie) Ace Duck and Mirage comics Chote going up 7am PST. $49.99 each.
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The Target and Wal-Mart exclusive Dracula Shredders got shown off. They seem to be pretty well done, so probably expect them to show up in the coming month if I had to guess.
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Sweet, not gonna pick up multiple versions but I was hoping for a red version when they mentioned a Target exclusive
>Man, it sure is great having the entre Universal Monsters library to pick from.
>Yup, so many iconic choices.
>Okay, just make up some two headed monster shit, that'll work.

Why do I get the feeling this is the only Tattoo toy we'll ever get again?
Do you want another one?

A Playmates reissue would be nice. I love this second chance to get all the toys I missed as a kid.
Still think he should have been van helsing.
You thought wrong then. This is way better. And way more badass.
Not really.
>>11363505 (OP)
that's pretty nuts
it aint bad but I kinda wish they'd kept the same aesthetic as before instead of trying to go for toon accuracy.
is that a fusion of the original 2012 figures and how they actually ended up looking?

In the pic Anon posted? Straight reissues. The only new stuff they showed was Mutant Mayhem related.
when did they make toys that looked like that?
they made HEADS that looked like that, on the originals. then feet that looked like that on all subsequent figures. but I don't remember them ever doing both.
Wow, these look great.
As far as we know, those are exactly the same as the 2012 originals.
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They're real close, but look at the feet.
As far as we know, eyeballs still work.
Is Playmates going to have to attack Neca the same way they kneecapped Super7, now that they're directly competing with 2012 toys?

Hopefully Neca gets to fetishbait April and Super7 gets to belly-shirt April before playmates kills both lines.
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>>11363505 (OP)
the sculpt on these newest monster turtles figures have been incredible. My only gripes are Metaluna Krang's android body not featuring a ro-man styled gorilla body to complete the homage and the randomness of that two headed franken-turtle. If they were going to homage Harryhausen just do it outright, I'm certain we all would have chomped at the bit for Mike-clops. Or try homaging a monster with two actual heads, like "The Manster". Definitely seems like they're going to lean into more PD b-movie monsters now anyways.
>ongoing monster TMNT line
>features the universal monsters licensing too
>Monsterex isnt apart of the line up
almond status ; activated
Good thing you were proven wrong then. That would've been awful.
Nah, Playmates isn't a threat to neca anymore. Nickeloden seems to be happy to let them do whatever they want at this point. Playmates has to pick on smaller fish and foreign stuff now.
Its a very strange variation. I wonder if the original moulds were exhausted or lost. Even the heads on these reissues look wrong.
harryhausen x playmates tmnt would be the coolest fucking thing imaginable.,
yeah these must be brand new
I dont even know who should be what, but it's the sort of thing that should just happen. All those indie toy guys on instagram are going hog wild with their own original ideas too. Why playmates hasnt brought them aboard specifically for new retro-styled turtles variants is beyond me.
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Even the repaints from the end of the 2012 toyline dont feature those heads or feet. Reminds me of the theory people used to throw around that Playmates proper was bootlegging the movie stars figures. There's been a slog of 2012 and Bay TMNT K.O.'s online for years now. Maybe that has something to do with it. Total tinfoil idea but who knows.
we know the new classic figures are bootlegged because we can see the plastic seams aren't where they once were
i need to tell everyone designing turtles
i GET IT. making their wrists and ankles really thick makes them look like turtles. That was part of the original turtle drawings. But the part you're missing is: that was parody.
if you make their hands that big, normal-sized weapons look fucking stupid in their hands. and if you embiggen the weapons: first of all, now they're way too fucking large. secondly, where are they supposed to have acquired them now? they surely steal their weapons from stores.
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i would be shocked if she wasn't next.
at least, next for 2k3 ultimates. keep in mind we haven't gotten any previews in ages, and we only got the preview of this one shortly before it went up for pre-order. the days of things being leaked years in advance seem to be over. and/or they aren't making any more things.
>and we only got the preview of this one shortly before it went up for pre-order.
It wasn't very short. They teased it many, many months ago. There seems to be somethin' going wrong with Super7 and their "system"
we got a tease, yeah, but the previous waves got full-on renders years ahead of time.
I'm sorry but splinter van helsing looks retarded. It makes no sense for splinter to be hunting his own kids down.
yeah that was a weird choice.
you know what else is a weird choice? not making movie 2 splinter.
unless this current wave goes poorly she is a sure thing for the next wave along with karai
the real question is who else would be in it? hun I guess? maybe baxter?
Foot ninjas would be skeletons
Shredder would be the hydra
Krang would be the medusa
Ape would be raph
Kraken would be leo
Dinosaur Donnie
Mikey cyclops
hun would cost lotsamoney.
Baxter highlights an issue that already exists with shredder: he changes looks a lot and it'd be ridiculous not to have all of them. yet ludicrous to imagine having them all
see also the Pack in Gargoyles
love it
With super7 breaking their "one big name and one deep cut" gimmick per wave, it's likelier that we'll get core characters frontloaded into the waves, but also harder to predict them.

>along with karai
>the real question is who else would be in it? hun I guess? maybe baxter?
April is in for sure because they "learned their lesson" from Rocksteady and Bebop; people don't like toy pairs split up over 8 preorder months. Karai is a maybe? She pairs with shredder but also she'd be a good wave three hold out I guess?

Other options off the top of my head: Leatherhead, Goro-Shredder Ch'rell, Generic hard-sculpted plastic "Labcoat" baxter.
You could also do variants, so... foot variants (elite, robots, mystics, etc), baxter variants, shredder variants, ideally a mutant claw shredder that doesn't require I buy $100 tshirt or some shit.

>hun would cost lotsamoney.
Hun is in the same boat as Leatherhead. I assume they'll get the Mon*Star / Guerrilla Gorilla treatment, where they're a one-off supersized ~$80 toy in the otherwise similarly sized ~$55 wave.

>Baxter highlights an issue that already exists with shredder: he changes looks a lot and it'd be ridiculous not to have all of them. yet ludicrous to imagine having them all
I would love wave 3 to be Baxter. Lab Coat with alt eyepatch head, and/or spider droid head, and/or brain in jar accessory; blue GITD "hologram" lab coat; Utrom Robot with head in stomach; Robot with head on shoulders; super robot with head on shoulders; Frankenstein's monster; zombie, hun in a wheelchair with a brain in a jar grafted to his body... there's lots to play with. You could do two waves of just that dude.

>see also the Pack in Gargoyles
Man, I'm still sad about that, I'm one of three anons on /toy/ that would have gone all in and bought all ten before/after versions as toys, plus however many coyote variants they wanted to do.
>April is in for sure because people don't like pairs split up
whom does she pair with?
that'd be pretty cool.
i'm still waiting to get him for cheap. I plan to paint his skin black like a properilla.
>The Pack
totally would have at least bought most of them. there was one version of Coyote that fucking sucked because the artist didn't know what he was doing, but
I like the red. Gives me Bram Stoker's Dracula vibes.
not to mention movie 1 shredder vibes. helps him look more shreddery.
they should have released one turtles per wave
Why? They weren't sure these would sell, putting all the turtles in the first wave was a smart move with the constant cancellations S7 has now.
i liek tutles
>whom does she pair with?
I mean, Casey is who I was trying to refer to.

>there was one version of Coyote that fucking sucked because the artist didn't know what he was doing, but
Ha ha ha, I would have been tempted to go all in just because at that point I would have had like 15/16 toys of the team.
I guess they did end up getting married. It's weird because April seemed the least into him in this version
Movie April was ready to drop her panties if he could just string an intelligent sentence togedda.
It's been awhile but I don't ever recall seeing Van Helsing in the old movies about Mummy, Frankenstein, Invisible man, Wolf man, etc
He’s from the original Dracula novel.
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correct and thus it's obvious why they made them like they did and it makes no sense to associate Van Hellsing with the other Universal Monsters. He wouldn't ever be hunting them. Hell in many mash up fictions outside of Universal Van Hellsing teams up with other monsters or out right becomes one to kill Dracula.
...Found the child that only heard the name "Van Helsing" because of the Hugh Jackman movie.
So The Invisible man, Phantom of the Opera, the Mummy, Frankenstein('s Monster), and The Hunchback all getting along with each other and hanging out makes sense but Professor Van Helsing hanging with them is abridge to far?

Was there ever a movie he tried to hunt/kill anything that wasn't a Vampire? In fact aren't there lot's of stories with him where he works with undead and spirits to get Dracula killed? iirc he was never even a holy man or religious, he was just a guy that used whatever tools worked.
I go farther and say they didn't even watch the Hugh Jackman movie. Guess who he team up with to kill Dracula?
Furries ruined this admitedly "MEH" for me by the way they hype up the werewolves as THE BEST WEREWOLF DESIGN just because it's wolf heads slapped onto muscle man bodies.
Yes, I'm aware of the irony of complaining about this type of design in a NINJA TURTLES thread
iirc the film didn't do too great and to this day most memory hole it because it's not awful but it's not great either and that werewolf design was all the rage in the 90s leading into that film, funny enough it was shortly after that film in the 00s people were wanting less man in the werewolf and more wolf which had some spectacularly funny awful designs.

In your defense the brand has been really experimental of late to what these mutants should look like.
They really are mega hot though.
Not everyone in here is a disgusting furry, and it sucks that TMNT has been hijacked by trannie animal fuckers like Ross Campbell.
Imagine still talking this way in 2025
that's decent-looking
best werewolves i've seen in film are the 'american werewolf in paris/london' ones
>Was there ever a movie he tried to hunt/kill anything that wasn't a Vampire?
Monster Squad *kinda* counts.
Also with Castlevania aren't the Belmonts possibly related to him? Characters related to one from the actual book (John and Johnathan Morris) did eventually appear.
Why the bloody hell would Van Helsing be hunting The Hunchback of Notre Dame or The Invisible man? My god you "fans" are massive midwits.

>Monster Squad
Wasn't Van and his kid trapped in a spacetime portal for the whole film? Did he even interact with any other monsters other than big D?

That's a mess in and of itself when it comes to lore because that turns into all things, and I mean all things, lead back to Dracula
I think we can all agree that generally, the universal monsters are depicted as buddies. They're all on the side of evil, even though frankenstein's monster, his bride, and the invisible man are just victims of science. It's like they've just gone "eh, whatever. a fishman came out of a lagoon and he was evil, so maybe all of us monsters are just evil"
van helsing is a WEIRD pull, about as weird as Leo being a hunchbacked Igor but also kind of Quasimodo, who is decidedly NOT in this genre. It's natural to put him and the vampire shredder on opposite sides, it's just weird how the others are all on van helsing's side. But it's not like, impossible.
>I think we can all agree that generally, the universal monsters are depicted as buddies
Most wouldn't agree and they're not. Most assume they fight each other or their alliance would be backstabbing at best. I think this is just where a fandom crossover is getting wire crosses where one is more informed than the other.

>They're all on the side of evil, even though frankenstein's monster, his bride, and the invisible man are just victims of science

You haven't watch any of these films have you? You just get your opinions of them from what merch you see out in the wild and little else.

Random note: This is Universal Igor from the film Ralph is based from. Leo is based off of 1923 The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Every monster they lift from had Black and white films each NECA release being chronological order for the first five releases from 1923 to 1935.

I want to make it clear I don't care TMNT fans no nothing about it but it gets eye rolling when they just make nothing but baseless assumptions because it sounds good in their head. More so when it's retarded shit like what's going on in this thread.
we're not talking about fandom, we're talking about surface-level acknowledgment. which is the only lipservice anyone, anywhere gives to the universal monsters. They are literally all friends in the Monster Mash. That's the basis of most popcultural references.
>univeral igor
you dolt, that's eye-gor from young frankenstein.. you think I wouldn't recognize marty feldman?
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and I screwed up and posted YF Igor
kek it's okay anon
anyway it is clear I am FAR from an expert.
Van Helsing is the only one that's weird because the Universal version isn't a monster hunter like Hugh Jackman.
Dracula's a dick, dude. The other monsters are tired of his shit.
>Bats and rats are closely-related, with rats sometimes being connected to vampire mythos (Splinter even turned into a bat in the Image comics).
>Shredder and his flunkies use weapons and equipment that they use to try and kill the turtles
Krang as the Metaluna Mutant makes perfect sense though.
>Bats and rats are closely-related
They literally are not.
>The Mummy is some undead warlock.
>The Phantom of the Opera is essentially a homicidal incel.
>The Invisible Man rapes women and kills people.
>Not dicks
didn't mean that kind of related, obviously
Why does he need to be a monster hunter?
To be fair the OG Mummy was just looking for his wife
I appreciate his Android body is elements of the Robot Monster
isnt his entire thing that he's a dracula hunter?
do you not see crossover between fighting draculas and also other monsters?
Because he's always against vampires. He doesn't have time for other monsters.

"Quiet dignity and grace"...
Same here, though I do wish it was all furry and mammallian over the crustaceaous metaluna texture. Krang looking like the mutant is all we needed to make the connection.
will they reissue the retro mona lisa figure?
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or give her a reaction figure? or an ultimates figure?
As soon as they reissue retro Ground Chuck and Dirtbag.
>>11363505 (OP)
Why isn't this in OP?

>144 — Toy Fair 2025: NECA

>Trevor mentions more 2012 figures in the works here: Splinter, Slash, April, Casey, Karai, Pizza Face, and Tiger Claw. It sounds like Leatherhead, Spider Bytez, and Snakeweed too.

>They're also working off of the animation models directly for height and detail reference.
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>146 — Toy Fair 2025: McFarlane

>- McFarlane IDW Page Punchers line will start with Turtles, Bebop, Rocksteady, Shredder, & Foot Soldier. Wave 1 will be Leo, Mikey, Foot, and Shredder, while Wave 2 is Donnie, Raph, Bebop, & Rocksteady.
>- Line will be 1:12 scale; 5in Turtles, 6in humans, 7in Bebop & Rocksteady.
>- Alternate heads and hands for everyone. Turtles have swappable bent feet. Signature weapons. Soft goods cape for Shredder.
>- 15 points of articulation. Single elbows and knees, thigh cuts, wrists, ankles, biceps, little bit of a butterfly joint.
145 — Toy Fair 2025: Playmates

- 2012 Stealth Cycle reissue
- Head Droppin' and Shell Spin turtles in Tales line
- 25-30 new Tales figures from now until 2026
- Open to releasing previously unreleased figures from old toylines
- New Sewer Spewer group Jeep vehicle (this is based on a 2003 toy, basically a truck that shoots silly string)
- New reissued figures are meant to coincide with the cartoon; basically alluding to Chrome Dome, Anthrax, Scale Tail, and Wyrm being in the Tales line

Out of the 25-30 new figures, here's what we know/can presume that's upcoming:
1-4. Head Droppin Turtles
5-8: Shell Spin Turtles
9-12: "Battle Arena" Turtles (briefly shown in Playmates booth, shadowy with athletic gear?)
13. Rahzar
14. Slash/Tokka
15. Old Hob
16. Muckman & Joe Eyeball
17. Scale Tail
18. Wyrm
19. Chrome Dome
20. Anthrax
21-22. High School Donnie & Mikey (from the game, shown off at NYCC)
23. Roller Blade (from the game, shown off at NYCC)
24. Fin Harris (from the game, shown off at NYCC)

with the final 6 being the next Mix 'n Match wave including the Armored Turtles, Mega Mutant, and Mechazoid 03.
Interested to see how they turn out.
Because OP didn’t actually pay attention to the event
Because that's not where information like that goes.

Didn't you do this same bullshit in the DC threads?
Source: your ass
Probably because we don't copy and paste shit from reddit like you do?
Its from this
Stop multiposting. It makes you look like a tranny
Huge QC alert
If it isn't going back on with heat it must mean that it wasn't properly put in to begin with. He could try to cut in some small slits on it, then press it in after heating it up.
Oh fuck off, this never happened
I am lookin forward to super7
for one thing I don't want her exactly like the old toy, so Playmates can sit and spin. I do want the arm fins and the cute bobbed hair, but the creepy Barbie eyes can take a hike.
this doesn't look like a ball and a socket
this looks like a post that snapped off leaving a clean, flat, circular hole where the post used to be.
Huge QC alert! Except it's literally one retard that did it. And it hasn't happened to any others. Get a fucking life.
Nothing snapped, it's just a flat peg there that plugs into the abdomen.
Because it's not a ball and socket. The ball joint is in the torso, that's just the waist swivel assembly. It's not broke, it's just difficult to pop back together...on purpose. That's why you can swivel a figure and it not fall apart.
like, it has a raised lip? it's a mushroom peg? because the socket doesn't look like it has any kind of indentation/lip to catch it.
Hmmmm I see. yes, that should not have come apart. I was gonna say, waist joints don't usually HAVE balls, do they.
super7 turtles have one but it's wayyy up inside the body instead, so that you can waist-swivel the legs without affecting the shell. but it's always so wobbly.
>I was gonna say, waist joints don't usually HAVE balls, do they.
Depends on the articulation setup. You can have some figures with double ball joints in the lower abdomen and in the mid-torso. Or like with most figures you have a flat cut with an assembly for the swivel. Which is what's going on here, that flat head peg just pops into the hole there and that's how you get your swivel.
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This is everything I wanted, except that the railgun is just too heavy for it to hold or shoulder mount like Tallgeese.
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This was tricky, and the weird little hand peg just isn't strong enough to support it.
prty dynamic.
>they should have released one turtles per wave
They no doubt would have but Super7 in 2025 is a bit gunshy. With their Disney and Simpsons contracts being cancelled before completing any main character set, and with the TMNT set being blocked before completing any secondary set, it's probably a good thing they put out all the turtles at once, because there's no guarantee playmates will let them get to four waves.
>heat gun
that's their problem. boiled water work better for this kind of plastic. even neca had an instagram post about using very hot water on the figures to prevent peg breaking due to stiff joints.
No, boiled water does not work better. You are a fucking git.
Found the Facebook group and contacted this guy letting him know about you taking his post and trying to troll with it. He doesn't understand what is wrong with you either.
The Creature wasn't evil.
How is he evil?
He was lonely, possibly the last of his kind and shitbags cam to capture him.in HIS Lagoon.
He didn't pack his bags and go to the big city for mayhem..
He did drown a girl in the original (Though he didn't know any better).
And he killed Victor's nephew in the book out of spite.
The Creature as in the Creature From The Black Lagoon, not The Monster.
just to make somethin clear here
water has better heat-carrying capacity than air, so it is indeed the best way to heat up plastic. but obviously it has a lot of downsides
a HEAT GUN is a terrible idea, that is for stripping paint and melting cheese. it will melt the shit out of your plastic
if you're in a spot where hot water isn't gonna work, -blowdryer-
I guess I haven't seen it. I thought he came out of the lagoon, killed a bunch of dudes, stole a lady, went back home, and refused to elaborate
You're amazingly dumb
Ya. he was just sad and wanted to touch the girl's feet.
They came to his house, poked around in his shit and tried to throw a net over him.
He was just defending the only home he knew.
aw. They should have just talked it out. stupid language barriers.
alright then we can put Lagoony on the good team with Frankenstein Jr and the invisible man
you know what, that should be what they do with the franchise. Pit good monsters vs bad. do it up like that X-men intro.

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