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All about travel to Central Asia.
Ever been there? Want to visit? Discuss it here.

Sure do with the mongols never existed. That whole region has never recovered from the devastation caused by the mongol invasions. Entire civilizations wiped out, along with entire ethic groups. There would be so much more there to see if those smelly shot horse raiders never existed. The mongol "empire" was not an empire, it was just a bunch of raids that destroyed everything.
It's the perfect destination for our fellow travelers of Indian descent.
Saars and Maams come visist!
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I just want to see their old Soviet shit, but they keep tearing it down.
Have been living in Almaty for a year, if you come to Kazakhstan for the culture to go Turkistan for the nicer side of Kazakh culture and Shymkent for the ugly part. Stay away from Astana, it's just fancy buildings and government workers. If you want somewhere fun come to Almaty but it's not like there's great stuff here it's just the best compared to everywhere else in the area. Bishkek is known for being boring and everyone from there comes here to Almaty to have fun. If there's any questions ask
>Pakistan left out.
Maybe the world chose the Klown, he was the Steppe Kek...its only solution.
Afghanistan shouldn't be there either and Tajikistan is debatable
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Afghanistan is the original Stan, dumbass...

t.fought in NuriSTAN, AfghaniSTAN. Stans inside of Stans...the C'tans.
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It was just...Natural for them to call it that, and well, haha, when in Rome!
I clicked a random spot just to check...what the fuck.
My time in Almaty was a blur of studying the bible with a Kazakh girl.
It doesn't take much to sponsor one for the length of your trip. It was a bit more expensive than SEA, but the value for your money is significantly higher.
FPBP. Been to Almaty. People have basically given up. Third-world country but second-world prices, at best. Significantly more expensive than all of SEA or EE. Most people live in tiny cramped boxes, or literal shacks outside the city, and that's in Almaty, which is way wealthier than the rural areas.

Not sure what'd draw anyone here desu. Post USSR poverty tourism? Social contagion has reached KZ too so don't expect tradition or conservatism. Everyone's watching TikTok at their $1/hr cafe job.
Pakistan is South Asia, not Central

>Tajikistan is debatable
Not OP, but Tajikistan is Central Asia's North Korea. They haven't had a chance to fully develop their own social narratives and culture, or a broader Central Asian identity. They're too stifled.
I keep getting mixed information on how much Farsi is spoken in Uzbekistan. Anyone been recently and know if you can get by with it in at least Samarkand and Bukhara?
>Pakistan is South Asia
>Calling Pakis Asian

No. Hindians or Dali-dali for India.
I always heard Turkmenistan referred to as the North Korea of Central Asia. You need to have a letter of invitation and then apply for a visa on arrival and pretty much have to stick with your handlers.

You're right about Tajikistan forming a national identity post-Soviet atheism though. They want to embrace their Muslim heritage while keeping a very strict regulation on it so they don't end up like Afghanistan.
First-world prices IMO. Go order an English breakfast or bowl of ramen or cocktail in Almaty and tell me how much it cost. Similar to back home in London. They have Soviet-style canteens, apartment blocks, and decades-old cars with no safety features. That brings some costs down. But for first-world QoL in Central Asia you're not getting any discounts.

You can't compare their much worse standard of living and say it's 'cheaper.' Not if you normalize for quality of life.
I'm going to Astana for the world nomad games, excited to go. after that i'll be doing hikes in kyrgystan and visiting soviet/silk road cities in uzbekistan
Thinking of going to central asia someday, but doesn't need to be soon. Samarkand in Uzbekistan is probably #1 for me, and my wife has some friends in Kygryzstan.

Would knowing Russian help immensely? My wife has been thinking of learning it (she's Polish so it shouldn't be too hard for her), so if she does decide to learn it, we might wait on going there until she has a decent level in it.
My brother did a trip across all of them into the Hindu Kush or Altai (I can’t remember, he ended the trip in China).

He said it was fun. The people were anccomodating and the landscape is incredible apparently. That’s it.
Anon that's a picture from Indonesia, not Pakistan

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