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Where should I go and what should I see? Good places to meet people too? Anyone want to hang out next week?

Can not speak a word of Greek
visit israel, you can go to gaza and shoot children for 20 shekels
If you want to meet people in Greece you are better off staying at a hostel. Unless you if are very good looking or rich, Greeks won't be interested in meeting a foreigner, they have large friend cliques called pareas. So if you are a solo traveler you are not going to be made part of their large clique. And even if you are rich and attractive and are somehow welcomed by a large group of Greeks, do you expect them to all speak English with you?

One of the things I recommend to do in Greece, is beyond tourist kistch shit try stuff that will be expensive in your country but cheaper in Greece. I try to load up on massages because it is much cheaper. I try to check up more.gr(formerly Viva) for heavy metal concerts, plays and standup(but I know Greek to understand the latter). I've gotten mountain biking lessons in Athens because it is much cheaper for instruction than in the USA.
Some good brothels in north athens
I spent 5 years living in Baltimore Maryland and I have seen some insane shit in my life, but the brothels in Athens shook me to my core. Those women were being held in dungeons with 3 inch steal doors and no windows.
>Where should I go
not athens.
ideally, an island, preferably in the cyclades. if that's not in the budget, crete, rhodes, or one of the ionian islands
and if you can't manage any of that, anywhere else in the mainland. just not athens.

t. greek
how is aegina? is it any good to visit for about 2 days?
Kek no they aren't
Is this true or bait? I've never been
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yuk I'd never go to any of Greece if I had the knowledge how they live there every winter the violence the broken families everything. Don't forget all the incest, bestiality and pedos there. Yuk.
Go to the cathedral, it's beautiful
what the fuck is this anon talking about
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>Unless you if are very good looking or rich, Greeks won't be interested in meeting a foreigner, they have large friend cliques called pareas
>somehow welcomed by a large group of Greeks, do you expect them to all speak English with you?
What is with all the utterly retarded blackpill posts on this board?
Nearly all Greeks speak english fine and don't get uppity about it like the French, I spent 6 months living there working remotely and had absolutely no problem making friends or meeting women, it's actually one of the friendliest places in Europe.
Sounds more being a social retard issue rather than a Greece thing
>t. Aussie
>> Nearly all Greeks speak english fine and don't get uppity about it like the French, I spent 6 months living there working remotely and had absolutely no problem making friends or meeting women

You have no clue about Greece. Like I said the youth there already have their large friend cliques. They are not going to be in a large group of 4-8 people going out(what native Greeks do) and be happy about being burdened with English for you. Sure many Greek youths especially in cities know English but they won’t have their whole parea speaking English. Making Greek friends is a package deal you have to make friends with a whole parea and not a lone individual. Thus it is harder.

Also casual dating isn’t easy anywhere especially in a more social conservative country like Greece:

>Median number of opposite-sex partners in lifetime among sexually experienced women and men aged 25-49 years of age:

Your post is more of the made up Chad cosplaying we see often here. There is also a vast culture gap between Westerners where being a drunkard is the national hobby of most like in Australia and Greece where being a drunk and drug addict is frowned up.
Greeks are uptight motherfuckers. It's almost impossible to get laid and the chicks have their noses high up in the air and aren't even that fine. Every other place in the Balkans mogs Greece, as well as other countries in Southern Europe. Been in Greece for business many times.
I've got an entire album on my phone because I find it funny how ugly they are. I even show my friends and they're shocked.
The only good ones are eg. Ukrainian whores.
Your average greek is hairy/swarthy with a big crooked nose, gray complexion, too much drama, thick unsexy accent, prude, titless, if you're into big asses might as well go for something else. VERY subpar.

I love Greece (minus Athens center) for its food and climate but once that wears off they're certainly other places that are much better long-term value. Great if you wanna retire on an island though.
>BMI: 30
Stick to the sex tourism threads fatties
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>the youth there
Ok grandpa
>CDC link
Not at all surprised by a socially inept autist who can't get laid posts a link and quote for the fucking US instead of Greece and acts like it means anything. Your complete and utter retardation is why no one wants to speak to you, not the country
Go try your weakass demoralisation posting somewhere else faggot, only exposing to us all how pathetic you are as a human being in the end.
I pull more pussy than you'll ever dream of, idiot.
Greekfag here. This anon is correct in everything he said, it's better if you come with friends and hit on other tourists. Also things are inexplicably expensive both in Athens and the islands. Crete (Chania) is the best place to visit imo and Lemnos is still a hidden gem but it won't remain for too long.
Lived in Greece too after all. Used to be in Kolonaki. Eating dykanno at 8anassis in Monastiraki. There's so many hidden gems when it comes to food in Greece, it's unreal. So many backstreet yaya diners. People have NO clue.
I hang out with efoplistes in notia proastia so you know what's up anon.
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I fucked 6 different Greek bitches in 3 months and there's nothing your incel gatekeeping can do about it Stavros. I will shit up your country even more next time.
Also Chania is shit and Samaria is overrun to the point of being unenjoyable, you can go to any other gorge and it's empty.
Heraklion is a much better city, Kissamos and much of the west is good for chilling out.
Athens is cheap as fuck, you're just a poorfag mate.
And yet you can't get laid or make a single friend in Greece?
Highly doubt, especially since you are talking about whoring.
>acutally they all are stoopid and upthigh anyway, I have pictures and make fun of them with my friends, hahahahah
Ah, yes, the average rejected loser cope mechanism in action. Of course at first you wanted to fuck them, but now you actually are totally glad you didn't
>can't get laid or make a single friend in Greece
Putting words in my mouth won't make you win anon. I've lived in Athens before and I have a big network there with highly influential individuals.

I've got much higher than average bodycount anon.
Most likely a lot more than you'll ever get.
A lot of said specimen being headturners that make people forget where they live.

Even the Greek anon agrees with me.
I also speak Greek fluently so it's very easy for me to move in Greek society as if I were a native. I get perks that idiot tourists like you never ever could even dream of.

Greek women objectively speaking aren't that fine and aren't worth the effort.

Speaking of coping, you're free to spin up ideas in your head about me, that's entirely up to you.

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