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Planning a trip to Nicaragua either alone/wit my dad

I have 8 non-flight days, 10 days in total.

Day 1 fly in (obviously)
Day 2,3 Leon (one day to chill in city, one day for hike and volcano board)
Day 4,5,5 Grenada (one day to go around city, one day for volcano hike, other day for isletas/relax in city in evening)
Day 6, 7,8 Otempe (is this too long? is Otempe worth it compared to other stuff? Is two days better?)

What should I do the last day? San juan del sur? Am I spending enogh time at Leon and Grenada? Is there anything major I'm missing that is a must-see? I plan on not going at all to the Caribbean side since it's such a short trip.
>Nicaragua post in classical itinerary style
>No replies
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most people with a brain go to panama or costa rica instead
san blas islands in panama, better wildlife in costa rica, much safer and easier to get around

If you are not talking about how to pick up hookers in SEA or about Mexico (since there is a lot of mexifags here) then you will get no response.
>most people with a brain go to panama or costa rica instead
I suggest 10 days in CR, 3 in the rain forest near Tortuguera, 3 days in the cloud forest, 1 day in the city, and maybe another 1-2 days in the Arenal volcano area, doing some spas and the hanging bridges.
Nicaragua has way prettier cities though...
>1 day in the city,
San Jose? It looked like a dump is there anything to do there?
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I'm literally Nicaraguan and so trust my are sound enough: León is a great visit and its cathedral is rightfully World Heritage, regardless of how much of a heathen you may be enter and pay at a minimum respect to the tomb of our great bard Rubén Darío, although unmissable due to Lion-of-Lucernesque marbled feline, if you've any Spanish I cannot recommend his letters enough. He is, not only in Nicaragua but the entire Hispanic World, the best plume at verse. Do enjoy the church's terrace but mins the heat, León is by far one of the hottest places I've ever experienced. Otherwise the city offers a handful of smaller attractions, although the air-conditioning will feel like the best of them; volcano boarding is very fun and the photoes come out great. Historically the city used to be the centre for Liberals in the country (curious considering its icon is a colossal cathedral) and its tendency, as the name implies, is for the utmost Castillian style.

Granada, the Great Sultaness as we call her, is more of the Moorish persuasion. She is by far the most stunning city in Central America, rivalled perhaps only by Antigua Guatemala; the old conservative stronghold that would also vie against León for domain of the country, it is proud and majestically enthroned next to that grand body of water, the Cocibolca (or, Lake Nicaragua). Rivers of ink have been dedicated to the beauty of Granada but they can only be fullt understood in the landscape created by its twin blue guardians, the volcanoes that created that small sea; the lake itself is just as rich with beauty. An uncle of mine would advertise it to the friends and family as having 365 islets, one for every day of the year, and each as varied - in reality there are more and many worth seeing, one creata a small atol of thermal waters due to volcanic currents underneath, another one has a single great tree inhabited by funny little monkeys fat from all the passerbies.
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The Lake's charms are many more, an old, quasigothic castle-turned-hotel that now serves the catch of the day. Food's splendid here!

Assuming that by Otempe you meant Ometepe then, yes, you're spending rather too much time there. However I know not your interests and it is a natural bounty but I'd recommend you at least pass by Managua; the capital boasts its very own volcanic lake, by far the best museums in the country (the Museum of the Revolution is unironically excellent, and so is its surrounding area) walking down the pier is fairly pleasant although there's nothing like going down Avenida Bolívar at night, a bit like a Socialist Las Vegas Strip which culminates with a colossal, Neon bust of comrade Hugo Chávez. Plus Managua lay on the way from León to Granada and, heading from Managua to Granada, you could pass by Masaya and its marvellous artisan market hosted in an old fort. For a wholly Americanised experience in Nicaragua, because specially pre-Revolution the city was remarkably so, go down to the El Eskimo restaurant (a local clasic, some of the best Ice-Cream you'll ever have; for even finer dining cross the street to nearby Los Ranchos) and to forget for a second the Third-World ambiance the Galerías Santo Domingo, alongside both the [Country] Club Terraza and the Intercontinental offer all modern amenities pristine.

San Juan is much-beloved by gringos and Nicaraguans alike, for good reason. A few other highlights include the high-level performances at the National Theatre (often Slavic and Carribbean ballet companies, vestige from Soviet, Cuban friendships), and some old French duke who fled the court of Louis XIV and whose house in Granada became a gastrocultural space.

Generally, the people are particularly nice and this is not just my bias speaking - Nicaraguans are the most outgoing nation on the face of the Earth and if you give it a chance the country will gift you a warmth that will accompany anywhere else you venture go.

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