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>>11359530 →
>>11365886 (OP)
that's a nice castle, I have no soldiers but have thought about getting into it
Post Sonic characters you'd like as minifigures.
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Why does LEGO hate the old pieces like these?
But I still get these pieces, they were in my pick a brick last week, and last year's Christmas polybag
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Because they are idiots with no design sense. Check out this fan re-design of the Jabba Sail Barge box art.
wow that seems like a lot of work to digitally create a whole image and stuff, like... a "too much" amount of work for the point they are trying to make.

why go through all that effort? I don't even think Lego themselves mocked-up such a comparison. they clearly chose the sleek-er design because it's like $1000 or whatever, and it needs to look "professional" and less like "a toy"
I can understand packaging like that for the scale model style ships, similar to the packaging for the architecture sets since they're more adult oriented, but it is really bizarre and out of place for sets that are minifigure scale.
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I love mechs. Those big ones especially
But i think several in half a year in just one theme is kind of pushing it
Bought something in bricklink for the first time in like 10 years and the contents were almost all missing by the time the package arrived. I ordered a set and some minifigs, and all that’s in the envelope is one instruction manual. The seller said he packed everything and has a really good seller rating. The envelope looked like it might’ve been opened and it’s stamped with “received in damage condition”. Not too thrilled with this lol, would there be a way to get my money back?
Does anyone here know if the sail barge is a good set? I got back into collecting Star Wars too late to get the Vintage Collection sail barge, and I remember always being infatuated with the original Lego sail barge in magazines as a child.
did the shipping have insurance? USPS ground and priority is insured to $100. Should be an easy claim considering the contents are itemized in the order.
I don’t think the shipping had insurance, as the invoice has $0 as the insurance fee. Would that mean I’m out the $50 I paid for this?
Typically, the seller would shoulder this, not the buyer. Even if the seller only legally guarantees that the merchandise is shipped in its entirety. Alternatively, you can bitch to the USPS. If that doesn't work, you can file a charge back with your credit card or payment system.

Don't just take the $50 hit lying down, that's bullshit.
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discovered brickset and did an inventory count

what should I not sell?
am I the only one excited for a lego macross set?
Did the Monkie Kid designers get reassigned to Ninjago?
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This round and plump tree was the first lego tree I ever and absolutely loved it and Im still happy about it
lego should much more trees pieces available but I guess they want to build an artificially scarcity in order to skyrocket their prices, bubblepop them and repeat just like they did with goats
>The envelope looked like it might’ve been opened and it’s stamped with “received in damage condition”.
>“received in damage condition
This is your trump card and evidence of your goods being stolen
Oh yeah. If it’s in your budget and you like the Sail Barge from the movie? It’s a great set. I just don’t think it made much sense for lego to make it as the demand wasn’t there.
sell everything and buy generic bricks to moc endlessly
Half-plate offsets make me want to die.
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Found something useful.
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just found out this element exists and I will never complain about speed champions again
picrelated was the only ninjago set i bought in 2 years and your green transformerplane will be the next

I've been so non-interested and dull about Lego lately (i collect just that harry potter castle but i dont open boxes because i dont have a place to put that castle in yet) because the newer Dreamzzz sets were kinda meh
but this one is fucking 10/10 (wish it wasnt green though)
What if you don't want any sonic minifigs?
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This element is ass, btw, because its height is different than any other bracket piece.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5z8cSmtaEI [Embed]
You will soon see all those barad-dur sets start cracking, because of the tensions.
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What were they thinking?! I've seen better looking trees on lego ideas.
uuuughhh no, that brick is a 2/3 high one which is made a full brick with a 1x1 tile added. I can't see why any tension would be added here.
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>uuuughhh no
I know you didn't bother to check that video just by that.
The stud on the side is higher than a regular stud on the side of a regular bracket piece. The difference is about a quarter of a plate, but it's enough to put stress on your parts. Despite what renders show, the studs on the side of those two pieces do not line up.
Huh I see, it's very minute but visible. Curious they didn't get this pinpoint accurate
Looks like it
The entire addition of those birthday party sidebuilds is absolute ass. They are absolutely useless without a large number of random hobbits. And they look bad even for a small playset.
Ninjago has been a melting point of ideas and themes and you either love it or hate it, no in-between
Should have made a whole series of shire sets that you could combine together to make a little village
>realize I missed out on a number of quality sets with and actually good parts from Monkie Kid and they're stupidly priced on the aftermarket
Worst part is I don't know if I want the vehicles, the mecha, or the buildings more.
Anyways any recs on where to start as far as worthwhile sets? And any chance Lego will put the ones on their shop on a decent sale before retirement? I'd not mind getting that nine -headed beast for all the teal if it got discounted
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>>11365886 (OP)
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>Lego Garland from Megazone 23

Why didn't I realize ninjago was kino sooner
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that aint it
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At this rate, Ninjago is just metamorphosing itself into a stealth revival/reboot of Exo-Force. I'm sure if the designers had their way, this all would just been Exo-Force shit or shit for some proper spiritual successor. The marketing team just won't let them. If only we had Exo-Force characters and villains (along with villain mechs). Guess we'll just have to stick with the old cast.
barbie car
At least they included a movie accurate yellow figure.
Nah it looks great it was always gonna be a bit blocker
the wide fender flares just make it look like anything other than a s2000. headlight situation is rough too.
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This blocky shit reminds me of blok bots alt modes
>Mega cucks

this looks bad.
My expectations were low but i honestly feel like this is the worst they could've made.
The lights feel misplaced due to the tooth gap of the wedge piece.
And too much detail is stickers again.

The new windshield mold is interesting though, hope to see it more in other cars.
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that will be $1500 + tip + shipping + gozillion of Reddit posts of boxes of this set
Perfect pink color.
shitty-ass emo-ish pink collor

fucking BARF. there are always 2 types of pink color. and they went with the shittiest one
You haven't seen the film. It's closer to hot pink of the lego set
we have retards in /lg/ who literally make better minifig scale cars than this
wtf lego
thing is you can nitpick on the Skyline not being curved like one too
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>The difference is about a quarter of a plate, but it's enough to put stress on your parts.
Silly question: does this mean it lines up with a brick with Technic pin hole instead? Since that's slightly higher than a bracket or brick with normal stud on the side.
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i wish you hadn't shown me this
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Been slowly collecting Sand Green for months; finally ended up using them for this poseable Crab. Arthropods are pretty fun to MOC; their bodies and proportions are so exaggerated and obvious compared to mammals. Really wish we could have more official bug kits too.
>even regular brackets have the same problem
what the FUG
that is an adorable little crab!
Because right now Lego is stuck pandering to the millennial AFOLs who are ashamed to be seen buying Lego but also can't stop buying it
Wait, this doesn't work???!!
Black is pretty sturdy lego plastic though isn't it
I would be deeply worried if they were in brown
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yikes what an unfortunate illusion that she looks so "yellow" in that pic. is that a real pic, and not AI?

I'm super curious about the torso print. will the cowards at Lego really do a belly button? I mean, it's a specific character, so the "it's more useful for MOCs if it doesn't have boob lines or belly button is better!" argument is not as important. She's the only minifig in a $30 set, so they need to pay more attention to her

but also it's PINK and thus targeted towards GIRLS (children girls) who need positive role-models who do not show belly buttons, and having one in a Lego set sets a bad example...

either way, I'm curious. are they "adult collectibles" or "toys for children"? decided by inclusion of sexy minifig of sexy character
>ldd animals haven’t switched over to studio
are these guys still windows xp users or what?
not legally
retard, the black boxes are kino
they make me want to buy it
>i need my children's toys to not look like children's toys so my peers don't make fun of me
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I don't get it. Plastic model manufacturers have boxes with artwork.
Looks like shit but I'm still going to buy it.
would you prefer being made fun of?
Jang status?
Pathetic. What happened to all the good Legotubers? All of them are shadows on their former selves.
Made retarded decisions and is still traumatised over the death of a homeless man
Groomed into being DuckBricks' femboy fucktoy and his views dropped like a stone.
RR Slugger?
Stopped making Lego videos.
Probably dead.
Nick on planet ripple?
Autistic faggot.

A generation of Lego YouTubers, gone.
That's a completely different market.
jang sold his soul to the Fun Hole. They bought him out. "with a Fun Hole", jang said, "I could build anything I want"
>he's a pussy bitch who forces a children's toy company to bend over backwards for him to look less like a children's toy
>watching a movie about "boobs/boze/cars/rap music/money/chicks" culture
Yeah lol. no. That car is also bad design wise - im just talking about color (which is bad in the movie as well accodring your words)
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the decadence of the LEGO group will soon come to an end
the danish apostates will feel the bite of bamidele’s scimitar

a man pushed to the edge, with nothing left to lose…
The new crop is better.
>Bricking up Brad
>For Bricks and Giggles
>Girl Bricks Alot
The one I am not sure about is BrickStars... dude uses 'we' instead of 'I', otherwise solid content.
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you only need one
He can't even hide his anger towards lego anymore. The only reason he got known at all is because of lego. in every video he feels the need to talk shit about the brand now, while FunWhole is totally perfect in his eyes. I thought he cared about human rights? RIP CCP slave workers.
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POOP FROGS could be here" he thought, "I've never seen this LEGO set before. There could be POOP FROGS anywhere." The environmentally friendly paper bag felt good against painted nails. "I HATE POOP FROGS" he thought. Everything is Awesome reverberated his entire LEGO City, making it vibrate even as the $15 baseplate stood strong with the train circulating and washed away his (merited) fear of poop bricks and buttholes in LEGO sets. "With a City, you can moc out all the lego smut we want" he said to himself, out loud.
>he actually hasn't seen 2 fast 2 Furious
>also shits on its culture
Holy zoomzoom
Probably just a brown, judging by his misspelling of "booze."
>Bricking up Brad
Annoying voice
>For Bricks and Giggles
Best on the list. But she’s trying too hard to acquire simps. It’s embarrassing.
>Girl Bricks A lot
Girl avatar and talks like he needs surgery to correct his deviated septum. Also most of his channel is just minifigure “builds”
>guys check out my custom Wolfpack I gave him brown pants with a slightly different print how innovative
I like bricks and giggles but I put her on 1.25x speed
I am glad she's finally gaining subs.
I found her because I found out about the Belville theme, she does good videos of those sets
I have no idea, it's probably a whole different dimension.
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Even Lego is made in china now... chinese children's blood should improve the declining plastic quality at least. Keep cope alive!
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There is still a difference.
Lego can't afford a scandal involving Chinese slave workers, they still have to be ethical. FunWhole workers are at the total mercy of the CCP, they can be executed for not working 24/7 and nobody will care.
>Keeping cope alive!
It is just a fact.
Chinese working at a funwhole factory won't have any human rights and safe work conditions. Chinese workers at a factory distributing for Lego have it a lot better, because like i said, lego doesn't want a scandal involving discardable slaves in unsafe environments. That you don't understand this simple fact is your problem.
source, faggot
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Bruh moment.
He can't prove anything other than xers need for xers legos to be 'sin' free. The need to virtue signal this on an anonymous mongolian cat sweater knitting forum is just strange.
is this set going to be the cheapest possible place for a Honda decal? Also why didn't they just use bigger curved slopes for the front bumper - fender area? It looks a little wonky with the hole and sharp angles; unfinished.
You mean the badge? It's on a pink sticker so pretty limited
ship my order you fucking cuck, it’s been “packed” since Thursday
lame and low effort recreation of an iconic car
I was going to cut it off like a water transfer decal so I can have my red civic MOC feel more official compared to using an off brand sticker.
It's on the buyer, if they don't pay the insurance.
skull eye schooner instructions, what the bloody fuck man? it took me 5 hours to build this shit. i will never criticize dumbed down modern instructions again
>bricks and minifigs retail girl keeps asking me if I need anything
yeah I need you to stop trying to make me make eye contact with you
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>>11365886 (OP)
Bros, God is real. First scan-- sorry for calling you all little scalper shits.
Honestly off brand stickers are better quality than lego
pretty sure I have seen actual lego sets do this exact build so technically it is legal.

It just has uninted stress on the pieces because they messed the molds by micrometer
I think one of the Hagrid Huts does this, but it was also a set that was shipped with the wrong pieces so.... Haha
Australian stickers are top notch
Chinese are hit & miss
The Criterion of Lego. Kek
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why is this board so obsessed with this lifeless depressed tuber? wtf
3 arms
el jang de légo
>Estimated yearly earnings
>$0 - $0
He makes his money from funhole now.
Lego poop in the water broke him.
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My next MOC will be a shopping mall skyscraper.
Should the windows be normal transparent or trans-brown? I kinda want that effect where I can have a sunset reflecting off the side
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Brrrrr skibidi dop dop wahaha-who! Team Super Skibiti Mario Racing Yes Yes. Anyone figure out how to hack the LMD(Large Mario Dildo) yet?
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I think it looks really good.
Try both and see what looks better. I like trans brown for small windows that would just have nondescript shapes inside (micro scale buildings, vehicles, etc) and trans clear for windows with stuff actually built behind it. Different part availability too, of course.
Fuck this looks great, seems to have the same kind of joints as the previous Titan mech? I see what looks like a second ball joint behind the main ball joint of the feet so it might be as articulated. I hope it also has the same removable backpack system as the previous Titan mech so we can switch it around and whatnot.
Is that windscreen piece new? Sure would've been great to have that on the Mercedes SL63.
Full disclosure I've never seen the movie
This is one of the sickest sets in past years but it entire hinges (heh) on it being posable. If it's just a statue and doesn't have posable limbs I'll sacrifice a Lego designer to Moloch.
I'm hoping the 14+ tag is a good omen rather than a bad one.
I dunno man, I see Bionicle ball and socket joints, I see that dual ratchet piece that connects the arm to the torso being identical to that of Cole's Titan mech, the knee looks to have the same joint as well and there's a mixel joint on the front skirt piece. This looks like a Titan Mech as articulate as Cole's Titan mech and it comes with a side build you can pose with it if you so choose.
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>they kept the awful decal.
The fact they got Ken Penders to draw the decals in the original movie will never not be funny.
Are you serious
Dollar store printer labels are gonna change my life once I get the resizing down to a science.
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So excited I forgot pic related
So, color matching is near impossible and size matching just takes comparing real measurements to what you see on-screen, but I'm pretty happy with this for a buck.
>he-man spinner thing
You are my favorite, anon.
Good fucking lord, even Chris-chan's drawings are more appealing.
Ken Penders was a great story guy and he pioneered a lot of the side-characters for the Sonic universe, but his actual pencil drawings are downright scary.
Sonic X predicted the life we now live, complete with 5G towers and Trump/Eggman for president.
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It's not like I'm stating this off the cuff. Sonic X somehow controls the future.
I try. Combined it with a Dollar Tree set.
That's... actually cool, and I'm not a fan of stickers. Is the printer at the dollar store?
It's reprinted stickers from the official '90s McDonald's set. You stick the labels into your home inkjet printer and download the Avery template that matches your stickers. Then you get out a ruler. I'll give an update if I figure out how to better match the colors but it's not that important to me. You have to have a steady hand to cut them out, too. I have a slicer to get at least one edge really straight. I did a lot of papercraft rpg mini sorta stuff during Covid boredom.
Thank you for explaining.
Turned out pretty good, cool.
Even more based
I don't live in America, are these like knockoff lego sets they sell in one of your chains?
The stickers fit this really well, budget lego McDonald's set
The sawblade still spins on the mario toilet, too. Great for mowing down crowds of mini-figs & mini-dolls.
Yeah. $3 USD.

You make me want to be more creative with my bricks. I appreciate it.
Cheapest ones I've seen yet not bad really. sort of thing I'd pick up
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Go for it! Do it! The fun you can have is right there for the taking, in yo pile o' bricks & pieces! It always was. I have faith in you, good anon.
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Paisley is currently in second place, you go girl!
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Used LEGO before and after ultrasonic cleaning.

These parts looked clean enough to the naked eye, but under a microscope you can really see how much crud and crap is caught in all the little nooks and crannies. I'm really happy with how my cleaning process has turned out, the machines do almost all of the work and the pieces come out nearly perfect now.
Confused what you're showing me senpai. Are these 2 sets of different bricks or did your machine somehow fix bricks that had shaved chunks out of them?
nvm the bricks are flipped
that's pretty cool
wait no explain the red brick
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Anybody ever come up with their own factions? Since Lego refuses to do anything with space aside from Star Wars and City, I've created 3 new fanfic factions
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No, it's one picture of some parts before washing and a picture of some parts after washing. I just couldn't be bothered finding the same exact pieces again since they have to be separated in the wash. It obviously can't fix scratches and nicks, it just very thoroughly removes all the dirt.
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More soapbox sets when?
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The latest Minecraft magazine is so fucking goated. I don't even care about Minecraft outside of nostalgia for old YouTubers and porn, but the Ghast is so fucking good.
This set has shattered my expectations for magazines sets, I wouldn't mind paying more for magazines with bigger sets over the wimpy bite sized sets we usually get. The Ghast is amazing, it's perfectly cubeular and built completely upside down.
Dumb question: the 'helmet pins' that visors attach to is standard across damn near every Lego helmet type I can think of, but is there anything else in-system that it can actually wrap around/attach to?
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the idea was to inspire you to create your own
looks like it almost worked on you
so make one and post it
they are small and simple, it shouldn't be too difficult
what are the guidelines
Pretty snazzy anon. I'd want that for some of the bargain bins I've bought before
I don't have wheels
These look pretty cool. Who are the bad guys and which faction is the good one?
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I suppose you have to buy one of the cheap sets to get the wheels piece thing

then pick your favorite minifig and... you'll figure it out
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Clone base update
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And my redesigned guns
that doesnt even look like an S2000 at all, wtf?
it has Rowan Atkinson, who owns a McLaren F1, which was a Speed Champions car, so it's Lego-related.
make your own? we don't do that here!
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>Who are the bad guys and which faction is the good one?
The White/pink/green faction is made up of robots that were created by the black/purple faction. They gained sentience, fought for freedom, escaped, and have their own colony now. The black/purple faction is made up of space imps and their 2nd gen (more subservient) androids. They're not really evil, but they don't particularly care how their wreckless space colonization affects other factions. The orange/blue faction is made up of many different species (aliens, droids and humans) and are just general explorers. They're kind of like the Star Trek crew.
AFOLs completely missed the point of this movie, and LEGO sold their souls to appease them.
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>You know the rules, this isn't a toy
>Um... it kinda is.
>No, actually, it's a highly sophisticated inter-locking brick system.
>But we bought it at the toy store.
>We did, but the way I'm using it makes it an adult thing.
>The box for this one said "Ages 8 to 14".
>That's a suggestion. They have to put that on there.
why has lego still not built a plate that is the same thickness as a normal plate but with studs on both sides yet? Imagine the possibilities with a brick like that
Doesn't even look remotely like it. Honestly you can't capture that shape in Lego.
that is verboden because it's one of the first things third party megabloks had back in the day
The problem is those damn standard-use fenders. Also the whole front end is SHIT but any better ways of making the S2000's headlights that I can think of are either illegal or out of production (do they still make Bionicle tooth-eyes?).
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stickers are a bit of a copout imo but im not here to tell you how to play with lego
To his credit, the original McD's set also had stickers.
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yeah but stickers feel a bit cheesy imo. If it comes in the set, fine, but for MOCs its a bit lazy unless the piece already had stickers
>I don't even care about Minecraft outside of (...) porn
What on earth do you zoomers find erotic about that game?
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I just think Alex is hot. I'm sexually attracted to miners, I want to have sex with a miner.
Really dig this clone base, reminds me of the old battlefront.
These all look good dude. I don't think anyone in /lg/ does anything like this though. People here would rather whine and complain about Lego not making the themes they want instead of actually using Lego for it's intended purpose. That being making your own shit if you're not happy with TLG's suggestions.
https://signsofthetimes.com/fast-art/ made me google who the real artist was fagit
eh I see no problem with small tile stickers but with your big sign I agree I'd always try to brick build
why is blacktron spaceship and city 2025 spaceshit not available yer in my country/?
try getting out of the third world if you want first world lego availability
who make lego if they all leave turdworld?
Those look nice. The coolest letters are embedded flat doe
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I've got to say, I have a new respect for the designers for the Speed Champions line. I tried to make a MOC for my daily driver and wow, it's hard to make any car look like anything besides a generic car at minifig scale.

It ended up looking aight, but I just cannot believe that Lego only makes two proper windshields, one for ferraris and super cars, the other for like vans and SUVS; nothing else. It really limits vehicle builds it seems. All the cars in the world and we just deal with two windshields, seems a little silly.

It's supposed to be a Honda Civic si coupe btw
You can get somewhat accurate for a lot of cars, but usually it means focusing on specific identifying features (think the speed champs GT and its flying buttresses) and without those you have to really nail the overall silhouette- which means a lot of weird sideways and upside down building and no room for minifigs at all. Unless you're building like an old Volvo or something. You could probably make that pretty accurate.
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thanks for the tip bro. I swapped out the windshield and tried to make the silhouette better; a lot happier with it now.
this really needs a jeet with a swirly brown poo piece
Nice. You still have stinkers in that photo, though. And that Batman polybag was probably the most usable polybag set ever made since you can attach it to any gray building or castle and it blends right in. I love it.
wasn't the message of this film that Mitt Romney was evil because he liked Krazy Glue?
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I made a Poet Anderson figure. One sec for a pic
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I was joking, because that art was shit. I would never admit to painting that.
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this minifig is in a $10 set, has same smirk but the sunglasses from your pic (?)
your fenders are too high. you can replace them with tiles instead of the slopes you're using.
if that's the toilet from the recent train station, it already has a poop piece inside
DEI has gone too far when Lego hides literal shit bricks in sets.
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Fuck yeah! Got Jordin, ninja master of vitiligoflage.
you retards always talk about jang and just2good, or you mention some no-creativity "look i bought another set cause im rich" youtubers, but why does nobody mention Cheesey Studios?! his love and creativity really shows in his videos
love of lego*
Wtf I love tranny Michael Jackson now
Don't be silly, nobody likes Olly.
>named after a skateboard trick
>actually a giant faggot instead of a cool skater dude
Here with the mundane answer: because you can't make it hollow enough. Look at a how much air is inside a 2x2 brick and imagine how much more material it would use if the bottom was solid. Plates would be the same - it's just too much material.
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Still going to make some minor changes, but here is where I got to with my current limitations. The rear slope will be longer and rounder to accommodate backseat passengers as soon as I get some more red slope pieces. It's in scale to the other speed champs, so it is a bit compressed compared to the real car.
Does that spoiler come in hetero?
It's up.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSIM4dHeAbg [Embed]
Spoiler needs to be a bit lower, or angled outwards towards the rear. Pretty good tho. Do slope bricks come in the dark transparent grey? Could help shape the back of the window too.
considering how much [we] criticize Lego, it feels like we need to give them some encouragement when they actually DO something that's an improvement.

it's odd that we need to point-out "good" things, isn't it? anyway, I like the improvements on Belle. I still don't have $300 for this, but that's a whole 'nother blog post
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None of my builds have hetero options
>not Sarah
I will only watch she.
>gays can’t moc worth a shit because they lack the spatial skills
it all begins to make sense…
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everybody ready for Mattel to be an actual competitor to Lego and Lego to start lowering prices and increasing quality and experience?
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my MOCs eat yours for breakfast bro and I've been doing this for like two months.

And Gays are dramatically over represented in every single form of artwork ever so
>mighty max Lego sets could happen in this timeline
Oh man
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We have to meme this into reality. Mattel is in the perfect position to do it.
>lowering prices
Mega bloks was already overpriced. If anything they want to cash in on the paypigs because Mattel is a more recognizable brand than Mega that seems worthy of a higher pricetag and the design already apes Lego's 18+ style.
>no logo on the stud
>logo on the brick
full retard.
who wants uneven surfaces?
>actually a giant faggot
That applies to every single male character in friends, bitches love faggy emasculated guys
They need a better minifig design first.
Adult women do, but do young girls want that? It seems like they're actively discouraging "relationship play" in the sets by not including any regular ass blokes, even though "look the boy and the girl are getting married" is like one of the number one ways girls play with toys. I'm not even one of those "omg lego has gone woke and is trying to brainwash kids" people, but it does seem a little weird.
>the mentally ill profession has a lot of mentally ill people in it
imagine that

great mocs though
>but do young girls want that?
Of course, look at literally any boysband in existence
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Why even bother doing this when you could just... License out your brands to Lego? Could you imagine how successful Barbie and Pokemon lego with proper minifigs would be? LEGO is a premium luxury product that makes the buyer feel wealthy, sophisticated, modern, intelligent, successful, etc. and a knockoff product can never have that intangible. It's the classic example "3D printers will kill Games Workshop" fallacy.

Racing to the bottom on price just guarantees that you're going to be fighting against a dozen chinese companies just to get the cash from people who were already cheap to begin with.

It's better to sell tools and food for miners in a gold rush than it is to go mine for gold. [Not my crab, but the person who made it did a nice job]
It's the same derangement syndrome that led to production companies to open their own individual streaming services.
I don't care about any of that. I just care about what Jang thinks and he is hopeful for Mattel
Jang won't fuck you
What's happening here? Will the name be on the studs or not?
a lego man can dream...
It varies. They obviously haven't decided.
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>Gimme a cute, rich, prince right now or the bunny gets it!
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Now I understand the joy you feel in taking goofy ass photos of your MOCs.

>(twink car is preyed upon by a giant enemy crab, 1953. colorized)
That crab is really great
Excellent picture
Got the one with 1/6 parts?
This one DOES work because they share the same reference
>Despite what renders show, the studs on the side of those two pieces do not line up.
So which parts does it fit with it?
>Silly question: does this mean it lines up with a brick with Technic pin hole instead?
Please tell me we dont have 3 side pin heights
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>tfw normies not interested in fun sets
>fun sets become piss cheap
>you buy shit ton of these and enjoy them
Bros...i love vidyo
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I have so many music plates its insane
Post more of him
Got the animal list?
Also an lxf file with them would be great too
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Just found a store where they had DnD minifigures.
Got 2 additional Dragonborn Paladins.
They had more but i didn't want to nerd out and search literally everything. 2 paladins were on very top of the box.
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Don't need wheels to roll like this, don't need legs to run this race. Fuck gravity, you can fly. Never had need to be so Soup or Cereal over a children's toy.

IQ over 9000 anon enjoying things.
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he's busy guarding the rest of my sand green pieces

There is a lego webshop called brickshop, can they sue mattel?
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sorry i meant to tag u guys
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>mattel buys Mega Bloks
>mismanages it heavily over the course of a decade
>Mega bloks goes from being a possible Lego competitor to functionally irrelevant
>instead of trying to make Mega bloks it's own thing like it once was they create a new brick brand that will most likely not sell well because Mattel can't manage a toy brand for shit
Is Mattel the General Motors of toy companies?
At least megabloks pokemon sets are affordable
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Putting the porta into portapotty, now that's some heavy shit!
HA! They went and made a Crypto bro minifig. I bet he talks about how he invested in Studcoin before it went big. Constantly talks about the brickchain and his NFBs (Non Fungible Builds).
Even changed his name from Christopher to Cryptopher just to show how invested he is in the crypto lifestyle.
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did lego discontinue the coffee piece?
I didn't know it existed
Very nice, anon.
I really like the subway sandwich
They need to hire a new box designer because this looks really cheap. The build is also not great. There's no central theme and the pokemon are way too big.
There's a PokeBall hidden in the cave
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>𝅘𝅥𝅮Some day my simp will come...𝅘𝅥𝅮
I gots that bunny munny hunny.
Unless this is (yet another) rebranding/reboot of Mega Bloks it will suck major dick. A small part of my is hopeful this might result in a return of Mega Bloks at its peak but I know they'll fuck this up again.
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s a n d p u r p l e
Me on the right when i have scanned 65 boxes with no wolfpack figure.
I need that kabuto.
>Expand your world.
The ride never ends.
Since Lego love making minifigures with disabilities for "diversity", why don't they make a minifigure of Maria Robotnik?
She counts a disabled, right?
>Sonic is retarded
Box already checked, try again.
True, megabloks designers don't have the knacks Lego do. However I appreciate this because it's 50 quid and less in ameribucks. that is a playset for kids.
for ehat lego would charge, look towards jurassic Park. Absolute jews and I'm glad they don't have pokemon - they don't have it because of jew reasons too, they won't pay for it!
>prints on the bulbasaur
>MULTI PIECE prints that only line up next to each other
kino, lego would never
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why doesnt lego re release sets?
Because most of the old pieces are retired, there's no way current Lego could part together a 90s era set.
just use modern bricks then
New Jang City... Gone...

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