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I've grown up in the DMV my entire life and I am now starting to make some decent money and consider moving. I genuinely hate living in this area, DC has a good metro system but the traffic in this area genuinely depresses me, I hate the culture here and the only reason I've I would even consider staying here is the Dulles Airport.

So I've been considering moving to Tempe, AZ since that area has really interesting nature and has everything else that I already use at home. If I'm being honest I've been afraid of committing to moving since I'd be completely alone across the country even though I think I'd have a better life. I'm also considering moving to Nashville and Denver.

>the traffic in this area genuinely depresses me
Phoenix will make you beg for DMV side roads
>I hate the culture here
Hope you're ready from OH I JUST MOVED HERE FROM CALI DURING COVID MAN IT IS SOOOO CHEAP I GOT A HOUSE FOR ONLY 300K AND THAT WAS THE STICKER PRICE! or snowbird boomers who are the most want to blow my brains out in winter people.
>Tempe, AZ since that area has really interesting nature
the fuck this dude talking about, you mean south mountain? yipeee! enjoy ~1500 for a 1br apartment for that 'nature' aka golf course nation.

I hope you are bringing your car out here and it can pass emissions as well as handle steep mountains, because it's the only way you'll see nature outside the parks.
California ruined the valley, rent has gone from ~750-1000 for decent places to at minimum 1400 for a semi okay area. Houses? Expect DC prices unless you go to Casa grande
Traffic 'moves' but people who are transplants can't drive worth shit, I'd take DMV traffic again in a second
Cost of living has gone out the ass recently so I hope you have a good remote job, to enjoy the valley 70k min is required for nightlife and getting around to the upper plateau
It's possible to live here without a car but not pleasurable
Mill ave is an actual bumtown now many places just closed duirng covid and moving to the TSMC plant areas
Homeless + tweakers are a serious fucking problem, at least in DMV they stick to themselves. Here you can find them anywhere at any time trying to grab something

It's okay but I am getting the fuck out of here when my lease is up, the AG is suing most landlords for price fixing apartments as is.
It’s funny. I lived in the DMV for about a year after I graduated from college in 2016. I hated it while I was there. Everyone was a two-faced government suit. All the girls I met were lefty activists and immigration lawyers. The city gets so hot and humid that it becomes impossible to go anywhere or do anything. So I left and I lived in a bunch of other places, but they all sucked worse so now I look at D.C. like it was actually great.

Anyway, I would go to New York or Los Angeles. I would if I still wanted city living, that is. I’ve never been to Tempe. Nashville and Denver are extremely overrated.
OP here, LA is out of the fucking question I went to San Jose 2 years ago, saw how retardedly high those gas price were and made a vow to never ever pay a dime of rent or buy any property in the state of California unless they fix their shit. Super expensive rent, crazy taxes, some of the most homeless people in the country and traffic that is somehow worse than the DMV. I'll visit California but living there is not even an option for me.

I do like New York and I've been there many times, but I don't make enough to enable the kind of lifestyle I actually want in Manhattan. And even if I do get a fancy apartment I can never completely have peace and quiet. But it is great that I can do essentially whatever I want there.

I also had similar experiences with girls in DC. I dated some back when I had no real standards when it came to dating but they were so entitled, preachy and classless that I haven't dated in years, but I'm considering going for it again soon.
Arizona is the western Florida. Arizona has sprawl, spics, hot girls, frat bros, a shit ton of old people (including my parents) drugged up retards, injuns, rednecks, extreme wealth and poverty, unhinged people, and lots of transplants.
That said, I like Arizona. The nature is WAY better than actual Florida, and the desert is nice from about October to now. The summers are no joke though. Some people can take it some can't. The state strikes a good balance between christofascism and blue state faggotry. Arizonans generally don't like government, especially feds.
Tempe is ASU and other than that, the Phoenix suburbs really aren't that different from each other assuming you're not in the poor beaner areas.

what the fuck is dmv, hate nerds man, always abbreviating everything expecting everyone to just know. Yeah im from FMDKF and its really expensive there, particularly in DKF area.
DC Maryland Virgina, it's the new term because NoVA was too hard to spell
>hot girls
I'm sold as long as they aren't too crazy and have an actual personality aside from feminism and politics
I don't care as long they keep me far away from their goat fucking hazing
>Arizonans generally don't like government, especially feds
Based, as someone who lived in the DMV during riots and yet sees so many cops and feds not do shit, less feds sounds like such a breath of fresh air
Live in the DMV now and this thread is filled with copes who couldn't make it.
Well, Los Angeles has some natural features to it that can make living in that area worthwhile no matter what but for the most part, the reason you’d try to go to New York or Los Angeles is to make it. You’re not supposed to go there and rest on your laurels. You’re supposed to go there to make more money and in the process be able to afford to live there. Still, if you like New York but dislike the cost of living, check out Chicago. It’s a lot like New York but much cheaper and cleaner too. Philadelphia and Boston are also a lot like New York in many ways but Philadelphia is a lot dirtier and has more crime while Boston is a lot more expensive. I personally like Pittsburgh and Seattle. Obviously, Miami and Las Vegas can be fun but can also leave a bad taste in your mouth. The whole mountain West can be fun but you need either money or a ski bum sort of lifestyle. I dont see any reason to go to Arizona to be honest with you. Arizona and New Mexico are where Californians and Mexicans flee too, except Santa Fe. Santa Fe is kinda cool.

I think your problem here is you’re looking for a place to go but you’re not looking to do anything in particular to do, and so you have no particular reason to go anywhere in particular.
we are full. stay in your faggy troon state.
I've lived in Arizona for most of my life and I hate East coast dweebs. We're full.

Phoenix is an endless fractal suburban hellscape with very limited containment areas that are nice. You can't afford to live in the nicest areas anyway. You can't cope with the heat. Our politics suck but you'll make it worse. You'll think the culture sucks, but it's because everyone can tell you're an outsider. Arizona is full of people who moved here trying to escape the ruins of their past life, who thought that AZ was the intersection of cheap and exotic. Most of them end up as annoying losers, because that's what they started as and AZ isn't going to magically change you. Eastoids can't change.
There is nowhere nice to live anymore. And the best places to live won’t let you in. Also, you are American so you are barely a tier higher than a Chinese tourist to a true first-worlder

Los Angeles has some of thee worst "latinos" on the planet. Just dealing with those beaners is enough for me to reject living there.

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