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File: Detroit_Skyline.jpg (42 KB, 640x337)
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Going to Detroit, Michigan for a weekend next month. What's good?
I come from Florida.
I like cars/motorsports so I will try to hit up car museums. I like museums in general, anime stuff and outdoors stuff as well. Gonna be with a first timer from Europe so if there's any good typical american food joints to check out that's welcome. Gonna rent a car probably so getting around isn't a hassle.
Also, where do I avoid to prevent getting shot? Thanks.
niggas going to detroit
>Going to Detroit, Michigan for a weekend next month
Are you a retard? Is this bait? This has to be bait
Going yourself much less dragging along a first time European is a horrible idea. Why would you do this to yourself and your friend?
Just drive straight on up to Ontario and eat some shitty doughnuts made by Indians. Slightly lesser chance of dying there, but take some Pepto Bismol and make sure you are up to date on your shots.
>is this bait?
Obviously. ESLs have been seething lately. 100% chance OP is a brics turdie
We're not going there just to be there. I'm just trying to fill some spare time instead of coming and going after the event is over.
Just don’t leave the downtown area. It’s gentrified and safe so long as you don’t venture out of it. There are plenty of things to do there in walking distance or you can take a scooter around. Hit up Buddy’s pizza. The original is on Conant street which is now a sketch area but they have a downtown location too. It’s the GOAT of pizza. Go to a Tigers game even though they suck. Hit up the DIA if you want but you should really drive to nearby Dearborn to see the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village. There are some casinos. It’s easy get to Canada but there is nothing really of note there. The best amusement park in the world is two hours south and east in Sandusky Ohio.
I went to Detroit last year and it was kino.
>inb4 I heard six gorillion people get shot every year there!
Are you a nigger living on 8 mile? There is literally zero reason to leave downtown Detroit, which is totally safe, as a tourist.
If you like museums Detroit has a few good ones.
The Ford museum and the associated village are pretty cool. The museum is car centric but also focuses heavily on turn of the century tech/mechanics.
The Detroit Institute of the Arts is probably the second best art museum I have been to and I have been to all of the big European ones. It can take more than a day and it has one of the best collections in North America.
If you like music you can also tour Motown Records, ok tour good way to blow some time.
Other than that, downtown is cleaned up but since covid dead like most big cities.
Stay out in Royal Oak for nightlife.
I'm also going to Michigan in July and going to be staying in Detroit for a couple of days. Bumping this thread
I was actually going to rent a car and drive to Windsor, Canada. Anything there to see for a daytrip?
Detroit anon here.
Michigan's not so bad if you get a car.
Royal Oak IS nice at the evening, what are your smoking?
Downtown Detroit has excellent restaurants.
Campus Martius is nice during the day and early evening. Avoid eye contact with the niggers and don't invite problems. Don't get drunk on the streets. The niggers are not as bad as Chicago where they are less predictable, but they are still rabid.
Some of the churches are absolutely beautiful in Detroit (Sweetest Heart of Mary, St. Joseph's, Old St. Mary's, St. Anne's.
Riverwalk is alright.
Get a car and drive to the west coast of the state. See Grand Haven. Check out the Sand Dunes. Swim in Lake Michigan.
You can also drive to the roller coaster capital of the world, Cedar Point (in Sandusky, OH).
you can do a few day trip to Niagara Falls and Toronto.
You can drive to the northern part of the lower peninsula to Mackinac or Traverse City, or go to the UP.
Birmingham has nice expensive but nice restaurants (get a cigar and a drink and a steak from Churchills).
Lake St. Clair is nice off of St. Clair Shores.
This is all I have for now. Fuck the haters.

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