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Kek Philadelphia thinks it's a big city
Better than the midwest
Are you retarded? Philly is the 2nd largest city in that region after NYC.
enough rich people live in philly to give it relevancy
Philly is an afterthought in that group.
>No Newark
>No Wilmington
>No Worcester
Seems like they just picked cities at random
Are you pretending to be stupid right now?
There will never be true highspeed there
No rich people live in Philly
There already is
You’re right. They live on the Main Line.

It’s the 6th most populous city in the country and the 8th most populous metro in the country. It’s significantly bigger than Boston and the city proper is bigger than Washington, D.C. You are retarded.

Philadelphia has a huge ukrainian jewish diaspora and they own everything there. One of the biggest watch dealers (Luxury Bazaar) in the country is based there.

Reason the city is broke beyond recognition is because those same jews only give jobs and opportunities to each other and keep everything on lock down.
What are you talking about? Yeah, there are a lot of Jews in Philadelphia and Montgomery County. No, they don’t everything. The richest people in the Philly are all white people. Vanguard is out in Malvern. Chester Co. is one of the wealthier counties in the country. They’re white (non-Jews) LARPing as British aristocrats out there. The only real exception I can think of is Jeff Yass. Philly metro area is not broke. Philly proper is broke AF because it’s 70% black, the mayor is black, the sheriff is black, the city council is black, and the industrial economy left decades ago. It has nothing to do with Jews.
I don’t understand the Philly hate. I lived in Philly from 2017 to 2019 and have lived in the Philly suburbs for the last year. There are a lot of (big) cons for Philly but there are a lot of pros too a, pros that you only find in 2 or 3 or other cities. I have a love hate relationship with it so I can see where people get the hate but not where they fail to get the love because there is a lot to love. This place is not like Detroit or St. Louis or even Baltimore or something. Not at all.
North Philly is rough. On par with Baltimore. Overall it's an interesting and vibrant city with lots of culture, history, architecture, food, nightlife museums and sports.
North Philly is more or less the same as an equivalent area of Baltimore. All American cities have places like that. So it seems silly to judge it on that basis.
I doubt there is anywhere quite like Kensington in any other city.
Well, there is. Kensington just gets the most attention.
Main Line, although technically not Philly, is one of the richest areas in the country. There are huge houses all over the place
Those would just be average people in NYC
The areas surrounding Philly aren't Philly
>Montgomery County. No, they don’t everything. The richest people in the Philly are all white people. Vanguard is out in Malvern. Chester Co. is one of the wealthier counties in the country.
So not Philly?
Skid row is similar. and that area in Vancouver seems just as bad with drug use. Only been to skid row and Kensington though
Political boundaries around cities aren't often useful outside of... politics. Urban and metro areas are much more useful comparison tools and more useful in daily life. Phoenix city covers a huge land area, so the suburbs are included in the political city. Quite different from how Philly is set up. To say Phoenix is a bigger (population) city than Philly would be correct in political definitions, but incorrect in common usage and other more meaningful ways. Jersey City is better integrated with the core of nyc than much of nyc itself is. The culture of Hoboken is no more different to the east village than the culture of bay ridge is to the east village. The most accurate definition of Tokyo as a city (the 23 wards) doesn't even exist as a political entity anymore.
So not Philly? Got it
Self hating jerseyfag please
>Kek Philadelphia thinks it's a big city
Philadelphians don't think that.
>we're the underdogs
>we embrace that
>we're a small blip on the universe doing our thing
You are lying, retarded, a troll.
The rich people of DC, San Francisco, Boston, etc. don’t live inside those cities either. They live in the suburbs. New York is the only city where rich people live in the city.
>big city
DC isn’t that big but the metro is pretty big
The old Philly vs. Chicago debate. Basically identical cities, but Chicago is more self-sufficient and stand-alone whereas Philly gets a ton of benefit from its proximity to DC and NYC. Both are in a supremely fucked up state right now, but if you aren't going to live in NYC and don't have a job that makes Boston, DC or the Bay viable then you can't really do much better in terms of city livin'
I didn’t know it was a debate. Pennsylvania is better than Illinois but Chicago is better than Philadelphia. I don’t see how this can even be debated. These are the only very large big high density cities in the country and Philadelphia is the worst of the three. If you want a big city and can’t afford New York, Chicago is your best option. Philadelphia would be your best choice only if you’re a local or want to stay on the East Coast. It’s not even cheaper than Chicago.
Yeah if you don't have ties to PA or the Northeast already, Chicago is miles better no question.
Acela is only faster because it skips some NEC stops.
There's Beacon Hill and Back Bay in Boston.
Lol. Suburbs are for poorfags
Philly also has those. Rittenhouse Square, Old City.
Maybe skid row but drug addicts immigrate to Kensington to live there.
Insane cope. Breathe your shitty polluted air and never see stars in your life.
suburbs are terrible places too see stars lol
Meanwhile the suburbs of DC are three of the five wealthiest counties in the entire country.
Rittenhouse is more cosmopolitan than those
Most live on the Mainline. Rich people in Center City live in Rittenhouse or Society Hill.
Every city has small parks that means nothing
Manayunk Philly off of Kelly Drive behind the art museum is a gem, I would kill to live there. I live in the NJ pine Barrens and its pretty comfy but boring.
Manyunk isn’t behind the art museum and Manayunk is kind of a dump. It’s a pretty popular spot for graduates because it’s cheaper. I think you’re thinking of Fairmount.
>(((high speed)))
>240km/h top speed
>reaches that speed for like 40km
>average is like 66mph
That whole area on the north side of the Schuylkill is beautiful to me. I saw tons of gorgeous women running around in tight shorts and cool young groups of fixed bike kids smoking pot and people fishing. Its a very nice sense of community and activity especially coming from atco NJ where local pig inbred wop cops bust up community kickball games for being "unsanctioned"
sounds like Thalys
Manayunk is pretty cheap honestly. I grew up in the area so I've basically explored it all so wouldn't want to live there though
Yeah well New Jersey does suck. I lived in Cherry Hill for a while so I know. Unironically it was the worst place I’ve ever lived.
My area is not terrible, I am tapped into the Piney bonfire and dirtbike crowd that I grew up with. I lived in Pacific Beach San Diego and somehow still ended up coming back here. I will be relocating to beat these property taxes though.
Where did you end up moving to?
Pennsylvania, then Virginia, then New York. I’ve also lived in California and Maryland.
cherry hill could make anyone want to violently kill themselves
omg piney representation? chatsworth born and raised here

re: thread, philadelphia changed my life. thanks to the music scene in west philly, i made so many fucking quality friends. just good fucking people. love philly to pieces, but ive seen the homicide and opiate epidemics destroy too many innocent peoples' lives to stay there any longer
Philly is the only city you can simultaneously love and admit that it’s a shit hole. If it didn’t have the problems it has, it would be the best city by far.

True Piney. I live off the grid somewhere in Burlington County on private land. NJ laws are ass backwards and the land is not zoned for building so the taxes are cheap af. I snuck in a single wide trailer, drilled a shallow well, installed a simple diy septic, and solar field + generator for electric and am living pretty fucking good for legit only a few grand a year.
At least the opioids just destroy north and west Philly mostly
>cool young groups of fixed bike kids smoking pot
Thank god the late '00s-early '10s hipster era is dead

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