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visit my grandpop?
Palermo and the Aeolian Islands I guess, depends on how long you're staying
Going to Palermo for sure. I should specify: any good restaurants, etc. that stand out?
Want to visit my grandpop? He's in a town called Castronovo di Sicilia and likes visitors.
>Castronovo di Sicilia
I would if I was going to Italy this summer (I'm going to spain), but I hope OP is interested cause your grandpop sounds nice
Is he a good cook?
Palermo, the Valley of Temples, Piazza Armerina, Taormina, Noto, Mt. Etna, the Aeolian Islands...really, it depends on how much time you have at your disposal.
Thanks! Just wondering if /trv/ had specific bars, restaurants, etc. that they remember
See if you can get a meeting with the Don. Just be careful if you bed a chick. She might be the daughter of a mafioso
In Palermo, I really like the arancine at Recupero and Bar Touring (Mondello beach). Stancampiano too has good ice cream. Zangaloro makes hamburgers and now has opened a poke place. Two places with a history are Antica Focacceria S. Francesco and Nino u' Ballerino (he's got a bar near the tribunal and a kiosk near Porta Nuova).
For actual restaurants, pick one of the many as you stroll through Via Maqueda in the historical city center or the town part of Mondello. I recently went to a down to earth place called Antica Gastronomia Palumbo, which had cheap prices and abundant portions of pasta, though it's a little more out of the way compared to the other spots. La Braciera in Villa Lampedusa has good pizzas and a nice location.
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Try cod puttanesca. Seafood is better in Sicily.
You're welcome. These are just places I know where I had a good time, but you can always look up others with their online reviews. Make sure to try the many local specialities.
For sure! Between different sites and word of mouth I'm building a list of possible places. But it's always interesting, imo, to take one persons recommendation vs. a aggregate site. Usually it works out, if not - oh well.
Eggplant (everywhere)
Greek Ruins (everywhere)
San Vito Lo Capo (beach town, pic)
wtf is that big ass island west of Italy? H
The northern one is Corsica, the southern one is Sardinia.
If I were going I would absolutely take you up on this. I imagine staying with a local would make Sicily a million times better
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I was in Sicily in January, we had lovely weather for the whole week. We used Palermo as our base and explored the area a bit (the trains work great, but a car would be better if you can do that). Cefalu and Agrigento are amazing daytrips if you have the time.
For restaurants avoid anything on Via Maqueda, it all seemed too tourist-trap-ey and overpriced. Look for stuff on smaller streets.
One bakeries (pasticceria) I suggest you check out:
>Pasticceria Capello, Via Colonna Rota 68, just a short walk away from the big Cathedral. Everything there is good, but I'm a big cannoli fan so try those.
And if you go to Agrigento, also check this one out:
>Pasticceria Infurna Giuseppe (Via Atenea 96, right on the main walking street). They have the most amazing cannoli, filled on the spot, in front of your eyes.
Also, if you go to the Valley of the Temples, which you should, try to time it so that you are there for sunset and you'll see some amazing sights. Pic related.
Speaking of grandpops, my grandfather visited Sicily a long time ago. He said he got in a fight there. He tried to run away, but his hand got cut off. He was eventually able to get away because a volcano had erupted, which to be fair would concern a lot of people. Just to be safe, he faked his death, and even got married to my grandma while laying low.

But anyway, he got his fucking hand chopped off. Sicily isn't that violent anymore, right?
can i take you up on this? im visiting sicily for 10 days from June 1-10th and i'd love to chat with a local grandpop. im a pretty normie guy in his 30s travelling alone to visit a friend who'll be working in Tropea. lemme know

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