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My expectations were low, but holy crap.

As a foreigners, I literally can't do anything here. Can't buy a sim card, can't open any useful aps, can't buy train tickets online... can't even pay for a KFC burger at the Hangzhou airport because I couldn't pay with Wechat pay! holy shiet bros. Why is China so hostile to foreigners right now?
I had a similar experience in the US (eurofag here) since I bought a Huawei phone pre-sanctions. I visited the US and couldn't get a sim for my phone anywhere due to the Huawei bans.
Seconding this.
As for everything, the US are the worst about mobile phones.
When i went to the west coast, i got scammed by a latino at a phonehouse. I wanted a sim card that covered my whole trip in California, Utah, Nevada. And the shit he gave me only covered California for some reason, i paid $19.99 or something. I could have been stuck in the desert with my rented car and not be able to call for an emergency. Fuck the US, shit country.
I'm in the US and have a mate 40 pro
There is a need for some workarounds for Google play and apps. Otherwise works fine with mint mobile

China has always been the most racist, xenophobic country on the planet. By far, really.

They were so fucking xenophobic, to the point of being suicidally so, that they managed to piss off the entirety of every other great power enough to get them all to team up and invade them at the turn of the century.

What did they learn from that? Humility? No, ever since they've seethed and plotted revenge against the foreign devils that humiliated them.
Glowies are so hilarious. Like what is the point of anti-China idk, aren't they the PoC you love so much? Imagine 1.4 billion people, NONE of them white. But it makes you mad, guess the Chinese are honorary whites these days.

Take your meds, Jeff
>oh boy another anti china shill thread on /trv/. the 3rd one actually
I don't think there's a positive thing I can say about the Chinese government, but how to you all keep track of digitally purchasing everything. It's enough of a hassle for me, keeping track of a few big purchases, bills, and a few ATM withdraws per month.
Wait... Are you serious? I thought the ban was just over Google services which anyone who isn't a retarded boomer can find a work around.
>the country is shit because im retarded enough to not do research and get scammed
I guess you wanted to say this to the glowie OP.
Is this legit or a meme? I was thinking of going o China
Its legitimate. China is extremely anti-foreigner. Don't know why anyone would give that gutter-oil rat eating shithole the time of day.
>thought OP had some legit complaints
>turns out its the anti-china Bong poster seething again
Bongs and Euros seethe even more over China than mutts do. I think it's because bongs pretend their dead empire/civilization somehow carries on through being vassalized by a former colony.
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China's hostility towards foreign travelers is precisely what makes it a breath of fresh air. It's what traveling in Asia used to be 20 years ago. Go outside of the 1st and 2nd tier cities and you're guaranteed to be the only laowai for hundreds of miles.
No Beckies, no Jeets, no boomers. In the smaller cities you'll still be approached by people who want a picture with you. Speak even semi-comprehensible Chinese and they drown you in praise.

Traveling in China is hard and should remain that way, it filters out the worst kinds of tourists and rewards those who put in the effort with authenticity. You've got literally the entire rest of east asia and most of SEA for babymode mass tourism.
It is. He's just a larping retard. I'm literally on a Huawei phone right now.
Dont go to poland either, all the brittish vermin scum that got kicked out of amsterdam for good seem to be getting drunk here now. And they always try to start a fight drunk or talk shit about non-british coz theyre all racists. None of them do business trips, theyre all drunk losers. I dont need an airplane to take a beer, they do

Dont fall for the hanging out at weekends meme btw, thats what the white trash are doing. Aim higher than pub fights and jail.
Honestly I find Australians to be the most butthurt about China. Mutts and bongs are second and third. Surprisingly Indians don't seethe that much about them despite the bigger problems.
OP here. Let me elaborate. I was there for a week as a prolonged stopover on my way to Japan.
1) As soon as I leave the airport, I try to get a SIM card with internet but they tell me that those are available only for people that have a Chinese ID or are staying in China for a longer period of time and there's nothing for short-term tourists like me. Great. so I got no navigation on my phone whatsoever and I can't message people I meet while I'm outside.
I ended up using a local woman's sim card after I promised I wouldn't open banned websites or post anything controversial with it.

2) on day number 2, I tried to book a train ticket from Shanghai to Hangzhou online but it didn't work out because the app asked me to give me my Chinese ID number which I did not have and they didn't take foreign passport numbers. I can't pay with Wechat pay anyway so it wouldn't work even if I tried to get around it

3) The internet blocks got harder to get around than they were 8 years ago last time I was here. I know I am breaking the law but it sucks nonetheless that I took 2 minutes to upload a 2MB image.

4) Lots of hotels are hostels on booking.com clearly stated "Chinese citizens only" and were unavailable to foreigners. what's the deal with that?

5) Wechat pay is useful and all but I can't get mine to work properly and there were times I couldn't buy shit because the machines wouldn't take cash just as I wrote on OP.

Don't get me wrong, overall I had a good time in China. People are very friendly are there are lots of things to do

>In the smaller cities you'll still be approached by people who want a picture with you
only semi--true these days. I was in Yichun, Jiangxi province and some lads I played football with wanted to take a picture with me in the end of the match and some kids I played games with at an arcade. I didn't get approached in the middle of the street or at cafes, etc like 8 years ago
it is just the way that the country was designed these days is very hostile to foreigners because we can't do shit unless we are accompanied by a local person
>Lots of hotels are hostels on booking.com clearly stated "Chinese citizens only" and were unavailable to foreigners. what's the deal with that?
Only some hotels will bother with getting the necessary paperwork to be allowed to do registrations for people without a Chinese ID.
At least in 2018, you could still stay at these places provided you registered at the local police station first, but it was much easier to just stay in a more upscale place catering to foreigners..
I assume this has gotten even more severe in the last 5 years.
You're probably short and ugly.
Go to Hong Kong first, get a sim from 7-11, download the hk version of WeChat pay, upload cash to that account, book hotels from booking.com, book your trains by klook, cross the border and everything works fine

Everyone there knows it’s fucked and will be nice and helpful but it’s near impossible to solo travel in the modern sense these days without connectivity
I'm 180cm and I look 6/10
I would have never figured this out plus I had a single entry visa so I'd have to fly directly to HK first
Had a similar experience in South Korea. Pretty much everything required a Korean SIM card and ID number. My American VISA card only worked at Lotteria and a random market, so I had to use cash almost the whole time which sucked. Even temporary SIMs from the airport wouldn't work. Good luck getting anything delivered or calling an Uber without being here for work and applying for a residency ID to get anything done. I think this is just an Asian thing.
even as a british tourist with an iphone i couldn't get a sim card in the US
I went to AT&T and they said their sims don't work in foreign phones
Can relate. I was stationed in Korea and the only way I could get a Korean phone plan was showing the KT vendor a copy of my military orders.
Do you need someone else to verify your WeChat account if you go this route?
Isn't this what tour companies are for? You pay them to process your visa and get you situated in the country after you arrive.

Holy shit you literally did 0 research.
1. Get a esim.
2. The train app very much works with foreign passport numbers. It's either trip.com or the app with numbers
3. Vpn or good esim bypasses this. I just roamed on my normal sim for free with full access
4. Then pick a laowai hotel chain
5. Alipay retard
I'm going to China soon and I downloaded Alipay. I've heard some people say that you have to verify your identity by taking a photo of your passport, but you don't need to do that to link a bank card and the app hasn't prompted me to do it. I think it's only for if you want to put an actual cash balance on your account or for security reasons. Will the app work in China if I don't bother to verify?
Alipay should be able to work without bank verification. When I visited last summer I was able to link my debit card to it and get it working immediately. Wechat is the real PITA to get verified, to the point that I'd say it's not even worth doing at all. Thankfully most places accept both, so you should be fine.
This might be a me issue but alipay would sometimes just randomly fail on a transaction. Usually those are for larger sums, like 100+ RMB.
>doing no research
>muh politics
why does a sim seller care about your phone brand? any sim goes in any phone
>the actual lived experience
beginner mistakes
imagine having to jump through a million hoops to visit a shithole? it's not worth it. go to Taiwan instead. guaranteed to have a much better time with a fraction of the stress and regulations
>go to china as a tourist
>first thing you have to do is report to the local commissar, provide him with all your personal information and itinerary, and prepare for the mandatory covid anal swab test
This. I wish I could visit or even live in China, subject only to the US District Court for China and protected from Chinese harassment by US Marines.
I was born in the wrong era.
Same for Russia except they have a lot of foreign workers ("charkas") and, in the big cities, arrogant Chinese tourists.
>can't buy train tickets online... can't even pay for a KFC burger at the Hangzhou airport because I couldn't pay with Wechat pay!
Do UnionPay cards (ones NOT issued in the PRC) work in the PRC?
I'd agree with you if china weren't a polluted shithole. I don't see the point in bending over backward just to visit a stinking dump. Plenty of places in Europe that are infinitely cleaner, have better nature and better people in general.
Things have gotten better in the tier 1 cities. All the cars are basically required to be electric these days
New purchases maybe. I was in Guangzhou recently and they were mostly fuel still
git gud you utter fuckin poofter
zoomers are so fucking pathetic I'm embarrassed to inhabit the same planet as them
>travel half way around the planet to be coddled like a small child
Have you considered crying in the fetal position instead? Aviation was a mistake, only a few hundred years ago men like you would be beaten senseless then thrown overboard for being this weak
>live in a digitalized-age of convenience across the globe
>china, supposedly one of the world leaders of this, makes it nearly impossible for foreign tourists to partake in this unless you give the ccp all of your personal data first
no thanks!
Chinks like making things difficult for outsiders.
Also, get off your phone. Passport and cash, that's all you need. Have patience while the lackeys consult with their bosses. The longer you wait, the more likely ypu will get your way.
You don't go through the carrier. Go to a Walmart or Target and buy a SIM card. Our carriers are total dicks about phones that weren't sold through them, or even their own phones they decide they don't want on their network any more. I've brought in phones to AT&T and Verizon that I had seen working on their networks, but they refuse to help me with them when I have an issue. T-Mobile was pretty good years ago about letting people bring any phone, but they recently merged with another carrier so that might have changed.
Who are you quoting?
They don't give a shit about tourists, if they did you wouldn't need to go to an embassy for a visa and they'd have signs in English.
China was honestly one of my favourite places to visit, it was not at all what I was expecting and feels like one of the few realtravellertm places left, it's actually great they make life hard for braindead normies who can't work out that there's only a few banks who accept foreign cards.
The people outside of the big cities are way nicer than I thought. I went to have a quiet beer at a bar and some other guys there didn't want me drinking alone so insisted I drink with them, they spoke no English and I can't speak Mandarin, one or two beers turned into way too many along with shots and then we went for karaoke, still makes me laugh.
>muh privacy, muh rights!!!
I am in le free democratic Taiwan and I had to register my passport AND my driver's license at an official phone store to get a SIM card. And it was fucking expensive too. $34 USD for 30 days of coverage on the foreigner plan.
>Traveling in China is hard and should remain that way
this anon gets it, life is a never-ending series of filtering out complete retards and the vast majority of dumbfucks wouldn't last a day on the mainland
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here's the solution. download hellotalk, chat up some lonely Chinese girl who's unhappy with chinese men (there's millions of this type of girl). after a short whole she will be willing to meet you at the airport and basically be your free guide. do this right and she will buy your food, pay for your hotel and transportation, haggle shop keepers for better prices on souvenirs, and let you do almost whatever you want to do to her. it worked for me and it can work for you.
"I could have been stuck in the desert with my rented car and not be able to call for an emergency"

Emergency services works on all phones active or not, has a sim or not. You prob would have been fucked by lack of cell towers tho
I genuinely wonder why even go to China it has nothing fun. Maybe some random theme park I dunno, you can see a big building, terracotta warriors. If you are a fucking spaz you can make a serious herculean effort just to go all the way to bumfuck Shaolin to see some monks and there is a wall, a single decent forest and thats it.
Honestly, where else is better outside of Japan? Go to Africa?
Oh wow go to Europe or the USA, all the cities look the same, same shops, same Americanized population.
>Can't buy a sim card, can't open any useful aps, can't buy train tickets online... can't even pay for a KFC burger at the Hangzhou airport because I couldn't pay with Wechat pay!
Wow, I'm a foreigner and I don't have these kinds of problems at all. I buy train tickets online, have a sim card and use apps.

>Why is China so hostile to foreigners right now?
You're not actually wrong about this though and it's obviously political. Xi wants a closed China, he wants money and technology from the west, not foreigners coming over talking about Democracy and he doesn't want Chinese leaving and never coming back.
>China has always been the most racist, xenophobic country on the planet. By far, really.
>They were so fucking xenophobic
They were getting pretty open for about five minutes in the early 2000s. Then it all went to shit again.

>I don't think there's a positive thing I can say about the Chinese government
I can, there's lots of things they have done really well.
Freedom is not one of them and the only really good thing Xi has done is crack down on corruption. It's ridiculous how much better it's gotten since I first went to China in the 90s.
>You prob would have been fucked by lack of cell towers tho
Nah, China has cell phone reception nearly everywhere.
I've been in the Inner Mongolian grasslands and had signal.
Yeah that's why they've announced 15 countries this year that can come visa free right? You God damn retard.
Here's hoping my country gets it too.
>announced 15 countries this year that can come visa free
And those are mostly not democratic countries and the ones that are, are not English speaking so few Chinese will really mix with those foreigners.
I want to go to North Korea and you have to go through China, so that's one reason.
It was literally all democratic countries except Kazakhstan and the UAE. Again, you're a faggot who doesn't know anything
>western Europeans can't speak English! Thanks for proving my point retard
Irish people can speak English though
China's the ultimate filter desu. Stay in Europe and interrail. Bet you can't even read 1000 kanji.
For good reason.
Where's the silly person who recommended this apartment to me? The dumb bitch doesn't reply to messages and I don't even know how to get the key. Now I've got to find somewhere else quick in a state of emergency
Oops I take this back, she spoke to me and she's very helpful, much better than you guys. She told me you pay for Trains on Ali pay, you dint need to do all that shit you hear here.
what point? that you can't fucking greentext?
"humanity™" is a social construct designed by Englishmen so they can flaunt their hedonistic egos and superior nationalism publicly what else am i supposed to expect from Americans.
And yet you wonder why china embraced robotics with open arms long ago, should've have returned to them their missing souls when you had the chance, but yeah keep using corporate greed as an excuse for everything, its you who'll lose in the end.
I got laid the first night I was in China and that was after a 10hr bus trip from Vietnam which left me exhausted
Git gud limpdicks
I roamed through T-mobile in US, and sometimes AT&T. So it's not your phone, is that they want to sell you a phone. Probably the only MNO that may have a problem is with Verizon, and even then, only if you will be using voice services.
>we are as sentient as cockroaches and we're proud of it
good for you I guess
I'm going in May. Not really looking forward to it but I need to go. I have wechat and alipay both downloaded and will have a VPN and at least two backup VPNs. I made sure not to use trains on this trip, would love to see their high speed rail, but I don't have time for that. I'm flying across country and will just need my passport. Already pre-booked to hotels.
My phone's battery life is getting shitty - I'm a little worried about that. I won't need to use my phone for a lot of my trip though.
OP should've could've but didn't:
>Eat Chinese food .
>Speak a little Mandarin and whatever local dialect is around.
Eat some local food, speak the language, try to learn to walk and dress as a local if you're there for more than a week. Basic fucking rules of travel.
You need special kinds of VPNs for China. The normal stuff that works elsewhere doesn't work there. I helped a friend of mine that lives there by making a v2ray setup over cloudflare https using my server. That might not even be up to date now. He uses some paid provider now that's specifically focused on the China market. If you aren't already aware there are some subreddits where they talk about this subject. It might be a good idea for you to study it.
/r/dumbclub is the subreddit you should be checking if you want to learn about VPNs in China
I have an AT&T international free roaming plan. So I'm not too worried about it. But I want a VPN just in case - Tegant VPN seems good for that.
And there it is, 4chan works in China.

Is there anything you guys can get right?
And there it is, 4chan works on the moon.

Is there anything you guys can get right?
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Flying makes sense if you are short of time but holy fuck domestic airlines in China are complete hell
>moshpit of people when boarding, as in crushed from front and behind because chinks can't fathom lining up
>guys spitting in the aisle
>pilot keeps dramatically changing altitude by thousands of feet every 10 mins trying to avoid the mildest of turbulence
>coming into land and a third of the plane stands up and starts pulling out their luggage while cabin crew members all start screaming at them over the intercom, then the pilot starts berating them, this is 45 seconds from landing and complete fucking mayhem is erupting
I know we have people with entitlement issues on planes in the west but ffs they take it to the next level
Meanwhile catching the train
>turn up 10 mins before departure
>everyone quiet and well behaved
>smooth fucking ride at 300km/h
>proper meals from the restaurant carriage
Chinese intercity trains are comfy as fuck and would take them any day given the choice
last time i travelled to hong kong disneyland cuckhchan was completely rangebanned even in the hotel and 4G is this since4pass? i thought this site was completely censored due to petty anti ceeseepee rhetoric on /pol/ heck most chinks here seem to be enjoying thier stay though (for some reason when users with asian country flags finally begin showing up in numbers the resident shill just abandons the thread judging by my observations while naturally shifting to pro china discussions that is two years ago in 2022)

>>2642581 >>2642588
>using expensive server level VPS just for basic circumvention
interesting never heard of this thanks but is teamviewer/anydesk a good alternative? official articles say they recently made a dedicated server just for china i can visit dot CN domains just fine from pldt so this work right? (also one reddit post says he used it to access computer from USA from the mainland without any problems for typical remote working)
i have an unattended PC at home just for testing the network overseas so far it works perfectly on singapore/HK/dubai/malaysia and ive made quite a dozen shitposts lol but never really experienced any censorship abroad. except for UAE censoring porn sites

>>2642578 (is AWEI a good power bank seems reliable so far on my journey)
latecomer here dont mind me but do you know any good high-tech tourism spots in Guangzhou i intend on visiting this place in china specifically just for those attractions man i kinda wish we had something similar in store on Makati its all just bars and expensive casinos next to foreign businesses
i feel like im too short of ideas again taipei and japan does not seem to give off this particular "cyberpunk dystopian vibes" the experience was rather typical and ill probably cycle out those memories in a few weeks at best damn god why am i so bad at remembering everything everywhere all at once.
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China doesnt want you westoids in their country trying to preach your toxic values. But I'm looking forward to that nigger Johnny Somali to enter China, his community has been goading him to enter the wasp nest.
I don't have 4chan pass, it just works like normal. The point is people here are so sure about what they say.

> Using 4chan in China is impossible
When I was a teenager, I went to China from Siberia (I'm American; was a lot more adventurous then). I went on the Trans-Manchurian Railway. Sat on the train for 16 hours at the border. As soon as I got into China, everything became shrouded in a gray fog with cheap LED lights and guards everywhere. Finally stepped off the train in Beijing and it was chaos from the moment I step foot there. Got bombarded with Chinese people trying to sell me cheap trinkets and the women grabbing my blonde curly hair and taking pics with me like I was a celebrity, or perhaps a zoo animal. I guess it's all perspective. The international youth hostel where I stayed for a couple day just gave off the same vibe as a Chinese buffet in a half-abandoned outlet mall in bumfuck Pennsylvania. I'd always see random pillars of black smoke in the distance wondering what was on fire. I realized the fog I entered from Russia was actually smog and it was so much worse in the city to the point where I could not see 2 feet in front of me. With my cheap digital camera (no smartphones yet) all I got was blankets of gray shitty pics. Went to Tianenmen Square and there was a huge hammer and sickle commemorating some sort of anniversary of communism. I did see the meme photo of the billboard depicting nature in the midst of a bleak, polluted commie abyss. The bombardment was far worse in the square, I gave in and bought some things so they would go away but it was a huge mistake. I gradually became more assertive but was bad at haggling. I will never forget the Chairman Mao watch I bought that immediately fell apart as soon as the guy put it in my hand. I'll also never forget "Game Yob" which was supposed to be a bootleg Game Boy but it was really just a shitty version of Sonic the Hedgehog except it was one screen and just collecting falling rings from the sky. Eventually went to the Great Wall. Again, the smog ruined everything. Someone took a pic but you couldn't tell I was at the Wall from the smog.
Johnny Somali is based af. Hope he makes it.
>say the US sucks because of a mexican
Excellent logic.
Post the pictures. Did you enjoy it? You could have at least some some molesting.
OP is just insanely stupid and didn't prepare. China is pretty easy to travel and even more beautiful. Americans who think that Venice (Italy) is an authentic place obviously wouldn't get it
Are you going to ghost her after your trip, or will you marry her? That sounds incredible. I think if a woman if capable of doing all those things well, she'd make a great wife!>>2639877
Yellow fever.
>Oops I take this back, she spoke to me and she's very helpful
>the Chinese are honorary whites these days

Lmao no. They're disgusting bug people. Not even talking racially but culturally.
>China has always been the most racist, xenophobic country on the planet. By far, really.
China just doesnt want you there, but has no issues treating you like an equal if you stay right where you are. Most foreigners are redundant and can easily be replaced by any one of the billions of locals already available.

>They were so fucking xenophobic, to the point of being suicidally so, that they managed to piss off the entirety of every other great power enough to get them all to team up and invade them at the turn of the century.
99% of chinese colonization efforts were anedoctic, half assed attempts at conquering nearby lands. Compare that to Britain or France, who lost their shit because China decided they didnt want opium addicted bums at every corner of their own streets.

>What did they learn from that? Humility? No, ever since they've seethed and plotted revenge against the foreign devils that humiliated them.
They are seething because America has deliberately protected the Japanese whom, to this day, still deny the atrocities they have commited in China as well as the west actively siding with a losing Chang Kai Chek all the way.

On the other hand, they did learn humility since they used capitalism, globalism and market forces against the USA by systematically positioning themselves as the cheaper option, raking all the money and humanitarian aid they could get.

Chinks were happy staying in their lane but we just had to fuck with a hornest nest made of collectivist drones whos heart and mindd will never be with you even if you fuck em and give em 10 kids.
>Thread on China
>Half of the posters are whining because not enough blacks in China, too much transphobia, racism, bigotry, sexism, etc.
>They then call them soulless bug people
Lmfao. Liberalism is a white people mental illness. Thankfully, whites will no longer be a factor or an existing race in 50 years.
He's not wrong though?
Look up the Belt and Road. China is doing business with everyone. They are very open. Being an open country does not mean muh multiculturalism.
White countries are just continuing 1700s-1800s colonialism of siphoning every country on Earth and trying to control them with their tranny values. White countries don't have the technology advantage and the population advantage the industrial revolution gave western europe, so now they take out their genocidal rage by eliminating themselves from the genepool.
+1000 social credit points
imagine gatekeeping for a hellhole like china

Don't worry, your little enclave of snowflakedness will become a tourist hotspot when everywhere else is used up.
Be careful not to say the N word you might get fired from your job and removed from society. Wouldn't want to find yourself a victim of wrongthink in the Land of the Free(TM)
That does it, I'm calling Clownpiece! Get these fucking humans off my fucking moon!
China is racist against others sects of chinese dude. If you aren't chines it's worse and if you aren't asian worse still. God help you if you're black. Chinese are either hopeless indoctrinated by state propaganda(which denigrates the west) or hopeless ignorant peasants who are naturally xenophobic.
I think I've done everything in Chongqing, what should I do now?

I discovered Qiangang yesterday and had a good wonder. This neighbourhood isn't in any guide online, I think a great deal of stuff aren't mentioned because these people don't know much other that the main tourist attractions anyone can find out in a second.
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Example 1 river views you'd never know about. You can even go for a swim like the locals
Anybody in China able to help me get a taxi to the airport? These retards won't let me book because I don't have a Chinese number
>99% of chinese colonization efforts were anedoctic, half assed attempts at conquering nearby lands.
are you actually retarded enough to believe that china never expanded even further and never was a great coloniser because it just couldn't be bothered
did you grow up inhaling lead paint by any chance
Based. Stay out
>(Black culture). Stay out
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The geography down south is other-worldly, worth it just for that, I had a great time, not full of fuckwits like Shanghai either.
lmao, yet everyone else uses subtitles on their movies
because it's a communist shithole. Wait for them to collapse under their own bs, then go
I'm too unattractive and socially retarded for hellotalk
This is a propaganda post made by our counterrevolutionary enemies to corrupt the political integrity of our community and undermine the leadership of our party. Anyone found engaging with this user will be charged with spreading anti-communist sentiment and dealt with accordingly. We must be vigilant of the politically wavering in these trying times. It is our revolutionary duty as followers of the Chinese Communist Party to sniff out those who sow the seeds of counterrevolutionary thought. It could be your neighbour. It could be your children. It could be your parents. The revolution must never end, your faith must never waiver.
i was in shanghai for a 2 day transit a week ago. literally just buy an esim so you can access all your apps. install alipay and attach your credit card and you can pay basically everywhere with your qr code. the only retarded thing was not being able to book taxis so i was stuck with using the metro system.
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>Wait for them to collapse
You zogbots have been saying this for 20 years, any day now right? 2 more weeks?
I've got no love for Chinese authoritarianism and their shitty culture but still makes me laugh watching burgers seethe so much about them, that propaganda really did a number on you didn't it?
>the only retarded thing was not being able to book taxis so i was stuck with using the metro system.
You can order rides on Didi in Alipay.
Not anon, but how do youtpdkx book for it?
On the home screen on Alipay just click Didi and book it like an Uber. Choose pickup and location and select from a choice of nearby cars, in a big city a car is always less than 10 minutes away. You either pay in advance or pay with Alipay at the end depending on whether it's a casual driver or official taxi.
honestly based
travelers and foreigners always ruin the shit for natives
>slow board but fast damage control
Fucking hell I wish I had spoken to you sooner, I spent hours trying to book a taxi for an airport drop off and nobody would help me, then I had to pay someone 200 RMB to do it for me in the end, otherwise I'd have been stuck in Chongqing
Relatable, if it makes you feel any better... I KNEW about alipay and didi and still fucked it because Chengdu airport had about 270 pick up points and as soon as I left the airport my wifi cut out and couldn't track where they were stopping off.
Hahaha fuck
damn that sounds kind of nice.
might start learning chinese after my current language.
hearing the hoops you have to jump through for VPNs makes me want to go there and just stay off the internet for once in my god damn life; but I wonder what would happen to my brain chemistry if I went more than a week without posting on 4chan
Do you actually realise how big China is?
I'm in Thai city right now and haven't seen a single white person for days
Stick to your normie mindless tourist hellholes, there'll always be a place for real travellers™
I like China
Taiwan has too much gangsters
absolute codswallop you fucking munter
Not reading this dumb thread

Get airalo for sim
Get trip.com for train
Get vpn for google

I did all this without wechat, which is not hard to set up you just need an sms verification which is hard when traveling. Once I had this figured out I found China to be really awesome even when speaking no Chinese. Leave Beijing and Shanghai. Without wepay I just waived cash in cabbies’ faces and they always took it.

If you want everything to work exactly as you expect it to, stay home
>Not reading this dumb thread
>Yet still participating in it
Are the chinese as racist as people say? Not necessarily having stereotypes towards dark skinned people, but straight up looking down on them?
check'd and kek'd

They will never let Johnny Somali enter the country. The Ministry of Public Security will stop that.

The reason they would never let him in is because after he pulled his public nuisance stunt the punishment they would like to enact on him would be too diplomatically harsh. It's easier to just never let him enter the country.
Based and keep out the low iq masses pilled.
China's been on a travel to china campaign and I kind of want to go there now
I have been in Shanghai a few months here working for a company. I am finding it hard to make new friends. Are there any strategies a straight fit guy could try to meet platonic friends? Foreign or Chinese. I have a gym but there's only a few white guys there and the rest are Chinese and everyone is very quiet and reserved. I looked on Wechat but couldn't find anything because my Chinese skills are incredibly basic and I get by using a translator app.
What do you do? industry? salary? and do you have a housing allowance?

I can suggest a few things after that as an ex-SH expat.
Name one place in Europe that has nature at least half as good as Yunnan.
Yes. Many Chinese associate dark skin with poverty and dirtiness. On top of this there is an undercurrent of general xenophobia. It's hard to say how prevalent these attitudes are but they're widespread enough that you'll probably experience some of this even if visiting the country only briefly.
wow, I thought china banned femboys, but the youth all look like trannies in this miraie video
ok and japan does a full face and palm scan when you enter the country you arent crying about that
Lil B is spiritualy white and has given us his blessing to take the word for us, fag
Fair enough, week then black slang to a minimum though. No other words are exempt
Hello /trv/, I am looking for a wingman to accompany me on a portion of an adventure into mainland China. With a plus one, I think many opportunities for things like visiting clubs, chilling in public spaces, and chatting with groups of locals would open up, and be improved a lot.
I have already been to China, but it's all been boomer tier sight seeing with locals for the most part.
I know approximately HSK 2/3 level of vocabulary, and could probably get to HSK 4 before the big trip.
Ideally your BMI is under 23, you have a college or university education, and a job.
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>Ideally your BMI is under 23, you have a college or university education, and a job.
there is an absolutely baller experience to be had there. I want a wingman that can walk 10km easily, and hop fences if need be. I dont see hopping fences being necessary, but being able to move your avatar is necessary...

A without a job, you could be pay walled by trivial things like buying bottled water that's $5 instead of $1. The added stress of a wingman with a tight budget is not fun.

An education is somewhat arbitrary, and could be overlooked if you're lucid when you speak lmao
lmao, this is far too autistic to be bait
will people ever stop calling things autistic and just accept what is being said if it's reasonable?
It makes it sound like those aren't reasonable asks for a wingman. Everything in that post is reasonable. So what's the issue? Why is it autistic?
nice work wumao, here is your 50 cent for the day. praise mao.

based, i think it should be like this everywhere, just don't kill any tourists like we do in Mexico maybe that's too far.
Still no one up for this? A tougher sell than I thought..
You sound insufferable to be around. No wonder you can’t find someone in your circle to join you.
>must have money
Is this a job interview?
>Chinese in China
>won't accept cash

>Chinese in other countries
>only accepts cash
its undoubtedly an interview process. I don't have a word for it but an evaluation or filter is exactly what job interviews perform on a cast of applicants. I think it's reasonably when recruiting employees or wingmen/friends
It's autistic because you have the most specific fucking requirements for someone to be friends with in a place you would be lucky to meet maybe a dozen foreigners in a fortnight and are probably an insufferable autist to be around in general due to that.
I'm sorry if that's harsh anon, but is my honest assessment.
ffs man, just meet someone and go with the flow
>In the smaller cities you'll still be approached by people who want a picture with you.
This is a thing I miss here in Japan. Being a foreigner here is like being a foreigner in Thailand, you're just a background noise. It's nice when people smile at you and random girls say that your eyes are beautiful. Luoyang was very much like that.
>I think she'd make a great wife
they really would, but they don't want to move out of china, they want you to move there. the girl I met there last February wants me to come back and live with her. her dad has even bought her an apartment for her to rent out and she said I could just live there for free. she called some english language schools and they want me to teach even though I have no experience and no college degree. if I didn't care about living in china, I'd go. visiting is great but living there wouldn't be I think. I recommend this route if you could handle it.
you're not as ugly in their eyes. I'm a 6/10 at best but in china it doesn't matter. and I'm very socially inept, doesn't matter. you're not going to need to talk to anyone but her since she will literally speak for you while you're there. the one I met with initiated the conversation on hellotalk. I didn't have to do a thing and you shouldn't either.
Do you have any advice for a 25yo guy wanting to meet 50yo 阿姨s?

They probably think I'm untrustworthy for being so much younger than them, yet still being interested. I'm not completely sure how to navigate this mistrust besides persistence, and having a consistent, confident and cool headed behavior. Then eventually, calmly, imposing 1st or 2nd base.

Are there any ways to communicate with that generation that tells them, "hey, I understand this is not common, but I want to be with you, and we don't have to tell your absent husband or friends about anything"?
Media, 70kUSD p/a, No (rent on my own)
no idea on that one. I never went after women that age and those types usually try to set you up with their daughters anyway. that generation is really conservative and I get the feeling they don't sleep around much, although mid 30s and 40s women sleep around a lit so who knows.
>when porn rots your brain so much you want to fuck 50yo aunties instead of asian cuties your own age
I don't believe that other anon though, you can probably pull it off, adultery is everywhere in Asia, especially with older married couples, it's basically an accepted norm as long as it's not emotional
Tried Ball-busting, holy shit it was horrendous, I'm so pissed off, it's what I expected but still, it should be this way!
Aunties have way better personalities than any young chicks. Plus they can cook and know how to drive.
>they want me to teach even though I have no experience and no college degree.
This is a really bad idea. Ten years ago you maybe could've gotten away with that but it's much riskier now. The government has pretty much banned cram schools and started cracking down hard on foreigners teaching illegally. There are also far fewer foreigners living in China post COVID so you'd stick out that much more. If you don't have a college degree, two years teaching experience, and a TESOL certification you can't teach in China legally. If you get caught the police will detain you, take you straight to the airport and make you buy a ticket out of the country, then you'll be barred from reentry. Not sure how your employer would deal with your visa either, you wouldn't be able to get a Z visa.
Don't want to make a separate thread for this matter so I'll just try and ask here.

So I'm going on a business trip to Shanghai for two weeks arriving there on May 26, and while I have no idea how much free time I'll actually have, I want to squeeze as much as possible out of this opportunity. And since pretty much every day is booked, going to more interesting places like Ningbo, Nanjing or Hangzhou for a couple of days is probably out of question, so I'm limited to just Shanghai. What are some things worth doing and places worth visiting? It's my first time in China, but I can speak some basic Chinese, hopefully enough to actually interact with locals.
shanghai is probably the city with the most english so you should do better there than you would elsewhere.
when do you arrive?

I just got around the GFW to post here today, I have been here for 2 months.

anyone have any questions?
buy train tickets on trip.com using the wechat app didn't work.

China construction bank ATMs are the most likely to be compatible for cash withdrawals
* Using the wechat app didn't work

meant to be two sentences.
Do buy train tickets on trip.com.
Don't bother too much with buying train tickets on wechat, your train ticket order will be randomly rejected/not accepted
Weixin, get it right
it's absolutely reasonable but the way you make it about yourself sounds like you're going to try to cockblock me if i'm the one successful with bitches
Maybe I should have taken my time writing my recruitment post, including some research about events that'd be cool to attend, and consider the voice of my writing more.

I guess I shouldn't of had low expectations for it happening, and treated this more seriously
Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world. It has literally everything a consumer could want. So why don't you narrow it down to things you like doing?
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Can't you just by a cheap phone that's compatible with the sim?
test test
Fuck off with your shitty ass whataboutism and both sidesism
did it work?
How's it going anon? Did you make it there ok?
hey, upload some photos of your trips! There's rarely anyone from here sharing china images
I'll be spending a month in China to participate in some academic research and have to undergo the foreigner physical examination. I have to say it is a major pain in the butt with the mandatory blood tests, ECG, and X-ray that all have to be completed within a 5-day period and are only valid for 6 months. I also never expected that a doctor would need to evaluate me for the Black Plague and Leprosy, but I guess the Chinese government is concerned about foreigners bringing in esoteric diseases since they deal a lot with Africa.

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