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>Last Thread: >>2648804

>"remember, we parked the car under rollercoaster C" edition.

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: When in line for a coaster with a bunch of normies, feel free to autistically infodump to them every single iota of information you know about the ride you are about to go on: opening date, manufacturer, # of inversions, stats etc.

Roller Coaster Database:

Amusement Park News Sites:

Disney Park News:
I rode Scream the other day and remembered when B&M's were what RMC is now. Everybody wanted a B&M. They were behemoths like Riddler's Revenge and even Knott's got a large B&M that basically towered over the walkways.

Now B&M is just sort of meh. Dive coasters seem to be keeping them in business as parks downsize their investments. The old B&Ms are getting rougher and I think we are going to see a bunch of the 90s coasters get removed in the next 5-10 years.

The only B&M's I really get excited anymore are the inverted models. Batman, Flight Deck and Silver Bullet are still all smooth and fun. But the floorless models that are everywhere are kind of boring.
Post-merger I'd like to see them at least put sand around it like CF did with Dominator.. but I won't get me hopes up. Cedar Point already showing signs of Six Flags such as no condiment bar at Coasters Diner (which the employees are blaming on the merger.. but I'll keep in mind they probably don't know anything and it's just a rumor).
I love their hyper and giga model. They have a patent to put the moving surf coaster seats on a sit down model. This might be a game changer. I agree floorless is boring but back in the day I liked their loopers (whether floorless or sit-down). Positives and head banging always meant headache though and they don't make those forceful layouts any longer. Inverts aren't much different to me and I only like them in the front row. They call them boring and mild for a reason but cracked support aside their safety and reliability record is one of the best and they make high capacity coasters. Dives are meh but the GP loves them. CF loves them. United/Sea World loves them.
One week until I go to Busch Gardens for the first time. Only have one day, a Wednesday. Right now the site says that DarKoaster and the log ride and the shoot the chutes ride and the river boat are only open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'd like to not miss out on those, but I'm sure I'll have a good time even if they aren't open.
>Right now the site says that DarKoaster and the log ride and the shoot the chutes ride and the river boat are only open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Why bother going to a park if they close rides during the week and open them on the most crowded days? These companies still think they can cut their way to the future.
>Thread Tip Pro: When in line for a coaster with a bunch of normies, feel free to autistically infodump to them every single iota of information you know about the ride you are about to go on: opening date, manufacturer, # of inversions, stats etc.

This has been the same for the past four threads can you please change it next thread
But it's a really good tip!
It sucks, but right now they're only open Thursday-Sunday. Next week is the first week of the year they're open all seven days. Hopefully it'll change next week, but they're only open until 6:00 those nights so I think it'll be not crowded, but I don't know if they'll feel like opening all the rides. Still they'll have enough that I know I'll have a good time.
Find me a more kino Disney ride.
By definition
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Pay your respects to The Beast.
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Going to Cedar point next week.
Getting ready to be ripped off with no TT2...
Taking a bunch of people for their first time (my 2nd time), and we all get to see what we don't get to ride.
I will be next month. Taking my first trip to Kings Island as an extension to my Cedar Point trip.
Yeah it sucks. I still put SteVe, Millie, and Maverick ahead of TT2 but TT2 is still an elite coaster experience. I just felt like the train was going to fall apart (and maybe it was?)
I only went to Kings Island one time, and it happened to be the day that every school group in the area went there, and the lines were insane, and after riding a few flat rides, we bit the bullet and got in line for one of the big coasters, and we chose Son of Beast. We waited an hour or two to get on, and it was the worst ride I've ever ridden, I had a massive headache, and we left right after that. That was the only coaster I rode that day. I want to go back to Kings Island because I don't think I really got a fair experience.
>I don't think I really got a fair experience.
That's a huge understatement. SoB was one of the worst coasters ever built.
I figured that out while I was riding it. It ruined my already very bad day. I still want to ride the original.
>Alton Towers is getting a new top spin, near where they used to have a top spin 10+ years ago

Don't get this. Those things had terrible reliability and were breaking down constantly.
look, that's what people have nicknamed them and it's easier than typing out the full names. Yes they're kinda gay. They even used the nicknames on the park-exclusive squishmallows.. except Steve is the seagull eating French fries. The lesser used nickname for Millennium Force is Milf. Wouldn't want to confuse Millennium Force with Monsters Inc Laugh Floor now..
ETR is now claiming TT2 might be open as soon as tomorrow. They've been testing it and it might open with a replacement of the same part. And they might just keep very prematurely replacing that part until the fix comes to keep the ride open. Possibly with 2 trains shit capacity.
This seems like a disaster waiting to happen.
It doesn't sound unsafe. It sounds like a part that needs to be replaced anyways after so many cycles. It's just showing fatigue after much fewer cycles than intended. Replacing it early is a quick interim fix albeit expensive. They can reduce the number of cycles by running two trains and keeping one out to work on. They'll be inspecting it constantly if they do decide to run it this way (which I doubt)
If it's the wheels, it's not a big deal and they'll just keep burning through their stock and rewheeling the trains until they can source better replacements. (If so, it's nearly certainly due to the polymer surface wearing off and not a problem with the wheel itself).
I have a feeling it's less serious than what the so-called "insiders" are feeding to people. It seems to be more serious than just the wheels wearing down as the closure announcement mentions a mechanical modification. But the closure announcement also says it will reopen "as soon as we are confident we can deliver the ride experience that our guests deserve." which doesn't sound like a safety issue. They're also not being transparent like Carowinds was with Fury's support crack (I know it's a different park but the same owner).
Also, the park is open today and they're testing it. If it were a serious issue they wouldn't test it during operating hours
>a mechanical modification
Well, using new wheels is a mechanical modification, albeit a minor one. But parks communicate to the public in broad terms because people won't understand what they're talking about if they get specific and will jump to the wrong conclusions.
>They're also not being transparent
It's really not their responsibility. Carowinds had to be more forthcoming because a widely publicized incident occurred (even though it didn't jeopardize safety to the degree the public thought it did). There's no advantage for Cedar Point to release more information than what they've already said.
True. Well, if it's just burning through wheels too quickly then this is a nothing burger. Even the original had that problem in its first year. They did remove TT2 from the fast lane plus rides list and modify the coastermania agenda to say it might not be running though. If it runs 2 trains to reduce wear, removing fast lane plus will keep the line moving faster
Holy FUCK how did Disney fuck up a Star Wars land so badly? I went there today and it completely sucked. It’s basically just an outdoor mall with overpriced Star Wars shit, a shitty video game ride, and a gimmicky Star Wars version of the Ratatouille ride. Nothing in this area is even labeled so you don’t know what the fuck you’re walking into (99% chance it’s another gift shop.) The area isn’t even set on Tatooine like I thought it was; some weird planet named Batuu or something. All they fucking had to do was put in a Mos Eisley cantina restaurant, a Millennium Falcon walkthrough, a stage show, and some character meet and greets actually in the area and not on the other side of the fucking park in an abandoned building and it would have been fine. Instead all you get are a bunch of fat 30 year old sweaty manchildren scurrying about buying shitty overpriced toys.
>The area isn’t even set on Tatooine like I thought it was; some weird planet named Batuu or something

Well yeah, Tatooine's a desert with no trees or vegetation. The real problem with Batuu is that the "This backwater spaceport's a hub for outer rim adventures" doesn't really work when the Falcon only has one destination. Relocating Star Tours, adding more Falcon missions, and giving up on the "The entire land is Episode 8.5" time period autism, which they've already started loosening with Mando and Boba meet and greets, would vastly improve things. Also, actually build the full "Restaurant that has musical acts and a big animatronic Hutt just hanging out" that the Cantina was supposed to be merely a small part of.
The one in Anaheim puts it behind the riverboat. During the day time, the peaks from galaxy's edge are visible behind the little waterfall with the animatronic natives so it looks worse than before.
It’s definitely underwhelming
I was foolish back when the land was first announced. I thought Disney was actually going to go all out on making Star wars land the most immersive experience ever. I thought there would be way more actors in costume. Plus, who else remembers the line they said about how "You won't be able to buy a Star Wars t-shirt here"?
>Main entrance to the land enters into a dull, lifeless forest area, providing an underwhelming first impression for most guests.
>The entrance from Grand Avenue, an "urban" land, connects to the natural part of Galaxy's Edge while the entrance from Toy Story Land, a more natural land, connects to the urban part of Galaxy's Edge.
>The land's weenie is not visible from either entrance.
>No OT or Prequel characters (except Chewbacca). I understand Disney wanting to push their own trilogy, but at this point, just rotate characters in sets and say it's a different time period.
>Naming your signature drink milk in fucking Florida.
>No music.
>Zero kinetic energy.
Such baffling choices. I know most guests won't register most of these things, but it still adds up in their brains. Compare walking into Diagon Alley for the first time to Galaxy's Edge, and it's night and day.
Disney fans will complain and complain and complain but the one thing they won't do is stop showing up with cash in hand

You guys are just paypiggies and deserve it
The last time I went, they had the OG paper fastpass. I've had no interest in returning since.
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It's not that bad you overdramatic fag. If they added some music, the roaming droids that were supposed to be there (drones too), and another ride it'd be top notch. The bones are there for it be great. Oga's cantina is great and the shops are actually pretty cool and well done. Not to mention Ronto Roasters has a FANTASTIC quick service breakfast (which I feel is incredibly rare in any park). I'm not an apologist and won't act like they didn't fuck a lot of things up and really cheap out in a few places, but overall it's a solid 7.5/10. Rise is a great ride and you're just a coping mad butt blasted faggot if you say otherwise. Smugglers Run works really well with friends/family but kind of sucks if you're with a bunch of randos.
As a Star Wars fan, it's disappointing. Sterile and soulless. Rise is a good ride but it's overrated as fuck and plagued by technical issues (I've still never seen the 2nd kylo animatronic) and based off of Disney Wars. The falcon ride is garbage. The blue milk is awful vegan shit. The lightsabers and toy droids are gay. The not mos eisley cantina was okay. I don't think they should even attempt to improve the land, they should leave it as is, move on, and make another Star Wars land elsewhere. Universal's got 2 (soon to be 3) Harry Potter lands.

Also, you are most definitely an apologist
No, I'm just not a miserable faggot like (you). Also your ideas are terrible and stupid, go back to six flags
Both of you are pathetic
Some of the takes on here just make me irrationally mad because the people here are just so damn stupid and mind fucked when it comes to Disney. No, I'm not a shill or Disney adult. Yes, Disney pisses me off a lot. Doesn't make the takes surrounding them any less dumb.
Hey fuck you. Stop projecting and calling others faggots as a coping mechanism for being a faggot yourself (and a bottom at that). They spent a billion dollars on that land. It should be a solid 10/10. Anything less is a waste of a billion dollars.

Also, I would rather go to several Six Flags parks over hollywood studios. Great America, Great Adventure, Over Georgia, Fiesta Texas, Magic Mountain.
just quick life advice if you call people names at a bar you might get stabbed pretty fast with that tone. Dont be a punk ass motherfucker who disrespects people if they dont agree with you on star wars, or do you plan on dying on that hill like a retard would? Let it go, apologize, dont ego trip at Chan like a dork.
First time on 4chan?
I never been to Disneyland since I live in Florida and just go to WDW, but I fucking hate that they shoved GE into DL. That shit should had went into Disney California Adventure.
Just because it's 4chan doesn't mean you have to act like a child on /b/ circa 2007 or an incel chud from /pol/
Some thoughts and info about TT2's current teething problems from a ride mechanic:
at least Six Flags has good rides
He thinks it’s the wheels too. I didn’t know it could take almost the whole season to get new wheels though. Well, I’m glad I got to ride it 4 times.
Disney Adults: Roller coasters belong at Six Flags which is for poors

Also Disney Adults: Make sure you wake up before 7am on your vacation to try and get a Genie+ Lightning Lane for Slinky Dog Dash, the mostly unthemed shitty Mack Rides roller coaster that wouldn’t even stand out at a Six Flags

This anon right here >>2661051 who claims they aren’t a Disney Adult or apologist: I will not take this Slinky Dog Dash slander. It is an excellent and underrated family coaster as seen by how it has the longest queue in the park. If you disagree, you should kill yourself, faggot and go back to Six Flags
tip i'm sure everyone knows, if you've been to disneyland, don't bother with tokyo disney, it's the exact same with better food and no california adventure.
If you have time it's worth it for Pooh, Monsters Inc, and Beauty and the Beast
TDL is very reminiscent of how Magic Kingdom and DL were in the 70s-80s, both in terms of maintenance standards and just general theming (especially Tomorrowland), which I personally like. That's not even mentioning the park next door which has the best theming on the planet
Most of Disneyland has kind of a retro feel to it. Even Tomorrowland with the old time idea of "the future." Cramming star wars land right behind the land themed after 19th century US makes little sense other than they had more space. DCA makes more sense, but I'm not sure it had enough space.
They had Crush's coaster at DLP to show them just how much of an issue it is having a low capacity 'novel' family coaster is in terms of disproportionate queue times. If you've only a single family coaster in a park, it will get busy as fuck, you'd better make sure it's high capacity.

>lucked out at DLP as Crush's coaster finished maintenence early and opened a couple of hours before the park closed with a non insane queue.
>actually enjoyed it

Sure it's short and a generic layout but spinning coasters in the dark that don't used wild mouse style layouts are fun. Got stuck at the top of the big drop for a few minutes and thought I was going to have to evac
This, Crush Coaster is actually pretty damn fun, the problem is it's NEVER worth the astronomical wait times it has 95% of the time
What's the overlap between "adult Disney fans" and "adults who are too scared to go on big coasters"? It's got to be almost 1. Getting into Disney is just how they sublimate their child-like phobia of roller coasters - they get to enjoy theme parks without the worry that they'll ever have to confront their own fear of "the big rides," lol.
Why do Disney adults live in your head rent free?
NTA but they're enabling Iger's bad behavior by continuing to give him money. When Six Flags raised prices people stopped going but when Disney raised prices Disney adults just take it in the ass and smile.
I totally agree but the last few threads there's been seething over the existence of Disney adults and that's been worse for threads than actual Disney adults which don't really come here. It's being angry at someone who isn't even present, whiny behavior.
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>I-I'm not s-scared of big coasters!

You're overlooking the "Theming snobbery" factor in Disney park fans. Like Universal's Velocicoaster and Hagrid wouldn't be nearly as well regarded if there weren't Disney adults (which do overlap with Universal's fanbase) going "Finally, they figured out how to make bare steel coasters interesting" by slapping static figures of raptors and three headed dogs along the track layout.
Believe me I know exactly what you're talking about. They'll do the same thing with food. All because a wood coaster with an 85 foot drop terrifies them.
It's less that its terrifying and more "What's the point if there isn't any lore here? I need something that lets me pretend I'm in a 3D platforming level"
Another fresh example: That Loch Ness Monster overhaul with the big monster statue is getting some decent buzz from Disney people.
So basically fuck anyone who doesn't like parking lot coasters?
Kek! Hagrid does wind its way through some nicely themed ruins but the first time I rode it I didn’t even notice them
The opposite actually, I'm just dressing it up in snark. Disney pricing out more people is a prime opportunity for regional parks to try and build up more atmosphere and characters. We've had parks reviving retired characters like the Knotts Bears or the Speelunkers at Six Flags over Texas, Georgia has walkaround Monster Mansion characters now, themed overhauls of legacy coasters, new parks trying to make a mark for themselves. It's a much more interesting time then the coaster wars.
Agreed. I prefer some theming to none at all. I was pleasantly surprised at the nicely themed aeronautica landing area at Carowinds. They have a bar there with screens behind it to mimic airline windows. Copperhead Strike was nicely themed too. Cedar Fair’s been pretty good at this in recent years and I think it will continue after the merger considering Six Flags is getting in on it too. It’s nice to see
Obsessed Disney parks and resorts fans are still on the Disney Adult spectrum.
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What we really need in the states is for the industry to catch up with whats going on with theme parks overseas.
You have Phantasialand, Europa and Efteling taking the lead in the balance between theming and thrill rides and doing it without the use of commercial IPs.
On the flip side, you have the parks in the UAE building massive IP-based parks that would have been massively popular if they had been built in the US.
But the industry is mostly run from the top by corporate execs who see everything in black and white dollar signs, they are clueless to the actual theme park customer base and what they want. They think that just throwing a bunch of coasters into a park barebones is all thats needed to compete, but now that disney is losing so hard, they should capitalize on trying to take that market share by actually competing in "big theming".
Just do both like they do in Europe, go heavy on theming the heavy hitter coasters and thats the formula for huge success in the US. It just has barely been tried yet so these companies seem unaware of its potential to put them near the top.
Herschend, Hershey, SeaWorld Parks etc. take note.
You have the money and the momentum, its time to go all out.
Phantasialand receives EU subsidies and the Arab parks receive their own state assistance, parks in the US don't enjoy those benefits
What do you guys think about the fact that some places have a housekeeping fee and don't automatically provide the service? It really pisses me off that society has gone that downhill.
Gwanzi is supposed to be the best roller coaster in Fl...I heard Cedar Point has the best coasters in the world...
If you're going to the Fl one its a great time. Only ride didn't get was cheetah...line was an hour :/
This one is sorely missed

Any resort recommendations for Central Florida? I'm looking for a relaxing place that has spacious rooms, good housekeeping, is not overcrowded with loud families but is still family friendly, on site Waterpark is a huge plus.
Is it agreed that despite the trash Star Wars land, Hollywood Studios has the best aesthetic of all Disney parks, right? California version with that atrocious soulless Guardians of the Galaxy tower retheme is obviously disqualified.
No, it's the one in Virginia. I'd love to ride Iron Gwazi, but I'm excited for what's in Williamsburg too. And the pictures look beautiful.
new jennykino just dropped
I hear you, but let's just say any of these companies diverts their spending into prioritizing themed experiences. They would with no doubt, have the investment capital they need, especially a company like cedar flags which picks and chooses which of their 30+ parks to invest in.
Stop blowing your investments on cookie cutter rides to spread out evenly among flagships and regional parks.
Like when Six Flags built all those Justice League dark rides. What a waste of money to build the same thing over and over when they could have spent just a little more to build three unique themed dark rides at different locations vs five of the same exact thing. And because of that, nobody cared about these rides only a few years after they opened.
Or if you want to build a new coaster and make it the crown jewel of your flagship park, invest as much in one ride as you would in two by theming it to the same level as disney or universal. Maybe you wont have as much investment capital in the next five years, but the ride will be popular for decades.
These companies need to realize that going all out gives attractions staying power and in the long term, puts them more on the map than constantly adding and removing new and old coasters with nothing that makes any of them stand out among everything else out there.

I'm starting to realize that Disney is just a park for nostalgic adults. My kids don't really like Disney so I'll probably never get to go again because I already have to deal with a spouse who hates Disney. Honestly, one of the best times in my life was being surrounded by Disney Disneyphiles. We came from different and even opposing backgrounds but had that in common.
Animal Kingdom clears
Kings Island and Holiday World have the ideal level of theming for me. It's a little kitschy, a little cute, but also holy shit that's a massive roller coaster.
The only thing I liked about dlr/dca was having a safe place to just walk around all day without fear of being mugged or stabbed. Shitty excuse for spending all that money on passes, but it was either that or stand in line for 30 - 60 minutes for boring rides. I wouldn't go back, though.
>of all Disney parks
You are not a serious person
Can't wait to get back to Lost Island when it opens for the season next week.
Holiday World feels like too many missed opportunities for even basic theming.
Why the hell doesn't Halloween have a haunted house dark ride or walkthrough?
And Frightful Falls needs at least some blacklights and spooky dayglo paintings in the tunnel or something.

I'm feeling increasingly less safe at Six Flags and Cedar Fair parks as more and more black teens with weapons incidents are happening. Was going to to take my wife and kid to Six Flags Over Georgia on our upcoming trip but scrapped it from the itinerary after I heard about the influx of unruly black teens this year.
It has a cool aesthetic sure, but a fuck load of empty buildings and dumb shit like “meet Edna Mode.” Who the fuck wants to meet Edna from the Incredibles? They couldn’t have at least done Frozone? The Edna meet and greet is literally the only thing in the Pixar Land by the way.
Most Cedar Fair parks have chaperone policies and I expect Six Flags to adopt them after the merger, especially at Over Georgia and Great America which have had the recent incidents. I go to Cedar Point and Kings Island the most and there aren’t very many blacks. There are some but I haven’t seen any rowdy ones in recent years that I can think of. You still see them bouncing basketballs around.

Most regional parks are far enough away from the nearest city. KI is in Mason, OH which is outside Cincinnati but like 90% white and a very safe place. Six Flags St. Louis is in Eureka nestled into hills that’s are the beginning of the Ozarks. Also 90% white. Just to name some examples. Then you get parks like Busch Gardens Tampa which is in the middle of a sketchy area but I never feel unsafe inside the park.
I hope they can find away to stay in business
Orange Lake. They only do housekeeping in between stays though
>I'm feeling increasingly less safe at Six Flags and Cedar Fair parks as more and more black teens with weapons incidents are happening.

Well, I'm in California and just enough a dark shade to blend in so I think I'd be okay if I went to magic mountain. I'm wondering if there are any other big, walkable theme parks in my state before considering the SD zoo or taking up /out/ activities for my vacations.
The way I see it, the park is going in a similar trajectory as their waterpark did, only this time they have a now-extremely successful waterpark to subsidize it for a few years.
It seems they may get a little extra pull from thoosies next year for either having the only raptor in the midwest or having the first wild moose.
Why do so many amusement parks require a car to reach? Why are they so afraid to use buses to get to Six flags/Doney Park and such?
Theme parks tend to be built where the land is very flat and very cheap or something that's gradually turned into a theme park over many decades. Doesn't lend itself to being accessible.

UK Parks:

Alton Towers: country manor in the middle of nowhere on the edge of a national park
Chessington: old outer london zoo turned into a theme park
Thorpe Park: old Gravel pit.
Legoland Windsor: built on the site of an old safari park.

They're all some degree of a fucking pain in the arse to get to. On the plus side, if the Universal park doesn't get Greater Crested Newt-ed It'll be reachable from a Train station that most of the country will be able to get a train to.
>Why are they so afraid to use buses to get to Six flags/Doney Park and such?
You don't exactly want the urban poor showing up in significant numbers
The new Alice in Wonderland show in Paris is really odd.

Neat stage though.

Watched it all in one sitting, very informative video. I never knew how tiny the basic rooms were. It's sad that even what little of the concept was brought to fruition didn't even work properly.
what happened to Over Texas? Shouldn't it be one of the better parks since it was featured in RCT2?
you would assume that the first six flags park would be the best, but the company has been having trouble financially for a while
go to volcano bay and stay at cabana bay. ask for a room in the tower near the water park entrance
The parts of SFOT that haven't been changed much are still really nice and many are largely the same as they were decades ago, with lots meandering paths and lots of mature trees for shade.

Then you've got "Gotham City" which was clear cut and completely covered in asphalt. Not a bit of shade to be found there. I cannot imagine enjoying that in the Texas summer. Unsurprisingly, it looks like complete shit.
That would put them on the thoosie map. I wish them the best of luck, if I’m ever 2 hours or less from it I’ll check it out just to marathon that intamin
Because the US is car-based and this isn’t really a problem for people who know how to drive
Plus they don’t own 100% of the land. It clearly isn’t doing well if they’re closing it one day a week during the peak season.
>Plus they don’t own 100% of the land.
They don't own the park at all, a group of investors do, same with SFOG although it's likely that the company will buy out the investors of both parks in a couple of years at both.
does this mean i need to try to go to SFOG before that happens? ive never been
It means the post-merger Six Flags will probably take on more debt and buy out the investors at both SFOT and SFOG and hold off on new additions for a while, but there’s probably a timeline where they don’t and close/sell one or both. SFOG is a great park hindered by its budget and also the local “scholars” who frequent and work there
It won't affect anyone who visits
Best offsite Orlando area resorts for the $:
Drury Plaza at Disney Springs
Margaritaville Resort Orlando
Grand Beach
Caribe Royale
Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress
Six flags Great Adventure is by far the best, but Six Flags Great Escape is by far the most comfiest.
Who the fuck even came up with this stuff
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>Halloween Horror Nights build up
God, I wanna drag some friends down here to check it out. I hope to god this shit is cash money this year lol.
Is Great Adventure really the best? If Magic Mountain ever operates with everything open, it’s hard to beat the depth of that lineup. Great America isn’t far off from Great Adventure either. I think GAdv is a tad overrated by the massive population within its radius. There was a thread on reddit a few months ago about which regional parks are destinations with resorts and multiple people said GAdv despite the fact that there are no nearby hotels (that new glamping thing wasn’t open yet). I just think the locals are pretentious and entitled New York assholes who don’t care to know any better
Anyone here live in the Orlando area?
I'll be moving there this fall, and I plan on getting annual passes to Disney, Universal, and Seaworld / BG.

How many people out there treat theme parks as a lifestyle? I plan to spend most days working from home, then picking one of many parks to hang out at every evening.
The reason I ask if there are lots of regulars who do this, I wonder how easy it is to make lots of friends around the parks. I'm sure I will get to know a bunch of employees, and I might chat up some tourists, but is there a large local community of adults for this kind of thing?
anyone here been to Energylandia?
putting the 80 meter tall, grey steel Hyperion right next to the entrance with the dancing kiddie mascot parade on opening is hilarious. really a park of contrasts, messy but fun
There are absolutely groups around but they may be varying degrees of obsessive, you'll have to decide which ones are a good match. Wouldn't surprise me if you get lots of 55+ people who come in multiple times a week largely just to sit at their favourite food place and sit and chat for an hour or two and people watch.

Be careful about trying too hard to get to know employees, I've seen a few cast member forums where they talk about annual pass people and streamers trying to get too chummy and first name basis with every cast member they see. If you naturally have conversations with them, they seem genuinely happy to talk to you (and not corporate forced happy) go ahead but make sure it's genuinely a two-way thing.
I agree but Blue Milk was my favorite jink snack I got all vacation. Got it like 4 times. Maybe there’s something wrong with me. Yes I saw the leaked ingredients showing that it is supreme goyslop
Nah, I enjoyed it too. Yeah the ingredients are shit but I've never really tasted anything like it.

My holiday last year was the first time I wasn't driving so I made sure to try as many of the alcoholic drinks I could. Was surprised at how much I enjoyed most of the drinks (one of the Universal HHN cock ails was my favourite, can't remember which). The Jägermeister slush at Epcot was slightly disappointing but I guess I was kinda hoping it would be a Jager bomb more than just it on its own.

It was also unrelentingly hot and humid last September (never rained once in the parks) and never let up which probably helped make the drinks taste better.
Yeah, I was there in Aug 2023 on what people were saying was the hottest week in central Florida’s history. It was truly a whole different level of heat, had some family members essentially sit out the last few days in the hotel because they couldn’t take it and I ended up getting a heat rash all over my legs on a 35,000 step walking day which is something that’s supposed to only happen to old ladies. Heat was incomparable to any other time I’ve been, and some of the drink machines at a few snack booths and such were breaking down because of it
Great Escape is criminally underrated as a park. The coaster lineup isn't great and they shouldn't have replaced the alpine bobsleds, but the atmosphere and old school charm makes it stand out among the other Six Flags parks. The only other SF that has somewhat similar vibes is Fiesta Texas. They both are the closest to "theme park" that the chain has to offer.
Its just kind of frustrating to see Great Escape focus almost exclusively on family rides when it could be the best of both worlds if they would just add a big coaster or two. The rapids is one of the best in the world, and the flats collection is definitely above-average.
But yeah, the leftover Storyland USA stuff, the bits of theming that were added since then, the location at Lake George which is an awesome place, and stopping at the Dandi Creme afterwards makes this park very special and nostalgic even if you didn't grow up going there.
Lake George in general is one of those places that makes you feel like you've stepped back in time when you're there.
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universal orlando kiddie area soft-opening imminent
is that volcano bay? genuine question
They could have done so much more with this land and I think the timing was bad.
The disney crowd are going to compare this barebones shit to Tiana and then draw perceptions that Epic Universe isn't a threat.
They should have built a copy of the Shrek ride at Motiongate with the Barney and Curious George space.
Dreamworks Land replacing Fievel/Woody Woodpecker.

The Shrek playground has a slide coming out of his outhouse.
SFFT is the best Six Flags park by far. Great Adventure is held down by the fact it's in New Jersey.
energylandia needs two more wacky worms to beat magic mountain in the coaster wars
they just released two new family rides last month. I hope they stop playing the quantity game and remove some of the wacky worm shit now that they have better themed kiddie coasters.
To be fair, Magic Mountain's record is also padded by 4 kiddie coasters. Still not close to the 10 or so that Energylandia has.
I kind of hope Energylandia will phase out their older kiddie coasters and revamp the first area to make a nicer first impression
I think it's mostly fine. They should have added some off-the-shelf kids flat rides though. IMO, it's overall inferior to the outdated former area which they should have just kept and re-themed if they were going to be cheap. It's not helping this park's image as a neglected park. But it also didn't need to be closed for another year or longer and have a higher budget just for a more expensively themed children's area.
>Disney are making a movie about Club 33

They're getting desperate for Park related movie ideas..
Ever notice that most LSM launch coasters use short trains and rolling launches? The ones with longer trains use swing launches. LIM, as wasteful as it is, works just fine and is forceful with longer trains launching from a stand still. Maybe LSM is better than flywheel or weight drop (is it?) but it’s sad how it became the standard but I guess it’s the reason West Coast Racers duels while The Chiller is gone
No moving parts is always preferable to a shitload of moving parts, that's why magnetic launches are the industry standard and there are only a few launchers out there that use other mechanisms
Red Force may use shorter trains, but its LSM launch is pretty powerful from what I've heard. Maverick's 2nd launch is no joke, either.
Both are rolling launches with shorter trains. Longer LIM launch coasters never needed rolling launches. Top Thrill 2 has (had?) longer trains, however, there are two rows of LSM fins
>You don't exactly want the urban poor showing up in significant numbers
interesting, because that was entirely the clientele at disneyland. whereas tokyo disney I didn't see a single mobility scooter family of mexican obese retards
aside from the big 2, notable rides include:
great small launch coaster. buttery smooth, good speed, nice intensity, short but sweet.
Formula's bigger brother. much longer with lots of loops. personally I prefer the more condensed experience of Formula, but the way abyssus is incorporated into its section is neat, it's very nice to look at
intense SLC, but a bit rough
this one is better, less intense but smoother with a fun layout. family ride, but worth checking out
>le 2 Vekoma Boomerangs
pleasant, but 2 is a bit redundant
takes you up on a scary lift, then Chucks you into water. not very intense, but it is a very tall water coaster
the others are boring kiddie rides. the new minecart they added was more forceful than I expected though it goes on for too long IMO
It's a shame Dinosaur was never considered when they started desperately flailing for some. That'd kill two birds with one stone.
That SLC is from 2015 and wasn’t relocated. Didn’t know they were still being made so late. His was only 2 years before the great nor’easter was retracked to be smoother so that sucks if it’s rough
You must confuse it with Energylandia
only a little bit, compared to most SLCs it's much better. the restrains are comfortable too
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Didn't think I'd make it to Fuji Q on my trip to Japan since the train and bus were sold out, but a pair of seats opened up when I checked this morning. Got good views of Fuji and low crowds. Was able to ride all of the major coasters as well as getting a second ride on Fujiyama and Eejanaika without needing to pay for their fast pass.

Zokon and Takubisha were both fun rides, but not on the level of Fujiyama and Eejanaika.

Eejanaika was easily the craziest coaster I've been on. If you asked me to recount what happened after the first drop, I wouldn't be able to tell you. Just mayhem from beginning to end. Had a looser restraint on the second ride, and it felt like my soul was leaving my body at points.

Fujiyama was probably my favorite though. I didn't have high expectations, and it blew me away. It's just a fun hyper for the first 2/3rds or so with great views, but then it kicks into overdrive at the end. Long as fuck too, and the only ride that didn't feel too impacted by retarded operations.
How retarded were the operations for you? It’s the one thing holding me back from going to any of these Japanese parks
They definitely slowed down the lines with their autistic fixation on safety (Zokon has an entire pre-show dedicated to repeating the same basic safety spiel that was already playing on loop in the queue, for example). Shit's stupid and unnecessary, but the rides are still great, as is the location.
>That Loch Ness Monster overhaul with the big monster statue is getting some decent buzz from Disney people.
Probably reminds them of a Disney coaster that also has a big static cryptid figure that roars
What parks have the best top 3 in the world? Hard mode: No Cedar Point
I went to Busch Gardens and had a good time even though I got sick from the rides. How do you not get sick? The last several times I've gone to a theme park I've felt bad at the end of the day. Like I get a headache and my stomach doesn't feel good. I like the rides when I'm on them.

I guess I don't live a very active life. Would getting more exercise help? My mom used to be able to do coasters and she just can't now. I'm scared I inherited it from her. My dad is 61 and he's a big fat guy, and he has way more stamina than me. He went back and rode Griffon three times. I think the heat is part of what makes me sick, but it wasn't even that hot that day. It was like 78 degrees or something.
Eat a moderately sized breakfast before you get to the park. Make your own if you can, fast food is loaded with sodium which can make you feel worse if you're out in the sun.

The only thing you should drink for the day is water and lots of it. You have to stay ahead of dehydration and heat exhaustion, by the time you start to feel bad it's too late. Avoid sodas and energy drinks entirely, maybe have a Powerade/Gatorade after a while, but don't drink them exclusively.

Avoid spin & puke rides as those are the ones that will take you out of commission the fastest. If there's one you have to hit, hit it early, maybe first thing while your energy level is high. I don't get on those anymore.

Avoid greasy/salty foods if you can, unfortunately a lot of park food and fast food falls into this category. Consider leaving the park for a meal if you're not pushed for time, this will give you a little while to sit in the a/c and be off your feet. Also consider bringing a picnic lunch.

Take some pain reliever with you wrapped in Saran Wrap, then take one dose when you arrive and have another in your pocket for later (take with water ofc). Avoid aspirin though, it has a tendency to cause an upset stomach.

If you go a lot, you'll build up your tolerance for rides again. Only really an option if you live nearby and have a season pass, though.
I've decided I'll never go on a tiltawhirl again. I do drink soda at the parks, I guess I should avoid that. I think honestly it's the rattling of the coasters that does it to me. I feel worse after every ride. It starts off slow but it catches up to me throughout the day.
Most parks out there also let you bring your own refillable water bottle as long as it's clear, empty when you enter, and not made out of glass.
Spinning flat rides have that effect on many adults. You can handle them as kids but the older you get the more nauseous they are and it can wreck your day. Coasters with lots of inversions and positive Gs rattle your brain around, especially if there is head banging. Also can make you nauseous and give you a headache. But some coasters like Mako I can ride all day long.
Personally I avoid spinning flat rides. Coasters I find to be less taxing and more fun, as long as they're smooth
Hyperia opened today, lots of povs around already. Looks insane but very short. At least it's pretty much insane unique elements from start to finish though
You could be suffering from the heat more than the rides. Make sure you're cooling down in ac, drinking lots of warm water may not help that much, you need a cool drink. Most theme parks let you get ice from various outlets (not good pr someone getting heatstroke)

The closer you get to 100% humidity, the less sweating will do to cool you down. It's very easy to overheat and not know it. Other signs are that you're getting irritable for no reason and you get sudden bursts where you're completely drained
>lots of povs around already
The only front row POV I've seen is Thorpe's official one, which is like every other park's official POV in that they play stupid music over it. Have you seen a front row POV without music?
There's some rider facing ones in normal vids and proper povs in shorts. Looks like the weird giant twisting half loop bit is what people are getting most surprised at
What's the story with Animal Kingdom's Avatar water dark ride? It's just a static environment with some screens and then one single animatronic blueskin at the very end. Did the project manager embezzle the budget or what? I know people always rag on nuDisney but I legit couldn't believe what the fuck I just sat through.

Also can anyone explain the phenomenon of why Avatar Flight of Passage always has a monstrous queue? It's a dime a dozen motion sim yet the ride is popular non stop. Does Disney really have like twenty thousand FIRST TIME guests EVERY SINGLE DAY who flock to the ride with no idea about how bland it's going to be? Also that Ratatouille ride is insanely bad too. I'm sure this is all tired well tread ground but during my recent Florida trip I got to experience nuDisney parks for the first time (with my only other trip being to Paris in the early 2000s). I had always heard about how lazy their new rides are but they were even worse than I expected.
Unless it’s like Eyes Wide Shut then what’s the point?
only a few youtubers and their followers know how far Disney has fallen. Most people either don't know or don't care
I feel like the 11 year gap in new rides between Everest and Pandora is a factor. Which is why the Latin America thing replacing Dinoland instead of being a brand new build feels really foolish.
i still think the "its a big world" ride is the worst one by far out of all the disney parks. you can quickly gauge if someone's taste in rides is shit based on if they like that ride.
>you can quickly gauge if someone's taste in rides is shit based on if they like that ride.
You are correct, but for the wrong reason
Layout is fantastic but yeah could use another 1k ft of track. That stall/loop hang time. Toward the end it looks like an LSM speed boost but nobody mentions LSMs? Plus it ends shortly after this. I think it’s funny how it’s only 1ft larger than big one
40 seconds from the top of the lift to the brakes is disappointing.

>Toward the end it looks like an LSM speed boost
Those look like the same mag brakes in the main brakes
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>r/galacticstarcruiser going ballistic over Jenny's video

Disney adults have ruined vacationing in the USA.
I had it with alcohol mixed in, pretty nice
>The disney crowd are going to compare this barebones shit to Tiana and then draw perceptions that Epic Universe isn't a threat.
That's not gonna work because they've already shown what Epic Universe themed areas will look like
What was really eye-opening for me was near the end when she went over how it would be a massive struggle to try and retool the place as a regular hotel.
Disney basically backed themselves into a corner once people stopped booking, they had no real option but to shut it down.
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Disney Springs had their first showing of the new drone show last night and the crowd control afterwards was a disaster. People were stuck standing in place for half an hour and if you visited by car it took hours to get out.
It’s disappointing for sure but Outlaw Run is one of my favorite coasters and from the top of the real drop until the brakes it’s 38 seconds
is disney springs always that crowded? if so, i dont ever plan on going to it. i havent been to disney since around 2007
It gets very busy, especially on weekends but I've never seen crowds like that
Why is Disney Springs even so popular?
If that many people care about going to an outdoor shopping mall during their expensive vacation then why is brick and mortar retail dead throughout the country?
Also I don't think I can remember a time when CityWalk was busy with crowds at all. People just use it as a way to walk from one park to the other and to/from the parking garage.
I hate the energy at Disney Springs, especially the west end at night. Very retired boomer leisure-core. All the places in Florida that are like that are soulless and all the upper middle class wannabe rich asshole type people ruin anything that would give those places any redeeming qualities. Celebration and any place along the Gulf Coast especially have this gross faux-utopia normie social credit score vibe.
Recently went to a diner while I was in St. Pete and overheard the landlord boomer couple at the table next to us complain about their tenants having a bike in the yard for the entire time. Just angrily repeating the same shit about it over and over. They are all so miserable and unhappy, and they drain any potential for positive energy from anyone around them. I feel the same way when I go to Disney Springs just on a worse level, because you're throwing families with kids and non-whites into the mix. Place sucks.
I used it as a place to kill time on flight days when I didn't have enough time to justify an additional park ticket on my trips a few years back, but it's definitely not worth taking a day out of your vacation for, especially with how crowded it is these days.
You sound more annoying than those boomers you dislike
Not all malls are dead. The malls in Orlando aren’t dead, for example. Disney Springs is a free Disney shopping, entertainment, and eating district. It’s easy to see why it gets crowded. And Citywalk gets crowded, I was there on a weekday in March and the parks had closed and there were people pouring in from the garage.
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I just did a Cedar Point trip, thinking I would be able to get TT2... I went one time a few years ago, but this was the first time I had enough time to explore everything.
Here's how I rank the coasters there -

1. Steel Vengeance (TT2 would likely land in #1 or #2)
2. Millennium Force
3. Maverick (restraints kinda ruin it)
4. Gatekeeper
5. Valravn (very overrated though. line gets stupidly long...)
6. Gemini (quite a bit smoother than I expected)
7. Raptor
8. Rougarou (all the B&M's kinda feel the same)
9. Wild Mouse
10. Iron Dragon
11. Cedar Creek Mine Ride
12. Corkscrew (rough ride, but expected)
13. Blue Streak (way rougher than expected)
14. Magnum XL (most painful ride I've EVER been on. Can't believe it exists)

Overall, a pretty nice park, though it has a few downsides...
>hard to reach location. kinda expensive to fly in and rent a car if you don't live anywhere close.
>short operating season, meaning there are no slow parts of the season. I thought going in May would be quiet, but there are massive school trips basically every day...
>SV, Top Thrill, MF, and Maverick break down constantly, making the longest lines even longer
>no shade in half the park. gets very hot, and easy to sunburn
Beltz is long gone (used to be a prime shopping location for Brits but I guess things becoming cheaper in the UK killed it), Artegon closed down and Pointe Orlando is on its last legs.
Magnum depends on where you sit. I hated the “magic seat” (car 1 row 3). It’s a wheel seat which is more bumpy and gave me a really bad headache on the pretzel-shaped turnaround. The wheel seats suck because you feel the bumpiness and they have less leg room. Last time I went in the next to last row and thought it was a great ride.
But Millenia and Florida Mall aren’t dead. The Orlando Premium Outlets aren’t dead. I’ve never even heard of those places you’re talking about except Beltz which died years before the mallpocalyspe began. The premium outlets killed off a lot of the smaller outlet malls near to it
Point Orlando is in the middle of I-drive. Half the units are empty and it's a ghost town during the day.
I got one of the first trains in the morning, sitting in the very front row, friends sitting in the very back.
Every airtime hill felt like getting hit in the thighs with a baseball bat. I dreaded each one that came up lol... I don't think the back row was any better.
Magnum is basically the polar opposite of Mako - the smoothest, comfiest hyper ever...
I don’t recognize it. I’m sure I’ve driven past. Looks kinda like icon park. There is another place like that called sunset walk by the margaritaville resort off 192. Basically a ghost town too. It has a water park that never gets packed and is run by the successor company to premier parks (the company that killed six flags)
Yeah it does that to many people and is why it’s so polarizing. I love the violent ejector hills on Magnum but I love the graceful sustained floater airtime hills on Mako way more
Zoomer thoosies are just too soft
Crank the seatbelt, and you won't be launched into the lap bar. I do that because my knees would also slam into the seat in front of me otherwise.
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I've come to hate travelling to theme parks... I end up blowing so much money to be exhausted for a half week visit.
Obviously we all wish every park could be our home parks, its no shock that locals get a big advantage, so I am just moving to Orlando this year...
I honestly hate spending full days at parks. I usually only spend 2-3 hours at home parks on any given day.
Even when I travel, I will show up for rope drop, stick around for a few hours till around 1 PM when it gets hot and crowded, then go back to the room for a nap, and come back around 5-6 till close.

Mornings and evenings are great. much cooler, somehow less busy, and night lighting looks amazing in many parks.
skill issue (or you're fat lol)
I'm not trying to be /pol/ but it sucks that if you're white and poor, no matter how polite and redneck, the only places you can afford are going to be jam packed with loud and rude Hispanics Asians and blacks.
I like it
It's been getting pretty bad to live in Central FL because of the heat. It should not affect you if you can just buy iced water ect because everything is air conditioned and lots of pools. I do think they should have more peaceful sit spots in shade
I'm worried about it being loud and crowded. How does it compare to FL parks
Yes it's the combo of rollercoasters and heat and age and health
Mako is such a smooth rollercoaster
I haven't ridden it and I don't like avatar but I've heard it's a great ride
Where are all the black ppl
Last time I went it was miserably crowded
Disney Springs when not overcrowded is pretty fun. Good food, good shopping, lots of fun theming, fun to walk.
Dinosaur restraint
Lego play place
Wonder of Disney
Crystal Disney
Art of Disney
Splash pad ect

All fun.
Rainforest Cafe
Exactly. Anytime you see old white people you know the vibe is comfy clean quiet and service is gonna be good
Those blue things in the lot look kind of tacky...should have designed it more fluid. That said I wish I went there in my teens. I'm getting too old for coasters.
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I had never eaten at a gimmick restaurant like this before, but we ate at Hard Rock last year, and the food was okay, and expensive even by Orlando standards, but you know what? I loved it. I was completely taken in by the vibe and the memorabilia. I plan to eat there again.
Looks peaceful af if the businesses are actually open and doing their jobs
It has this 80s feel to it, the promise of AMERICA ...lots of Stallone and Swatrzneggar memorabilia...and 60s rock stars ect...the food is good too ...big thick burgers, big milkshakes...its a great time
The best place ever is gone which was DisneyQuest. They had a cheesecake shop inside and it had all this cool arcade stuff on multiple levels. Overpriced though.
Thomas Kincaid art

Wasn't crowded at all when I went (a Thursday), but I have heard it can get crowded. The lines were caused more by the operations than any amount of visitors. The main thing to consider, and what almost screwed me out of going, is that the best transportation to the park is shared by every person going to the Fuji area, so you really need to book ahead of you can
I'm a californiafag and although we've got parks, is it worth traveling to Florida just for parks?
Flights of Passage is a great ride. Sure it's "just a simulator" but it's immersive as fuck with a great range of movement. Only annoyance is boring pre-show.

I think people compare it to Forbidden Journey which has the advantage of the robot arms tech and being a good blend of physical and screens but that feels a bit apple vs oranges to me.

The classic Hard Rock locations are amazing. Their two big issues are that they made too many locations that are a lot more halfarsed (just a regular restaurant with some framed memorabilia) and that the food no longer wows you due to them scrimping on portion sizes and artisan burger places being a lot more common. Rainforest Cafe do a lot better on ensuring they're all fully immersive and having more memorable food (went to the AK one last holiday).

Chocolate Emporium was a bit disappointing, milkshake was ok but I've had better but my food was pretty mediocre (could have just picked a bad dish mind, everyone else at the table really liked their orders). Margaritaville was a lot better than I was expecting, chill atmosphere and the cajun pasta I had was incredibly nice. Cowfish is also under-rated I think it gets overlooked because of how many "don't like fish" so don't bother looking at the menu and it being slightly hidden away.
All the times I’ve been there recently, I haven’t noticed very many. Back when it was downtown Disney they had a black loitering problem and got in trouble for racial profiling because they were kicking out blacks who were thugged out and the blacks whined and said it was their culture. But you don’t really see it much anymore. They got a lot more security and police and dogs now too.
Just gotta avoid it Fri-Sun and try to go during the day if you can.
You sound like a truly miserable and pathetic loser. I almost feel bad for you.
if you are a big fan of Disney / Universal / Seaworld, then probably.
California basically has the trial versions, Florida has the full versions.
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What are the best european theme parks to check out?
Ideally somewhere that has a warm climate in October like Spain.
Port Aventura is the obvious one if you're after somewhere that'll be warm.

There's also Terramitica but that's suffered from a decade of being in the financial shit and Benidorm in general is an acquired taste if you aren't British
i really dont get all the retarded theming shit they think they need for each ride. you think i care to listen to the velocicoaster video with that attractive lady for a 5th time in a row while in line for the ride? you think i care about the jurassic world themed stuff on the way to the ride? hell no. i care about getting to the ride, and a big plus is air conditioning. i hate parks listening to disney adults
ok, what about Europe theme parks in general?
Disneyland Paris and Parc Asterix in France
Efteling in Netherlands
Europa Park in Germany
Gardaland in Italy
Alton Towers, Thorpe Park and Blackpool Pleasure Beach in UK
Definitely Efteling, Phantasialand and Europa Park, but I'd also throw my hat in the ring for Parc Asterix, it's very underrated and I'd say worth a visit more than Disneyland. In October you'll probably be stuck with shit weather tho, but it's worth it to avoid the summer crowds
Is Futuroscope interesting enough?
Would you recommend Puy du Fou?
Theming is one of the biggest reasons why Disney and Universal are the most popular parks in the world, simple as.
I agree with all that.
I've noticed that Disney places never have black people...do they boycott it? I know Disney waited forever before having a black princess...
The thing that bugs me about destroying an amazing ride like Splash Mountain for Tiana is that I like Tiana too.
>fucked up and didn't have Shadow Man on the big drop with his loa crying "ARE YOU READY" as you ascend the final hill with friends on the other side blaring
Why is Disney so retarded?
just came back from Carowinds. surprisingly everything except Nighthawk had short lines. the fast lane pass felt unnecessary but with it i got everything done + Fury an extra 3 times within 5 hours. i would've done more rides on Fury but I was already tired

>mfw catching a red-eye flight to Chicago to do SFGAm next weekend
Remember to ride Raging Bull in the back row.
It's an interesting park but it's more a park for kids (only one rollercoaster, very few thrill rides).

Not a ride theme park, lots of shows.

Parc Asterix and DLP are pretty much the only what I'd call "full" parks in France.
A black light lift hill with singing voodoo masks and just before the drop Doctor Facilier goes from his usual outfit to a neon voodoo outfit via lighting effects and sings "I hope you're satisfied" just as you drop.

Such an obvious thing to do, why would you not do it?

Instead it's the story of how the ethically minded Tiana formed a people's co-operative to find sustainably sourced ingredients for her community. I guess she just forgot to mention how that was her dream in the movie.
What is Tivoli Gardens like?

I know it's not big but it does have the world's shortest B&M and I think one other coaster, but it looks fine for what it is.
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An hour and a half before park opening on a rainy weekday. These Japanese are crazy.
same thing happened with steel vengeance
that thing was blowing wheels like fucking crazy the first few months, it's why it took them so long to get to 3 trains that first year
People say that they're quiet but others say they're loud. Nothing worse than females speaking loudly in a foreign language...
My dream is to go to DisneySea at least once. Maybe one day bros
>Phantasialand, Europa and Efteling
How are these ones?
I can see that's the case for Disney, but Universal too?
Universal Hollywood doesn't have Diagon Alley, for example, and it demolished its E.T. Experience. OTOH, Disneyland's Galaxy's Edge is where they test experimental features like bipedal droids and Book of Boba Fett and Ahsoka walkaround characters. Florida doesn't have those.
>going ballistic
>so I am just moving to Orlando this year
Ameribros, is it really that easy?
Universal FL has Velocicoaster, Hagrids, Hulk, Rockit, diagon alley, gringots, and a bunch of unique dark rides that Hollywood doesnt. Some of those are S tier rides.

>is it really that easy?
legally, sure. but I have been saving money for this for a while, and am ready to say goodbye to all my friends and family to move 2300 miles away.
Honest question, is there such thing as "too many rollercoasters/thrill rides"? I'm asking because I plan to go to a six flags 3 days in a row.
You can definitely get worn out, especially if you fall behind on sleep and food, you start getting headaches, and greyout / blackout on them more. By the end of the week, I have a hard time riding anything on long trips...
Americans are also loud as fuck
Very biased here since it's the theme park I've been going to since childhood, but it's a fantastic park. Just be aware that while there are some really fun coasters they're nothing exceptional by international standards I guess, this is by and large a family park with lots of highly themed dark rides (and in my opinion the best themed spinning teacups I've ever seen). So if you're into dark rides and high quality theming it's a must-do at least once. These ones rival even Disney at their best. It's best experienced if you don't go too hard on hitting all the rides and take your time, taking in the sights and walking through the fairytale forest for example. Good shit. Right now it's in rough shape tho as there is tons of construction happening, so wait a year or two before coming.
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Is Siam Park truly "the best water park in the world"?
My parents are considering a trip to Tenerife in October.
Rockit is pretty shit though, I wouldn't even mention it. That's like saying "Universal Florida has bathrooms where people take shits"
It's never been unbearably crowded for me.

the lego store and disney shops alone are worth going to for most people.
Same thing happened to me this past weekend but with the one in Tampa. I'm 30 years old, moderately active and fit, and used to be able to ride roller coasters again and again without feeling ANYTHING when I was 14-18.

Ironic, because I insisted we all get quick queue passes. In retrospect, waiting in line might have helped me regain my energy between rides.

Blog dump starts here:

Started the day off with Cheetah Hunt which made me feel like I had just spun around in circles for a few minutes. Like, not completely debilitating, but not great. Wish we could have warmed up with something more chill.

Then we rode Montu which absolutely put me on my ass for 30 minutes. Almost fainted on the ride and could barely lift my feet to walk after I got off. Was basically mute for the rest of the day which pissed off my gf and her friends, lol. Used to ride this thing 3 times in a row in my teens no problem.

Hour goes by, we ride Sheikra, almost faint again but get through it. Gf faints on the ride, lol. A couple more hours goes by, we ride Iron Gwazi. Shit was amazingly short so it wasn't that bad, but my younger self would have loved that ride, dammit.

Aging feels bad man. My friends were drinking and eating shit food the whole day but they also took xanax so I guess that's like a cheat code.
Get gud. I'm in my 40s and coasters don't have that effect on me at all. Are you sure you meant Cheetah Hunt and not Cobra's Curse? Cheetah Hunt has no spinning
I know what you mean. at age 29, I get that headache when I get hit with lots of G forces especially. It's the same head pain I get from jumping on a trampoline.

Wondering how to build more tolerance to it
>Wondering how to build more tolerance to it
Go to a park regularly and ride a few things a week if you can
go when it's colder.
I'm 29, went to Busch Gardens Tampa for the first time the other week. Didn't bother with fast pass, every ride was basically a walk on except for Iron Gwazi and the spinning one. When I came off Montu I had done every coaster in the park except for Cheetah and the spinning one, this was where I started feeling uneasy, not necessarily a headache but I could feel something was wrong. I went on the spinning one immediately after, my (older) brother and father sat this next coaster out, so I think they were even more fatigued than I was at this point. The spinning coaster had a forty minute queue so I think I had time to recover, got on Cheetah fine and got a re-ride in on Gwazi and SheiKra, but I felt bad again after that and we called it a day.

I only eat one meal a day and my one meal for that day would've been after we had gone back to hotel in the evening, so whatever affect intermittent fasting could have on my endurance is something to consider.
Managed to get into Fantasy Springs for soft opening but could only do the new Peter Pan ride since passes for everything were booked up right away (it's insane how many locals are willing to buy full day tickets just for a chance to enter the new land rather than just waiting for it to open). Pretty good ride. Basically a Disney version of Spider-Man, but obviously less thrilling. The land itself is very well done. The Pan and Frozen sections are excellent, and the outer edges with the fantasy rockwork characters are likewise impressive. The Tangled section was the weakest, just feeling like an in-between of the other two aside from Rapunzel's tower.
Magnum is above all 3, by far the best coaster at CP.
>just quick life advice if you call people names at a bar you might get stabbed pretty fast with that tone.

Why is Busch Gardens so expensive?
How much movement was in the ride vehicle? Like, was it mostly moving from screen to screen or was there significant tilting and other motion simulatory stuff?
There's enough tilting and movement that you feel it, but it's definitely toned down compared to Spider-Man and Transformers so younger kids and wimps can ride. It's not just a static vehicle like Rise or Ratatouille.
Are they actually trackless? If they are I'm impressed as it seems they've learnt all the lessons from Ratatouille (vibration and shifting to the sides isn't good enough, seeing the floor is a complete immersion breaker)
I'll be honest, I didn't think to check if there was track or not. Doesn't feel like a trackless, and if it is, it behaves much more like a traditional dark ride. I wasn't distracted by the floor or anything to the sides during my ride since the car is designed to minimize views anywhere other than dead ahead, but there was one scene where the ceiling seemed a bit low.
It’s not. You can get a fun card right now for $80. That’s cheaper than 1 day’s admission most days.
is it worth going back to Epcott just to see the world showcase?
last year which was the first time i went, i got filtered on that Mission Mars ride
try extended stay hotels. they have fridges, ovens and microwaves. something simple like hyatt house or staybridge suites will work. they typically have a studio setup or 1 bedroom suites. i was surprised that they didn't cost much more than a regular room somewhere else.
Mission to Mars gets a lot of people, it's sustained Gs and if people freak out, they make it worse by closing their eyes or moving their head (at which point their body realises they're actually spinning really fast and things get much worse). M2M and Cosmic Rewind are the only rides in the park that have anything approaching intensity, everything else is very tame (including Test Track, despite the fast section outside fooling people into thinking it's a white knuckle ride)

Cosmic Rewind is very fast but is incredibly smooth with no actual drops, just big helixes and swoops so you never lose your stomach. You get sensations you pretty much don't get on any other ride but they're fun more than intense. I've not seen anyone come off of the ride hating it or kids crying. It's probably the most consistently fast family coaster in the world but I'd put it about the same level of intensity as Crush's coaster (minus that coaster's first big drop) and less intense than Expedition Everest.
>Mission to Mars
Mission: SPACE

Cosmic Rewind is more intense than Everest. I don't have the Ride Forces graph handy but it has higher positives and lower negatives all over compared to Everest and even Rock n Roller Coaster. It's probably the spinning and flushing toilet bowl helices, plus it starts with a backwards 0-50mph launch. I wasn't looking for people who were shaken up by it but I'm sure they're there since a lot of Disney parks super fans have a hard time handling anything more intense than It's a Small World.
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There's nothing in Cosmic Rewind that is as forceful as the backwards helix in Everest and it doesn't have any full drops whereas Everest has a big drop that you take at speed.

Found some amateur force graphs and whilst Cosmic Rewind is constantly throwing you around, it doesn't peak as much as EE.
Backwards helix is between pause #1 and pause #2 and CR gets close to that multiple times. The 3.3g spike is the "drop". There are a lot more overall forces going on with CR compared to EE, that makes it more intense not because EE peaks higher for a brief moment once. It says so on the screenshots, 8 moments under .5g compared to 4 and 12 over 2g compared with 4. CR also has a higher height requirement than EE with similar restraints (CR's are more robust).
DisneySea was fucking amazing. Easily mogs every other park I've been to in terms of theming. When it comes to rides, I'd still give the edge to IoA since I prefer more thrilling rides, but for a family, the line-up is very well balanced between thrills and family rides.
>90% chance of rain in Chicago this weekend
>already preordered the fast pass
is not speaking Jap language a significant barrier to enjoying some of the rides?
Don't know how common they are these days, but they had little story pamphlets for English speakers of a lot of the big rides.
THEN NEXT TIME you slimy jew

build a podrace track similar to the Boonta Eve Classic
JUNK VENDORS who have useful wares for the consumer and most pathetic ARG troglodyte
make a jabbas palace sort of place - multilayered - multithemed from the cells to the party hall

you prob smell like a hasidic and bathe like a indian in sacred filth

please go back to rolling dung with your hands - we are having actual discussion on travel and culture
Go back to playing your video games you pathetic childless old virgin incel. And your dreidel too
you can get the gist of what's going on. it's more about the experience than the specific story though.

someone also uploaded some TDS rides with subtitles to youtube
Not really. Like the other guy said, the stories are usually simple enough that you can get the gist of it. If you want the full details, you can just look it up online afterwards
I quite like the way paris does it (you can see it in ratatouille epcot where they kept the same audio) . Two characters talking in different languages but the questions are self answering and answers imply the question

>"doesn't this seem dangerous?"
>"don't worry I'm sure it's not too dangerous"
Oh yeah that was kinda goofy in the Avengers ride with Iron Man speaking French but everyone else speaking English.
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I like you getting tiny during the ride but the small amount of animatronics in favour of screen elements is annoying.
It feels like there's way less to look at compared to Splash. It feels like "move through dark forest to lit up animatronic" over and over. It doesnt have to be crammed with animatronics it just should have more interesting theming. the "shrinking" segment feels way out of place and nothing like the Critter Country vibe. There's not even a plot that I could gather. You watch a bunch of animals play instruments, get shrunk, ride over.

I don't even dislike the movie but I hate that they got rid of Splash for this. THEY DONT EVEN USE THE VOODOO VILLAIN!! That was the ONE thing I was looking forward to. It would have been worth the wait in queue to have "I got friends on the other side" playing while you ominously went up the lift hill.

The finale looks incredible though. Why couldn't there be more like that in the whole ride???
not to mention the soundtrack to this ride is total ass.
was the "shrinking" segment originally a dr. facilier scene but it got changed?

i was already mad that they bulldozed over splash but this new ride is objectively worse in almost every way except for the finale scene.
There's something about Tiana looking for a band for her party, so the animals are who she ends up recruiting.
Looks like TT2 might open soon, too bad you missed it. They modified the wheel assemblies and put them on two trains (silver and black, blue still wheelless). Been testing the past two nights and rumor is the TT2 crew, who were re-assigned to other rides, are having their positions filled at those rides anticipating a return to TT2 soon.
It's ok, but it isn't an upgrade. As the other anon said, the focus on complex animatronics comes at the cost of making the ride a bit too sparse. The shrinking stuff is out of place and not done especially well and the final drop is really underwhelming. A black tunnel with a light spiral thing?

I also suspect that the night lighting really flatters this ride and 90% of people will only ever ride it during the day.
30 years ago Splash Mountain was nice. Now it’s full of blacks and unrecognizable.
I stand by my statement:The American Dream's TNMT rollercoaster is cinema on wheels.
It’s a massive downgrade. Massacring one of their best rides for political reasons was stupid but the attraction they put together in its place is one of the worst re-themes or retrofits ever. The only thing I like about this is that the skeletal framework and flume are the same as the original attraction.
I wanted to like the ride, but I honestly don't. The story is a neat one, the music is good, and the finale is pretty detailed but it's ruined by the sparse areas between the animatronic scenes.
And that section after the first lift hill is really dead. Yes Splash's was too, but it didn't have an animatronic calling you to action immediately beforehand.
Regardless of any /pol/ reasons it's just a servicable ride at best, and a definite downgrade from Splash. It would definitely have done better as a brand new ride rather than using the bones of Splash.
Too shaky.
>inferior Takabisha
managed to get in Raging Bull, X-Flight, Maxx Force, and Goliath before the rain got too heavy. Goliath was pure kino but the rain ruined the experience for me.

This was also my first stab at a red-eye flight followed by an entire day at the park and taking the last flight back home. I held up fine despite running on 3 hours of sleep. If only rental cars were cheap and I only fly to cities with parks nearby then I could probably do one of these trips every month
I think the story is weak and confusing. The shrinking part is weird. All versions of Splash try to build tension before the final drop and this does not. There is no antagonist. It follows the trend where they make one major set piece per scene without little details in between. They could have re-used animatronics for that purpose but chose not to. Reception is very mixed with even diehard fans admitting their disappointment. Splash was an excellent attraction, one of Disney’s best. And they chose to re-theme it into something significantly weaker, something they’ve done in the past at, for example, Journey into Imagination. But unlike Journey, Splash had always been insanely popular. Unfortunately it will probably continue to be insanely popular has central Florida is usually very hot and it is a water ride (the actual water flume ride itself still being quite excellent). So Disney will think it’s a win and learn nothing from their continued mistakes

Filling so many gaps with firefly screens was a mistake. Should have tried some interesting practical effects like the bees of the original or the fireflies in PotC. There are so many parts of the ride where just doing a simple bit of creative scenery dressing would have benefitted, even if they wanted to keep the number of animatronics down.

The way they have a banner emphasising "Employee owned" just rubs me the wrong way. This is clearly something the committee working on it wanted. Tiana may have wanted to give to the community but clearly wanted to do so as a host, it's not so much as out of character as something the character wouldn't have ever thought about.
Allegedly Iger did a walkthrough of the ride a while back and said that it was boring. I wonder if that's why the "story" was changed late on from finding ingredients for the party to "we gotta find a band". Shame they found the band really early on in the ride and there's nothing tying the rest of the ride together.

>shrink section
>the scaling is really fucking weird with Tiana being too small
>for some reason they didn't go with the obvious "turn the riders into frogs"

In the past imagineers used to be autistic about that sort of thing and would go to lengths to ensure the scaling was correct. They could have even done something fun that have you go past a 'mirror' and have it show a boat full of frogs with either some motion capture shenanigans or it detecting the riders and making them kid sized (or not there at all) depending on who's in what seats.
>So Disney will think it’s a win and learn nothing from their continued mistakes
As long as Disney paypiggies keep showing up they don't need to. If anything they've learned ride renovations designed to minimize operating costs (like fewer animatronics) actually do pay off.

No matter how much Disney adults dislike things, they keep returning and spending money. If you were an executive you'd be going full speed ahead on it too.
Bros...I'm too fat for rides now. Even the ones I'm on, I tend to push it at 265 pounds. Unfortunately, my great fast won't start until January 1st so I don't wonder what to do now..
You don't have to do everything at once, just eat slightly less and walk slightly more and the pounds will slowly but surely walk away.
/fat/ over at /fit/ is great
You can do a decent enough job to get somewhere over the course of the summer
>my great fast won't start until January 1st
Why? If you want to make the change why delay?
It entirely depends on you're height and body shape but I was slightly more than that and lost some weight and never got walk of shamed. Heck in Tron, the one that had me worried I instantly passed on the test seat (ironically I was riding with someone too nervous to go on the bikes so I get the regular seat anyway). Rides that I came close on: Forbidden Journey (rode it 6 or so times, but the ride attendant to put body weight on a the restraints whenever I was on the edge). Gringotts bank (kinda painful to sit in but I saw people who I wouldn't consider fat get walk of shamed on it so I think that one's more body proportions).

A few months definitely can make a big difference with only minor lifestyle changes, especially as the early month or so has more dramatic weightloss before your metabolism adjusts/
Splash Mountain has fallen. Billions must ride.
why wait until january 1st? what is stopping you from starting your progress now? you are just going to be like one of the many people who admit they need to make a diet change, then dont bother because they keep pushing it back to later. i knew a guy who needed to stop eating the unhealthiest slop he could get his hands on. i finally convinced him one day that he needed to change his diet or he was going to die. you know what happened when the days came for him to actually adjust his diet?
"oh, ill do it next wednesday"
"im pushing it back another few days"
"ill start it next week"
over and over while he just proceeded to get fatter and his body proceeded to get more and more out of shape. he has really bad health problems now, and they are entirely his fault because i tried for YEARS to help him out.
in the end, you cannot help a man who does not want to help himself. you are reminding me of the coworker i used to have who would say he needed to lose weight, but he would proceed to order the most sugary and high calorie shit he could get at a restaurant. he always said he "didnt know why he wasnt losing weight." write down everything you eat and drink since my coworker was too lazy to do so. it all comes down to consuming less energy in the form of calories than your body needs. your body will be forced to pull the needed energy from somewhere, which will end up being your fat. DO NOT SUCCUMB TO TEMPTATION OR EVERYONE HERE WILL KNOW HOW WEAK YOU ARE
Cheetah Hunt is one of my favorite rides. If you have fastpass you usually wait 1-2 rides max. Without fastpass its 45 minutes
I spend that whole video waiting for the Dr Facilier part with dancing lights and Loa flying around to Friends on the Other Side. But he was not even in the damn thing. No Facilier, No Rafi, no 90% of all the characters from the movie.

I don't understand why they could not keep a lot of the extra decorative stuff like the covered bridge, the trees with birdhouses etc in it.
The whole thing screams of committee driven decisions.

I can see most things being vetoed due to a committee not liking X thing because of a demographic. Dr Facilier might have been labeled as offensive stereotype and offensive to actual voodoo practitioners, so he's out. No frogs appearing at all due to complaints about the movie keeping the main characters as frogs for too long. The prince is out due to potential offensive metaphor. The cajun firefly is also dropped due to being a southern stereotype. Also all mentions of voodoo or magic are missing possibly to not offend other religious people who might be attending the parks.

It's too safe and sterile that it comes off boring and meaningless.
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>literally No Fun Allowed
I don't want it to be like this anymore.
The whole point of the shrinking scene is to cram oversized animatronic frogs into the ride, but the committee avoided phrasing it as "Mama Odie turns you into a frog for a minute" because of all the screeching over Tiana spending most of the movie as a frog means that turning the audience into frogs, including all the brown people they were catering to with this change, is offensive, even though Universal gets away with the much more disgusting concept of turning you into a Minion on their Despicable Me ride.
I don't think minions used to be people in the films.
If it’s not this what is it then?
Same. I used to go to theme parks with my parents as a kid and my dad would get sent to the shadow realm after one or two rides; I felt like I had unlimited stamina. Going to cedar point when I was 14 was such a defining experience but my dad literally left the park after two rides because he got sick.

I didn’t go to theme parks all that much in my 20s. I went to six flags New England when I was 23 and instantly noticed that the rides felt rougher, my head hurt more, etc. when I was 26 I went to Disney/universal and even rides like the hulk were causing me to grey out. Definitely doesn’t have to do with fitness because I was in the best shape of my life. Kind of bummed that these coasters that used to mean so much to me were straight up painful and not fun.

Now I’m 31 and I have two kids, I want to be able to share these experiences with my kids when I’m in my 40s but I’m worried this is just one of those weird penalties of aging.
Part of a challenge to see how much I can do. I really want to try a "new year new me" at least once. This time for my 25th birthday.
Hulk made me greyout as a teenager. The starting sequence with the launch into the zero-g roll and through the cobra roll will do it almost every time in that 2nd cobra roll inversion. Happens to a lot of people. Squeeze your butt and make sure you're hydrated and have eaten. Also, Hulk at times had no line in the early 2000s and I couldn't ride it more than 2x in a row without a massive headache.

As you get older you probably can't ride coasters with inversions one after the other or stomach most spinning flat rides. A tilt-a-whirl could ruin your day. But let the kids have fun and take some breaks. You're still sharing these experiences with them
>Top Thrill 2 remains closed as Zamperla (the ride’s manufacturer) continues working on a mechanical modification to the coaster vehicles. While we do not yet have a reopening date, we hope to provide more information soon. We sincerely appreciate your continued patience and look forward to the reopening of Top Thrill 2 as soon as possible.

It was testing with modified wheel assemblies on two trains. TT2 employees moved to other rides were scheduled for TT2 this upcoming weekend. It stopped testing. Coastermania agenda modified today to remove TT2. Non-update above released today by the park. Sounds like the fix didn't fix it, if this was even the fix at all.
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>*crushes your collar bone*
that is nice and all, but you are going to put 6 additional months of stress on your body and organs just so you can do a challenge? just start now and act like today is january 1st. i assume you arent serious about it since you want to wait so long to start it.
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>paid shills can't defend it
They really shouldn't have got rid of the ship on top. The drop on Splash Mountain was iconic, this just is a green mess.

If it was down to budget cuts they should have got rid of that water tower that no longer matches the story and is fucking weird in the middle of a swamp.
True, the old tree stump of the original was an iconic weenie that drew guests in. Mama Odie's boat would've done a good job replacing it as an icon, but now it's just a nondescript hill.
For me the biggest problem is a problem that's present in a lot of recent Disney dark rides (even as recent as the new Frozen ride in Tokyo). In the classic dark rides, showrooms were stuffed to the brim with scenes and gags all over, so the guests have to look around themselves to find all of them. This also means it's not really possible to take it all in on one ride, so rerides are very much encouraged, and this way the guests get a feeling they're finding the story themselves, they're engaged, more immersed. This was one of the main thoughts behind Pirates. But nowadays they lead you into a room with one single scene to look at, then they bring you to the next scene, then the next, etc. You're less "experiencing" the story, more like watching from the sidelines. It's less engaging.
Also the shrinking thing is fucking random and comes completely out of left field. I have no clue why they decided to add that in there
Apparently the issue was that the old tree stump couldn't structurally support a boat on it, so they just chopped the whole thing off.
>Also the shrinking thing is fucking random and comes completely out of left field. I have no clue why they decided to add that in there
Shoehorn a "You get to turn into frogs" moment into the ride without actually saying that you've turned into frogs for what I'm almost certain is because of some warped "People were offended by Tiana spending most of the movie as a frog, so we can't actually turn people into frogs on this ride" logic
Honestly, they could have just spaced out the animal band members rather than clustering them together, and it would vastly improve the ride. It'd still be worse than Splash, but at least there'd be less dead space.
>now it's just a nondescript hill
I hate it. Always loved the look with the tree at both DL and WDW. It was iconic. Single worst change to the entire attraction. This is an objectively inferior attraction, a tremendous downgrade, and I won't bother riding it. I don't ever plan to go back to the MK any time soon anyways, it's pretty gay. I'll just watch the classics on YouTube if I ever want to see them again.
Hyperia re-opening delayed, not opening this weekend. The two biggest new coasters in the world opened briefly and are closed indefinitely. Zamperla might be in over their heads but Mack usually has their shit together.
Allegedly it's severe issues with the lift hill. That said, you'd think that would be pretty quick to fix, maybe they're using its downtime as a chance to do some further tweaks to the ride.
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>got HHN Premium Scare Ticket for my bro and me
>pulse through houses instead of conga line
>food included with the tickets
This might actually be the shit dudes.
Well it's not about the weight loss for the challenge. It's more about the ability of being a legal to do something massive and notably hard for most people.
Might do a week in LA and hit up a park. What has the best coasters?
Coasters only? SFMM
That’s what I’m thinking. Looks like tickets aren’t for sale on 8/20 to 8/22 which seems odd. Maybe it’s just too early?
I believe they stopped operating year round and are closed during those days.
Paulton's Park is getting one of these:


Pretty neat take on Midway Mania type shooting rides, taking inspiration from Carousel of Progress. Compact and you get a longish ride with 50% physical sets.
just stop putting as many calories in your mouth. this isnt like building a house where you have to go out there and proactively do things. i lost a lot of weight, so i know what it takes to actually do it.
>265 pounds

start today, there's no better time

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