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Im going to Italy, starting with Rome than use the train system(trenitalia) to enjoy different cities, im doing an italy sweep trying to have the ultimate Italian experience, is 10-12 days enough? any suggestions on
>where i should go and do.
I can speak Italian so small villages wont be an issue. thought about using a fairy to reach sicily.
>any activities for a single man
like going to restaurants alone isnt my thing, most of my food would be breakfast at a cafe or some fruit from a grocery store. ( i did this during my spain and france visits)
>is tinder good in italy?
used it both in spain and france, was successful in both, but im a little older, i believe thats a big factor on getting matches.
Than use a train what?
then* sorry mate
damn nothing???
>the ultimate Italian experience, is 10-12 days enough?
No. Italy is a big country. The idea of doing an "italy sweep", including sicily, in just 10-12 days is ridiculous. 10-12 days are barely enough to get a good feel for Rome and its immediate surroundings alone, unless your idea of "visiting" is quickly walking through the main tourist traps and then leaving to catch your next train. I'd advise to either just stay in Rome and explore it as thoroughly as you can, maybe head to places nearby like Tivoli to see the ruins of Villa Hadriana. Alternatively pick a region (centre, north south or even smaller like just Latium or just Tuscany) and stick with it
>I can speak Italian so small villages wont be an issue
You most likely have a ridicolous accent. Stick to english, most young people will understand you. Also, I'd advise against going to small towns if you're planning to use public transport; reaching them can be difficult and time consuming. Stick to large and medium sized cities, or just Rome
>any activities for a single man
I don't know man, what do you like
>is tinder good in italy?
As good as it can be in any other first world country ig

t. Italian
this is bad, but hes right on the 10-12 days, can you do a month?
What are you looking for in italy?
Im not op, im visiting utaly for a few weeks should I not bother to learn some broken italian and just speak english?
If it's your first time, you'll probably want to do a Rome > Florence > Venice trip, spending about 5 or 6 days in Rome, overnight in Florence and a few days chilling in Venice before flying out through the venetian airport. You really don't have as much time as you think you've got and 5 or 6 days in Rome is a jam packed week with a lot of activity to cram a massive tour of the city in rather than rest and relaxation.
You could easily spend two weeks in Rome itself if you have an interest in history-- Museums, Churches, Roman Ruins are all fantastic. Modern tourism as we know it started because Frenchmen, Germans, and Anglos wanted to see ancient Roman stuff, and tourism for it is still going strong
Doing a 7 days in Rome and 7 days somewhere in the south would be a good start for visiting Italy-- if you start with the big tourist checklist stuff in Rome like the Vatican, Collusseum and Forum etc. And then go down south to relax at a beach, or explore small hill towns you'll enjoy jt
Make sure you call girls "terrona" they'll be absolutely enamored with you
Depends where you're staying
If you're in smaller towns learning enough words to buy cigarettes isn't a bad idea
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I will also be in Italy for a few weeks, mostly along the West coast. I really want to get my hands on some casu martzu, but I won't be going to Sardinia. Is there a place I can find some illegal maggot cheese on the mainland?
If anyone needs a job or a place to stay in Italy, I've got a offer in Sand in Taufers for you
based Austrian preying on 4chan incels to kill them with an axe and feed em to his pigs
If you want to try authentic Pizza pass by Caserta.
Probably not.
>"I can speak Italian"
>Asking questions that indicate you barely know anything about Italy

My main recommendations:
Search for the ultimate chicken alfredo recipe in Rome. The thing is, sometimes restauranteurs don't want to serve it to you because it takes a little more time to prepare the authentic version. But if you are insistent and keep pressing for the original chicken alfredo then you eventually will earn their respect.

The area right around the central train station is by far the most beautiful. Plan on spending most of your time here. People are extremely approachable.

Everyone speaks English here, even the old people, they can just be a bit shy about their abilities, but ultimately they prefer English. If they reply in Italian it just means they can't hear/understand you so just repeat it louder. They have these special zones called "ZTLs" that are like historical driving tours. Basically that means it's the section of town that the local government has set up for tourists to get the best drive tour.
>The area right around the central train station is by far the most beautiful. Plan on spending most of your time here. People are extremely approachable
Highjacking the thread. I'm looking at spending a few months in Southern Italy while I work on a book. What are good, affordable places to stay that can be recommended? I'm leaning towards Calabria and Puglia atm.
>Also, I'd advise against going to small towns if you're planning to use public transport; reaching them can be difficult and time consuming. Stick to large and medium sized cities, or just Rome
Seconding this. I thought I was smart by staying with friends in a random village in the middle of nowhere, but it turned out being more expensive in the end. Good luck finding a taxi to take you home from the train station when you're in a random village in the middle of nowhere. It'll cost you another 40€ to get them to drive you the next town over. Not worth it. Rent a car if you must.
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Hey /trv/lers! I'm hijacking this thread to share this website I just made where I archived what people on /trv/and other forums have to say about various regions and cities, plus a bunch of other resources, I hope it turns out useful for at least someone else
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They have these special zones called "ZTLs" that are like historical driving tours. Basically that means it's the section of town that the local government has set up for tourists to get the best drive tour.
>Im going to rome
Ill save you the trouble and give you am authentic roman experience, ahem....
"wattur wattur watturrr durka durka water!"
"is bracelet. euros. YOU NO LIKE BLACK PEOPLE?!!??"
"wattur watturrrr watturrrrr watturrrrrr"
*american accent* "ohhhh woooowwwww look, pasta!"
Italy is filled with west african nog migrants now, not even worth going in 2024
There's no city in the world more beautiful than Florence is, so you definitely should head up there too. Just be advised that there's way too many tourists.
What the fuck even is this building?
Mole del Vittoriano, Roma
I was wondering if you could go inside it. Ive seen lots of pics of the outside but no idea what the interior looks like. Looked it up and the interior is how i imagine the very best ancient roman buildings might have looked, at least part of it. Most of it is obviously neo classical
Anyone in Trastevere want to meet up and talk about niggers
Naples is a bit difficult and unrefined. But im Glad I saw it with my own two eyes.
Tell more about Naples
Trains? Wtf? Use flixbus, why waste all your fucking money.
Dude, less that 2 weeks just focus in 2 areas, maybe 3. One has to be Rome
Be careful in trains, all the roma pickpocketers are there and very professional and in some cases, aggressive because authorities turn a blind eye to it.
Lol for real! Go to Chiaia and Santa Lucia to appreciate Napoli. The station area is a dumpster inside a landfill.

I agree with others that it'a too ambitious and starting in the middle means you can't even move one direction. My best suggestion is to spend a day in Rome, head to Naples and spend half a day there, maybe a ferry to Ischia, nightlife in Naples, half a day in Pompei and a few nights on the coast, maybe also see Capri. Salerno is not far either and beautiful, you can go between Pompei and Salerno and the coastal towns go all around. Then you could actually go from Salerno directly to Rome if you fly out from Rome too. Get all the pizza and pasta your heart desires. See a lot of historical and cultural things. Try using your Italian where people speak Napolitano. This trip is much better, see other places next time.
Best way to avoid pickpocketing? Backpack on front like a dork? No items in ass pockets?
just don't look like a bitch
Realistically, the only items you'll need for regular day-to-day activity are your phone and your wallet. If weather permits, wear a jacket. Keep your phone & wallet in the inner pockets of your jacket. If it's too hot to wear a jacket, wear a cross-body bag on the front, which looks less dorky than a full-sized backpack.
4 days in Rome is plenty unless you plan on standing in the lines like a rube. Take those extra 3 days and go to Verona and Treviso.
Im 6’3” 210lbs of burger so should be ok

Im going in august so probably no jacket but a camera bag, but noted thanks
Neapolitan here, wallet stays in the front pocket, don't put anything you'll regret losing in back pockets
they unironically speak the best english in the small towns
its also an intelligence thing, dumb people will barely speak english whereas smart people will speak the best
i put use condom there as little sorpresa :)
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Rome is boring and crowded past seeing Palatine hill, the villa parks, and the Vatican museum. Plus if you have a shred of a disgust response left you'll see red every time some 4 foot tall goblin tries to make you buy their garbage trinkets and Chinese scarves. You can do the whole thing in 3 days if you're not a Catholic or dumb enough to believe the "history" catholics present.
Hint: The priests wrote their own fanfic, never trust a priest.

In Rome the pickpockets are not pros lol
It's women in bucket hats who target solo travelers wearing Gucci who deserve it for being vain retards.
Genuinely Gucci/LV/ect might as well be a big sign that says IM POOR AND STUPID PLEASE ROB ME.

Do buy real Italian linen and leather though. It's cash money.

Naples, Pompeii, and the non tourist area of Capri are the best places in Europe I've been.
There's really nothing better than walking cobblestone jasmine scented side streets sipping fresh lemon juice and tanning on the beach, or walking Roman streets and looking at lucky penis street signs.
>Rome is boring
If you are Catholic it's awesome, you'll never be bored.
For those of us more interested in the art history and archeology, Florence and Naples are better.
must be quite incredible seeing the same biblical scenes again and again and again and again and again in buildings which look the same.
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The Vatican museum to it's credit does have a sizable amount dedicated to pre Christian works.
It's only worth it if you get skip the line tickets (good luck).
I stood in like for 2.5 hours hoping at least something in Rome would be cool, but it was still not as good as the Naples museum which took 5 minutes to get in and cost half lol

I spent a week in Rome as one of my first solo holidays, I loved it and would happily go back and explore the entire area grand tour style in a heartbeat.
I have a few highlights you may be interested in, with all the things there I HIGHLY recommend prebooking, pre checking and getting whatever "fast pass" there is on offer. Don't wait in lines like a rube. I stayed in a cheap hotel nearby the train station, from there it takes about an hour to walk to the vatican, so all in all the main parts of the city are quite easy to get around. Don't ever EVER buy water, bring an empty bottle and learn the water tap locations cold free water has never tasted so good. Look online for the best resturants by checking what places are highly rated by italians, and only italians, the locals will always know better.

Pantheon - amazing, with the caveat of a huge line to get in. Only way to skip the line is by waking up at 5 in the morning, you'll be first in the que and spending even 5 mins in that building with >10 people makes the effort entirely worth it.

Churches - Go into all of them whenever possible. Literal milillenia of history, gets you out of the sun and helps cool you off if your visiting in the summer and each building interior is beautiful.

I did the colloseum and the forum together on the same day, It's amazing if you love history. Be prepared for masses of people though.

There was a boat cruse along the Tiber that I would definately recommend, I can't remember the name but it came with an included meal at a fish resturant at the end, only thing of note was that the location the boat sets of from is pretty shady. Nearby said boat cruse location is the ara pacis and the mausoleum of augustus - amazing shit if you like history

I went to the vatican museum in the very early morning with a tour guide as to get up the dome and see all that amazing shit, following that I went to the vatican museum which was also amazing, a favourite part of that museum was the artwork of the gypsy girl, even as an uncultured plebian I could see what a masterwork it was. from there I would recommend walking via the botanical gardens on the Janiculum Hill to get some amazing panoramic views of rome and then head on down to Trastavere where there are a bunch of godlike resturants to eat from, along with very pretty narrow streets and plazas.

I would also recommend hiring a bike and cycling along the appian way, following the aquaduct is something I wouldn't recommend missing and the change of scenery is very nice, not to mention there are some very good places to have a rest stop and get a drink + icecream.

The spanish steps and the Trevi fountain are things you can't miss of course, Though I think it's a much better use of your time to travel between each of the ancient Egyptian obelisks, doing that will let you see lots of the city and visit most of the interesting plazas.

Make sure you go to the capitoline hill and see the musuem there, that museum just goes on and on and on, make sure to be thorough because there's quite a lot you can easily miss there.

That's the most memorable things I did on my trip. Make sure you have plenty cash to be eating out for lunch and dinner, food is not to be missed. Italians will of course know better and have better tips.
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Noted thanks.
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This month I'm doing 5 days in Rome, 4 days in Lecce.
Deffo doing a day trip to Otranto to see the Cathedral mosaic, but otherwise going to keep it chill and flexible.

Open to suggestions of course.

>Italy is a big country

Isn't Italy like the size of California. Maybe take out Sicily but 10-12 days should be enough to hit maybe two cities and a small town.

>You most likely have a ridiculous accent

Who cares? practice will help. Learning a language and interacting with a new culture isn't something that is smooth from day 1.
>the artwork of the gypsy girl
??? Which one is that
I'm not sure if you can go inside, but you can go on top and the view is very cool.
>hit two cities
Yes, you could get the Californian experience that way. Italy, even if it is the same size, is not California.
you greatly overestimate the amount of things to do
if you dont care about tourist traps its a handful of musea and churches/cathedrals at best
I still dream about Vieste, it was so comfy
I got the name slightly wrong
It's called the fortune teller, this image doesn't do it justice in my opinion, the actual piece kinda jumps out of the canvas.
This; it has a very impressive collection of pre-Christian statuary
>going to italy in the next few months
>looking up sim/esim shit
>people keep going on about airalo
>pricing seems a bit shit for the data
>see i can just get a tourist sim in italy for cheaper and way more data
>can just slot that fucker in my second sim slot have way more for less

Am I missing something here outside of convenience?
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I just came back last week, I never queued for more than 10-20 mins (and pretty much only for them to open kek) but mostly just walked right in for: pantheon, vatican museums, colosseum + forums, pompeii, borghese, uffizi, accademia, palazzo ducale, san marco basilica. If you're going to Italy and are actually interested in going to the best museums, go to their websites and see how far tickets are released in advance and book them all the minute they come out for your dates (usually something like 30 days or 2 or 3 months in advance) - scout it out in advance and if you're going that far just get the earliest time slots as its way less busy in the first hour. Sure it removes some flexibility but you don't need to book something every day and you're just going to get shafted otherwise, the queues are unreal in Italy, if you want to see the museums you are gonna have way less fun standing in queues for hours every day.

I also went to the Vatican on Wednesday. I read people saying don't do that because the pope does some speech/ meet and greet or whatever on Wednesdays and so St Peter's Basilica is closed for the morning. I went there after spending a few hours in Vatican museums + Sistine. I stood in a huge queue of people to get in to St Peter's Basilica as it opens in the afternoon on Wednesdays. I was "queueing" for about an hour, but as soon as it opened the whole queue which was an entire lap of the square pretty much all got in in about 10 minutes. Also caught a glimpse of the pope while waiting which was cool

>Pantheon - amazing, with the caveat of a huge line to get in. Only way to skip the line is by waking up at 5 in the morning, you'll be first in the que and spending even 5 mins in that building with >10 people makes the effort entirely worth it.
filename timestamp, it fills up with people way faster than 5 mins you wont get clear views past the first minute or 2
> The idea of doing an "italy sweep", including sicily, in just 10-12 days is ridiculous. 10-12 days are barely enough to get a good feel for Rome and its immediate

Ma che cazzo dici Madonna santa, ma ti pare che a un turista straniero gli dici di starsene due settimane a Roma a girare come un fesso. Ma a fare che? È straniero, sai cosa gliene fotte di vedersi ogni museo, ogni rovina romana, ogni ristorante, in due giorni vede il Colosseo, il Vaticano, mangia una pizza, e via due cazzate ed è contento, Via alla prossima città. Mi sparerei io se dovessi stare 12 giorni a Roma, figurati un turista.

> TLDR op don't listen to this idiot up there

It's always a good idea, because people will appreciate the fact you're trying to fit in and that you're interested in local culture. Go with the usual Buongiorno /buonasera things, can't go wrong.

Also Italian is super easy because you pronounce it as you write it unless German English or French, so the possibilities to fuck up are minor.

No, it's incredibly hard to find it in Sardinia too.
The same tips when you're at a concerto or surrounded by many people
Don't put anything in your rear pockets
Hands on your things while walking through the crowd
Don't be an idiot (ie. carrying all your belongings and documents in the same backpack)

> mfw foreign tourists discovers Salento

It's ogre, i knew this day would come.
But seriously have fun, my family is from there and I've spent there all my summers. Be sure to visit Nardò (small town with great city centre), and Gallipoli. Otranto Is an absolute blast.
If you're into live music and want to score with some drunk salentina, check the Festa della Taranta festival, you will thank me.
Are Italians actually really autistic about food, or is it some weird meme that the entire internet has decided to capitalize on?
They truly are. I thought it was a meme too, but they're really opinionated about what is real coffee, what makes real pasta and all their varieties, what is real pizza or which toppings and dressings are allowed to be used on each meal. To them, defiling food is as if you dropped a sexist joke on a feminist parade.
If they cared as much about fixing their country as they do about food, they'd dethrone US, Russia and China in a heartbeat.
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Last year I planned a trip to Italy with the original motivation being just seeing this cool abandoned hotel on the cliffs around lake Garda.
Ended up starting in Venice, exploring, getting some Murano glass, attending holy mass and seeing the half the city, as well as some officials and clergy organise for a festival.
Then me and a friend hired bikes and cycled around lake Garda, stopping/detouring along the way to take in some of the cool shit like Strada Della Forra and Sirmione.
It was kind of a bottled lightning trip as far as I'm concerned, but I don't have much to compare it to because it was my first time abroad.
>> mfw foreign tourists discovers Salento

Nothing to worry about yet. Ostuni is like a breakwater for now, full of tourists all the way along to Bari but almost none of them make it past there to Salento. At least the past two summers.
They are but ironically, they think it's funny for some reason. Straying away from their kosher won't offend them (expecially if you're paying for it of course) but you'll get sneered and laughed at on occasion.
Thanks for the advice. I'm just a solo introvert so I won't cause any problems.
Though I do dream of marrying a mediterranean village girl with a big family, so I can pick olives with the nonnas and sit around drinking with the grandpas.

It's mostly a joke, we're not that autistic about it.
It is true that tourists do the most fucked up shit here, and sometimes it's hard not to laugh at them, like when Germans or brits drink cappuccino at dinner while eating spaghetti with mussels.

You will have fun, be sure to try Caffè Leccese (espresso coffee with ice and almond syrup), Pasticciotti, Rustici and Calzone.
My advice is to rent a car or at least a scooter, public transport is still so so in salento although they open new routes during the summer months and it's being improven over the years. You still can use public transport, but reaching the smaller cities will be harder as they're not connected.
And check the Taranta thing, it's really worth it
There is a lot of street food and take away shit. You can eat well without having to sit at restaurants by yourself
>What should I do
A few days in Rome and then rent a car and fuck off to villages. It's not hard. You'll figure it out
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>like when Germans or brits drink cappuccino at dinner while eating spaghetti with mussels.
nothing wrong there
Going to Italy in October for 2 weeks. This will be the first time in Italy for me and my wife.

Rome (4 Nights), Florence (3 Nights), Venice (3 nights), Lake Como (2 nights) and final night in Milan.

If you could do one of these day trips which one would you do? Debating if any of these are worth a day trip.

Florence to Cinque Terre
Rome to Amalfi
Venice to Dolomites(rent car)
They all sound hard to pull off
>Florence to Cinque Terre
>Rome to Amalfi
3+ and 4+ hrs by train respectively, there are no direct trains. Really depends on wether you want to spend around 8 hours of your "day" trip on multiple trains.
>Venice to Dolomites
The first mountains are one hr ride from Venice but the really cool stuff is longer than that + the hike of course.

If you want to see mountains rent a car in Como and have a nice drive around the lake to get to its northern end. You could have a walk on the pian di Spagna or check if there are easy hikes around the eastern shore or up in Morbegno or Chiavenna.

Tuscany is packed of shit to see, just throw a dart at the map.

Rome has a lot of pretty villages nobody ever gives a shit about around it, google "Roman castles"
Going abroad for the first time in my life so I'm obsessed trying to do things right.

I'll be going on Sept 15th and planned on doing 7 days, but I'm thinking of making it 8 or 9 days to exclude the flight days from the total, but this has made it an issue of trying to decide on where to spend my days.
I was going to do 3 in Rome and 4 in Sorrento/Salerno, but now I'm undecided on where to allocate the extra days.

I already have 3 days booked in Rome but I can freely cancel it, is 3 enough? Should I cancel and make it 4, or should I use the extra 1-2 days to visit somewhere else? Florence maybe?

I'm not trying to speedrun but I also don't want to see too little, I want some suggestions.
Honest advice, take things slow. You could do the checklist in 3 but I say make it 4. Then go spend 4 days somewhere else, like somewhere in the Gulf of Naples for example (somewhere with water). I say do 4 and 4 like this and you won't feel rushed. Remember Rome has some of the most epic shit of all time. Take an extra day and do another lap to catch the stuff you missed, or just take a walk around, go to a non tourstic neighborhood, relax and enjoy the ambiance, etc. You won't regret it. At the end of the day I could spend a week in Rome and be fine.
Good luck!

Staged clickbait video, I do half of this shit normally and no one bats an eye,like the ice in the wine or the cornetto dipped in the coffee.
The only real one is the first, where the guy on the bike is probably asking himself why there's a burger zoomer breaking spaghetti in the middle of the sidewalk.

Amalfi in October may be cold, same for Cinque Terre. I'm not a fan of sea places during the cold season, dolomiti might be a cool idea but they're far away.

Listen to this anon here >>2672547 and check places like the Castelli Romani, much nearer to where you are.
Drop a night in Venice and add a day/night in Dolomites. Cortina D'Ampezzo is only a couple hours drive and you can do stuff from there.
I'm gonna hijack this thread. In Augaust i'm staying at lake Como for 14 days any anons god some good tips, things i shouldn't miss while i'm there? I ofcourse already did some research on all the towns, hikes etc around the lake but if there are some easy to miss things i'd like to hear them.
italy in jan? yay or nay?
A job doing?
>in restaurant in italy
>popular place in a tourist spot
>speak some italian but waitress tells something i don't understand
>ask to repeat in english and she looks completely lost
how do you work in a fucking restaurant in a touristic place and don't know a few english words, wew
depends on what you want, italy is cold in winter
What other european countries have that magical blend of natural and landscaped beauty? I'm looking for somewhere to go probably in late July/early August.
I was thinking of Tuscany and few nights in Florence
tuscany was still very cold when i was there two weeks ago
doubt winter will be kind
Ok anon, I got no plans for the future and no one will miss me if I disappear suddenly.
Tell me what to do
I would suggest going south towards Naples. They have the best cusine and wonderful landscapes. You also have Capri which is stunning, especially Anacapri and other nice islands like Ischia. I would not recommend Amalfi since the cities may be picturesque but they are also boring and small aswell as overfilled and overpriced. You can just chill in Salerno and take the ferry and make awesome day trips to the Amalfi coast aswell. Amalfi is also incredible for hikes so that I can definetly recommend, but it is a pain in the ass to commute there since the buses are majorily overfilled and the streets are extremely narrow so you will be a lot of traffic jams.

Also Rome can be covered in 2-3 days max and is also not that interesting apart from the Centro Storico. You can easily see all the major sights in an afternoon.
>I would suggest going south towards Naples
Curious! Every Italian says it’s a complete shithole comparable to India
come to turin, i'll guide everywhere to have the full IT experience
>it’s a complete shithole comparable to India
it is but you might enjoy the poverty tourism. unlike india the food is good and they do have interesting artworks. just stay in touristic areas and be wary of the locals
depends a lot on what you want to do. if you want to visit every baroque church, palace and ancient ruin you could spend a month in rome and still have things left to see if you come back. if you don't want to bother researching stuff to see a walk through the forums and the city center will be enough to keep you busy for a couple of days then you'll get bored.
Would a restaurant honour my request for pineapple on my pizza?
How is Florence in early December?
Dude, they even get triggered over more trivial things.
>ordering red wine with chicken or seafood
>ordering white wine with beef or pork
>asking for the wrong kind of cheese to go with your specific pasta
>ordering a cappuccino when it's not morning
>Im going to Italy, starting with Rome than use the train system(trenitalia) to enjoy different cities, im doing an italy sweep trying to have the ultimate Italian experience, is 10-12 days enough? any suggestions on
>>where i should go and do.
>I can speak Italian so small villages wont be an issue. thought about using a fairy to reach sicily.

You really should go see Via Appia !
it's nearly in Rome but isolated enough to not have any crowd (too isolated from "major" monuments so not a lot of selfie fags and walkable only so no fat fucks).
When i was there , there was basically nobody .

It truly feels like you're walking alone in a countryside preserved since Antique Rome .

There is impressives momuments on the way but i don't want to spoil .
i don't know how the green text got there
Is Rome really this fucking bad? I just love Roman history and wanted to look at all the cool Roman shit
All I hear about is the fucking shitskin gypsies and African immigrants
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I just left Rome, it was amazing.
Yes there are pajeets and africans around the major sites, but just ignore them. Book a place in the centre, ignore public transport, walk everywhere plus a taxi or two. Learn some Italian because people like to shit test you.
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I just got to Lecce and I've seen three ngubus already. What the fuck.
Thanks anon, I'll begin practicing a little Italian
I was looking for a week in Rome next week, but god damn the hotels are pure rape. And I can't say the Abnb are any better, and if anything, it's worse.
i am curious, how much?
i paid €430 for 5 nights at the end of last month, central location, booking way ahead
The only reason I don't believe Italy's PM is a girlboss fascist is because she hasn't tried to get rid of the gypsies. That reputation of hers was exaggerated.
I'm going to naples are the whores good and what app do they use
Looking last minute in the summer is your main problem. You've also got Americans, Italians and half of Europe on their school summer holidays by then so factor that demand in. First week of July is when the prices really shoot up.
Just got home (Australia) last night after three weeks in Italy.

Holy fucking shit the African and Indian infestation was significantly worse than I expected.

Also, has no one told Italians that headphones exist?

Other than that, decent enough time. Food was good. Wine was average. Women were very good.
>"tells something i don't understand"
>Complains about poor English.

Anon...do you understand the meaning of the word "irony".
dont waste your time learning italian. Everyone there speaks perfect english.
lol lmao
at least 10 days for rome.
5 days max
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I take it back. A beautiful place despite surprise ethnics. Pasticciotto, rustico, and caffè leccese all amazing. Went to Otranto for a day too.
I will be back someday. I fell in love with Lecce. I want to get married at the basilica.
Who lives in those apartments? In other Asian countries, these traditional looking homes in prime areas would be immediately bought up by the richest corporations or families. Is it the same in Europe?
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Blame the local Italians then. They love this and want more.
in the prime/ over touristed places they're almost all owned by foreign investors and listed on airbnb under a local name like Mario instead of their real name Ching Chang. This is celebrated by the local politicians who welcome the investment that puts more money into their pocket through inflating the prices of their assets
Some towns which are more unknown to international tourists will all be owned as a holiday/ second home to be used a couple of weeks a year and listed on airbnb every other time
if there are any genuine locals they'll be a couple of random 70 and 80 year olds holding on to it in their last breaths, every other local already sold up decades ago
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Sometimes I wonder if there's a bigger plan to this "diversity" thing.

>Africans & middle-easterners from countries that absolutely abhor LGBT
>put them in the same community
Are they trying to pit them against each other?
you seem to be conflating two separate issues
I'm heading to Calabria for about a month. Any advice?
go to pompeii i loved it
Going early September and I'm looking for some suggestions for this gap

>Day 1: Arrive in Rome (11:30 AM)
>Day 2: Rome
>Day 3: Rome
>Day 4: ...
>Day 5: ...
>Day 6: Sorrento
>Day 7: Sorrento
>Day 8: Sorrento
>Day 9: Sorrento
>Day 10: Head to Naples (Flight at 10:00 PM)

>Rome interests:
Vatican City, Colosseum / Palatine Hill / Roman Forum, Appian way biking, Janiculum Hill / botanic garden and some other misc sights.
>Sorrento interests:
Pompeii, Herculaneum, Vesuvius Hike, Amalfi (+ PotG hike), Capri

I asked somewhere else and people suggested adding them both to Rome, or doing 1 day in Rome and then 1 day in Naples but it looks rough as fuck, it looks like it has some cool stuff to see and do though. Is it worth spending a day and night there or would my last day be enough to see some sights?
I'm open to any suggestions on where to stay or visit for a day
tell your experience with tinder

I had it for months, went on 2 dates but overall it seems very ineffective
I got my watch stolen in the Madrid metro while we were packed like sardines in the train, i wish the faggot dies the worst death possible

worst thing is i didnt notice it until i was already off the train, i wasn't robbed, he finessed me
I'd say 3 full days in Rome would be enough, unless you want to stand in a lines. I'd rather walk around and look at shit.

1 day in Bologna (climb the big ass tower)
2 days in Florence (see the
2 days Verona (my favorite city in Italy) Definitely do some biking, in Verona
2 Days in Venice
1 day Treviso

if you have extra days. Take the train from Florence to Pisa. Then take the train to Lucca. You can also visit La Spezia on the coast from there by train. I'd also highly reccomend going up to the Dolomites and seeing Bolzano
Hijacking this thread like others have and if anyone is ever doing doing Cinque Terre, dont skip over Genoa even for just a day trip. The food there is fantastic, its the home of pesto and focaccia bread and it has the largest aquarium in europe. If you can get over the slight seediness of the city youll have a good time.
literally millions of people walk there every year, how can the floor and the rest not be consumed?
Based. Sicuramente è un romano.
As an italian who has worked as a line cook for 12 years (now pastry cook) I can tell you that we always had a bit of the 'tism regarding food. While it's usually just minor things like not putting cheese on fish dishes it sometimes is just regional variations that are not well liked by other people who historically make a certain dish another way. (our history and cultural identity really varies a lot by region)
But, nowadays it kinda exploded on social media, IRL it's kinda still the same, but on every social it's now as if you must complain about every little thing. it's honestly irritating
Oh, as of late I have heard of at least 3 restaurants near me who unironically have a "service" for influencers where they'll pretend to get mad in your video or sneer from the sidelines for things like ordering a cappuccino in the afternoon (a shitload of italians order it at that time) or whatever american meme currently is popular so that said influencer can make a video about "making italians mad"
the videos I talked about were exactly like this one >>2672389
That would be Venice
>They have the best cusine
No, they don't. That would be Bologna
Tell us more. Where did you go?
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if you go to venice book a timeslot to go up to the roof of fondaco dei tedeschi, gotta do it 30 days in advance and it sells out pretty fast but it's free and a view over the grand canal is probably the best one there. also they close it if there's any rain and my slot was cancelled so i thought i was fucked. decided to just ask the next day if they could let me in for a few mins, showed my ticket and it was no problem
>a "service" for influencers where they'll pretend to get mad in your video or sneer from the sidelines
This is actually hilarious.
I was shocked to be honest, influencers asking you to do this stuff was really common (more if you're a waiter than a cook for obvious reasons) but having restaurants actually offering that as a service was a first.
I got tickets to go to the vatican museums + sisitine chapel on wedneday, before learning the pope does a speech that day, and that it's going to be totally mobbed. I'm a little bummed about it.

My ticket is for 8:30am, and I know the basilica is closed until 12:30pm. Any experiences going on this day?

I'm curious if the papal audience will mean the museum is less crowded before it ends, and I'm curious how fast everyone leaves so I can see the square and basilica later on maybe
Heading to Rome in August for 3ish days. First time out of the country. Any recs besideds the Vatican and the Colosseum/Forum? I wanted to see the scavi but they're doing renovations when I'm going. Also any restuarant recommendations? Wanna get some good pizza and gelato and pasta dishes. Can I get by ordering food in English or should I figure out how to order in Italian? Also also are there any good clubs in Rome? Sorry if I sound like a moron.
Food/Bar wise I would check out Trastevere, its a neighborhood to the south of the Vatican and you can throw a dart on the map and you'll find great food and bars wherever it lands, I remember one restaurant called Tonnarello and the guide we had took us there, it was the best food I had in Rome. Went back for the "last supper" of my time in Rome.
For other things to do I really liked the Basilica of San Clemente, its 3-4 blocks from the Colosseum and its a church built on top of a pagan religious site on top of a Roman house and you can visit each level of the church going back to the Roman times.
For gelato if you are paying more than 3 euros for a small you're getting ripped off, everywhere is basically the same taste and flavor wise.
English is fine you wont have issues. LMK if you have any questions. I studied in Rome for a month and got to know the city quite well.
Book for Galleria Borghese
Church of St. Andrew of the Valley
Pantheon (book to skip the long line)
Piazza Navona
National Rome Museum in Palazzo Massimo
Look up the "walk of heart of Rome" from Rick Steve's tours
>good pasta
Check tripadvisor, traditional roman dishes are cacio e pepe (sheep cheese and pepper), gricia (sheep cheese, pepper, and pancetta), carbonara (sheep cheese, pepper, pancetta, and egg)
>good pizza
Somewhere around Naples
>good ice cream
Everywhere, but check tripadvisor to be sure
>before learning the pope does a speech that day
st. peter's square is huge, even if there is a speech they happen all the time, francis isn't super popular, and there'll be lots of room for you in the square
How much have people spent on their trips? I am looking to go to Italy for a week and I estimated that it should cost around $5,000 for flights, lodging, and activities for two people.
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i did the same randomly booking on wednesdaynot knowing about it and when i found out i thought it would be shitty. you are wrong, it turned out to be the best way to do it i think
- the vatican museums and sistine chapel are gonna be completely fucking mobbed EVERY day so it makes no difference for that. i had a ticket at 8am, got there at 7.30am and was already a huge queue for those without tickets, and 2 smaller but still quite big queues for those with tickets. check your ticket and make sure you get in the right queue (it does matter)
- after you're done there, go over to st peter's square. every day it's always gonna be busy so it doesn't matter that it's wednesday. they'll already be a massive queue building up looping round the whole square to get into the basilica (same as every day) but when it opens the queue will move really fast since it was closed all morning and thus no tourists already inside. practically the whole queue will get in within like 20 mins of it opening so just join the back and wait a bit. from my photo timestamps, i joined the queue at 11:10 when it was almost 3 sides around the square, basilica opened exactly on 12 and i was in by 12:15. and i got to see the big G himself while waiting in the queue
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if you want to go up to the roof while you're in the basilica, they didn't open it up for like another hour after the basilica itself opened, and then i had to queue 30 mins or so to buy a ticket for it
also in the pic i highlighted the queue to get into the basilica (by this point 2 hours after it opened), so if you wanna get in fast then get in the queue before it opens (they say 12:30 but it was definitely 12 for me, i guess they say that to be on the cautious side in case they needed to delay it a bit more after morning proceedings)

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