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Bún chả edition
Or, "why is there not already an active general" edition
Where my Việt Nam chads at?
a friend of mine went to teach english in vietnam and the way he tells it he's the only one out of his original group of english teacher friends that didn't end up married and with kids by the end of the 3 year mark. also complained about there being a lot of geckoes everywhere
>he's the only one out of his original group of english teacher friends that didn't end up married and with kids by the end of the 3 year mark
>complained about there being a lot of geckoes
His fear of geckos 100% gave the girls the ick
I am the only white man in Dak Nong
Been living here raising my daughter with the wife for a year.
The geckos literally yell "fuck you"
Do they like you there? What's it like?
Yeah that's really faggy desu.
>a friend of mine went to teach english in vietnam and the way he tells it he's the only one out of his original group of english teacher friends that didn't end up married and with kids by the end of the 3 year mark

Did the friends moved back to their home country? Vietnam doesn't need more low value white males and their kids running around. White people are so annoying.
>I am the only white man in Dak Nong

It boggles my mind why would a white western person ever move to a poor third world country with rice fields. Are you a poor slave? a south African? vietnam is poor that jeets don't come here.
meant to write *are you a poor slav
>I've gotten laid a ton in Vietnam
how long did you stay in vietnam and how many different women did you put penis in vagina (non-hooker)
Any anons in Hanoi on the 2nd til 5th?
lots of business opportunity, different people mentality, very little blacks and arabs or indians
And by the way, I'm not even much of a dicksman. It's been a very long time since I was this successful in the US. People can meme about muh loser back home all they want if it makes them feel better. Me, I love where I am right now so my feelings won't be hurt by it.
9 is pretty low for almost a year though no?
That's like 1 per month
anon there are 12 months in a year not 9, kek
Oh, is it July already? Must have missed that.
that's more than I've ever done in a year
I think most guys aren't trying to just have as many one night stands as possible
but I can't say anymore because I will be banned for discussing sex tourism
I've probably already said too much
I wasn't able to see your original post. Where are you living and what are you doing there for such a long time? I was thinking I might do a little tour around asia for a year or so and was planning on spending time in Vietnam, I get 45 day visa on arrival and was thinking of just cycling through different countries as the visas permit.
>I will be banned for discussing sex tourism
Oh no! And then you have to plug out your router for a minute and reset your cookies! The horror!
maybe I am retarded but that never worked for me, same with using a VPN, I never was able to get around the 4chan bans
If you're a phonefag it's extremely easy. Just toggle airplane mode off and on, and wipe cookies. I have to do this several times a week because I'm a reckless shitposter and don't give a fuck about no faggy mods and their faggy rules.
Oh this also makes it easy to samefag it up on /pol/.
good tip but I never post with my phone, don't really do anything with my phone really even though I pay for 70gb data a month
How common are pink nipples in Vietnam? I find women with dark nipples a huge turn-off.
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>lots of business opportunity, different people mentality, very little blacks and arabs or indians

pls sir ... no more whites in Vietnam.

Vietnamese people have already expelled French and Americans from their country.

This country is great from the LACK of white, blacks, Arabs and Indians
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>a friend of mine went to teach english in vietnam

Majority of English teachers in Vietnam are white South Africans, Philppines, a few Americans, lots of Slavs.

So many undesirable, low value white men in Vietnam.
These threads always get raided by the saltiest vietcels
You do know that vietcels don't browse 4chan right? They use reddit and their own Viet forums.
only white women have pink nipples bro
Why do Viet women love low value white men so much?
I might BE low value, but I don't FEEL low value. I feel like a god here desu.
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>Complaining about "low value men" is amusing. If they are actually low value and not competition for you, then you should be glad they are present because they make you look better by comparison.

Good fucking grief.

Of COURSE I can complain about you white dorks, you flood the country with degeneracy.

Thai people complain about poojeets and white sexpats alike, because you're a degenerate eyesore.

It's not about "competition for me", it's about you white dorks being a net negative for society, much like inner city blacks that commit retail theft, white sexpats destroys Vietnam milieu with their drunken debauchery and toxic values (reasons why they ran away from the west)

Go back to where you crawled out from.

If white society is so good, why do you feel the need to travel and live in a third world country?
I don't see where he said that white society was so good. What's your stake in all this anyway? Why do you care?
>What's your stake in all this anyway? Why do you care?

Too many white dorks will ruin Vietnam. Like what happened to Thailand.

First the white dorks come. Soon after, smelly poojeets, Arabs and Israelis flood the country.
I'm living here and I feel a sense of smug superiority toward the tourists.
pajeets have overrun everything, they are even on NPK, feels disgusting to visit it now

"lot of business opportunities" if you want to compete with locals working for $300
then who are they? hard to believe white men to sperg for months or years about other white men
and why they are in vietnam threads 99% of time? there are much more whites living in Thailand and many other countries

just ignore the trolls and enjoy life and cuties
>pajeets have overrun everything, they are even on NPK, feels disgusting to visit it now

Imagine a NPK viet qt servicing a poojeet. she licks his brown shrivelled cock coated in feces. she gets e. coli from licking the dirty poojeet.
>lots of business opportunity,

no there isn't. otherwise you would've seen countless poojeets n nigerians setting up shops. 99.9% of the shops in vietnam are run by locals.
>business opportunity
Jew mentality.
Why are there so many African refugees everywhere now. Who the fuck is paying their rent and bills because they certainly aren't working and there's no handouts here.
Any recommendations for the best way to visit hua long bay? Currently in Hanoi but am thinking of a two day trip
They're in Vietnam trying to start their own clothing export business. I see them in Go Vap district.
I never see Africans in Hanoi. Only the occasional black westerner, and even they stick out like a sore thumb around here.
Unfortunately, jeets are everywhere in Hanoi though. 10 years ago there were little to no jeets. The jeet menace keeps growing in the East
White dorks dont ruin anything you moron. They’re the most placid paypigs you can imagine. flood every country with white DORKS.
I do see them, not infrequently, but it's not that many, and I've never seen them bothering anyone.
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that's the future we must accept
soon Indians + Africans will make half of the world population
The only thing saving Vietnam from the poojeet menance is the cumbersome visa policy. Once Vietnam makes it easier for poojeets, the jeets will flood into Vietnam, scamming, setting up shops, shitting the streets, raping Vietnamese qts
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Once again I will ask:

>will the food in Vietnam send me to flavortown like Thai food will?

This is my sole question
>flood every country with white DORKS.

No thanks. They will drive up rental price, short-time boom boom price etc. Portugal and Mexico local got sick of the white digital nomad dorks.
They're ok in tiny numbers. Once they become the majority, they will get crowd confidence. They will become uppity and entitled like white dorks. They will start doing gang rapes. It's part of the jeet DNA.
I'm white and I'm forced to admit I agree with you. I'm still staying though. Gotta turn your kids into ESL retards.
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>slav begging for money in Saigon, circa 2024.

Vietnamese people are tired of white dorks.
At least you have a sense of awareness and humility. I respect that.
Thanks buddy. Fwiw I sincerely like it here and do my best not to shit anything up.
Wait until a large amount of jeets move there and see how everything changes
Anon, i hope that the Vietnamese remain based and save themselves from the jeet cancer
what's cumbersome about it? evisa is available to jeets
>what's cumbersome about it? evisa is available to jeets

1. If a poojeet wants to open a company in Vietnam, he has to partner up with a Vietnamese person who owns 51% of the company.

2. Preference is given to a local over a foreigner, unless the foreigner is highly skilled. This is by design by the gov. Therefore you don't see 100,000 poojeets coming over for IT work.

3. There is no visa on arrival. A person must apply the visa, get approval before coming. If they want to do a visa run, they must LEAVE the country, re-apply to get the visa, then return.

Luckily for Vietnam, its relatively poor which deters economic migrants like poojeets.
1 and 2 have nothing to do with visa rules and these rules are the same everywhere

3 is wrong, I've done visa runs by applying for a new evisa while being in the country
this is quite irrelevant now since you can stay 90 days on evisa
Bros, where is the cooming in Sa Pa?
Marrying a thick viet this week. Country is nice, food is really good, it’s too hot/humid here though. Leaving in a month and will only visit once per year.
why marry someone you're only going to visit once a year? don't you worry about cheating?
I assumed when I read that that he's taking her with him, but it's still gay. Vietnam fucks.
>Sa Pa
Overrated, overpriced, fake tourist shithole.
what's your typical daily routine in Vietnam?
wake up, eat breakfast, do some work or shitposting
go for a lunch, maybe coffee, chat with girls on a phone
in afternoon maybe visit a hooker if needed
some more work
in the evening go out for a date or just have a dinner and walk around
average amount spent per day: 1.5 million
My expenses are much, much lower than yours. I'm a simple guy.
If youre not including a hooker how the hell are you spending that much a DAY? I can only assume you're spending a million dong on your hotel or eating at the overpriced expat restaurants
I'm including everything
hotel, hooker, domestic flights, etc.
>take bus in Vietnam
>bus company is called Futa
How is this country so unfathomably based?
What is the dating culture like in Vietnam? Can I just go on casual dates with bitches like in Thailand and Cambodia? I've heard it's more strict.
>Can I just go on casual dates
In Hanoi, definitely yes, and I'm sure it's even more chill in Saigon. Maybe more trad in the countryside. I wouldn't know.
how do you deal with mosquitos over there? have you ever catched malaria?
Malaria isn't present here, except some remote jungle areas. Dengue is a real threat, however.
i remember i was in thailand for two weeks during rain season and i got eaten alive by mosquitos
I only get the occasional bite here and there, fortunately. I've never bothered with repellant. I'd have been very anxious having your experience in SEA lol.
you can go on a "dates" but don't except any intimacy or even availability, quite often girls are busy and can meet you once in a week
even old hags require multiple dates to get anywhere, so forget about it if you're looking for casual sex
I haven't noticed difference between Hanoi or HCMC, it will depend on the girl
I'm living in Hanoi and I've gotten plenty of fast pussy. Too fast for my liking, even, like they're hoping to make me their bf before I know them well enough for that.
I'm a gaito fiend. 400k for a cup of coffee in a hotel is the best price in Asia.
Those are fresh herbs. Oregano, basil, perilla, a couple others I don't know. You eat them, silly. By themselves our in other shit. The heavy handed use of fresh herbs is one of the things I love about the food here
why gaito coffee sucks outside Saigon?
you go to some small poor town and prices are 50-100% higher for way worse quality!? and sometimes there is no coffee availability at all
how many years ago was that? that the key point
wots this?
December last year. I'm 36 now
no. vietnamese food is a league below thai food
I like Vietnamese food more than thai. Viets also do the bakery thing properly.
I think I could live off pho and vermicilli indefinitely and be perfectly content.
this. Vietchads know that Vietfood is superior. For me it is the Mi Quang and the Bun Bo Hue.
Thank the French for teaching them how to bake bread and the Czechs for teaching how to brew beer
in Vietnam you have 10 different types of noodle soups and plain rice with piece a meat thrown on top of it. Thai food is better and way more diverse, there are also noodle soups in Thailand if you are really into them
beer is the same lager as everywhere else, the "advantage" is that it costs half a dollar per can instead one dollar
how are you planning to celebrate the burger humiliation day today?
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>If white nations are so great and advanced
They're not They're filled with economic opportunists that leech.
>why do white men need to travel across the world
To avoid 350 pound femcels like you.
>To avoid 350 pound femcels like you.

But its worth repeating:

350 pound femcels don't come out from nowhere. They grew up in a white country, brought up by white parents, learned white values, went through a white education system, surrounded by white friends.

And now whites are exporting their toxic values abroad.
>in Vietnam you have 10 different types of noodle soups and plain rice with piece a meat thrown on top of it.
You got filtered hard if you really think that's all there is in Vietnam.
Bread is barely eating here outside of banh mi and even that is surprisingly not as popular as people think.
in addition to that there are spring rolls and grilled meat/seafood WITHOUT rice, wtf?
please enlighten us, what other food there is?
Kek that made me LOL too but that bus was absolute AIDS. Smelled like dirty ass feet the whole time, AC barely worked, and there were no curtains between the beds
My Futa bus was fine desu. Nothing fancy but it didn't stink, I had curtains, and the AC was satisfactory (and I'm a cool weather loving whyteboi)
I unironically think India is easier for cooming than Vietnam (excluding hookers). Most women here take a couple weeks to bang. Seems like they are trying to filter out the tourists.
Futa delivers packages. Not people....
That's the great thing about a country that actually enforces their borders rules. If you overstay your visa in Vietnam and don't pay the fine you're going to jail. If you overstay your visa in Canada, the US or Europe you get a green card. Absolutely fucking cucked. With Jews, we lose.
Wtf are you guys talking about? I almost never see black people and jeets just stay in the tourist areas where they spend their vacation before returning. There isn't an immigrant problem here. Go to Canada, any western country or even Japan if you want to see how bad it can get.
Anon if you go to the old quarter in Hanoi you can see jeets everywhere running jeet restaurants. In ho chi Minh if you go to downtown you can also see them everywhere. My first trip to Vietnam was 10 years ago at that time there were no jeets at all. Now is common to see them at least in the big cities
Almost all of them are temporary tourists. As countries get richer this happens. 20 years ago mainland Chinese and Russians were uncommon tourists, now they are commonly seen. In the next decade you will see more African and Indian tourists as these are the last places that are still poor as fuck shitholes. Many people want to come visit Vietnam. Vietjet has very cheap flights to India. I took one flight from Hanoi to New Delhi. Literally didn't have a single viet on the plane as no same Vietnamese person wants to visit India. I can only guess how bad the financial drain is on India as any Indian with money wants to gtfo and practically zero foreigners want to visit India.
>and don't pay the fine you're going to jail
then just pay the fine? it's not that much
actually immigration recommended me to just overstay and pay the fine when I realized I can't extend my visa

in Europe you are likely to get blacklisted for some time if you overstay as a normal tourist
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It could be your sample space, those appear to be khmer related. The north has more Chinese admixture which is narrower noses and whiter skin.
Although admittedly, I think everyone here in Vietnam these days self-selects for white skin and a high narrow nose.
Why do chuds love this word so much?
how to choose a "nice hotel", any 3 star hotel is ok?
I just make sure it has AC and wifi and a decent online rating. Then from there I go as cheap as possible. If you're paying more than $15usd/night then you're doing something wrong. In most places you can do much less.
Why do faggots love this word so much?
Shittershattered chud detected.
question was about indian hotels
but good luck finding anything decent in Hanoi for 15usd, it will be much more than that
Well I was talking about Hanoi and either you're a prissy faggot with high standards who should stay in the first world faggot containment zone, or you're not a faggot but you're just wrong.
show a decent clean hotel with AC in central hanoi for 15usd
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is there anywhere in the world that has no indians?
>in most places you can do much less

That's only for a ngha nhi. Most hotels are over 15usd. I think the city is actually getting a little expensive to be honest with you. Hanoi is still cheap as fuck but compared to what it once was. Damn....
>Hanoi is still cheap as fuck
it isn't
Bangkok is cheaper if you want some kind of quality
in BKK there lot of hotels with a pool in a decent location where a room with a view is $35 or less, in Hanoi the same will be at least 50% extra
also taxis are cheaper in BKK

way cleaner than Hanoi
you actually have a walkable center in BKK

nta, but dude, go to a vietnamese restaurant in any city and you'll find a million things on the menu. banh xeo, for example, all the different "bun" (not soup) bowls, banh mi, the salt and pepper stuff, the caramel stews, the casseroles, the nem nuong wraps, there are literally dozens of famous food from Vietnam, much more than the shit Thai food that has nothing but peanuts and coconut curry (I'm not talking about Isaan which isn't even Thai).

There are also a lot of Cham in central/southern Vietnam.
Nah. The South has more Malay/Thai features. South Vietnam used to not even be Vietnam. It got colonized by the North and the original inhabitants got genocided but their features still (unfortunately) live on.
>South Vietnam

The "Chinese" type of South Vietnamese fled after the Vietnam War leaving the dark-skinned commies. The same thing happened in Laos, just dark-skinned commies left there (the aboriginals).
>amerimutt education

Hahaha, prepare to be culturally enriched racist! BAHAHAHA, my have the tables turned.
Do these threads get raided a lot, why the fuck does it feel so schizo in here
butthurt coomers and polfags
reason why the rules are as they currently are
Used to live there a few years ago. Pretty chill little place but can’t really get much in terms of quality services and all that
I dunno but based. Fuck jannies.
Top: wholesome
Bottom: whoredom
What’s a good place to drink in Hanoi by the streets, near a body of water? Like by a river or lake. Do people sit along Hoan Kiem and have beers there? Or do you need to go to a proper bar.
You can do that a block from my apartment but I dunno if I want 4chan retards shitting up my neighborhood.
Fuckin' eh.
I made this at an asian spot I worked at.
So good.
That herb salad looks fire.
Damn bumble here is full of hot girls but I have a feeling that they’re all fake profiles.
I'm shocked that you guys talked about mosquito and not how terrifyingly hot it is right now. Thought you white dude would be murdered by the fucking heat, are you all aussies or something?
>Damn bumble here is full of hot girls but I have a feeling that they’re all fake profiles.
they're literally online touts for bars that will overcharge you.
You fags really go hide behind a screen while in vietnam? my god

is vietnam full of hotties? yes.
What do you say tho

>inb4 "same thing you would say at home"
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Second this. I'm a long-time sex haver but I've never known how to just approach a chick because she's hot.
That looks tasty. But where are the green beans, carrots and green peas?
They eat those here too but not in bún chả.
Why not?
It wouldn't make sense.
How come?
Dunno, I guess I can't put a finger on the exact reason. Feel free to try it.
Making my way to Vietnam after my tourist visa expires in Thailand in about a week.

Should I make a pit stop in Cambodia or just fly straight to Vietnam?
I'll probably skip it then.

I travel to escape my depressing life in America. I don't need to experience any more of that.
What if I unironically think poor shitholes are comfy and my primary concern is just cheapness?
>my primary concern is just cheapness?
Cambodia is more expensive than both Vietnam and Thailand. Sure you might find an apartment for slightly cheaper rent but the electricity bills are lmao 3x as much and quality-value takes a massive nose dive.

When $200 gets you a prime apartment in Sathon or $150 in Suthep, why even bother trying to save an extra $20 bucks in an impoverished shithole?
>I unironically think poor shitholes are comfy
It's more sovlful.
how do you source out apartments for rent? are there websites or do you just chat up locals in restaurants/cafes?
>What do you say tho
>>inb4 "same thing you would say at home"
your inb4 is literally the answer, perhaps with some variation, but I will expand on it below.
>I've never known how to just approach a chick because she's hot.
for this I'd say approach the situation not (just) because she's hot. that's too much pressure potentially. "just" be a CURIOUS/social/outgoing guy; curiousity highly important. approach it from an angle of learning from and connecting with others in your environment.
could you look up where the pizza place is on Gmaps yourself in isolation? sure, but why not throw out this to a girl as the crosswalk or nearby instead:

"excuse me, do you speak english?
*begin to gauge her reaction* [is it positive/negative/an ignore/bright eyed/etc]

-> in japan if she says no, I just tell her in japanese that japanese is OK and I have a nihongo question.
If you don't know the language, just say sorry/ok. eject; it's ok. easy.

-> if she says yes or "a little bit", you could say "i'm looking to eat lunch and the pizza place is around here, do you know it?"

In PUA terms (don't get bogged down in this), these are situational openers.

A girl leaving the gym the other day, I just made eye contact and asked "did you have a good workout?" -> gauge receptivity -> decide whether or not to continue conversation or just leave it at that.

One key I would say is I never let a woman just take over my mental state if she's a bitch, ignores, brushes me off, etc. You just have to be able to be rock solid no matter what. Go up with good tonality and intonation and know that if she freaks out about it, it's her deficiency/problem if you're just being a guy engaging in (regrettable, but not bad/criminal) male behavior. You gotta be OK "bothering" women (not harassing). they can handle an approach. you can handle it too. leave/eject if she's not interested. don't be overly persistent with strangers.
continued: depending on the country, you'll eat a lot of shit with cold approach (you'll eat a lot anywhere, but some places like Japan it'll be a TON), but just think of the dudes in like...Shinjuku, Tokyo literally spam approaching women to be a prostitute/porn star. they're way more aggro and don't give a fuck lol

or more mundanely, people "approaching" you to sell a condo, get a donation for a charity, or literally just beg.

take some of their energy and pair it with knowing you are at least putting out a better offer to women than that. you are, right?
>going to the gym
>in PUA terms
I think anon just wants to get some poon, not become a wannabe Andrew Tate douchebag.
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So how hard is it to learn Vietnamese anyway? Difficult I bet
It's a hard language, yeah. I got here last July and I finished Duolingo months ago (this is a great resource for building a foundation of vocabulary and grammar, no matter what the haters say) and I've been practicing with the women I've dated here, and a bit with the old lady at my usual coffee shop, and some of my Vietnamese coworkers, and I still can't understand shit unless it's really slowed down for me, and my own speech is also still very slow and awkward. The tones are a real bitch and there are some tricky diphthong and even triphthong vowel sounds. Still, I have been slowly but steadily making progress, and I'm planning on sticking around, so I will keep trying. It's fun and rewarding if you enjoy languages, but it's no wonder to me that many westerners who move here find it to daunting to even try.
I'll add to this that the grammar is actually pretty easy. Much easier than, for example, French, even though of course everything else about French is easier for an English speaker than Vietnamese is.

It's easy just use duolingo. Like most Asian languages, the grammar is super simple. You just have to practice your tones.
>autistic long explanation on an incel forum

Anon, I ...
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question, post COVID all the white western english teachers are now replaced by Flippinos and slavs. where did the white westerners go? China? too hostile towards foreigners right now. japan? japan is full of Flippino teachers. the days of easy money for the white begpacker is over.
>lots of business opportunity
How easy is it to make a low effort investment in Vietnam and live off of it?
We’re still here. A majority of the good English teaching jobs, especially at universities that pay well, are with native English speakers
>easy money
I'm a white native speaker and an English teacher in Vietnam but I wouldn't call it easy money.
Guessing that you’re teaching kids? I’ve heard that can be pretty hellish
Yeah I'm teaching kids. Most of my classes are pretty cool. I only took this job because I couldn't figure out where to get a job teaching adults, and I expected to hate it because I thought I just didn't like kids, but desu they've grown on me. A lot of them are just too sweet not to like. I'm no closer to wanting my own, but that's a different matter. Secondary (middle school age) kids can get bent though.
Anyway, what I meant was just that teaching, itself, isn't easy. It takes some skill and effort to do well.
I think it’s just so different teaching them to adults. Granted I’ve never taught kids before, but I think it would wear on most people. Also I think the pay is lower (40-50 mil a month at most?) so that is kind of demotivating
Duolingo is dog shit for Asian languages
>t. Can speak Chinese and Korean
>40-50 mil a month
Yeah I make less than that. I'm a newfag. It's still enough to live comfy here though. FUCK the US.
How are you making under $1,500 a month? Unless you’re working part time or something or don’t have a CELTA
I do have a CELTA. I work for one of the major chains and they just kinda underpay as it turns out. I took the job because I was promised lots of support as a newfag but that was basically a lie. I mostly like the job but I think I'd be better off doing it for someone else.
Yeah you should definitely look at other places. Wall Street English or places like that typically pay close to $2,000 to start and it’s fairly easy
>Yeah I make less than that. I'm a newfag. It's still enough to live comfy here though. FUCK the US.

How bad was your life in America that you need to migrate to a 3rd world rice farming country?
Life in America is trash unless you're rich, and no matter how much money you have, it's just a miserable evil soulless consoomer shithole. This has been an upgrade in every possible way and I haven't been homesick once. If you don't understand that, then that's okay.
America is pretty shitty these days. Also way easier to save a lot of money here
you talking about VUS? i got sucked in due to the TRC and it is alright but definitely disappointing and bittersweet
I thought the salary even at VUS would be higher than that though…
>I swear by duolingo
>I dont know vietnamese worth a damn after ONE YEAR
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>goofy white retard telling passport bros to flood Da Nang

It's all so tiresome bros.

These little retards need to keep their mouths shut.
Why do expats get depressed in SEA so much? I’m talking about non-diaspora expats.

Also notice the old guys seethe hard if there a well off local.
why do you travel to other side of the world and then are obsessed with expats?
there are lot of depressed people everywhere, especially the west
Im checking out their secret forums and these people are jaded as hell.

E.g they rip on the music scene in vietnam despite it not really catered to them.
what are "their secret forums"?
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>Why do expats get depressed in SEA so much? I’m talking about non-diaspora expats.

A few reasons

1. Lowered standard of living (because they're in a third world country)

2. They can't speak the local language, thus cutting themselves from befriending 95% of the population

3. They date a tiny pool of sluts (2% of the population) that ride the expat cocks. Locals speak english well, but the sluts working at the girly bars sure can.

4. The male expat often comes to SEA country alone, with no friends or family for support. Contrast to the Vietnamese immigrant that goes to America brings his whole family to live.

5. Western expats are often losers, rejects, and divorcees, that need to seek greener pasture. The Chad stays in his home country, makes his 6 figures salary, has beautiful wife, kids and home.

7. Lowered income. A doctor in America makes 6 figures, but the same American dollar would make pittance in Vietnam. An expat is relatively rich compare to a Vietnamese local, but still poor to an American who decides to have a career IN America.

And so many more reasons....
When you read expat forums (like Saigon Expat or Hanoi Massive Facebook group), Western expats complain about Vietnamese culture, corruption, dirty trash, and air pollution. They keep crying and complaining until they're blue in the face, but they'll never leave Vietnam because these losers have nowhere else to go
also canadians complain nonstop about canada
germans complain about germany
britbongs complain about UK
aussies complain
we all complain about where we are, hard to just see the beauty in the moment, human nature
no need to worry about it fren
I don’t see the diaspora complaining about that, I know a few viet kieus that dtay in vietnam 9 months out of the year then fly back to the states for 3 months to do taxes.

They seem to love it.
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Obviously the Viet Kieus have friends and family in Vietnam. They can speak Vietnamese. They love Vietnamese food. They "get" Vietnamese culture. Viet Kieus do the complete opposite of white begpackers / migrant workers
Why do they need to fly back to do taxes? I’ve done mine online for the past 14 years
how to spot a bitter local?
he is totally obsessed with muh money and wageslaving
he has been told that it's the ultimate purpose of life and he can't comprehend that other people might have different priorities in life since that completely goes against his NPC "culture"
westerners wanting to maximize their wealth will not come to live to a poor third world country in first place, they either stay in the west or go to a country such as Singapore

my previous question still stands: why are you so obsessed with expats?

kek 3 months "to do taxes"? you are replying to a troll
for some reason local trolls are never banned or their messages deleted
but if you reply to him you will get ban for "off topic" post
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SEA countries attract two specific types of "expats":

1. The old white male: He's on a pension, divorced, and tired. He wants to drink beer and engage in short-term encounters with sex workers. The old white male often complains about the weather, trash, bad customer service, SEA culture, and "corruption" in SEA countries. They're terminally online, complaining on Facebook groups and in Vietnamese news comment sections.

2. Degen English teacher: Often in their 20s, but can be in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. They were losers back home, so they took a dead-end job teaching English to little kids. They have no skills other than speaking and writing the language they grew up with. The Degen English teacher eventually becomes the old white male if he stays in SEA long enough.
what do you think that sea bug smells like?
>my previous question still stands: why are you so obsessed with expats?

Okay, so when a white guy ditches his friends, family, girlfriend, and job to move to a third-world rice-farming country, it's kinda fishy, right? Like, there are hardly any legit reasons for him to just up and leave everything behind. That's why white dudes living in Southeast Asia can be pretty sus.
Complexities of taxes. Example if they have any derivatives/equities they actively trade or if there business has one of the SEP-IRA or Simple IRA plans. Certain estates can also be more complicated to deal with. Typically you wanna deal with an in-person tax accountant when such things happens.

They also have family in the states so they stay with cousins/children for 3-5 months before heading back.
Are you in Da Nang now fag?
why are you constantly obsessed about a "white guy"? did he stole your girl?

>any legit reasons
yes that's the bugman NPC culture, you need to get permission from the extended family before doing anything in YOUR life. another weird part is thinking that you can do changes in your life only once, after that no further changes are possible, viet girls also tend to think like this which is frustrating

in reality a white guy has lot of options: he can always go back to his country, or another country, or get a new degree/career later in life, unlike Asia there is no age limit for studying. some are just bored with their work in the west and want to have a gap year or two. There is also a thing called Internet that allows you to keep in touch with your friends and you can easily visit your country if you wish since you have money

wageslaving doesn't make sense in Vietnam since wages are horrible and hours are long (unless you're an english teacher) but there are plenty of western expats in Thailand who have way better life than they could have in the west. Gross pay is way lower, difference in net pay is already much smaller thanks to low income taxes in Thailand, and purchasing power is great.
>yes that's the bugman NPC culture, you need to get permission from the extended family before doing anything in YOUR life.

>complain about bugman culture
>go live in bugman's country

the mental gymnastic of a white begpacker is mind boggling. you must be a borderline retard aka english teacher
I know teachers who live in Asia for 5 or even 10 years and are living paycheck to paycheck. Like bro wtf are you spending your money on?! It's peak patheticness. Even that Ryan Boundless guy has no money and is living in Africa on like 300 dollars despite having worked in Japan for over a decade. I don't understand these people.
>go to boom boom bar
>best looking woman is a 6/10
Is there any place I can get model looking women? I've been to 3 of these places and always switch the girls to see as many of them as possible and they are always incredibly mid. I'll pay higher. Just recommend me a good place. If I want to fuck 6/10s I would just go on tinder and fuck them for free. Yellow fever fags don't respond to me as you faggots have rock bottom standards.
they blow their monies on bar girls, beer, drugs, general degeneracy.

they think they're making it in life on their $18K annual salary, while their peers make $100K, $150K back home as engineers, lawyers, nurses... hell even a security guard is pull $60K annually in america.

white males in SEA countries are pathetic.
no complains from me, retarded parts of the culture just makes my job easier
imagine being a woman and meeting an adult man who is unable to do anything without his mommy's approval, a huge turn-off

what boom boom bars do you mean?
Going to Nha Trang in the end of this month.
Any idea for me and 4 of my friends to make some memory ?
damn. vietnamese girls are mad underrated. the most oriental of orientals.

have a 5-some
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This shit too funny, anyone got more of these?
>being able to write 4 paragraphs of text is autism in 2024
>So how hard is it to learn Vietnamese anyway?
Really fucking hard.
It's a mono-syllable language, so the same three letter word will have several different pronunciations based on it's tonal structure. Of course, this doesn't take into account regional differences in tones and vocabulary.
Imagine if you will this scenario where you go to a coffee shop and order a coffee:
>Chao em, Anh muon mua cafe
>(Hey younger person, I ((an older male around your brother's age)) want to buy a coffee
>Do you want a large or a small
>The word for large is lớn (rising tone)
>The word for can is lon (neutral tone)
>The word for pussy in some parts of the country is lon (falling tone)
Naturally, there's hundreds of regional slang words for bad words, you'll learn this from your vietnamese friends after learning thank you, excuse me, and fuck your mother.
>I want to order a large pussy coffee
>Uproarious laughter
>Noodles dropped
How do you go broke in vietnam? I thought you could keep costs down to like $300 - $400 a month

I have like 10k saved away and I was hoping to at least coast on that for maybe 3 years
I know some just eat out all the time, travel or live in overpriced apartments. It can be easy to save $2,000 a month but also easy to lose money if you’re not careful
$10k isn’t enough, the fuck wrong with you people.

You come to SEA with $1.5M -$2.5M and you’ll keep generating that shit for the rest of your life.
>How do you go broke in vietnam? I thought you could keep costs down to like $300 - $400 a month

wat. apartment in Thao Dien (expat area in Saigon) cost $800 - $1200 a month.
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Vietnam is a unpopular dating spot for old white boomers.

Why is that? Viet zoomers don't want to date creepy old white men or goofy young white males.

The cultural shift has been towards Korea. They want to seek rich, handsome oppas -- not a white dork from Ohio.
I thought viet kieus trumped koreans.
Why are you getting a 3 bedroom if you're trying to live cheaply?

Most Studio's - 1 bedroom in Nha Trang are like $350 if not less
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The dating preference hierarchy:

Rich Viet locals > rich Viet Kieus > rich Korean/Japanese/Chinese men > average-income local men ($300 - $600 monthly) > white expats

Whites have fallen off the dating cliff.

Vietnamese girls have secret Facebook groups where they doxx white males for being cheap, perverted, and broke.

Vietnamese girls saw white English teachers going broke during COVID.

Vietnamese people are suspicious of long-term white expats living in their poor rice-farming country.
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As a white male, your dating pool is relegated to 3% of the female population who could speak english fluently. The girls who could speak english fluently are girl bar employees, or those working in the tourism sector.

picrel, a white dork and his vietnamese girlfriend.
this clickbait video is posted to every SEA thread, it's not vietnam related
that anon should buy an ad

going broke is about your expenses, you can go broke with $5000/month budget
girl doesn't need to speak english fluently, about a third of young viets can speak somehow decent english, and even that is not a requirement
That’s literally the most overpriced area in the city. You can get a nice 2br apartment elsewhere in the city for half that price.
Im in Vietnam https://youtube.com/shorts/-ZfgZVxX_3o?feature=shared

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