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/trv/ - Travel

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Going to punta Cana in Dominican Republic, anything I should know or do?
Sights ? Safety ? Women?
Did passport bros and sexpats already ruin it
How good is the English there my Spanish gas gone to shit now
They set this guy free and let him board a flight to Fort Lauderdale, but now they're 'declaring war'?
lol, I feel like this is just saving face.

They're probably going to take bribes from sex traffickers and then accuse random tourists of being pedos and force them to pay a bribe to the cops.

those little girls in the picture are just short indios. they are probably 30yo
>punta Cana in Dominican Republic

Why did you choose there?
Sudden booking from a family friend as a surprise
Basically dragged in cuz mom has the worst sense of direction and very naive
So now I booked my first ever flight.
So holy fuck I’m going to the Dominican
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Yep just like 300 year old dragon/vampire/elf lolibabas in my favorite animes
Whites be like
It’s a conspiracy
That collection has fewer arrest pictures than what they net in a single bust of mudslime paedophiles.
aren't you the paki living in canada? i don't think you're going anywhere.
Rotherham was a one of but only went on for long time was the few high iq whites involved in the gang,police and judges.
Criminals gonna crime, like don’t leave your door open. But the system was corrupt
Sexpats in Thailand /Philippines make Rotherham look like a church , oh wait more white pedos
Maybe whites schools are safer at least the groomer there is a hot milf
What makes you say that lol

Do jeets even know anime or 4chan
you're a paki who lives in canada
Wait do immigrants even visit other countries? They only seem to visit the mother country and back
Like they saved for the one plane ticket to the west lol
And you’re jew that lives in America
How can you say Rotherham was a one off??? There is “Asian” grooming fans being arrested all the time in the north and midlands. Maybe Rotherham was the only one that was allowed to go on for 20 years but it definitely wasn’t a fucking one off
All tied to the same incident because those in power were corrupt and allowed it to happen and even participated . Chav parents didn’t care that their trashy girls were blowing guys for smokes . Wtf
Girls getting trafficked in Southeast Asia don’t willingly do this. They are forced by pimps and passed around by foreign men. In Philippines it’s a psa.
This has been going on for decades before passport bros
The majority of child abuse is done by locals, not foreigners. It's the stereotypical drunk fathers beating their kids or the creepy uncle molesting his neices/nephews. The constant blame put on, mostly white people, is just virtue signaling against the big bad oppressor. It's the same with prostitution. Mothers and fathers often force their kids into it because they see their kids as a way to make money. Pimps facilitate it, and foreigners may purchase it, but it all stems from low IQ mongrels having 0 empathy or care for their own children. But it's easier to blame whitey than to admit some cultures are inferior to others.
Pretty sure the prostitution in Colombia is run by Colombians.

Again, the Medellin police basically let this guy go. They didn't do shit to stop this until it became a news story. Medellin police are corrupt, so it would be very unsurprising for them to continue ignoring the sex tourism issue while using it to force innocents to pay them bribes.
wtf did I just watch

I think I'm on a list now
He was found in a bathtub with two 12 year olds and the cops let him go.

Can't blame whites because you let foreigners come to your country and rape kids. Cambodia would be the extreme example of this, but it seems Colombia isn't far behind.
They seriously just let him go? This is Philippines levels of incompetence
A jeet literally does janitor work here
Sounds like a lot of abuse happens in white families hence the strong leftist beliefs
It’s believable with all the new sexual depravity that comes from the west
Like in Rotherham
>Can't blame whites because you let foreigners come to your country and rape kids
That’s fucked up and yes you can like those pakis in Rotherham
Damn, american roastiee hysteria has reached even colombia?? Social media is destroying the world LMAO. I bet the “little girls” were like 17 right?
Probably this tbqh, I can see these shit countries doing that. Taking advantage of the pedo hysteria
He probably didn’t even commit a legotimate crime. Maybe some roasties shrieked on twitter about him with a 17 year old. The mayor of medellin is apparently trying to be a woke commossar about everything so adopting the pedo hysteria makes sense from that angle. Every third world commie wants his dump to become america these days.
>heh, man bad woman good! White bad, brown not bad, okay??
Why the fuck should I care about some brown hooker lmao they exist to be FUCKED. Got it faggot?
Most of the trannies and gays were abused as children which turns them into that.
I never said you should, retard. If your reading comprehension was greater than a 3rd grader you would've realized what I said wasn't in defense of "innocent" third worlders.
They arrested him when they found him in the bathtub with two underage girls (while they were wearing swimsuits), but they let him go because "he wasn't actively engaged in committing a crime".

Now they've indicted him, but the USA should prosecute him in the country rather than extraditing. No sense in extraditing someone to a country that they were set free by
Epsteins mayo golems
Is that even a crime? What would they charge him with?
Why are white sexpats like this
It’s literally worse then 13/50 meme
1billion whites and dying yet majority of international groomers
https://youtu.be/b1CoDVLQ-gY [Open] [Open] Aussies worst pedos

https://youtu.be/EtD8W1nD3H4 [Open] [Open]

https://youtu.be/tPS1qInSJ4M [Open] [Open]

In Philippines aussies are the worst offenders
https://youtu.be/SX-52mjzsEM [Open] [Open]


Romanian kids to uk

Aussies , Americans , Europeans going for Colombian kids

German chomos are back
400,000 german sexpats got to thailand every year alone. Even german tourists admit it 15years back but still an issue now

https://youtu.be/6D7FJZp-9QU?si=TJiOsr_6f9Wbv3gN [Open]

Sweden sends 5000 chomos overseas every year
https://youtu.be/9o3MggKCXuc?si=Iq0F2fI-8MFilvrh [Open]

Germany pro pedos, even child services will put your kids with chomos

Pale males are the groomer tribe

Travel porn ,rsd Julian, pua , esl teachers all come to asia and treat it as white mans playground on women and children
Why is it crickets and no one lynching lone white travelers there

you think the cops don't know how to work these girls to get them to confess? they tell them that they're victims (so they don't get charged with prostitution and/or fake ID charges) so the girls will say anything to get off the hook. his goose is cooked.
Rotherham ?
>Whites be like
>It’s a conspiracy
It's the janny! He's the only non-white guy on here who makes pseudo-political race comments, say "westoids" or "whitoids"
Also, please post hand, I want to see what shade you resentment and envy comes from
>A jeet literally does janitor work here
Yes. He's in here with his usual anti-white obsession. I think 4chan was infiltrated by a subversive enemy of 4chan culture. We need this anti-white jeet jannie gone, or apt least called out when we see his anti-white race baiting
>Why are white sexpats like this
>It’s literally worse then 13/50 meme
>1billion whites and dying yet majority of international groomers
>https://youtu.be/b1CoDVLQ-gY [Open] [Open] [Open] Aussies worst pedos
>https://youtu.be/EtD8W1nD3H4 [Open] [Open] [Open]
>https://youtu.be/tPS1qInSJ4M [Open] [Open] [Open]
>In Philippines aussies are the worst offenders
>https://youtu.be/SX-52mjzsEM [Open] [Open] [Open]
>https://youtu.be/m12cgvH1R9w?si=gjqw4z9qcvHR9jah [Open]
>Romanian kids to uk
>https://youtu.be/IDcIus3zO2c?si=S616KHWZGB5TwGWA [Open]
>Aussies , Americans , Europeans going for Colombian kids
>https://youtu.be/OkPVl2XP9Ws?si=6v3YudvzBbMPXzHn [Open]
>German chomos are back
>400,000 german sexpats got to thailand every year alone. Even german tourists admit it 15years back but still an issue now
>https://youtu.be/6D7FJZp-9QU?si=TJiOsr_6f9Wbv3gN [Open] [Open]
>Sweden sends 5000 chomos overseas every year
>https://youtu.be/9o3MggKCXuc?si=Iq0F2fI-8MFilvrh [Open] [Open]
>Germany pro pedos, even child services will put your kids with chomos
>Pale males are the groomer tribe
>Travel porn ,rsd Julian, pua , esl teachers all come to asia and treat it as white mans playground on women and children
>Why is it crickets and no one lynching lone white travelers there
Look at this shit. The jannie is absolutely sick with anti-white mind virus. Imagine going to this obsessive extent to denigrate whites.
See a fucking therapist jannie
>inb4 not him schizo. It's totally him. We have to call this shit out when we see it
The groomers are scared
Stop watching Hentai and take meds

Why does pol suddenly think everyone is Indian when it was assumed it was jews
The jannie is well known to be a jeet. Lurk more newfag
Show me proof
4chan is white and Asian

Indians didn’t have anime or Pokémon growing up
They were 13 years old
The /trv/ jannie is the most obnoxious and hated jannie on 4chan. I sent an email a few days ago to bizdev@4chan.org make complaints there
What happened I’m curious now
Some anon posted proof a few weeks ago. Jannie slipped up and revealed himself as the posted who always calls white people whitoids and westoids. Kinda figures, he's always particularly singled out anti-Indian threads or Indian dating. We've all seen a pattern suggesting he's a jeet but the anti-white shit is too far
>bizdev@4chan.org make complaints there
Done. Fuck this jannie
I can guarantee you that half of them are fags

>Do jeets even know anime or 4chan
/biz/ literal had to put email verification because of the stupid amount of scam posts made by pajeets
I didn’t read your post at all, dumbass. You’re fault for thinking I did, LOL.
Being a heterosexual male in 2024 is a crime, yes
Ah okay so roastie hysteria over biological adults.
Why are 90% of sex tourists fat, bald Souf FC British mongs?
>all tied to the same incident
Load of shite, nice one tho u outed yourself as mong
>Chav parents didn’t care that their trashy girls were blowing guys for smokes
A lot of them didn’t know what was going on. The ones that “didn’t care” were crackheads who didn’t care about their children full stop. 13 year old girls who grew up in squalor get groomed raped and trafficked by pakis, it’s covered up by councils and police and you blame the kids and parents, hilarious. One day…
>blatant sex tourism thread
are the mods asleep again?

They must be germans out celebrating

To think Czechs and Danes did the same
He would have got away with it if it wasn't for those Medellin kids
>old enough to decide to have genitals surgically removed
>not old enough to decide to have sex
Leftoids, ladies and gentlemen.
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Wow he's truly mentally deranged. Are we sure this is a janny and not just another obsessed asn masculinity poster?
Are you retarded or brown&retarded? My condolences.
Virtually every major town and city with a Labour-run council had a grooming gang you cretin, this shit happened everywhere.
Every single person in that picture looks like a child sex offender. How do people seriously not see it coming?
Incels were more obsessed about Rotherham pigger
You white and gay bro
Still makes Rotherham look like a Catholic Church groomer
Gotta go east on whites or it’s muh anti white woke fags
Pretty pathetic . Think the loli fapping incels are jealous that those girls didn’t approach them for bjs for smokes
Otherwise if they hated pedos why not the biggest groomers like sexpats and Catholics
You’re the mong and your people that allowed in the first place ,law enforcement council and shit. That’s why it went on for so long Of course the parents “didn’t know” or are crackheads. Normal families know what’s going on

Maybe if the groomers were mostly white you’d say it’s progressive European values
Ya they must be
Half the whites in west got ruined by libs
Other half is cuckservatives
>white shit is too far
Too sensitive this is 4chan where nigga paki chink kike is said freely
Don’t be the autist in the ivory tower or glass house or whatever
>13 year old girls who grew up in squalor get groomed raped and trafficked by pakis, it’s covered up by councils and police and you blame the kids and parents, hilarious. One day…

Yes you do simple as likely those idiot parents knew and don’t care to get blamed like not knowing their autistic son will shoot a school
White values

Not as bad an 8 year old sold in a third world slum by some norf man fag
meanwhile in reality black americans and mexican americans are the predominant rapists of children but it's a cultural thing that goes unreported so normies like you feel better about being a subhuman
this level of deranged behavior should get you institutionalized
least mentally ill /pol/ack
>mods deleting all the posts
>not just deleting the thread itself
come on mods, are you new?
Cope if it’s easy to me too whites it’s easier to me too blacks and browns easy

Then suddenly an unholy alliance between feminists and cuckservatives happen>>2669301
Why it became a fun thread
The groomers are scared

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