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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
>also known as /sqt/ (Stupid Questions Thread)

For your quick one-off questions that pertain to travel.

If your question is long or convoluted, it might deserve its own thread.

If your question is specific to a popular destination, ask in a relevant thread/general instead.

Previous thread: >>2600606
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I have a totally autistic question guys!!!
If I lose my US visa waiver from visiting a shithole like Iran, and then get an israeli citizenship (I'm a halfkike), can I get back my visa waiver???
No, because the conditions for the visa waiver are tied to the person, not the passport.
Will be staying in Germany for a week and want to go somewhere new for a minimum of 2 nights.

Prague or Gdansk?

Prague is overcrowded and done. Gdansk is kino in summer. Cycle the Hel Peninsula and get a ferry back for a unique experience. Also lots of historical stuff re: communism and WW2.
Prague may be tourist disneyland, but it's still Prague. It's like comparing Amsterdam and Ghent. Amsterdam has a lot of issues, but it's still a city worth visiting at least once.
If it was winter, I'd easily say Prague. In summer, however, Gdansk just has more diverse set of things to offer. i.e.:
>Hel Peninsula cycle journey
>Westerplatte open air museum
>3 well-connected cities in one to explore
>Malbork castle day trip
>Caneoing in canals

It all depends what OP is doing in Germany, too. If he's jumping from city to city, then would Prague really offer anything THAT unique?
Best medical tourism country? I am in SEA so I was looking at India, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Thailand. What would be some major pros and cons of any of these? Price and care quality are most important of course. I wouldn’t think India would be great but it is spoken of really highly online when searching this topic.
Hey anon, thanks for the Gdansk suggestion. Just for context, I'll be in Germany for business but I have 3 off days which I can spend going to a country I haven't been.

Malbork is already on my plans but not Hel Peninsula. Looks kino but how would you go about it? Are the beaches in Hel the best or are there better ones around Gdansk?
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You'd get public transport to Wladyslowowo (base of peninsula). When you're there there's a company called Ottobike who you can rent a bike from and then drop off in Hel (end of peninsula). Route is 40km, should take like 2 hours, and gives you freedom to stop off anywhere on the way. Think it's 50pln for a day's rental.

The peninsula is just 1 big beautiful beach like picrel. Definitely nicer than the main cities (though obviously less people here).

If you don't like biking, there's a single track railway going up there, but that robs you of the freedom to stop wherever you please.

From Hel you then get the ferry back to Gdansk, which is a nice journey taking you past the famous shipyards, etc. Make sure you check this time, or you'll be kinda stranded and will need to sleep the night there.
Sounds extremely based. Thanks anon!
Strange question for 4chan, but /trv/ seems sort-of socially adjusted.
What are the most significant changes in travelling once you become a parent? Besides having to keep kid-friendly activities in the program, of course. Parentanons, did becoming a parent enhance the travel experience or did you feel better off when you could decide exactly what you wanted to do and when?
Other than work Ive stopped traveling completely. Its just not worth it. Too much risk traveling with a toddler and there isnt any point since he wont remember any of it. Im also of the opinion that travelers with little children are just disgustingly selfish.
At what point/age will you consider travelling again? Or have you given up completely?
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How strict are the EU's anti-racism laws? I'm not gonna deny the holocaust or shout "nigger" in the streets, but I do want to tell off gypsy scammers and Chinese tourists.
Do I need a car rental in Zakopane? Rented a house 20 min walk from the train station for ~8 days in June. Plan to hike and chill. Already visited Krakow and all the surrounding stuff.
> anon yells at scammers and people doing dumb stuff
No problem

> anon uses racial epithets while doing so

Although are you really coming here just to shout at some Chinese tourists? Can’t you do that at home?
>Watching some border patrol show
>They keep investigating people for only bringing like $80 into the country
Why is this even a thing? Don't border patrols know you can withdraw money in other countries?
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I have a Netherlands passport with a long layover at Heathrow; can I go through border control to explore London for the day without a visa?
>Wants to go hiking
>Do I need a car to get a 20min walk away
Can anyone give me the insider information on Chiansu? Is it just a shitty city as it seems or are there some interesting experiences to be had? I won't be there long so a lot of travelling is out of the question
When the kiddos old enough to remember the trips.
Buddy, you can legally stay in the UK without a visa for up to six months. A single day would be no trouble at all.
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How much is the language barrier a issue when traveling to countries where most people don't speak English (India, Korea, Saudi Arabia)?

Is getting a tour guide a must?
I’ve had visas where the conditions included proving means at the border. This was easily done by printing off a bank statement but they also accepted physical money, stock certificates and precious metals.

Dunno which border you were watching but I can imagine it’s that
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Hey bros, I need to get from Paris to Pamplona on the 6th of Jan. I've got a few options but I don't know what to choose.
>5 and a half hour expensive train ride from Paris to San Sebastian getting off at Hendaya/Hendaia to switch trains. Then catching an hour and a half bus from San Sebastian to Pamplona to get into Pamplona late afternoon/evening where I can check into my hotel
>12 hour bus with Flixbus/Alsa/BlaBlaBus that would get me into Pamplona the morning of the 6th, losing me a morning in Paris and forcing me to wait until 3pm to check into my hotel in Pamplona
>Flight to Biarritz then a bus to San Sebastian and another bus to Pamplona which is the fastest but also the most annoying route as flights are unruly and a pain in the ass and I'd get in late at night on the 6th
I'm leaning more on the overnight bus even though I hate sleeping on buses. At least if I arrive in the morning I'd be able to dump my shit at the hotel and see the official start of San Fermin at noon.
Anyone done this route? What would you choose?
Depends on the country honestly
Also depends on your skills. It's entirely possible to not speak a word of the local language and communicate well enough. Remember that speech is actually a small part of human communication. I recommend learning the basics and then whipping your dick out, putting it on the table and letting them handle you. They want your money, they'll figure out what you'll be babbling about
Anyone here been to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan?
Looking to go to in June, 11th to 30th. Aiming for 2 days in Tashkent, 3 days in Samarkan, 2 days in Bukhara and 2 in Khiva. Then fly out to Almaty and the surroundings for the remainder of the trip.
Good idea to go there in june?
ive never travelled before and wanna visit thailand. how do you guys plan destination a -> destination b -> destination c with all transfers and stuff?

most websites like tui offer flight -> transfer -> destination a -> transfer -> flight back

yes im retarded
Just settle down in one place young man, don't follow others. You've never travelled, you're not going run out of sights and experiences in the region you're in
That looks like a good itinerary, make sure to take the train between the four cities in Uzbekistan, the fast ones sell out quickly.
Since there are no direct flights between Urgench (closest airport to Khiva) and Almaty, you might want to invert the itinerary like this: Tashkent - overnight train - Khiva - Bukhara - Samarkand - fly to Almaty.
Summer will be warm/hot but it will be dry heat, so entirely manageable by taking plenty of water.
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Part meme, part genuine, will I get dirty looks if I fly into Frankfurt wearing lederhosen? I will be in Germany for the Bayerische Löwe and on one side, I want to wear tracht to save on the suitcase space/weight. On the other hand, I'm reminded of the /trv/ banner of the guy wearing jap garb while surrounded by jap businessmen in suits. Would just the Joppe and hat be fine, since they don't scream folksy, but are also a bitch and a half to keep nice in a suitcase?
Didn't happen very often, at least in my family. Partially agree with >>2657199 that toddlers and younger won't remember most of it. On the other hand, I'd like to think that some parents have good reason. My parents would take us to my mom's country when my siblings and I were born and old enough to travel so that her side could also do the typical doting stuff.
Making sure your daughters little pussy doesn't end up getting sucked. It was happen quicker than you think, 5 minutes you not not being with her and/or thinking every guy around has got your best interests at Heart
How do I get a job in another country? I have degree in STEM.
Age? Years of experience? What country are you from? Skillsets? Any possible dependencies to take care of?

I don't know how you expect any good advice when you give basically no information for anyone to work with.
Thanks lad. I was thinking of getting a private car transfer from Bukhara to Khiva. Also is Khiva worth it in your opinion? Seems out of the way for a small town.
It's absolutely worth going to all three of Bukhara, Khiva and Samarkand, each has a completely different vibe while still being similar.
Yeah, a taxi between Bukhara and Khiva is a good choice as well, between Bukhara-Samarkand-Tashkent the trains are more frequent.
nta but I need to fuck off asap out of my country (thirdie). In the pharmaceutical industry but just graduated and I still have my community service years ahead of me. Is the best play just to rope a foreign qt to change my nationality that way? No idea how to go about just applying for a job and moving over. I assume I'll have to do their exams as well and redo some comserv years as well
I'm moving to Oahu in a couple months. What am I in for? Any tips on things to do and see?
Hello all, I’ll be flying to Mexico City from Reynosa (airport also in Mexico). Will I need a a FMM/Tourist card? I’m a US Citizen with a passport card.
You will get a stamp in your passport in Reynosa, if entering there first from the US. Traveling within México does not require an FMM. They don't have paper FMMs anymore
Got an opportunity to do 2 days in oen of the following cities with a pal: Milan, Copenhagen or Marseille. Any advice on which would be best? I enjoy photography, history stuff and coffee/food.
Copenhagen and it's not even close. The other two are shitholes.
Flying from London Heathrow to Hong Kong via Beijing
I have a 6 hour wait in Beijing until my HK flight
Will my luggage be transferred automatically? It's the same carrier (China Southern air) and the flights were not booked separately

Also can I use Alipay without internet to buy shit in PEK?
Gdańsk is hell in summer, wtf are you talking about?
My flight (first time going to US)-
>Latvia -> Amsterdam -> US
At what point do they check my documents and stuff?
I have 50 minutes to get from my first flight (Latvia -> Amsterdam) to second flight (Amsterdam -> US). I'm worried that j will be stuck in some passport/customs/border check and miss my flight.
If you’re a pharmacist then every first world country has some regulator that publishes what the mutual recognition criteria are for your qualifications. Tick all those boxes and then you can get a job and move

If you’re on the R&D or production side then you can just apply for jobs that say they’ll sponsor visas, but given the supply and demand mismatch for STEM labour this will be hard.
Never been to Milan but Marseille and Copenhagen are about as different as European cities can be
>50 minutes between flights
Between arrival and departure? That's a tight connection.
Did you book this as one ticket?
I have not bought it yet. I found it on Skyscanner. I think you buy it as one ticket.
What, you gonna recommend it in winter instead, lol?
China Southern, oh shit good luck trying to sleep on that flight (hope it's not too late to cancel your flight)
I have a short break in july of about 5 days and I'd like to fly to somewhere in europe but I can't really decide where. I've heard europe is really hot and busy in summer but for a short trip of 5 days I really don't have any other good international options from east coast USA.

Any recommendations? I've been to Austria, that's the only european country I've seen so far.
Can any Americans be honest with me what the cocaine situation is like? I read about fentanyl a lot from your country, how likely am I to get coke which is cross contaminated with fentanyl from a street dealer? I will be coming to Dallas
why do people waste time at airline lounges? i don't get it. why not just go out and explore. i'm always looking to maximize my stay when traveling.
Hey guys. What's the easiest way for me, an American, to volunteer/work in hostels in Europe? I'm in Portugal rn staying w/ a relative, but I want to branch out.

I heard of Workaway and Worldpackers but those sites charge a fee. Do those sites even work? Should I just cold email hostels? HELP!!!
>why not just go out and explore
they either cant or dont have the time to
i wouldnt know im not a crackhead. if you are coming to my country how about you respect the fucking law and refrain from using drugs for your short stay junkie
Are all of the westerners in Bulgaria right now since they have just come into schengen?
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Going to the Royal Albert Hall in London for a gig but have never been before. Is it just like any other venue for a gig or is it more strict? It feels like the kind of place you would need to dress up a little for and I can imagine they don't let you bring drinks out to the standing section
There is no de-facto difference for European citizens. Even before you could go and come back with the same documents anywhere else in the Schengen area.
Who is it you are seeing anon

The Albert hall itself does not have a dress code. Certain promoters impose one but this is for classical concerts and that kind of thing. If you’re going to listen to Holst you dress better anyway. Last time I was there I was in jeans and t shirt. I could move around freely with my drink from the bar too but again could vary with event
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Im a burger flying to shitaly soon,
Ive never flown internationally- how does customs work? I go through a line after I land in Rome and, what, they look at my passport quickly and ask i have anything to declare? How long does this take? Do they shake me down? What do I have to worry about brining? Im just gonna bring clothes and camera gear really. When I fly back from Paris to LAX do I go through customs as an American citizen?
Im not German but I bet you’ll look very retarded. Not that the temporary opinions of strangers actually matters though.
You really cant just change into them later?
Yeah not going to a classical music concert or anything, just going to see the War on Drugs. Seems like a fancy venue for a rock concert but sounds like it should be the same as any other one I've been to from what you say
you just land there and everyone goes mama mia pizzeria. Milano has better weather and less bag ads for gucci.

Ps. The non EU international visitors arrivals / departures then just show papers and yes im a burger
try it and find out
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do you think my passport is in good condition?. The inside is good, it just has those bites in the cover. Should I request a new one? I have a trip in two days so im getting stressed
>do you think my passport is in good condition?
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What is the best country to visit as an american who has never gone to another country before solo? I'm open to anything, I considered japan but it seems like it would be too expensive and I might need to save up for it.
Bangladesh is coming up and it's safe.
Anybody have experience visiting Australia? I submitted my ETA and they say there's normally a response in 72 hours... It's been two weeks and I'm still just showing "submitted".
What do I do? I already have tickets and plans because I assumed some random American who wants to see kangaroos and shit for two weeks would get auto-approval.
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See taiwan before china invades it.

No seriously, go see it, the CIA thinks they are going to invade by 2027, see it before they do that.
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Are there any tea internships that actually lead to career opportunities, or are they all working vacations that you pay for?
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Things to do in western Spain / Portugal mid September / early October? Pic so I can find this a month from now.
Why are there almost no electric sockets to be found at airports
I guess Salamanca will be full of new students...
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Does anyone have any tips on how to overcome indecisiveness regarding traveling?
I like going out on solo trips but I somehow manage to obsessively fuzz over destinations and minor details to the point that I sometimes just sit at home during my vacation instead.
I saw Opeth of all bands playing there years ago. Played black water park in its entirety and a bunch of other stuff from their back catalogue. Was beyond based. As well as prog metal they do ballet and opera and so on. You’ll be fine anon
I mean this in full seriousness because my life is uneventful and aimless; if I were to travel to, let's say Germany, hide my passport and walk into immigration pretending to be a refugee will they give me a visa? I'm white as a sheep and speak perfect English so idk if they'll believe me.
Literally came here to ask this myself. I think you'll be delegated the really shitty immigrant jobs and given a shitty room in a shitty shared house, on top of having to sleep in a camp for like 9 months because the process (I'd imagine) would be long. Still wonder if anyone here has done it
Going to Ecuador, but before we depart for the jungle we’re going to stay a while near quito

My question is: should we stay in quito proper, or somewhere near by like Mindo/otavolo. We’ll be in the area a week or ten days
Furthermore, after we leave, we want to stay a month or so in either Puyo or Baños

Which do you suggest?
Any remote workers or DNs have experience living in two places at once? I have a place in a rural college town but it’s gotten a little bit isolating and I’m thinking about getting in the habit of annual short term rental in the city.
why is the train network in Turkey so shit?
I'm in Bern Switzerland right now. I didn't plan or research much and the weather's been shit so I haven't really done much anyway. I got a flight out of Geneva in the late afternoon in a couple of days, what can I spend 4 or 5 hours doing? I'd like to go up some mountain for some views but I didn't do any of them because its all been shit weather with no views, otherwise I'll probably just chill in Geneva for the half day. I don't really want to travel back further away from Geneva just to have to go back the other way in the same day either
My wife and I are looking to hit up SEA, weve done Thailand Malaysia and Indo back in 2017-18, the highlights being Penang, Langkawi and Koh Chang. My question is, how have these places changed (better/worse) and what else should we look into? Vietnam is on our radar but weve heard mixed things about it, crappy locals, scams etc. we wiuld go for a month and would need decent wifi to do some work while gone. Any suggestions? Im comfortable on a motorbike.
I plan to visit Belize for the first time mainly to scuba dive. I'm staying in San Pedro for 5 day trip with 1 day free to do whatever. Any suggestions? I was thinking Altun Ha but not sure if it's worth spending hours traveling back and forth.
If I want to go to Andorra from Barcelona, do they still check passports at the border? I'm going to Barcelona soon but my passport won't get stamped due to my profession. I only wanna go there as a day trip.
What are the best city to walk like 3 to 5 days with lot of things to see outside that are not Paris or Rome ?
Just keep it in your suitcase for the event and wear normal clothes in transit so you save on luggage space.
Destinations and priorities shifted a lot as well as the amount of money required.
5-6 trips a year turned down to 1-2, loosely planned "we wing it" trips turned into very structured ones, a lot of oversea trips turned into "in the region" ones and suddenly I can see the appeal of a weekend/vacation house.
It changes the meta as you can't be reckless anymore, simple as.
Didn't really see a packing thread and don't feel like making one at the moment. Nice things to pack other people might not bring?
>first time in a hostel
>assigned to a 4-bed room with 3 girls (am male)
is this normal?
In a mixed dormitory, that's totally normal. If they (the girls) don't like it, they are free to book a female-only dorm (which a lot of hostels have).
a plastic bag or two
Doesn't take up space, weighs nothing and you can use them in many ways if needed.
they're not against it i think but i just feel hilariously out of place, thanks
Again if they were against it they would be in female only. They're European so they will be naked around you
Nicaragua Costa Rica or Panama?
Is Rwanda a good location to be a digital nomad?
For a roadtrip is it worth just sleeping in your car until you hit your main destination then switch to hotels, or is it better to just get a hotel each night?

For hotels is it better to book ahead of time or on the fly?
I'm flying Turkish airlines business class to istanbul and transiting there to economy. Will I get to use the business class lounge in istanbul because my previous flight was business? The lounge that they offer before my business flight at my local airport is totally shit.
I found the answer, they only look at departing and not arriving
Would you recommend Ecuador for a holiday over other south American countries?
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I'm traveling to Egypt next week, and want to get cellular data.
Where to get and how much would it cost?
Pros of on the fly is if you get a total retard on the same hotel, you're not stuck with the problem for weeks. Cons is you will have to think more and be active.
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So almost every day of next couple weeks, or next couple months (it's june now) will be above 80 degrees.

I know for people in texas or something it's like 100 degree's like 70% of year. But I live semi north.

Anyways, do I not go out, or buy a bunch of junk to block sun?
What are some good things to buy?
I'm Scandinavian, what are the implications of SAS leaving Star Alliance? Are flight prices gonna go way up?
I cannot stand direct sun for more than five minutes a year, and struggle in 20C (68F)

Outside is fine but I have to take precautions to avoid going scarlet. Factor 50 sun cream + loose baggy light long clothing + sunglasses + hat with brim. I cannot wear flip flops without rubbing sun cream off and getting sun burn, which is super annoying as I keep a lot of heat in my shoes

Indoors must be AC or underground (cooler constant temps below ground).

Flying is hell as the airports are always 25C and I’m leaking sweat. I’m not even overweight and I’m leaving pools of sweat wherever I sit. Embarrassing. Same with rail and cars, need AC or I’m going to suffer.

Also carry litres of water with you at all times

> t. Celt
What cities in the world have like a unique, or unconventional artistry, or attention to detail in terms of how their landscaped, architectured, how their infrastructure flows, etc.
I'm looking for a place I can just get lost exploring for 3 or more days.
For now I'm limiting my search to Europe because I'm going with a friend who has limits to where he can travel, but other suggestions are welcome for future trips.
Ukraine, Belarus, Argentina, Colombia, if you are a faggot Brazil.
On the train to milan, I wont get there till 1100, am i gonna get mugged getting to my airbnb? also why is border control boarding the train from zurich to iraly?
what the hell are you trying to say
I managed to land a job at front desk receptionist with no experience
Does someone here has a job like this and could share some wisdom?
should i bother with this?
any good interactive maps for traveling and planning?
I have a similar questions about Bulgaria and Romania's new Schengen status - from what I've seen it's only valid for air and sea borders? Does that mean if I enter one of those countries by land their old visa policies will still apply and it won't count against my Schengen visa days? Or will it just be the old passport check bullshit AND now count against Schengen days too?
>they look at my passport quickly and ask i have anything to declare? How long does this take? Do they shake me down?
It depends, are you darker or lighter than the average Italian?
They're in the Schengen area but still have border checks at land borders.
So yes, your days in Bulgaria&Romania will still count towards your Schengen days, gotta go to Turkey or Moldova now.
Retard here. Trying to get to Toronto from the Netherlands as cheap as possible. Any specific route I should take? What time of year should I look for flights? Any time other than during holiday season, I'm assuming, but any dates in particular?
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Traveling to Serbia and Kosovo in a few weeks, spending three days in Belgrade (one day trip to Novi Sad) and two in Pristina.

How much dinars should I exchange for that three day trip? Planning on using my card as much as possible, but what is the bare minimum for those three days in Serbia? 50 €?

Were there some places in these two cities that you really liked and would like to visit again?
>Were there some places in these two cities that you really liked and would like to visit again?
Definitely check out Das Orbat and Vanna Nu
can you guys give me some information on which airports around the world have the best balance of intrusive security pat downs and attractive female employees? being from the usa, I assumed japanese women would pat me down there just like the fatasses did when I headed there. but I guess american airports are a lot more handsy than theirs (thanks osama). anyway, usa and japan seem like the two extremes I want to avoid. usa: ugly employees with intrusive pat downs, japan: attractive employees with no touching at all. ideally I want both attractive employees and intrusive pat downs, but I know I'd have to hire a street walker for that. so, which country has the best balance?
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I'm flying back home on a flight that leaves at 2:30 am, and at the nearest airport at 8:30 am and this bad boy has an connection in the middle. After that I'll have to catch the train and I'll likely be at home sometime around 1 pm. Meaning I'll have to be somewhat awake after 36ish hours.

Any tips on dealing with sleep deprivation? I have to be at the airport at 12 pm, meaning that I won't be able to catch some sleep before my first flight leaves.
Drink a lot of coffee and stay on the move the whole time. Never sit down because you will fall asleep
Good places in USA for a remote worker to be based out of? Some of my research is suggesting Pittsburgh and Philly but the Pittsburgh weather is clearly terrible and Philly has pretty bad crime rates.
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>Serbia and kosovo
So.. you're traveling to Serbia.
I have 2 weeks in early August and want to travel in Europe. What are some recommended destinations for a solo traveller?
I have been to:
Can be good if you're into /out/ and nature stuff and enjoy some island hopping and smaller towns/cities, the city part is kinda meh
Nope, Olympics still going on + the aftermath will inflate prices a lot across the country
Same as Denmark with better cities
If you plan to hit Budapest for 2-3 days and then head for the Balaton region this would be a great trip
Istanbul is usually hot as hell in August but you can have a great time at either coast
Vienna is imo unmatched for a city trip and the alps are great if you enjoy some /out/ stuff
Would get my vote if you would've said early September.

>tl;dr it's the school holiday high season, so pretty much any major city will feel kinda empty beside tourists and everyone who can heads for the countryside.
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>live in the US
>have no current obligations
>have no family to tend to
>$10k in bank, $10k invested
>lease expires soon
>want to relocate to a "home" city and get a mcjob while I finish school
>planning to live out of a bag in airbnbs/hotels for a year to stack money without significant bills
where should I go, bros?
I don't really have much criteria, just preferably white and some semblance of life in a downtown or central area
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I know there's already an anon here who's asked about Spain, but I wanted to ask about specifically central Spain and the Med coast. Incidentally, I'm also going in mid September and I want to know what it's like at this time of year and whether there are any cultural festivals in these parts that I should be aware of.
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How do you deal with the fact time you spend traveling you don't spend with relatives and family and also doesn't financially improve you?

I was lucky to have a great childhood and love my family, old and young. I feel a sense of longing and sadness when away from them, which is compounded by the sense of dread that I am just losing and not making money.
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Life is not a rat race to the grave. Try to enjoy the moments when you're not defined by your day-to-day life.
go to israel, they're aggressive(if you act suspiciously or you're an arab) and i doubt their genome makes ugly human beings
alternatively: play imperial gatekeeper, an h-game
Any decent hotel to recommend in Madrid? Just for one night for two, preferably close to Madrid Atocha.
ibis would be my go to for that needs. Clean, central, just werks.
In that case ibis Styles Madrid Prado
So I'm looking at places like Cuenca, Spain and Naxos, Greece. What are some other destinations in Europe that have a "I could get lost in this world" kind of vibe.
Like Venice, I'm not bothered if I'm being sold the illusion of authenticity, as long as I can suspend my disbelief for a handful of days.
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I want to visit Munich during Oktoberfest, but I won't have time to observe the full celebration, which is at least 16 days long from my understanding.

At what point in the festival would be optimal if I only had a few days (let's say around 5 days, give or take a couple)?
The only thing I won't do is not go.
Israel is going to lose the visa waiver anyway since they implemented a everify on Americans. I have a teudat maavar (good luck getting the actual passport unless you live there for a year) and it lets you go to EU, Russia, and Belarus if you care.
Or Costa Rica.
I’m on the first major no kid trip since they were born. It varies a lot by age and individual. Showing somewhat older kids places that have significance for you is like watching a good movie over with someone seeing it for the first time and enhances it. But honestly it’s a PITA except when we’re at our vacation home in Costa Rica and they can just self govern.
On your way to Uman?
Is a one way rental car out of the question? Excellent highways all the way.
I do three places, actually. What do you want to know?
Nicaragua is a bit nuts atm. Costa Rica is great. Panama is too, but for me it’s Costa Rica. (I live there part time)
Unless it’s the Galapagos, no.
Milan is a shithole dude. I’ve done that train ride too.
Easydick or whatever to London then Norse Atlantic
Do first class airline passengers get access to some first class customer support phone line or personal agent?

Cathay pacific has been holding my money hostage for 2 months now and customer support is severely incompetent and full of lies.
My idea is to book some first class tickets > get competent people on the phone > get my issue fixed > cancel first class tickets > never deal with them again.
Just want to know if I do get better support this way before I pull this
Air France did the same with me, but I sat on their asses for months until I got my money back.
I would think booking first class tickets only to cancel if just opening another can of worms.
Usually the first week is very good middle of the festival is italian weekend that is usually totally overcrowded and towards the end the appeal is somewhat gone. Also make sure to reserve a table and bring more than enough money as the prices will be extreme high for everything.
I expect something like 17€ for a Mass and 20€ for a pork roast.
You don't click without and you won't click with it. But yeah go ahead and throw $100 out of the window.
Simple as.
Tinder is the worst way to get girls on vacation. Go to a bar and just hit on all beautiful girls you see. As soon as they hear you are from another country they are already a little interested. You will get a lot of rejections, some only turn into a kiss and nothing more, but you land a few easy ones and you don't have to pay anything except for a little bit to drink.
The problem isnt lack of game or lack of confidence. It's that I'm in a country where people don't speak English and I don't speak enough of the language to seduce someone.
I'm not going to go up to a random chick and say "do you speak English?" So I can proceed to smash.
What's the best website to book flights, car rentals, and hotels in the US? All the top recommended websites seem to all be the same with slight variations in regard to pricing. Is Airbnb worth it these days?
They just keep saying it is resolved and they will send my money only to say they are looking into it when I ask a week later where it is.
I'm losing my mind here.
But yeah, it could turn into another mess
Are you hooking up with cougars or are you trying to fuck braindead africans or pajeets? Almost all young people speaks english today. I have never met anyone not able to keep a conversation in english except for old people.
>lose the visa waiver anyway since they implemented a everify on Americans
good, fuck any country that makes me do anything before arrival but still tries to claim to be "visa free"

Philly is my fucking darling of a city. I've lived there for 4 years and nothing bad has ever happened to me. Stay out of North Philadelphia and you'll be fine, and if you're in Center City just look around when you walk. Don't talk to homeless.

Best neighborhoods to live: Rittenhouse, Fairmount, and University City I guess.
Nightlife: Fishtown, South Street, Center City, Gayborhood

Pros: Great food, absolutely fantastic music scene, great people. Cheap rent. Cozy as fuck city.

Cons: DONT GO TO NORTH PHILLY. LEMME SAY THAT AGAIN. don't go west of 40th either.
I'm going to Belgium with a friend in August for 2 weeks. It's just a vacation so we can go and do whatever we want. We're thinking of visiting Amsterdam and Calais
Belgium doesn't seem like a 2 week place desu. He just wants to see Brussels Ghent and Bruges.
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What do you guys use to find where to stay?

Planning a trip to Toronto for me & my girlfriend and looking for a decent but relatively cheap place to stay. Three options I'm mainly looking at are a place on booking.com with a single review (gave a 10 but still kinda sketch, even though it looks great) and two on homestay.com
Not sure if the booking option is too much of a risk to take
>He just wants to see Brussels
As a Belgian, avoid Brussels. It used to be amazing but became a shithole the last 15 years, most Belgians avoid it as well.
Check out one of the coast cities (Oostende, Knokke, Den Haan), Antwerp, Kortrijk, Leuven, Luik, etc. instead
If you don't want to hit too many spots and just travel through, I would just hit a coast city, Bruges and Ghent. Spend more time in France instead of hitting Brussels
What site do you use to book flights after you've found what flight you want to go on? Does it even matter?
Is it worth the 20-30€ to book directly with the airport instead, even if it's a direct flight (so less chance for shit to go wrong)
the website of the airline
Fair enough
No problem unless you're in Germany or the UK
i stare down every black brown and gypsy scammer in my proximity with such an expression that they know i see them as filth and none challenged me yet
the visa approvals are stupid long, you might need to contact them to chase it up if you filled out the wrong one.

Burgers also don't get fast pass either.
Are you going to a shit hole apart from burgerland?

If so yes might get you out in a pinch faster then others.
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amsterdam is 3 days tops
see van gogh museum and do escape room in the jewish quarter (its ran by a couple and rly fun)
otherwise its just alcohol and weed
plus the rl district is gross but funny
t. spent two weeks there last august
is this common for other countries?
I'm kinda taking it easy applying for my ETA to Canada cause they said it happens fast, planning to go start of September/end of August
Any recommendations for group tours in Australia? My father is recently retired & never got to travel much. There's always been a fascination with down under here in Ireland. I am looking for the most packaged tour possible with little planning or effort needed. Also the more Crocodile Dundee-esque the better. Thanks
I will be visiting Naples for two days, I don't know anything about that place. Any recommended hotel? Go area to visit, places to avoid?
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How can hotels be so expensive in "cheap" countries?

For example: A night at Hilton Kalastajantorppa (Helsinki, Finland) would cost 106 € per night. At Hilton DoubleTree (Skopje, North Macedonia) a night would cost 89 €. At the same time, average monthly salary in Finland is 3 900 € and in North Macedonia 650 €.

I'd assume that this would somehow be seen in the price of I just want to stay at a Hilton without needing to sell a kidney god dammit!
Probably because Finland has a better tourism industry than North Macedonia, so there's more competition. That, or tourists generally expect to pay roughly the same price no matter where they go, so there isn't a lot of downwards pressure on hotel prices.
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Superb (9+) hotels on booking.com in both places
There's clearly still a pretty big difference
hotel prices aren't really affected by local economy because they likely won't be used by people from that country
I'm planning on living abroad in Madrid for a year or so and i'll be doing this completely alone, I have no one nearby except a couple of friends in Netherlands and my girlfriend who will be living in Paris for a year in a couple of months (we're breaking up but thats another story). I guess I'm looking for someone who has lived something similar to share their experience, leaving everything behind to live in another country for a year and sort of just try to survive, anything would be appreciated.
Best website to find cheap accommodation in Japan? Booking.com?
How old are you? Are you a student or a professional?
Stay in the city center and you'll be fine. Go up to Castel Sant'Elmo and you'll have a great view of the golfo.
And go have lunch at Il Gobbetto, thank me later.
>t. italian who was there for four nights two months ago
>As a Belgian, avoid Brussels. It used to be amazing but became a shithole the last 15 years, most Belgians avoid it as well.
Just say it's because of muzzies
I have a 14 hour layover in Copenhagen on a return trip from Rome in a month. Is there anything worth doing/seeing during that time? Caveat is that it’s 11pm to 1pm so would I just be better off finding a hostel and sleeping? Also any recs for hostels in Copenhagen?
I'm 24, graduated a year ago, I'm planning on securing a job before actually going.
If you can afford it, is it worth driving a rental car in Europe?

Some points to consider:
>many countries (at least western and central Europe) appear to be well-connected; looks like you can go almost anywhere with a bus, train, or tram
>parking looks pretty difficult in major cities
>lesser-known areas may not be as well-connected or have irregular train schedules

I truly ask out of ignorance. From my perspective, it seems like driving in Europe isn't really worth it unless you're in Iceland, the northern part of Norway/Sweden/Finland, or eastern Europe. How (in)accurate is this assessment?
It could very well be worth it if transit hubs are not on your itinerary and you'd only be going to major cities because the bus/train connects there.
The loading/unloading of luggage is a massive pain if you're not backpacking, the car gives you emergency accommodation and amenities, if you don't have a car then local travel in your destinations might be equally expensive.

Downsides: can be stressful, local driving conditions can been poor, navigation can be make or break, can be a headache at the border
eww, late checkin and accommodation for no reason, sleepless airport sit in, wander around copenhagen at night. not good options.

chances of entertainment not good either, but worth a check. You might find an event that's going overnight.
I upped and out a bunch of times. First problem is obviously accommodation because the rental market is probably really tight in Madrid, no landlord will want a foreign tourist unless you're paying peak prices the whole time which would be mad, hostels can be wary of long term occupants, and you could get thrown out of short term accommodation any time.

So I would book a hostel where you hit the ground for the week, try to meet some local students and move into a local share house. You will probably have more money than them, they will probably have done the leg work to find a place, if you're by yourself it's ideal. But you've got to have a secure fall back plan because you don't want to be homeless in a foreign country.
networking online will probably be important. Other options: live in housekeeper for another expat, join the fat foreigner enclve.

Second problem is work, because the local jobs market is also probably really tight and foreign workers aren't sought after in spain unless you're in a industry gap, you might be, but it's unlikely. I used to work in the hotels industry because they pay firstually nothing but provide accomodation. and they'd rather have a friendly foreigner than an empoverished local person. But be warned, that dynamic means there's insense hatred of foreign lifestyle workers. In spain at the moment the nationalist party is stoking xenophobia across the country and as a long term resident you're a sitting duck.So how would I put this...where you expect to find trouble, dont go looking.

A car would hedge your bets in many ways, you may struggle to find jobs without a car. Spains pulic transport network is very good but from what I hear often unafordable without concesions. they expected tourists to pay for everything

Bottom line is that to survive you should plan on getting onboard with someone. A local company, an expat community, a local communist orginization, a local farm, anywhere.
China Airlines CI62 from Frankfurt to Taipei is always a Boeing 777.
Now I booked my flight for December and the CA website shows me that it will be an A350-900.
Need airplane autists opinion on whether this is true or not.
You'd only want a car if you a.) need to move fast and can't wait around for buses b.) are planning to visit bumfuck nowhere areas on the regular and have to stop a lot, eg. a tour of wild beaches in Italy or WW1 cemeteries and battlefields in Belgium.
For the average tourist, they're a liability in any 100k+ city that will see you paying out the ass for parking and wasting hours in endless jams.
Changes in aircraft can happen at any time.
It could very likely be that they swapped the B777 for a A359 because they expect fewer passengers.
Grazie mille amico, I'll make sure to have a lunch there.
I've only flown direct in my life so far and I'll have a flight with transits soon. How is luggage handled for transfers?
If the entire journey from start to finish is booked under the same ticket, your luggage will arrive at your destination without you having to do anything.
That's how it is most of the time. There is a rare (not high, but not zero) chance that you might have to pick up your luggage at your transit location, but the flight attendant on your first flight will make that announcement prior to landing.
I've got a problem. I lost my passport, and then my birth certificate in a story entirely too long to put into text. I've since just gotten new copies of my birth certificate, but I don't think 3 and a half weeks is long enough for me to be able to get a new passport in time to enter Canada on the 9th of August. Nor do I think that I can get an enhanced drivers license in that time either. Is there anything I can do, or am I fucked?
How long should I spend in Rome if I want to see all the major sites worth seeing in a relaxed, casual manner? I don't want to jam pack my days with 5+ sites. Is over a week too much?
I need to fly from Spain to the Czech Republic.
The travel department offers me the following options:
>Luxair via LUX
>Air France via CDG
>Lufthansa via MUC
They all take about the same time, so any recommendations from /trv/?
can apply for an emergency or temporary passport
5-6 days seems about right. You can spend one day at the coliseum and Forum, another in the Vatican. The other days can be varied depending on what you're interested in seeing (Classical ruins, religious sites, etc.)
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>Land in Heathrow at 10:30am, fly again at 19:05pm
Is this enough time to spend the afternoon in London? I have an EU passport and I venture it would be far more interesting than spending all that time in a terminal.
Avoid CDG (it is as bad as people say) else it's a euro flight so who cares pick by FF preference.
>Avoid CDG (it is as bad as people say)
NTA but what the fuck, why? I already booked a flight & I arrive there 3h before the flight leaves
Transiting is a nightmare, crowded as fuck and staffed with the dregs of French society. It's fine, you won't have any major problems but it's just unpleasant.
ah okay, not too bad then since I have plenty of time & I try to avoid interacting with others anyway
It reminds me of the trip I took to Ireland with my dad, we took a flight from Brussels & had to take multiple trains and busses to get there, each step of the way that we got closer to Brussels, there were more & more immigrants. I imagine CDG won't be much worse
If you depart from there it's okay I suppose beside having to deal with incompetence. Transfers, any and all kinds of transfers even Euro - Euro, are a horrible shit show unless you fly la premiere and get a Limousin ride from the plane straight to the first class lounge and from there to your next plane.
>What are the most significant changes in travelling once you become a parent? Besides having to keep kid-friendly activities in the program, of course.

That’s a big part of it, bigger than you might think. When they’re fairly small, your whole pace changes a lot. Not only do you have to do more stuff that might be appropriate for them/specifically for them, you probably have to do a lot less overall, at least for a while. You’ve also got a lot more luggage and more tickets to buy on planes and more beds/bedrooms to rent when looking for places to stay. You get used to it and it changes with time but it’s very different at first.

>Parentanons, did becoming a parent enhance the travel experience or did you feel better off when you could decide exactly what you wanted to do and when?

For me, it absolutely enhanced the experience, with time, although it started as something of a slog when they were four and useless. It can be legitimately magical to experience a place through a kid’s eyes, and just to watch a kid having fun somewhere interesting. My kids (now middle schoolers) have lived abroad for half their lives at this point, and traveled pretty widely (mostly in Europe, but also a bit of Latin America, Asia, and North Africa), and they’ve become quite interested in travel and in other countries and cultures—they help plan itineraries now, and have learned languages, and have thoughtful things to say about the places we go. And I no longer have to sit around at playgrounds or visit many children’s museums.

Booked a flight thru Saudi Airlines, and just saw posts about how dire the airport in Jeddah is. I only have a 2 hour layover.

How fucked am I?
Probably not at all fucked, if it’s all on one Saudia ticket. They have competent ground staff to assist with transfers and it is in their interest to get your ass and luggage successfully into its outbound seat and hold. It might be a bit rushed and annoying and uncomfortable, but you’ll be hustled through and on your way.
Yeah I got a direct flight, I could have got on in brussels/lille instead but then I'd have a transfer in paris anyway and pay more so I said fuck it
I’ve done a lot of rental car driving in Europe, and I think my opinions are broadly aligned with those of the other anons who have chimed in. Driving can be worth it if you want to visit mostly rural areas, if you want complete control over where you go, and, in my experience, if you have an international itinerary that you want to keep very flexible. Driving is always the wrong answer in European cities, and usually the wrong answer if transiting between more-or-less major cities. But it can save time if you’re interested in the countryside, and it is often, but not always, quicker than buses or trains between any points A and B.

If you love road trips in particular, there are a lot of great options. But if you’re just comparing ways to get between points, and aren’t specifically eager to drive, then it’s important to understand how much better public transportation is in nearly all of Europe than it is in the USA, and also how annoying and expensive it can be to drive and park in a lot of urban areas in Europe.
Where are these insane last minute plane ticket deals people keep jizzing about? I inherited a large sum of money 2 days ago and thought I would take a trip for the weekend to celebrate but the cheapest flights I could find are still at least 200 bucks. Where are these 15 euro roundtrip budget airline tickets people rave on about?
It's peak school holiday time, what did you expect? Wait till mid August and that shit will pop up again. Also if you got a lot of money, what are €200? Change, I blew more on the wine for dinner tonight.
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I tried to post something here but realise now that it's not there, not sure if I fucked up posting or it got deleted, I'll just try again.
Well, I'm currently in japan and bought a copy of an adult VN (Saya no Uta), my next stop on my trip is singapore, and porn is banned there, how thoroughly do they check baggage at the airport there? If it's too risky I can just mail the game home.
Last minute is dead these days:
Flights are overbooked.
Hotels optimise for maximum cost/performance.
Major attractions use time slots you have to reserve far in advance.
They don't even allow chewing gum into the country, they'll definitely take your porn.
You better be into spanking, because you're getting caned if you break the law there.
>expecting cheap flights in the middle of the summer, on a weekend to boot
You want off-season weekdays, the current batch of people is effectively paying for the tickets of autumn travellers.
Where is it about in the world that I can go where I can sing-a-song and be happy?
It's time for us to visit all the places we wish we would've! Let's do it!"
Did something happen to the Turkish Lira recently? What I'm finding is that when I research the cost of things, I get wildly different numbers. I'm talking up to a 10x difference in less than a decade. I fully expect costs to go up due to inflation, but not tenfold.
How worried should I be about spending a couple of months in a city with bad air pollution?
Saudis are okay with English and most of them know basic English some are fluent you wouldn’t find any difficulty Korea is a fucking pain in the ass I spent one week and couldn’t find one who spoke good english it’s was a fucking nightmare
Anons, I feel retarded by how intimidated I feel at the US visa process, I want to go soon as a Brit but I think I need a unironic
>How to get into the US for retards guide
As I know about the types of visa, such as B1/B2 and for longer term I-601, which I would need for any permenant residence (vaccine exemption), but the idea of fucking it up or doing the wrong one scares me to no end.

Could someone give me a QRD/step-by-step for Brit doing Tourism? I've read too much to where I feel paralysed.
I'm about to head out on a 3 week trip to Paris, Amsterdam, and Berlin. It's the first time I've ever done anything like this and I'm pretty nervous about it. Paris I'm going with a couple friends so I'm not too worried about it, but Amsterdam and Berlin I'm going totally solo.

I'm a big fat guy, pretty shy, and kind of awkward. I plan on really pushing myself to get out and see the cities and do activities.

Can anyone here relate or offer me some advice please?
1. Go to
2. Fill it out
3. Get green lighted within 36h
4. Book all your STUFF NOW !
5. ?????
6. Profit.
Is it bad that I'm scared I'll be denied? Mainly because I was denied a shotgun certificate here despite having an entirely clean criminal record?
They green light pretty much everyone unless you have a criminal record or are on some terrorism watch list.
Ok guys help a nigga out.

I want to buy a research chemical which is legal in the country I will be travelling to (germany) and pick up said package at a postal building.
Shouldn't be a problem right?
>Buying drugs in a third world shit hole with no rule of law, certainty of law or fair trails
(seriously, they legalized weed on a basis that you can smoke it but not drive a car for up to 7 days after consumption nor work on any heavy equipment, banned a news outlet about feelings and criminalize random RC's at will on a daily base)
Best idea ever. You might want to promote homosexuality in Saudi Arabia or run a tranny campaign in Qatar next.
I have off of work for the next two weeks, I live in a upstate NY city. Any good ideas for solo travel or day trips I could do? Was thinking about New England or maybe somewhere out west
Have fun
Zero questions. Stamped my passport. Let me in. That was a first for Europe though. t. burger
In the US, most flights will have tags that say "TRANSFER" on them by the bag tagging kiosks. I've had my luggage transferred without them, but you should put one on each bag.
I wanted to book a car from Sixt for a few days in Florida, but I can't find anything about valet parking in the rental T&C and a lot of the accommodations I looked at have valet only parking. If the valet manages to crash the car, does it land me in a pool of shit for letting a technically unauthorized driver (since the valet isn't on the rental agreement) behind the wheel?
How viable is it to find one of those countries with a depopulated countryside and buy one of those collapsing buildings there? (The stone ones)
I'm confident I could do all the stonework needed to rebuild the house by myself so at least it would have a stone shell and wood floor, how bad do they rape you with taxes and regulations in these countries?

I've pretty much just assumed that all these places with "1 dollar houses" are always like that for a VERY good reason, usually related to taxes and zoning and regulating. Somewhere like rural spain, rural italy, something like that. I could easily buy a crumbling stone property, fix it up in a month or two, and have a vacation house (albeit without modern luxuries but I really don't care about modern luxuries at all.)

Just as a little house to go to for 1 month of the year it doesn't seem too bad, does it?

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