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What transferable skills do you have that allow you to travel so frequently? Allegedly this whole board has rich people working in foreign countries constantly. What jobs have you worked that let you live the dream?
I'm a truck driver.

I make more than doctors and all the LARPing coders on this board. Sure, I work hard. I collect overtime, but I have no debt and God willing, I'll retire by 30.
100% VA disability.
I have worked purely remotely, on a contract basis, for the last ten years. My main portable skill is outrageously boring—I am very good at navigating governmental bureaucracies, and creating and improving complicated technical documents to be read by bureaucrats. Most of my work is as a consultant helping companies and large NGOs to win contracts. It’s about 70% bids and proposals, 30% research and strategic advising.

I have been completely independent for the last six years, but for my first four years working as a contractor, I was part of a stable of consultants at a boring but successful kind of boutique management consulting company.

I’m not rich (I can make up to $150K in a year, but I make less than that most years) but I’m comfortable, and I only work part-time. A lot of my living abroad (six countries so far) used to consist of being temporarily installed on-site with a project or country office; I also used to make a lot of short site visits, but since COVID it’s been almost exclusively remote.

I’m also in the consultant stables for two UN agencies, but I get very little work from them. I had one long-term contract, but it’s been mostly crickets since then. Just a few days of work handed to me by friends once in a while. I’m OK with that, though—the UN gigs are demanding, kind of annoying, and surprisingly poorly paid. When I was young, I used to think I wanted to work for the UN full-time, but the tastes I’ve had have convinced me otherwise.
Nope nope nope we’re not doing this soon-to-be humblebragging horseshit

The name of the game is simple. You fucking spend less than you make, you take the difference, and you use it to fund your travels.

I’m a skilless fucking loser who’s never had a job I would be proud or confident to tell anyone about, but by god, I’ve got 2 years of cooming under my belt.

If you’re a single male you can survive on 22k a year in America
Poker. It has to be a career for you, not just a hobby though.
Hows your health? I’ve heard trugging can cause back issues and weight gain. There’s also a pretty shit work life balance with that right?
my transferable skill is giving up on life after spending a decade working for nothing and then blowing through my savings then killing myself when it runs up and i didnt magically wake up a millionaire one day
What is this, the 90s?
It's 2024 dude, lmaoing at you thinking people can save every month like that with inflation making everything expensive.
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>Hows your health?
God hates me so I've had abysmal health since I turned 18. Chronic back pain, psoriasis, balding, insomnia, crippling depression, impotence.
>weight gain
Actually impossible. I have a strict diet based around veggies and normal foods would kill me.

I had originally made far different plans for my life. Now my goal is simply to accumulate as much money as I can and invest in stocks or live on the interest then retire.

I fully expect to be utterly fucked in the ass right before I achieve my goals, but if it doesn't pan out I'll probably just kms after debtmaxxing in Thailand.

Thanks for listening to my ted talk
I was skilled enough to be born to rich parents
alrigh im gonna be straight
•1. If my neighbours suck, why should i stay? Also if tourism sucks, am i required to be here? Then its just booking up how these people acted. As ex i didnt kno how polish office bitches would act then it turns out they treat grown ass men like babies so i will never do business with these retards again,
Fell into ESL teaching at a young age. Never managed to escape.
Managed to get into teacher training and academic management and run short courses and summer camps in other countries.
Also pick up short-course teaching work if the location is interesting.

End game is to put all I know online on to an interactive site, firstly targeting teachers and competing with all coursebooks and shit like linguahouse, then looking to turn the cannon to students and crush duolingo. This will require shitloads of travel to get off the ground, as I'll need to demo what I have built.
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Nigga this is simple af, make more than you spend, put everything in excess into investments.

Then go to someplace cheap and you’ll make more money on your returns than you actually spend.

I’m targeting $2.5M in SEA and compound growth will get me there in 10-15 years.
I'm not even affluent by American standards, but still managed to travel extensively between the ages of about 19 and 30. If I'm not mistaken, I'd visited between 30 and 40 countries by the time that I finished college, and went to another several dozen thereafter.

In terms of money and savings, I'd place my travel into two categories:
>during college
My parents never gave me a dime for travel (or much of anything else, for that matter), but they did encourage me to live at home for as long as possible.

So, all through university, I worked a series of part-time jobs. Most were menial and paid terribly, while a handful of others let me earn anywhere between $500 and $1,200 per week (which isn't a fortune, but was more than enough for a full-time student who didn't spend money on anything except travel). Didn't really go out and party, and kept my daily expenses to a minimum.

I think, most years, I traveled for the duration of both my summer and my winter vacations--about 3.5 months in the summer, and between 3-4 weeks in the winter. Sometimes I'd go somewhere cheap in the spring, too. It was a good time, but I usually had a terrible budget. For example, I think my daily budget for my first-ever trip was about ~$35/day.

>after college
I used to make money writing other students' essays in college and eventually ended up with a poorly-paid copywriting gig (which was part-time, but gave me an extra $800 per month for low-effort work). After graduating, and before starting graduate courses, I wandered my way into a handful of much more lucrative contracts in the same general industry.

Don't think I made more than $30,000-$40,000 per year in my first year or so, but that was more than enough to travel indefinitely in countries with lower costs of living. IIRC, I probably peaked between $105,000-$115,000, with most years averaging $65-75k.

So not rich, but made enough to do whatever I wanted until getting married and moving home (no regrets).
You do not need 2.5 mil to retire in SEA. You don't even need that for the USA.
You can, faggot.

My living expenses with a 1br apartment are 1800 or less. 22k a year. Unless you’re working for $15 dollars an hour like some dumb animal you can amass at least 10k in savings AT LEAST
I hate that this is possible
I wanna retire in luxury and pass it down to my snot nose kid.

Wife is targeting $1M so we’ll have $3.5M together all things considered.
Teaching English
based. I too am acamming the gov of money. Retirement at 25 feels good bro
Anon, how do I bid on jobs?
I'm almost done a management degree, want to build a portfolio doing consultations, and escape my 80h weeks in cancer towers.

My job pays well, but I know time is against me.
Wtf did you do to make line go up like that??
What's socializing like with other truckers at truck stops and such?
Do you ever fuck the hookers who service truckers?
How do you have such a no-coiner boomer mindset despite being so young?
If you have, or soon will have, an MBA, your straightest path to building a consulting portfolio is probably enduring a few years with one of the big management consulting sweatshops—McKinsey, Deloitte, BCG, etc. They take some undergrad graduates too, as well as a handful of advanced degrees from non-business backgrounds (my wife got a McKinsey job offer after completing a science PhD, and a McKinsey survivor I know from Germany is a doctor), but it’s mostly an ass-kissing go-getter MBA club. They work the hell out of you, in a very macho, stupid grind culture, but if you produce satisfactory million-dollar slide decks for enough clients, it’s only a matter of time before one either poaches you for a full-time gig with them, or you have contacts you can approach directly with your own consulting offers. Pay as much attention as you are able to the proposals the firm puts in to client companies—look at what the consulting firm is offering to do, for whom, and figure out how much of it you can do on your own. And be as friendly as possible with as many client contacts as possible, and stay in touch with them to the best of your abilities—as with far too many professional situations, it’s largely about who you know. Nearly all of my contracts come either from people I’ve already worked with/for, or from personal referrals from former clients.

A lot of companies, agencies, government departments, and NGOs issue requests for proposals from consultants, and don’t ignore those, but I think I can count the number of “cold” proposals I have won, getting work from a new client I didn’t already have some kind of a connection with, on one hand.
>10k in savings
WOW that's not enough to travel and have anything left over! Let me guess, your retirement plan is suicide?
What happened to all the decent jobs out there :/
Its less about transferable skills, and more about a boss who doesn't give a shit where you are when you work
You are everything wrong with the world. Imagine spreading this MBA cult bullshit which robs the world of curiosity and soul.
don't live like shit in retirement. be able to help your kids achieve their dreams, have the extra funds to achieve some of your own too. $2m is bare minimum for retirement if you ask me, for many people the way you handle the years between when you retire and when you die is how you will be most remembered. the last impression you give will be the one that persists, don't be a miserly old coot living like a college student

join the military or go to college
travel, build experiences, gain a few skills, go to college, fall in love, do not worry about money
laser in on a career. earn. raise a family. aggressively build wealth. accomplish things in your career and be the best at what you do.
be the patriarch and create your legacy

that's the key right there.
I am not part of the cult in any way; I mostly fucking hate those people, although I know a few individuals from that universe that I like a lot as people. I was just giving an anon who says he’s studying business my take on a way to start working independently that I have seen to work.

I work and have worked with a lot of MBAs; 75% of them are smarmy shits who think they are smarter than they really are. I know maybe three or four MBAs who had to do really challenging, rigorous work to get their degrees (there are finance types with extremely strong technical, math and economics skills), but most management degrees are pop psychology, social science lite, jargon, and aggressive networking.

It’s largely a nasty racket. But it’s one that opens plenty of overpaid doors.
My job is fully remote and if I told you my age + salary you would call me a larp. As a result I can travel pretty much whenever and wherever I want
What a useless post
>op asked how people travel
> you are useless
Absolute brilliance
How is it sexpesting in Japan? Do the Japanese mind that you're creeping on their women?
Where? Asia?
>in SEA
lmao, of course
>snot nose kid
You're a dickhead. Like every dude who loves Asian women. You're all the same.
No one cares about your age or salary just the skills and actual jobs you've worked. Don't pretend like your answer isn't incredibly vague.
I work auditing zero knowledge implementations particularly for novel recursive schemes like proof carrying data and incrementally verifiable computation as well as investigate completeness and soundness at the mathematical level
Now you're probably going to complain I'm too specific because you are a faggot
Everyone on 4chan is apparently a multi-millionaire crypto genius who’s made it by the age of 21.

True answer here is consistency, I don’t care what your field is.

I started in a corporate wave slave job when I was 16, barely made 200 a week. Hated life. By the time I was 22, no college, doing less work, keeping my head down and singing to the corporate tune, I was making 900 a week. Paying very little rent, I saved up 50k+ in a few years.

I’ve got a friend who did the same except working in a warehouse. Smashing overtime like crazy. Long 12 hour days, then going to work in a car-wash for an additional 3-4 hours for cash in hand labour. He ended up buying a grocery store with his money, hired some illegal and basically makes double his salary whilst doing absolutely nothing.

I recommend either 2 things.

Either grind out and wageslave for several years. Put all ‘here and now’ ideas to the back of your head and save them for a bit.

OR get a flexible job that allows you to work abroad. I have a friend doing this, took him a while to find but for a Czech based company, he makes 65k EUR a year and lives in a posh little area in the Mediterranean.

Options are out there, you just need to work hard for them.
So you're in the copywriting industry still or? What do you do?
I am in my late 20s and still live with my parents. No job, no degree, no friends. Should I truckermaxx? I've always loved driving and have nothing to lose. And I need to get out of here quick.
Great response, I've met a lot of older people who say the same thing, just be consistent in your choice of work. What does your Czech based friend do? Sales is a bit of a meme but I was thinking of going into that
Lineman. I make 250k a year.
I'm a locomotive engineer. I make good money ($175k) and I've been doing it for a long time so I get a month of vacation every year. I also play games to stretch my unpaid personal days (not the same thing as vacation) and I have no qualms about calling in sick for a couple weeks at a time to get more days off (there are plenty of apps where you can pay a doctor to give you a legit sick note if you need that). I average about 8 weeks a year overseas.

In short, find any job that will pay you well then do whatever devious things you need to do to get the time off you need to go where you want to go.
>30 hour of mandatory ot a week
I'd rather kill myself
>Live with mother, save all monies
>Periodically coom in Asia
>When Mom dies, inherit house, sell it and use funds to retire to Asia
>If money runs out, become Buddhist monk and spend my last few years freeing myself from all worldly desire and negating all the bad karma I have accumulated though a life of laziness and degeneracy
I work in a middle-class paying job with a ton of OT. I also live with my parents and have few expenses other than car maintenance, insurance, repairs, and phone bills. Looking at transferring somewhere closer to home so I can get rid of the car, but that's pretty much it.

I'll do a few 45-60 hour weeks, book off a month, and come back to my co-workers with kids, mortgages and a 2024 F150 wondering how I can afford it.

The truth is, if you prioritize properly, you can likely afford it. $10,000 is only $28 a day. If you pick up an overpriced coffee, eat out for lunch and dinner every single day, you've decided to prioritize eating out and conveinece over saving $ for other things.
>retire by 30

I'd love to hear how this is going to work short of investing it BTC and it going to 500k

>worked SWE for 7 years
>accumlate $550k @ 29 living with parents
>work remotely in asia without compaines permission
>waiting to get fired then transition to TEFL

As easy as that.
So your job is grant writing?
Not quite, but close enough. I don’t write grant proposals to private foundations, for one thing. The documents I help to produce tend to be longer and more technical than most grant proposals, and include a lot of other supplementary documents. I also have both companies and NGOs for clients, unlike most grantwriters.

I also don’t do that much of the writing myself; I mostly manage teams of in-house people and collate/revise the final packages.
I had the monk plan too but at this rate it's probably overpopulated
I still health and love insurance remotely, it pays around $180k a year. My wife has a master's in biology and human anatomy, she makes around $90k tutoring online.

Sales is the best gig for freedom, if you can hack it.

Btw I'm always hiring.
Sell health and life* fucking autocorrect.

Also structured annuities and getting my series 7 & 11 at the moment.
Why not sell love insurance too? If your relationship ends early you get a payout for emotional damages and lost productivity. Just fill the contract with loopholes that prevent your company from ever paying like with everything else.
Anon, if you're still around, I'd like to ask - what if I come at it from the opposite direction?
I'm a military officer who, similar to you, found out that I have a talent I don't want for navigating bureaucracy. Having a good eye for detail and skills at technical writing make you a wizard who can get things done that entire departments drag out over years.
I make a comfortable amount now and the DOD dangles more money and a retirement in front of me but the idea of 15 more years of this sounds miserable. Problem is it's hard to explain to anybody in the civilian world that my job wasn't shooting terrorists. A lot of officers go through MBA pipelines as soon as they get out, but is that necessary? What would you do if you had to approach your career backwards like this?
How'd you begin into sales? Do you have a degree in something relevant?
Is a degree required for your job?
Can you still make good money not working in tech jobs?
Some sales jobs still require a degree, but those are almost always the shittiest jobs. The best thing you can do is get into a shit door to door or something, gain some experience and work your way up to SaaS or something with more prestige. The good thing about sales, you can make a much money as you want. Honestly though, I've done every type of sales, I worked at Google, I've done solar, I've done B2B flipping multimillion dollar deals. Insurance is the best job I've had.

The hard part is getting good at it, especially when you see a couple guys at your company making $1,000 a day and you feel like it's not for you.

Here's my best advice: I fucking sucked at sales when I started out, I thought I was too autistic and retarded for it. But I stuck with it and now I make $800-$1,500 a day. Just keep at it and you'll get good. Find a company that doesn't screw their people over. Pest control is usually a good launching point. Or insurance if it's a smaller company.
Maybe a good idea, make roasties pay.
Ahhhhh Portland, home....I joined the Marines anon, if you're poor and you want to travel, you have to be tough and have a capacity for hardship. I recommend the merchant Marines, it's a great way to gain real world experience and skills and travel the world.
I have a graduate degree, but I still do a lot of copywriting. I was making about $100,000 per year up until the end of last winter, when one of my longer-term--and best-paying--clients cut my content quota unexpectedly and without any warning. So I'm making substantially less than I was before, especially when considering that we now live in a high-COL area on the East Coast.

As I may have mentioned in my original comment, I find what I do horrendously boring (even though it pays well in relation to the amount of effort I put in, and provides significant flexibility in terms of being able to travel). All things considered, I'm likely going to apply for another professional program at the end of the summer. If I get in somewhere--and I think I will--it'd be a big adjustment, but that'll be the end of my writingshit forever.
No, all training is provided (and you are paid to do it)
Advice for Euro anon that wants to do tech sales?
I'm looking at Repvue and been reading some beautyofsaas but idk.
The US seems like such an amazing place to work. I hate EU besides the food and the cafés.
Reading about the US salaries really makes me seethe. Also, I'm from a commie Scandi country where even ordering something off of Amazon results in 2x price. Fuck this shit.

>Captcha K8SDR
I'm just a teacher that travels once a year during the summer. Going to Italy in a week.
I'm going back home in the Balkans but I don't have great work experience so I don't know where to begin. Obviously I'm not expecting a good job or a lot of vacation days, any shit job will do as long as I get useful experience.

Has anyone tried national park jobs in Australia or shit like that? I would love to wageslave on the Golden coast
Real estate investments.
Rentoids are funding my degenerate lifestyle.
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>"how can I afford to travel" thread #1784

Save up money, quit your job, travel, return and get new job, repeat.

I just put money on the side every month, after a few years I quit my job and go for a few months. In between I do smaller vacations (1-3 weeks) without quitting my job. That's literally all you have to do. Save your money faggot.

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